Basic Professional Education Parctice Test Set A

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1) Learning is due to maturation and training. Which of the laws is highly related to it?
a. Law of use
c. Law of effect
b. Law of annoyance
d. Law of readiness
2) What tests are designed to measure capabilities?
a. Achievement tests
c. objective tests
b. Aptitude tests
d. standardized tests
3) During the sensorimotor period, the child develops a functional understanding of many things. Which of these
does not belong to these?
a. imitation to play
c. space and time
b. Causality objects
d. concentration
4) When teaching Math, the teacher provides situations where the pupils discovered the meaning of square. We
may then the pupils form
a. Process concept
c. quality concept
b. Structural concept
d. cluster concept
5) Which of these listed needs does not belong to the socio-genic type?
a. thirst
c. security
b. status
d. independence
6) The most scientific school of psychology is
a. Behaviorism
c. Structuralism
b. Gestaltism
d. Functionalism
7) A child who can execute difficult dance steps, throw and catch a ball skillful play several games is said to have:
a. mechanical intelligence
b. abstract intelligence
c. motor intelligence
d. social intelligence
8) A child who is cordial, friendly and helpful with whom people like, has a high capacity for
a. mechanical intelligence
b. abstract intelligence
c. motor intelligence
d. social intelligence
9) Which of the four emotional behavior patterns will be the reaction in pleasant situation?
a. destruction
c. retreat
b. approach
d. stopping of response

10) When a younger reverts to weeping, pouting or childish play as a means of overcoming frustrations, this
mechanism is called
a. Repression
c. nomadism
b. Regression
d. fantasy
11) Cognitive domain refers to
a. Skills
c. values
b. Attitudes
d. knowledge with understanding
12) There are different ways of identifying talented and gifted children. Which of these will contribute least to such
a. standardized intelligence tests
b. standardized achievement tests
c. teachers observations
d. parents opinions
13) The behavior of the child is to large extent dependent upon his
a. biological inheritance
c. peers
b. Environment
d. parents
14) The teacher should help the isolate by
a. total immersion
b. shifting him in different groups
c. using gradual induction
d. giving him different work
15) Which of these provide the best reinforcement?
a. use of marks
b. scholarships
c. awarding a model
d. natural interest in the world
16) There are several causes of maladjustment. Which one is not a sure cause?
a. Poverty
c. broken home
b. Rejection
d. intelligence
17) The period of concrete operations covers ages
a. 1 2 years
c. 7 11 years
b. 2 7 years
d. 11 14 years
18) According to Erickson, identity crisis or identify vs. role confusion occurs during the ages of
a. 3 to 6 years
c. 12 to 18 years
b. 6 to 12 years
d. 18 to 21 years
19) Learning is a matter of habit formation of getting used to it according to the theory of Pavlov known as
a. Gestaltism
b. Functionalism
c. Stimulus response-connectionism
d. Conditioning

20) The best single criterion on the degree of maturity of a child is his
a. size
c. bone classification
b. age
d. skeletal growth
21) Growth is most rapid proportionally
a. in the pre-natal months
b. from birth to six
c. from six to twelve
d. in adolescence
22) Growth takes place
a. gradually for the whole organism
b. with differential rates for different parts of the body
c. suddenly by spurts of the whole
d. in serial order of development

The different stages of the child growth should be understood because

a. of the relation of between his physical and mental status
b. of the wide range of ability
c. his emotional; and social factors affect growth
d. education should follow the growth

24) Adolescence includes the years from

a. six to nine
b. nine to twelve
c. thirteen to twenty-one
d. twenty-one to twenty-six
25) By social intelligence, we mean
a. ability to get along with people
b. absence of shyness
c. membership in several organizations
d. absence of inferiority complex
26) Children form gang mainly because of
a. parental laxity
b. rebellion against authority
c. desire for adventure
d. the urge to be independent
27) Delinquency reaches its peak
a. before the teenage
b. in the early and middle teens
c. in the twenties
d. in the thirties
28) The gang generally disintegrates because of
a. hostility between members
b. members becomes different in size
c. the school prohibits it

d. other interests, particularly in the other sex

29) The best way to help adolescents become socially mature is to
a. urge them to confide in their parents
b. help them feel free to do as the crowd does
c. give wholesome and adequate social experiences
d. overcome inferiority feelings and pattern
30) Emotions are significant because they
a. always stimulate thinking
b. preserves our lives
c. are the products of the body
d. are the major fasteners in personality
31) The school causes emotional maladjustments most often by
a. hard problems and lessons
b. failure in the work
c. opposition from friends
d. lack of guidance
32) The endocrine glands
a. are glands of internal secretions
b. are known as the glands with ducts
c. are glands that produces sweat and perspirations
d. directly control our behavior
33) The native stimulus for fear is
a. the dark
b. the snakes
c. a sudden or starting stimulus
d. being restrained or held
34) Emotions can best be trained by
a. assuming an indifference to disturbing things
b. inhibiting or repressing all emotions
c. avoiding all emotional stimuli
d. attaching satisfaction to desirable emotional pattern
35) Maladjustment can often be prevented by
a. giving the child more attention
b. speaking of the bad impression his conduct makes
c. seeing the child is successful in what he undertakes
d. letting the child strictly alone
36) Overprotected children will probably develop into adults who
a. are independent and self-reliant
b. are emotionally mature
c. will protect other children
d. continue to learn on their parent

37) The most serious maladjusted child is one who

a. talk back to his teachers
b. is loud and disorderly
c. is unsocial and withdrawn from others
d. destroys school materials
38) Making the child ashamed of some habitual behaviors is most likely to have effect of
a. eliminating desirable habit without harmful consequences
b. adding a deep sense of guilt to the misbehavior
c. causing open rebellion
d. a temporary improvement in conduct and attitude
39) The correction of maladjustment in an individual child is
a. a very complicated and difficult matter
b. an impossible task
c. a rather easy thing
d. a task only for psychiatrists
40) Memorization is made more effective by
a. Repetition
b. Visualization
c. Meaningfulness and understanding
d. Intensity
41) Studies of the effect of summer vacation upon retention indicate that
a. much is forgotten
b. small amount is forgotten
c. nothing is forgotten
d. retention is increased
42) The intention to remember is
a. assume mastery
b. adds meaning to the material
c. does not retard forgetting
d. increased interest and mind-set
43) Over-learning the material
a. increases retention
b. decrease interests
c. makes memory work monotonous
d. increases forgetting
44) A good memory has much value because it
a. gives one a chance to show individuality
b. shows that one is above average in intelligence
c. increased ones social efficiency
d. indicates clear thinking
45) The most widely accepted concept of intelligence is
a. capacity to learn
b. ability to control emotion

c. ability to sustain oneself economically

d. ability to make social contacts
46) A feeble-minded person has an IQ of
a. 80
c. below 70
b. 90
d. 75
47) A gifted person has an IQ of
a. 100
c. 120
b. 110
d. above 130
48) The percentage of individuals classified as having an average of normal intelligence is
a. 50
c. 70
b. 60
d. 80
49) Children who are very bright tend to be
a. physically small and sickly
b. nervous and emotionally unstable
c. shy, timid and unsocial
d. favorable endowed in more respect
50) People knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, customs and other capabilities and habits are known as
a. education
c. culture
b. socialization
d. anthropology
51) Pre-marital sex is commonly practiced in Western Countries, but considered bad in the Philippines; what is good
for them is bad for us. This means that culture is
a. adaptive
c. shared
b. dynamic
d. relative
52) An American felt sick after being forced to eat balut by Filipinos; such experience is known as
a. culture trait
c. culture diversity
b. culture shock
d. culture amalgamation
53) The expression Filipinos operate or live on two levels of culture, means that Filipinos
a. are influenced by both parental sides- father-mother
b. versatile people who can live whether in the Philippines or U.S.A.
c. influenced by both Western and Asian culture
d. either good or bad
54) Whether we like or not, it is impossible to find a true or pure Filipino music, dance or belief, because, culture is
a. diverge
c. relative
b. dynamic-cumulative
d. learned
55) In what sense does culture distinguished man from animals?
a. man develops culture, arts, laws, etc. while animals behave according to their instincts
b. man is superior intellectually than animals
c. man although superior intellectually, is physically inferior to animals
d. animals can be cultured like human beings

56) When Filipino is married to a German, there is a mixture or blending of two different cultures as shown in their
childrens behavior, this is known as cultural
a. fusion
c. unification
b. amalgamation
d. breeding
57) White people usually feel superior, blacks inferior; this feeling of superiority is known as
a. ethnocentrism
c. agnosticism
b. altruism
d. relativism
58) Filipino Catholics celebrate fiestas, novenas in honor of their saints, or as a form of thanksgiving; this practice is
part of
a. folkways
c. folklore
b. folktales
d. none of these
59) Sexual relations between relatives is strictly forbidden in our society; this prohibition is part of the
a. folkways
c. traditions
b. mores
d. all of these
60) Filipinos, Koreans, Japanese have their own languages, habits, dresses, etc., the culture common to all people is
known as
a. sub-culture
c. universe culture
b. socio-culture
d. international culture
61) As part of modernization, people would prefer to use a telephone rather than travel, they prefer to take jeepneys
rather than walk; these new habits are known as
a. technic ways
c. folkways
b. mores
d. culture complex
62) Pordoy and Kagidlay are newly-wed with no money to either rent or buy a house; so they decided to live their inlaws; theirs and in-laws families are now known as
a. nuclear
c. bilateral
b. extended
d. unified families
63) Peoples ideas, beliefs of what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable, important or non-important are better
known as
a. folkways
c. values
b. mores
d. attitudes
64) Earnings, watches, lipsticks, beautiful dresses have their
a. moral
c. educational
b. ethical
d. social values
65) Some students often says, Its better to cheat than to repeat, others also say, Bahala na ug ma-zero; dili gyud
ko mangodigo. These expression show their
a. religious
c. spiritual
b. moral-ethical
d. social values
66) Filipinos are always conscious of what people say or think about their appearances or actions; this ulaw
mentality is part of their desire to attain
a. social acceptance
c. supernaturalism
b. euphemism
d. particularism

67) Diplomas, titles, as Dr., Engr., Atty., are always used by Filipinos as part of their
a. particularism
c. supernaturalism
b. personalism
d. euphemism
68) The expression, It is not what you know but whom you know that counts, reflects Filipinos values on
a. particularism
c. euphemism
b. personalism
d. familism
69) Pedro studied hard and passed the Teachers Board Examination. Yet when asked on his secret for passing the
said exam, he simply/humbly answered Swerte lang, kaloy-an sa Ginoo. This reflects the value of
a. personalism
c. supernaturalism
b. particularism
d. utang na loob
70) Man is part of the government, church, organizations or association; educating or training him for his roles,
duties are a consideration of his ____ dimension.
a. moral
c. spiritual
b. social
d. political
71) Why did the Philippines send military troops to Cambodia? It is because
a. the Philippines is part or a member of nation of U.N.O. and we promote global solidarity
b. the Philippines was ordered by the United States
c. the Philippines is against communism
d. none of these
72) Upon birth, his parents automatically rear an individual; he starts learning the culture of his family; later with his
neighbors, then the school and societys rules, regulations and laws. This is known as
a. education
c. training
b. socialization
d. experience
73) What is the sociological difference between on individual and person?
a. there is no difference between an individual and person
b. an individual is unsocialized, uncultured; person cultured, socialized
c. an individual is bad; a person is good
d. both socialized
74) As a person reaches adolescence, becoming more independent, the ___ have the greatest influences in behavior.
a. home or parents
c. peers
b. school or teachers
d. priests
75) Most governors, mayors, congressmen are corrupt, rapists, murderers or less educated, yet they continue to be reelected during election s. This bad situation in our society shows the Filipinos in general are
a. still politically immature, if not stupid who can be bought, threatened by guns, gold or money
b. in live with criminal politicians
c. helpless and do not care about the future of the country/community
d. A and C answers
76) Which of the following describes the Pleistocene or Ice Age?
a. waters around what is now the Philippines fell about 156 ft. below its level
b. areas of land came to the surface and became land bridges
c. the packs of glaciers which covered the earth melted as sunlight entered the atmosphere
d. all of these

77) As cited by researchers which gave such names as Peking Man, Java Man, Australopithecus. There is
great possible that the first man must have come from
a. Europe
c. Asia
b. Africa
d. America
78) The fossils believed to be those of the first Filipinos were found by Robert Fox in
a. Hinagdanan Cave, Bohol
b. Tabon Cave, Palawan
c. Tabon-tabon Cave, Mindoro
d. Masao Cave, Agusan del Norte
79) Which group of traders introduced Islam in the Philippines?
a. Chinese
c. Malaysian
b. Arabs
d. Indonesian
80) Which of the following is not a result of learning?
a. getting drunk
c. driving car
b. saying bad words d. showing how to swim
81) Which of the following is least effective in moral instruction?
a. having children memorize the laws/rules
b. calling attention of children on the positive consequences of their behavior
c. praising children for displaying positive behavior
d. discussing real-life moral situation and evaluating their consequences.
82) The relation between heredity and environment is an interaction. What does this mean?
a. there are special abilities are dependent on the environment
b. parents determine the behavior of their children
c. the importance of environment is dependent upon heredity
d. maturation is the process of bringing the various parts of an organism to full development
83) After the sounding of the bell is paired off a number of times with the presentation of meal powder, the bell
alone is observed to elicit salivation response known as the:
a. unconditional response
b. conditioned stimulus
c. conditional response
d. unconditioned stimulus
84) To Thorndike, learning is:
a. always involve trial-and-error
b. sometimes involves trial-and-error
c. never involves trial-and-error
d. none of these
85) All of the following are examples of psychological barriers in learning except:
a. teacher personality
b. absence of skill motive in a learning situation
c. emotional blocking
d. poor teaching techniques

86) Which of the following poorly explains stimulus-response bond?

a. a situation which influences or affects the learner
b. a response in which the learner makes the situation
c. a connection between the problem and solution
d. a learner achieving a solution
87) Applied to the general classroom situation, the Field Theory implies the need for emphasis on looking at the total
situation at the beginning. Which of the examples below best explains the theory?
a. the teacher introduces the study of Chemistry by examples in a detailed analysis of a given element
b. in primary reading, the teacher tells briefly the story is all about, describing the characters and relates the
story to the pupils experience
c. the psychology teacher discusses first the importance of psychology in daily living
d. B & C
88) Bruners Theory of Learning points out that if a learner is to use information effectively, it must be translated
into his terms. This means that:
a. the teacher must strive to see a problem as the learner sees it
b. the teacher must translate the meaning of terms into the vernacular
c. the teacher must provide more information
d. the teacher must allow the child to look at the meaning of words in the dictionary
89) The way a child talks, walks, or uses gestures may have been learned from a model he had been exposed to. This
is according to the theory of:
a. connectionism
b. operant conditioning
c. classical conditioning
d. social learning
90) Thorndike Law of Readiness claims that the:
a. teacher must either wait for readiness or accept the present level of readiness and be satisfied with a
lower learning rate in introducing any new learning experience
b. teacher must wait for the readiness of her students
c. teacher must accept the present level of readiness and be satisfied with the lower learning rate in
introducing any new learning experience
d. teacher must understand the students level of readiness
91) Which of the following statement below is false about punishment?
a. it may produce undesirable emotional side effects
b. it may actually increase the strength of an undesirable behavior
c. in order to be effective, it must often be in severe form
d. punished behavior may continue to occur especially when the punisher is not present
92) The best way to shape the behavior of students is by:
a. exposing pupils to desirable models
b. telling them the dos of behavior
c. reinforcing every desirable behavior
d. telling them to imitate the teacher
93) All of the following statements are principles that facilitate classroom learning except:
a. the learner must clearly perceive his goal
b. the learner must practice role learning

c. learner must be psychologically and physiologically ready

d. the learner must be motivated to learn
94) In the classroom, teachers are said to reinforce the kind of behavior they want to see through praise, smiles,
marks, reward and the like. This situations exemplifies:
a. operant conditioning
b. classical conditioning
c. Lewins topological theory
d. Cognitive field theory
95) Which of the statements below best illustrates the role of teacher as facilitator o student learning?
a. directing the action of the student
b. calling for the proper application of a teaching method to make learning experiences meaningful
c. intervening with students choices and actions
d. understanding how students learn
96) A teacher who is unable to overcome role confusion or to postpone choices leading to identity formation but
attempts to resolve conflict manifests.
a. negative identity
b. psychological androgyny
c. psychological moratorium
d. identity crises
97) Teachers in Health, Biology, Psychology and Home Economics may best help students accept or improve their
appearance by:
a. explaining that acne, for example is usually due to physiological changes accompanying puberty and
such changes are temporary
b. citing examples of people with pleasant appearance
c. giving them books on how to accept self and appearance
d. accepting them as they are and explaining that psychological changes are temporary.
98) All of the following statements apply to Piagets pre-operational; stage of cognitive development except:
a. children are capable of using symbols to stand for objects
b. children use a language that is egocentric
c. children are capable of decantation
d. children are capable of solving conservation problems
99) By repeatedly pairing an unconditioned stimulus an unconditioned response, a conditioned stimulus eventually
elicits a conditioned response. This is according to the:
a. Classical Conditioning Theory
b. Operant Conditioning Theory
c. Reinforcement Theory
d. Learning Theory
100) Which of the following is false about the Cognitive Field Theory?
a. sees learning as a stimulus-response interaction
b. focuses on the cognitive structure of man as basis for learning
c. centers on the life space as source of learning
d. does not emphasize reinforcement

101) Bruners Theory on learning states that intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation. Which of the
following statement below is the best example of intrinsic motivation?
a. a student has a desire to learn a subject because it is worth knowing
b. a student learns because of the use of reward and punishment
c. a student wants to learn because his goal is to graduate with honors
d. a student learns because he wants to prove that he is intelligent
102) All of the following are principles that facilitate classroom learning except:
a. the learner must clearly perceive the goal
b. the learner must practice role playing
c. the learner must be psychologically and physiologically ready
d. the learner must be motivated to learn
103) Jane has been punished and this has adopted her aggressive behavior towards her younger brother. However,
lately, she has been seen her mother shouting at and showing aggressive behavior toward her father. Because of
this, she has started to manifest aggressive behavior toward her younger brother. This situation is an example of:
a. inhibitory effect
c. disinhibitory effect
b. negative effect
d. modeling effect
104) Learners who have past histories of failures and frustrations are generally observed to manifest:
a. low achievement motivation
b. high achievement performance
c. a fear to study
d. fear of school
105) A group of accelerated Grade V pupils is expected to learn more learning task in Science than does a group of
regular Grade V pupils. A teacher who works on a sound principle of motivation is likely to present:
a. the overview of all learning tasks to arouse interest for the entire lesson.
b. the lesson from the simplest to them are complex
c. the lessons from most difficult to simplest to challenge the group
d. the lesson at random to generate creativity
106) Teacher should avoid labeling pupils negatively as they may live up to these images. This tendency to
manifest negative labels into actual behaviors is a concept of attitude formation called:
a. Reflected self-appraisal
c. self-concept
b. Self-fulfilling prophecy
d. self-realization
107) A conscientious teacher can best help her students demonstrate learned helplessness by:
a. Making them aware of their strength and weaknesses for learning
b. providing them activities that will enable them to experience success
c. encouraging them to join rewarding activities
d. creating activities for them that will make them feel important
108) A social unit of persons united by kinship, marriage, or adoption, with a common habitat and interacting
according to well-defined roles to maintain and protect its members and perpetuates the society.
a. family
c. barangay
b. government
d. society
109) The commission of criminal or anti-social acts by the youth.
a. prostitution
c. juvenile delinquency
b. gambling
d. drug addiction

110) It is the study of man as a product of evolution, his physical structure is known as
a. Sociology
c. cultural anthropology
b. physical anthropology
d. archeology
111) The sum total of knowledge, skills, beliefs, products, etc. shared by people and passed from one generation to
a. Sociology
c. culture
b. Anthropology
d. archeology
112) This refers to the ability to communicate with others. Thoughts and feelings are symbolized so as to convey
meaning in different forms of communication is known as
a. speech
c. message
b. communication
d. language
113) It is a form of language in which articulate sounds or words used to convey meanings is known as
a. speech
c. message
b. communication d. language
114) The sacred book of the Judaism.
a. Bible
b. Quran
c. Torah She Bi-Khetab &Tora She-Be al Peh
d. None of the above
115) It is the totality of human activities involving creativity, ingenuity, judgment, and skills aimed at the
accomplishment of a given aesthetic end or a thing of beauty is known as.
a. culture
c. language
b. arts
d. humanities
116) As defined by the American College Dictionary, It is the study of a real differentiation of the earth surface, as
shown in the character, arrangement, and interrelations over the world elements is known as...
a. map
c. culture
b. arts
d. geography
117) As defined by the American College Dictionary, it is defined as the things of social life, such as ideals,
customs, institutions, etc. toward which the people of the group have affective regard and which are considered
desirable is known as
a. culture
c. geography
b. values
d. arts
118) The stimulus-response theory believes every stimulus creates a response where activities can be measured
objectively. This is known as
a. Structuralism
c. behaviorism
b. gestalt psychology
d. functionalism
119) It is a stirred up state or disorganized behavior caused by a situation which the individual cannot cope with is
known as
a. emotion
c. delusions
b. motivation
d. hysteria

120) This refers to the arousal and maintenance of interest.

a. emotion
c. delusions
b. motivation
d. hysteria
121) It is system or schools of psychology that claims that experience or mental states are made of sensations,
images or ideas and feelings.
a. Structuralism
c. behaviorism
b. gestalt psychology
d. functionalism
122) It is another system or schools of psychology that mental processes are functions or operations of the organism
in its adaptation to and modification of is environment.
a. Structuralism
c. behaviorism
b. gestalt psychology
d. functionalism
123) The conception of experience at any given moment is determined by the totality of its related phases, which
constitute an integrated pattern or configuration. This school of psychology is known as ..
a. Structuralism
c. behaviorism
b. gestalt psychology
d. functionalism
124) Emotion is the primitive matrix from which all later mental powers are developed. This theory is known as

a. Canon-Dana Theory
b. James-Lange Theory
c. Evolutionary Theory
d. Emergency or conflict theory
125) The following are methods of eradicating undesirable emotional behavior except one:
a. disuse
b. frequent application of the stimulus
c. ridicule of scorn
d. sublimation
126) It is the sum total of the traits and characteristics and patterns of adjustment of an individual that sets him apart
or makes him different from other individuals.
a. Personality
c. values
b. Culture
d. all of the above
127) It is the process of overcoming difficulties that hinder the attainment of a goal by using knowledge and skills
gained from associative leaning, reflective, analytical and constructive thinking are very much needed. This type
of learning is known as
a. aesthetic leaning
b. problem-solving learning
c. affective learning
d. psychomotor learning
128) When an organism is ready to act, action is satisfying, inaction is annoying. This law of learning is known as
a. law of effect
c. law of readiness
b. law of exercise
d. none of these

129) This is law of learning states that practice reinforces learning.

a. law of effect
c. law of readiness
b. law of exercise
d. none of these
130) This refers to the inborn automatic responses to simple localized stimulation involving particular muscles and a
part of the body is known as .
a. drives
c. reflexes
b. urges
d. aptitudes
131) Charles mother noticed that her son is sometimes competing with his father for her attention. Charles can be
classified under what psychoanalytic stage of development?
a. latency
b. genital
c. phallic
d. oral
132) This pattern of development states that development follows an orderly pattern that is predictable.
a. cephalocaudal
c. conventional
b. phylogenetic
d. proximodistal
133) Classical conditioning theory is always attributed to him for his experiment concerning the dogs salivation as
a reaction to the sound of the buzzer.
a. Bandura
c. Pavlov
b. Lewin
d. B. F. Skinner
134) The childs concept of right and wrong is based on external criteria laid down by adults during the stage of preconventional morality. This is based on the idea of ____.
a. Erikson
c. Kohlberg
b. Freud
d. Piaget
135) During the pre-operational stage language skill emerges and the child now uses words to represent ideas. This
is the theory attributed to ____.
a. Wallace
c. Freud
b. Piaget
d. Dewey
136) An individual with an I. Q. of 110 is considered ____.
a. above-average
c. genius
b. average
d. moron
137) It is the process by which an organism inherits the characteristic traits of the parents.
a. heredity
c. development
b. maturation
d. fertilization
138) It is the stage of development, which is considered as the transition period from childhood to adulthood.
a. adolescence
c. late childhood
b. adulthood
d. infancy
139) It is a process when the sperm cell penetrates the membranes of the egg cell and is considered as the beginning
of life.
a. development
c. maturation
b. fertilization
d. accommodation

140) A fetus, which comes from a single fertilized egg cell, is called ___.
a. fraternal twin
c. Siamese twin
b. bi-ovular twin
d. uni-ovular twin
141) The stage of development from the time of conception to the time of birth is known as _____.
a. pre-natal period c. early childhood
b. post-natal period d. babyhood
142) It refers to the nurture that the child receives from his parents and from interaction with the people around
a. environment
c. nutrition
b. heredity
d. parental cares
143) The stage of development is known as the questioning age or exploratory age because the child is constantly
asking so many questions.
a. babyhood
c. infancy
b. early childhood
d. late childhood
144) It refers to the natural impulse possessed by men and animals, an activity engaged in for the enjoyment and
satisfaction, but can also be utilized as a tool for learning.
a. desire
c. play
b. emotion
d. rivalry
145) It is one of the characteristics of Filipino learners shown by the attitude of partial inhibition of social responses
especially in the presence of strangers.
a. shyness
c. humility
b. perseverance
d. competition

Learning is any change in the behavior of an organism, is the main educational idea of the ____.
a. behaviorists
c. Gestaltists
b. connectionists
d. mind theories

147) It is the natural impulse of the child, which involves a skillful or dexterous management, or control of actions.
a. rivalry
c. manipulation
b. play
d. curiosity
148) Learning is an active and dynamic process in which the learner must definitely be involved in the teachinglearning activities, is the basic tenet of ____.
a. progressivism
c. connectionism
b. Gestalt
d. behaviorism
149) This is the law of learning states that when an organism is prepared to respond to a stimulus, allowing him to
do so would be satisfying while preventing him would be annoying.
a. Law of Effect
c. Law of Recency
b. Law of Exercise
d. Law of Readiness
150) A type of motivation, which is based on reward and punishments.
a. extrinsic
c. materialistic
b. intrinsic
d. psychological

151) It is the process of equaling or excelling over the work of another.

a. competition
c. emulation
b. curiosity
d. rivalry
152) Danica got the highest grade in Mathematics because she studied very well in the said subject. For this,
Danica will be all the more motivated to study not only Mathematics but also her other subjects. This is in
accordance with the ____.
a. Law of Belongingness
c. Law of Exercise
b. Law of Effect
d. Law of Readiness
153) During the Spanish period, the teachers who were mostly friars assumed all the authority in the schools and
classrooms and the students had no right but to obey their teachers. This best illustrates ____ approach to
a. authoritarian
c. laissez-faire
b. democratic
d. Socratic
154) It is the domain, which is focused on the development of the attitude, interest and emotion as well as the
intangible qualities of the child.
a. affective
c. manipulative
b. cognitive
d. psychomotor
155) Regarding the maturation of boys and girls, teachers should bear in mind that:
a. girls mature at a later stage than boys
b. girls mature at an earlier stage than boys
c. boys and girls mature at the same time
d. there are no marked difference in their time of maturity
156) Transfer of learning easily takes place if the activities involved ____.
a. are different
b. having identical elements
c. occur in the same time
d. vary in difficulty
157) When the learner is well motivated, he performs his task ___.
a. with indifference
c. with arrogance
b. with interests
d. with enthusiasm
158) A six-year-old child who has a mental age of 96 has an IQ of ____.
a. 120
c. 132
b. 130
d. 133
159) The ratio obtained by dividing mental age by chronological age times 100 is called _____.
a. derived quotient
b. emotional intelligence quotient
c. intelligence quotient or IQ
d. intelligence ratio
160) This natural born tendency of the child, which refers to the capacity to adjust his thinking to new requirements.
a. competition
c. emotion
b. curiosity
d. intelligence

161) It is the process of arousing the individuals attention and interest towards a definite goal.
a. learning
c. resourcefulness
b. motivation
d. rivalry
162) This domain of learning is geared towards the development of the childs intellectual capacity.
a. affective
c. manipulative
b. cognitive
d. psychomotor
163) It is believed that education is a matter of training and discipline. Hence, if one wants to sharpen his memory,
he must memorize names, dates, events and others. This is the main idea of ____.
a. generalization
c. identical element
b. gestalt
d. mind theory
164) This law of learning states that constant repetition of any learning task strengthens learning.
a. Law of Belongingness c. Law of Exercise
b. Law of Effect
d. Law of Readiness
165) The ability of the individual to foresee things based on knowledge and experiences and to react in advance is
known as ____.
a. E.S.P.
c. Insight
b. Conditioning
d. Trial and Error
166) This law of learning states that the response which has been exercised and rewarded most recently is the one
which is most likely to occur when the organism is in a given situation.
a. Law of Effect
c. Law of Readiness
b. Law of Exercise
d. Law of Recency
167) Values are caught and not taught. This due to the fact that children learn from what they observe from adults.
This shows the natural tendency of children known as:
a. competition
c. imitation
b. curiosity
d. rivalry
168) The domain of learning, which caters to the development of skills of the child.
a. affective
c. objectives
b. cognitive
d. psychomotor
169) This is a term, which means pattern shape or configuration. This school of thought adheres to the idea that the
experiences at any given moment are determined by the totality of its related phases, which constitutes an
integral pattern of configuration.
a. behaviorism
c. gestalt
b. connectionism
d. progressivism
170) Learning is further strengthened when there are similarities in the topics or subject matters to be learned.
a. Law of Belongingness c. Law of Exercises
b. Law of Effect
d. Law of Readiness
171) This law of learning states that a given situation usually generates various reactions from the learners.
a. Law of Effect
c. Law of Multiple Response
b. Law of Frequencyd. Law of Recency
172) Zsa-zsas father promised to buy her a laptop computer if she graduated as valedictorian. She studied so hard
in order to graduate as valedictorian and get her prize. This is a good example of _____.

a. punishment
b. motivation

c. intrinsic motivation
d. extrinsic motivation

173) It is defined as the quest for truth based on logical reasoning aside from factual observation of the natures
multifarious phenomena.
a. culture
c. philosophy
b. morality
d. sociology
174) It is an ordinance of reason formulated for the common good by the one who has charge of the society.
a. philosophy
c. law
b. morality
d. culture
175) A teacher can best help a withdrawn child to assert himself and win the respect of his classmates by ____.
a. giving him opportunity to show his talents
b. providing him leadership roles
c. always calling him to answer questions
d. encouraging him to study harder to outwit his classmates
176) The best for a teacher to impart values to his pupils is ___.
a. constant repetition of actions to make them routinely
b. inflicting corporal punishment
c. acting as a role model
d. always scolding his pupils
177) All mortal existence is characterized by suffering is the basic premise of this Oriental philosophy.
a. Brahmanism
c. Confucianism
b. Buddhism
d. Islam
178) It is the art and science that deals with the morality of human acts.
a. aesthetics
c. Ethics
b. axiology
d. Logic
179) It is a short story, a weighty similitude that is used to convey instruction to ignorant and inattentive listeners.
A method of teaching that was used by Jesus Christ. An example is the story of the Prodigal son.
a. dialectic
c. Parable
b. dialog
d. Proverb
180) This philosophical school of thought believes that the ultimate goal of human existence is the acquisition of
pleasure. Everything that brings pleasure and delights is moral. Whereas, anything that brings suffering and
pain is immoral.
a. utilitarianism
c. Moral sensism
b. moral rationalism
d. Hedonism
181) If the Christian has the Bible and the Islam has the Quran as Holy Scriptures, what do you call the Sacred of
Text of Hinduism?
a. Veda
c. Karma
b. Nirvana
d. Analects
182) He postulated that both human heartedness and propriety should operate in a scheme of five human
relationships like between father and son; between brothers; between husband and wife; between friends and
between rules and subjects.

a. Buddha
b. Confucius

c. Lao Tzu
d. Tagore

183) Life is full of conditions. As much, man is always confronted with alternative wherein he must decide based
on his prudence. But he must take full responsibility for the consequences that his decision might bring. This is
the maxim of ____.
a. essentialism c. Pragmatism
b. existentialism
d. utilitarianism
184) The name of this Oriental religion means submission to God.
a. Christianity
c. Islam
b. Hinduism
d. Judaism
185) Know thyself was the dictum of this Greek thinker who was condemned to die by drinking hemlock.
a. Aristotle
c. Socrates
b. Plato
d. Thales
186) It is something, which is chosen from alternatives, acted upon and enhances the creative integration and
development of human personality.
a. values
c. Ethics
b. morality
d. Character
187) Hitler massacred millions of people during the holocaust due to the belief advocated by Friedrich Nietzsche
that the society must produce strong people and kill the weak. What is the name of this philosophical belief?
a. moral rationalism
c. Nazism
b. moral evolutionism
d. utilitarianism
188) Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and
wisdom to know the difference was the well-known prayer of ____.
a. Saint Augustin
c. Saint Francis
b. Saint Duke
d. Saint Matthew
189) It is an Oriental religion whose main philosophy is mans harmony with Mother Nature.
a. Taoism
c. Judaism
b. Shintoism
d. Buddhism
190) It is the belief that mans soul is imprisoned in his earthly body and can escape only from such bondage
through an endless series of birth.
a. Veda
c. Karma
b. Transmigration
d. Nirvana
191) Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their
claims they have a world to win. Workingmen of all countries unite! were the concluding statements of the
a. Russian Constitution
b. Magna Carta
c. Communist Manifesto
d. Das Kapital
192) To repeat is to acquire understanding, is to demonstrate concentration, is to show the power of the human
intellect was the basic doctrine of this educator for establishing a special kind of school for children.

a. John Amos Camenius c. Friedrich Herbart

b. John Dewey
d. Maria Montessori

These are bodily appetites or tendencies like love, joy, anger, grief, passion, etc. that modify human acts.
a. Concupiscence
c. Ignorance
b. freedom
d. violence

194) Eating sili and other spicy food is the trademark of the Bicolanos. This practice is acceptable for them but
may not be as welcome to the other ethnic groups. This only shows that value is _____.
a. bipolar
c. Objective
b. hierarchical
d. subjective
195) The passage The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, is taken from _____.
a. Veda
c. Proverbs
b. Talmud
d. Psalms
196) The formation of the alphabet for the Western World was the achievement of the ____.
a. Egyptians
c. Phoenicians
b. Babylonians
d. Romans
197) The great educational achievement of the medieval period, which created an academic world, is _____.
a. scholasticism
c. Chantry schools
b. venture school
d. the University
198) Support of the State government for the maintenance of schools was one of the notable effects of the ____.
a. Reformation
c. Naturalism in education
b. Renaissance
d. Realism in education
199) What statement is INCONSISTENT with what are advocated by progressive educators?
a. The cosmos that confronts the learner is continually undergoing change
b. Educational aims are not fixed and final.
c. Education is the constant reconstruction of experience.
d. Educational concerns are focused on the supernatural world of eternity.
200) What statement is FALSE with respect to essentialism as a philosophy of education?
a. The chief business of education is to cultivate the intellectual virtues of man.
b. Education should be devoted to the thorough study of a few subjects selected for their universal and
basic importance.
c. Essentialism stresses reading, speaking, writing and arithmetic as tool subjects; grammar, rhetoric, logic
and languages as intellectual subjects.
d. Essentialism is in accord with the basic philosophy of child-centered education as favored by
201) What statement is NOT TRUE in so far as the contributions of Friedrich W. Froebel to education are
a. Education is development from within.
b. In the educational process the pupil or learner is a passive agent.
c. He is propounded the principle of self-activity.
d. He formulated the principle of social participation.

202) What statement is NOT TRUE when it comes to the contribution of John Friedrich Herbart to education?
a. Education is development from within.
b. Education is the sole business of the teacher.
c. He formulated the doctrine of interest.
d. He formulated the doctrine of apperception.
203) What statement is NOT TRUE with reference to Realism in education?
a. The basic reality is to be found in the forces and laws of nature.
b. Sense perception is the fundamental means to learning.
c. What is hard or difficult has special disciplinary value.
d. All knowledge is acquired through experience.
204) What statement is unacceptable to proponents and followers of humanism in education?
a. Classical Latin literature is the basis of liberal education.
b. Liberal education stresses moral discipline.
c. The essential of liberal education are history, moral philosophy and eloquence.
d. Languages are used as tool subjects and a pansophic curriculum is the means to new social order.
205) The ways in which primitive children learn were by observation of activities in which they would later be
participants and by simple telling and demonstration on how things were done. When primitive education is
contrasted with civilized education, this difference will be noted;
a. Primitive education is relatively simple.
b. Primitive education evolves in a purely natural ways.
c. Primitive education evolves in a military ways.
d. Primitive education is relatively complex.
206) Roman education emphasized the practical way of doing things aim of roman education was utilitarian - not
theory but application, not learning but practice. What kind of people were the Romans?
a. Naturalist
c. Pragmatists
b. Progressivists
d. Realists
207) Most authorities agree that modern times began with the movement known as the Renaissance; and since
education is always a reflection of the times, modern education and modern theories of education can be said
to have began with this movement. The distinct outgrowth of the Renaissance was:
a. Realist education c. Pragmatic education
b. Naturalist education
d. Humanistic education
208) Individual teachers need to begin their professional life by soul searching and knowing more about them.
The most important aspect of the professional life of a teacher therefore is a critical examination of ideas
related to his life and work, the critical examination of ideas should continue through:
a. teachers professional career
b. teachers changing philosophical orientation
c. teachers value orientation
d. teachers philosophy in life
209) The teachers total philosophy of life cant be separated from his philosophy of education or his learning
theory, and his methods of teaching, for views of reality, knowledge and value lie in the realm of:
a. movistic, dualistic and organic view
b. metaphysical, epistemological and
axiological view
c. philosophical, sociological anthropological view

d. realistic, naturalist and humanistic view

210) Education seeks the self-realization of the individual through participation in the social of his family and
society. From his early infancy, the individuals participation grows increasingly. This means:
a. Education transmits the vital elements of culture to the succeeding generation.
b. Education secures to the individual the external conditions of good life.
c. Education is a continuous process.
d. Education preserves and spreads spiritual values.
211) The curriculum of kindergarten schools emphasizes physical and mental growth, development of personal
habits and attitudes through informal activities most of all it should emphasize:
a. religious instruction
c. appreciation of ideas
b. social relationship d. military discipline
212) There are three components of the educative processes, which have been the concern of both psychologists and
teachers. These are the:
a. parents, teachers, classmates, teachers,
friends, parents
b. learners, learning process, learning
c. learning process, teachers, learners
d. none of these
213) The adolescent wants independence; yet he has a strong desire for security. He wants to feel secure in the
affection and regard of his peers and of adults, That is, he wants to be secured ____.
a. physically and socially spiritually and physically
b. mentally and emotionally
c. emotionally and socially
d. none of these
214) What development is described in this view of Piaget?
Development involves two processes: assimilation in which an individual acquires information or
knowledge accommodation where an individual creates a new scheme after his interaction with the

cognitive development affective development

psychomotor development
spiritual development
none of these

215) The problem of meeting adequately all the needs of a learner in education becomes the task of the teacher.
For this task to be effectively accomplished, the teacher has to be aware of the nature and extent of the
school learners differences, how they affect teaching and learning. In the developmental theory, this refers
a. family differences
b. community differences
c. individual differences
d. sex differences

216) As the individual emerges form the sheltered life within the home toward an expanded social and physical
environment, new problems arises and additional needs and wants appear. During this time boys and girls
need very urgently.
a. physical adjustment
b. social adjustment
c. emotional adjustment
d. spiritual adjustment
217) According to this theory, human activities are based on association between stimuli and responses. This
theory has bee called S R bond. These terms refers to:
a. connectionism theory
b. law of readiness
c. law of effect
d. conditioning theory
218) Which of these attitudes helps the individual to endure suffering, poverty, sickness and bad luck? This
attitude enables one to accept resignation and tolerance to pain and frustrations. This attitude that still
persists is called ____.
a. fatalism
c. animism
b. non-rationalism d. euphemism
219) This attitude denotes a sense of gratitude. This value system comprises a work of behavior with different
degrees connotation. It is a complicated system of mutual obligation. Everybody owes a debt of gratitude to
someone, everyone in some way has done something for someone who therefore owes him in return. This
value is referred to as:
a. ningas cogon
c. fiesta syndrome
b. manana habit
d. utang na loob
220) It is something that grows and changes with the passage of time. It is complex whole, which includes
knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs, and/or capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of
society. This is referred to as:
a. culture
c. learning
b. experience
d. education
221) When planning the program for learning what is important for the teacher to know?
a. the childs or learners background
b. the learners problems and needs
c. the learners abilities and interest
d. all of the above
222) Which of the following statements is consistent with the basic principles guiding pupil learning?
a. the child is the beginning, the center, and the end goal of the learning process.
b. The child is a unique individual, meaning no two children are alike because every child has
characteristics distinctly his own.
c. The child should be accepted for what he is: his personality should be respected.
d. All of the above
223) Which of the following groups of individual look upon education as changed behavior?
a. anthropologists c. physiologists
b. sociologists
d. all of these


Human social life is the product of ____.

a. biological heredity
c. the group and culture
b. natural environment
d. none of these

225) Kilpatrickian (referring to William Kilpatrick) is essentially associated with ___.

a. the project method
c. intrinsic motivation
b. purposeful activity
d. all of these
226) The idea that education is primarily a method of helping the individuals adjust to his environment stems
from the ____.
a. sociological foundations of education
b. philosophical foundations of education
c. scientific foundations of education
d. psychological foundations of education
227) The contemporary educational view fundamentally manifests ____.
a. an eclectic tendency
c. sociological bias
b. psychological trend
d. philosophical inclination
228) Who was the educational theorist who propounded the idea that all children are born good but society
makes them bad?
a. Jean Jacques Rousseau
b. John Locke
c. Thomas Habbes
d. none of the above
229) What does a sense-realist or a pragmatist mean when he says that a person talks sense?
a. The person talks about something important or significant.
b. The person understands what he is talking about.
c. The person talks about those that are perceived by the senses not only by the person who experience
them but also by others who can verify them.
d. All the above.
230) According to Herbartian psychology the chief characteristic of the mind is its power of___.
a. assimilation
c. intellectualization
b. abstraction
d. conceptualization
231) We owe our idea of universal, elementary education to the ___.
a. Reformation
c. Humanism
b. Renaissance
d. Scholasticism
232) The educational theory upholding the idea that sensory experience is the only source of knowledge is
associated with ___.
a. empiricism
c. scholasticism
b. idealism
d. none of these
233) What propagation devices are used by a person who presents only one side of an issue especially the side
favorable to what he supports of represents?
a. card stacking
c. bandwagon
b. glittering generally
d. name calling

234) The tendency to regard learning as a set of processes by which an organism is modified by the responses it
makes to stimuli is indicative of ___.
a. sociological influence
b. philosophical influence
c. scientific influence
d. psychological bias
235) How group integration in a school system be sustained?
a. through independent or common pupil and faculty activity
b. by consensus
c. by building good morale
d. all of the above

What are the acquired human needs that are

a. build largely around the ego?
b. the desire to belong to the group
c. desire to be accepted and loved by the group
d. desire to enjoy good standing in the group
e. all the above


What is personality a function of?

a. Personality is a function of the expectations of social situations.
b. Personality is a function of social situations.
c. Personality is a function of the self.
d. A and B.

238) The personality of education based on knowledge of the activities and development of the human mind are
indicators of the influence of ___.
a. rational psychology
b. realistic philosophy
c. naturalistic movement
d. none of the above
239) In the transfer of learning, this theory asserts that the skill or training gained in the study of one subject will
improve the performance of the same skill in the study of another subject. This theory is known as .
a. mental discipline
b. theory of generalization
c. theory of identical elements
d. theory of configuration
240) It is a theory of learning that a series of responses are connected until the correct response is achieved.
a. stimulus-response theory
b. cognitive field theory
c. trial and error theory
d. conditioning theory
241) According to this theory, the stimulus to activity does not come from within the individual but from outside.
a. need-drive-incentive theory
b. cue-stimulus theory
c. affective arousal theory
d. psychoanalytic theory

242) This refers to social drives that are acquired, learned, or derived. It is also the need for social approval,
security, safety, belongingness, love, esteem, prestige, power and the like.
a. biological and physiological drives
b. psychological drives
c. self-actualization drives
d. all of the above
243) Emotion is the primitive matrix from which all later mental powers are developed. This theory is known
a. Cannon-Dana theory
b. Emergency or conflict theory
c. James-Lange theory
d. Evolutionary theory
244) It is the study of human behavior, of how a person acts and reacts under different situations, consciously or
unconsciously, mentally, physiologically, physically, overtly or covertly.
a. Anthropology
c. Philosophy
b. Psychology
d. Sociology
245) Which of the following is true about human growth and development?
a. growth involves physical changes while development refers to maturation
b. growth involves growing older, while development is an increase in height and weight at all times
c. growth is the process of ripening while development is the result of training
d. none of the above
246) The unborn fetus appear to be like monsters with abnormally large heads because
a. the head contains a lot of fluids
b. the pattern of development follows cephalocaudal trend
c. the head is the most important part of the body
d. human life has not fully developed
247) The period when rapid learning takes place is known as
a. plateau of learning
c. learning curve
b. learning sports
d. learning process
248) The feeling of uneasiness or dislike against new culture is known as
a. enculturation
c. acculturation
b. culture shock
d. culture orientation
249) The teacher can develop self-concept among her pupils by
a. letting the child know how bad he was
b. keeping quite about the childs weakness
c. expressing confidence on the childs capability
d. all of the above
250) What is the most basic factor to be considered in determining a childs readiness to learn?
a. maturation
c. experience
b. methods of instruction
d. age

251) A child who is friendly, cordial and easy to work with is showing
a. mechanical intelligence
b. social intelligence
c. motor intelligence
d. abstract intelligence
252) A new-born baby is know as
a. neonate
c. an infant
b. fetus
d. a preemie
253) Readiness in the child involves not only maturation but also
a. adjustment
b. hereditary capabilities
c. independent learning
d. motivation and experience
254) Which of the following is not a psychological need?
a. need for love
c. need for belongingness
b. need for food
d. needs of friends
255) Biological inheritance begins
a. at the birth of the child
b. at the age of one year
c. at the time of conception
d. all the period of infancy
256) Identical twins caused by
a. two sperm cells entering one egg
b. two sperm cells fertilizing two eggs
c. one sperm fertilizing two eggs
d. a fertilized egg separate into two
257) Projection is best defined as
a. a tendency to react to others according to our motivation
b. an eagerness to discuss personal problems
c. adoption of values of older persons
d. assigning to others negative traits we ourselves possess
258) Learning in accordance with the view of Thorndike
a. always involves trial and error
b. sometimes involves trial and error
c. never involves trial and error
d. none of the above
259) The method of teaching which aims to correct errors in the past is
a. remedial
c. development
b. diagnostic
d. corrective
260) With cooperative learning is mind, which does NOT belong to group?
a. competition
c. collaboration
b. teamwork
d. synergy

261) Which is more of a spatial task for a learner?

a. read a book then write a response
b. examine a statistical chart then write a response
c. go on a field trip then write a response
d. watch a movie then write a response
262) With the explosion of knowledge, which image of teacher is unacceptable?
a. Questioner
c. facilitator of learning
b. omniscient teacher
d. guide on the side
263) Which question is in the highest level of Blooms Taxonomy of objectives in the cognitive domain?
a. what could happen if there were no control groups?
b. Distinguished between control and experimental groups/
c. Judge the validity of the experimental design
d. What two groups are present in an experimental design?
264) In what developmental stage is growth is most rapid?
a. adolescence
c. middle childhood
b. early childhood
d. infancy
265) What characteristics of a dyslexic child?
a. hard up in writing and spelling
b. attention-getter
c. out of focus
d. hyperactive
266) In Piagets concrete operational stage, what is it that children CAN NOT do?
a. reasoning applied to specific example
b. doing mentally what was just physically done
c. classifying objects into different sets
d. imaging the steps necessary to complete an algebraic equation
267) Which according to Jocano is strength of the Filipino people?
a. sense of national pride
b. sense of humor
c. sense of historical or national identity
d. sense of commitment to nationalistic ideas
268) Who among the following is genuinely nationalistic? The citizen who
a. works overseas for the education of his children
b. uses his skills and capital to generate jobs in the countryside
c. sings the National Anthem will all his heart
d. salutes the flag as it is raised during the flag ceremony
269) Which one may help an adolescent discover his identity?
a. Parents a pursuing in to follow a specific path
b. exploring many different roles in healthy manner
c. relating to people
d. deciding to follow one path only

270) Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under
obligation to transmit such heritage to learners. Which practice makes him fulfill such obligation?
a. study of the life of Filipino heroes
b. observe continuing professional education
c. use of the latest instructional technology
d. use of interactive teaching strategies
271) What functions are associated with the left-brain?
a. verbal, visual, intuitive
b. verbal, logical, intuitive
c. verbal, logical, detail-oriented
d. verbal, intuitive, detail-oriented
272) According to Piagets theory, in which development stage can the child do symbolic thinking and go beyond
the connection of sensory information and physical action?
a. pre-operational
c. formal operational
b. concrete operational d. sensorimotor
273) Which of the 3 id, ego, and superego, consist(s) of instincts?
a. ego
c. ego & superego
b. superego
d. id
274) Which attitude does a Boy Scout who says Bahala Na and dives into a pool to save a drowning boy
a. a daring attitude
b. a segurista attitude
c. a daring attitude combined with pagmalasakit
d. an I dont care attitude
275) Dr. Melgo teaches in a remote multigrade class. His principal and supervisors seldom visit him. He teaches
when he feels like teaching and not when he does not feel like teaching. What trait of a good teacher does he
a. emotional intelligence
b. independent study
c. relating to people
d. deciding to follow one path only
377) If you want a child to eliminate an undesirable behavior, punish him. This is in accordance with Thorndikes
law of
c. exercise
b. punishment
d. effect
378) Elpidio, an elementary pupil, read WAS for SAW or D for P or B. From his reading behavior, one can say
that Elpidio is suffering from
a. dysgraphia
c. dysphasia
b. dyslexia
d. dyspraxia
379) Elpidio helps his classmates carry heavy books if their teacher sees him and so praises Elpidio. Based on
Kohlbergs theory of development, in which level of moral development is Elpidio?
a. non-conventional
c. pre-conventional
b. post-conventional
d. conventional

380) Dr. Melgo banged the door when he entered the classroom while the pupils waited nervously to greet him.
He was tense and harsh the pupils. Later, he tried to encourage t hem to participate but the children
remained quite in their seats. Which can be best explained the situation?
a. the impact of the non-verbal and verbal messages of the teacher is the same
b. the teachers verbal communication has not be interpreted correctly by the pupils
c. the teachers verbal and non-verbal messages are contradictory
d. the pupils perceptions of the teachers non-verbal behavior did not change
381) Which of the following are implications of growth and development principles in education?
i. the teacher should endeavor to know her capacity and her home environment
ii. teachers should respect differences among children and youth
iii. the predictability of the patterns of development should guide curriculum makers and teachers in the
sequencing and choice of learning materials
a. I, ii
b. I, iii

c. ii, iii
d. I, ii, iii

382) Which of the following is an example of learning?

a. an infant cries when he is hungry
b. a student wears here lucky skirt during a test
c. an adolescent became ill after being exposed to influenza
d. a girl playing bahay-bahayan
383) What is the strongest implication of the theory of classical conditioning theory of Pavlov?
a. Gina having stomach ache before the Geometry class
b. Ben wanting to participate in class for more popularity
c. Cliff trying to earn good grades by studying
d. Roel searching in the library for an assignment
384) Aimee was not playing originally good at playing the piano when she first learned it in third grade.
However, through time and practices, she began becoming very good at it. Which conditioning theory best
describes such progress?
a. Law of repetition
b. Law of practice
c. Law of recency
d. Law of exercise
e. Law of identical
385) At the end of Piagets concrete operational state, a child is capable of all the following task, except:
a. class inclusion
d. testing hypothesis
b. transitivity
e. resolving conflicts
c. decantation
386) According to Kohlbergs theory of moral development individual progress from stage to stage by:
a. interacting with those whose moral reasoning is at higher level
b. resolving critical and conflicting psycho-social issues
c. exhibiting socially acceptable behavior
d. seeking approval and avoiding punishment
e. seeking pleasure

387) Which of the following is a definition of learning from a behavioral perspective?

a. learning is an observable process that individuals used to learn and to remember information
b. learning is taking in, processing,, storing and receiving perceptual information
c. learning is building new structures upon these previously learned
d. learning includes how pleasurable or how painful consequences of behavior change individuals
behavior overtime
e. learning is change of behavior in the individual
388) Which of the following is an example of meta-cognitive skills?
a. recalling a name
b. listening skill
c. planning and effective study strategy
d. reading a poem aloud
e. baking a cake
389) The forms of behavior that violate the norms are called
a. flaunters
d. non-social
b. deviants
e. moves
c. defiant
390) When we say that Ilocanos are thrifty and industrious, the Tagalogs are progressive and proud, the Bicolanos
are friendly, we are making use of
a. stereotypes
d. prejudice
b. epithets
e. culture shock
c. eikucentrism
391) Which of this chronology characterizes the period of babyhood?
i. babyhood is the true foundation of age
ii. babyhood is an age of rapid growth and
iii. babyhood is an age of decreasing
iv. babyhood is the beginning of
v. babyhood is the beginning of sex-role
a. i, ii, iii and iv
b. ii. Iii. Iv and v
c. i. Iii, iv and v

d. i, ii, iv and v
e. i, ii, iii, iv, and v

392) There are found chronological forms normally appearing in the development pattern of earning to talk,
i. crying
iv. gesturing
ii. babbling
v. emotional expression
iii. yelling
a. i, ii, iii, and iv
b. ii, iii, iv and v
c. I, iii, iv and v

d. ii, iii, and v

e. i, ii, iv and v

393) Which chronological development below characterizes the nature of socialization during the early
i. during this state the child does not play more with other children, but also talks more with them
ii. as a general rule, during the preschool years, children find social contacts with members of the opposite sex
more pleasurable than those with members of the same sex
iii. as a social contacts increases, young children engage in cooperative play, play in which the yare part of the
group and interact with group members
iv. at this age children engage in parallel play, play in which young children play independently beside other
children rather than with them.
a. i,ii, and iv
b. iii and iv
c. ii, iii and iv

d. i, ii, and iii

e. i, iii, and iv

394) Which of the following factors is probably the MOST crucial to successful child rearing?
a. presence of educational toys at home
b. presence of other siblings
c. adults emotional and verbal responsiveness
d. high socio-economic status
e. presence of nutritious food
395) A factor that may contribute to higher incidence of child abuse in the Philippines is common acceptance of :
a. spanking and other physical punishment\
b. mental illness
c. economic status of the family
d. size of the family
e. dual-career families
396) Some preschoolers have difficulty to read at the early stage of schooling because they:
a. can not see small objects or letter
b. do not have binocular vision
c. are near sighted
d. can not focus on or scan a line of print
e. are far-sighted
397) In teaching gender issues, knowledge should be based on an established research about gender-related
differences. Which of the following statements about gender-related differences is correct?
a. females have greater verbal ability
b. male have better visual-spatial skills
c. male excel in mathematical skills
d. male are more aggressive
e. all of the above-statements are correct
398) A 9-year old girl is brought to the school physicians office for a physical check up. She has no history of
significant problems. When the school nurse ask the child and mother about the childs best friend, the
school is assessing:
a. language development
b. motor development
c. neurological development
d. social development
e. emotional development

399) The mother tells the school nurse that the child is continually telling jokes and riddles to the point of driving
the other family members crazy. The school nurse should explain that this behavior is a sign of:\
a. inadequate parental attention
b. mastery of language
c. inappropriate peer influence
d. excessive television watching
e. too much confidence
400) The theory of human needs was authored by:
a. Piaget
d. Freud
b. Maslow
e. Erickson
c. Dunn
401) The proponent of the psychosexual theory is:
a. Piaget
d. Freud
b. Maslow
e. Erickson
c. Dunn
402) The psycho-social theory was of :
a. Piaget
d. Freud
b. Maslow
e. Erickson
c. Dunn
403) The theorist who believes that each stage of development has a personality crisis involving a major conflict
that is critical at the time, is:
a. Piaget
d. Freud
b. Maslow
e. Erickson
c. Dunn
404) The theorist who view that the development of the mind as occurring thru adaptation to the environment via
assimilation and accommodation:
a. Piaget
d. Freud
b. Maslow
e. Erickson
c. Dunn
405) Piaget is famous for this:
a. human needs theory
b. psychosexual theory
c. physical growth theory
d. psychosocial theory
e. cognitive theory
406) The hereditary traits acquired by a person in his lifetime.
a. are transmissible to his offspring
b. reappear in his future grandchildren
c. have no influence on the offspring at all
d. become recessive traits

407) What do students develop when they are given a chance to settle differences of opinion?
a. fair play
c. irritants
b. tolerance
d. sociability
408) What action must schools do against teenagers gang age?
a. provide the gang all the freedom it needs
b. gives classrooms activities to give directions to out-of-school youth activities
c. supervise gang activities
d. set up norms of conduct for the members of the gang
409) Which statement is NOT needed to attain the learners interest in learning activities?
a the activity must lead to practical end
b the activity must be within the ability of the learner
c the activity must fill a need recognized by the learner
d the learner must have the experience that will furnish the background for the activity
410) What is the reaction of the shop teacher upon seeing the tools scattered?
a thats very kind of you
b leave your tools alone
c its all right, you may go
d return your tools to the property clerk
411) Of the following Filipino traits, which is not a hindrance for progressive learning?
a Hiya
c. compadre system
b Sensibility
d. utang na loob
412) A special liking or inclination for a particular type of undertaking.
a Interest
c. attitude
b Goal
d. none of these
413) Boyets family is very poor. His father is the sole provider for the seven children. Boyet wants to take a
college degree. However, he has no means but to join a neighborhood notorious gang. He is following which
life principle?
a Do what is right always
b The means fails to justify the end
c Double standard effect
d The Golden Rule
414) A mother who is an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) regularly sends money to her family here. Her children
are enrolled in an exclusive and almost always hold parties. What moral principle is observed?
a double standard of living
b the Golden rule
c do whats right always
d the means fails to justify the end
415) Maria works for a volunteer group that caters to the needs of dying individuals like Sofia. Maria talks with
Sofia and his family to prepare them to her demises. Maria believes in what principle?
a death is inevitable. It must be recognized
b always do what is light
c double effect principle
d the means fails to justify the end

416) The Republic of the Philippines is

a is a small island
b consist of 7,100 island and 72 million people
c anew Republic
d a very rich country
417) The Pope official residence in the Philippines.
a Malacanang Palace
b The Manila Hotel
c The Apostolic Nunciature
d The Convent of the Manila Cathedral
418) Who were the three Catholic princes of the Church promoted by Pope John Paul II to Cardinal positions?
a Jaime Sin, Jose C. Manalo, and Pedro C. Aglipay
b Jose Bucaneg, Pablo San Paolo and Juan C. Julio
c Jaime C. Sin. Ted Buhain, and Teodoro Bacani
d Jaime Cardinal Sin, Ricardo Cardinal Vidal and Jose Cardinal Sanchez
419) Pope John Paul IIs favorite expression is Totus Tuus, which means _____ in Latin.
a Well be with you
b Man is valuable
c God loves you
d All I am is for the service of the Lord
420) Time magazine has featured Pope John Paul Ii as Man of the Year a few years ago. He was also considered
as Man of the Century. For what reason?
a placing value on human life and the dignification of man
b traveling extensively
c initiating the celebration of the World Youth Day
d waving and blessing the people at all times
421) The mutual respect and cooperation between the church and the government, contained in a document signed
on March, 1993.
a The Social Pact
b The Mutual Friends
c Church and Government Together Pact
d The Pact for Mutual Respect
422) Through the World Youth Day, Pope John Paul Ii honors the youth. In the summer of 1997, where the 11t h
World Youth Day held?
a South Africa
c. Paris, France
b Beijing, China
d. Hu Chi Ming
423) Her composition Tell the World of His Love became the official theme of the 1995 world Youth Day.
a Jamie Rivera
c. Regine Velasquez
b Carol Banawa
d. Tricia Bellamede
424) His book Crossing the Threshold of Hope became a bestseller.
a Father Teodoro Bacani
b Father Bonifacio Barroflo


Daniel Battle
Pope John Paul II

425) A former Portuguese colony, which was annexed by Indonesia in 1976. The issue is considered still open or
a East Timor
c. Sri Lanka
b Papua New Guinea
d. Australia
426) The Russian physicist whose experiment showed that certain stimuli elicited reflex action like salivation of a
dog in anticipation of feeding.
a Ivan Petrovich Pavlov c. Leonard Mconahon
b Albert Bandura
d. Abraham Maslow
427) The Swiss psychologist who gave the importance of early cognitive development through four periods in
child growth and development.
a S. Tolonsky
c. Richard Walter
b Jean Piaget
d. Sigmund Freud
428) He popularized the Connectionism and Trial and Error theories of learning.
a Edward C. Thorndike
b William Craig
c B. j. Underwood
d Froebel
429) Using chimpanzee as the study specimen, he was able to theorize that insight learning is possible where the
organism could reconstruct his perceptual pattern into a new one. Who was he?
a Wolfgang Kohler
c. Poster Helgard
b Edward Tolman
d. Petrovich Gang
430) What should be the proper position of the Philippine flag when displayed vertically against a wall.
a the red is the right side
b the blue is at the left side
c the red is down
d the blue is up
431) He was the American President who said, People dont support you because they like you. You can count
on a persons support if you can do something for him or to him. Who was he?
a Lyndon Johnson c. John Kennedy
b Richard Nixon
d. Bill Clinton
432) Group work facilitates learning. It allows each member of the group to respond to the task at hand the way
he/she thinks. What is practiced here?
a respect for others
c. social tolerance
b social interaction
d. social respect
433) Pep actions and expressions like you are doing well, nice work and a pat on the shoulder support what
motivational principle being used?
a positive motivation brings better results
b negative motivation produces negative results
c goals should be set
d appropriate behavior is wholesome

434) Reciting the alphabet and number sequence especially in preschool, even done without much understanding
develops remembering later. What mental process does the teacher develop in the practice?
a thinking reflectively
c. rote associations
b logical sequence
d. analysis skill
435) As a progressive principal, Dr. Elpidio A. Melgo separates Julie, Julio, and Julian, identical triplet in separate
classes. What principles of learning does he practice?
a each child is unique and is given a chance to develop his identity
b each child must not depend on each other
c each child must be competitive
d let the triplet progress as they please
436) Described by Sigmund Freud, when a daughter becomes too attached to her father and consider her mother a
a oedipal complex
c. Achilles heel
b electra complex
d. persecution complex
437) To effect change, which one of the following is NOT effective?
a regard punishment to produce positive
b results
c reinforce good behavior with a reward
d disapprove negative behavior out rightly
e ignore whatever behavior is shown
438) The City of Manila is used to be the center for business and education. To restore its glorious past grandeur
much effort is now channeled to develop it. What is the famous seal of Manila?
a Combat
c. the flag
b Merlios
d. Bayan-Hinirang
439) Plateau of learning is the period when very little learning takes place in the child. How can this period be
a through motivation called extrinsic
b approaches
c through drill
d through the use of varied learning experiences
e through negligence
440) It is extended to make up for the harm done to someone.
a Collusion
c. compensation
b Reward
d. award
441) Researches established that complete coordination of motor activities is attained at
a pre-natal stage
c. adolescence state
b childhood stage
d. infancy
442) Children consider parents and teachers as authorities and models at the early childhood stage. What does this
statement imply?
a parents should enforce strict discipline at home at teachers in school
b teachers and parents should serve as role models at all times
c teachers should demand complete obedience from the learners in school

parent-teacher conference should always be an activity in school

443) The levels and type of abilities in adolescence will be maintained or enhanced in adulthood depending on
such factors as: A) education, B) experiences, C) cognitive activities, and D) social activities. Which
combination of abilities is maintained or enhanced?
a A-B-C
c. A and C
b A-B-C-D
d. B and C
444) It was revealed in Termans studies of superior children that moral and personal trait superiority is
significantly marked. Which of these is the appropriate activity of teacher?
a expose this group to moral and personal experiences
b distribute the activities of this group equally between moral and personal
c limit the experiences of this group to personal growth
d provide this group with more experiences in school other than moral and personal
445) This is the stage when the learner becomes confused and starts to experience identity crisis. Which of these
stages is it?
a early childhood
c. adolescence
b late childhood
d. adult stage
446) Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the level of mental maturity necessary for a learner to
profit from opportunities?
a it can be determined by readiness test
b it may be reached at the age of seven
c it varies from task
d it can approximately be reached at the age of five
447) If children are cooperatively engaged with the teacher in a group project the children will discipline
themselves as each member of the group exercises.
a obedience to the teacher
b special interest
c peer influence
d moral compulsion
448) A student collapsed in her Social Studies class. It was found out that he did not eat her lunch. What principle
is shown in this situation?
a physiological need
c. safety needs
b somatotonic
d. psychological needs
449) Which of the following will trigger additional development if a child is exposed to more challenges and
stimuli in his surroundings?
a Potentials
c. emotional development
b Intelligence
d. interests
450) Social stratification is greatly developed in the classroom. Which of these activities would be an effective
way of avoiding or minimizing this?
a avail the influence of mass media for children of all classes
b assign leadership roles to the children of the upper social class
c provide limited experience to children of less privileged classes
d encourage higher educational aspirations among the less privileged pupils

451) Which of these statements best explains why an athletic coach training college students for an intercollegiate
tournament in weightlifting would do well to select his prospective contestants from the high school group?
a muscular strength continues to grow reaching its peak at age 20
b muscular strength reaches its peak at age 17 and stabilizes at age 20
c muscular strength depends upon the proportion of muscles and fat which stabilizes after the age 20
d muscular strength reaches full maturation after the age 20
452) Which of the following is usually considered the most important factor in a childs observable classroom
a Intelligence
c. cultural background
b Heredity
d. self-concept
453) If a resilient child with superior intelligence is reared in a poor environment the probable outcome would be

a mental retardation since he is culturally deprived

b great change in IQ because he is culturally deprived
c no change in IQ because environmental deprivation has nothing to do with intelligence
d slight change in IQ although he can overcome frustration and obstacles
454) In a classroom it is possible to see the teacher doing the following to facilitate learning.
i. the class reads a workbook on the characteristics of animals
iii. the teacher shows posters of animals
iv. the class goes out to the zoo observe the animals
v. the class copies the characteristics of animals from books
Which of these teachers activities reflects an interactive environment?
a. II and III only
b. I and IV only

c. I and II only
d. III only

455) A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy of education believes that experience should follow
learning. In her teaching, she therefore exerts effort in
a. requiring learners full mastery of the lessons
b. encouraging learners to memorize factual knowledge
c. equipping learners with the basic abilities and skills
d. providing learners opportunities to apply theories and principles
456) Which of these teaching is PRIMARILY directed to support the psychological developmentalist view of
making the child the center of the educational process through the applications of its laws of learning?
a. development of the child from within
b. systematic formulation of methods
c. use of effective media technology
d. promotion of the childs social unconsciousness
457) Social adjustment means the ability to behave in accordance with
a social expectations
c. social unrest
b stereotyped behavior
d. universal norms
458) Which of these theories holds that human activity is based on the interaction of stimuli and responses?
a Association
c. cognitive-field
b Vector
d. social learning

459) Manual-aesthetic activities involving attitudes and feelings are primarily expressive of emotions and values
not thoughts. An example of his motor skill is
a baking a cake with background music
b manipulating a bowling ball to achieve a strike
c dancing and playing musical instruments
d saving a board for the wall of a book cabinet
460) Freud expounded that there is a period when young boys experience rivalry with their father for their
mothers affection. This is
An adolescent combines his ability to use deductive and inductive reasoning is constructing realistic
rules that he can respect and live by. When he does this, how does he perceive his environment?

he sees the world and himself through the eyes of other people
he sees events apart from himself and other people
may take place formally or informally to enable the individual to grow
may take place anywhere and anytime the individual do desires

461) The tendency to imitate elders is very strong in the early childhood stage. Teachers should therefore be very
a role models
c. facilitators of learning
b counselors
d. disciplinarians
462) The child can not distinguish abstracts during the sensory-motor period of development. Which of these
techniques should a teacher apply to accommodate learning?
a utilize concrete objects to clarify concept
b make use of individualize instruction
c explain the lesson very well
d provide variety of educational toys
463) Psychologically, there is unity in all learning; however, there are distinct types of learning that are
recognized. One is affective learning that involves
a understanding of the external world through the use of the senses
b formation of concepts and ideas
c acquisition of attitudes, ideals, judgment and values
d acquisition of facts and information
464) Which of these systems of learning includes ways and methods, which are used in preserving and building
certain traditions within cultural communities?
a indigenous learning
b cultural learning
c multi-level learning
d non-formal learning
465) Studies revealed some findings relative to the mental abilities of delinquent and non-delinquent children.
Which of these is TRUE?
a there are marked differences between the performance of non-delinquent and delinquent children.
b Non-delinquent children are somewhat brighter than delinquent children
c There are no significant differences between the performance of delinquent and non-delinquent

Delinquent children are slightly brighter than non-delinquent children but not significant

466) Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins. Which of the following statements/principles is supported
by this?
a heredity has a part in determining intelligence
b intelligence is determined partly by pre-natal nutrition
c environment affects both fraternal and identical twins
d intelligence hinges in physical structure
467) Childrens interests are generally largely dependent on their experiences. Which of the following is an
implication of this statement?
a the curriculum should provide vital experiences if the school must use its opportunities to develop
b A large part of the subject matter has to be easy if they are to interesting and within the learners
c The experience of the child reduces the area in which the school may choose to develop interests.
d The school should not develop interest outside the experience of the child.
468) Which of these processes can be used to prevent forgetting and unlearning?
a Motivation
c. evaluation
b Presentation
d. drills and review
469) The adolescence wants independence; yet he has a strong desire for security. He wants to feel secure in the
affection and regard of his peers and of adults. That is, he wants to be secured
a physically and socially
b spiritually and physically
c mentally and emotionally
d emotionally and socially
470) The problem of meeting adequately all the needs of a learner in education becomes the task of the teacher.
For this task to be effectively accomplished, the teacher has to be aware of the nature and extent of the school
learners differences, how they affect teaching and learning. In the developmental theory, this refers to:
a family differences
b community differences
c individual differences
d sex differences
471) As the individual emerges from the sheltered life within the home toward an expanded social and physical
environment, new problems arise and additional needs and wants appear. During this time boys and girls
need very urgently.
a physical adjustment
b social adjustment
c emotional adjustment
d. spiritual adjustment
472) According to this theory, human activities are based on association between stimuli and responses. This
theory has been called the S-R bond. These terms refers to:
a connectionism theory c. law of effect
b law of readiness d. conditioning theory
473) It states that when a person is prepared to respond or act, giving the responses is satisfying and being
prevented from doing so is annoying.


connectionism theory
law of readiness

c. law of effect
d. conditioning theory

474) Pavlovs well-known experiment demonstrated the formation or straightening of an association between
salivation is a dog and the sound of a buzzer through the repeated simultaneous presentation of the buzzer
with the stimulus for salivation, namely food, which serves to reinforce the association.
a Excitation
c. spontaneous recovery
b Extinction
d. respondent conditioning
475) It is a process in which the individuals attention and interest are aroused and directed toward definite goals.
a Motivation
c. evaluation
b Generalization
d. application
476) There are motivations, which may be applied by a teacher in motivating students to learn. One is a force that
arises from outside the individual such as honors, monetary rewards, medals and the like. This force refers
a extrinsic motivator
c. extensive motivator
b intrinsic motivator
d. intensive motivator
477) In all social groupings members are classified according to certain criteria, which may differ according to the
nature of the group. One of the systems by which men are ranked higher or lower according to the value
accorded their various social roles and activities.
a social gratification
c. social stratification
b social grace
d. social differentiation
478) Sociologists have long recognized difference in-groups and have used these differences as the bases for group
classification. It is relatively smaller in size than gang. It comes into being when two or more persons are
related to one another in an intimate fellowship that involves going out together, doing things together,
exchanging intimate personal matters involving emotional sentimental situations:
a gang
c. playmate
b peer
d. clique
479) Which of these attitudes helps the individual to endure suffering, poverty, sickness, tragedy and bad luck?
This attitude enables one to accept resignation and tolerance to pain and frustrations. This attitude that still
persists is called:
a. fatalism
c. non-rationalism
b. animism
d. euphemism
480) This attitude denotes a sense of gratitude. This values system comprises a network of behavior with different
degrees of connotation. It is a complicated system of mutual; obligation. Everybody owes a debt of gratitude
to someone; everyone in some way had done something for someone who therefore owes him in return. This
value is referred to as:
a ningas cogon
c. fiesta syndrome
b manana habit
d. utang na loob
481) It is something that grows and changes with the passage of time. It is the complex whole that includes
knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, customs and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of
society. This is referred to as:
a culture
c. learning
b experience
d. education

482) When planning the program for learning what is important for the teacher to know?
a the childs or learners background
b the learners problems and needs
c the learners abilities and interest
d all of the above
483) Which of the following statement is consistent wit the basic principles of guiding pupil learning?
a the child is the beginning, the center, and the end-goal of the learning process
b the child is a unique individual, meaning no two children are alike because every child has
characteristics distinctly his own
c the child should be accepted for what he is: his personality should be respected
d all of the above
484) Which of the following groups of individual look upon education as changed behavior?
a Anthropologists
c. physiologists
b sociologists
d. all of the above
485) To meet individual differences of learners, the teacher should
a provide richly varied activities in her classroom
b use flexible teaching procedures
c make the organization of learning experience flexible
d all of the above
486) According to the traditionalist view
a education should prepare the child for adults life or life hereafter
b children should be grounded in the rules of conduct which help ensure the eternal reward
c children must adjust to the established institutions of society
d all of the above
487) The process of abstraction involves
a labeling as real that which exists empirically
b defining in terms of observable
c making inferences based on the behavior of the observable
d generalizing
e all of the above
488) In a school where the childs or learners interests are the primary concern of the teachers, we find school
administrators who are
a progressivists
c. experimentalists
b pragmatists
d. all of the above
489) What is personality? It is
a a social respect
b the totality of impressions one makes on others
c something that covers values as well as aspects of behavior
d all of the above
490) Human social life is the product of
a Biological heredity
b natural environment

c. the group and culture

d. all of the above

491) Kilpatrickian (referring to William Kilpatrick) is essentially associated with

a the project method
c. intrinsic motivation
b purposeful activity
d. all of the above
492) The idea that education is primarily a method of helping the individual adjust to his environment stems from
a sociological foundation of education
b philosophical foundation of education
c scientific foundation of education
d psychological foundation of education
493) The contemporary educational view fundamentally manifests
a an eclectic tendency
b psychological trend
c a sociological bias
d a philosophical inclination
494) The tendency to regard learning as a set of processes by which an organism is modified by the responses it
makes to stimuli is indicative of
a sociological influence
b philosophical influence
c scientific influence
d psychological bias
495) What are the acquired human needs that are built largely around the ego?
a the desire to belong to the group
b desire to be accepted and loved by the group
c desire to enjoy good standing in the group
d all of the above
496) What is personality a function of
a personality is a function of the expectations of social situations
b personality is a function of social situations
c personality is a function of the self.
d A and B
497) Human growth and development are differentiated in the sense that
a. growth usually involves physical changes while development refers to learning maturation
b. growth involves learning while development is an increase in height and weight at the time
c. growth is the process of ripening while development is always the result of instruction and training
d. none of these
498) Why do unborn fetus and newly born babies appear to be like monster with abnormally large heads? This
could be due to the fact that:
a. the head consists of lot of fluids in the head
b. the pattern of development starts with the head downward
c. the head is the most important part of the body
d. human life has not fully developed yet
499) Even among identical twins, brothers and sisters, teacher should not compare their abilities because
a. every individual is unique

b. comparisons can arouse feelings of hostility and anger

c. comparisons can lead to unnecessary pressures
d. all of these
500) The developmental period of storms and stresses when children rebel against their parents is during
a. early childhood
c. adolescence
b. late childhood
d. early adulthood
501) In what development stage are the fundamental skills in reading, writing and calculating developed according
to Havighurst?
a. early childhood
c. adolescence
b. late childhood
d. early adulthood
502) According to Erikson, identity crisis or identity vs. role confusion occurs during the ages of
a. 3 to 6 years
c. 12 to 18 years
b. 6 to 12 years
d. 18 to 21 years
503) In Kohlbergs moral development theory, judgment about what is right or wrong is based on consequences
such as punishment. This happens during
a. pre-conventional morality
b. conventional morality
c. post-conventional morality
d. in any of the stages
504) Learning how to operate and observe under a microscope is a
a. sensory-motor type of learning
b. effective type of learning
c. cognitive type of learning
d. association type of learning
505) Learning is a matter of habit formation of getting used to it, according to the theory of Pavlov known as
a. Gestaltism
b. Functionalism
c. Stimulus response-connectionism
d. Conditioning
506) A persons or animals learning is reinforced when there is a reward that follows after a successful act. This
is according to the theory of
a. operant conditioning
b. classical conditioning
c. cognitive theory
d. affective theory
507) Learning takes place as a whole in a form of generalization according to the theory of the
a. Connectionists
c. Gestaltists
b. Behaviorists
d. Psychoanalysts
508) A period when peak of learning takes place is known as
a. learning curve
c. learning spurts
b. plateau of learning
d. learning process

509) A psychological instrument used to determine how popular or unpopular a pupil is known as
a. Sociogram
c. checklist
b. anecdotal record
d. questionnaire
510) A type of psychological defense mechanism which consists of giving explanations for our behavior,
explanations that often seem to quite logical, but that do not get at the real cause is
a. displace hostility
c. repression
b. rationalization
d. regression
511) An IQ which range from 70 to 85 is usually believed to be in the intellectual level of
a. normal
c. dull normal
b. superior
d. moron
512) A person who classified the hierarchy needs of man into basic physiological needs and security, love, esteem
and self-actualization was
a. Maslow
c. James
b. Roger
d. Thorndike
513) Which of the following is a practical application of Thorndikes law of readiness?
a. pupils must be frequently exposed to drills, practices
b. pupils must be motivated first before my lesson starts
c. pupils must be praised for their good work
d. pupils must be punished for their misbehavior
514) What type of education is usually intended for out-of-school which is consist of vocational-technical skills
a. non-formal education
b. formal education
c. informal education
d. liberal education
515) A type of group which one has feeling of indifference, strangeness, avoidance, dislike, antagonism and even
a. in group
c. peer group
b. out group
d. reference group
516) Which of the following describes the nature of the Philippine value system?
a. to maintain harmony with nature and people
b. to avoid disagreement, conflicts by maintaining smooth interpersonal relationship
c. economic mobility an social acceptance
d. all of these
517) An intense feeling that ones culture is more superior than other peoples is known as
a. ethnocentrism
c. hydrophobia
b. xenophobia
d. protectionism
518) Customary ways of behaving which have become habitual and repetitive to a number of individuals of a
group is known as
a. folkways
c. folktales
b. mores
d. ethnic ways

519) A type of social status which is acquired or earned by birth as in the case of the royal families handing down
automatically the royal titles to their children
a. ascribed status c. innate status
b. achieved status d. earned status
520) Studies of Robert Fox in 1977 tend to show that the first man reached the Philippines during the
a. Middle Pleistocene period, 4-5 thousand years ago
b. Early Pleistocene period
c. Late Pleistocene period
d. Pre-Pleistocene period
521) The most significant findings of Robert Fox was the discovery of the
a. Tabon skull in Palawan in 1962
b. Aetas or Negritos
c. Working tools or implements of our ancestors
d. Its Skull
522) The feelings of uneasiness, disbelief, dislike against any new culture is known as
a. enculturation
c. acculturation
b. culture shock
d. amalgamation
523) There are different factors that affect intelligence. Which of these refers to the pathological conditions?
a. Heredity
c. brain
b. Race
d. emotion
524) The lowest IQ indicated in the intelligence scale is
a. moron
c. idiot
b. imbecile
d. feeble-minded
525) The individuals basic outlooks, values and ideals are to a great except shape during
a. neonate
c. childhood
b. childhood
d. adolescence
526) The cycle of human development includes the following stages mentioned below. Which of these stages
should come first?
a. Adulthood
c. childhood
b. Infanthood
d. adolescent
527) One inherits certain traits from ones parents but he is not the real replica of his parents. This explains the
principle of heredity which is the principle of
a. variation
c. reproduction
b. uniformity
d. filial regression
528) The teacher can help develop self-concept among her pupils by
a. letting the child know how bad, stupid, and a failure he was.
b. Keeping quiet about the childs limitation
c. Expressing confidence on the childs capability
d. Punishing

529) Which of the following will directly satisfy biological drives?

a. Water
c. economic security
b. Oxygen
d. sleep
530) What term is used to refer to internal stimulus condition of the organism, which impels it to activity?
a. Motives
c. motivation
b. school phobia
d. incentive
531) A child who is overprotected or rejected may suffer
a. obsession
c. neutralism
b. school phobia
d. hypochondriac
532) There are many factors to consider in determining the childs readiness for learning. Which of these is the
most basic?
a. maturation
b. experience
c. methods and materials of instruction
d. emotional attitudes and personal adjustments
533) Learning is due to maturation and training. Which of the laws is highly related to it?
a. law of use
c. law of effect
b. law of annoyance
d. law of readiness
534) During the sensorimotor period, the child develops a functional understanding of many things. Which of
these does not belong to these?
a. imitation play
c. space and time
b. causality objects
d. concentration
535) Which of these provide the best reinforcement?
a. use of marks
b. scholarship
c. awarding a model
d. natural interest in the world
536) There are several causes of maladjustment. Which one is not a sure cause?
a. poverty
c. broken home
b. rejection
d. intelligence
537) The best single criterion of the degree of maturity of a child is his
a. size
c. bone ossification
b. age
d. skeletal growth
538) Growth is most rapidly rapid proportionally .
a. in the pre-natal months
b. from birth to six
c. from six to twelve
d. in adolescence
539) Growth takes place
a. gradually for the while organism
b. with differential rates for different parts of the body

c. suddenly by spurts of the whole

d. in serial order of development
540) The different stages of the child growths should be understood because
a. of the relation of between his physical and mental status
b. of the wide range of ability
c. his emotional; and social factors affect growth
d. education for the growth
541) Adolescence includes the years from
a. 6 to 9
c. 13 to 21
b. 9 to 12
d. 21 to 26
542) By social intelligence we mean
a. ability to get along with people
b. absence of shyness
c. membership in several organizations
d. absence of an inferiority complex
543) Children form gang mainly because of
a. parental laxity
b. rebellion against authority
c. desire for adventure
d. the urge to be independent
544) Delinquency reaches its peak
a. before the teenage
b. in the early and middle teens
c. in the twenties
d. in the thirties
545) The gang generally disintegrates because of
a. hostility between members
b. members become indifferent in size
c. the school prohibits it
d. other interests, particularly in the other sex
546) The best way to help adolescents become socially mature is to
a. urge them to confide in their parents
b. help them feel free to do as the crowd does
c. give wholesome and adequate social experiences
d. overcome inferiority feelings and pattern
547) Emotions are significant because they
a. always stimulate thinking
b. preserve our lives
c. are the products of the body
d. are the major fasters in personality

548) The school causes emotional maladjustment most often by

a. hard problems and lessons
b. failure in the work
c. opposition from friends
d. lack of guidance
549) The native stimulus for fear is
a. the dark
b. snakes
c. a sudden or starting stimulus
d. being restrained or held
550) Emotions can best be trained by
a. assuming an indifference to disturbing things
b. inhibiting or repressing all emotions
c. avoiding all emotional stimuli
d. attaching satisfaction to desirable emotion pattern
551) Maladjustment can often be prevented by
a. giving the children more attention
b. speaking of the bad impression his conduct makes
c. seeing the child is successful in what he undertakes
d. letting the child strictly alone
552) Overprotected children will probably develop into adults who
a. are independent and self-reliant
b. are emotionally mature
c. will protect other children
d. continue to learn on their parent
553) The most serious maladjusted child is one who
a. talk back to his teachers
b. is loud and disorderly
c. in unsocial and withdrawn from others
d. destroys school materials
554) Making the child ashamed of some habitual behaviors is most likely to have the effect of
a. eliminating desirable habit without harmful consequences
b. adding a deep sense of guilt to the misbehavior
c. causing open rebellion
d. a temporary improvement in conduct and attitude
555) The correction of maladjustment in an individual child is
a. a very complicated and difficult matter
b. an impossible task
c. a rather easy thing
d. a task only for psychiatrists
556) Memorization is made more effective by
a. repetition
b. visualization

c. meaningfulness or understanding
d. intensity
557) The intention to remember
a. assume mastery
b. adds meaning to the material
c. does nor retard forgetting
d. increased interest and mind-set
558) Over-learning the material
a. increased retention
b. decreases interests
c. makes memory work monotonous
d. increases forgetting
559) A good memory has much value because it
a. gives one a chance to show individuality
b. shows that one is above average in intelligence
c. increases ones social efficiency
d. indicates clear thinking
560) The most widely accepted concept of intelligence is
a. capacity to learn
b. ability to sustain oneself economically
c. ability to control emotion
d. ability to make social contacts
561) A feeble-minded person has an IQ of
a. 80
c. below 70
b. 90
d. 75
562) A gifted person has an IQ of
a. 100
c. 120
b. 110
d. above 130
563) The percentage of individuals classified as having an average of normal intelligence is
a. 50
c. 70
b. 60
d. 80
564) Children who are very bright tend to be
a. physically small and sickly
b. nervous and emotionally unstable
c. shy, timid, and unsocial
d. favorably endowed in more respect
565) Pre-marital sex is commonly practiced in Western countries, but considered bad in the Philippines; what is
good for them is bad for us. This means that culture is
a. adaptive
c. shared
b. dynamic
d. relative

566) The expression Filipinos operate or live on two levels of culture, means that Filipinos
a. are influenced by both parental sides father-mother
b. versatile people who can live whether in the Philippines or USA
c. influenced by both Western and Asian culture
d. either good or bad
567) When a Filipino is married to a German, there is a mixture or blending of two different cultures as shown
in their childrens behavior, this is known as cultural
a. fusion
c. unification
b. altruism
d. none of these
568) The greatest influence on a child
a. the school environment
b. his or her peers
c. the home environment
d. all of the above
569) Responses accompanied by satisfaction are more firmly connected with the situation according to the laws of

a. readiness
c. effect
b. exercise
d. association
570) Which is more important for learning to own?
a. Readiness
c. practice
b. Training
d. context
571) The law is based on the principle that learning is transferable.
a. Exercise
c. readiness
b. Effect
d. apperception
572) The adolescents powerful tool is the combined ability to use deductive and inductive reasoning in
constructing realistic rules he can respect and live by. The adolescence therefore ___.
a. sees events apart from himself and other people
b. views the world from his own perspective
c. interprets events from a limited view
d. sees the world and himself through the eyes of other people
573) When a child develops conventional morality, his/her behavior is based on ___.
a. personal decisions based on his/her satisfaction
b. the desire to avoid severe physical punishment by a superior authority
c. internalized the ideals to avoid self-condemnation rather than a social censure
d. the expectations of the group or society in general to gain approval
574) What is the importance or role of the PEER GROUP in adolescence?
a stops the learning and development of social roles
b allows the young to stays away from home
c provides the adolescent the time to make unwise decisions
d allows the young to free himself from too much dependence on his parents and family
575) A child learns the world FLOWER before he can name Sampaguita, Gumamela, and Camia because
development _____.

a. is cephalocaudal in nature
b. proceeds from general to specific
c. follows a pattern
d. is a continuous process
576) Why is indoctrinating the child by making decisions for him dangerous?
a. it will confuse him
b. it will develop in him negative attitudes
c. it will thwart his personality
d. it will make him dependent on the thinking of others
577) The cognitive process refers to the realization that even if things change in physical appearance, certain
attributers are constant. This is ____.
a. reservation
c. integration
b. construction
d. conservation
578) The second basic principle of development states that the rate of the development is unique to each
individual. Educators aptly termed this as the principle of ____.
a. dynamic change c. individual difference
b. variation
d. uniqueness
579) Learning is strengthened if it results in satisfaction but is weakened if it leads to annoyance. This is the Law
of ____.
a. exercise
c. readiness
b. effect
d. repetition
580) The level of mental maturity necessary for a pupil to profit from opportunities to learn ___.
a. may be reached at the age of seven
b. can approximately be reached at the age of five
c. varies from task to task
d. can be determined by readiness test
581) In which of the following teacher tasks is knowledge of childrens effective development only of
supplementary significance?
a. understanding ones own emotional reactions to various types of pupil behavior
b. understanding the emotionally-based causes of pupil behavior
c. sampling of classroom activities that generate excitement and happiness
d. helping children overcome negative emotions
582) Educators are aware that no amount of practice and instruction can make a four-month old child walk or
speak fluently, because the muscular and neural structures are not yet ready for those skills. These points to
the process called _____.
a. development
c. growth
b. maturation
d. heredity

583) Identical twins are more alike in intelligence than are fraternal twins. This fact indicates that ____.
a. environment affects both fraternal and identical twins
b. intelligence is determined partly by prenatal nutrition
c. heredity has a part in determining intelligence
d. intelligence hinges on physical structure

584) Much of todays classroom practices are influenced by Skinners operant conditioning, which stresses on
a. involuntary response to a stimulus
b. progression of subordinate learning
c. connection between stimulus and response
d. reinforcement of correct response
585) Early childhood is characterized by educators as a period of morality by constraint. This means that children
in this stage consider teacher and parents as ____.
a authorities and models
b counselors and advisers
c peers and playmates
d facilitators and supervisors
586) Because learning increases directly in proportion to the extent to which the learner is wholly bound up in his
task, the teacher should give lessons that ____.
a. are fictitious to appeal to their imagination
b. have significance and worth to the child
c. are easy to comprehend
d. portray complex ideas
587) The major contribution of Kohlbergs moral development theory is its analysis on the way in which stages of
moral development are closely related to corresponding cognitive growth. This points that ___.
a. all individuals completely reach their post conventional level of maturity
b. as cognitive growth occurs, individuals are able to solve more complex moral problems
c. adolescents should not be exposed to contrary moral views
d. school should get children to accept or conform to societys rule

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