Assignment 3-MTH101

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Assignment 3-MTH101

Following are the exercises from Chapter 2 of Gallians book: Problem 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15,
17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36.
In Gallians book, Zn or U (n) is denoted without a bar . Whenever you are reading the book, always
think of the set Zn or U (n) with a bar.
3. Show that {1, 2, 3} is not a group under multiplication modulo 4 is not a group but that {1, 2, 3, 4}
under multiplication modulo 5 is a group.
Proof. You can draw a Cayley table or observe that 2 does not have a multiplicative inverse. For the second
part draw a Cayley table or observe that each of the numbers 1,2,3,4 is relatively prime or co-prime to 5.
This is because 5 is a prime number. If x denotes one of these numbers, then there are two integers a, b such
that xa + 5b = 1. Then taking the bar on both the sides and noticing that 5 = 0, we get xa = 1.
For the closure: if x, y are in the set, then by definition x.y := xy, and this is not equal to 0 as both x, y
are co-prime to 5. Associative law is clear and for identity observe that if x.y = y, then xy = y. This implies
that xy y = 0. Therefore 5 divides xy y = (x 1)y. 5 being a prime divides one of y or x 1. Notice
that y is co-prime to 5, so 5 divides x 1. Hence x = 1. Therefore 1 is the identity element in this set.
You can also simply say that 1 is in the set and x.1 = x for all the elements x, and hence 1 is an identity
element. Therefore the set of four elements is a group under multiplication.





do not commute.

10 18
 det = 
 = 3, and
 3 has a multiplicative inverse in Z11 which is 3
5 6
5 6
3 2
3 2

= 4. The inverse is

Proof. Follows from the problem 4.
Proof. Convert all multiplication into addition and inverses into minus. For example, b. a2 (b1 c)2 becomes
2(a) + 2(b + c).
Proof. (a1 ba)n = (a1 ba).(a1 ba). .(a1 ba), repeated n times. Notice then we can rearrange the brackets by using associativity. Then the as cancel out and we finally get the answer.
Proof. Recall that two functions f and g on a set X are the same, i.e., f = g if f (y) = g(y) for all the
elements y X. Here we want to show that the functions Ta,b Tc,d is equal to the function Ta+c T b + d. So
we apply this function on the element (x, y) in R2 . We have (Ta,b Tc,d )(x, y) = Ta,b (Tc,d (x, y)) = Ta,b (x +
c, y + d) = (x + a + c, y + b + d) = Ta+c,b+d (x, y). This is true for all the elements of R2 . Therefore
Ta,b Tc,d = T a + c, b + d.

Proof. DIY.
Proof. +1 and 1 are two elements that satisfy the equation. Notice that +1 6= 1. Suppose if this happens,
then 2 = 0, so n|2. Therefore n 2, which is a contradiction.
Proof. To show that: xy = yx for all x, y G.
ETP: y 1 xy = x.
Proof. No this is not true for non-Abelian groups. I challenge you to find an example of a non-abelian group
with this property.
Proof. This has two parts: If G is abelian, then (ab)(a1 b1 ) = e.
Conversely: If (ab)1 = (a1 b1 ), then 1 = (ab)(a1 b1 ) = a(ba1 )b1 . Hence a1 b = ba1 , and
ba = ab. Therefore G is abelian.
Proof. DIY.
Proof. DIY
1 1
Proof. (a1 a2 an )1 = a1
n an1 a2 a1 .

Proof. ba = a1 a2 b2 b1 = ab.
Proof. DIY.
Proof. DIY
Proof. Clearly, e satisfies the equation. If a is another solution, then a2 also satisfies the equation. Therefore,
the set of solutions is {e} {a1 , a21 } {a2 , a22 } {an , a2n }. Try to show that these are disjoint sets. Notice
that the number of elements can only be odd.

Proof. A function f on a set X is one-one if f (x) = f (y) implies x = y. In other words, assume that
f (x) = f (y) and conclude by a series of equalities that x = y. You can also assume that x 6= y and show
that f (x) 6= f (y).
Now, g (x) = g (y) = gxg 1 = gyg 1 = x = y. For onto, you have to produce a pre-image for
every element in the co-domain, which is G itself here. It is easy to see that the preimage of any element
b G is g 1 bg G.
Proof. DIY
Proof. (ab)2 = e = ba = a1 b1 = ab, since a2 = e = b2 .
Proof. DIY
Proof. DIY.

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