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Grade Ten Academic English

Ms. Scheerer
Units of Study

The Art of Persuasion

Novel Study: The Lord of the Flies
Shakespearean Drama: Romeo and Juliet
Independent Novel Study

Major Assignments
Each assignment listed below is considered a major, summative evaluation.
Each assesses a students learning of components of the courses essential
knowledge and skills as prescribed in The Ontario Curriculum (2007). As such,
each of these assignments MUST be completed successfully in order for a credit
to be earned.
Persuasive Strategies in Advertising
Formal Literature Essay


Formal Literature Seminar
Culminating Evaluation
The culminating evaluation takes place during the last six weeks of school and is
worth 30% of the final grade. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and
skills they learned in the three major units of the course.
1. Students read an independently selected novel and complete an
outline plus one body paragraph for a thematic essay
2. Students will write a final examination
Minor Assignments
Minor assignments (journals, quizzes, formal paragraphs, etc.)
These assignments may be given a mark of 0 if not completed by the date
established by the teacher.
Late and/or Incomplete Major Assignments
In the event that the deadline for a major assignment has passed and no
assignment has been received, the teacher may,
a) discuss the reasons for lateness and determine a completion date with
the student;
b) communicate with the students parent/guardian about the outstanding
c) provide an alternate opportunity to demonstrate the required
knowledge and skills to be eligible to earn the credit.

Major assignments not handed-in after the completion date will receive an
incomplete mark (I) and the result will be reflected in the Learning Skills section
of the report card. The teacher will not assign a grade of 0 for a missed major,
summative evaluation, nor deduct marks for a late assignment. The teacher will
exercise his or her professional judgment when entering a mark at report card
time if major assignments are incomplete.
The teacher will determine a date when the assignment will no longer be
accepted for marks. The essential knowledge and skills that the missing
assignment was designed to assess must still be demonstrated in order for a
credit to be earned.
If all essential knowledge and skills have not been successfully
demonstrated by the end of the course, the student will earn a failing
It is recommended that you have a three ring binder for your notes, which should
be with you every class, and should contain all of your notes for the subject in an
organized manner: Persuasion, Romeo and Juliet, Lord of the Flies, and
Independent Study Unit.
Students will be assigned a text for some units in the course. Texts must be
brought to every class. A student who forgets his book may borrow a copy from
the teacher on a first-come first-served basis.
Assignment Requirements
Assignments do not need to be typed, but typed assignments are preferred.
Typed assignments must be submitted in a font size of 12 points and must be
double spaced, otherwise they may be returned unmarked.
MLA formatting will be taught during the course of the year.
Extra Help:
Extra help is available whenever you need it. I am usually in the English Office;
it is in the 300 wing next to the drama room, across from the stairs leading up to
the bleachers.
Office Hours will be posted for lunch time help in the near future.
For course and contact information, please check my website frequently:
You can e-mail me. My address is
Try to ask for help on major assignments in advance. Do not assume that I will
be available to help everyone the night before an assignment is due.

Class begins as soon as the bell rings; you must be in your seat prepared to

My goal is to prepare you for senior level English courses by

teaching you to analyze literature, as well as help you

demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the literature

through formal, academic writing. I look forward to reading your

work, as well as hearing your insight during individual and class
discussions! Its going to be a good year!

~ In this room we dont do EASY. We make easy happen

through HARD WORK and learning.

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