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Alphonse Daudet
1.My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to
teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new master comes
tomorrow. This is your last French lesson.
a) How could linguistic chauvinism cause the sense of loss for the people of Alsace
and Lorraine?
b) What are the values that the people of the enslaved nation should have to resist
against linguistic chauvinism? Discuss
Chauvinism in any form is not good especially linguistic chauvinism that does neither
good for the self nor for the nation. What are the values that could help the people to
overcome the impact of chauvinism?
Value Points
a) Patriotism
b) Sense of belonging
c) Dedication
d) Commitment
e) Attitude and Aptitude
2. I hardly knew how to write!, I should never learn anymore! I must stop there, then!
Ho, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds eggs or going or
sliding on the Saar!
a) Procrastination is the first enemy for anyone which stops the growth rather How
did the children of Alsace become the victims of Procrastination?
b) What are the values the children should imbibe to avoid procrastination?
Value Points
a) Right Attitude, Aptitude
b) Dedication
c) Commitment
d) Love for the language

3. It was the most beautiful language in the world- the clearest, the most logical; that we
must guard it among us and never forget it because when a people or enslaved as long as
they hold fast their language.
a) Where there is will there is way, how could the people of a nation under slavery
can better serve their nation by preserving the so called their rights especially the
right to learn their language?
b) What are the values that the people of an enslaved nation should possess to
preserve their language?
Value Points
a) Determination
b) Will Power
c) Decisiveness
d) Love
e) Loyalty
4. France , Alsace, France, Alsace they looked like little flags floating everywhere in the
school room, hung from the rod at the top o f our desk. You ought to have seen how
everyone set to work, and how quiet it was!
a) So far the worth of a person or object is never realized when available. Only when
the same goes out of ones hands, the real worth is seen. Explain how true is the
statement in relevance to our mundane life? Explain how true is the statement in
relevance to the classroom in Alsace?
b) What do the people of a nation do to realize the worth of the things that are within
their reach?
Value Points
a) To be Sincere


c) Optimistic
d) Understanding
e) Prudent
5. Your parents were not anxious enough to have you learn. They preferred to put you to
work on a farm or at the mills, so as to have a little more money. And I? Ive been to
blame also. Have I not often sent you to water my flowers instead of learning your
lessons? And when I wanted to go fishing, did I not just give you a holiday?
a) How could the teacher, parent and the student be responsible for the lack of
proficiency in their learning? Answer in relevance to context of Last Lesson?

b) For any successful learning, the basic necessary features are attitude and
aptitude. Answer in relevance to the context.
c) How could the learners, teachers and the parents help to create a congenial
atmosphere for better learning abilities?
Value Points
a) Right Attitude
b) Aptitude
c) Dedication
d) Determination
6. At once the church-clock struck twelve. Then the Angelus. At the same moment the
trumpets of the Prussians, returning from drill, sounded under our windows. M.Hamel
stood up, very pale, in his chair, I never saw him look so tall.
a) When does a teacher get his reward, Is it on the day of his departure or during his
tenure? Give reasons. (two only)
b) When and how could a student make his teacher feel so tall?
Value Points
a) Aspiration & Ambition
b) Sincerity
c) Will Power
d) Perseverance
7. The things that surprise me the most were to see, on the back benchers that were
always empty, the village people sitting quietly like ourselves.
a) How did the villagers like former mayor, postmaster and Hauser express their
indebtedness to Mr.Hamel for having served them for more than 40 years?
b) How could the indebtedness felt at the heart of a few get reciprocated at times of
emotional moments?
Value Points
a) Indebtedness
b) Humanity
c) Humility
d) Oneness
e) Solidarity

f) Sense of gratitude
8. Through the window I saw my classmates, already in their places, and Mr. Hamel
walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. I had to open the door and
go in before everybody. You can imagine how I blushed and how frightened I was.
a) How did the children of Alsace late on arrival feel when they noticed their teacher
Mr. Hamel walking up and down with the ruler under his arm?
b) Spare the rod and spoil the child can be brought to an end for effective learning.
Throw a light on the statement in relevance to the contemporary classroom
Value Points
a) Punctuality
b) Compassion
c) Positive Attitude
d) understanding
What are the values a citizen should possess to hold the key to the prison to
manage the tough and unforeseen circumstances? Substantiate.
Value Points
a) Loyalty
b) Patriotism
c) Dedication
d) Commitment
e) Sense of togetherness

Anees Jung
1. Why do you do this? I ask Saheb who I encounter every morning scrounging for
gold in the garbage dumps of my neighborhood.
a) The source of earning can be perceived in different ways. Why is it so?
b) The child labour is a punishable crime. What are the measures we should take to
wipe out this illegal practice? Are we successful in wiping the crime from our
mundane life? If not what measures should we adopt to do away with this
Value Points
a) Dignity of labour
b) Individual Perception
c) Dedication
d) Goodwill
2. Is your school ready? It takes longer to build a school, I say embarrassed At
having made a promise that was not meant. But promises like mine abound in every
corner of his bleak world.
a) Saying just for the sake of saying needs a caution as the promise involves a
lot of time and money? How true is that statement? Share your views.
b) What are the values a person should possess to keep up the promise made to
Value Points
a) Commitment
b) Determination
c) Vigor
d) Spirit to help others
3. Canister belongs to the man who owns the tea shop. Saheb is no longer his own
a) What made the author say so?
b) What do we need to have a job satisfaction?
Value Points

a) Freedom
b) Self- satisfaction
c) Sense of belonging
4. Saheb is too wearing tennis shoes that look strange over his discolored shirt and
shorts. Someone gave them to me, he says in the manner of an explanation. The
fact that they are discarded shoes of some rich boy.
a) Beggars are not choosers. How do the rag pickers, child labourers cant afford
to have the need of their own choice? Explain.
b) What are the social responsibilities that a person can have to redeem the rag
pickers of their plight? / In what ways we can help rag pickers and beggars to
redeem them from their impoverished conditions?
Value Points
a) Empathy
b) Benevolent
c) Considerate
d) Kind
5. Food is more important for survival than an identity. Wherever they find food they
pitch their tents that become transit homes, children grow up I n them, becoming
partners in survival.
a) How do children become partners in survival?
b) How true is the statement in relevance to the present day context? Suggest the
ways and means to help them.
Value Points
a) Assurance
b) Goodwill
c) Merciful
d) Committed
6. Even if we get organized, we are the ones who will be hauled up by the police,
something illegal, they say. There is no leader among them, no one who could help
them see things differently.
a) Corruption begins at the top and steps down and remains incurable if the victims
are not resolute in finding their way. Discuss in relevance to the context.
b) What are the qualities that a person should have to fight against the corruption?
Value Points

a) Courage
b) Truthfulness
c) Determination
d) Prudent
7. It is his karam , his destiny, says Mukeshs grandmother, who has watched her own
husband go blind with the dust from polishing the glass of bangles. Can a god- given
lineage ever br broken? She implies. ek waqt sert bhar khana bhi nahin khaya, she
says, in a voice drained of joy.
a) Dont cry over spilt milk nothing better is going to happen in anyones life by
crying over the impoverished conditions left behind by the forefathers which has
been carried on to the present?Suggest the ways and means to come out of the
web of poverty?
b) With what values the bangle makers of Ferozabad could improve their living
conditions, instead of blaming god?
Value Points
a) Optimistic
b) Courageous
c) Positive
d) Hopeful
1) Lack of cooperation can lead to the worst tomorrow which would end up in total
exploitation. How true is it to the current situation?
a) Explain the pros and cons of the same throwing light on the lives of the people
living below the poverty line in India and suggest the ways and means to
improve their living conditions?
2) The laws of the country need peoples will to exercise. How true is the statement
with regard to the state of child labour in India?
3) How could unity as factor help in building the better socio-economic conditions
for the bangle makers of Ferozabad?

Salema Lagerlof
1) He made them himself at odd moments, from the material he got by begging in the
stores or at the big farms. But even so, the business was not especially profitable, so
he had to resort to both begging and petty thievery to keep body and soul together.
Even so, his clothes were in rags, his cheeks were sunken, and hunger gleamed in his
eyes. The world had, of course, never been very kind to him.
a) Crimes could be minimized if the world owes her social responsibilities.
How relevant is it to the above mentioned context?
b) How could the gap between haves and have-nots be bridged?
Value Points
a) Sense of oneness
b) Socially Responsible
c) Committed to the cause
2) Honoured and noble Miss, Since you have been so nice to me all day long, as if I
was a captain, I want to be nice to you, in return, as if I was a real captain- for I do not
want you to be embarrassed at this Christmas season by a thief; The rattrap is a
Christmas present from a rat who would have been caught in this worlds rattrap if he
had not been raised to captain, because in that way he got power to clear himself.
a) With Love, care and extended hospitality a man can be brought out of the trap of
crimes and evils. Substantiate the relevance.
b) The spirit of festival brings in a person the reformation. Is the spirit of festival
universal by nature? If yes/no Give reasons.
Value Points
a) Spirit of Festival
b) Care and share
c) Value once own commitment
d) Sense of benevolence
3) Now I am going to tell you, Mr. Ironmaster, how things are, he said, This whole
world is nothing but a big rattrap. All the good things that are offered to you are
nothing but cheese rinds and bits of pork, set out to drag a poor fellow into trouble.
And if t he sheriff comes now and locks me up for this, then you, Mr. Ironmaster,
must remember that a day may come when yourself may get caught in the trap.

a) How judgmental was the rattrap seller in this context?

b) We are all vulnerable prey, lured by some worldly bait, how can we help
ourselves to stay away from worldly baits?
Value Points
a) Sensibility
b) Practicality
c) Truthfulness
4) I am thinking of this stranger here, said the young girl.He walks and walks the
whole year long, and there is probably not a single place in the whole country where
he is welcome and can feel at home. Wherever he turns he is chased away. Always he
is afraid of being arrested and cross-examined. I should like to have him enjoy a day
of peace with us here- just one in the whole year.
a) No man is rich enough to buy the past but can be given a chance to come out of
his past, if it had been a bitter one. How universal is the principle mentioned
above applicable to the contemporary society?
b) Word given is to be kept for the good of both the guest and the host; otherwise the
value attributed towards promise remains insignificant. Discuss the relevance.
Value Points
a) Sense of fairness
b) Justification
c) Supportive of good ideas
d) Socially conscious
5) But while he was riding up to the manor house he had evil forebodings. Why the
devil did I take fellows money? He thought. Now I am sitting in the trap and will
never get out of it.
a) How could any timely realization help a person to reform himself? Answer in
relevance to the context.
b) Nobody is born a criminal but made to become one due to socio- economic
reasons. Do you agree/ disagree, give reasons.
Value Points
a) Humility
b) Truthfulness
c) Positive Remorse

6) He did not have to return it; and if he wanted to spend next Christmas Eve in a place
where he could rest in peace, and be sure that no evil would befall him, he would be
welcomed back again.
a) To forgive is always divine. How helpful is the saying in reforming the
rattrap peddlar?
b) The whole world is a stage we are all actors, sounds romantic but in reality
the world is nothing but the trap, we are all rats and the worldly things are
nothing but baits. How important is it for a person not to get trapped and get
away from the worldly baits? Discuss.
Value Points
a) Generosity
b) Humane
c) Large Heartedness
d) Forgiveness

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