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Solayao, Marianne Jane A.

Ones Influence
I cry, you cry, but you dont know why
It just happens that you see me cry
I smile, you smile, but you dont know why
It just happens that you see me smile.
Years have passed, now weve grown up
Got lots of friends surrounding us
They play, we play, no one gets left
We try to make the best of it.
The teacher comes and tells something
Get your things and start painting.
I close my eyes and start to think
Swish~swish~swish just like magic.
Joy flows out and fills my heart
As I make strokes and see my art
A torch of light stikes inside
And paint, paint, paint all day and night.
Wakes up one day, thinks This is the day!
Heading to gallery, Im on my way
A bunch of children open the den
Unlocking the gate to the curious brain.

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