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Observation Checklist

Observe students to determine whether they

know the relationship between mL and litres

calculate correctly

Putting the Pieces together

Planning a healthy Meal
The purpose of this investigation is to have students apply their knowledge of capacity
to a real-world situation. In particular, it is designed to reinforce students abilities to

measure the capacity of containers

estimate the capacity of containers

record the capacity of containers

The investigation is also designed to enhance students abilities to


communicate mathematically

solve problems

reason mathematically

connect mathematics to real-world situations and other subject areas (PE/HE)


Centimetre measuring cubes

Assorted containers

Food groups guide (can be found on the Internet)

Water, sand, or other material that takes the shape of a container

Cylinders or beakers calibrated in mL

Paper towels


Organization: Whole class/Small groups


G r a d e 5 M a t h e m a t i c s : s u p p o r t d o c u m e n t f o r te a c h e r s

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