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BUS 475 Capstone Final Examination Part 1

BUS 475 Capstone Final Examination Part 1 (Latest - 100%

Score) Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union, called the
Maastricht Treaty, states the EU is founded on:
specific performance

stare decisis
private markets
rule of law

Which of the following is the path through which

contractionary monetary policy works?
Money down implies interest rate up implies investment up
implies income down
Money down implies interest rate up implies investment
down implies income down
Money down implies interest rate down implies investment
down implies income down
Money down implies interest rate down implies investment
up implies income down

Marketing research refers to__________.

the use of information technology to find objective solutions
to a marketing problem
the process of systematically collecting and analyzing
information in order to define a marketing problem

the process of defining a marketing problem and

opportunity, systematically collecting and analyzing
information, and recommending actions
the science of using observable human behavior in order to
identify and solve marketing problems

_____ is the process of converting meaning into messages

composed of words and nonverbal signals.

Sam, a marketing manager, often makes ethical decisions

based on what others feel about those decisions. He often
considers opinions from other managers and employees.
Which of the following ethical systems do Sams decisions


The depreciation of currency will:

improve a countrys comparative advantage.
worsen a countrys comparative advantage.
balance a trade surplus.
have no impact on a countrys comparative advantage.

Which of the following is typically included in the drafting

stage of writing an effective business message?
Setting a positive and other-oriented tone
Sending the message to be proofread
Double-checking everything
Identifying the primary message and key points

If a population is known to be normally distributed, what can

be said of the sample distribution of the sample mean drawn
from this population?

For a sample size n < 30, the sampling distribution

of the sample mean is normally distributed.
For a sample size n > 30, the sampling distribution of the
sample mean is normally distributed.
For any sample size n, the sampling distribution of the sample
mean is normally distributed.
For a sample size n < 50, the sampling distribution of the
sample mean is normally distributed.

Marketing refers to__________.

the activity for creating, communicating, delivering, and
exchanging offerings that benefit its customers, the
organization, its stakeholders, and society at large
the process of identifying target market segments for a
product or service
the activity involved in getting a product or service from the
manufacturer to ultimate consumers and organizational
the production of products or services that will generate the
highest return on investment

Lori is using secondary research to develop a

business report. How can she write her report in a way that
demonstrates originality in thought?
Cite all her research sources
Use the most current documentation guidelines
Generate her own conclusions and recommendations
Adopt a methodical approach to decision making

Annie, an employee who often attributes her team failures to

bad luck, attributes other teams failures to personal
shortcomings. Which of the following cognitive biases do
Annies attributions exemplify?
Self-deception bias
Belief bias
In-group bias
Hindsight bias

When does the straw man fallacy occur?

When a person tries to disprove a claim based on its source.
When a person falsifies or overstates an adversarys position.

When a person considers only 2 alternatives even

when other options are available.
When a decision maker dismisses an alternative that fails to
solve the issue completely.

Which of the following types of unemployment is considered

to be the most controllable through demand-side
macroeconomic policy?
Cyclical unemployment
Natural unemployment
Structural unemployment
Frictional unemployment

Microeconomics and macroeconomics are:

Interrelated because both are often taught by the same
Interrelated because what happens in the economy as a
whole is based on individual decisions
Virtually identical, though one is much more difficult than the

Not related because they are taught separately

Federal law and business leaders alike favor ____________ as

a means of governing private business ethics.
Self-regulation by companies
Establishment of federal regulators in all private companies to
establish and enforce ethical standards.
Giving the federal government exclusive jurisdiction regarding
ethics and ethics violation enforcement.
Creating uniform statutes of business ethics.

Which of the following statements is true of the WARN Act?

It requires employers to give notice to an at will employee
that he/she is being fired.
It requires employers to give notice of a scheduled mass
It requires employers to give notice to employees that they
are being subjected to polygraph tests.
It requires employers to give notice to employees that an
unscheduled drug test will be conducted for all employees.

Alex is playing his music at full volume in his dorm room. The
other people living on his floor found this to be a nuisance,
but Alex doesnt care. Alexs music playing is an example of:
positive externality
normative externality
negative externality
Pareto externality

According to the Ajzen model, the strongest predictor of an

employees behavior is/are__________.
social norms
the employees values
the employees attitudes
the employees intentions

The interdisciplinary field dedicated to understanding and

managing people at work is called:
management dynamics

management theory
organizational behavior
organizational dynamics

Regarding using personality testing as part of the hiring

process, experts have concluded that:
There are many valid instruments available to managers to
test for personality types.
Only the Big Five should be used as predictors of job
The typical personality test is not a valid predictor of job
The effects of personality on job performance are so large it
cannot be ignored by managers.

In the context of developing persuasive messages, which of

the following is most likely to help you demonstrate a voice of
focusing only on logical appeals
using only emotional appeals in your persuasive messages

developing strong ideas in the interest of your

adopting the tone of mass advertising such as over-the-top

Identify an example of spontaneous creativity.

Settling a disagreement quickly in a simple way.
Modifying the strategies and procedures of a group.
Establishing win-win relationships with other people.
Organizing annual meetings and get-togethers innovatively.

Which of the following is useful advice on conducting business

across cultures with those who have limited English ability?
Speak at your normal, regular pace instead of speaking slowly
as this may be viewed as disrespectful.
Determine a person's level of communication proficiency
within the first few moments of your interactions with them.
Use slang and jargon instead of literal language as much as

Allow those with limited English ability enough

time to process their thoughts into English.

Joyce finds that the members of the project team to which she
has been assignment in her management class are all athletes
on the colleges football and basketball teams. She
immediately considers dropping the class because she thinks
her experience with that team will be negative. Joyce is likely
reacting to a__________.
semantic memory
negativity bias
self-serving bias

According to the Classical growth model, an economy that

increases its saving will grow:
Quickly since the increase in saving will permit more rapid
technological progress.
Slowly because interest rates will fall, causing investment to

Slowly because consumption and aggregate

demand will be reduced.
Quickly since the increase in saving will permit greater

A 911 emergency response service needs operators who are

bilingual in English and Spanish. A few applicants of Spanish
origin are rejected due to poor English-speaking skills. They
file a complaint on the grounds of discrimination based on
nationality. Their complaint is squashed. Here, the defense of
the federal government is on the grounds of:
Circumstantial evidence
Inculpatory evidence
Exclusionary rule
Bona fide occupational qualifications

The distinction between flexible and fixed individual

is that managers should hire people based on their attitudes
and emotions
is that managers have little or no impact on fixed differences

has no practical value for managers

is that managers have little or no impact on flexible

Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public

relations, and direct marketing are marketing communications
alternatives that make up a firms __________.
promotional mix
communication source
marketing mix
media strategy

What is the main drawback to the Negotiation & Agreement

strategy for overcoming resistance to change?
too expensive if others decide to also negotiation for
leads to future problems if people feel manipulated

In order to focus your presentation on people, you

avoid using presentation software or other technology
use a lot of "I" statements
make individuals and groups the subject of your sentences
include as many photographs as possible in your slides

In order to summarize qualitative data, a useful tool is

stem-and-leaf diagram
frequency distribution

The product life cycle refers to __________.

a concept that describes the stages a product goes through in
the marketplace introduction, growth, maturity, and
the average life span of a product

a concept that describes the stages a product goes

through in the marketplaceearly growth, accelerated
development, maturity, and decline
a concept that describes the stages a new product goes
through from product concept to commercialization

The study of similarities and differences among consumers in

two or more nations or societies is referred to as __________.
cross-cultural analysis
international sociographics
market synthesis
transnational anthropology

Other things held constant in a competitive labor market, if

workers negotiate a contract in which the employer agrees to
pay an hourly wage of $17.85 while the market equilibrium
hour rate is $16.50, the:
Quantity of workers supplied will exceed the quantity of
workers demanded.
Quantity of workers demanded will exceed the quantity of
workers supplied.

Supply of labor will decrease until the equilibrium

wage rate is $17.85.
Demand for labor will increase until the equilibrium wage rate
is $17.85.

In which of the following situations is a budget surplus most

likely to occur?
When fiscal policy is expansionary and the economy is
When fiscal policy is contractionary and the economy is
When fiscal policy is expansionary
When the economy is contracting

How many parameters are needed to fully describe any

normal distribution?

Under the regulations of interstate commerce:

Activities affecting interstate commerce do not come under
the power of the deferral government.
Intrastate activities affecting interstate commerce can be
regulated only by the state governments.
Regulation on any activity is appropriate if it aids interstate
The states have the exclusive power to commerce that passes
that passes across their lines.

Fred takes Betty to dinner at a very expensive and exclusive

restaurant. The menu does not mention prices. The server
takes their order, and both Betty and Fred enjoyed the meal
immensely. When the bill comes, Fred refuses to pay because
the menu had no prices and because he and the server never
engaged in language indicating an offer and acceptance. The
server said, Are you ready to order? and when Fred said
Yes, the server merely asked, What may I get you tonight?
Fred must pay based on a promissory estoppel theory.
Fred must pay based on expressed contract theory.

Fred is correct because no contract was formed.

Fred must pay based on an implied-in-fact contract theory.

A monopoly firm is different from a perfectly competitive firm

in that:
A monopolists demand curve is perfectly inelastic whereas a
perfectly competitive firms demand curve is perfectly elastic.
A monopolist can influence market price whereas a perfectly
competitive firm cannot.
A competitive firm has a u-shaped average cost curve whereas
a monopolist does not.
There are many substitutes for a monopolists product
whereas there are no substitutes for a competitive firms

When two regression models applied on the same data set

have the same response variable but a different number of
explanatory variables, the model that would evidently provide
the better fit is the one with a__________.
higher coefficient of determination and a lower adjusted
coefficient of determination

lower standard error of the estimate and a higher

adjuted coefficient of determination
higher standard of error of the estimate and a higher
coefficient of determination
lower standard error of the estimate and a higher coefficient
of determination

Suppose farmers can use their land to grown either wheat or

corn. The law of supply predicts that an increase in the market
price of wheat will cause:
farmers to lower the production of corn and wheat.
farmers to substitute wheat for the production of corn.
farmers to substitute corn for the production of wheat.
farmers to raise the production of corn and wheat.

The DeBeers company is a profit-maximizing monopolist that

exercises monopoly power in the distribution of diamonds. If
the company earns positive economic profits this year, the
price of diamonds will:
Be equal to the average total cost of diamonds.

Exceed the marginal cost of diamonds but equal to

the average total cost of diamonds.
Be equal to the marginal cost of diamonds.
Exceed both the marginal cost and the average total cost of

Jay stops at the shopping mall to purchase a new pair of jeans

from the Diesel store. He is the ultimate consumer in a
pipeline from the producer through intermediaries, including
the clothing store. This pipeline is actually a__________.
marketing tunnel
consumer market
marketing channel
distribution matrix
Your rsum should tell a story of______.
everything you have learned and done in your previous job
the value you can provide to a company
Your educational accomplishments
how you plan to improve your areas of weakness

A receptive developmental network is__________.

made up of weak ties to multiple developers from a variety of
social systems
made up of numerous strong ties to developers from one
social system
made up of strong ties to several developers from four
different social systems
made up of a few weak ties from one social system

What is true of the features used to judge a persons

Mannerisms and age are two valid features that can be used
to judge a persons credibility.
Well-educated individuals can be highly relied upon as guides
to ethical values.
Ethnicity, gender, and accent are inapt characteristics for
judging credibility.
Individuals can accurately determine a persons credibility
based on physical characteristics.

Identify the statement that accurately describes

the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
It requires business to have only company insiders as board
Unlike other Acts, its violations do not result in fines or
Complying with the act saves time and money, but
deteriorates efficiency.
It was passed to promote business ethics by creating legal

Which of the following can be represented by a discrete

random variable?
the circumference of a randomly generated circle
The number of defective lightbulbs in a sample of five
The average distance achieved in a series of long jumps
The time of a flight between Chicago and New York

Suppose that college tuition is higher this year than last and
that more students are enrolled in college this year than last
year. Based on this information, we can best conclude that:

despite the increase in price, quantity demanded

rose due to some other factors changing.
this situation has nothing to do with the law of demand.
the demand for a college education is positively sloped.
the law of demand is invalid.


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