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Notes and Reminders

Week of September 5, 2016




Hope that you had a relaxing Monday or

were able to accomplish a lot! J
Tomorrow is chapel day. Put an offering in the white
envelope (it is in the Daily Folder).
Today will be our first library day. Your child will be
bringing home two books. One of their choice and one
that is my choice (has my approval). The books are
due next Wednesday.
Take time to snuggle and read one of your library
books! J
This weeks sight words are I and can. Are those
words in your book?
Enjoy your long weekend!
Dont forget to worship on Sunday!

This weeks character virtue diligence. Ask your child our definition of diligence. (Gods power
for you to focus on your work). We will be connecting this virtue with the story of Noah (Noah
is also our Jesus Time story.)
Check out the story of CCLS-U on the CCLS website! It is an amazing ministry that we have
the privilege of supporting!
This week we are continuing to work on rules and procedures along with practicing our listening
In science we are investigating trees. We have been spending time looking at trees around
school. You can help enrich our classroom experience by doing the following
o Take pictures of the trees that are in your yard or parks you visit. You can print copies
or e-mail them and I will print them.
o Look for branches (with and without leaves), sticks, acorns, pinecones, etc. and bring them
to school.
We are working on our whole body listening skills (with Listening Larry) and learning strategies
that help us when we are having trouble listening.
One of our reading strategies this week is retelling. You can practice this strategy by talking
about the beginning, middle and end of a story when you have finished reading.

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