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Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics:

Gas dynamics deals with the study ofc fluid flow when it is in motion.
It analyses the high speed flows of gases and vapours with considering its
The applications of Gas Dynamics are (j) used in steam and Gas turbines (i high speed
aerodynamics ( Jet and Rocket propulsion ( high speed turbo compressors etc.
The fluid dynamics of compressible flow problems which involves the relation between
force, velocity, density and mass etc. Therefore, the following laws are frequently used
for solving the Gas Dynamic problems.
(i) Steady flow energy equation [ from first law of thermodynamics]
(ii) Entropy relations [ from second law of Thermodynamics]
(iii) Continuity equation [ from law of conservation of mass]
(iv) Momentum equation [ from Newtons second law of motion]

1.1 Energy Equation

The first law of thermodynamics states that when a system executes a cyclic process,
the a sum of work transfers is proportional to the algebraic sum of heat transfers. i.e.,

The quantity dQ and dw will follow the path function, but the quantity (dQ dw)
does not depend on the path of the process. Therefore, the change in quantity
(dQ dw) is a property called Energy (E). Thus

In the above equation, the energy term E may includes kinetic energy, internal
energy, gravitational potential energy, strain energy, magnetic energy, etc., By
ignoring magnetic energy and strain energy the energy term E may be written as

III. Energy equation for a flow process

A change or a series of changes in an open system is known as a flow process
examples are
(i) Flow through nozzles, diffusers and ducts etc,
(ii) expansion of steam and gas in turbines
(iii) Compression of air and gases in turbo compressors etc.

This is a steady flow energy equation which is generally used in flow problems of
gases and vapours.
1.1.2 Adiabatic energy equation
Compared to other quantities. the change in elevation g(z zi) is negligible in
flow problems of gases and vapours. In a reversible adiabatic process the heat
transfer q is negligibly small and can be ignored. Expansion of gases and
vapours in nozzles and diffusers are examples of such process. For such processes
equation (1.7) is reduced to

1.1.3 Adiabatic energy transfer and energy transformation

In an adiabatic energy transfer process, the shaft work will present(eg) expansion
of gases in turbines and compression in compressors etc., In an adiabatic energy
transformation process, the shaft work is zero. e.g. expansion of gases in nozzles
and compression in diffusers etc.
The adiabatic energy equation (1.7) is valid for processes involving both energy
transfer and energy transformation. The energy equation for compressors and
turbines is

1.2. Stagnation state and stagnation properties

The state of a fluid attained by isentropically decelerating it to zero velocity at
zero elevation is referred to as the stagnation state. It is often used as a
reference state.
The properties of the fluid at stagnation state are the stagnation properties of
the t eg. stagnation temperature, stagnation pressure, stagnation enthalpy etc.,
1.2.1 Stagnation enthalpy
Stagnation enthalpy of a gas or vapour is its enthalpy when it is adiabatically
decelerated to zero velocity at zero elevation. As per the definition.
At the initial state = h
c = c and
At the final state h =h0

where h = stagnation enthalpy and h = static enthalpy

In an adiabatic energy transformation process the stagnation enthalpy remains constant.
1.2.2 Stagnation temperature (or) Total temperature (T0 )
Stagnation temperature of a gas or vapour is defined as the temperature when
it is adiabatically decelerated to zero velocity at zero elevation.
For a perfect gas, the equation (1.11) can be written as

1.2.3 Stagnation pressure (P (or) Total pressure

Stagnation pressure is the pressure of the gas when it is adiabatically
decelerated to zero velocity at zero elevation. The adiabatic relation for a
perfect gas is

1.2.4 Stagnation velocity of sound [ao]

We know that the accoustic velocity of sound
temperature, the stanation velocity of sound

For a given value of stagnation

1.2.5 Stagnation density (ps)

For the given values of stagnation pressure and temperature, the stagnation density is
given by

1.3 Bulk modulus of elasticity (k)

The bulk modulus of elasticity of a fluid is defined by

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