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SmartPlant Instrumentation

V2009 Advanced Wiring and Reporting Cable Block Diagrams


January 2010


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Table of Contents

Table of Contents
SmartPlant Instrumentation: Cable Block Diagrams .............................................................4
General Information ...............................................................................................................5
Lab 1: Creating Symbols for use in a Cable Block Diagram Report .....................................6
Lab 2: Create Project Instruments, Panels, and Cables........................................................18
Lab 3: Create a Working Cable Block Drawing and Associate Panels to Cables. ..............23
Lab 4: Adding Revisions......................................................................................................33

Cable Block Diagram 3

Cable Block Diagrams

SmartPlant Instrumentation: Cable Block

Cable Block Diagrams (CBD) provide a graphical representation of the interconnection of
the cables and the various junction boxes, marshalling racks, cabinets, and so forth in your
project. They show the project cable flow between the various cables and cabinets of your
Cable Block Diagrams are ideal for use in the preliminary planning stages of your plant to
verify the destination panels for cables as no wiring connections or terminations are needed
at this early stage of your project. A CBD is also used for ordering made to order (MTO)
cables at the feed stage of your project, and later after completion of your project, as part
of the maintenance program to show the location of all major cables, panels, junction
boxes, and so forth.
SmartPlant Instrumentation allows you to drag and drop panels from the Domain Explorer
to your drawing and position them exactly where you want. The software creates a
representation of existing cables on the fly, or you can manually connect cables between
item connection points.

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Cable Block Diagram 4

Cable Block Diagrams

General Information
The following labs show the user how to create a cable block diagram. You will create
panels, cables, and panel symbols and use them accordingly to create a cable block
diagram report. A similar report is shown here.

Cable Block Diagram 5

Cable Block Diagrams

Lab 1: Creating Symbols for use in a Cable Block Diagram Report

1. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, select File

Preferences. Set Font size as shown.

Cable Block Diagram 6

Cable Block Diagrams

NOTE: Its important to apply these preference settings. When working with symbols in
Symbol Editor, any new macro or text added will use this Font size setting. This will save
time when building symbols.

2. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, select Tools

Symbol Editor.

NOTE: Always open Symbol Editor from in SmartPlant Instrumentation before working in it!

3. Select File

Sheet Setup. Change the working document to B Wide (17in x 11in).

By changing the sheet size, this will allow you to size your symbols with the understanding
they will appear on a 17x11 sheet of paper.
Be sure to keep this document window open as this will be the template space used for all
panel symbols created.

Cable Block Diagram 7

Cable Block Diagrams

4. Draw the device panel rectangle as shown. Location on the template does not matter since
these symbols will be added to the report later and dragged to a new position. Size shown is
for reference only. Do not draw it as well.

5. Select the rectangle and create a new symbol

class are the same.

. The steps as learned earlier in this

Cable Block Diagram 8

Cable Block Diagrams

6. Select Actions

Assign item type Set to Panel.

7. Add the following macros as shown

For each macro, be sure to set Alignment.

Cable Block Diagram 9

Cable Block Diagrams

8. Save

your work.

9. For the cables to connect, the symbol must have connection points.
only one cable will connect to a device panel.
Select Actions

Well assume

Place Connection Points

Connection points are created primarily for terminal strip connections but they are also
used for connecting cables in a CBD. In the Connection Points toolbar, set as shown.

10. Land the connection point then pull the mouse curser away from the connection point
before a left click to set sequence to 2.

Cable Block Diagram 10

Cable Block Diagrams

11. Click

in the Connection Points toolbar.

12. Select the connection point and add the new macro

13. Save

as shown.

your work.

14. In Symbol Editor, use the Ctrl + Tab keys to navigate back to your working template
area. Draw the next rectangle as shown.

Cable Block Diagram 11

Cable Block Diagrams

15. Create a symbol

for Junction Box and Marshaling Racks.

Cable Block Diagram 12

Cable Block Diagrams

16. Select Actions

Assign Item Type. Set to Panel.

17. Add macros

as shown. As before Center the Alignment for each macro.

Land connection points for both the left side and the right side. Assume each JB or MR
allows up to 4 cables to connect coming into or exiting the panel.
18. Land 4 connection points on the left side. Be sure to start from the top and land each
connection point one right after the other.
Each point has a sequence number
assigned. Select Actions Place Connection Points

Cable Block Diagram 13

Cable Block Diagrams

You may keep landing connection points as long as you move the dashed line away
from the point to set the angle of the cable as it will appear. Once you have landed
all the connection points, click Finish.

Cable Block Diagram 14

Cable Block Diagrams

19. Save

your work.

20. Land 4 connection points on the right side. Use the settings as shown.

21. Click Finish when complete.

Cable Block Diagram 15

Cable Block Diagrams

22. Select each connection point on the right side and add macros as shown.

23. Save

your work.

24. Create a symbol for a DCS panel.

Cable Block Diagram 16

Cable Block Diagrams

Cable Block Diagram 17

Cable Block Diagrams

Lab 2: Create Project Instruments, Panels, and Cables.

In SmartPlant Instrumentation, create the following instruments using the batch creation
1. Enter the Instrument Index module
2. Select Edit

Batch Loop Creation

3. Fill in the following as shown.

4. Click Create.
5. Once the process finishes, click Close.
We used the batch process to create the instruments we needed. The instruments were
associated with instrument types which automatically created a device panel and cable. A
connection was made between the device panel and cable. We need to disconnect each
device cable from the device panel. The type of association we need to work with in this
lab requires that no actual wiring has been connected to a terminal strip on either side of
the cable.
6. Find the following device panels and disconnect all wiring.


Cable Block Diagram 18

Cable Block Diagrams

7. In Domain Explorer, select the Panels By Category Device Panels folder.
Select panels 101-FT-400 101-FT-403. Select Properties from right click

8. For 101-FT -400, fill in the following.

Cable Block Diagram 19

Cable Block Diagrams

9. Click

and make the same changes to the other device panels.

10. Click OK on the last device panel.

11. Go to Panels by Category Junction Boxes. Create a new Generic Junction
Box and call it Project JB 1.

TIP: Click the ellipses button to add new entries to the supporting tables.

Cable Block Diagram 20

Cable Block Diagrams

NOTE: Its not necessary to create terminals strips or any other items in the panel
since this is a preliminary report of cable and panel connections.

12. Go to Panels by Category Marshaling Racks. Create a new Marshaling Rack

and call it PROJECT MR 1. Duplicate PROJECT MR 1 and create a second
panel and call it PROJECT MR 2.

Cable Block Diagram 21

Cable Block Diagrams

13. Go to Panels by Category

DCS Panels. Create a new DCS Panel and call it

14. In Domain Explorer, create the following cables:


PROJECT JB TO MR CABLE 1 (use reference cable 16 PAIRS WITH I/S)


Cable Block Diagram 22

Cable Block Diagrams

Lab 3: Create a Working Cable Block Drawing and Associate Panels to


1. Select File

Preferences. Set preferences as shown.

Template: C:\Program Files\SmartPlant\Instrumentation\RAD\Template\Bwide.sma

Title Block: C:\Program

Cable Block Diagram 23

Cable Block Diagrams

2. In Domain Explorer, select Drawings Cable Block Diagrams. Right click
and select New Block Diagram. Add information as shown.

3. Click OK.

4. Select Drawing Project A CBD 1, right click and select Reports

Generate Block Diagram. You should generate a document in Enhanced
Report Utility with only a border and a title block.
5. In Enhanced Report Utility, select Tools

Domain Explorer.

6. Drag device panel 101-FT-400 from Domain Explorer to the drawing area.

Cable Block Diagram 24

Cable Block Diagrams

7. Drag the following additional panels to the drawing:
- 101-FT-401
- 101-FT-402
- 101-FT-403

8. Be sure to save

your work.

You have two ways to make cable associations with panels.

a. Using Connection Mode in the drawing.
b. Using Actions

Associate Panels on the right click menu for a cable.

Cable Block Diagram 25

Cable Block Diagrams

9. In Enhanced Report Utility, select Actions
Connection Mode. The icon for this is



10. In Domain Explorer, select cable C-101-FT-400.

When you move the cursor in the drawing area, you should see the cable name follow

11. While in Connection Mode, you should see all the possible connection points
available to land cable ends. Land end 1 and end 2 of device cable C-101-FT400 as shown.
Youll know when youve focused in on the connection point. A blue dot will

12. Tap the Esc key to quit the Connection Mode.

13. Be sure to save
14. Regenerate

your work.
the drawing to see the resulting macros appear.

Cable Block Diagram 26

Cable Block Diagrams

15. Using Connection Mode, connect the remaining device panels to PROJECT
JB 1.
Be sure to select the cable you wish to connect in Domain Explorer before
connecting it!

16. In SmartPlant Instrumentation, select cable C-101-FT-400. Right click and

select Actions Associate Panels.

Cable Block Diagram 27

Cable Block Diagrams

In this window, you may see the existing associations for this cable. You may
also create new associations for cables missing an association on either end.
17. Close the open Associate Cable window.
18. Select cable PROJECT JB TO MR CABLE 1. Select Actions


19. Currently there are no panel assignments. In Domain Explorer find junction
box PROJECT JB 1. Drag this panel to the Cable End One position.

20. Find marshaling rack PROJECT MR 1 and drag it into the End Two position.

21. On the bottom icon toolbar, click

to save the changes.

Cable Block Diagram 28

Cable Block Diagrams

Dissociate icon allows you to select an assigned cable and
remove it from End One or End Two or remove both.
22. If you regenerate your cable block drawing, you should see the new cable
association appear.

NOTE: Like other Enhanced Reports, you may move panels and wires to new
positions and save those positions to the database.
23. Be sure to save

your work.

24. Connect the remaining cables as shown.

Cable Block Diagram 29

Cable Block Diagrams

Cable Block Diagram 30

Cable Block Diagrams

25. Be sure to save

your work.

26. Regenerate the drawing and observe the results.

Cable Block Diagram 31

Cable Block Diagrams

Cable Block Diagram 32

Cable Block Diagrams

Lab 4: Adding Revisions.

1. In the Generated Project A CBD 1 drawing, select Actions

Revisions or

2. Add a revision as shown.

Cable Block Diagram 33

Cable Block Diagrams

Document Revision History

Revision Description
Initial issue for SmartPlant Instrumentation 2009 ( 1/2010
General updates to make corrections (RDW 8/23/2010)

Cable Block Diagram 34

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