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Vol. 7 No. 6 FREE June 2008
FAMILY OWNED Inspiring, Entertaining, Informative N N

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June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 3
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June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 5
Page 6 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

Beware: Low-rider pants!

Teens suffering ‘hip, hop’ problems?
By Penelope Lenore
Dear Penelope: to what you experience in high school.
I love your column. You always seem Sadly, these girls are used to attracting
to have a grip on what is going on with attention based on what they’re wearing
kids at home and at school. I am writing not on what they are contributing.
as a concerned parent. I have three, ages There is the issue of the baggy pants
14 through 18 and I teach high school at and we are not afraid to send them home
a town nearby. from elementary or middle school or
I still can’t believe that kids, mostly request a belt be brought in to cinch up
males, are wearing baggy pants. I those pants. It doesn’t sound like that
thought that fad had come and gone. kind of rule enforcement is consistent
As a parent I am concerned that my in high school. By the time they get to
two boys will start dressing that way. high school maybe educators are tired
As a teacher, I am tired of looking at of saying the same thing and getting
underwear and telling kids to pull their the reaction you experience. What’s the
pants up. We are supposed to have a big deal? Who are we hurting? And the
dress code at our school. I have yet to problem is, the older I get the more I
see it enforced. When I ask the kids to wonder the same thing: Is this fashion
pull up pants, they say that I am the only argument really important in the big
one who noticed and that none of the scheme of things? I can argue that it is
other teachers had a problem with the and I did three years ago. But what old
way their pants look. age or wisdom has shown me is that
I Y Hamilton
Where are their parents when they get young adults only get the four short high
Mill Eye Care! dressed in the morning? I have heard school years and perhaps four to six
about studies that show young men are more if they seek refuge in college to be
770-271-3500 having hip problems due to the way they totally undefined by convention.
have to walk just to keep their pants up. At this time of year I’m asked to speak
Our new, bigger Fed up with the low pants in
to graduating seniors or write senior
letters to former students about what
location is: Dear Fed up:
the future holds. What I’m coming to
realize is how truly fleeting the time
3331 Hamilton Mill Rd NE, Looks like even though times have children have to be children. You only
Buford, GA 30519 changed, fashion issues have not. Three get 18 years to grow up before society
years ago I got a letter from a concerned starts calling all the shots. If you do the

Come see our parent of a child who wanted to wear all math, that leaves around 70 years of

black. I got letters from self-proclaimed towing the line. There is a bit of blurring
Hard Cre

beautiful office.

“Goth” parents saying I was out of of the lines these days, but for the most

touch. So I’ll beat them to it – I’m out part the piercings get taken out, the
We are now located in the KROGER
of touch. I still believe adults should tattoos get covered up and the hair color
rule the world and children should becomes muted as the job applications
Medical Buildings across
wait their turns. I think you have it get filled out. I wonder what fashion
the street from Kroger on

infinitely tougher in high school than we issue the next generation will dream up.



Hamilton Mill Road.


do in elementary school as far as rule Best of Luck.


enforcement goes. You also have thong Penelope Lenore is a Professionally

underwear that hasn’t filtered down to Recognized Special Educator from the
the younger grades yet. But we do have Council For Exceptional Children.
to deal with shorts that have writing on She has more than 19 years of
the backside! Whose bright idea was teaching experience and over 25 years
that? I don’t see why anyone would want experience in dealing with children
a stranger paying attention to their little with special needs and behavioral and
girl’s rear end – at any age, but under emotional disorders. Send any questions
6/30/08 6/30/08
the age of 10? And that is the precursor or comments to:
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 7

T his edition is dedicated to fathers

who love and care for their children
and for fathers who have failed to love
arrogance that they are free to do as they
please without consequences.
They follow their “holy” father Darwin.
and care for their children. There are times The single commandment in his house is
these two individuals I’ve described could - kill or be killed. Is this what we want for
be the same man. our children: The promotion of a secular
When it comes to really loving our kids philosophy that tells kids: Be strong or be
in the right way, how many fathers can say swallowed up. There is so much more to
we’ve always done the right thing? human life.
Actually, it’s because I recognize my Forgive us, but this month, the gloves
human failings, that I am reminded of my are coming off. It’s time for fathers to drop
need for the divine connection with the the phony macho act and be the guy God
Spirit of my heavenly Father. made them to be.
Not everyone will agree. There are On the front this month are Cornerstone
fathers who would prefer to teach children Fellowship pastor Dustin Pennington,
they descended from apes, that there is no center, his father Steve Pennington, right,
God, no heaven to go to and no judgment and Dustin’s spiritual father Sam Venable,
to face. left, three men who have learned their
Growing up separated from the divine spirtual lessons the hard way. Read their
connection leaves kids without a sense article and the Hill family update in this
of accountability and an elevated level of edition. Glenn Matlock, Editor

In an Open for Business article that ran in the May edition, by defining the term
"Georgia Peach" as a single female from Georgia, we incorrectly implied that the
owner of Beth Martin was single. She is married.

Published monthly
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 746, Dacula, Ga. 30019
Advertising: (770)-277-1899 Fax: (770) 277-6196
Distributed in three zones by Direct Mail and in select business outlets
In addition to other features, the Neighborhood News publishes articles pertaining to
local civic groups, church groups, recreational activities or other news.
All editorial and ad copy must be in to the Neighborhood News by the
18th of the month for publication the first week of the next month.
E-mail the Neighborhood News
News and information:
Editor: Glenn Matlock
Marketing: Renee Matlock
Copyright Neighborhood News 2008
All rights are reserved including those to reproduce this printing or parts thereof
in any form without permission in writing from Neighborhood News.
Established in July 2002, the Neighborhood News published
by Neighborhood Publications Inc., is a monthly publication.
The Neighborhood News assumes no liability for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this publication or the reply to
any advertisement. The Publisher will not be liable for any error in advertising to greater extent than the cost of space occupied by the error and
will only be made for a single publication date. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any ad or articles submitted for publication that may not
be in good taste for a free publication.

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age 8 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

Commitment is the choice of the successful
Let’s play a word association game. nient route or the commitment route. old car just a little longer. The newly
I throw out a word and you respond Commitment is costly. It really thins married couple who wishes to have
with the first thing that comes to your the ranks. Thomas Paine, in 1776, a strong marriage chooses to spend
mind. Are you ready? The word is com- said, “What we obtain too cheap, more time with each other over time
mitment! What was your first thought we esteem too lightly.” Too often spent with their individual friends.
when you read that word? Did words in our world people want something Commitment pays great dividends.
like difficult, challenging, loyalty, for nothing. Entitlement has replaced Delayed gratification leads to great re-
lacking or rewarding come to mind? commitment as the watchword of our wards. When you walk across that stage
It’s a good time to talk about the day. Rather than saying, “I am tak- and your name is called and you are
word “commitment” with so many ing responsibility for my life, and I handed that diploma you have worked
students in our area graduating from am willing to sacrifice to reach my hard to attain, you are going to be very
high school. Graduation is a huge desired goals,” many are saying, “I am grateful for the commitments you made
accomplishment that could not be entitled to what I want without cost.” and kept. Hopefully, you will allow the
achieved without a measure of commit- Pastor Larry Wynn Someone has well said, “Convenience satisfaction you feel at that moment
ment. Some of you probably feel like is the curse of an affluent society.” to be an incentive in the future as you
the little boy who stood on the edge of made it! You chose to study, to achieve, Commitment may mean a lifestyle set other goals in your life. When you
the Grand Canyon with his dad. Sud- and to reach this goal in your life. change. Another danger is, desiring get ready to give up on a commitment,
denly, he spit just as hard as he could. Commitment is always a choice. success without a disruption to one’s remember the joy and satisfaction you
That night his dad was reading the Yogi Berra once said, “When you lifestyle. Success often means a life- felt every time you achieved a goal
journal his son was keeping as he and come to a fork in the road, take it.” style adjustment. The student who you had set for yourself! Then go for
his family traveled across country. For The fork you will come to is de- desires to rise above the level of the it! Hang in there! You will learn that
that day, his entry simply read, “Today fined by a couple street signs. One average chooses to study when he or the greater the degree of commitment
I spit two miles!” Many of you, parents is marked convenience and the other she could be doing things that would be required, the greater the rewards.
included, feel you have spit two miles is marked commitment. Daily you a lot more fun. The family that wishes Dr. Larry Wynn is senior pastor of
to get to this point in your life, but you choose whether to take the conve- to reduce debt may choose to drive that Hebron Baptist Church in Dacula.

Christian couple feels shunned by neighbors, prodigal son, 30, causing concern
Dear Candice: parents is to pray without ceasing
My husband and I have been liv- and have the unwavering faith that
ing in a beautiful gated community the outcome - no matter how it may
for over 10 years. During this time appear at the moment - will ultimately
we have only been asked to at- bring your child into the fullness of
tend two block parties given by he will be 30! His endless apologies who God intends for him to be.
our neighbors. What puzzles us and promises to us that he will do Although this may be easier at
is why we seem to be singled out better have become empty words to times than others, it does become
as the couple “not to invite”. my husband and me. We have literally easier with practice. For the Lord
We have made many attempts over bailed him out of more trouble than we Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you,
the years to befriend our neighbors can say grace over and the sleepless My peace I give to you; not as the
only to have them brush us off with a nights and endless tears have left us world gives do I give to you. Let not
passing wave or nod as they walk or both drained to the point of no return. your heart be troubled, neither let
drive by. Our only conclusion is that Candice Felice We love him so much and want it be afraid.” (John 14:27NKJV)
they are turned off by our Christian only God’s best for his life, but he The Sovereign Creator of the Uni-
beliefs and lifestyle and that they possibly the media. They may truly never says no when trouble comes verse who “formed your son’s in-
may possibly feel they have little in feel that by not inviting you it spares his way. His need for acceptance by ward parts and covered him in your
common with us. How can we con- everyone the embarrassment of be- the wrong people has left him with- womb” (Psalm 139:13NKJV), is
vey to them that just because we are ing in an uncomfortable situation. out any real friends or stability. How still alive and active in his life. What
Christians this doesn’t mean that For this reason, re-adjust your focus can we help him realize his God may seem to be your son’s undo-
we are judgmental and anti-fun? from not being invited to the neigh- given potential before it’s too late? ing could be the very thing that will
Signed, Neighborhood Cast Out borhood block parties to continually Signed, Torn Asunder lead him directly back to God.
being the light God has called you Just as it was never easy to watch
Dear Cast Out: to be in your community. In doing Dear Torn: your son as a toddler fall, while he was
Although you may feel slighted by so your lives will be measured by Every parent has the desire to learning to walk, this process too may
the lack of invites, it is not something what you live, not just what you say. see their child grow up to become at times seem too difficult to watch.
that you or your husband should take “He who keeps his way preserves the best they can be. Even though However, God entrusted His One and
personally. Oftentimes, people are his soul.” (Proverbs 16:17b NKJV) this process may lead a child down Only Son to the world for the remis-
quick to judge what they do not know a difficult path with many choices sion of sins, all He is asking you to do
or understand. Your neighbor’s rea- Dear Candice: once the child becomes an adult the is trust Him to complete that work in
soning may be based on what they’ve Our son has been living as a prodi- final decision is theirs to make. yours. “I, the LORD, have spoken it,
either seen or heard from others and gal since he was 13 and next month Your responsibility then as godly and I will do it.” (Ezekiel 37:36NKJV)
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 9

Guest Commentary
Regional Collaboration and Leadership A Must
ne of the most lasting observations
during our recent trip to Denver with
the Atlanta Regional Commission’s LINK
trip was that the future success of our
economy depends on our ability to be
competitive as a region in areas like
economic development, education and
workforce development, quality of life, and
marketing our message to the world.
According to Harvard University’s Michael
Porter and other leading economic
development experts and economists, it is
also becoming increasingly important to
consider a regional approach as central to any
economic development strategy.
Promoting regions are important,
according to Porter, because economic
regions do not follow political boundaries.
The Partnership Gwinnett Community and
Jim Maran Economic Development Strategy is our
blueprint (with the resources) for promoting
not only our county, but our region as well. And with more than 30 percent
of our membership residing outside of Gwinnett County, our Chamber and
its influence is more regional than at any time in our history.
Gwinnett County is especially unique because it is a driving force and
the lead job-creating county in, not one, but two regions –the metro Atlanta
MSA and the Innovation Crescent, an emerging economic region that
stretches from Hartsfield-Jackson to Athens with Gwinnett at its heart.
Consider the following trends and observations and how it impacts both © June 2008 Neighborhood Publications Inc.
By 2015 according to the Georgia Department of Planning and Budget’s
population projections, Gwinnett will be the only county in Georgia with
more than 1 million residents. That means one in every five metro Atlantan
Can Father Darwin’s doctrine of evolution evolve?
will be a Gwinnettian and one in every 10 Georgian will be Gwinnettian. the very concept of God, and
Gwinnett is already larger than four states and Washington, D.C. If
Gwinnett were a city, it would be the 16th largest city in the nation, just
behind San Francisco, CA.
W ith Father’s Day on the
horizon this month, we
diligently seek an answer to the
without any proof whatsoever,
teaches your kids they are the
According to ARC, Gwinnett is leading metro Atlanta in job growth eternal question: Who is your direct descendents of monkeys?
(30,728 between 2000 and 2006) and also leads in the number of businesses
added. Gwinnett is also positioned the best for growth in the strongest father? Think about it. There’ll Our nine grandkids already
clusters with the highest paying jobs in metro Atlanta. And also beats our be a test later. act like apes. For God’s sake,
peer regions, from Austin to Boston to Charlotte. If you intend to celebrate they don’t need to be taught
But Gwinnett is also the metro Atlanta region leader in almost every they came from monkeys even
major category. Father’s Day it’s important you
Not surprisingly, we’re number one in population growth, but we’re also find out who your father is, or if it’s true.
number one in attracting residents from other states (with New York, New at least have an address. You Who cares about the truth?
Jersey, and California leading the way). I just want these nutty kids to
We’re number one in acres of greenspace per 1,000 population with more may want to send a card.
than 279,000 acres. We’re also number one in dollars dedicated to You’d think a plan to honor calm down! Can I get a witness
greenspace acquisition. fathers would be fairly non- here. Amen!
And an interesting note for your business specifically, Gwinnett is a controversial, but it took 62 At the very least, teaching
leader in the metro Atlanta region for household income at $63,189. That
means more money to be spent on your products and services. years after the idea was pitched a kid his great grandpa
We are sharing all of this data to make one simple, but critical point. The to President Woodrow Wilson was a monkey, is rude and
success for both the metro Atlanta region and Innovation Crescent depends for it to become official. Glenn Matlock disrespectful. At worst, they
on the success of Gwinnett, because we are (and will continue to be) their Editor-Publisher begin to believe it.
leading job and population growth centers. Maybe, Woodrow never forgave
Just as Orange County, CA, Fairfax County, VA and Raleigh-Wake his dad for that name. lifetime of Father’s Day capital Why do we even have to say
County, NC now lead the growth and future success for their regions, so For some of us, finding in my book. kids came from monkeys? Can
too does Gwinnett County. Financially, my Dad went the we pick an evolving life form
But, as it has been said, “to whom much is given, much is required.” And something to honor about dear
so it is time for the Gwinnett Chamber to assume more leadership roles on old dad can be challenging. extra mile, but his work kept before it became a monkey?
regional issues. However, if you believe doing him away from home, which Something not so insane and
Over the next few years, you’ll see the Gwinnett Chamber partnering and made him emotionally and less dangerous?
leading more and more regional initiatives. We are already working more
the right thing is important
than ever with our economic and community development allies at the try finding something in spiritually unavailable. Why not tell kids they
State, utilities, brokers, the Atlanta Chamber and from every county from your father worthy of honor - Kids need a loving dad at crawled out from under a
Fulton, Cobb, and DeKalb all the way to Athens-Clarke. This year alone, anything. home, but they also need an cabbage leaf? That’s what mom
we’ve proudly sponsored or actively participated in initiatives like ARC’s
LINK trip, Get Georgia Moving, the Governor’s Work Ready program, the Maybe he’s the only one who authority figure they respect to told me and I turned out OK!
Innovation Crescent Regional Partnership, and more. can operate the remote. keep them in line. What’s the worst that could
It is our fi rm belief that what is good for Gwinnett is good for the region. Father’s Day is difficult for My kids needed Rambo. happen? Kids might leave a
And what is good for the region is good for Gwinnett. For fathers to get respect, slime trail on the carpet? What
Jim Maran is president and CEO of the Gwinnett Chamber of me. My father and I never talk,
Commerce. of course he died years ago, they must give respect. For else is new?
but really nothing much has fathers to have authority, they Best case, kids with snail
Neighborhood News changed. We didn’t talk much must submit to authority. DNA wouldn’t be so aggressive
before, but I can say this, he When I ask who is your and the origin of man,
Glenn Matlock Renee Matlock
was darned good at his job. I father, I’m talking to you dad. according to Father Darwin’s
Publisher & Editor Associate Publisher
don’t know if he could throw Who is the authority over you book, would still be true.
P. O. Box 746, Dacula, Ga. 30019 a football, but the man was a and your family? There is another choice. Dad
E-mail: hard worker. Is your authority the eternal tell your kids everyday they’re
E-mail the editor: heavenly Father? Or is your made in the image of God and
Make no mistake about it!
Editorials and columns express the opinions of the writers and are not necessarily the opinion of I loved dad. The man bought ultimate authority Charles that would be the truth, at least
the Neighborhood News. Unsigned editorials are the expressed opinion of the Neighborhood News
editorial staff. me my first car! That buys a Darwin, a man who despised in my Father’s book.
Page 10 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau
-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

Golfers Benefit from

Local Healthcare
M any golfers from scratch
players to recreational
My Rare Garden Nostalgia
players have been spending time
tuning up their bodies at a local
River Bear has his way
clinic. ELITE Sports Medicine By Victoria Lyons
& Physical Therapy, located near For more than 10 years, Victoria’s cover expands and microclimates
Hamilton Mill, is the site of their Garden has been my home, the plants evolve forcing future plantings and
training. my children, the Bear my husband and transplants into new areas.
best friend. ZEO is our funny wiener As you know the Bear has to leave
Dr. Steve Hatfield, DPT, ATC and dog that we adore and Mother Nature his mark on the garden, and surely he
Justin Long, MPT have developed is – well, she’s my mom actually. And has. His latest project has amazed me.
a program focused on flexibility, while she’s a handful, I’m glad she’s After making two trips to a nursery
strength, biomechanics, and injury still here with us. sale near Tucker to buy more than
prevention. Low back pain, of Now that the rain has returned, I a dozen double red knockout rose
now have hope the garden will survive bushes, we decided to plant them
varying severity, is the most common the drought as Victoria has survived along what we call River Walk Circle.
complaint amongst golfers. Studies her long personal drought. The Bear The River Walk path goes along
show that nearly 85% of golfers will was my third husband and obviously the river and turns to climb a slight
experience back pain at some point in the charm. For the first time in my life incline.
their lives. Many golfers, who have struggled with back pain for years, I feel relaxed and truly at home here. Over the years, the Bear and I have
Most of all I thank God for a family I moved large stones we’ve unearthed
have turned to Hatfield and Long for a new approach. love and who love me. to create many steps. As we began
A comprehensive evaluation and digital video analysis often yields Nothing makes a mother more planting the rose bushes we dug up
areas for improvement. The results have been “amazing.”. pleased than to see her children grow more rocks both large and small. The
“Prior to treatment, I was faced with the proposition of never playing into maturity. The beauty I am only Bear was inspired to use those rocks
golf again, because of back now beginning to see has kept me to build small retaining walls around
going back into each bush at each
pain”, explained Frank Ruggieri, the garden year step up the path.
an avid golfer. after year. Thanks to the
The program incorporates During my Bear, we are free
all muscles of the trunk as walk this evening, of the watering
well as muscles of the upper the sun was ban. His decision
hidden behind a to finally buy a
and lower extremities. In gray cloudy sky. pump to pull river
addition, the biomechanics of The air was moist water is paying off.
the individual is assessed in and thick. A soft It saves drinking
relation to their swing style. light fell on Rock water, keeps the
“This comprehensive approach and Rose Trail. bills down and
Our small stand provides the plants
is necessary because injuries of hardwoods that all the water they
often occur due to a muscular lies behind was dark and dramatic. need to survive.
imbalance, or lack of flexibility.” The leaves along the trail were thick This month, I’ve gotten a bit
“This information, coupled and vivid green. Our knockout roses nostalgic, but I can tell a funny story
with the advice of your golf have grown so they lean across the about the pump. The ground was dry
trail. It’s as if they were making room as a bone when the Bear got it. The
pro or instructor, is pertinent for the blueberry bushes growing poor guy traded frozen salmon he’s
in developing a safe, effective directly behind to have enough sun. been saving all winter for an after-
swing,” explained Hatfield. It makes me proud when my children hibernation snack.
The treatment is effective for both those with back pain, and those are polite. It took him all day to get the pump
interested in preventing back pain. “The goal of the treatment is to The Bear’s fig tree is heavy with up and running. What he didn’t know
large healthy leaves and tiny fruit was Mother Nature was watching
maximize flexibility and develop a network of muscles to optimize showing on the branches. He’ll see a from her bedroom window. With a
the swing mechanics”. “The concepts of the program are the same sweet harvest soon. The devastation frightening cackle and crackle of
principles developed during the treatment of professional athletes,” said of last year’s spring frost is almost thunder, she sent a sudden deluge of
Long. The staff at ELITE Sports Medicine has worked with the Dallas forgotten. rain like we haven’t seen in years.
Cowboys football team, the US Ski team, and numerous professional Down the hill, under a canopy of The Bear looked so pitiful. He
oak and beech trees, the part of the wanted to use his little pump so
athletes. garden we call Fern Bank is thriving badly. You should have seen the
For more information on these services, visit the Web site at: www. and mature. The Autumn Ferns we disappointment on his face. planted beside the path alongside a But not to worry! A little change in
rotting moss covered tree a few years the weather could never stop his super
ago and all the native ferns and plants hero alter ego, the “River Bear” from
have found a comfortable home there. being all he can be. The neighbors
The earth is damp and ripe, perfect were amused and why wouldn’t they

770-271-1488 for the abundance of green moss as it

grows together in a velvet path hidden
from the brightness of the sun. My
How often do you see some guy
watering the yard in a torrential
2085 Hamilton Creek Pkwy. Suite 160, Dacula
garden children are ever growing downpour wearing a diving mask,
Starbucks Shopping Center and changing the environment. Leaf snorkel and flippers?
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 11

The $100 winner of the May Fake Ad year’s $100 monthly prize winners. and ridiculious it sounds.
Contest is Troy Henry of Dacula. Those of you out there still have another Of course, common sense should tell us
See the May Fake Ad, “Dispos-A- two months - June and July - to win the Dispos-A-Ball’s business model is flawed,
Ball," at www.e-neighborhoodnews. monthly contest and be eligible to win this but on the other hand, we’ve been wrong
com. See all the ads and read all three year’s $500 Grand Prize. before.
editions online. Congratulations also go out to Virginia At first glance, Cindy from Law-
Congratulations to Troy - again! Our Newsome of Sugar Hill and Karen Walsh renceville was buying it. She read through
man Troy made Fake Ad Contest history of Lawrenceville who each won $50. the entire ad all the while wondering why
by becoming the second person to win the My favorite comment about our fake someone would buy a disposable bowling
$100 prize twice. Wendy Woods of Dacula company that sells disposable bowl- ball!
was the first two-time winner last year. ing balls came from Sallye who lives in “Finally, my common sense kicked in,”
Troy won his first $100 prize exactly one Dacula. she wrote.
year ago in May. It can happen. “Stupid and ridiculious,” she wrote. Thanks for restoring our faith in human-
His family, including his two children, Sallye, you have very neatly sumed up ity, Cindy.
Justin, 5, Allison, 11, and his wife JoAnn the Fake Ad Contest in those three little And while so many of you complained
were amazed, he said. words. that disposable bowling balls was not envi-
Aside from his work in the telecommu- Stupid and ridiculious! That is precisely ronmentally friendly, others looked harder
nication industry, Troy is also into physical what we’re shootin’ for! and found the silver plastic landfill liner.
fitness. He runs often at the Dacula High Unlike you Sallye, many contestants Like Ruth from Buford who thought
School track and is a member of Hebron totally fail to get their arms around this landfills would be more attractive with
Baptist Church’s Men’s stay-fit class, which concept! colorful bowling balls scattered about.
meets on Wednesdays. For example, David from Buford who You see! Sometimes we miss the bigger Pictured with his son, Justin,
For those who have been entering the wrote: ”Dispos-a- Ball would be a waste of picture, don’t we Ruth? 5, is Troy Henry of Dacula, our
contest month after month without success, money, it makes absolutely no cents (sp.) For others, we’re not sure what picture $100 cash winner for May.
Troy’s good fortune should give you hope. to waste money on balls or hockey pucks, they’re looking at. Like Carolyn from
He is a consistent Fake Ad Contest entrant when a one-time purchase of one or two Lawrenceville who apparently sees some the big ball tossed into the trash can “looks
and has played more times than he can would do”. weight-loss marketing potential here. like a yummy chocolate sundae.”
count. Common “cents” is not the goal, David. Carolyn wrote, “My doctor told me to That big chocolate ball you think looks
Troy is also now eligible - again - for our Honestly, how many people can remem- lose weight. He said I’m carrying two so yummy is the Earth, Sue. We’re throw-
annual $500 Grand Prize drawing at the ber the last time they bought a bowling bowling balls. I hope they’re dispos-a- ing away the Earth, Sue!
end of July. The Grand Prize winner will ball? Nobody’s getting rich selling bowling ball.” How sad! Why did you have to say that?
be announced Aug. 16. balls, David. Motivating bowlers to spend You can always tell when folks are on a Now I want a sundae!
The winning entry will be drawn at ran- more “cents” buying multiple bowling balls diet. Their mind is always on food. Like Now, while I’m gone, go find that fake ad.
dom from the entires submitted by the past is good marketing - no matter how stupid Sue in Buford, who noticed in the ad that Glenn Matlock, Editor

Find the FAKE Ad

You might win $50 or $100
To win the $100 first prize, or one of two $50 prizes three entries are drawn at random.
The first entry drawn wins the $100 prize - $50 for the remaining two. To win complete
the form below with your name, address and telephone number and mail it to the
address listed below. Employees, contractors and family members connected to the
Neighborhood News are not eligible to win. A drawing from the validated entries will
be held on June 15. The winner will be notified and paid in cash or check. Please feel
free to share any comments you may have about the contest or the paper in general. The
Neighborhood News promises not to sell your name and address to any third party.
Note: Be sure you name the fake ad and page Mail Entry to:
on which it is found in the entry form below. NNEWS Drawing
You do not have to clip out the fake ad. PO Box 40
ENTRY DEADLINE! June 15 Dacula, GA 30019

The winner will be posted on our Web site • • June 16

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Limit one entry per person

Page 12 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 13

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June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 15
Page 16 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

Spirit of the Father

Three Dacula fathers share ‘the divine connection’
By Glenn Matlock
DACULA – Even as children, for better or
worse, the decisions we make and the
actions we take, have life-altering conse-
quences only God can see.
Without a clear vision of the future, we all
walk by faith. Those who deny God, deny
the Spirit of the Father and know not where
or even why they walk. However, those who
share the divine connection have faith in the
Spirit of the Father – the Holy Spirit is His
name. With patience and an abiding love He
directs the footsteps. The path may not
always be easy.
Twenty-four years ago, a fifth-grade
Dacula Elementary School student named,
Dustin Pennington, had his first close
encounter with the Spirit of the Father. It
was a tsunami in time that would forever
spill over into lives of his mother Brenda,
his father Steve, his future wife Michelle,
his future sons, Matthew, Michael and Mark
and thousands of people he may never know
in this life.
It was a Sunday morning. Brenda and
Steve Pennington and Dustin had been Photo by Glenn Matlock

invited to attend Hinton Memorial Church. Pictured with his wife, Michelle and three sons from the left, Matthew, 14, Mark, 10 and Michael, 12, Cornerstone
They arrived and went into their Sunday Fellowship Church pastor Dustin Pennington has been a spirit-filled Christian since he was 12. He began working on
School class, but through an unexpected turn the mission field and pastoring in churches from the time he was 13 years old.
of events, 12-year-old Dustin ended up “They say you can’t have diphtheria once, something I knew nothing about,” Steve financial ruin. Suicidal thoughts led him to a
attending a morning prayer meeting where but I had it twice and survived,” Sam said. said. motel room in Winder.
he met 52-year-old Sam Venable, Hinton Death was not an option. God had a plan Dustin wasn’t aware of the controversy “My mother hung herself and my father
Methodist’s choir director. and a mission for his chosen vessel, Sam surrounding the baptism in the Holy Spirit. had died of cancer. I had 500 of his mor-
Dustin, who had only visited church a few Venable. Over the years, Sam gradually All he knew was the experience was like phine pills – enough to kill an army,” Steve
times before, felt an immediate connection came to accept the reality of God and the God throwing gas on an already blazing fire. said.
with the church and with Sam. He felt at possibility the infant who was called back to “I thought, if there is another experience, I Steve remained hidden away for several
home and after a few days Sam introduced life had a divine purpose to fulfill on earth. want all there is,” Dustin said. “God did days battling demons, trying to work up the
the curious young man to Jesus Christ and When Sam was 30, he experienced a something unique to me in that moment, courage to take his own life. As fate would
showed him the plan of salvation. supernatural visitation, while hospitalized in something apart from salvation. It was the have it, he found Pastor Burnham’s phone
The plan of salvation requires repentance Memphis, Tenn. same thing that happened to the disciples number in his pocket. He made the call and
– asking God to forgive sin in your life and a “Jesus came into my hospital room,” Sam after Jesus ascended into heaven.” Pastor Burnham drove to Winder at 2 a.m.
total acceptance that Jesus was and is God said. “I saw his face. I saw the agony he For two years, Dustin prayed for his On his long road back from despair,
incarnate on earth and that His death on a endured and I knew it was for me. So, I parents to be saved. Steve and Brenda Steve attended a revival in Auburn where he
Roman weapon of mass destruction called cried out … and asked him to come into my continued to attend Hinton Methodist but at had his brush with the Spirit of the Father.
the cross and His ultimate resurrection from life and He did. I’ve been sinful and done the time, they were Christian in name only, Near the end of the service, the evangelist
the dead provided salvation for all mankind, things I should not have done, but He has but God had a plan to complete His divine was speaking with people who had come
whoever can believe and receive it. not turned me loose.” connection. forward to the altar for prayer. Steve was on
After he received Christ, Dustin noticed God was preparing Sam for a divine Steve’s move closer to Christ came on the back row ready to slip out the door when
an immediate change within. Brenda and connection with a 12-year-old boy he would Father’s Day 1989. Hinton Methodist’s the evangelist walked straight down the aisle
Steve weren’t Christians at the time, but meet one day – a boy who was yet to be pastor at the time, Bill Burnham, called the toward him. The man of God led Steve into
they accepted Dustin’s newfound faith. They born – a boy who God would call into the fathers down to the front of the church a back room where the divine connection
bought Dustin his first Bible. He developed ministry to be a missionary and a pastor. where as the spiritual leader of their family was about to be completed.
an immediate hunger for the things of God. Some 15 years later, Sam was ready to they would serve communion to their wives “For the first time in my life, I totally
He couldn’t get enough. introduce Dustin to the power of God - the and children. surrendered to God,” Steve said. “It was an
Actually, it was a miracle little Dustin baptism of the Holy Spirit, an experience “I knew that I was a fake sitting in church unbelievable experience. I started speaking
ever had the opportunity to meet Sam that manifests in a verbal outburst of praise all that time and just going through the in tongues.”
Venable since Sam nearly died at birth. to God known as speaking in tongues. For motions,” Steve said. “When I went down At that moment, Steve understood the
Born two months premature into a years, Christians and churches have been front and had to stand nose to nose with my powerful infilling of the Spirit of the Father
farming family in 1931, tiny Sam Venable divided over the baptism. son, God broke me right then. He would not his son had received as a 12-year-old
was not expected to live. There wasn’t a When Dustin’s father Steve learned his allow me to fake it anymore. I had reached Christian young man … and he had a new
hospital or incubator to be found in Dacula. fifth-grade son was speaking in tongues, he for everything, but God. Finally, God was love in his heart for the man who helped his
The child weighed only two pounds 14 days was terribly upset and went looking for an the only thing there.” son find God – Sam Venable.
after he was born. The stress of the prema- explanation from Sam. To complete the divine connection, God Steve, the father joined with God the
ture birth brought on a case of diphtheria, a “We were raised more traditionally. I was had more for Steve who had fallen into a Father and began giving of himself and his
child killer disease at the time. upset, but later, I realized I was upset about downward spiral of personal, business and Continued on next page
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 17

Often times, God places Christian believers in the arena

Continued from previous page “We could never hold him,” Dustin said. “We could never hold him or cradle him, The Pennington’s three sons, Matthew, 14,
finances. Soon, the blessings began to fall. “He didn’t want any affection. At 3 years but from then on he would sit on his Michael, 12, and Mark, who is now 10, also
Steve’s business, Pennington Fence Com- old, you could not discipline him. He would momma’s lap and let her hold him and love share the divine connection, but we still see
pany, went from a $100,000 a year business hit back. One night Mark was completely him. Now, he is by far our most affectionate ripples of anger coming from many young
to a $1.5 million per year business. His out of control. I felt the Holy Spirit say, child,” Dustin said. lives. It seems there are angry, unwanted
emotional stability returned and his family ‘Why have you waited so long? Go in there Dustin gives all the glory to God and children at every turn. Wounded, lost
became stronger than ever before. and claim your son. Take authority over that credits the Spirit of the Holy Father working youngsters are waiting and longing for a
At 13, with Steve and Brenda’s blessing, spirit.’ I held him down and took authority within him and within Michelle - revealing divine connection to the Spirit of the Father.
Dustin began going on church sanctioned over him as his father and over Satan’s plan what was happening in the spiritual realm. There is an answer! Fathers arise! Prepare
mission trips to other countries, travels that to take over his life. Michelle and I repented Without the Spirit of the Father working for the spiritual battle. Your children are in
years later would bring a divine connection before God for our role in causing this to within his parents, who can say, where the the enemy’s hand and must be freed. Only
with his future wife Michelle and eventually, begin with.” ripples of Mark’s anger might have carried you, with Jesus Christ in your life and the
Cornerstone Fellowship Church in Dacula From that moment on there was an him and those around him. Only God loving Holy Spirit of the Father working
where he serves today as pastor. Cornerstone immediate change in Mark. knows. within your heart can stem the rising tide.
was built on a site Steve donated to the
“I had a contract on my desk to sell that
land for $400,000, but God would not let
me” Steve said. “I was walking to the
mailbox to send it off. If I ever heard
anything, I heard God tell me to give that
corner lot to the church.”
Most every Sunday morning, Sam
Venable and his wife Roz can be found
sitting on the front row in the Cornerstone
sanctuary. Dustin’s spiritual father beams
with pride as he listens to the words of this
36-year-old man he mentored as a boy
nearly 24-years ago – the same boy who is
now a charismatic pastor, loving husband
and father.
“Dustin is a son of mine,” Sam said. “God
gave me an opportunity to lead this young
man to Christ. As a result of that I will share
in all the ministry he fulfills. It is an honor to
be able to sit under his teaching, teaching
that came through the power of the Holy
These three men’s lives have long been on
intersecting paths - guided to find the divine
connection they share with many other
fathers and sons, mothers and daughters - all
members of the family of God.
All those who have shared the divine
connection know serving God often places
Christian believers in the arena. There will
be and have been many times of testing. But
without the divine connection, the Spirit of
the Father working inside, Christians stand
unarmed against an evil unseen kingdom
bent on their destruction.
Along with the good times, Dustin and
Michelle Pennington have lived through the
battles. At times, those battles raged within
the walls of their own home.
About 10 years ago, the family was going
through difficult financial circumstances.
Already struggling to support the two
children they had, they discovered a third
was on the way. It was too much for them to
“We had no money; we sat on the
bathroom floor and cried,” Dustin said. “We
could not believe this was happening. I
believe my unborn son picked up a spirit of
rejection in the womb. He was born feeling
that he was not wanted.”
From the day he was born, Mark was
filled with rage.
Page 18 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

Photos by Glenn Matlock

With his head down, American miniature horse Toby is

focused as he pulls a two-wheel cart and his owner Laura
Leopard, a teacher at Alcova Elementary School.

The 2008 Miss Dacula Pageant queens built a float that honored vets. Riding along is U.S.
Army Reserves Combat Medic William Tyler Hinton. The float also honored the memory of
the late United States Marine Corp Cpl. Brett Browder and all former Dacula High students
serving in the military. To add veterans’ names to the list go to:
Grand Marshall retired U.S. Army Sgt. Paul Efstration,
left, and his son Charles Efstration

Thousands attend annual parade

DACULA – It was Dacu- many. After being treated
la’s largest Memorial Day for his wounds, Efstration
Parade in its 15-year history returned to his unit and
with a crowd estimated to be continued fighting, helping
at more than 10,000. to liberate a concentration
Parade Grand Marshall camp in Germany. For his
retired U.S. Army Sgt. Paul service, Efstration was
Efstration (above) served awarded two Purple Hearts,
from 1944 to 1945 as a the Bronze Star, and multiple
member of the 1st Infantry foreign awards.
Division, 26th Infantry Following the war, Sgt.
Regiment. Efstration Efstration was assigned to
participated in the Norman- the Nuremberg War Crimes
dy Invasion and landed on with the distinguished honor
Omaha Beach on June 6, to serve as a guard for the
1944 just as American forces trials. Efstration then
had cleared the beach and returned to his hometown of
started pushing the enemy Greenville, SC. where he
into the French countryside. started a family and contin-
Sgt. Efstration engaged in ued to serve in the U.S.
battle for months in France Army Reserve. Sgt. Efstra-
and in October of 1944 was tion’s son, Charles Efstra-
Gregg Grossman, of Dacula, keeps his Ciara Deans, 5, top left, mom Jackie, and
wounded by sniper fire in the tion, and his family have
nephew Tyler Fugazzi, 1, cool as he cheered patriotic pups, Princess Holly and Coco
battle to liberate the medi- been living in Gwinnett
the participating military units. and little Victoria Twyman, 1, and her mom
eval city of Aachen, Ger- County for over 35 years.
Jackie, not pictured, enjoy the day.
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 19

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Page 20 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008


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June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 21

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Page 22 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

2008 HUMMER H3 Alpha

Don’t Judge This Book By Its Cover!
By Linda Sharp cushion and back, plus a seven-speaker
When I got the word that a week with a Monsoon stereo with amp and rear
HUMMER H3 Alpha was on my calen- woofer speakers.
dar, I’ll be honest: The idea raised my My head tells me that a HUMMER
eyebrows. With today’s fuel prices, not in today’s market really is not a very
many think of a HUMMER as a vehicle politically correct choice. So why do I
of choice. And I was not getting just love driving one? There is something
any HUMMER, no not the five-cylinder about the ambiance you feel. Tucked
version, but rather the King of the Hill beneath the flat roof, behind the flat front
Alpha, which is powered by a 5.3 liter windshield, postured in the really high

2008 Ford Escape Hybrid SUV V8. My expectations for this vehicle were
at the very least skeptical.
seating position of this mid-sized SUV,
you really just feel like you can take on
New Look, Performance Improvements Before the Alpha pulled into my drive,
I had made the conscious decision to
the world. My head may be telling me
one thing, but my heart tells me another.
By Linda Sharp of the two. see just how much fuel economy could I So if you are willing to make a few
Ford claims the Escape Hybrid is the It’s important for potential buyers squeeze out of it. With an EPA rating of concessions in your driving style, feel
cleanest and most fuel-efficient SUV in to remember that full hybrids achieve 13 city and 16 highway, I knew it would free to step outside the conventional box
the world, combining the fuel economy their greatest improvement in fuel be a challenge. by checking out this boxy shaped head
and emissions benefits of a full hybrid economy during stop-and-go driving, Much to my pleasant surprise, the Al- turner. It will surprise you.
with the go-anywhere capability, when the electric motor is most pha did much better than the rated num-
toughness and spaciousness of a Ford efficient. In fact, the Escape Hybrid bers. Probably in part due to the vehicle’s LOCAL BUZZ: Mike Crisci, new car
Escape. Hybrids were once for many provides approximately 80 percent four speed automatic transmission, which sales manager at Lou Sobh HUMMER
owners more of an environmental better fuel economy in city driving allowed me to maintain a maximum of points out that HUMMER customers have
statement but today their demand is than the conventional V-6 Escape and 2000 rpm’s, but also in great part due to seen incentives as high as a $2500 cash
growing as everyone is searching for Ford claims it can travel more than 500 the 300 horsepower, 320 foot pounds of rebate and 2.9 percent on a 60 month
that elusive fuel economy. With claims miles in city driving on a single tank torque V-8. loan. His expectations are that buyers will
of up to 34 mpg in city driving – a of gasoline. I drove the Alpha as if I had an egg continue to see these type of incentives,
14-percent improvement compared to An amazing 99.4 percent cleaner, on placed under the accelerator pedal. No perhaps even better, saying, “Give us a
the 2007 model, we were very pleased average than an unregulated vehicle, jackrabbit starts, no hard acceleration - call, you might be pleasantly surprised at
when we actually averaged just under Escape Hybrid meets strict Super Ultra except when the situation necessitated it the deals you’ll find.”
32 mpg in combined driving. Low Emissions Vehicle (SULEV II) and cruising on the Interstate, I judicious-
The Escape was exceptionally and Advanced Technology Partial ly stuck to 2000 rpm, which translated to STATS:
spacious for a compact SUV, with Zero Emissions Vehicle (AT-PZEV) 70 mph. So how did I do? I’m proud to Horsepower: 300 with 320 foot-
plenty of side-to-side shoulder and hip standards. That translates to, “It’s good announce that on the highway, I garnered pounds of torque
room. This SUV’s practical basic box for the air we breathe.” 18.6 mpg and in combined driving, a Mileage: 13 city/16 highway
shape delivers plenty of interior room And if you are concerned about surprisingly respectable 17.3 mpg. While Pricing begins: $38,645. As tested:
despite its petite exterior dimensions. buying into a new technology, not economy car numbers, for what the $44,840
There is also a much bolder, stronger Ford backs the Escape Hybrid with HUMMER H3 Alpha is, I was impressed. Seating capacity: Five
visual statement to the 2008 Escape a standard 8-year/100,000-mile Beside the V8 engine and the four- Fuel required: regular grade
Hybrid. Bejeweled headlamp and limited warranty for unique hybrid speed automatic, the Alpha package
taillight assemblies enhance the components, including the battery adds chrome to the door handles and Lou Sobh HUMMER
boldness while adding an upscale pack. mirror caps, as well as Alpha badging, a 2473 Pleasant Hill Rd NW
appeal to this affordable fuel saver. 4.10 rear axle, 16-inch chrome wheels, Duluth, GA 30096 Map
Ride characteristics were solid and LOCAL BUZZ: Eric Conley, new eight way power front seats with heated (770) 232-0099
well connected to the road. Driver car sales manager for Mall of Georgia
feedback and road feel were confidence Ford explains, “We are seeing an
inspiring. For an economically priced increased demand for hybrid products.
vehicle, we found the seats to be Our biggest problem with the Escape
supportive and non- tiring on a long Hybrid is having the supply to keep up
drive. with the demand.”
The Escape Hybrid is a “full” hybrid,
meaning it automatically switches STATS:
between pure electric power, pure Horsepower: 133 with 124 foot-
gasoline engine power or combined pounds torque
operation to maximize efficiency Mileage: 34 city/ 30 highway
and performance. Its gasoline engine Pricing begins: $26,640.
and electric motor work in concert, Seating capacity: Five
providing performance similar to that Fuel required: regular grade
of a V-6 engine. In less demanding
situations, the Escape Hybrid can run Mall of Georgia Ford
on its electric motor alone (at speeds 4525 Nelson Brogdon Blvd
up to 25 mph), its gasoline engine Buford, Georgia 30518
alone or the most efficient combination Phone: (866) 431-8048
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch
N Page 23

Combat high gas prices by changing your vehicle

What is in your picture of success? I think commonly called CUV’s or CXV’s. At first economy. I gave serious consideration to the
that if you asked many people in our area glance you would think that this should be a Toyota Camry Hybrid, which is rated at 34
that question over the past few years their big improvement over a full size SUV – but mpg. I was very impressed with that car
picture would have included a Chevy Tahoe the fuel economy gain is very small. GM’s until I tried to fit all of our suitcases into the
or other full-size SUV. The successful all- full size Acadia/Enclave/Outlook gets only trunk. I could only get three of four
American family drives a new full size SUV. 3 mpg more in its combined city/highway suitcases in, so that car came off of the list.
The recent problem with that picture is that mileage than the Tahoe, even though it is Then, I looked at the Ford Escape Hybrid.
gasoline is approaching $4 a gallon. Full smaller and has a six-cylinder engine rather It had more room, and was rated at 32 mpg.
size SUV’s typically get 14 miles per gallon than a V8. That 3 mpg improvement will I eventually bought the Escape in March.
(mpg) around town and 18-20 mpg on the save you only $66 a month. Surprisingly, the My overall average mileage over 4,000
highway. Acadia weighs only 450 pounds less than a miles is 30 mpg. Most of my driving is short
I think it is important for us to change our full size Tahoe. Another break-out success is in-town trips, and moderate hills. We took it
own internal picture of success. Economists Mazda’s CX-9 cross over. This vehicle’s to Gulf Shores for spring break and are
and policy leaders do not forecast a combined mileage rating is only 18 mpg. taking it to Florida for summer vacation.
reduction in gasoline prices any time soon. Most of the full size cross-over’s average Wisdom says if you do what you’ve
You can have a very nice vehicle, with most either 18 or 19 mpg. always done you will get what you always
of the features and comforts of a big SUV, Brian Klaubert This brings me back to my point about got. If your family is feeling constrained by
but in a smaller package. changing your internal picture. If you could your gasoline expenses, you will have to
Surprisingly, the biggest hurdle to that looks like a sleek sedan. Just imagine drive a vehicle that gets 30 mpg you would change.
increasing fuel economy in vehicles is not trying to push a garage door down the save $200 per month in gasoline cost per Brian Klaubert has written for the
the size of the engine, but rather the size of highway at 80 mph versus just the bottom vehicle (assuming that each vehicle drives Neighborhood News for five years and owns
the vehicle. First and foremost is the weight two panels of the door. The wind resistance 20,000 miles per year). Christian Brothers Automotive – Hamilton
of the vehicle, and secondly the shape of the would be very different. Earlier this year, I changed my internal Mill on Braselton Hwy in Dacula - voted
vehicle. A vehicle that has the shape of a All of the carmakers have now come out picture. In January, I almost bought a Yukon Best of Gwinnett in both the Gwinnett Daily
truck is going to get less mileage than one with full size cross-over utility vehicles, Denali. Then I began to research fuel Post & Gwinnett Magazine.

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Hours: Mon-Fri 7am-6pm
Closed Saturday & Sunday
Page 24 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

Spirit of the Father

Suwanee father’s ‘divine connection’ may have saved his unborn son
Eastside neonatal
staffers call preemie’s
recovery ‘miraculous’
(Editor’s Note: This is an update on an
article that appeared in the Neighborhood
News June 2005 editions!)
By Glenn Matlock
SUWANEE – After surviving a rare fetal
blood disorder at his birth, 3-year-old
Benjamin Hill is still alive and proving the
skeptics wrong.
Despite predictions that he would need
perpetual nursing care, Benjamin has so far
defied the experts and is today a normal,
healthy little boy – even displaying ad-
vanced thinking equal to and even beyond
that of his older brother and sister when
they were the same age.
On April 10, 2005, Martha and Steve
Hill took their first steps on a journey they
would have preferred to avoid. Martha, 32,
was expecting the couple’s third child; she
was only six weeks away from her due
Everything had gone well during
Martha’s first seven months of pregnancy.
There was little reason for concern.
However, something was silently going
wrong. Photo by Glenn Matlock

The pending crisis might have gone un- Steve and Martha Hill, along with their sons Benjamin, 3, right, and Daniel, 1, look at a scrapbook containing photos
detected deep inside Martha’s womb, but of Benjamin’s life and death struggle with a rare blood disorder when he was born.
as if prompted by an unseen hand, the ex-
pectant 40-year-old father asked a question step toward salvation. If Martha had rolled only outcome. provided with another option regarding
that would ultimately save his son. over and gone to sleep, chances are slim “It was not a condition we see very their child’s uncertain future – terminate
“We were doing yard work,” Steve said. that Benjamin would be with us, Steve often; it was a bad situation,” Shelby said. treatment. The family was told they would
“I nonchalantly looked over at Martha and said. “He required a blood transfusion right be tube-feeding Benjamin for the rest of
asked, ‘have you felt the baby move When the Emory Eastside Medical away. … I remember talking with the their lives.
today?’ She said, ‘No, but he naps and Center neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) family trying to paint a realistic picture and Pulling the plug was never an option, for
sleeps and stuff. It’s not uncommon.’” staff found the struggling fetus lingering then [when I was scheduled back in to Martha or Steve.
Steve insisted that the baby be monitored near death, Benjamin abruptly arrived in work a week or so later] seeing him “That was probably the hardest moment
for the remainder of the day. There were no this world - cut from his mother’s womb healthy and being held by his parents. It of the whole experience for me – that the
strong impressions; his sudden concern by caesarian section. was truly miraculous.” doctor told me I could kill my child,”
simply came from out of the blue, he said. One member of the medical team that Sandy Arcand, an Eastside NICU Martha said. “The doctor said, ‘I wouldn’t
It was normal for Steve to express day was, Jodie Shelby, an Emory Eastside respiratory therapist, also saw an infant do it, but it’s an option I have to present to
concern about his unborn son. He is a NICU registered nurse. with a bleak future. you.’ I can’t even describe how it feels to
“borderline hypochondriac” – always One look at Benjamin “We were all Benjamin was white even think about [killing my baby].”
checking the children’s well being, Martha and she knew this one
would be trouble.
praying - honest to as a sheet; he wasn’t
moving or breathing
The Hills had already made their choice.
Steve said he believed even if the plug had
When the Hills failed to get the fetus to Born 42 days too soon goodness praying and was not making been pulled, Benjamin still would have
respond, they became mildly concerned. and weighing in at six that everything was any effort to do so, lived. At one point newborn Benjamin
Typically, Steve would have nagged her pounds, little Benjamin
carried with him a
going to be OK.” she“We said.
drew some
reached up and pulled the feeding tube
going into his stomach right out of his
about the baby constantly. However, he fell
suddenly silent. Then Martha, the calm condition known as fetal blood gases … you mouth, Steve said.
one, began to worry. maternal transfusion, a condition that never see it so low … your tissues are “He was so aggressive, even as a
“Because I didn’t ask again, Martha channels blood away from the fetus to the dying; your brain is dying. It was frighten- preemie. That was a sign of things to
became more concerned. We were both out mother, while the fetus gets none in return. ing. I wasn’t expecting it to be that bad,” come,” Steve said.
of character,” Steve said. “By dinner, I Fetal maternal transfusion is unpredict- Arcand said. “We were all praying - honest Within a few hours after his traumatic
really hadn’t said anything and later went able and it cannot be prevented. Over time, to goodness praying that everything was birth, Benjamin’s blood gas counts came
to bed.” the fetus’ movements slow to a standstill going to be OK.” bouncing back. Some nurses reminded the
The typically placid Martha couldn’t followed by death or disability if left The Hill family asked members at their family there would be setbacks, but by the
sleep. The baby still had not moved, when untreated. It occurs out of the blue, church to start praying. E-mails began sixth day anemia was no longer an issue.
her son Jonathan crawled into bed. however, a mother who delivers an infant circulating wildly as Steve provided Defiant, determined little Benjamin never
“I went to put Jonathan back in bed and with the condition could see it again in everyone with daily updates complete with took one step backward.
when I got back, I tried to get the baby to another child, hospital staffers said. photographs. The e-mails soon spread far “There was actual ‘jaw dropping’ in the
respond again and still nothing,” Martha Fetal maternal transfusion, if detected beyond to others who also prayed. NICU,” Steve said.
said. “At that point I nudged Steve and said and treated early, can be treated and infants Benjamin’s condition began to stabilize, Benjamin’s recovery was “truly a
‘I’m going to the hospital.’” have a chance at survival. However, for however, the medical team’s opinion miracle,” Arcand said.
Martha’s decision was Benjamin’s next Benjamin, death or disability seemed the remained pessimistic. The family was “Personally, I know that God gets all the
Continued on next page
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 25

Birth had lasting impact on many

Continued from previous page “I tried to figure out the difference. I
credit, but I’m just glad we are a helping wanted to put this into a formula. What
hand to Him,” Arcand said. “We really made the difference? Was it the quantity of
work together as a good team here. Not praying, the numbers of people praying,
meaning to boast, but we were really on the earnestness of those praying? I can
top of it and Benjamin was one of those only conclude … God is sovereign and he
little fighters that gave it all he had and his made decisions that we might not under-
parents were great supporters and I think stand.”
that made the difference. Steve seemed to Benjamin’s miraculous birth and
always be there.” recovery has had a lasting impact on many
The Hills understand that even for including those who did not believe he
praying Christians such as themselves could make it. One skeptical nurse told
things don’t always seem to work out. Steve that Benjamin was “marching toward
Right after Benjamin came home there was the light. He was just about there, but
another baby in need of divine interven- someone told him to turn back.”
tion: The child of a co-worker. To see the 2005 complete original
“We took the same group of people who article on Benjamin log onto
had been praying for Benjamin and within - For Special Photo
days migrated them into praying for this more about Benjamin, visit the Hill family
In this photo taken three years ago, Steve Hill is seen on one of his first
other baby who was every bit as bad off as Web page:
visits with his struggling newborn son, Benjamin, in the Emory Eastside
Benjamin and that child died,” Steve said. neonatal intensive care unit.


New Houndstooth Grill specializes in steak, seafood Brothers open second Ninja restaurant in Braselton
BRASELTON - After 15 years managing successful corporate restaurants, Ken Weath-
erford finally realized his dream in December 1993 when he opened Norcross Station
Café in the Train Depot in downtown Norcross.
Recently, Weatherford brought his success winning formula to Braselton, where he
opened his new Houndstooth Grill and Tavern now open in Mulberry Walk Shopping
Center in Braselton.
“The restaurant is casual dining, American Continental cuisine,” he said. “We special-
ize in steaks and seafood.”
Houndstooth Grill Chef Johnny Ulloa has 30 years of food service experience and has
quickly gained a reputation locally for consistently serving outstanding dishes including:
shrimp and grits, stuffed grouper, chicken picatta, Mediterranean tilapia and many more,
said Todd Decker, Houndstooth Grill general manager.
“The menu has a great selection of salads, pastas, sandwiches and ‘made from scratch’
desserts as well,” Decker said. “Chef Johnny makes all of his sauces and dressings in-
house. All of the chicken fingers, fried shrimp, grouper fingers, oysters and appetizers are
hand breaded to order. The steaks are hand-cut, USDA Certified Choice Angus Mid-
western beef. We serve our slow-roasted, herb-crusted prime rib au jus every Friday and
Saturday for dinner. Come in and give us try! We hope to see you soon!”
Houndstooth Grill is open every day for lunch and dinner. Stop by and check out their
new balcony patio or courtyard patio for outside dining. We offer full bar with daily drink
specials. We also offer an ala carte Sunday brunch menu 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. featuring Special Photo
eggs Benedict, omelets and fresh Belgian waffles. There is a private dining room avail- Ninja Steakhouse co-owners Edward Sun, (left), and his brother Steven
able for rehearsal dinners or private parties with seating for up to 50 people. Houndstooth Sun, (center), oversee their new Braselton location, while Jackie Chan, (far
Grill can also cater off-premise events as well.
right), is general manager at the Hamilton Mill location.
Location: 6323 Grand Hickory Dr. Suite 200A, Braselton, Georgia Highway 211, one
mile north of Chateau Elan Resort off Interstate 85 at exit 126. Phone: 770-967-2225 BRASELTON - Building on their past success, Edward and Steven
Sun recently opened their second Ninja Japanese – style Steak & Sushi
restaurant in the Braselton area.
Their new Braselton restaurant offers the same entertaining format as
their Hamilton Mill location with Ninja chefs preparing food directly in
front of guests on a hibachi table.
Ninja also offers a sushi bar with the standard sushi bar fare
including: Alaska Rolls, Spider Rolls and California Rolls. However,
when it comes to sushi, Ninja also provides it’s unique touch with the
Hamilton Mill Roll, the Wild, Wild East Roll, the Kanypyo Squash Roll
and the Mamahoohoo – only a few of their more than 50 varieties of
cooked or raw sushi. Cooked and raw sushi can be ordered by the piece.
In addition to the traditional Oriental cuisine, Ninja also offers a
variety of seafood and meats including: sirloin, filet mignon, teriyaki
steak, chateau brione, shrimp, scallops, salmon, lobster and of course,
For more information and for hours of service in Braselton call,
770-965-2292, or in Hamilton Mill call, 770-831-7131, or visit the Web
Photo by Glenn Matlock
Houndstooth Grill General Manager Todd Decker with the Houndstooth Grill
staff in the background participating in a wine-serving seminar. The restaurant is Location: 5753 Old Winder Highway in Braselton and 2115 Hamilton
owned by Ken Weatherford - not pictured. Creek Parkway in Dacula.
Page 26 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

Business & Service Directory

Massage Therapy
Sunset Lawn Covers by Cathy Career Training
Care Wallpaper Hanger/Wall Decorator
•New Homes
Complete Lawn Maintenance •Repairs
Daniel Browning 678-570-1248 Cell
678-407-2822 Home Free Estimates
770-725-9943 No Job Too Small

Tree Form
Growing a business one relationship at a time
Training and Tutorials
Computer Set Up
>ˆ˜Ìi˜>˜ViÊUÊ/ÀœÕLiŜœÌˆ˜} By Albert Mahaffey
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Call 706.353.1819
Specializing in helping
SENIOR CITIZENS 678-637-3868 Cleanup Drainage/Drain Lines
Fill Dirt
with their computer needs!

Flag Stone
Stack Stone Mulch
Pruning & Clean up Pine Straw
Cell: 770-307-8863
Office: 678-377-8818
Fax: 770-338-8857

Babs Blooms
Creative landscape
designs & installation
Free Estimates
Barbara Euton · 770-995-7143

179 D Moreno St.


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General Home Repair & Improvements Fully licensed & insured

Keith Kuhl Kenneth

Hightower 770-601-1479
678-362-2375 “I do the work; and I guarantee the work I do!”

Business & Service Directory

Call 770-277-1899 • e-mail • Ad Deadline June 18th
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 27

Doctor hosts free work-

shop on back pain relief
BUFORD - A new local Spinal Aid gia Blvd. in Buford.
Center is hosting a free informative A safe alternative to invasive proce-
workshop to introduce chronic back pain dures, Spinal Decompression works with
sufferers to a medical breakthrough that, special computer-assisted equipment to
according to the American Academy of help eliminate pressure that builds up,
Pain Management, is relieving pain in thus alleviating pain.
patients with herniated discs. Many people are fi nding non-surgical,
On Tuesday, June 10th at 7 p.m., Dr. non-drug Spinal Decompression the
Joseph Krzemien, D.C. of Spinal Aid solution where all else has failed. This
Centers of America is offering a free scientific discovery is now available to
workshop at the Country Inn and Suites the public locally.
By Carlson located at 1395 Mall of Geor- Spinal Aid Centers of America is
rapidly becoming branded, as it is the
Professional Home Theatre fi rst health care franchise to focus on the
needs of the chronic and severe back pain
Installation Services sufferer, according to Dr. Krzemien.
s)N HOMECONSULTATION DESIGNLAYOUT Dr. Krzemien said he chose to work
s3ETUPAND#ALIBRATION with the nationwide franchise because of
s&LATPANEL460ROJECTOR)NSTALLATION its fi rm policies and procedures, which
s3PEAKER)NSTALLATION aligned well with his own high standards
SURROUND OUTDOOR of practice in patient care and satisfac-
s0ROJECTOR3CREEN)NSTALLATION To reserve a seat at the workshop and
s!DDONCABLE46DROPS to learn about options for back pain relief,
s!UDIOVISUAL&URNITURE!SSEMBLY call 1-877-4-low-back – 1-877-456-9222
404-849-1400 Georgia Spine & Sports Rehab “A SpinalAid Center of America” is located
at 1957 Buford Highway, Suite A, Buford,
Ga. 30518

Business & Service Directory

Courtney’s House Cleaning Advertise Your HOME REPAIR
Not enough time to keep your house clean? Business Here All Int. - Ext. general handyman services.
We offer reasonable rates and professional service. NO JOB TOO SMALL!
We are licensed, bonded & fully insured For complete $150 • 3 Months
listing of services offered and rates go to Licensed & Insured
45,000+ Direct Mail
Monthly Call John
678-425-0763 (678) 761 - 5212

Business & Service Directory

Call 770-277-1899 • e-mail • Ad Deadline June 18th
Page 28 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

Heart Disease is the leading

killer of women and can have
no symptoms until it’s too late.

Please join us for a FREE educational seminar

Matters of the Heart: Women & Heart Disease
When: Thursday, June 12, 2008, 6:30 – 8 p.m.
(Registration and free sandwich supper at 6 p.m.)
Where: Hall County Library Spout Springs Branch
6488 Spout Springs Rd., Flowery Branch
Speakers: Bernadine M. King, MD, Gainesville Heart Group
Kashyap Patel, MD, Northeast Georgia Heart Center

Dr. King and Dr. Patel will each present important information about
women’s heart health and answer questions from the audience.
The seminar is FREE, but registration is required.
Please call 770-538-7641 to register.
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 29

“Wind & Hail Damage”

Biltmore Roofing
Hometown Service Since 1989
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Ask Us About
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Another Quality Job by Biltmore Roofing
Let Us Get Yours Approved Today! Tamko 30 year laminate - Black
Free Inspections 5006 Veranda Ct. Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Page 30 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008

There’s always
something going on at
Oakwood Buffalo’s Southwest Café
3446 Winder Highway, Suite 101
Flowery Branch, GA 30542 Bash Night
Every Monday and
Wednesday Night
Hamilton Mill All you can eat wings!
3450 Braselton Highway 50¢ Wings
Dacula, GA 30019 Every Tuesday Night
5 till close
Bike Night is Back
At Hamiltom Mill Karaoke
Every Tuesday Night at 6 Every Thursday Night
8 till close
Texas Hold ‘Em
Online Ordering Available Every Saturday Night Buckaroo Sundays

$1.00 Kids Meals All Day
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with the purchase of 2 entrees And Get A Free Dessert And Get A Free Dessert
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any other promotion including Bash. Expires combined with any other promotion including combined with any other promotion including
06/30/08. Bash. Expires 06/30/08. Bash. Expires 06/30/08.
June 2008 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch Page 31
Page 32 Neighborhood News-Braselton-Buford-Chateau Elan-Hoschton-Flowery Branch June 2008


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Sun Closed

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