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Page 2 | Emerging Markets Journal | Spring 2013

A Look Inside

What goes down...also comes up?

Turn to Pages 4 & 5 to read more
about Polands transformation from
an Eastern European economic
pariah in the 1960s and 70s to the
regions powerhouse today.

Is tourism eco-green, or a
threat to the forest? See Page 3
for how the industry has been
affecting the Southeast Asian
nation of Cambodia.

Euro zone finance ministers
backed a 10 billion euro
bailout for Cyprus, whose
cost of financial rescue
has jumped to $30 billion with
a $7.9 billion increase in March.
Economic Development
recently cut its growth
forecast for this year. It
warned that what had been seen
as short-term weakness is likely to
persist, and this is likely to result in the
slowest growth of any year since 2009.

In Tokyo, jewelers were

inundated with individuals carrying rings,
necklaces, and other
gold trinkets. This was drive in
part by the Bank of Japans monetary stimulus program, which
has led to depreciation of the yen.
The information for these fast
facts was sourced from the Wall
Street Journal, and is accurate as
of our press date, April 15th 2013.

Prepared for an
earthquake? What about
a tsunami? Learn how a
Chilean winemaker survived
and recovered from such
disasters on Page 6.

The Emerging Markets Journal was made possible by the

generosity of our corporate sponsor, Robert Bosch LLC.

Is it a small world after all?

Sophomore Mustapha Baryoh shares
about his personal connection with
the West African country of Sierra
Leone. See Page 7 for details.

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