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economic information

- minium salary
- cause of proverty
- government resolution

- 53,041.98 USD
- $7.25 per hour
- lack of basic necessities and a lack of security and also
some food.
- The president Obama gives the food with good quality to
the childer and all hunger all over the world
- the worlds food program under the UN

- 6,862.50 USD per capita

- The porverty is actuall cause from the war and also the
interupted from the USA about the petro.(More)
- Lack of citizen basic needs(More)
- The average of salary in Iraq is 8100 USD(Including Ldler)
- No resolution in the country but their is the co-system and
the resolution from the United nation and USA.


11,208.08 USD per capita

The minimum wage by 6.78 percent to 724 reais ($310) per month in 2014
The causes of poverty is the inequality of land tenure and the lack of access to
formal education and skills training.
In recent years the government has invested large amounts of resources to
broaden the scope(expanding) of technical assistance services and to facilitate access to
them especially for poor rural people, but much work still remains to be done.
current issues deforestation in Amazon Basin; air and water pollution in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo,
and several other large cities; land degradation and water pollution caused by improper mining
natural h azards recurring droughts in northeast; floods and occasional frost in south
international agreements party to - Antarctic Treaty, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Endangered
Species, Environmental Modification, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the S ea, Marine Dumping, Nuclear
Test Ban, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Whaling; signed, but not ratified - AntarcticEnvironmental Protocol, Tropical Timber

38,633.71 USD per capita
13,606 per year minimum salary

GDP: $45,729.27 per capita.
minimun salary: 1,378.87 EUR per month
Cause of poverty:
42 per cent of all families below the UK poverty line contained no working
many people have caring responsibilities,suffer from a health condition or have a

Low paid work

58 per cent of families below the UK poverty line contained at least one working
Low wages, part-time work and the high costs of childcare = reduce incomes.
Many low wage jobs offer no prospect of progression = provide a lot and
unpredictable incomes (low pay, no pay).

Inadequate benefits
when people are out of work or earn insufficient amounts of money we expect the
benefits and tax credit system to act as a safety net.However, benefits are set at levels
that invariably leave recipients living below the poverty line.
for example, we estimate that a family with one child claiming jobseeker's
allowance received only 65 per cent of the amount they required to live above the poverty

Government plans to cut struggling families' incomes further by
changing tax credits is deeply concerning... this government must ensure that
change to the benefits system makes work pay for those on low incomes.

South Korea

25,976.95 USD
- 6030.00

public social spending in South Korea is low.Social spending by the government
in South Korea was 7.6% of GDP in 2007, compared to the OECD average of 19%.
- Koreas dualistic labour market, in which a significant number of workers are
hired only on temporary contacts with low wages and benefits, results in high inequality in
wage income
- Strategy for people of working age :The South Korean government has
recognized the importance of work in getting people out of poverty. As such, it has
implemented active labour market programmes through NBLSS and EIS, which feature
the provision of a range of work-focused support for people of working age.
- Strategy for the elderly: The anti-poverty strategy for the elderly consists of the
following three major components:
- (a) providing income support for the low-income elderly; (b)
increasing job opportunities through job creation and retention programmes; and
(c) improving the community services provided to the needy elderly.
- Strategy for children and youth: The anti-poverty strategy designed for children
and youth has three complementary strands, namely:
- (a) tackling joblessness, including encouraging female
participation in the labour market; (b) providing financial support for low-income
single-parent families; and (c) investing in the early years of children's
development and education.

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