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Annotating Text

As an "active reader," you already know that when you read, you should have
questions in your mind. As you read, you should be looking for the answers to these
questions. You should also have a pencil in hand so that you can "annotate" your text.
As the word suggests, annotate means to "take notes" in your text. Another way of
putting it is that annotating is reading with a pencil.

Guide for Annotating Text:

On your FIRST read:
Underline or highlight important terms.
Circle words you dont know.
Signal where important information can be found with key
words or symbols in the margin.
Write questions you have about the text in the margin.
Write short summaries in the margin at the end of a chunk of

On our SECOND read:

Look up the words you did not know and write the definition in
the margin.
Draw a picture to represent what is happening in the text.
Add comments about connections you have to the text, questions
you have, and any ideas that occur to you.
NOTE: Any symbols you drew or text that you highlighted and
underlined, you need to write in the margins explaining WHY you
made that notation during your second read.

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