United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

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United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

This idiom means,without cooperation and unity in an organization or

leadership will lead to chaos and destruction.For example, French Revolution that
occured due to the reign of government corruption and never care about the
living conditions of the people.Moreover,freedom, equality and brotherhood,these
principles push citizens to reject the powers of the monarchy, led by King Louis
XIV and lead France toward a new reign,democracy.How the cooperation of
ordinary people can overthrow an irresponsible government?

In this essay I will explain why unity was important for stability of a country.Unity
is strength,it is one of the essential components of a strong nation.Great things
can be achieved if there is cooperation among the people.We can call a nation
united when all the people of that particular nation have same beliefs, ideas, and
thoughts and they work together with peace and harmony.Similarly,Malaysians
should cooperate with each other to maintain universal harmony and security of
Malaysia.This can lift them higher.It can make them progress.Besides, in
themselves should have loyalty, patriotism, and spirit of hard work so that they
can rise their economy strong and wealthy.If Malaysians support each other with
trading among them,Malaysias economy will grow rapidly.

Apart from this,unity can save Malaysians from enemy attacks.In history,Malaysia
was once colonized by some major powers.We also had experienced racial
crisis.From these issues,we need to learn something. A single person can be
easily distracted or attacked.But a large group of people are hard to overcome.In
the same way,Malaysians must be one heart to avoid other countries take our
rights.When we are united,others will fear us and we will be influential.We should
avoid minor disputes and quarrels so that we will be strong superior and
prosperous due to unity and understanding.

Nowadays,we live in the age of science.Modern inventions like computers and

smartphones have changed the way people communicate.People use social
medias such as Wechat,Whatsapp,Iface,Messenger by Facebook and others to
interact with friends,family,clients and employees.This platform gave a lot of
comfort to communicate and improve relationship between race.When
communication between people is getting better,the people of Malaysia will feel
pride in calling themselves as Malaysians and refrain from any kind of racial
discriminations.surely, people gathered from various races certainly impress
others and remain an attraction for others. Someone said, "BEAUTY GETS THE

Next,unity must be projected into education through theoretical and

practical.Education has brought revolution in life.It has changed the style of
life.Robert A.Heinlein@Robert Anson Heinlein,an American science fiction


DONE.Activities in the school give students a chance to discuss and demonstrate
a way of life from a variety of backgrounds.It is also able to show how students
interact and communicate.In this way students can learn and appreciate other
people's lives so that they can learn to respect their customs and traditions.Other
than that,students should adapt themselves to participate in charity work with
friends of different races as a group that does not know the meaning of
color.So,when they start working, they can fit in with colleagues easily and be
able to complete the task given easily.This action will result in the productivity of
a country on the rise.

I emphasize here,unity was important because the process of nation building that
began with independence is a journey yet to be completed. We might have been
thousands of miles apart, but somehow we stayed connected through peace and
love.These things are always dealt by Tun Abdul Razak,second prime minister of
Malaysia.During his five years as prime minister, Tun Razak left an indelible
legacy in the form of institutions and policies he set up and introduced to tackle
poverty and to develop Malaysia.My hope to the younger generation of
Malaysians is to share a special connection between us kept us strong throughout
the years.We learnt to trust each other and prayed that our relationship would
last forever.

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