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BIO310H5F LEC0101
Integrative Animal Physiology II
Course Outline - Fall 2016
Class Location & Time

Mon, 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM KN 137

Wed, 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM KN 137
Nagham Abdalahad
Wednesdays 11:00- 12:00 AM

Office Location
Office Hours
E-mail Address
Course Web Site

Course Description
Principles of cardiovascular, renal, respiratory and digestive physiology of animals and their control by the neural and endocrine
systems. [36L]
Prerequisite: BIO202H5 / BIO204H5 / BIO210Y5
Exclusion: PSL301H1 (SCI)
Distribution Requirement: SCI
The UTM Calendar states that students who lack the prerequisites for a course can be deregistered at any time

Course Goals: To learn the fundamental concepts of integrative animal physiology and the central role of homeostasis in the
regulation of animal systems. This will be achieved through an in depth analysis of the principles that underlie the functioning of a
variety of organ systems in animals, such as the cardiovascular, renal and respiratory systems. To understand the fundamental role
that the nervous and endocrine systems play in the regulation of homeostasis.
Student Learning Objectives:
Students will be able to:
explain the fundamental concepts of integrative animal physiology with reference to organ systems such as the
cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal systems.
understand the involvement of the nervous and endocrine system as controlling and integrating the function of the organ
apply knowledge to solve problems associated with maintaining and regulating systems in the body.
communicate biological knowledge and concepts in a clear, concise and correct manner in written form using the
appropriate terminology

Required Textbook and Materials

Eckert's Animal Physiology - Mechanisms and Adaptations, Fifth Edition, Eckert, Randall and Augustine,
W.H. Freeman and Co., New York

Assessment and Grading Policies



Due Date

Term Test

Term test 1



Term Test

Term test 2




in class multiple quizes and some homeworks throughout the course

Final Exam



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Notes on Assessment Items

Term Tests: Will cover material from the lectures as indicated in the lecture schedule. Each term test will be a mixture of
multiple choice, labeling and short answer questions.
Final Exam: The final exam is cumulative, i.e. covers the whole course, and will be a mixture of multiple choice questions, labeling
short answer questions.
The quizzes will be available for you to complete using TopHat. You will have a quiz after each lecture ( you can miss up to 2
quizes). Beside that , you will have some homework ( you have to participate in all of them). For each item, you will get half a
mark for completing it and half a mark for accuracy (so you will get 50% just for answering each question). If you chose not to
participate in TopHat quizes, your 10% will be distributed to your term tests.
Please contact me during the first week of class if you will not be using TopHat.

Teaching Methods and Academic Supports

You have enrolled in this course and your attendance is expected at lectures, tests, ( optional quizzes and homeworks ) and
Teaching Method: Lectures will be posted prior to the lecture as pdf files from power point lectures.
Academic Support: All information will be placed on BlackBoard and students should check back often to get updates. There will
be a discussion board for questions on the lecture material. There will be some review classes or office hours prior to each test or
the exam.
We will be using TopHat for in class quizes and attendance. This is optional. Students chose to participate, have to creat their own
TopHat account and will have 10% of their total mark from these quizes. Students chose not to use it will have this 10%
redistributed to their term tests.
In order to access course material, monitor course information, and view your grades you must log into Blackboard.
Course content - Lectures will be posted on blackboard 24 hours prior to the class.
Announcements - Pay attention to your emails from this course as any changes or special announcements will be made on
Discussion board - All of your questions regarding course materials we cover in class should be through the discussion board. You
can post your question as anonymous.
You can email me if you have other kind of questions. Emails with content questions will not be answered. This will help all of the
student to get benefit from the discussion.

Procedures and Rules

E-Mail Policy
The University's official method of correspondence with students is through their University of Toronto e-mail accounts. It is the
student's responsibility to keep his/her account active and check it on a regular basis.
All e-mails from students must include your full name and student number as well as have the course code in the subject line.
Re-Mark Policy
Requests for re-evaluation of course work must be made in writing to the instructor no later than one month following the return of
the work. Re-evaluation may result in a grade increase, decrease, or no change.
Requests for re-evaluation of term test must be made in writing to the instructor no later than 2 weeks following the return of
the work. Re-evaluation may result in a grade increase, decrease, or no change.

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Term Tests: Only tests written in pen will be re-marked. To have a term test re-marked, students must attach to the test a note
explaining which questions are to be remarked and why the student believes that there was an error in the marking. Please note
that marks can increase or decrease after re-marks.
Religious Observance
Information about the University's Policy on Scheduling of Classes and Examinations and Other Accommodations for Religious
Observances is at
Classroom Management
Students are expected to come to class on time, turn off cell phones and pagers and to use laptops in class for note-taking only (not
for web surfing, email, viewing movies etc.)
No photos or video recording is allowed in class.
Voice recording should be approved by the Professor.
Top Hat acconts should be activated to be used for in class quizes and homework ( this is optional, and if the student chose not to
use it, the value of the quizes and homeworks mark will be redistributed to the term tests instead)
Late Assignments, Extensions and Missed Term Tests
You are expected to complete and submit all assignments on time.
If you will use Top HAT and you miss a quiz: you will get zero for that quiz
If you miss a test: Students are expected to write all term tests. There will be NO MAKEUP TESTS for missed tests. Students who
miss one of the term tests must declare their absence on ROSI and inform the professor as soon as possible (within one week) of
circumstances that prevent you from writing a test. You will need to present valid evidence, such as an original U of T Medical
Certificate, for University accepted reasons for missing the test. Only upon acceptance of the evidence will the value of the missed
test be distributed to the final exam. Failure to comply with the policy will result in a grade of zero for the missed test.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Students cannot miss more than one test under this policy - any further tests missed will be assigned with a
mark of "0".
Documentation and Procedures:
1. Declare your absence on ROSI.
2. Contact your professor via email within 48 hours of the missed quiz/test/assignment.
3. Submit an explanation in writing within one week, detailing the University-approved circumstances, beyond your control,
that caused you to miss the quiz/test/assignment. The explanation must be accompanied by proper documentation (originals,
in hard copy) and should be submitted to the Department of Biology to Diane Matias ( Include your
name, your student number, your @mail.utoronto e-mail address, your phone number, the course designator/ code, and a
description of the item you missed (e.g., Quiz #1). The standard Verification of Student Illness or Injury is the appropriate
documentation to submit if you were ill.

Note that it is not sufficient simply to visit a doctor's office; the documentation must show that you were incapable of writing the
test or completing the assignment, for medical reasons. The medical certificate must include the statement: "[Name of student] was
unable to write the test on [date] for medical reasons." Documentation must show the physician was consulted within one day of the
test. A statement merely confirming the report of an illness made by a student is not acceptable.
Note that holidays and pre-purchased plane tickets, family plans (unless critical, such as death of an immediate family member),
and lack of preparation or too many other tests are not acceptable excuses.
The written explanation and documentation that you submit represents an appeal from you, requesting the opportunity to make up
that portion of your grade in some other manner. If an appeal is not received, or if the appeal is deemed unacceptable, you will
receive a grade of zero for the item you missed. If the appeal is granted - that is, your reason for missing the test is considered
acceptable - then a mechanism for making up the missed item will be offered.
If your appeal is accepted, it may be considered appropriate to do a weighted average of your other term marks to make up for the
missed item, rather than setting a makeup date.

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Missed Final Exam

Students who cannot write a final examination due to illness or other serious causes must file anonline petition within 72 hours of
the missed examination. Original supporting documentation must also be submitted to the Office of the Registrar within 72 hours
of the missed exam. Late petitions will NOT be considered. If illness is cited as the reason for a deferred exam request, a U of T
Verification of Student Illness or Injury Form must show that you were examined and diagnosed at the time of illness and on the
date of the exam, or by the day after at the latest. Students must also record their absence on ACORN on the day of the missed
exam or by the day after at the latest. Upon approval of a deferred exam request, a non-refundable fee of $70 is required for each
examination approved.
Academic Integrity
The code of Behaviour on Academic Matters states that:
The University and its members have a responsibility to ensure that a climate that might encourage, or conditions that
might enable, cheating, misrepresentation or unfairness not be tolerated. To this end all must acknowledge that seeking
credit or other advantages by fraud or misrepresentation, or seeking to disadvantage others by disruptive behaviour is
unacceptable, as is any dishonesty or unfairness in dealing with the work or record of a student.
- University of Toronto Mississauga Academic Calendar
It is your responsibility as a student at the University of Toronto, to familiarize yourself with, and adhere to, both the Code of
Student Conduct and the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters.
This means, first and foremost, that you should read them carefully.
The Code of Student Conduct is available from the U of T Mississauga website (Registrar > Academic Calendar > Codes
and Policies) or in your print version of the Academic Calendar.
The Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters is available from the U of T Mississauga website (Registrar > Academic
Calendar > Codes and Policies) or in your print version of the Academic Calendar.
Another helpful document that you should read is How Not To Plagiarize, by M. Proctor.
Normally, students will be required to submit written assignments to for a review of textual similarity and detection
of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their assignments to be included as source documents in the
reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University's
use of the service are described on the website.

Other Resources
The University accommodates students with disabilities who have registered with the AccessAbility Resource Centre. Please let me
know in advance, preferable in the first week of class, if you will require any accommodation on these grounds. To schedule a
registration appointment with a disability advisor, please call the centre at 905-569-4699 or e-mail at:
Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre
Students can visit the Academic Skills Centre to consult with one of its strategists about understanding learning style, developing
study plans for upcoming tests/exams, or discussing papers. Special Diagnostic Assessments are also offered and are designed to
help you learn exactly where you stand with respect to critical academic skills.
UTM Library (Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre)
The University of Toronto boasts the biggest academic library in Canada and the second biggest in North America. Various services
are available to students at the UTM Library and across the UofT library system. Services including borrowing, interlibrary loans,
online references, laptop loans and the RBC Learning Commons. For more information, visit

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Course Schedule
Lecture Date


Sept. 7 Introduction: Regulation and


Key Thoughts
Homeostasis: Negative feedback vs. positive
Controllers: nervous and endocrine system


Cellular Physiology: Cell membrane and transport

Cellular level of organization

Cell membranes and transport


Part I. The Nervous System: Introduction

The nervous system: functional zones

Neural communication: action potential, graded
Synaptic transmission
Organization of the nervous system
Evolution of the Nervous system
Autonomic Nervous system
Skeletal muscle control
The neuromuscular junction
Reflexes and central pattern generators

Part II: The synapse: Neurotransmission and

Part III: Organization of the Nervous System



Part IV: Locomotion


Term Test 1

Oct. 3 Chemical Messengers and regulators


Oct. 5

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Covers lectures 1-6

Endocrine System
Neuroendocrine systems
Pituitary gland
Mode of action
Signal Transduction

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Oct. 17 Review

Oct. 19

Part I: Osmoregulation

Introduction: osmoregulators vs. osmoconformers

Osmoregulatory organs
The mammalian kidney
Filtration, reabsorption and secretion
Renal regulatory mechanisms
Extrarenal secretion: salt glands
Invertebrate osmoregulatory organs

Part II: Osmoregulatory Mechanisms

Part III: Osmoregulatory Mechanisms






Oct. 31
Cardiovascular System


Part I: Circulation
Part II: The Heart


Nov.7 Part III: Cardiovascular Regulation

Part IV: The Heart: a comparative look


Nov.9 Term Test 2


Nov.14 Gas Exchange

Other gas transfer systems






Nov.23 Acquiring Energy: feeding,


Nov.28 Digestion and metabolism


Nov.30 Temperature regulation:

metabolic rate

Hemodynamics and blood flow
Arterial and venous system
Conduction system
Cardiac cycle: ECG
Regulation of blood pressure
Cardiovascular response to extreme conditions
open circulation vs. closed
invertebrate hearts
other vertebrate hearts

Lectures 8-16
Physics of Respiratory systems
Respiratory Pigments
Oxygen dissociation curve
Carbon dioxide transport
Human respiratory system
Gas exchange in insects
Skin breathing

feeding methods
alimentary systems
absorption of nutrients
regulation of digestion
Metabolic rates
Coldblooded versus hot blooded
Freeze tolerance versus freeze avoidance

Temperature in difficult climates


Dec. 5 Exam Review

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Exam during exam period

Covers all lectures

Last Date to drop course from Academic Record and GPA is November 9, 2016.
Every attempt will be made to follow this syllabus, but its content are subject to change, according to the rules as outlined in the
UTM Instructor's Handbook, section 3.2.2.

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