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Thanks so much for interviewing me about Louder Than Words. I'm

excited to share this book with the world, and I deeply appreciate your
help in getting the word out.

In this guide, you'll find some sources to help make our interview
successful, such as summaries of each chapter, sample questions, and
links to photos and resources you might need when you make our
interview available to your community. Of course, if there is anything else
you might need along the way, please feel free to email and I'll get it to you ASAP.

For a short bio, as well as head shots, action shots, and book cover art,
just visit

Release date is August 11, 2015. Again, I'm so grateful for your help, and I
look forward to working together to make this a successful interview.


Todd Henry
Author, Louder Than Words

elop,andthenbravelyuseyourauthenticvoice. - Louder Than Words

Howdoyousetyourselfapartinsuchanoisy,crowdedworld? How do
you do work that is truly remarkable?

The key is to develop an authentic voice. Whether you are an entrepreneur,

audience.The resultwill be more impact,and greater personal satisfaction

Louder Than Words oers a strategy for uncovering, developing, and

bravely using your authentic voice to create a body of work you are proud
of and that resonates deeply with others.

Louder Than Words is another remarkably powerful read from Todd
Henry, one of my favorite authors, who has a unique ability to challenge
our thoughts and stir us to action. His fascinating and deeply practical
book is one of the best guides to living a meaningful life I have ever read.
TOM RATH, author of StrengthsFinder 2.0 and Are You Fully Charged?

In a world where it is increasingly easy to fake the voice you think youre
supposed to have (see the parade of manicured social media accounts),
Todds new book is a flare on the road back to honesty. If youre tired of
faades, rediscover your real voice with the wisdom inside this book.
JON ACUFF, New York Times bestselling author of Do Over

"A powerful book for game changers and A players amped to achieve
amazing things.

ROBIN SHARMA, founder of The Titan Summit, author of The Leader

Who Had No Title
Our authentic voice is the key to the jobs, clients, and creative work that
fuel our lives. Todd Henry clearly and soulfully lays out the path for
discovering and communicating your unique message and value to the
world. This book is essential for anyone who cares about making a
dierence. PAMELA SLIM, author of Body of Work

Figuring out what youre meant to do in this world is challenging, but

Todd serves as an en- couraging guide, always nudging the reader to think
bigger. This is a thought-provoking book, yet still practical enough to help
readers build progress toward their callings into daily life.
LAURA VANDERKAM, author of I Know How She Does It, 168 Hours,
and What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast

Louder Than Words is a masterpiece for anyone trying to uncover and

nurture their authentic self. Theres a voice inside of you just dying to come
out. Its that voice thats going to make you indispensable in the work that
you do. Todd Henry delivers the instruction manual.
MITCH JOEL, president of Mirum; author of Six Pixels of Separation and

1. The Art of Resonance

To develop a compelling, authentic voice you must develop three elements

of the "Voice Engine": Identity, Vision, and Mastery. In the opening chapter,
readers learn how they work together to unleash brilliance.

2. The Hurdles

There are some specific barriers that you must navigate in order to
develop your voice: Paralysis due to fear, False or limiting narratives, and
Inertia. The first step in conquering them is to identify them. This chapter
shows you how.

3. The Aspiration Gap

There are also specific phases everyone goes through on the journey to
developing their voice. This chapter illustrates each of them (Discovery,
Emulation, Divergence, and Crisis), and how to ensure you're continuing to
grow rather than allowing yourself to stagnate.

4: Identity: Who Are You?

At the foundation of any compelling voice is a strong sense of identity. In

this chapter, you'll learn to distill your core tenets, write your manifesto,
and weave inspirational stimuli together into compelling work.

5: Vision: Where Are You Going?

It's not enough to focus on your identity. You also need to define where
you are going with your work, your intended audience, and how you will
resonate with them. You must also cultivate empathy for your audience.
This chapter walks you through how to define your uniqueness, and how
to establish a compelling vision for your work.

6. Mastery: How Will You Get There?

The final key to the Voice Engine is to master the skills you'll need to get
your work into the world. You must learn to stay in "game shape", and
develop a good sense of timing for your work in order to create impact.
This chapter shows how to cultivate a set of daily practices that help you
get your work into the world.

7. Everyday Practices For Developing Your Voice

This is where the "rubber meets the road". This chapter will help you
define the daily practices that will sharpen your skills, and show you how
to break away to hear your intuitive hunches more clearly.

8. Developing Your Team's Voice

None of us work in a vacuum. We all depend on others in order to do great

work. This chapter oers tips for leaders (of any capacity) to help them
draw out the best, most compelling work from their team or collaborators.

9: Up The Curve

Developing your voice is not a "once and done" aair. It's a lifelong
process that requires focus and continued eort. In the end, the payo is
well worth it. Your authentic voice is a gift. How will you give it away to
others today through your work? Answering this question is your life's


Of course, Ill talk about anything you want, and I'd love it if you came up
with your own questions that are unique for your audience. That said,
below are a set of common questions about the book that seem to come
up often, and that might help in providing a framework for our interview.

What is your definition of voice?

You talk about three key drivers of resonant voices. What are they, and
why do they matter?

There are also three barriers you mention that keep us from developing
an authentic voice. Could you describe the , and how they aect us?

You emphasize that one of the most important things we must do in

order to develop an authentic voice is to consistently make decisions.
What do you mean by this?

What are a few practices people can implement to help them gain a
better sense of identity, and to root their work in what matters to them

Why is vision so critical to having an authentic, resonant voice?

The final element is Mastery. What skills do we need to master in order

to get our work eectively out into the world?

If you could oer one next step for people who want to develop their
voice and do work that resonates, where should they start?

Todd Henry teaches leaders and organizations how to establish practices
that lead to everyday brilliance. He is the author of three books (The
Accidental Creative, Die Empty, and Louder Than Words) which have been
translated into more than a dozen languages, and he speaks and consults
across dozens of industries on creativity, leadership, and passion for work.

His book Die Empty was named by as one of the best books
of 2013.
His latest book, Louder Than Words, is about how to develop an authentic
voice that resonates and creates impact. Bestselling author Tom Rath
called it one of the best guides to living a meaningful life I have ever

More info, headshots, photos:

Social media links:


Twitter: @toddhenry

Need something else? Email

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