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Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

part/division of nervous system that regulates

functions of visceral internal organs.
Ex. Regulation of respiratory system
SNS- conscious/voluntary
-Deliberate responses
ANS- subconscious/involuntary
SNS- External environment
ANS- homeostatis
Sensory Receptors
SNS- Head, body wall, extremities
ANS- Viscera, internal organs
SNS- cerebral cortex
-Other centers that helps SNS: basal ganglia,
cerebellum, spinal cord)
ANS- Hypothalamus, brainstem, spinal cord.
Note: Although ANS are involuntary, some are
voluntary. Example, you can hold your breath but to a
certain point only, defacate, urination.
Effector Cell Organ
SNS- Skeletal muscle
ANS- Visceral smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.
Structure of Efferent Nerve
SNS- One neuron fiber
--motor nerve
-Large, myelinated conducting neuron.
ANS- Two neuron fiber
-Small diameter, myelinated, relatively low
conducting neuron.
NTA utilized
SNS- Acetylcholine
ANS- Acetylcholine, Norepinephrine
Sites of Inhibition
SNS- Center, NMJ (nueromuscular junction)
ANS- Center, perioheral ganglion, NEJ
SNS- Complete paralysis (atrophy)
ANS- Automacity (even if you cut a portion of the heart, it
can still contract)
SNS (+) excitation, always to contract
ANS (+) excitation, (-) inhibition
-Can either increase or decrease heart rate,
Divisions of ANS
1. Enteric NS (Automatic Cells)
Neurons of enteric lies in gastrointestinal
A. Myenteric/Auberchs Plexus
ex. Peristalsis

B. Meissners Plexus (Submucosal layer

of GIT)
Sympathetic postganglionic fibers EN decrease in
GI motor and secretory activity.
Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers ENS
increase in GI motor and secretory activity.
Anatomical difference between Sympathetc and
1. Origin of the preganglionic fiber
A. Sympathetic NS- Thoracolumbar T1-L3
T1-T2: Sympathetic nerve that will serve smooth
muscle, salivary glands and eyes.
T3-T5: plus some nerves from T1 and T2
innervates the lung, heart and bronchi.
T6-T12: Synapse with the enteric neurons.
Indirectly innervates small intestines, stomach,
proximal half of the lung, pancreas, liver and biliary
L1-L3: Innervates the distal half of the small intestine,
rectum, anus, kidney and genito urinary system.
T1-L3: Sweat glands, piloerector muscle in the skin, and
blood vessels.
B. Parasympathetic NS- craniosacral

Cranial division 3,7,9,10
2. Location of the Peripheral ganglion
>outside of the brain and spinal cord.
A. Sympathetic NS
o Celiac ganglion
o Superior and inferior mesenteric
Paravertebral- sympathetic chain
Center preganglion peripheral post
ganglion Effector cell
B. Parasympathetic NS
o Vagus nerve- major preganglion
in the body
o Pancreas, liver, biliary system,
small intestine, and bronchi.
o Near the effector wall: CN 3,7,9
o In the effector wall (within the
organ itself)
3. Length of the pre ganglion and post
ganglion fibers

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