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I loveThe

Lord Jehovah
I love loveYou, Lord Jehovah, I dont want to sin ever,
I dont want to sin ever, I want make You Happy as much
as possible.

Bible sins meanings, turn to righteousness.(my title)- written

byAndres Amaral Lange da Silva. I presently live in Brazil. I am
40 years of age right now on August 26 2016, born in 4/29/1976.
11/23/2009- I have begun making this file. By the time at the
present I am doing better now.
Information contained in this file comes from The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible, its Copyright is 1995 by Thomas
Nelson Publishers ( a very good version); (you have to be careful
with dictionaries that are wrong, not James Strong ) and the
author is James Strong for The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible (for the King James Version); from The
Thompson Chain-Reference Bible (KING JAMES VERSION- 5th
printing April 1995) , from Merriam- Websters Dictionary and
Thesaurus, the Copyright is 2007. When you see numbers and
words like 3430- michia, or 2054- ris or 7873- ryb, for
example, it means this information is from The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible. When you see information
numbers and words like 4202- prnia , or 5591-psuchiks , for
example, it means the information is from The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible. When you see abbreviations
like (M.W.D.) or (M.W.dict.) or (M.W.D. and T.), it means the
information was taken from Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus.
The Bible that I used is the King James Version, which is the best
English Version of the Bible. I used the abbreviation KJV for the
King James Version of the Bible to identify from where the Bible

verses are from. Of course, The New Strongs Exhaustive

Concordance of Bible (for the King James Version) from Strong is
better (for the true meaning of words for the old King James
Version of the Bible) and more correct than Websters Dictionary
and Thesaurus. The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Bible (for the King James Version) has the Hebrew words and their
meaning for The Old Testament (KJV) and has the Greek words
and their meaning for The New Testament of the Bible (KJV). You
should get one big concordance for the King James Version of the
Bible which is The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Biblethe best one with no lying in it. I also usedThe New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible. The author is James Strong. Its
copyright is 2010 by Thomas Nelson Publishers. I also took
information from the (Microsoft word 2010 beta Thesaurus:
English (United States)) and from Microsoft Word 2010 Thesaurus.
I used the abbreviation (MS. W. 2010 Beta Thesaurus: Eng. (U.S.))
to identify where I took the information from. I did not use all of
its vocabulary words to meet my needs. The Bible has the full
authority and Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible is very
correct, lawful to me. You cannot lie of course. I also took
information from (Encarta World English Dictionary [North
American Edition] & (P) 2009 Microsoft Corporation All rights
reserved.). I also took information from Merriam Websters online
dictionary and from ( and from God The Father, told me this text is
95% correct. I try to interpret the bible correctly. I dont want to
pervert other people away from the will of

God The

Father, of course, I hate that, I hate lying.

I dont want to
misinterpret the Bible, only speak the truth. I dont want to turn
people away from the will of

God The Father.

This text has the meaning for words coming from the Bible like
the words gods, heart, soul, neighbor, adultery, fornication, harlot,
lasciviousness, filthy, lust, corruption, liberty, ceremonies, pine,
lewd, lewdness, brute, sensual, wanton, delicacies, pleasure, riot,
delicately, filthiness, foul, defile , profane, uncleanness, chanceth,
variance, quarrel, ensnared, trap, snare, puffed, snare, grudge,
grudging, murmur, mutter, ponder, obstinate, murmurers,
murmured, entangle, urge, complain, toss, tossed, bellows,
forged, contradiction, disputed, disputings, meddle, mingle,
meddle, perverse, groan, sigh, contention, debate, controversy,
acknowledge, emulations, wrath, strife, dispute, bless, seditions,
heresies, revellings, revilers, wickedness, affection (from without
natural affection mentioned in the Bible), whisperers, whisperer,
despiteful, abuse, despitefully, implacable, proud, backbiters,
maliciousness, malignity, mischievous, ill, malice, calamity,
grievous, spoil, toil, vex, wrest, pervert, alter, slide, wavering,
incline, bend, decline, subvert, equity, carved, pant, hasten, pride,
gross, pomp, mount, arrogancy, impudent, stiff, haughtiness,
grievous, rude, ascend, perverse, rash, headlong, foolishness,
silly, sense, folly, foolish, vile, disdained, eye (from an evil eye
from the Bible), boast, effeminate, extortioners, extortioner,
bitterness, clamour, vaunt, ornament, boasters, trucebreakers,
incontinent, fierce, stout, fierce, barbarous, distress, corruption,
brutish, kindle, passions, heady, highminded, concupiscence
(from evil concupiscence from the Bible), inordinate affection,
affection, anger, rage, tumultuous, uproar, commotion,
commotions, corrupt, greediness, extortion, excess, ravening,
spoiling, defraud, destitute, jesting, sepulcher, pollution, dirt, fool,
forward, world, worldly, superfluity, naughtiness, surmisings,
surfeiting, idolaters, idolatry, idol, exert, idols, image, pollutions,
evil, pure, purge, meekness, vanity, modest, prudence, discretion,
subtilty, wilily, prudent, circumspect, gentle, gracious, kind,
moderation, humble, humility, chasten, righteousness, virtue,
holy, consecrated, fear, reverence, piety coming from the Hebrew

from The Old Testament and from the Greek from The New
Testament of the Bible. You can use the word find feature in
Microsoft word 2007 or 2010 or above if you have one to find
those words. Some of these words appear more than one time. I
also have included some very important prayers like prayers
against satan ((satan means accuser. He is that old serpent that
deceived Eve (Genesis 3:1-7). He is the old serpent who is the
devil and satan (read revelation 20:2)) of mine in this Bible sins
meanings text. These prayers are from page 264 to page 276. I
talk about fasting and I have a lot of experience in it, learn what
you have to do to have visions from GOD THE FATHER (THE
CREATOR) in pages 280 to 282.

The Father
Hello, I need to tell you this: love


of the

Lord Jesus
God The
Universe). And

. Do not sin against God The

Father and from The Lord Jesus.

against both of Them ever.

Do not sin




Lord Jesus Christ

The Father


The Father





. Love God


The Father of

The Father




CHRIST. Jesus is the SON read John 5:20. THE FATHER


(Read the Bible in the book of Galatians chapter 1, verse

1). Get a Bible if you do not have one, this text cites many verses.

sin against


God The Father, The God of

Do not

Michael The Archagel, Moses, Daniel and

Rachael Lampa ever and do not sin against


Do the will of


God The

Father but less of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST


God The Father told me if you do his will more

than that of

THE CREATOR JESUS than you will be

saved momentarily, but if you do the will of


JESUS more give you will be saved always forever. Reverence, respect

God The Father and THE LORD JESUS


Jesus is the "Christ" He suffered and in the third day He rose from the
dead, read Matthew 23: 8, Luke 24:46. The name Jesus in Hebrew means
Yeshua. I learned the name Yeshua in Hebrew on a Messianic
Jewish church in the United States. You can call GOD THE SON
CHRIST JESUS. CHRIST YESHUA is in Englishhebrew means
CHRIST JESUS. Use the name CHRIST YESHUA to talk to GOD
THE SON in which it is best to speak with God The Son than using
the name: CHRIST JESUS. God The Father told me it is
better to use THE NAME CHRIST YESHUA in Englishhebrew.
God The Father has shown me that it is easier to be saved using this
secondly after CHRIST YESHUA to speak with CHRIST. God
The Father revealed to me that way is better. This has to do with
fighters (bullies) and angels and archangels. CHRIST JESUS is THE
GOD of our times God the Father told me. Love CHRIST
YESHUA. Do not sin against CHRIST YESHUA ever. You can use

THE NAME: CHRIST YESHUA has to do with Israeli Messianic

churches. THE NAME: CHRIST JESUS has to do with fighters , has
to do with fighters (quarrelsome), angels. God JESUS told me.
CHRIST JESUS is the GOD of all the little girls, more of pretty little
girls and the United States and throughout Europe and Japan. This was


Hebrew. Use the name CHRIST YESHUA in which first place best
to use to talk to THE SON OF GOD. THE NAME: THE LORD
CHRIST YESHUA you can use too. Do not sin against GOD THE
Do not want to sin against God The Father, ever. Always do something
for Him. The name of God The Father is JEHOVAH (Take a look
revealed to me by

at: Exodus 6: 3, Psalm 83:18, Isaiah 12: 2, Isaiah 26: 4). Have fear of sinning




Hell and the lake of fire exists. Its very hot the lake of fire.

Imagine not being able to leave the lake of fire forever. Those that will be in
the lake of fire will never be able to leave from there, will always burn (Read
Revelation 14:11, Revelation 21: 8.). Be afraid of the lake of fire and hell
(Mark 10:47,48- these verses speak about hell. Hell comes before the lake of
fire (Revelation 20:14).). Do not want to go to hell and the lake of fire. Never
give up from doing the will of the


of the Universe

(He is the LORD JEHOVAH).

I dont want to oppress or depress

you nor make you fall apart ever infinitely another, ever infinitely another
that I also want to do, that I also want to say. I want to direct you to do the
will of CREATOR

JESUS and God The Father (THE LORD

ELOHIM in Hebrew. ELOHIM is the GOD of the Jews. ELOHIM is
GOD THE FATHER. God The Father is God. You can use the
name ELOHIM in your prayers to speak to Him and to worship Him,
but adore CHRIST YESHUA and CHRIST JESUS more than
ELOHIM. Adore more CHRIST YESHUA in our times. CHRIST
YESHUA wants you and me to adore HIM more than ELOHIM.
CHRIST YESHUA showed me. You can also talk to GOD THE
FATHER using THE NAME ELOAHH, which is in Hebrew.
You can call ELOAHH of GOD ELOAHH and ELOAHH GOD and
of LORD ELOAHH GOD too and also you can call HIM ELOAHH.
I learned THE NAME: ELOAHH in a Messianic Jewish church in the
United States. You can use the ELOAHH name in your prayers to speak to


HIM and to worship HIM also, but adore CHRIST YESHUA and
CHRIST JESUS more than ELOAHH. Use the name JESUS if you
want. He is GOD THE SON. He is the "Son of God", only
begotten Son of GOD THE FATHER, read John 3: 16-21. Repent of
your sins, resolve, solve your problem because of sins you have committed

GOD THE FATHER in the past. Attempt to remove, undo sin

(which is against GOD THE FATHER), from your past, from your
history. The will of THE CREATOR JESUS and of GOD THE
FATHER should be for your life since you were a small child. Read the

Bible and understand it, interpret it correctly and apply in your life the will of


and of


as revealed

in HIS word. Know what sin is. Learn about all the sins that the Bible
reveals are. Learn the correct meaning of the words of these sins.
Make progress for GOD THE FATHER, for THE LORD JEHOVAH. Do

God Father The

your best not to sin against


is His

in Hebrew) if you do not want to go to hell. Do your best to



Be straight to THE LORD JEHOVAH.

Do not hate GOD THE FATHER.

Never hate to God the Father and the Lord Jesus. Do not fight against
God. Do not fight Christians saved the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). I
am a Christian. Do not fight the good ever. Have hunger and thirst for

FATHER GOD and CHRIST YESHUA. Never humiliate or try to humiliate

those who are of good. I never want to damage to JEHOVAH LORD, not for
CHRIST YESHUA. Be humble or humble as much as possible for the
Lord GOD. Do better for THE LORD JEHOVAH. Become better for THE
LORD JEHOVAH. Try to become more innocent to THE LORD
JEHOVAH. Cares about your salvation as much as possible, always. Strive
as much as possible to be saved. Want to get an A (equivalent to 100) from


GOD THE FATHER, not a B or a C. It's like at a university, but its the
University of GOD THE FATHER. Be an angel or better than an angel for
GOD THE FATHER. Never humiliate or try to humiliate a female
Christian, male Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). Love

THE LORD JEHOVAH as quickly as much as possible. Be quick to love GOD

THE FATHER and to do HIS will fast. Be quickly to negotiate with THE
LORD JEHOVAH. Repent of sin as soon as possible if you discovered that
you have sinned against THE LORD JEHOVAH still always be sorry for
your sins - know the Bible well. Do your best not to allow THE LORD
JEHOVAH to become sad for you or worse- angry. Do not lie ever. Do not
make others sin against GOD THE FATHER ever. Do not be sexual ever.
Always be correct, this is very important. Be the best fighter Christian
(Christian quarrelsome). Second fighter, against evil beings and evil things.
But to be just or better- very just. Also to be just very just in weighing in
scales in measures. Be invincible. Go beyond what GOD FATHER requires
of you. Be the best fighter Christian (Christian quarrelsome). Tell THE


you want to be invincible. GOD FATHER loves the

pretty and the humble. Be more than a champion. Be more than a conqueror


as much as possible. Accept it and continuing: Always try to improve, get
better, do better, and become better for GOD THE FATHER and for


no bum or lazy for HIM or for THE LORD JESUS. Do the will of THE
CREATOR JESUS. HIS will is not better than of GOD THE FATHERs
but it is for the best. You need to be a worshiper of the Ancient of Days
(read Daniel 7:22). He It is THE CREATOR, He is THE LORD
JEOVAH. The Read the book of Psalms of the Bible. Be intelligent; learn
from Psalms which are of worship and praise (read Psalm 150 for
example). Read the book of Genesis up to chapter 4 to learn what
happened in the beginning of creation of Planet Earth. Read The Book of
Proverbs of Solomon. But it better that you read this whole text, THE

LORD JEHOVAH made me extra intelligent to make this whole text, it is

faster if you read, use read this bible sins meanings text. Mark on a blank
paper the page that you stopped reading with the pen will do so until you


reach the last page, also mark on paper the pages that talk about my
prayers. I want you to go to heaven, that you be able to reach there. Be
careful not to sin against THE LORD JEHOVAH and CHRIST YESHUA

(God the Son) because BOTH OF THEM sees and knows everything.
BOTH OF THEM know what you think and what you're doing, if you have


sinned. Try to convince

forgive your sins in prayer. Do not do injustice to others. I also need to say
this have a good or the best calculus is best to CHRIST YESHUA. Be
just, righteous (innocent, holy). There are many enemies of GOD THE

FATHER in the Earth, be careful with them. You can also try to convince
GOD THE FATHER to forgive your sins in prayer. Try to convince GOD

THE FATHER and CHRIST YESHUA to have mercy on


(Exodus20:1-17) (The 10 commandments).



Godspake all these

I am the
Lord thy God,
which have
brought thee
out of the land
of Egypt of the
house of
bondage. Thou
shalt have no
words, saying,


other gods
before me.
Thou shalt not
make unto
thee any
graven image,
or any likeness
of anything
that is in
heaven above,


or that is in
the earth
beneath, or
that is in the
water under
the earth:
Thou shalt not
bow down
thyself to
them, nor


serve them: for

I the Lord thy
God am a
jealous God,
visiting the
iniquity of the
fathers upon
the children
unto the third
and fourth


generation of
them that hate
me; And
shewing mercy
thousands of
them that love
me, and keep


s. Thou shalt
not take the
name of the
Lord thy God in
vain; for the
Lord will not
hold him
guiltless that
taketh his
name in vain.


Remember the
Sabbath day to
keep it holy.
Six days shalt
thou labour,
and do all thy
work: But the
seventh day is
the Sabbath of
the Lord thy


God: in it thou
shalt not do
any work,
thou, nor thy
son, nor thy
daughter, thy
nor thy
nor thy cattle,


nor thy
stranger that
is within thy
gates: For in
six days the
Lord made
heaven and
earth, the sea,
and all that in
them is, and


rested the
seventh day:
wherefore the
Lord blessed
the Sabbath
day, and
hallowed it.
Honour thy
father and thy
mother: that


thy days may

be long upon
the land which
the Lord thy
God giveth
thee. Thou
shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not
adultery. Thou


shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not
bear false
against thy
Thou shalt not
covet thy
house; thou


shalt not covet

wife, or his
manservant, or
or his ox, or
his ass, or any
thing that is


God(God The Father)
looks like. He is The
Creator(Creator) Jehovah(Jehova
h) is His name . LoveThe Creator! .
The description of how

Daniel 10:5,6- Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and

A Certain Man clothed in linen, whose

Loinswere girded with finegold of Uphz:
HisBody also was like the Beryl, and His
Face as the appearance of
Lightning, and his eyes as Lamps of Fire,
and His Arms and His Feet like in
Colourto Polished Brass, and the
Voice of his Words like the voice of a


How the

Hairof God looks like andhow Hisgarment

looks like-

Daniel 7:9- I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the

Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment was

white as snow, and theHairof hisHead like thePure
Wool: His throne was like the fiery flame,and his
wheels as burning fire.

God is Light!
1 John 1:5- This then is the message which we have heard

him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and

inhim is no darkness at all.

Here are the meanings for the word godsfrom Exodus 20:3gods- Exodus 20:3- gods- 430- lhym; plural of 433; gods in
the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus,
specifically with the article) of supreme God; occasionally applied
by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a
superlative:- god, judge, goddess, great, mighty, angels,
exceeding, Godward + 4136, godly. 433- lahh; probably
prolongation (emphatically) from 410; a deity:- god. 410- l;
shortened from 352; strength, as adjective; mighty; especially the
Almighty (but used also of any deity):- god, power, mighty,
goodly, great, idols, might, strong. 352- ayl; from the same as
193; properly strength; hence, anything strong; specifically a chief
(politically); also a ram (from his strength); a pilaster (as a strong
support); an oak or other strong tree:- ram (s), post (s), mighty


(men), trees, lintel, oaks. 193-wl; from an unused root meaning

to twist, that is (by implication) be strong; the body (as being
rolled together); also powerful:- mighty, strength. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
In the internet I found the meaning of magistrate but there is no
address of where the source is from:
1. a civil officer or lay judge who administers the law,
especially one who conducts a court that deals with
minor offenses and holds preliminary hearings for
more serious ones.
According to a magistrate is:
a civil officer charged with the administration of the law.
a minor judicial officer, as a justice of the peace or the judge of a
police court, having jurisdiction to try minor criminal cases and to
conduct preliminary examinations of persons charged with serious
All you have to do to interpret the verse: Thou shall have no
other gods before me that JEHOVAH said is by plugin in the
meanings of the words lhym,lahh,l; ayl, wl where it says
gods in the verse. You can have the SUPREME GOD before
you. Dont speak against GOD ever. In the future, you can use
the plugin method in other verses.
Here is my commentary about the word gods. Dont have other


OF DAYS, GOD THE FATHER ever infinitely another,
lhym,lahh,l; ayl, wl before

ever infinitely another this I also want to do, this I also want to
speak. These gods that Exodus 20:3 refers to are created beings


and some of them are evil. Dont worship them ever infinitely
another. Ever infinitely worship them as if they were gods or any
of them and dont make any strength of any being that was
created and also (plus that many times from the greatest
increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at the
present always times infinitely another times of times this I also
want to do, this I also want to speak times that many times from
the greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is
going at the present always times infinitely another times of times
this I also want to do, this I also want to speak) of satan, any
demon, any dae (these less powerful than demons), any
antichrist, any created thing a god, or any strong thing a god or
any created thing a god for yourself ever infinitely another this I
also want to do, this I also want to speak.


JEHOVAH and CHRIST YESHUA have to be worshipped

not any being that was created by GOD THE FATHER ever
infinitely another this I also want to do this I also want to speak.
None enemy of GOD is DIVINE ever infinitely another this I also
want to do this I also want to speak. Dont ever make of any
mundane singer, singer, husband, wife, money, car, possessions,
sex, sex of the opposite sex a god for yourself, ever infinitely
another this I also want to do this I also want to speak. Dont
worship penis or vagina ever infinitely another. Dont make of any
food, person, thing a god and of any being enemy of GOD and
of an angel a god and dont make of any super hero a god for
yourself plus ever infinitely another. And dont worship any of
them plus ever infinitely another.




have to be loved and there are many things that are

enemies of GOD THE FATHER. Dont make of satan and

any being enemy of GOD a god plus ever infinitely another this I
also want to do, this I also want to speak, and dont worship them
plus ever infinitely another this I also want to do, this I also want


to speak. Use this I also want to do, this I also want to speak, in
your speaking, and in your prayers. This I also want to say: dont
idolatrate me ever infinitely another this I also want to do, this I
also want to speak. Dont make of any prophet a god, or
prophetess a goddess ever infinitely another this I also want to
do, this I also want to speak. I also need to tell you: dont exalt
any thing that was created by GOD THE FATHER that is bad
or evil plus ever infinitely another this I also want to do, this I also
want to speak. Dont make of any enemy of



a god plus ever infinitely another this I also want to

do, this I also want to speak. Dont listen to (wordly, mundane,
secular) music and dont like or worship them plus ever infinitely
another this I also want to do, this I also want to speak.
Also, dont have other gods or a god in your head or in your body
plus ever infinitely another this I also want to do, this I also want
to speak. Evil gods are not gods plus ever infinitely another this I
also want to do, this I also want to speak. They are only beings.
satan created himself. Be against evil gods if it exists any of them
and against satan more than very well. Dont want and dont have
other evil beings, evil being, beings, being inside your center,
central, centers ever infinitely another this I also want t do, this I


also want to speak. Want to have

center of your thought, inside the center of your thinking, inside

the center of your head, in your head, and in your body and in
your center and in your central.


You can pray to



JESUS, JESUS, CREATOR JESUS I dont accept satan
and any being enemy of mine and all beings enemies of mine and
all enemies of GOD THE FATHER and all other beings
except I in my center, and in the center of my thought, and in the
center of my thinking and in my central plus ever infinitely
another plus times that many times from the greatest increasing
of number achieved so far and how it is going at the present
always coming from all b931 files of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva
and above all b931 files of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and
from the way these files b931 files of Andres Amaral Lange da
Silva and above all b931 files of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva are
going times ever infinitely another times of times this I also want


to do, this I also want to speak

JESUS taught me. I multiplied it and put it into

files. It is GODs number. This number is without end and it is
This number


You can pray to

want satan and any being enemy of mine and all beings enemies
of mine and all enemies of GOD THE FATHER and all other
beings to touch me except I in me, in my center, and in the center
of my thought, and in the center of my thinking and in my central


plus ever infinitely another plus times that many times from the
greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going
at the present always coming from all b931 files of Andres Amaral
Lange da Silva and above all b931 files of Andres Amaral Lange
da Silva and from the way these files b931 files of Andres Amaral
Lange da Silva and above all b931 files of Andres Amaral Lange
da Silva are going times ever infinitely another times of times this

I also want to do, this I also want to speak

The commandment to love

God The

Father(Jehovah)(Hear, O Isra-el: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt
love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy might.) (Deuteronomy6:4,5) )
Here is the meaning for the word heart there from

Heart- Deuteronomy6:5- heart- 3824-lbb; from 3823; the

heart (as the most interior organ); used also like 3820:- + bethink
themselves, breast, comfortably, courage ([faint], [tender-] heart
([-ed]), midst, mind, x unawares, understanding. 3823- lbb- (in
good sense) transport (with love), to make cakes, be wise. 3820lb; a form of 3824; the heart; also used (figuratively) very
widely used for the feelings, the will and even the intellect;
likewise for the center of anything:- + care for, comfortably,
consent, x considered, coura [-geous], friend [-ly], ([broken-],
[hard-], [merry-], [stiff-], [stout-], double) heart ([-ed]), x heed, x I,


kindly, midst, mind (-ed), x regard ([-ed]), x themselves, x

unawares, understanding, x well, willingly, wisdom. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
Study of the word soul from Deuteronomy 6:5

Soul-Deuteronomy 6:5- Soul- 5315-nephesh; from 5314;

properly a breathing creature, that is animal of (abstract) vitality;
used very widely in a lit. accommodated or figuratively sense
(bodily or mentally):- any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature,
x dead (-ly), desire, x [dis-] contented, x fish, ghost, + greedy, he,
heart (-y), (hath, x jeopardy of) life )(x in jeopardy), lust, man, me,
mind, mortally, one, own, person, pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thy-)
self, them (your) selves, + slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (x
she) will, x would have it.
The commandment to love your neighbour:

Thoushalt love thy

neighbour as thyself: I am
the Lord.)(Leviticus19:18))

Neighbour- Leviticus 19:18- 7453- ra; or rya; from 7462;

an associate (more or less close): brother, companion, fellow,
friend, husband, lover, neighbour, x (an-) other. 7462- r<h; a
primitive root; to graze (literal or figuratively); generally to rule;
by extension to associate with (as friend):- feed, shepherd, pastor,
herdsmen, keep, companion, broken, company, devour, eat,
entreateth = use as a friend, make friendship with, + sharing
house, wander, waste. (James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).


And the second is like unto

it, Thou shalt love thy
neighbour as thyself.) (Matthew
22:37-39) KJV
Neighbour- Mathew 22:39- 4139- plsin; neut. of a
derivative of pelas (near); (adverb) close by; as noun, a neighbor,
that is fellow (as man, countryman, Christian or friend):- near,
neighbour. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).

The two very importantcommandments


(Matthew 22:37-39):

Jesussaid unto him, thou shalt

love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and
with all thy soul, and with
all with all thy mind. This
is the first and great
commandment. And the
second is like unto it,
Thou shalt love thy


neighbour as thyself.) (Matthew

22:37-39) KJV
The word heart there in Matthew 22:37 is:
Heart- Matthew 22:37- 2588- kardia; prolongation from a primary kar
(latincor, heart); the heart, that is (figuratively) the thoughts or feelings
(mind); also (analogy) the middle:- heart, broken hearted + 4937. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Expanded Concordance of Bible).

Fear God The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ, loveGod
The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ, worship God The
Father and The Lord Jesus Christonly, not any being that
was created. Do the will of God The Father. Know what is
Gods will for your life; This file is to help you to know
Gods will, to help you become more innocent before Him.
It is to help you become holy. Jesus has the power to
forgive sins on earth (Matthew 9:6). I want to continue to
be a revivalist, want to lead people to revival with God
The Father. I myself has fasted more than 900 days
already since the 1990s and through absolute fasting,
water fasting and juice fasting. I want to make more
progress for God The Father further more, I want to be
happier, and become more powerful. To be intelligent, but
it has to be correct to The Lord Jesus (Jesus is God (read
John 3:16,17) In 1 Timothy 3:16 it says: All scripture is
given by inspiration of God, and profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished
unto all good works.) otherwise it is not intelligent (God
The Father does exact amounts and The Lord Jesus is more
fighter like), and powerful for God The Father as much as
possible is the way to Heaven. It is God The Fathers Way
otherwise it doesnt work. You can become a Christ for
God The Father or a cherubim for Him or an archangel, or
an angel, or a principality, or a king, or a queen, or a
princess, or a prince, or a Ryu (from the arcade game
Street Fighter 2, or a Ken, or a Guile or a Chun Li, or a
predator from the arcade alien vs predator, or a


superman, or a thunder cat from the cartoon thunder cats,

or a smurf, or a robot, or a sonic from the game sonic the
hedgehog, an alien but he is of the good side and very
intelligent, or an omini (God The Father revealed to me
that they exist I even have seen some of them through His
visions they are more intelligent, more advanced than us,
they fear GOD THE FATHER more than us), or a super
hero, or a hero, or a tauru (he looks like a bull, or a
minotaur, or a teenage mutant ninja turtle, or a ninja, or a
prophet, an apostle, or a disciple, or a soldier and there
are more, for God The Father. And they are all they are all
in increasing of strong against evil. I have been all of
them already for God The Father, I believe you can too.
(for example for The prophet Ezekiel for example had
visions of God (Ezekiel 40:2). The prophet Daniel had
visions too. If you become a prophet like Daniel for
example, to me it is revival. I think you need to fast to
God The Father to become a prophet that has visions of
God or is able to hear Gods Voice besides doing your best
not to sin. You can fast unto God The Father to try to get
mercy from Him because of sins you committed (read
Jonah chpt. 3 + Joel 2:13-17). You can fast to become
more holy. I want to turn people away from sin which is
against God. I think true repentance, worshipping the
Father (God The Father) continuously like saying I love You
to God by using a good or the best Christian worship song
like A Song for You from Rachael Lampa from her album
Kaleidoscope and fasting to God The Father always are
ingredients to revival. God The Father seeks true
worshippers (Please read John 4:24). One need to see
evidences every day that he or she is saved from hell like
being able to feel God in your body being able to hear
Gods Voice or have His visions. I talk about visions this
texts section about fasting near the end of this text. You
should care about your salvation, every day.
Love The Lord Jehovah and The Lord Jesus Christ- both is God and
Creator of the Universe and all other living beings that were
created. The name of God The Father is Jehovah, Yahweh in


Hebrew- to be more correct. The Lord Jesus Christ is God The Son,
Who is The Son of Jehovah (God The Father). The Lord Jehovah
and The Lord Jesus Christ are Infinitely Holy, Infinitely Just,
Infinitely Pure, Infinitely Upright, Infinitely intelligent, Infinitely
Correct, Infinitely Innocent, Infinitely Perfect, Infinitely Powerful,
InfinitelyStrong, Infinitely Beautiful,Infinitely Wise, Infinitely God
(The Lord Jehovah and The Lord Jesus Christ is Infinitely God- Both
of Them must be respected as much as possible), Infinitely Nice,
Infinitely Mighty, Infinitely Good, God The Father is Infinitely Light
and The Lord Jesus Christ is InfiniteLight too. I learned that The
Lord Jesus Christs is Light Infinitely but less than of God The
Fathers Infinitely Light.
Again I need to say- love The Lord Jehovah God and The Lord
Jesus Christ. Jehovah (Exodus 6:3, Psalm 83:18,Daniel 10:5,6,
Daniel 7:9, Isaiah 12:2, Isaiah 26:4) is The True God and He is
God The Father (Philippians 2:11). He is The God of Isaac,
Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses (Exodus 3:4), David, Solomon,
Daniel, Ezekiel, Peter, John and Paul, The God of Israel to name
some. Love The Lord Yahweh (Yahweh is The Name of God The
Father in Hebrew, Who is The Creator) andlove The Lord Jesus
Christ. Jesus Christ is The True God too, He is God The Son, The
Son of Man, He is The Christ (Matthew 1:1, Matthew 1:16,
John 1:41). He is The God of Isaac, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph,
Moses, David, Solomon, Daniel (Daniel 7:13, Revelation 1:13),
Ezekiel, Peter, John and Paul, The God of Israel to name some
Love The Lord Yeshua (Yeshua is The Name of Son of God, The
name of The Son (John 5:20), The name of the Son of Man
(Daniel 7:13, Revelation 1:13), The name of The True Messiah
(Daniel 9:25, 27, John 1:41) in Hebrew, Who is The Creator
(Revelation 1:13) . Love The Lord Yeshua.

Galatians 5:19-21 (works of the flesh). One of the works of the

flesh is adultery that is, the Greek word michia from the New
Adultery-Galatians5:19- 3430- michia; from 3431;
adultery:- adultery. 3431- michu- from 3432; to commit
adultery:- commit adultery. 3432- michs; perhaps a primary


word; a (male) paramour; figuratively apostate:- adulterer. (James

Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible- it is
more correct than Merriams Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus
and other non- Christian dictionaries, of course. Some words from
The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bibles dictionary on
the back does not appear in the Bible, so I used Merriams
Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus and Microsoft Word 2010s
Thesaurus and others to try to give the meanings for words of sin
and other wordsfor this , file).
The only word adultery word that appears in the Old Testament is
the Hebrew word naph:
((But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh
understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul)
(Proverbs 6:32))
Adultery-Proverbs 6:32- 5003-naph; a primitive root; to
commit adultery; figuratively to apostasize:- adulterer (-ess),
commit (-ing) adultery, woman that breaketh wedlock. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
((Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin;
beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with
covetous practices; cursed children: which have forsaken the right
way, and gone astray,) (2 Peter 2:14))
Adultery-2 Peter 2:14- 3428-michalis; a prolonged form of
the feminine of 3432; an adulteress (literally or figuratively):adulteress (-ous,)-ly). 3432- michs; perhaps a primary word; a
(male) paramour; figuratively apostate:- adulterer.



I say unto you, that

whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after
her hath committed adultery already in his
heart. ((Matthew 5:28) KJV.)


Paramour- an illicit lover (M.W.D.). Illicit- not permitted: unlawful,

wrongful, more at illegal (M.W.D.).
This is what I want to tell you about adultery and most of my
analysis for this sin.
Adultery- Dont commit the sin of adultery. Dont commit the sin
of michia. Dont be a male paramour, that is figuratively
apostate:- adulterer. Dont be a male paramour, (that is not
permitted, unlawful, wrongful, illegal male lover, not permitted by

God The Father

(God The Father)

Dont commit the sin of naph. A married female having sex
with another male who is not her husband is adultery. She cannot
break wed-lock. A married woman cannot break wedlock, it is
adultery. Also, a married male having sex with another female
who is not his wife is adultery. A married male having sex with
another males wife is adultery. A married female having sex with
another females husband is adultery. Dont have, get a male
paramour; figuratively an apostate, an adulterer that is a

GodTheFather, an illicit male lover,

it is unlawful, wrongful, illegal in His Eyes,not allowed
byHim.You are allowed to marry only (Ephesians5:31).Don't
do what is not permitted byGod The Father,
notpermitted by

something unlawful, wrongful, and illegal. A single female having

sex with another married male who is not her husband is adultery.
A single male having sex with another married woman is adultery.
If you are a male and have sex with another married woman you
commit adultery.
Fornication-Galatians 5:19- 4202- prnia-; from 4203;
harlotry (including adultery and incest); figuratively idolatry:fornication. 4203- prnu; from 4204; to act the harlot, that is
(literal) indulge unlawful lust (of either sex), or (figuratively)


practice idolatry:- commit (fornication). 4204- prn- feminine of

4205; a strumpet; figuratively an idolater: - harlot, whore. 4205prns, from pernemi (to sell; akin to the to the base of 4097); a
(male) prostitute (as venal), that is (by analogy) a debauchee
(libertine):- fornicator, whoremonger. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
Debauchery- extreme indulgence in sensuality, corruption, vice.
Libertine- a person who leads a dissolute life, decadent,
degenerate, pervert, profligate, more at degenerate (M.W. D.).
Strumpet- prostitute (M.W.D.). Venal- perverted, evil, corrupt,
wicked (M.W.D.). Harlot- a woman who engages in sexual
activities especially for money: prostitute (M.W.D and T.).
The word harlot from the Old Testament, the word harlot appears
more than two times in the O.T.
((Yet they went in unto her, as they go in unto a woman that
playeth the harlot: so went they unto A-hlah and unto A-hlibah, the lewd women.) (Ezekiel 16:26)).
Harlot-Ezekiel- 23:44- 2181-znh; a primitive root [highlyfedandtherefore wanton]; to commit adultery (usually of the
female, and less often of simple fornication, rarely of involuntary
ravishment); figuratively to commit idolatry (the Jewish people
being regarded as the spouse of Jehovah):- (cause to) commit
fornication, x continually, x great, (be an, play the) harlot, (cause
to be , play the) whore, (commit, fall to) whoredom, (cause to) go
a-whoring, whorish. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Ravishment- from ravish. Ravish- to seize and take away by
violence: to overcome with emotion and especially with joy or
delight, rape- ravishment (M.W.D.)
Harlot-Genesis- 38:22- 6948- qedshh; feminine of 6945-; a
female devotee (that is prostitute):- harlot, whore. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).


The word fornication from the Old Testament:

Fornication-Ezekiel16:26- 2181-znh-; a primitive root
[highly-fedand therefore wanton]; to commit adultery (usually of
the female, and less often of simple fornication, and less often of
simple fornication, rarely of involuntary ravishment); figuratively
to commit idolatry (the Jewish people being regarded as the
spouse of Jehovah):- (cause to) commit fornication, x continually,
x great, (be an, play the) harlot, (cause to be , play the) whore,
(commit, fall to) whoredom, (cause to) go a-whoring, whorish.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
((Thou hast committed fornication with the Egyptians thy
neighbours, great flesh; and hast increased thy whoredoms, to
provoke me to anger.) (Ezekiel 16:29))
Fornication-Ezekiel16:29- 8457- taznwth or taznth; from
2181; harlotry, that is (figuratively) idolatry:-fornication,
whoredom. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
This is my analysis, about fornication, what I want to tell you
about the sin of fornication:
Fornication- I believe fornication is prnia. I believe fornication is
sex before marriage, like a single female having sex with another
single male, or a single male having sex with a single female.
Dont commit the sin of fornication, ever. Dont commit the sin of
prnia. Dont have sex before marriage. Also don't commit
adultery and incest. Don't commit harlotry; don't act the harlot
that is literally indulge unlawful lust. Don't be a prostitute. Don't
be a male prostitute as venal- evil, corrupt perverted, wicked.
Don't be a debauchee (libertine), a fornicator, whoremonger.
Don't be a person who leads a dissolute life, don't be decadent,
pervert, profligate or degenerate, single male cannot have sex
with another single female which is fornication (sex before
marriage, outside of marriage. Also don't be a harlot, don't


engage in sexual activities especially for money, don't be a

prostitute. Don't commit the sin of fornication, if you practice this
sin, or did not receive forgiveness for this sin, you are not saved,
and therefore moving towards hell, dont commit this sin
anymore if you want to go to heaven. The sin of fornication is just
one sin you have to stay away from if you don't want to go to hell
and I believe it is easy to stay away from.
Now I want to show you what is are the meanings of
lasciviousnessby using the New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance
of Bible, The New StrongsExhaustive Expanded Concordance of
Bible and Merriams Dictionary and Thesaurus and show you what
to do not to commit lasciviousness:
((Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry,
witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations,) (Galatians
Lasciviousness-Galatians 5:19- 766-aslgia- from a
compound of 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed- slgs
(of uncertain derivative, but apparently meaning continent);
Licentiousness(sometimes including other vices):- filthy,
lasciviousness, wantonness. (Info. from the New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).(Me- Therefore alslgia
means- incontinent too)


Continent- continence- self- restraint; especially: a refraining from

sexual intercourse (Merriams Websters Dict. and Thesaurus).
Licentiousness- depravity, immorality, debauchery, more at vice.
(M. W. Dict.).
Licentious- lacking legal or moral restraints; also: disregarding
sexual restraints: lewd, lascivious (M. W. Dict.).
Depravity- a corrupt act or practice, the quality or state of being
depraved, corruption, decadence, monstrosity, vice (M.W.D.).
Debauchery- extreme indulgence in sensuality (M. W. D.)
For the word vices, that is vice- In Merriams Websters Dictionary
and Thesaurus this is the meaning that I got:
Vice- moral depravity or corruption, a moral fault or failing, evil,
wrong, lewdness, perversion (M.W.D.).
Indulge- to give free rein to: gratify, to gratify ones taste or desire
for <~in alcohol>, gratify, luxuriate, revel, pamper, spoil, delight,
please, pleasure; sate, satiate, satisfy. (M.W.D.).
Gratify- to afford pleasure to: to give in to, content, delight,
gladden, please, satisfy, more at please, more at indulge.

Restraint- deprivation or limitation of liberty: Confinements, selfcontrol, more at restriction, more at will(M. W. Dict.).
Restrain- to limit, restrict, or keep under control: curb (M. W.
Dict.). Licentiousness means incontinent, which is without selfcontrol also.
Licentious according to is: sexually
unrestrained or promiscuous.


Licentiousness according to is: debauchery,

dissipation, dissoluteness, lechery, lewdness, libertinism, lubricity,
lust, lustfulness, profligacy, promiscuity, salaciousness,
wantonness (some words I did not include).
Debauchery- extreme indulgence in sensuality(M. W. D.)
Dissipation- debauchery, indulgence, overindulgence (Microsoft
Word 2010)
Dissoluteness- overindulgence, licentiousness, self indulgence,
profligacy, dissipation, depravity (Microsoft Word 2010)
Dissolute according to lacking moral
restraint, indulging in sensual pleasure or vices.

((How much more abomination and filthy is man, which drinketh

iniquity like water?) (Job 15:16) KJV)
Filthy-Job15:16- 444- lach; a primary root; to muddle, that is
(figuratively and intransitively) toturn (morally) corrupt:- become
To Muddle- to mix up or make a mess of, disrupt, disorder, mix,
litter, confuse (M.W.D.). Intransitively from intransitive.
Intransitive- not transitive; especially not having or containing an
object <an ~verb> intransitively. (M.W.D.).
Filthy- abhorrent to morality or virtue: designed to incite lust or
depravity. (M. W. D.).
Now the meanings for the word filthy from the Old Testament:
The word filthy ismr and alsotsw; or ts:
((Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing the
city!) (Zephaniah 3:1)KJV)
Filthy-Zephaniah3:1- 4754-mr; a primitive root; to rebel;
hence, (through the idea of maltreating) to whip, that is lash (self
with wings, as the ostrich in running):- be filthy, lift up self.


Lash- to move violently or suddenly, hide; also: whip, a stinging

rebuke, eyelash, scourge, whip. (M. W.D.).
((before him saying, take away the filthy garments from him)
(Zechariah 3:4) KJV))
Filthy-Zechariah3:4- 6674- tsw; or ts; from an unused root
meaning toissue; soiled(as if excrementious):- filthy.
Soil- corrupt, pollute, to make or become dirty, stain, disgrace,
blacken, befoul, foul, mire, more at dirty, stain, defilement,
something that spoils or pollutes, dirt, filth(M.W. D.).
The word filthy is aslgia and aischrlgia:
((But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice,
blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.)
(Colossians 3:8)KJV)
Filthy-Colossians3:8- 148-aischrlgia; from 150- and 3056;
vile conversation:- filthy communication. 150- aischrs; from the
same as 153; shameful, that is base (specifically venal):- filthy.
3056- logos; from 3004 something said (including the thought);
by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the
mental faculty) or motive; speech, talk, utterance, word,
communication, question, reason. (James Strong, The New
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Venal- corrupt, degenerate, depraved, perverse, perverted, bad,
evil, vicious (M. W. D.). Degenerate- fallen or deteriorated from a
former, higher, or normal condition, corrupt, debauched,
decadent, dissolute, perverse, perverted, reprobate, more at
corrupt, to undergo deterioration (as in morality, intelligence,
structure, or function), decay, decline, descend, deteriorate, rot,
worsen, more at deteriorate; a degenerate person; especially : a
sexual pervert, decadent, libertine, pervert; also delinquent,
derelict, incorrigible; blackguard, rascal, reprobate, rogue, villain,
playboy. (M.W.D.). Degraded- from degrade. Degrade- to reduce
from a higher to a lower rank or degree, to bring to low esteem or
into disrepute, to drag down in moral or intellectual character:


debase, decompose, abase, discredit, disgrace, corrupt, debauch,

demoralize, deprave, profane, prostitute, more at debase.

Foul- offensive to the senses, clogged with dirt; abhorrent to

morality or virtue: obscene, fetid, dirty, nasty, arousing or
deserving hatred or repugnance: odious.
Filthy-2 Peter 2:7- 766-aslgia.
Wantonness according to Merriams dictionary and Thesaurus:
Wantonness- barbarity, brutality, more at cruelty (M. W. D.).
W. D.).
Lustful- excited by lust, lasciviousness, lewd, wanton, dissolute,
libertine: corrupt, debauched, depraved, immoral, indecent.
Heartless- lacking feeling or affection (M.W.D.).
Cruel- causing pain and suffering to others, extremely painful
Moral- of or relating to principles of right and wrong, conforming
to a standard of right behavior; also : capable of right and wrong
action, decent ethical, good, honest, just, right, righteous,
straight, upright, virtuous, more at good, moral practices or
teachings, morals plural, ethics, morality, principle, standards,
more at ethics. (M. W. D. and T.).
You look to principles of right and wrong from the Bible. You also
conform to a standard of right behavior from the Bible, according

to God The Father. Right, just, righteous, upright, holy,

pure is found from the Bible.


Inciting- from incite. Incite- to arouse action, provoke, raise,

promote, sow, excite, stimulate (M. W. D.). Barbarity- barbarous,
cruelty, brutality, inhumanity, sadism, savagery, viciousness,
wantonness, more at cruelty (M.W.D.).
Brutality- the quality or state of being brutal, barbarity, cruelty,
inhumanity, sadism, savagery, viciousness, wantonness, more at
cruelty. (M.W.D.).
The word lust from the New TestamentLust- Matthew 5:28- 1937- pithum- from 1909 and 2372;
toset the heart upon, that is long from (rightfully or otherwise):covet, desire, would fain, lust (after). 1909- pi- a primary
preposition; properly meaning superimposition (of time place,
order, etc.), as a relation of distribution [with the general], that is
over, upon, etc.; of distribution [with the general], that is over,
upon, etc.; of rest (with the dat.) at, on, etc.; of direction (with
the accusative (case)) toward, upon, etc.: about (the times),
above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, x
have charge of, (be-, [where-])fore, in (a place, as much as, the
time of, -to), (because) of, (up-) on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the
space of, through (-out), (un-) to (-ward), with. In compounds it
retains essentially the same import, at, upon, etc. (literal or
figuratively). 2372- thums- from 2380; thums- passion (as if
breathing hard)- fierceness, indignation, wrath. 2380- thu- to
rush (breath hard), blow, smoke, to immolate (slaughter for any
purpose):- kill. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Immolate- to offer in sacrifice; especially: to kill as a sacrificial
victim. (M.W.D.).
Lust- Romans 1:27- 3715-rxis; from 3713; excitement of the
mind, that is longing after:- lust. 3713-rgmai- middle voice of
apparently a prolongation form of an obsolete primary
[comparison 3735]; to stretchoneself, that is reach out after (long


for):- covet after, desire.

Lust-James 1:15- 1939- pithumia-; from 1937;
alonging(especially for what is forbidden):- concupiscence, desire,
lust (after). 1937- pithum.
Lust- 1 Corinthians 10:6- 1511, 1938- 1511-inai; present
infinitive from 1510; to exist:- am, are, come, is x lust after, x
please well, there is, to be, was. 1938-pithumts; from 1937;
a craver:- + lust (after).
Lust- Psalm 78:18- 5315-nephesh; from 5314; properly a
breathing creature, that is animal of (abstract) vitality; used very
widely in a literal accommodated or figuratively sense (bodily or
mentally):- any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, x dead (ly), desire, x [dis-] contented, x fish, ghost, + greedy, he, heart (y), (hath, x jeopardy of) life )(x in jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind,
mortally, one, own, person, pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self,
them (your) selves, + slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (x she)
will, x would have it.
Lust- Psalm 78:30- 8378- tavh; from 183 (abb.); a longing;
by implication a delight (subject satisfaction, object a charm):dainty, desire, x exceedingly, x greedily, lust (ing), pleasant, See
also 6914.
Lust-Psalm81:12- 8307- sheryrwth; from 8324 in the sense of
twisted, that is firm; obstinacy:- imagination, lust. 8324- shrar;
a primitive root; to be hostile (only actively participle an
opponent):- enemy.
Lust- Proverbs 6:25- 2530- chmad; a primitive root; to
delight in:- beauty, greatly beloved, covet, delectable thing, (x
great) delight, desire, goodly, lust, (be) pleasant (thing), precious


((But he, whom God raised again, saw no corruption) (Acts

Corruption-Acts13:37- 1312- diaphtra; from 1311; decay:corruption. 1311-diaphtir; from 1225 and 5351; to rot
thoroughly, that is (by implication) to ruin (passively decay
utterly, figuratively pervert):- corrupt, destroy, perish.
((While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the
servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the
same is he brought in bondage.) (2 Peter2:19))
Corruption-2 Peter 2:19- 5356-phtra; from 5351; decay, that
is ruin (spontaneous or inflicted, (literally or figuratively):corruption, destroy, perish. 5351- phtir; probably
strengthened from phthi(pine or waste); properly to shrivel, or
wither, that is to spoil ( by any process) or (generically) to ruin
(specifically figuratively, by moral influence, to deprave):- corrupt
(self), defile, destroy.
((While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the
servants of corruption for of whom a man is overcome, of the
same is he brought in bondage) (2 Peter2:19))
Liberty- 2 Peter2:19- 1657-luthria; from 1658; freedom
(legitimate or licentious, chiefly morally or ceremonially):- liberty.
1658-luthrs; probably from the alt. of 2064; unrestrained (to
go at pleasure), that is (as a citizen) not a slave (whether freeborn
or manumitted), or (generally) exempt (from obligation or
liability):- free (man, woman), at liberty.
Ceremonially- I think this word is related to the word ceremonies
from the Old Testament. The word ceremonially doesnt appear in
the Old Testament but the word ceremonies do appear.
Ceremonies- Numbers 9:3- 4941- mishpt; from 8199;
properly a verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced


judicially, specifically a sentence or formal decree (human or

[participants] divine law, individually or collection), including the
act, the place, the suit, the crime, and the penalty; abstract
justice, including a participants right or privilege (statutory or
customary), or even a style:- + adversary, ceremony, charge,
x crime, custom, desert, determination, discretion, disposing, due,
fashion, form, to be judged, judgment, just (-ice, -ly), (manner of)
law (-ful), manner, measure, (due) order, ordinance, right,
sentence, usest, x worthy, + wrong.
Wither- to shrivel from or as if from loss of bodily moisture and
especially sap, to lose or cause to lose vitality, force, or freshness,
to cause to feel shriveled <~ed him with a glance> (M.W.D.).
Pine- to long for something intensely, covet, crave, desire, die,
hunger, long, lust, pant, want, wish, yearn, more at desire
Pine- Lamentations 4:9- 2100- zwb; a primitive root; to flow
freely (as water), that (specifically) to have a (sexual) flux;
figuratively to waste away; also to overflow:- flow, gush out, have
a (running) issue, pine away, run.

Pine- Ezekiel 33:10- 4743- maqaq; a primitive root to melt;

figuratively to flow, dwindle, vanish:- consume away, be corrupt,
dissolve, pine away.
Lewd- sexually unchaste, obscene, vulgar, lustful, wanton- more
at lustful. Unchaste- not pure or modest in thought or action
(M.W.D.). Obscene- deeply offensive to morality ordecency;
designed to incite lust or depravity (M.W.D.). Vulgar- offensive to
good taste or refined feelings (M.W.D.).


((Behold, therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee, and

have diminished thine ordinary food, and delivered thee unto the
will of them that hate thee, the daughters of the philistines, which
are ashamed of thy lewd way.) (Ezekiel 16:27))
Lewd-Ezekiel 16:27- 2154- zimmh, or zammh; from 2161; a
plan, specifically a bad one:- heinous crime, lewd (-ly, ness),
mischief, purpose, thought, wicked (device, mind;- ness). 2161zman- a primitive root; to plan, usually in a bad sense:consider, devise, imagine, plot, purpose, think (evil).
Lewd- Acts 17:5- 4190-poneros.
((What hath my beloved to do in mine house, seeing she hath
wrought lewdness with many, and the holy flesh is passed from
thee? When thou doest evil, then thou rejoices.) (Jeremiah
Lewdness- Jeremiah 11:15- 4209-mezimmh; from 2161; a
plan, usually evil (machination), sometimes good (sagacity):(wicked) device, discretion, intent, witty invention, lewdness,
mischievous (device), thought, wickedly. 2161- zman- a
primitive root; to plan, usually in a bad sense:- consider, devise,
imagine, plot, purpose, think (evil).
Sagacity- the quality of being sagacious, discernment, insight,
perception, sapience, wise, more at wise (M. W. D. and T.).
((Therefore will I return, and take away my corn in the time
thereof, and my wine in the season thereof, and will recover my
wool and my flax given to cover her nakedness. And now will I
discover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers, and none shall
deliver her out of mine hand.) (Hosea 2:9,10)KJV)
Lewdness- Hosea 2:10- 5040- nablwth; from 5036; properly
disgrace, that is the (female) pudenda:- lewdness. 5036- nblfrom 5034; stupid; wicked (specifically impious):- fool (-ish, -ish
man, -ish woman), vile person. 5034- nbl, a primitive root; to
wilt, generally to fall away, fail, faint; figuratively to be foolish or
(morally) wicked; causative to despise, disgrace:- disgrace,
dishonour, lightly esteem, fade (away, -ing), fall (down, -ling, off),


do foolishly, come to nought, x surely, make vile, wither. (James

Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Lewd- sexually unchaste, obscene, vulgar, lustful, wanton- more
at lustful. Unchaste- not pure or modest in thought or action
(M.W.D.). Obscene- deeply offensive to morality ordecency;
designed to incite lust or depravity (M.W.D.). Vulgar- offensive to
good taste or refined feelings (M.W.D.).
Barbarous- Acts 28:2- 915- barbaros; of uncertain derivative; a
foreigner (that is non- Greek):- barbarian (-rous).
Barbarous- lacking culture or refinement, mercilessly, harsh,
heathen, rude, more at savage, brutal, cruel, heartless, vicious,
more at cruel (M.W.D.).
Brutality- I think it comes from brute.
((But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but
what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they
corrupt themselves.) (Jude 10)) KJV
Brute- Jude 10- 249- alogos; from 1 (as a negative particle),
and 3056; irrational:- brute, unreasonable.
Irrational- illogical, unreasonable, foolish, crazy, ridiculous,
absurd, silly, senseless, baseless, nonsensical (Microsoft Word
2010 Thesaurus : English).
Brutish-Ezekiel21:31- 1197- bar; a primitive root; to kindle
that is consume (by fire or by eating); also (as denominative from
1198) to be (-come) brutish:- be brutish:- bring (put, take) away,
burn (cause to) eat (up), feed, heat, kindle, set ([on fire]); waste.
1198- baar; from 1197; properly food (as consumed); that is (by
extension) of cattle brutishness; (concrete) stupid:- brutish
(person), foolish. (The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Brutish- brute, strongly sensual; also : showing little intelligence.


((Who is wise man an endued with knowledge among you? let

him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of
wisdom. But if have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory
not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descendeth not
from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.) ( James 3:13-15)
Sensual-James3:15 5591-psuchiks; from 5590; sensitive,
that is, animate (in distinction on the one hand from 4152, which
is the higher or renovated nature; and on the other from 5446,
which is the lower or bestial nature);- natural, sensual. 5590psuch; from 5594; breath, that is (by implication) spirit, abstract
or concrete (the animal sentient principle only; thus distinguished
on the one hand from 4151, which is the rational and immortal
soul; and on the other from 2222, which is mere vitality, even of
plants: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the
Heb. 4315, 7307 and 2416):- heart (+ -ily), life, mind, soul, + us,
+ you. 5594- psuch- a primary verb; to breathe (voluntarily but
gently, thus differing on the one hand from 4154, which denotes
properly a forcible respiration; and on the other from the base of
109, which refers properly to an inanimate breeze), that is (by
implication or reduction of temperature by evaporation) to chill
(figuratively):- wax cold. 4152- pnumatiks; from 4151; noncarnal, that is (humanly) ethereal (as opposed to gross), or
(demoniacally) a spirit (concrete) or (divinely) supernatural,
regenerate, religious:- spiritual. Comparison 5591. 5446phusiks; from 5449; physical, that is by implication
instinctive:- natural. Comparison 5591. 5449- phusis; from
5453; growth (by germination or expansion), that is (by
implication) natural production (lineal descent); by extension a
genus or sort; figuratively native disposition, constitution or
usage:- ([man-]) kind, nature ([-al]). (James Strong, The New
Strong's Exaustive Concordance of Bible).
Sensual- gratifying, self- indulgent, relating to gratification of the
senses, devoted to the pleasure of the senses. Gratifying- giving
pleasure or satisfaction (M.W.Dict.).
Indulge- to give free rein to: gratify, to gratify ones taste or desire


for <~in alcohol>, gratify, luxuriate, revel, pamper, spoil, delight,

please, pleasure; sate, satiate, satisfy. (M.W.D.). Gratify- to
afford pleasure to : to give in to, content, delight, gladden, please,
satisfy, more at please, more at indulge. (M.W.D.).
The word wanton from the Old Testament
(Moreover the Lord saith, because the daughters of Zion are
haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes,
walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their
feet) (Isaiah 3:16) KJV)
Wanton-Isaiah3:16- 8265- sqar-; a primary root; to ogle, that
is blink coquettishly:- wanton. (James Strong, The New Strong's
Exaustive Concordance of Bible).
Coquettish- coy , demure, kittenish, more at coy (M. W. D.). Coybashful, shy, kittenish. (M. W. D.). Ogle- to look at in a flirtatious
way. Flirt- to behave amorously without serious intent (M. W. D.).
Kittenish- resembling or suggestive of a kitten; especially coyly
playful, coquettish, demure, more at coy (M.W.D.). (Don't look at
the sex that doesnt belong to you, ever, dont commit adultery
with the eyes)

Jesussaid: But I say unto you, That

whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after

her hath committed adultery already in his
heart. (Matthew 5:28) KJV.
Demure- coquettish, coy, kittenish, more at coy. (M.W.D. and

((But the younger widows refuse: for when they have begun to
wax wanton against Christ, they will marry;) (1 Timothy5:11)
Wanton-1 Timothy5:11- 2691-katastrph, from 2596 and
4763; to become voluptuous against:- begin to wax wanton
against. 2596- kata- a primary particle; (propositionally) down (in
place or time)., opposition, distribution, or intensity. 4763strnia- from a presumed derivative of 4764; to be luxurious:live deliciously. 4764- strns; akin to 4731; a "straining",


"strenuousness" or "strength", that is (figuratively):- luxury

(voluptuousness):- delicacy. 4731- strs; from 2476; stiff, that
is solid, stable (literally or figuratively):- stedfast, strong, sure.
2476-histmi ; a prolonged form of a primarysta, (of the same
meaning, and used for it in certain tenses); to stand (transitively
or intransitively), used in various applications (literally or
figuratively):- abide, appoint, bring, continue, covenant, establish,
hold up, lay, present, set (up), stanch, stand (by, forth, still, up).
Comparatively 5087. 5087- tithmi; a prolonged form of a
primary th, (which is used only as alternate in certain tenses);
to place (in the widest application, literally and figuratively;
properly in a passively or horizontal posture, and thus different
from 2476, which properly. denotes an upright and active
position, while 2749 is properly reflexively and utterly prostrate):+ advise, appoint, bow, commit, conceive, give, x kneel down, lay
(aside, down, up), make, ordain, purpose, put, set (forth), settle,
sink down. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Delicacy- in the Bible there is the word delicacies.
((For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her
fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication
with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through
the abundance of her delicacies.) (Revelation 18:3) KJV)
Delicacies- Revelation 18:3- 4764- strns; akin to 4731; a
straining, strenuousness or strength, that is (figuratively)
luxury (voluptuousness):- delicacy.
Voluptuousness- voluptuous- giving sexual gratification; given to
or spent in enjoyment of luxury or pleasure, sensuous, more at
sensual (M. W. D.). Wax- to increase in size, numbers, strength,
volume, or duration, to increase in apparent size, to take on a
quality or state: become <~ed indignant><the party~ed merry>;
accumulate, appreciate, increase, become, grow, turn, get(M. W.
D.). Strenuousness- strenuous- laborious, moreat hard (M.W.D.).
Straining- from strain. Strain- to draw taut, to exert to the utmost,
to strive violently, to stretch beyond a proper limit, labor,
endeavor, strive, struggle, toil, travail, work, more at labor


Gratifying- giving pleasure or satisfaction(M.W.Dict. and T.).

Gratify- to afford pleasure to : to give in to, content, delight,
gladden, please, satisfy, more at please, more at indulge.
Indulge- to give free rein to: gratify, to gratify ones taste or desire
for <~in alcohol>, gratify, luxuriate, revel, pamper, spoil, delight,
please, pleasure; sate, satiate, satisfy. (M.W.D.
Here is the right meaning for one pleasure word from the Old
Testament using The New Strongs Expanded Exaustive
Concordance of Bible, which is a better dictionary than Merriamss
Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus or than Microsoft Word
2010s Thesaurus:
Pleasure- Psalm 5:4-2655- chphts; from 2654; pleased
with:- desire, have pleasure, whosoever would, if it please, willing,
favour, wish, delight. 2654- chphts; a primitive root; properly
to incline to; by implication (literally but rarely) to bend;
figuratively to be pleased with, desire:- delight, please, desire,
will, pleasure, favour, like, moveth, would, at all.
Here is correct meanings for one word pleasure from the New
Testament using The New Strongs Expanded Exaustive
Concordance of Bible :
((Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye
have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter) ( James
5:5) KJV)
Pleasure-James5:5- 5171- trupha; from 5172; to indulge in
luxury:- live in pleasure. 5172- truph; from thrupt(to break,
up or [figuratively] enfeeble, specifically the mind and body by
indulgence); effeminacy, that is luxury or debauchery:delicately, riot.
The word pleasure is also the greek word spatala; from
spataland I took used this information from The New Strongs


Expanded Exaustive Concordance of Bible:

Pleasure- 1 Timothy5:6- 4684- spatala; from spatal.
Another pleasure word in the Greek is the greek word
sunudko and I took used this information from The New
Strongs Expanded Exaustive Concordance of Bible:
Pleasure- Romans 1:32- 4909- sunudko-; from 4862 and
2106; to think well of in common, that is assent to, feel gratified
with:- consent unto, be pleased, allow, have pleasure in. 4862sun; a primary preposition denoting union; with or together (but
much closer than 3326 or 3844), that is by association,
companionship, process, resemblance, possession,
instrumentality, addition, etc:- with, beside, accompany + 2064
[in composition, it has similar applications, including
((If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful
children not accused of riot or unruly) (Titus 1:6) KJV)
Riot-Titus 1:6- 810- astia; from a compound of 1 (as a negative
particle) and a presumed derivative of 4982; properly
unsavedness, that is (by implication) profligacy:- excess, riot.
((And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that
count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are blemishes,
sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast
with you) (2 Peter2:13) KJV)
Riot- 2 Peter 2:13- 5172-truph; fromthrupt.
Delicately- 1 Samuel15:32- 4574- maadan; or (feminine)
madannah; from 5727; a delicacy or (abstract) pleasure (adverb
cheerfully):- dainty, delicately, delight. 5727- dan; a primitive
root; to be soft or pleasant; figuratively and reflexively to live
voluptuously:- delight self.
((Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye
have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter) ( James


Wanton-James 5:5- 4684-spatala; from spatal, (luxury); to
be voluptuous:-live in pleasure, be wanton. (James Strong, The
New Strong's Exhatustive Concordance of Bible).
Voluptuous- giving sensual gratification, given to or spent in
enjoyment of luxury of pleasure, sensuous, more at sensual (M. W.
D.). Luxury- great ease and comfort, indulgence (M. W. D.).
Indulgence- the act of indulging : the state of being indulgent , an
indulgent act, the thing indulged, self- indulgence, amenity,
comfort, frill, luxury, superfluity, more at luxury. (M.W.D.).
Indulge- to give free rein to : gratify, to gratify ones taste or
desire for <~in acohol>, gratify, luxuriate, revel, spoil; delight,
please, pleasure, satiate, satisfy (M.W.D.).
Indulgence according to Microsoft Word 2010 Thesaurus istolerance (acceptance, allowance) You have to becareful with
allowance, acceptance to sexual sins, dont allow them in your life
like the sin of lasciviousness, dont produce this sin.
Talking about this tolerance:
Dont give acceptance or allowance to premarital sex that isfornication (dont commit this sin), dont be for fornication or
adultery, dont give acceptance to illegal in the eyes of God
sexual pleasure or to give acceptance lasciviousness or to wanton
in your life)), permission (dont give persmision fornicate with you,
dont be for fornication or adultery in your life, dont give
acceptance to illegal in the eyes of God sexual pleasure, dont
give permission to lasciviousness or to wanton in your life, dont
give permission to have illegal sex with you) , luxury, pleasure (in
this case it is sinful , illegal sexual pleasure (be like Daniel he
didnt give sexual pleasure to himself most of his life. He never
married.) An angel doesnt want to please, entertain himself
sexually ever or have any sexual pleasure or receive any sexual
pleasure, or even worst- commit fornication and adultery and
most likely he is single. To be always single is even better like the
Prophet Daniel for example. And an angel (he should achieve to
have wings), he should never tempt females (you can repent for


tempting and become an angel never sin anymore and never

want to sin anymore) sexually, and the angel doesnt please or
entertain himself sexually or better never, does his best to never
please or entertain other people sexually or single females of
course, and even much worse please or entertain sexually other
married females. He doesnt make any female or male think
about sex. And he does his best not to make anybody sin against
God. An angel(man) does his best not to sin against God The
Father and he always fast- he really wants to win in the Eyes of
God. He is cool. God is The Cool. The angel worships God The
Father and the Lord Jesus, fasts and prays always, he prays for
others he needs to protect, defend, like for the Body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) and for his (reya, plesion) neighbour (from the
word neighbour, to love your neighbour as yourself Jesus talked
about). He prays for God The Father to protect them and their
possessions from His enemies. He prays to God The Father to
protect His people from robbers, from stealing. He fights against
sin. He prays for others God allows. He can tell God The Father
that he wants everybody on earth to repent of their sins, including
the evil, the bad and the abominable. He can tell God The Father
that he wants mundane and unsaved beautifulgirls, pretty nice
girls, intelligent looking girls, cute girls, the pretty, innocent girls
to repent of their sins, cares about their salvation to repent of
their sins. I am one that prayed for many of them. He wants for
mundane and unsaved beautifulgirls, pretty, nice girls, intelligent
looking girls, cute girls, the pretty, also meek and meek single
females, innocent girls to repent of their sins, the angel (or
archangel even better (he is a warrior of God The Father)) cares
about their salvation, dont want them to go to hell. He also prays
for spiritually blind females that dont know the Bible or little or
not all, or not alot, or not most of it, or not more than 70% of it. I
am one of them. A male or a female can try to be a Christ or
archangel or angel for God The Father. I want to be an archangel
or an angel . I to be an archangel or angel, one of the things I
want to do is: talk more against sex. I want to be an angel or even
better, an archangel (I want to win), so I am against sin against
God, dont want to make anyone sin against Him, I have to be
against sex not for sex, I am against especially illegal sex. I
learned that from experience- I had good experiences with God


for being against sex not for it and for trying hard not to sin
against God, trying to make Him Happy, for not sinning against
God (The Lord Jehovah, I loved Him. I want to love Him and I think
I love Him). Continuing: I dont want any female to show her
nakedness to me never, ever (even with underwear), it is sin
against God (The Lord Jehovah), I hate it, and to want or have sex
with me ever, never. I want to be a person from Heaven. I want to
be angel or archangel to girls, innocent single females, Christian
single females, pretty single females. I want to be meek and
humble, especially because I sinned against God. I want to an
angel, or archangel(even better) continuing (I fast always*) to
pretty girls, innocent single females, pretty single females (I have
seen some , being blessed because of it, like while I was fasting to
God The Father) and I want to an angel, or archangel and to those
females I care, about the most continuing. I want and dont want
to make any other female sin against God. So, one of the things I
have to do is continuing- I dont want to desire any of themhave
sex with any of them ever, touch any of them, adulterate with the
eyes in by looking at them. I dont want have sex with any
abominable, evil, bad non- Christian single female ever of course
and I dont want to commit adultery, and fornication and
lasciviousness or uncleanness ever, never continuing . I dont
want to make any female or any other being sin against God The
Father (The Lord Jehovah) ever, never continuing. I have been a
Tauru (bull) for God The Father many times. I had been Minotaur
(I fought and still fighting against satan and other demons. I need
to do better. I hated them a lot so far I also want to say. I dont
want to be scared of them )
Continuing- Continuing in me trying to be an angel or archangel
(even better): I am against sexalways, not for sex, never, ever. I
dont want anyone to have sex with me never, ever and dont
want anyone to desire to have sex with me never, ever. I dont
want anyone to desire myself sexually, never, ever.God doesnt
want me to marry. I want to obey God The Father. Continuing
about me trying to be an angel or archangel for God The Father- I
dont want to make, tempt any single female or nice looking
married female, to want to marry me ever and to desire me
sexually especially ever. I dont want any male to desire, or want
to have sex with me like trying to be a homosexual of course. I


also dont want to make any female commit adultery, and

fornication, and lasciviousness, and uncleanness)
Continuing- I dont want to marry any ugly single female ever of
course. Even worse- ugly married female- I dont want to marry
any of them never, ever. I am anti ugliness, unti-ugly, antimonster. Maybe some look ugly or have evil,because they are
abominable or bad or evil, or because
always bad or evil behavior, or because they committed the sin of
hatred (Galatians Chpt. 5), or because they or their parents
committed other sin or sins, or because their parents looked ugly.
I want to look nice and powerful like an archangel, not ugly. I love
innocent, holy, pure, just beautifulness, not ugliness, monstrosity,
evil, a beast, monsters (it is how they look like literally, like a
monster (some might look worst than a tarantula, spider, or
octopus). I hate ugliness. I love God The Father, He is Beautiful,
Infinitely Beautiful in His Infinite Holy, Just, Pure, Right, Correct
Intelligence and Wisdom and in His Infinite Holy Ways. Love Him.
I want to win- I want to become an angel or archangel even
better(warrior angel) (to me thats some of the best). If I become
a Christ(But I am The Lord Jesus Christ, ever), I am happy. You
can too try to become an angel or archangel be like Christ (be
conformed to His Image). To be like Christ- you got to have love (it
is not sexual love this love to be like Christ (above Angel
An angel prays for the poor and needy. Also, there are beingsthat
were created that you cant allow them to touch you(you cannot
allow them to touch you ever, you can stay away from them as
quickly as possible (I want to say this: love the family of God (of
the Lord Jehovah))
like satan, ((evil monsters (there are
infinite evil monsters)),(evil monsters like demons, fiend, beast,
giant beast (the beast 666 (a big God hater), the super
abominable, a human beast, fiend), the super abominable,
leviathan evil looking people,God The Father hater unsaved from
Hell singers and musicians, God The Father haters, sinful sexual
monsters,abominable,evil unsaved going to hell, bad unsaved
going to hell, wicked, God hates them. You have to be careful
with those God hates or hate, be careful with enemies of God. I


love the family of God. In the family of God they help each other.
I love The Lord Jehovahs (The Creator (He is God The Father))
order, His ways, way of order and His progress. I have loved a lot
of people already but they were my friends, saved Christians, and
others that deserve my love. I dont love everybody, I love those
who love me and God The Father, and sometimes I had I love
some of my enemies like tried to do good to them that hated me
like from some chat rooms blessedsome of them that cursed me
(but none are not infinite abominable).
Continuing talking about what an angel (man) - He prays for other
people God allows, including for his male friends. It is an
angel(man) that wants to be an angel nice and powerful at the
same time. But He loves God The Father and Jesus. The angel
doesnt make single females sin against God or tries his best not
to make sin against God. He wants to almighty angel for God The
Father, but He needs to be correct in the Eyes of God The Father
that is too. He corrects himself with the Bible and with God. The
angel does what God or The Lord Jesus Christ wants Him to do.
An angel or archangel has many good experiences with God. If
you want to be the best, be an angel or archangel (even better),
or a cherubim (even better) for The Lord Jehovah (God) or even
better- like Christ (very difficult to achieve, I believe). Angel
(man) or archangel (man) is intelligent in the Eyes of God The
Father. I believe to be an angel for God The Father is in a level
above university. In the University of God the book it is the Bible.
Dont look stupid to God, you have to be intelligent for Him, do
His will. A good angel I believe does the will of God fast. We need
more angels, angel people in Christian churches. I do want to get
innocent people and other people I love to heaven. You can read
this bible sins meanings, turn to righteousness to help you make
it to heaven, to become an angel. I believe it is not easy to make
it to heaven. The more you are spiritually blind, that is ignorant
about the Bible, ignorant about the will of God The Father, the
worse it is for you.And the more God hates you the worse is for
you too. It is good to have knowledge of how to work, but it is
legitimate work, not sinful work, like how to be a doctor,
pharmacist, engineer. You should know how to use all of your
computer abilities to do good, holy, what is just (right in the Eyes
of God) to others and to yourself and it is good to have to have a


lot of knowledge from the Bible most importantly so you can live
holy and lead others in the right direction.Never lie. An angel
(man) does his best not to lie. It is good to be well informed
about what God The Father wants you to do. To be well informed
about Hiswill as revealed from His Word, The Bible.I love to be led
by God The Father through visions and by hearing His voice. It is
possible for you to be led by God The Father like that too, you
need to always fast to God The Father. Daniel fasted a lot. Daniel
was preeminent, superior. Elijah fasted a lot too he was very
superior from most people. All of the glory belongs to the Lord
Jehovah . You should hate sin which is against Jehovah, always.
You cant be disobedient to God The Father too or to The Lord
Jesus Christ always. An angel really wants to make it to heaven,
really doesnt want to go to the lake of fire. An angel is meek,
humble, correct in the Eyes of The Lord Jehovah. We always need
the mercy and forgiveness of God The Father and of The Lord
Jesus Christ. You have to love God The Father and the Lord Jesus
(A girl can be an angel with wings too (can never please, entertain
herself sexually too, and she cannot commit all other sins that are
against God The Father).
Indulgence according to Microsoft Word 2010 is also excess (in
this case talking about wanton, that it spatala, I believe it is
excess in having sex with your spouse if you have one and excess
illegal sex, or excess illegal sexual pleasure, or excessive sex)
(dont idolatrize sex ever).
Filthy- abhorrent to morality or virtue: designed to incite lust or
depravity. (M. W. D.).
((But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice,
blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.)
(Colossians 3:8)KJV)
Filthy-Colossians3:8- 148-aischrlgia; from 150- and 3056;
vile conversation:- filthy communication. 150- aischrs; from the
same as 153; shameful, that is base (specifically venal):- filthy.
3056- logos; from 3004 something said (including the thought);


by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also reasoning (the

mental faculty) or motive; speech, talk, utterance, word,
communication, question, reason. (James Strong, The New
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Venal- corrupt, degenerate, depraved, perverse, perverted, bad,
evil, vicious (M. W. D.). Degenerate- fallen or deteriorated from a
former, higher, or normal condition, corrupt, debauched,
decadent, dissolute, perverse, perverted, reprobate, more at
corrupt, to undergo deterioration (as in morality, intelligence,
structure, or function), decay, decline, descend, deteriorate, rot,
worsen, more at deteriorate; a degenerate person; especially : a
sexual pervert, decadent, libertine, pervert; also delinquent,
derelict, incorrigible; blackguard, rascal, reprobate, rogue, villain,
playboy. (M.W.D.). Degraded- from degrade. Degrade- to reduce
from a higher to a lower rank or degree, to bring to low esteem or
into disrepute, to drag down in moral or intellectual character:
debase, decompose, abase, discredit, disgrace, corrupt, debauch,
demoralize, deprave, profane, prostitute, more at debase.
((How much more abomination and filthy is man, which drinketh
iniquity like water?) (Job 15:16) KJV)
Filthy-Job15:16- 444- lach; a primary root; to muddle, that is
(figuratively and intransitively) toturn (morally) corrupt:- become
To Muddle- to mix up or make a mess of, disrupt, disorder, mix,
litter, confuse (M.W.D.). Intransitively from intransitive.
Intransitive- not transitive; especially not having or containing an
object <an ~verb> intransitively. (M.W.D.).
The word filthiness from the Old Testament
((In thy filthiness is lewdness: because I have purged, thou shalt
not be purged from thy filthiness any more, till I have caused my
fury to rest upon thee.) (Ezekiel 24:13) KJV)
Filthiness- Ezekiel24:13- tumh 2932- from 2930; religious
impurity:- filthiness, unclean(-ness). 2930- tm; a primitive


root; to be foul, specifically in a ceremonial or moral sense

(contaminated):- defile (self), pollute (self), be (make, make self,
pronounce) unclean, x utterly.

Foul-Mark 9:25- 169- akatharts; from 1 (as a negative

particle) and a presumed derivative of 2508 (meaning cleansed);
impure (ceremonially [lewd] or specifically [demonic]):- foul,
Foul-Ezekiel34:18- 7515- rphas; a primitive root; totrample,
that is roil water:- foul, trouble.
Trample- to tread heavily so as to bruise, crush, or injure, to inflict
injury or destruction, to press down or crush by or as if by
treading, stamp, stomp, tramp, run over, step (on); mash, smash,
squash: boot, kick. (M.W.D.). Roil- to make cloudy or muddy by
stirring up, to provoke to anger, to move turbulently : be in a
state of turbulence or agitation- anger, antagonize, enrage,
inflame, infuriate, outrage, rankle, rile, more at anger, boil,
seethe, more at seethe. (M.W.D.).

((I have put off my coat; how shall I put it on? I have washed my
feet; how shall I defile them?) (Song of Solomon 5:3))
Defile-Song of Solomon- 5:3- 2936- tanaph; a primitive
root; to soil:- defile.
Soil- corrupt, pollute, to make or become dirty, stain, disgrace,
befoul, blacken, dirty, foul, more at dirty, defilement, something
that spoils or pollutes, dirt, filth, more at filth. (M.W.D.).


((My face will I turn also from them, and they shall pollute my
secret place: for the robbers shall enter into it, and defile it.)
(Ezekiel 7:22))
Defile-Ezekiel- 7:22-2490-chlal; a primitive root [comparison
2470]; properly to bore, that is (by implication) to wound, to
dissolve; figuratively to profane (a person, place or thing), to
break (ones word), to begin (as if by an opening wedge);
denominator (from 2485) to play (the flute):- begin (x men
began), defile, x break, defile, x eat (as common things), x first, x
gather the grape thereof, x take inheritance, pipe, player on
instruments, pollute, (cast as) profane (self), prostitute, slay
(slain), sorrow, stain, wound. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).

((And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass though the fire to
Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the
Lord.) (Leviticus 18:21))
Profane- Leviticus 18:21- 2490- chlal.
((But he shall not defile himself, being a chief man among his
people, to profane himself.) (Leviticus 21:4))
Profane- Leviticus 21:4- 2491- chll; from 2490; pierced
(especially to death); figuratively polluted:- kill, profane, slain
(man), x slew, (deadly) wounded. chllh. See 2486. 2486chlylh; or chllh; a directive from 2490; literal for a
profaned thing; used (interjection) far be it!:- be far, (x God)
forbid. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance
of Bible).

priests have violated my law,


and have profaned mine holy things:

they have put no difference between
the holy and profane, neither have
they shewed difference between the
unclean and the clean, and have hid
their eyes from my Sabbaths, and I
am profaned among them.) (Ezekiel
Profane-Ezekiel22:26- 2455-chl; from 2490; properly
exposed; hence, profane:- common, profane (place), unholy.
Hence- away, from this time, because of a preceding fact or
premise: consequently, from this source or origin, accordingly,
consequently, so, thus, therefore, more at therefore (M. W. D. and
((Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom we
took, and would have judged according to our law.) ( Acts 24:6))
Profane-Acts24:6- 953-bbl- from 952; to desecrate:profane. 952-bbls; from the base of 939 and bls (a
threshold); accessible (as by crossing the door-way), that is (by
implication of Jewish notions) heathenish, wicked:- profane
((But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto
more ungodliness.) (2 Timothy2:16))
Profane-2 Timothy 2:16- 952- bbls; from the base of 939
and bls(a threshold); accessible (as by crossing the door-way),
that is (by implication of Jewish notions) heathenish, wicked:-


profane (person).

these evil things come from

within, and defile the man.)(Mark 7:23))
Defile- Mark 7:23- 2840- kin; from 2839; to make (or
consider) profane (ceremonially):- call common, defile, pollute,
unclean. 2839- kins; probably from 4862; common, that is
(literally) shared by all or several, or (ceremonially) profane:common, defiled, unclean, unholy. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
((If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy, for
the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.) ( 1

Corinthians3:17) here Paul was talking about saved holy

Christians which are the temple of God)
Defile-1 Corinthians 3:17- 5351- phtir; probably
strengthened from phthi(pine or waste); properly to shrivel, or
wither, that is to spoil (by any process) or (generically) to ruin
(specifically figuratively, by moral influence, to deprave):- corrupt
(self), defile, destroy.
((For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with
mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if
there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;) (1

Timothy1:10) KJV)
Defile- 1 Timothy 1:10- 733-arsnkits; from 730 and
2845; a sodomite:- abuser of (that defile) self with mankind. 730arrhn; or arsn; probably from 142; male (as stronger for
lifting):- male, man. 2845- kit; from 2749; a couch; by
extension cohabitation; by implication the male sperm:- bed,
chambering, x conceive. 2749- kimai- middle voice of a primary
verb; to lie outstretched (literal or figuratively):- be (appointed,


laid up, made set), lay, lie. Comparative 5087.

((Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise

dominion, and speak evil of dignities.) ( Jude 8) KJV)
Defile-Jude8- 3392- miain-; perhaps a primary verb; to sully or
taint, that contaminate (ceremonially or morally):- defile.
Sully- to make or become soiled, tarnished, or defiled: soil, smirch
(M.W.D.). Taint- to contaminate morally, to affect or become
affected with something bad (as putrefaction) poison, spoil, stain,
tarnish, touch, besmirch , smudge, smut, sully, distort, twist;
damage, harm, hurt, impair; destroy, ruin, wreck, befoul,
contaminate, defile, foul, poison, pollute, more at contaminate, a
contaminating mark or influence, smirch, spot, stain, stigma,
more at stain (M.W.D.). Contaminate- to soil, stain, or infect by
contact or association, befoul, defile, foul, poison, pollute, taint;
also infect; besmirch, dirty, soil, sully; corrupt, rot, spoil;
adulterate; dilute. Antonym- decontaminate, purify. (M.W.D.).
The word filthy from the Old Testament((Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing the
city!) (Zephaniah 3:1)KJV)
Filthy-Zephaniah3:1- 4754-mr; a primitive root; to rebel;
hence, (through the idea of maltreating) to whip, that is lash (self
with wings, as the ostrich in running):- be filthy, lift up self.
Lash- to move violently or suddenly, hide; also: whip, a stinging
rebuke, eyelash, scourge, whip. (M. W.D.).
((before him saying, take away the filthy garments from him)
(Zechariah 3:4) KJV))
Filthy-Zechariah3:4- 6674- tsw; or ts; from an unused root
meaning toissue; soiled(as if excrementious):- filthy.
Soil- corrupt, pollute, to make or become dirty, stain, disgrace,
blacken, befoul, foul, mire, more at dirty, stain, defilement,


something that spoils or pollutes, dirt, filth(M.W. D.).

Foul- offensive to the senses, clogged with dirt; abhorrent to
morality or virtue: obscene, fetid, dirty, nasty, arousing or
deserving hatred or repugnance: odious.
The word filthiness in the New Testament:
((Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse
ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting
holiness in the fear of God.) (2Corinthians 7:1) KJV)
Filthiness- 2 Corinthians 7:1- 3436- mlusms; from 3435;
a stain; that is (figuratively) immorality:- filthiness. 3435-mlun;
probably from 3189; to soil (figuratively):- defile. 3189- melas;
apparently a primary word; black:- black. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Soil- corrupt, pollute, to make or become dirty, stain, disgrace,
blacken, befoul, foul, mire, more at dirty, stain, defilement,
something that spoils or pollutes, dirt, filth(M.W. D.)
((Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of
naughtiness) (James 1:21) KJV)
Filthiness-James1:21- 4507-rhuparia; from 4508; dirtiness
(morally):- turpitude. 4508- rhupars; from 4509; dirty, that is
(religiously) cheaporshabby; morallywicked:- vile. 4509-rhup; of
uncertain affixed;dirt, that is (morally) depravity:- filthy. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Shabby- dressed in worn clothes; threadbare and faded from
wear, despicable, mean; also: unfair <treatment>- shabbily,
mean, decaying, damage, destroyed (M.W.D.). Despicabledeserving to be despised, contemptible, nasty, more at
contemptible, detestable, dirty, low, vile, more at ignoble
((And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and
decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden


cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her

fornication:) (Revelation17:4))
Filthiness-Revelation17:4- 168-akatharts; from 169-;
impurity (the state) morally:- filthiness. 169- akatharts; from 1
(as a negative particle) and a presumed derivative of 2508
(meaning cleansed); impure (ceremonially [lewd] or specifically
[demonically]):- foul, unclean.
Impurity- adulterant, stain, spot, defilement, pollutant, fault,
imperfection, irregularity (M.W. D.) (Uncleanness is impurity)
Wanton- having, expressing, or inciting sensual desire or
imagination; having no regard for justice or for other persons
feelings, rights, or safety: inhumane (cruelty); lewd, lustful;
barbarous, brutal, heartless, cruel (M. W. D.)
Lustful- excited by lust, lascivious, lewd, passionate, wanton;
dissolute, libertine; corrupt, debauched, depraved, immoral,
indecent. (M.W.D.).

This is my analysis about lasciviousness(aslgia (Greek word

from the New Testament)) and about being holy sexually, away
from lasciviousness:
Don't commit the sin of lascivioussness(aslgia). That goes for
males and females. Dont be incontinent that is without selfcontrol.
Don't commit licentiousness, that is dont commit depravity(that
is dont commit a corrupt sexual practice act orpractice like
adultery, fornication), dont commit, decadence, ormonstrosity, or
vice.) , immorality, debauchery, vice.
Dont be licentious, that is lacking legal or moral restraints- limit,
restrict your sexual life, that is dont commit the sin of fornication,


dont commit the sin of adultery. It is better for me to say- dont

want, or desire any females sex if you are a male and dont
desire any males sex if you are female. - ; dont disregard sexual
restraints, dont be lewd, lascivious. Restrict your sexual life; dont
commit any sexual sin against God. Be restrict at sexual pleasure.
Dont watch pornography, it is sin against God The Father, dont
look at nude pictures of people, that is sin too. If you want to be
an angel, dont want or desire to have sex ever. Dont desire any
females sex if you are a male to be an angel and dont desire any
males sex if you are a female to be an angel.
Licentiousness according to is: debauchery,
dissipation, dissoluteness, profligacy, promiscuity, salaciousness,
wantonness (some words I did not include).
Dont commit licentiousness that is dont commit debauchery
(that is, dont practice extreme indulgence (that is dont practice
self- indulgence, sexual luxury, (dont indulge, that is to give free
rein to : gratify yourself illicitly, or to gratify yourself sexually
excessively, dont even masturbate, dont watch nude pictures or
movies that contain nudity, it is better to be an angel to go
against licentiousness including practicing extreme sexual
indulgence, dont gratify your taste or desire for sex, dont have
delight in sex if you are single, dont please, satiate or satisfy
yourself sexually if you are single. If you are single dont seek to
be married for sex, to get sex. If you are married it is better
never to have sex. Dont luxuriate sexually, dont practice sexual
luxury, dont practice sexual indulgence (dont give acceptance
or allowance to premarital sex that is- fornication (dont commit
this sin), dont be for fornication or adultery, dont give
acceptance to illegal in the eyes of God sexual pleasure or to give
acceptance lasciviousness or to wanton in your life)), permission
(dont give permission to fornicate with you, dont be for
fornication or adultery in your life, dont give acceptance to illegal
in the eyes of God sexual pleasure, dont give permission to


lasciviousness or to wanton in your life, dont give permission to

have illegal sex with you) , luxury, pleasure (in this case it is sinful
, illegal sexual pleasure (be like Daniel he didnt give sexual
pleasure to himself most of his life. He never married.)));
Dont commit licentiousness, that is dont commit dissipation,
dissoluteness, lechery, lewdness, libertinism, lubricity, lust,
lustfulness, profligacy, promiscuity, salaciousness, wantonness.
Dont commit licentiousness, which is lasciviousness too. I am
sure that if I be an angel or archangel to girls and other single
females, I dont commit any of these sexual sins or other sexual
sins. I only I want to help those people God The Father wants me
to help. Me- I am anti uglicity and anti- monstrocity.
Dont commit wantonness, which is lasciviousness. This sin leads
to hell according to the Bible (Galatians 5:19).
Lasciviousness(aslgia)is wantonness too not only incontinent,
licentiousness, vice.
The word wanton appears in the Old Testament one time in Isaiah
3:16, it the wordsqar(The #8265 entrance from Strongs).
Sqar is lasciviousness.
Don't wanton (that is dont sqar (that is dont ogle (look in a
flirtatious (teasing (provocative, tempting, tantalizing), enticing)
way, that is blink (open and close the eye lids, signal)
coquettishly(coy, demure, shy). If you are female, dont try to
show your body or show off your body includes trying to show off
your uncovered legs to other men, it is wrong. If you are female,
dont try to make other men have sex with you. Marriage
between a man and a woman like from Adam and Eve is protected
by God. If you are female, dont get married to have sex, or so
you can have sex. The Prophet Daniel wouldnt do that. Both
husband and wife working is good so you can make more money,
but I dont want to give single females to unmarried males
because, because I have seen most of them are not good like The
Prophet Daniel, or like Moses, or like Solomon, or like David, or


like Elijah, or like Ezekiel or like The Apostle Peter, or like The
Prophet John, or like Jesus- the single grow should marry one like
one of them, that would care about her salvation and get her to
heaven which would be one mission. I have had visions from God
and He has shown me in the past that there are ranks for
everyone that was created and for everyone that is on earth. And
the rank changes. Some still continue with their same rank I
think. You can marry one of the first 10 players on earth which is
below 7 billion and I dont know who they are. They are very just I
believe and innocent. I love the first 10 players in the Eyes of
God at the moment. I love the first 100 thousand players- better
yet- I love the entire body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) and my
neighbour as myself(that is my ra; or rya plsin) (Leviticus
19:18, Matthew 22:39). The first 10 players must be loved and I
dont know who they are at the moment. Improve your rank
according to God The Father, in the Eyes of God The Father, which
is given by God The Father that is. I hope have been friendly to
you and helped you to do the will of God or the will of God better,
I hope I have led you to do the will of God.God The Father can
show you what your rank is like through a vision for example. It is
good if God shows you the truth. You already have the Bible and
this Bible sins meanings, turn to righteousness to achieve visions
from God or achieve to be a prophet. Never give up. Many can
have visions I believe, it is for those who have mercy. For you to
fast always it is included in the package to achieve visions from
God. I dont know how many days of fasting it is to start having
visions, it might be a total of 200 days or 300 days or 800 days. I
did many absolute fasts of 3 days but only started having real
visions like seeing God The Father, here Him talk, see what He
wrote after fasts of 10 days drinking just water and higher and
fasts of 18 days and higher drinking just juice. I have done
combination fasts of part absolute fast and the most of it drinking
juice and also part of fast just drinking water and most of it
drinking juice. I have done many long fasts of just drinking juice.
Continuing talking about the sin of lasciviousness:
If you are female, dont try or allow other men to see yourself
naked, ever, it is wrong, it is lasciviousness. If someone commits
fornication because of you, God The Father can make you pay for


Dont want or do luxury (voluptuousness). Dont be voluptuous

(that is dont give sexual gratification outside of marriage, dont
be sensuous, dont be luxurious (it is illegal sexual pleasure in the
Eyes of God), don t be sensual (I Believe sensual is psuchiks (it
is from the number entrance 5591 from The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)). Don't be incontinent, don't be
without self-control sexually (dont practice illicit sexual things).

Dont wanton, that is dont katastrph. Dont become

voluptuous (that is give sexual gratification to yourself outside of
marriage or to othersespecially, or give illegal sexual
gratification((satisfaction, enjoyment, delight)(and masturbation
and fornication is two of them) spent in enjoyment of luxury(it is
illegal sexual pleasure in the Eyes of God and illegal sexual relief
in the Eyes of God, fornication is one of them, indulgence)
(continued- luxury- dont give excess sex to your spouse,
permission to fornicate or commit adultery, (dont practice illegal,
illicit sexual pleasure) according to God, dont be sensuous,
dont be sensual (that is don t be psuchiks. I Believe sensual is
psuchiks (it is from the number entrance 5591 from The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)) against Christ. Dont
have any opposition against Christ. Dont have any opposition
against Christ moral sexually.
Dont masturbate. I learned from God never to do it, to never
masturbate. If you masturbate then you please yourself sexually,
you entertain yourself sexually. And masturbating goes against
fasting.Masturbating is not sin, but if God tells you to stop you
stop doing it. I think masturbating is dangerous, but less than
fornication. Me, I dont want sex, I want God The Father, The

Lord Jehovah. I like fasting to God The Fatheralways.


Dont begin to wax (increase) wanton against Christ. If you are

married dont have excessive sex with your spouse, dont be cruel
sexually to your spouse. Dont be lustful. Dont be nasty (bad
sexually, disgusting sexually). I think the Prophet Ezekiel never
had sex with his wife. Dont please other people sexually or try to
convince single people to have sex. Dont make other people
think about sex especially single people. Sex should diminish not
increase specially fornication and adultery. And also, most single
males on earth are not worthy or precious to get a nice single girl
to marry or Christian girl, to marry like a person like Moses for
example because they are some are bad, some are evil, wicked,
many are unsaved, some are abominable, and some unholy, some
are not God loving. And some females are evil, unholy, not God
loving, abominable, cant marry any of them too. I defend nice,
pretty, cute girls and Christian girls. Me I havent touched any in
the 21st century or dated any in all my life. I dont want to date
anymore. I want to make friends and help other people go to
heaven that God allows to go so far, especially those who deserve
to go. I want to be an angel, I like being a warrior or warrior angel
for Christ. A hero is good if I can achieve, but a hero angel or to
become like Christ is better.
The Greek word katastrphwhich is also wanton comes from
the Greekword strniais from a presumed derivative of
4764(from Strongs); to be luxurious:- live deliciously. Dont be
luxurious (that is commit debauchery (sin, licentiousness,
wantonness, iniquity, immorality, corruption, depravity (vice, evil,
immorality, wickedness), live deliciously (it is sexual sin,
appetizingly with sexual sin like fornication, enjoyably like
enjoying sexual sin like enjoying the sin of fornication (seek God
and to do His will, dont seek sex)). 4764- TheGreek word
strns means a "straining", "strenuousness" or "strength", that
is (figuratively):- luxury (voluptuousness):- delicacy. Dont do a
straining to your wife if having sex with her, that is dont try to
exert to the utmost to have sex with her, dont strive violently to


have sex with her(dont hurt her) or with anyone else, dont try to
stretch beyond a proper limit to have sex with your spouse, dont
labor to have sex, to have illegal sex or labor to have sex with
your spouse, endeavor to have sex, dont strive to have sex or to
have sex with your spouse, dont struggle to have sex or to have
sex with your wife, travail, dont work to have sex, labor to have
sex). Dont do strenuousness that is dont be strenuous to have
sex that is dont be laborious to have sex, dont work hard to have
sex, even with your spouse. Remember, Daniel, Paul, Ezekiel,

Jesus Christ never had sex.

Dont try to make strength (power, force) yourself to have have

sex. Dont force your spouse to have sex. Dont do luxury (that
is dont be voluptuous (that is dont give sexual gratification
outside of marriage, dont be sensuous, dont be luxurious (it is
illegal sexual pleasure in the Eyes of God), dont be sensual (I
Believe sensual is psuchiks (it is from the number entrance
5591 from The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)).


Dont commit wantonness. Another wanton word that appears in

the New Testament is the wordGreekword spatala(entrance
number in Strongs is 4684); ThisGreek word appears in James
5:5 only.It comes from spatal, and it means- (luxury); to be
voluptuous:-live in pleasure, be wanton. (James Strong, The New
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of Bible). Dont live in luxury on
Dont be voluptuous (that is give sexual gratification to yourself
outside of marriage or to others especially, or give illegal sexual
gratification(((satisfaction, enjoyment, delight to yourself or to
others) (and masturbation and fornication is two of them, dont
give masturbation or fornication to others and also dont commit
fornication)) spent in enjoyment of luxury(it is illegal sexual
pleasure in the Eyes of God and illegal sexual relief in the Eyes of
God, fornication is one of them, indulgence) (continued- luxury,
that is excess sex with your spouse, permission to fornicate or
commit adultery, illegal sexual pleasure according to God, Dont
be sensuous, dont be sensual (that is don t be psuchiks. I
Believe sensual is psuchiks (it is from the number entrance
5591 from The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible))
Continuing trying to explain what to do not to commit wanton that
is spatala:Dont commit luxury, that is (commit illegal sexual
pleasure in the Eyes of God and illegal sexual relief in the Eyes of
God, fornication, indulgence) (continued- luxury- or have excess
sex with your spouse, persmission to fornicate or commit
adultery, or have illegal sexual pleasure according to God, Dont
be sensuous, dont be sensual (that is don t be psuchiks. I
Believe sensual is psuchiks (it is from the number entrance
5591 from The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible))
Dont be voluptuous (that is dont give sexual gratification outside
of marriage, dont be sensuous, dont be luxurious (it is illegal
sexual pleasure in the Eyes of God), don t be sensual (I Believe
sensual is psuchiks (it is from the number entrance 5591 from
The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)). Continuing
about not committing wanton that is spatala:
I got word pleasure the pleasure word, the Hebrew chphts-(#
2655 from Strongs) from Psalm 5:4. I already listed the
meanings for the Hebrew chphts above under the
lasciviousness category then wanton category, the Greek


wordJames 5:5- 4684-spatala; from spatal, James 5:54684using the meanings for the word chphts here:
Dont live in pleasure (it is sexual) that is, dont live in being
pleased with commiting the sin of lasciviousness (alsegeia), dont
live in desiring to have sex with someone who is not married to,
who is not your wife or husband, dont live in desiring to fornicate
or desiring to make other people fornicate or desiring to commit
adultery, dont live in desiring to see pornography or nude
pictures or any other type of nudity from your opposite sex, (dont
ever see people nude ever of your own sex or of the opposite
sex). Dont look at the sex or breast of another married female or
single female, dont look at their butt, dont commit adultery with
the eyes (Matthew 5:28), dont live in seeking whosoever would
have sex with you or show itself naked to you, dont livein willing
to have illegal sex in the eyes of God like willing to fornicate, dont
live in willing to have sex with someone who is not married to
you, dont live in willing to commit adultery or to commit any
illegal sexual pleasure in the Eyes of God, dont live in favour that
is, service other people sexually, or yourself through fornication,
or adultery, dont wish someones sex which doesnt belong to
you because it is not your spouse, dont wish to sin sexually, dont
wish to make other people who is not your wife or husband to
have sex with you, dont wish to convince other people to have
sex. Better- Sex must decrease not increase, better- disappear.
Dont live in forbidden sexual delight (enjoy, please, gratify,
satisfaction)like adulterating with the eyes, with pornography or
live in delight (enjoy, please, gratify, satisfaction) of fornication or
adultery.Dont incline (that is, rise, influence, persuadedont seek
dont be wanton.
Don't be incontinent, don't be without self-control. Dont wanton.
Dontspatala , that is dont be voluptuous, dont live in sinful
sexual pleasure. Dont seek to give sexual pleasure to other
people. Dont give sexual pleasure to yourself outside of
marriage. Don't be filthy according to the bible. The Bible shows
what filthy and filthiness is. Dont have a vile conversation, dont


have filthy communication, that is shameful. Dont talk for sex.

Dont allow the desire for another persons genital to appear.
Dont be venal that is dont be corrupt, degenerate, degraded,
depraved, perverse sexually, perverted sexually, bad, evil, vicious
in Gods Eyes, Dont be reprobate in Godssight.
Dont be a playboy. Dont be filthy. I believe filthy is also mr.
Dont be mr. Dont rebel against God The Father
sexually. Dont maltreat other people sexually by committing
lasciviousness. Dont lift up self. We need to diminish other
peoples desire for the genitals of their opposite sex, not increase,
like not trying to increase the desire for the male sex in other
single females. Dont entertain other people sexually, dont try or
allow the desire for the male sex appear in other people of their
opposite sex. Dont allow the desire for the female genital appear
in other males. Me, I dont want to try to make any female think
on the males genital and any male on the females genital. I
dont want to make them want it or seek for it. Dont look at
another females behind. Dont be lewd that is dont be
zimmh. The word zimmh appears in Ezekiel16:27. I
believe a lewd way is a heinous crime, a plan, specifically a bad
one. Don't commit wantonness, don't commit barbarity, dont
commit brutality, dont commit brutality, don't be brutal, dont
commit cruelty (it is sexual cruelty), don't be cruel sexually. Dont
touch any female that doesnt belong to you, who is not your wife
while she is alive on earth if thats what

Father wants you to do.

God The

You can touch your son or daughter

if you are a parent if you have any, if God allows. Dont touch
any male if you are a female while he is on earth that doesnt
belong to you, who is not your husband if thats what God
wants you to do. Dont wanton, don't have or express or incite
sensual desire or imagination in other people especially and


yourself. Be pure of heart (Mat.5:8). Don't be lustful and

heartless, don't wanton, have regard for justice and for other
people's holy feelings, don't be lustful, brutal, barbarous,
heartless, cruel, have regard for other people's holy rights or
sexual safety(don't be inhumane, cruel, lewd), dont lack regard
for other peoples (holy)moral, holy rights (it has to do with sex)),
it s what

God(Jehovah)allows people to do that is,

but here it has to do with sex. Don't have illegal(according to


sex, don't commit lasciviousness and don't look at

someones sex who is not your spouse, ever, with the eyes
(2Peter 2:14). Don't incite other people to lust, don't try to
incite, provoke, raise, sensual desire in anybody or their
imagination, it is sin. Don't try to arouse action, provoke, raise,
sow, excite stimulate their sexual desire. Don't wanton, don't
commit licentiousness, don't be licentious. They which do,
practice lasciviousness (aslgia) shall not inherit the kingdom of


(Gal. 5:21). So, stop committing this sin, if you do

commit, repent to try to be forgiven, to get saved. Get saved from

your other sins also to try to get saved from hell. You need to ask

TheLordJesusChrist for forgiveness, you need to

convince Him to forgive you of this sin if you do commit. I tried to
give the meaning for the word lasciviousness. Concerning the
definition for the word lasciviousness, I am not sure if defined it
completely. I believe I am close to the truth. I want to try to be
like an angel. Angels, archangels of

God The

Father, that are in the 3rd Heaven never sinned . I don't

want to sin against God, don't want to think about sex, I want
to love purity (Mat. 5:8). I don't want to tempt any female
sexually even any single female with words, through talk. And I


don't want to entertain, try to excite, or please myself sexually.

For me, all of that is not hard not to do. Lasciviousness as a whole
is not hard for me to stay away from. I like fasting to


The Father, sure I want to offer Him the best quality of

fasting, that is I don't want to sin against Him while fasting,
especially. Me, I want to try to offer a fast acceptable to Him.
The quantity of fasting it matters too, the larger the number of
days, the better. To me, an angel (that is a man) always fasts to

God The Fatherand he doesnt want to sin. I don't

speak against fasting. For me fasting to God The
Fatherhas worked. Very good Revival I have experienced
because of fasting and worshipping of

God The

Father, doing both at the same time. All of the glory,

worship, praise and honor and thanksgiving belongs toHim,
The Creator Heis GodThe Father,
Jehovah is His name . I used songs of the Christian
Worshipper, singer, Rachael Lampa, in which I believe she is
the best Christian singer on earth right now, still. Some of her

The Fatherare called: A song forYou,
forYourLove, secret place. I sung and listened to her other
songs, but those three I used the most. I love Jehovah
songs in which I utilized the most to worship (love)


YouI used the most of all three

I believe so far. A song forYouis the best song in
whichGod The Fathershowed me I must listen to

Jesus too.

A song for

and use it to sing. I experienced great revival because of this song

and I experienced great revival because of fasting to


The Father.

I have had good results because of fasting to

God. I have fasted and worshipped God at the same time while
fasting utilizing A song for
believe that A song for

You sung by Rachael Lampa.

Youand ForYourlove sung

byRachael Lampaare the coolest songs. I believe she is cool. To

me she is a Christian princess and queen. I like her good works.
You can try to become a Christian princess or queen, or a prophet
but I believe it is not easy, to accomplish to some and I believe
you need to maintain yourself as a holy Christian princess or
queen if you are one because I think it is good. But maintaining
yourself as an angel, an angel holy is better. Becoming an angel
is the most difficult, but you can't become like angel from heaven,
You can see yourself as an angel in a vision I believe. I believe you
can become celestial but we are still human, but it is cool. It is the
most difficult I believe to become an angel then, a prophet. An
angel but it is an angel that is a man, always fasts unto

The Fatherwith long fasts.


An angelholy blond with

white hair is what I want to look like. I have seen visions of me
like that before. Doing fasts of 10 or 15 days on just drinking
water is a good amount. 21 days or 30 or 40 days on drinking
just juice is good. One can also do many absolute fasts of 3 days
without eating or drinking and never stop doing this number of
days of fasting in addition to large amount of days fast. You can


do 10 or 15 days on just drinking water, or for more than after

these 10 and 15 days. You can go up to 21 or 30 days or 40 days
drinking just juice or drink juice for the most of these 21, 30 or 40
days of fast. I have had good experiences with God The Father
because of fasting . I believe you can too. Elijah fasted a lot.
Daniel also fasted. David also fasted. I think that if you really
want to go to Heaven, then you will always fast to God The Father.
Fasts of 10 days and larger than 10 days is good on just drinking
water. I have been called an angel, with the word angel, many
times. I want to behave like an angel, by the way I explain it, but
it is not easy. It has to do with dont sin. I want to try to behave
like an angel because I want to give the best example. You can
try to be one angel too. I dont want to get married one day. I
am single, surely I can try to be an angel, holy. I like wanting to
look like an angel with black hair and with wings, or an holy angel
with white hair. I have had many visions from God The Father,

God The Fathera lot. I believe you

can be led by God The Father. , like the prophet
thats why I love

Samuel, Jeremiah, or like The Apostle Peter or like The Apostle

Paul or like The Prophet John, or in some other way. I believe it is
possible for you to see the power of God because of you.
Worshipping God The Father always and exalting Him is one
strength you should have in your life. You can try tobe an angel
or archangel (even better) nice and powerful at the same time
because of certain male enemies of

God The

Fatherin which are more than females I believe. Hard to be

defeated, hard to be defeat sounds good to me. You shouldnt
want to sin error. You should want to be intelligent, smart. You
should want to be pure of heart or seek to be pure of heart
(Matthew 5:8). You can try to desire, want to look like an angel
if you want to. You are not impeded from. I want to look like an


angel or archangel (more difficult). To me an angel belongs

God The Fatheronly, it is totally His. Of

course you need to be obedient to God The
Father, do your best not to sin against Himevery day,

trying to use all your wisdom, will, and feelings to try to please


I believe that if you want to be an angel, one of the

things you have to do is obey the 10 commandments, and the 2

God The Son(The Lord

Jesus Christ)talks about (Mathew 22:37,39). The
commandments that

first commandment is more important, I believe, it is the first and

great commandment (Mathew22:38). The second
commandment is less important than the first.
Continuing my commentary about lascivioussness: Don't mention
the words vagina or penis to other people, don't allow them to
hear these words by you, don't talk about sex. You cannot speak
against marriage, but sex because of tempting other people, and
it is better not to talk about marriage, because once you talk
about it, people can start thinking about sex. It is wrong to talk for
sex. It is wrong to increase sex in the earth. It is wrong to
increase marriage in the earth. Don't be sensual, that is dont be
psuchiks. The word psuchiks appears in James 3:15. Dont
be sensitive that is animate, like an animal, it relates to sex, don't
be like a dog for example wanting to have sex, don't try to imitate
a dog when he has sex with a female dog. Don't be lustful. Don't
have a lower or bestial nature. I believe this is a carnal nature. It
is better to be spiritual, not physical. Dont be carnal, be spiritual,
but it is holy.
Also, don't ogle, that is blink coquettishly. Don't look at a person
in a flirtatious way, don't look at a person in a way that is


amorously without serious intent, don't behave in that amorously

way, be holy. Also don't try to entertain or try to excite people
sexually. Anybody should also not use other men or women to
entertain somebody or other people sexually. Don't entertain
somebody or other people sexually. Don't entertain yourself
sexually. Don't have a time of great ease and comfort or
indulgence, that is luxury. Don't give sensual gratification to
yourself or others, don't spend time in sexual enjoyment of
luxury, or sexual pleasure, don't be voluptuous. Don't watch or
look at pornography, ever. Don't try to incite anyone to lust or
depravity, don't be filthy (sexually). Don't try to incite people to
a corrupt act or practice (a sexual sin(dont try to make them
commit fornication or lead them to commit fornication, or incest,
or adultery). Depravity is decadence, monstrocity, vice,
perversion. Dont commit depravity. Don't try to be filthy, that
is, don't have a vile conversation, filthy communication. Put filthy
communication out of your mouth, filthy communication is
shameful. Your conversation cannot be venal, corrupt,
degenerate, degraded, depraved, perverse, perverted, bad, evil,
or vicious. Of course I don't want to mislead anyone.
Lascivioussness is a sexual sin. Don't be foul, in a moral sense
contaminated. Don't commit incest. Incest is having sex with
your sister or brother or father, or mother.
Also, don't defile yourself, or defile others. Defile is tanaph in
Hebrew which means to soil, defile. The word tanaph appears in
Song 5:3. Dont defile, that is dont soil, that is dont corrupt,
pollute, stain, or dirty yourself or others with the sin of defile
(tanaph). Dont make dirty yourself or others spiritually (because
of sin) or physically. Dont become dirty yourself spiritually
(because of sin) or physically. Defile self is filthiness. Defile is also
chlal. Dont chlal (defile). The word chlal appears in
Ezekiel 7:22. Chlal means to profane a person, to profane a
place, or to profane a thing. Chlal also means pollute,
prostitute. Dont profane (defile) any person, dont profane any
place or thing, ever. Dont profane (defile) what is holy, ever,
even if it is not holy. We cannot make things worse for

The Father.


Dont prostitute yourself or make somebody

else prostitute. Dont pollute somebody else or yourself because


of sin, dont pollute somebody else or yourself with sin, with any
sexual sin for example like through the sin of fornication. Defile in
the New Testament is kin. Kin(defile) appears in Mark
7:23. Dont kin(defile). Dont make profane ceremonially
any person or any other thing or yourself. Dont defile, that is
make someone else unholy or yourself unholy. Dont make a
thing unholy too. Becareful with unholy people. Defile is also
phtir. The word phtir(defile) appears in 1 Corinthians
3:17. Dont phtir(defile). Dont phtir,that is dont pine or
waste; like shrivel, or wither, that is spoil (by any process or
(generically) ruin somebody or yourself by moral influence (it is
no good, unholy influence). Dont deprave. Dont corrupt (self).
Dont destroy yourself or others because of defile. Defile from the
New Testament is also miain. Dont miain(defile). Dont
miain(defile), that is dont sully or taint, that is contaminate
(ceremonially or morally):- defile.
Don't muddle, don't mix up, make a mess of, disrupt, disorder,
disorder, mix, litter, confuse. Don't be fetid, dirty. Don't try to soil
(defile) yourself or others, that is pollute, make become dirty,
stain, disgrace, blacken, don't spoil or make them dirty with sin or
yourself, morally. You need to be holy and other people too, not
away from holiness.
Filthiness- 2 Chronicles29:5- 5079- niddh; from 5074
properly rejection; by implication impurity, expecifically person
(menstruation) or morally (idolatry, incest):- x far, filthiness, x
flowers, menstruous (woman), put apart, x removed (woman),
separation, set apart, unlean (-ness, thing, with filthiness). (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exaustive concordance of Bible). Incest
and impurity somehow it is that, lasciviousness, but menstruation
is not lasciviousness.
About the sin of uncleanness, it is one of the works of the flesh,
here is the meaning for the word uncleanness for Galatians 5:19:
Uncleanness- Galatians 5:19- 167- akatharsia; from 169;
impurity (the quality)physical or morally:- uncleanness. 169akatharts; from 1 (as a negative particle) and a presumed


derivative of 2508 (meaning cleansed); impure (ceremonially,

morally [lewd] or specifically [demonic]:- foul, unclean. 2508kathair; from 2513; to cleanse, that is (specifically) to prune;
figuratively to expiate:- purge. (The New Strongs Exaustive
Concordance of Bible).
The Word uncleanness in the Old Testament:
((Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her
nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness.)
Uncleanness-Leviticus 18:19- 2932- tumh ; from 2930- ;
religious impurity:- filthiness, uncleanness. 2930-tm; a
primitive root; to be foul, specifically in a ceremonial or moral
sense (contaminated):- defile (self), pollute (self), be (make,
make self, pronounce) unclean, x utterly.
From in a moral sense (contaminated),it means fornication. Dont
commit fornication.
((If there be among you any man, that is not a clean by reason of
uncleanness that chanceth him by night, then he shall go abroad
out of the camp, he shall not come within the camp:)
(Deuteronomy 23:10))
Uncleanness-Deuteronomy 23:10- 7137- qreh; from 7136qarah; qareh- an (unfortunate) occurrence, that is some
accidental (ceremonial)disqualification:- uncleanness that
chanceth. 7136- qarah- a primary root; to light upon (chiefly by
accident); causative to bring about; specifically to impose timbers
(for roof or floor):- appoint, lay (make) beams, befall, bring, come
(to pass unto), floor, [hap] was, happen (unto), meet, send good
speed. If you commit this quareqh, this uncleanness and is saved
you are still saved and can inherit the kingdom of God, but it is
better not to commit this type of uncleanness which is accidental
ceremonial disqualification, uncleanness that chanceth.
Chanceth- Deuteronomy 23:10- 4745- miqreh; from 7136;
properly something meet with, that is an accident or fortune:something befallen, befalleth, event, hap (-eneth). 7136- qarah- a
prim. root; to light upon (chiefly by accident); causatively to bring


about; specifically to impose timbers (for roof or floor):- appoint,

lay (make) beams, befall, bring, come (to pass unto), floor, [hap]
was, happen (unto), meet, send good speed.
((When a man hath taken a wife, and married her, and it come to
pass that she find no favour in his eyes, because hath found some
uncleanness in her: then let him write her a bill of divorcement,
and give it in her hand, and send her out his house.)
(Deuteronomy 24:1))
Uncleanness- Deuteronomy 24:1- 6172- ervh; from 6168;
nudity, literally (specifically the pudenda) or figuratively
(disgrace, blemish):- nakedness, shame, unclean (-ness). From
6168- rh;- a primary root; tobe (causative make) bare; hence,
to empty, pour out, demolish:- leave destitute, discover, empty,
make naked, pour (out), raise, spread self, uncover.
Destitute- lacking something needed or desirable, suffering
extreme poverty, broke, indigent, needy, penniless, more at poor
This is what I want to tell you about uncleanness:
Dont commit the sin of uncleanness. Dont commit the sin of
akatharsia (uncleanness). Akatharsia appears in Galatians
5:19. Akatharsia is impurity (the quality) physical or morally:uncleanness. Dont commit impurity in quality physical or
morally. Akatharsia comes from the word akathartos which
means impure (ceremonially, morally [lewd] or specifically
[demonic]:- foul, unclean. Dont be impure ceremonially, morally
[lewd] or specifically [demonic]. Dont be foul or unclean in the

Eyes of God The Father.

The word uncleanness

appears in the Old Testament, in Leviticus 18:19, it is the word
tumaah. Tumaah means religious impurity:- filthiness,
uncleanness. Tumah comes from the word tame which means to
be foul, especially in a ceremonial or moral sense
(contaminated):- defile (self), pollute (self), be (make, make self,
pronounce) unclean, x utterly. Dont be foul, specifically in a


ceremonially or moral sense (contaminated). Dont defile (self),

with the sin of uncleanness, dont pollute (self) with the sin of
uncleanness. Dont make yourself unclean because of the sin of
uncleanness. Uncleanness in the Old Testament is also ervah.
Ervah means nudity, literally (specifically the pudenda) or
figuratively (disgrace, blemish):- nakedness, shame, unclean (ness). Dont commit the sin of ervah (uncleanness). Dont show
nudity to anyone, specifically your pudenda to any male. If you
are a married female, only your husband can see your nakedness.
If you are male , dont show yourself nude, your nakedness to
anyone. If you are a female, dont show your nakedness to other
people. Dont show nudity, nakedness to other people like
pictures of naked people, ever. Dont discover, uncover anyones
nakedness ever, like from the internet, TV, cable TV, from
magazine, newspaper or from anywhere else. Dont watch
pornography ever. Becareful not to sin with the eyes. One cannot
make the young people, kids see nakedness, nudity from the
internet, or from TV, or from magazines, etc causing to remove
their innocence. I believe a parent that has kids should isolate
them from TV, cable TV, worldly radio, or from any other person
that can have a bad influence over them, causing them to sin
against God, causing them to learn sin, like bad words for
example, or from people that can mislead them away from Gods
will. I think it is a very big responsibility if you are a parent of 1
child, 2, or 3 or more to know how to raise. I think the more you
have, the more difficult is your life, and because the parents have
to be economically prepared to support. If you have a young
daughter for example, about if she is going to heaven I believe it
depends on her father and mother. Parents need to make their
children correct for God The Father. Children need to know how
to read the Bible and understand it, learn how to love God and
how to becareful with Gods enemies. They need to know how to
write and speak. They need to become more intelligent for God
The Father.
Don't show your nakedness to anyone, and it is shameful. Only a
husband is allowed to show his nakedness to his wife and her to
her husband. No one else can see their nakedness. Try to never
discover, uncover other people's nakedness, don't discover
somebody's nudity, the pudenda. Single females should not


uncover, discover, any male's sex. Don't commit adultery with

the eyes. Have a heart more virgin. Try to become innocent to

God The Fatheras much as possible, not to commit this


Variance-Galatians5:20- 2054- ris; of uncertain affixed; a

quarrel- that is (by implication) wrangling:- contention, debate,
strife, variance (James Strong, The New Strong's Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Implication- implicate- involve, imply (M.W.D.). Imply- hint
((Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man
have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do
ye) (Colossians 3:13))
Quarrel- Colossians 3:13- 3437- mnph; from 3201; blame,
that is (by implication) a fault:- quarrel. 3201- mmphmaimiddle voice of an apparantetly primary verb; to blame:- find
Blame- to find fault with, fault, responsible for fault or error
((Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have
killed him; but she could not:) (Mark 6:19))
Quarrel- Mark6:19- 1758- nch; from 1722 and 2192; 1758nch- to hold in or upon, that is ensnare; by implication to keep
a grudge:- entangle with, have a quarrel against, urge.
Urge- to present, advocate, or demand earnestly, to try to
persuade or sway <~a guest to stay> to serve as a motive or
reason for, to impress or impel to some course or activity <urged
him to stay><the dog urged the sheep onward>, encourage,
press, implore, importune, pressure, incite, provoke. (M.W.D.).
((wherefore consider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh a
quarrel against me) (2Kings 5:7))
Quarrel- 2 Kings5:7- 579- nh; a primitive root; [perhaps
rather identified with 578 through the idea of contradiction in


anguish]; to approach; hence, to meet in various senses:- befall,

deliver, happen, seek a quarrel. 578- anah; a primitive root; to
groan:- lament, mourn.
Ensnared- from ensnare.
((That the hypocrite reign not, lest the people be ensnared.)
(Job 34:30))
Ensnared- Job34:30- 4170- mwqsh; or mqsh- from 3369, a
noose (for catching animals) (literal or figuratively; by implication
a hook (for the nose):- be ensnared, gin, (is) snare (-d), trap.
3369- ygsh- a primitive root; to ensnare (literally,
figuratively):- fowler (lay a snare).
Noose- a loop with a lipknot that binds closer the more it is drawn.
((And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap,
and a stumblingblock, and a recompense unto them:)
(Romans 11:9))
Trap- Romans11:9- 2339- thra; thr; (a wild animal, as
game); hunting, that is destruction:- trap.
((Let their table become a snare before them: and that which
should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.)
(Psalm 69:22))
Trap- Psalm69:22- 4170- mwqsh; or mqsh.
Trap-Job18:10- 4434- malkdeth; from 3920; a snare:- trap.
3920- lkad; a primitive root; to catch (in a net, trap or pit);
generally to capture or occupy; also to choose (by lot);
figuratively to cohere:- x at all, catch (self), be frozen, be holden,
stick together, take.
((For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as
he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.)
(Jeremiah 5:26))
Trap- Jeremiah 5:26- 4889-Mashchyth; from 7843;
destructive; that is (as noun) destruction, literally (specifically a
snare) or figuratively (corruption):- corruption, (to) destroy (-ing),


destruction, trap, x utterly.

((But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and
into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in
destruction and perdition.) (1 Timothy 6:9))
Snare-1 Timothy 6:9- 3803-pagis; from 4078; a trap (as
fastened by a noose or notch); figuratively a trick or stratagem
(temptation):- snare.
Snare-1 Corinthians 7:35- 1029- brchs; as or uncertain
derivative; a noose:- snare.
Snare- Proverbs 29:25- 4170- mwqsh; or mqsh.
((Scornful men bring a city into a snare: but wise men turn away
wrath) (Proverbs 29:8))
Snare- Proverbs 29:8- 6315- pwach- a primitive root; to puff,
that is blow with the breath or air; hence, to fan (as breeze), to
utter, to kindle (a fire), to scoff:- blow (upon), break, puff, bring
into a snare, speak.
Scoff- mock, jeer. (M.W.D.).
Puffed- from puff.
Puffed- 1 Corinthians13:4- 5448- phusi- from 5449 in the
primary sense of blowing; to inflate, that is (figuratively) make
proud (haughty):- puff up.
Snare- Job 18:8- 7639- sebkh; feminine of 7638; a net-work,
that is (in hunting) a snare, (in architectural) a balustrade; also a
reticulated ornament to a pillar:- checker, lattice, network, snare,
wreath (-enwork). 7638- sbk; from unused root meaning to
intwine; a netting (ornament to the capital of a column):- net.
Sabbeka. See 5443.
((The snare is laid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the
way.) (Job 18:10) this him is talking is the wicked(Job


Snare-Job18:10- 2256- chebel; or chbel; from 2254; a rope

(as twisted), specifically a measuring line; by implication a district
or inheritance (as measured); or a noose (as of cords); figuratively
a company (as if tied together); also a throe (specifically of
parturition); also ruin:- band, coast, company, cord, country,
destruction, line, lot, pain, pang, portion, region, rope, snare,
sorrow, tackling.
Ruin- complete collapse or destruction, a cause of destruction,
the action of destroying, annihilation, demolition, destruction,
devastation, loss, more at destruction, to reduce to ruins :
destroy, to damage beyond repair, bankrupt, destroy, devastate,
more at ravage, annihilate, blot out, demolish, desolate,
exterminate, obliterate, smash, tear down, waste, wipe out,
wreck, more at destroy. (M.W.D.).
Snare- Isaiah 29:21- 6983
Ensnare- to take in or as if in a snare: trap; entrap, trap, more at
entangle (M. W. D.). Entangle- to wrap or twist together: tangle;
also: to make complicated; to take in or as if in a snare; also: to
involve in a perplexing or troublesome situation; entrap, trap,
tangle, knot, capture, involve (in a troublesome situation(written
by Andres)) (M. W. D.). Snare- Something by which one is
entangled, involved in difficulties, or impeded.(M. W. D.).
Snare-1 Samuel 28:9- 5367- nqash- a primitive root; to
entrap (with a noose), literally or figuratively:- catch, (lay a) snare.
Snare- Psalm 119:110- 6341- pach; from 6351; a (metallic)
sheet (as pounded thin); also a spring net (as spread out like a
lamina):- gin, (thin) plate, snare. 6351- pchach; a primitive
root; to batter out; but used only as a denominative from 6341, to
spread a net:- be snared.
Batter- to beat or damage with repeated blows, beat, pound, more
at beat (M.W.D.).
((Grudge not one against another, brethren,) (James 5:9))
Grudge-James 5:9- 4727- stnaz- from 4728; tomake
(intrinsically be) in straits, that is (by implication) to sigh, murmur,


pray inaudibly:- with grief, groan, grudge, sigh. 4728- stns,

probably from the base of 2476; narrow (From obstacles standing
close about):- strait. 2476- histmi; a prolongation form of a
primary sta (of the same meaning, and used for it in certain
tenses); to stand (transitively or intransitively), used in various
applications (literal or figuratively):- abide, appoint, bring,
continue, covenant, establish, hold up, lay present, set (up),
stanch stand (by, forth, still, up). Comparison 5087.
Strait- narrow, sound, distress (M.W.D).
((nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people,)
(Leviticus 19:18))
Grudge-Leviticus 19:18- 5201-ntar- a primitive root; to
guard; figuratively, to cherish (anger):- bear, grudge, keep (-er),
Grudge- a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill will; animosity,
antipathy, bitterness, enmity, resentment, offense, complaint (M.
W. D.).
Cherisheth- 1 Thessalonians 2:7- 2282- thalp- probably akin to
thallo (to warm); to brood, that is (figuratively foster):- cherish.
Cherish- to hold dear: feel or treat with care and affection, adore,
love, have, hold, love (M.W.D.). Foster- to promote the growth,
raise, bring up, forward, further, nourish, promote (M.W.D.).
( Dont love, promote, raise, forward, further anger against God,
or against saved Christians)
((Use hospitality one to another without grudging.) ( 1
Grudging- 1 Peter4:9- 1112- gggusms- from 1111; a
grumbling:- grudging, murmuring. 1111- ggguz; of uncertain
derivative; to grumble:- murmur.
((Jesus therefore answered and said unto them, Murmur not
among yourselves.) (John 6:43))
Murmur- John6:43- 1111-ggguz, of uncertain derivative; to
grumble:- murmur.
Grumble- to mutter in discontent, complain, fuss, moan, whine


(M.W.D.). Mutter- to murmur complainingly or angrily: grumble,

grumble, fuss, moan, whine, murmur, more at complain (M.W.D.).
Mutter-Isaiah8:19- 1897- hgh; a primitive root [comparative
1901]; to murmur (in pleasure or anger); by implication to
ponder:- imagine, meditate, mourn, mutter, roar, x sore, speak,
study, talk, utter.
Ponder- Proverbs 5:6- 6424- pala; a primitive root; properly to
roll flat, that is prepare (a road); also to revolve, that is weigh
(mentally):- make, ponder, weigh.
Ponder- to weigh in mind, to consider carefully, cogitate, consider,
contemplate, debate, deliberate, entertain, meditate, question,
study, think, weigh, muse (upon), reflect, (on or upon), conclude,
reason, second-guess, speculate (M. W. D. and T.).
(( And it shall come to pass, that the mans rod, whom I shall
choose, shall blossom: and I will make to cease from me the
murmurings of the children of Israel, whereby they murmur
against you.) (Numbers 17:5))
Murmur-Numbers 17:5- 3885- lwnor lyn; a primitive root; to
stop (usually overnight); by implication to stay permanently;
hence (in a bad sense) to be obstinate (specifically in words, to
complain):- abide (all night), continue, dwell, endure, grudge, be
left, lie all night, (cause to) lodge (all night, in, -ing, this night),
(make to) murmur, remain, tarry (all night, that night).
Obstinate-Deuteronomy 2:30- 553- mats; a primitive root; to
be alert, physically (on foot) or mentally (in courage):- confirm, be
courageous (of good courage, steadfastly minded, strong,
stronger), establish, fortify, harden increase, prevail, strengthen
(self), make strong (obstinate, speed).
((Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron
sinew, and thy brow brass;) (Isaiah 48:4))
Obstinate-Isaiah 48:4- 7186-qsheh; from 7185 (in various
applications):- churlish, cruel, grievous, hard ([- hearted], thing)


heavy, + impudent, obstinate, prevailed, rough (-ly), sore,

sorrowful, stiff ([necked]), stubborn, + in trouble. 7185- qshh;
a primitive root; properly to be dense, that is, tough or severe (in
various applications):- be cruel, be fiercer, make grievous, be
([aska], be in, have, seem, would) hard (-en, [labour], -ly, thing),
be sore, (be, make) stiff (-en, [-necked]).
Obstinate- unyielding, disobedient. (M.W.D.).
((These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own
lust; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having
mens persons in admiration because of advantage.) ( Jude 16))
Murmurers- Jude16- 1113- gggusts; from 1111; a grumbler:
murmurer. 1111- ggguz, of uncertain derivative; to grumble:murmur.
((Do all things without murmurings and) ( Phillipians 2:14))
Murmurings-Philippians 2:14- 1112- gggusms- from 1111;
a grumbling:- grudging, murmuring.
((And ye murmured in your tents, and said, Because the Lord
hated us, he hath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, to
deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us.)
(Deuteronomy 1:27))
Murmured- Deuteronomy1:27- 7279- rgan- a primitive root;
to grumble, that is rebel:- murmur.
((And they murmured against her.) (Mark 14:5))
Murmured- Mark 14:5- 1690- embriomamai; from 1722 and
brimamai(to snort with anger); to have indignation on that is
(transitively) to blame, (intransitively) to sigh with chagrin,
(specifically) to sternly enjoin:- straightly charge, groan, murmur
Transitive- having or containing an object required or containing
an object required to complete the meaning, transitional (M.W.D.).
Intransitive- not transitive; especially : not having or containing
an object <~verb>-intransitively adv. (M.W.D.).
((Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel how they might


entangle him in his talk.) (Mathew22:15))

Entangle- Mathew 22:15- 3802- pagidu- from 3803; to
ensnare(figuratively):- entangle. 3803- pagis, from 4078; a trap
(as fastened by a noose or notch); figuratively a trick or statagem
(temptation):- snare.
Statagem- stratagem- an artifice or trick in war for deceiving and
outwitting the enemy, a cleverly contrived trick or scheme for
gaining an end, skill in ruses or trickery, more at stratum, agent
(Merriam Webster online dictionary).
Stratagem- clever scheme: a clever ruse or scheme that is
designed to deceive others or achieve a goal, ruse for deceiving
enemy: a military tactic or maneuver that is designed to deceive
an enemy, use of clever schemes: the use of stratagems, or skill
in using stratagems, ruse, maneuver, strategy, ploy, wile, plot,
dodge (Encarta World English Dictionary [North American Edition]
&(P) 2009 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.).
Ruse- a wily subterfuge: trick, artifice, (M.W.D.). Subterfugedeception by artifice or stratagem in order to conceal, escape, or
evade; also: a trick or device used to deceive, artifice, trickery,
wile, more at trickery (M.W.D.). Wily- full of guile: tricky, artful,
guileful, tricky, more at artful. (M.W.D.).
Stratagem- scheme, trick (M.W.D.). Trick- a crafty procedure
meant to deceive, a habitual peculiarity of behavior or manner, a
quick or artful way of getting a result: knack, artifice, scheme,
stratagem, deception, gimmick, monkeyshine, more at prank,
peculiarity, quirk, more at idiosyncrasy, to deceive by cunning or
artifice, to dress ornately, beguile, deceive, fool, more at deceive
(M.W.D.). Dont try to deceive, fool other people. Ornateelaborately decorated, loud, ostentatious (M.W.D.). Stratum- a
group of people representing one stage in cultural development,
caste, class, order, more at class (M. W. D.). Agent- one that acts,
something that produces or is capable of producing an effect:
means, instrument, means (M. W. D.).
((For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are
entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in.)
(Exodus 14:3))
Entangled-Exodus- 14:3- 943- bwk- a primitive root; to involve
(literally or figuratively):- be entangled, (perplexed).


((Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made

us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.)
(Galatians 5:1))
Entangled- Galatians5:1- 1758- from 1722 and 2192; nchto hold in or upon, that is ensnare; by implication to keep a
grudge:- entangle with, have a quarrel against, urge.
((for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world
through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they
are again entangled herein, and overcome, the latter end is worse
with them than the beginning.) (2 Peter2:20)
Entangled- 2 Peter2:20- 1707-mplk- from 1722 and 4120;
to entwine, that is (figuratively) involve with:- entangle (self with).
1722- n
4120- plk, a primary word; to twine or braid:plait. See pln.
Entwine- to twine together or around, twist, twine. (M.W.D.).
Twine- to twist together, also form by twisting, entwine, twist
(M.W.D.). Twist- to turn from the true form or meaning (of the will
of God as revealed in the Bible (from me- Andres)), to turn
around, distort, falsify, garble, misinterpret, misrepresent,
pervert, more at garble, a distortion of meaning. (M.W.D.).
((And as he said these things unto them, the scribes and the
Phr-sees began to urge him vehemently, and to provoke him to
speak of many things:) (Luke11:53))
Urge- Luke 11:53- 1758- nch
((And it shall be, when their fathers or their brethren come unto
us to complain, ) (Judges 21:22))
Complain- Judges 21:22- 7378- ryb; orrwb- a primitive root;
properly to toss, that is grapple; mostly figuratively to wrangle,
that is hold a controversy; (by implication) to defend:- adversary,
chide, complain, contend, debate, x ever, x lay wait, plead,
rebuke, strive, x thoroughly.
((He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large
country: there) (Isaiah22:18))KJV


Toss- Isaiah 22:18- 6802 tsenphh- from 6801; a ball: x toss.

6801- tsnaph, a primitive root; to wrap, that is roll or dress:- be
attired, x surely, violently turn.
((and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they
not prevail; though they roar) (Jeremiah5:22))KJV
Toss-Jeremiah5:22- 1607- gash- a primitive root to agitate
violently:- move, shake, toss, trouble.
((The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is vanity tossed to
and fro of them that seek death.) (Proverbs 21:6)(KJV)).
Tossed- Proverbs21:6- 5086-ndaph- a primitive root, to
shove asunder, that is disperse:- drive (away, to fro), thrust down,
shaken, tossed to and from.
((But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that
wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and
tossed..) (James1:6))KJV
Tossed- James1:6- 4494- rhipiz- from a derivative of 4496
(meaning a fan or bellows); to breeze up that is (by analogy) to
agitate (into waves):- toss. 4496-rhipt; a primary verb (perhaps
rather akin to the base of 4474, through the idea of sudden
motion); to fling (properly with a quick toss, thus differing from
906, which denotes a deliberate hurl; and from tin, [see in
1614], which indicates an extended projection); by qualification,
to deposit (as if a load); by extension to disperse:- cast (down,
out), scatter abroad, throw. 4474- rhapiz, from a derivative of a
primary rhp (to let fall, rap); to slap:- smite (with the palm of
the hand). Comparison 5180.
Akin- essentially similar or related, kindred, related, more at
related, alike, comparable, like, similar, more at alike (M.W.D.).
((The bellows are burned, the lead is consumed of the fire; the
founder melteth in vain: for the wicked)( Jeremiah6:29))KJV
Bellows-Jeremiah6:29- 4647- mappach; from 5301; the
bellows (that is blower) of a forge:- bellows.
5301- nphach; a primitive root to puff, in various applications


(literally, to inflate, blow hard, scatter, kindle, expire; figuratively,

to disesteem);- blow, breath, give up, cause to lose [life],
seething, snuff. (The New Strongs Exaustive Concordance of
((The proud have forged a lie against me) (Psalm 119:69))
Forged-Psalm 119:69- 2950- tphal; a primitive root; properly
to stick on as a patch; figuratively to impute falsely:- forge (-r),
sew up.
((But if he thrust him of hatred, or hurl at him by laying of wait,
that he die;) (Numbers 35:20))
Hurl-Numbers35:20- 7993- shlak; a primitive root to throw
out, down or away (literally or figuratively):- adventure, cast
(away, down, forth, off, out), hurl, pluck, throw.
Grapple- the act of grappling, clasp, grasp, grip, hold, more at
hold, to seize or hold with or as if with hooked implement, to
engage in a hand- to hand struggle: wrestle, to attempt to deal
with something- used with capture, catch, collar, corral, get, grab,
hook, seize, snare, trap, more at catch, scuffle, tussle, wrestle,
more at wrestle, usually grapple with contend (M.W.D.).
Grapple- contend, face, tackle, wrestle, struggle, do battle (MS. W.
2010 Beta Thesaurus: Eng. (U.S.)) Grapple- wrestle- wrestle,
struggle, fight. Tackle- undertake-begin, attempt, attack, engage
in. Tackle- challenge- wrestle, attack, confrontation, throw. Tackleconfront- confront, challenge, attack, wrestle, throw, bring down.
(Microsoft word 2010 beta Thesaurus: English (United States))
Wrangling- from wrangle
Wrangle- to quarrel angrily or peevishly: biker, argue, to obtain by
persistent arguing, argue, bicker, brawl, dispute, fight, hassle,
quarrel, more at argue, an angry, noisy, or prolonged dispute; also
controversy, argument, bicker, brawl, controversy, disagreement,
dispute, fight, hassle, quarrel, argument (M.W.D.). For
disagreement- (Dont disagree with God (Jehovah), Jesus, with the
apostle Paul, the apostle Peter, the prophet John or Solomon.)
Complain- Lamentations 3:39- 596- nan- to mourn, that is


complain:- complain.
According to (M.W.D.)- mourn- to feel or express grief or sorrow,
lament (M.W.D.). Obstinate- fixed and unyielding (as in an opinion
or course) despite reason or persuasion: stubborn, hardheaded,
unyielding, willful, disobedient, forward, peevish (M.W.D.).
((wherefore consider, I pray you, and see how he seeketh a
quarrel against me) (2Kings 5:7))
Quarrel- 2 Kings5:7- 579- nh; a primitive root; [perhaps
rather identified with 578 through the idea of contradiction in
anguish]; to approach; hence, to meet in various senses:- befall,
deliver, happen, seek a quarrel. 578- anah; a primitive root; to
groan:- lament, mourn.
(( For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners
against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.)
(Hebrews 12:3))
Contradiction- Hebrews12:3- 485- antilgia; from a
derivative of 483; dispute, disobedience:- contradict, deny, deny,
gain- say (-er), speak against. 483- antilg; from 473 and 3004-;
to dispute, refuse:- answer again, contradict, deny, gainsay (-er),
speak against. Contradict- to assert the contrary of, deny the
truth of, deny, rejection, negative (M.W.D.)(according to Merriam
Websters Dictionary and Thesaurus).
Disputed- from dispute
((And being in the house he asked them, What was it that ye
disputed among yourselves by the way?) (Mark9:33))KJV
Disputed- Mark- 9:33- 1260- dialgizmai- from 1223 and
3049; to reckon thoroughly, that is (generic) to deliberate (by
reflection or discussion):- cast in mind, consider, dispute, muse,
reason, think. 1223- dia, a primary preposition denoting the
channel of an act; through (in very wide applications, local,
causal, or occasional):- after, always, among, at, to avoid,
because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause) fore, in by occasion of ,
by reason off, for sake, that , thereby, therefore, x though,
through (-out), to, wherefore, with (-in). In composition it retains
the same general import. Dia. see 2203


3049lgizmai, middle (voice) from 3056, to take an inventory,

that is estimate (literal or figuratively);- conclude, (ac-) count (of),
+ despise, esteem, impute, lay, number, reason, reckon, suppose,
think (on).
((the righteous might dispute with him;) (Job 23:7)) (me- this
is a righteous dispute)
Dispute- Job23:7- 3198- ykach- a primitive root; to be right
(that is correct) reciprocal to argue; causative to decide, justify or
convict:- appoint, argue, chasten, convince, correct (-ion),
daysman, dispute, judge, maintain, plead, reason (together),
rebuke, reprove (-r), surely, in any wise.
((Do all things without murmurings and disputings: )
Disputings-Philippians2:14- 1261- dialgisms; from 1260;
discussion, that is (internal) consideration (by implication
purpose), or (external) debate:- dispute, doubtful (-ing),
imagination, reasoning, thought. 1260; from 1223 and 3049;
1260- dialgizmai- to reckon thoroughly, that is (generally) to
deliberate (be reflection or discussion): cast in mind, consider,
dispute, muse, reason, thought.
((Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of
the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw
thyself) (1 Timothy6:5))KJV
Disputings-1 Timothy6:5- 3859- paradiatrib- from a
compound of 3844 and 1304; misemployment, that is
meddlesomeness:- perverse disputing.
Meddlesomeness- inclined to meddle, intrusive, nosy, obtrusive,
more at intrusive (M.W.D.). Intrusive-characterized by intrusion,
intruding where one is not welcomed or invited, meddlesome,
nosy, impertinent, impudent, rude, invading, trespassing,
annoying (M.W.D.). Obtrusive- forward in manner or conduct,
meddlesome, nosy, more intrusive (M.W.D.). Employmentapplication , use, employ (M.W.D.). Misemployment- misuse,
misapplication, miss make use, miss apply, misutilize, misemploy


(by me, Andres). Employ- to make use of, apply, use, utilize,
more at use (M.W.D.).
((My son, fear thou the Lord and the king: and meddle not with
them that are given to change: For their calamity shall rise
suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both? ( Proverbs
24:21, 22)).
Meddle- Proverbs 24:21- 6148- rab- a primitive root; to
braid, that is intermix; technically to traffic (as if by barter); also
to give or be security (as a kind of exchange):- engage, (inter-)
meddle (with), mingle (with), mingle (self), mortgage, occupy,
give pledges, be (-come, put in) surety, undertake.
Braid- to form (strands) into a braid: plait; to make from braids, to
ornament with braid (M.W.D.).
Braid- braiding- braids considered as a group, to mingle (discrete
elements, for example) as if by such interweaving: braided ideas
into a complex thesis (
Intermix- to mix together : intermingle (M.W.D. and T.). Barterexchange (M.W.D. and T.).
((Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of
strength to mingle strong drink:) (Isaiah 5:22))
Mingle- Isaiah 5:22- 4537- mak-; a primitive root to mix,
specifically wine (with spices):- mingle.
(And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall
mingle themselves with the seed of men:..) ( Daniel 2:43)
Mingle- Daniel 2:43- 6151- nn; from 6049; a cloud (as
covering the sky), that is the nimbus or thunder-cloud:- cloud (-ly).
((And command thou the people, saying, Ye are to pass through
the coast of your brethren the children of Esau, which dwell in
Seir; and they shall be afraid of you: take ye good heed unto
yourselves therefore: Meddle not with them; )
(Deuteronomy2:4,5)) KJV
Meddle- Deuteronomy 2:5- 1624- grh- a primitive root;


properly to grate, that is (figuratively) to anger:- contend, meddle,

stir up, strive.
Grate- to provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure in: irritate,
aggravate, annoy, more at irritate (M.W.D.). Strive- to struggle in
opposition: contend (M.W.D.).
Irritate- to excite to anger: exasperate, aggravate, annoy, bother,
irk, provoke, upset, affront, insult, offend (M.W.D.).
Meddle- to interfere without right or propriety, interfere, nose,
snoop, more at interfere (M.W.D.).
Perverse-1 Timothy6:5- 3859- paradiatrib- from a
compound of 3844 and 1304; misemployment, that is
meddlesomeness:- perverse disputing.
Groan- Ezekiel 30:24- 5008- naaq; a primitive root; to groan:groan.
Groan- Jeremiah 51:52- 602- anaq; a primitive root; to shriek:cry, groan.
Groan- 2 Corinthians- 5:4- 4727-stnaz; from 4728; to make
(intrinsically be) in straits, that is (by implication) to sigh, murmur,
pray inaudibly:- with grief, groan, grudge, sigh. 4728- stenos;
probably from the base of 2476; narrow (from obstacles standing
close about):- strait. 2476- histmi; a prolongation form of a
primary sta (of the same meaning, and used for it in certain
tenses); to stand (transitively or intransitively), used in various
applications (literal or figuratively):- abide, appoint, bring,
continue, covenant, establish, hold up, lay present, set (up),
stanch stand (by, forth, still, up). Comparison 5087.
Sigh- Ezekiel- 21:6- 584-nach- a primitive root; to sigh:groan, mourn, sigh.
Sigh according to Merriam W. Dict. and T.- to let out a deeply
audible breath (as in weariness or sorrow) (M. W. D.). Groan- to
utter a deep moan indicative of pain grief, or annoyance: moan,
lament (M. W. D.).
Grudge- a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill will; animosity,


antipathy, bitterness, enmity, resentment, offense, complaint (M.

W. d.). Ensnare- to take in or as if in a snare: trap; entrap, trapmore at entangle (M. W. D.). Entangle- to wrap or twist together:
tangle; also: to make complicated; to take in or as if in a snare;
also: to involve in a perplexing or troublesome situation; entrap,
trap, capture, involve (in a troublesome situation (written by
Andres)) (M. W. D.). Snare- Something by which one is entangled,
involved in difficulties, or impeded. (M. W. D.)
((The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water:
therefore leave contention, before it be meddled with.)
(Proverbs 17:14)(KJV)).
Contention- Proverbs17:14- 7379-ryb or rb; from 7378; a
contest (personal or legal):- + adversary, cause, chiding, contend
(-tion), controversy, multitude [from the marginal reading],
pleading, strife, strive (-ing), suit. 7378- ryb, or rwb- a primitive
root; properly totoss, that is grapple; mostly figuratively to
wrangle, that is hold a controversy; (by implication) to defend:adversary, chide, complain, contend, debate, x ever, x lay wait,
plead, rebuke, strive, x thoroughly. (The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible, James Strong)
Contest- to engage in a struggle or competition: compete, vie, to
make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation: challenge,
dispute, challenge, dispute, challenge, more at challenge, a
struggle for superiority or victory, bout, competition, match,
tournament, battle, combat, conflict, confrontation, duel, rivalry,
struggle, tug- of war, warfare, contention, discord, strife, discord,
strife, controversy, debate, disagreement (M.W.D.).
(The one preaching of contention, not sincerely, supposing to
add affliction to my bonds:) (Phillipians 1:16)(KJV))
Contention-Phillipians1:16-2052- (From Strongs)- rithia;
perhaps as the same as 2042; properly intrigue, that is (by
implication) faction:- contention (-ious), strife. 2042-rthiz;
from a presumed prolonged form of 2054; to stimulate
(specifically to anger):- provoke. ( ((The New Strongs Exaustive
Concordance of Bible, James Strong) (1995 version)) (The word
intrigue does not appear in the concordance part of my The New


Strongs Expanded Concordance of Bible, 2010 copyright version))

((Only by pride cometh contention) (Proverbs 13:10))(KJV)
Contention-Proverbs 13:10- 4683- matstsh- from 5327; a
quarrel:- contention, debate, strife. 5327- natsah- a primitive root;
properly to go forth, that is (by implication) to be expelled, and
(consequently) desolate; causative to lay waste; also
(specifically), to quarrel:_ be laid waste, ruinous, strive (together)
((Cast out the scorner and contention shall go out) (
Proverbs 22:10)(KJV))
Contention-Proverbs 22:10- 4066- mdwn- from 1777dyn,dwn; a contest or quarrel:- brawling, contention, discord,
strife. Comparison 4079, 4090. 1777- diyn, duwn, a primitive
root [comparison113]; to rule; by implication to judge; (as
umpire); also strive (as at law):- contend, execute (judgment),
judge, minister judgment, plead (the cause) at strife, strive. 113adown, or short, adon- from an unused root (meaning to rule);
sovereign, that is controller (human or divine):- lord, master,
owner. Comparison also names beginning with Andon-
4979- midyn-a variation for 4066:- brawling, a various for
4066:- contention, 4090-medn, a form of 4066:- discord, strife (ous).
(Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist
of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your
voice to be heard on high.) (Isaiah 58:4))KJV
Debate- Isaiah58:4- 4683- matstsh- from 5327; a quarrel:contention, debate, strife. 5327- ntsh- a primitive root;
properly to go forth, that is (by implication) to be expelled, and
(consequently) desolate; causative to lay waste; also
(specifically), to quarrel:_ be laid waste, ruinous, strive (together).
(The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
(when thy neighbour hath put thee to shame. Debate thy cause
with thy neighbour himself; and discover not a secret to
another:) (Proverbs 25:8,9))
Debate- Proverbs 25:9- 7378-ryb, or rwb- a primitive root;


properly totoss, that is grapple; mostly figuratively to wrangle,

that is hold a controversy; (by implication) to defend:- adversary,
chide, complain, contend, debate, x ever, x lay wait, plead,
rebuke, strive, x thoroughly.
((If there be a controversy between men, and they come unto
judgment, that the judges may judge them; then they shall justify
the righteous, and condemn the wicked.)(Deuteronomy
Controversy- Deuteronomy 25:1- 7379-ryb or rb; from
7378; a contest (personal or legal):- + adversary, cause, chiding,
contend(-tion), controversy, multitude [from the marginal
reading], pleading, strife, strive (-ing), suit. 7378- ryb or rwba primitive root; properly totoss, that is grapple; mostly
figuratively to wrangle, that is hold a controversy; (by implication)
to defend:- adversary, chide, complain, contend, debate, x ever, x
lay wait, plead, rebuke, strive, x thoroughly.
((And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:) ( 1
Controversy-1 Timothy3:16- 3672-hmlgmnts- adverb
of present passive (voice) participle of 3670; confessedly:- without
controversy. 3670- hmlog; from a compound of the base of
3674 and 5078, 3956; to assent, that is covenant, acknowledge:
con(pro)-fess, confession is made, give thanks, promise.
(me, Andres- I am still not sure about the meaning of controversy
in 1 Tim. 3:16, I think controversy here means a contest (personal
or legal), a contest personal or legal plus adversary, contention,
(grapple, wrangle, that is by implication defend adversary,
complain, contend))
Assent- agree, concur (M.W.D.). Acknowledge- to admit as true,
agree, admit, allow, more at admit (M.W.D.).
(But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated for the firstborn,
by giving him a double portion of all that he hath: for he is the
beginning of his strength; the right of the firstborn is his.)


(Deuteronomy 21:17))
Acknowledge- Deuteronomy 21:17- 5234- nkar; a primitive
root; properly to scrutinize; that is look intently at; hence (with
recognition implied), to acknowledge, be aquainted with , care for,
respect, revere, or (with suspicion implied), to disregard, ignore,
be strange toward, reject, resign,dissimulate (as if ignorant or
disowning):- acknowledge, x could, deliver, discern, dissemble,
estrange, feign self to be another, know, take knowledge (notice),
perceive, regard, (have) respect, behave (make) self strange (-ly).
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
((In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy
paths) (Proverbs 3:6))
Acknowledge- Proverbs 3:6- 3045- yda; a primitive root;
to know (properly to ascertain by seeing); used in a great variety
of senses, figuratively, literal, euphemenism and inference
(including observation, care, recognition; and causative
instruction, designation, punishment, etc.) [as follow]:acknowledge, acquaintance, (-ted with), advise, answer, appoint,
assuredly, be aware, [un-] awares, can [-not], certainly, for a
certainty, comprehend, consider, x could they, cunning, declare,
be diligent, (can, cause to) discern, discover, endued with,
familiar friend, famous, feel, can have, be [ig-] norant, instruct,
kinsfolk, kinsman, (cause to, let, make) know, (come to give,
have, take) knowledge, have [knowledge], (be, make, make to be,
make self) known, + be learned, + lie by man, mark, perceive,
privy to, x prognosticator, reguard, have respect, skillful, shew,
can (man of) skill, be sure, of a surety, teach, (can) tell,
understand, have [understanding], x will be, wist, wit, wot.
Acknowledge- 1 Corinthians 14:37- 1921
Assent- 2 Chronicles 18:12- 6310
Don't hold in or upon, that is ensnare(take in or as if in a snare,
trap, entrap, wrap or twist together, tangle, try to make
complicated, try to take in or as if in a snare(impede, involve,
entangle someone that is trying to do or doing God's will, in


difficulties), try to involve in a perplexing or troublesome

situation; entrap, trap, capture, or try to involve in a troublesome
situation, don't try to entangle, ensnare someone that is trying to

God The Father

do the will of
, don't fight against
truth, and what is right(righteousness)); by implication to keep a
grudge: don't entangle with, have a quarrel against, urge against
someone that is doing or trying to do the will of

God The

Dont keep a grudge against people that are doing

God The


will and also that are saved Christians from the

body Christ, that is dont have a have a feeling of deep-seated
resentment or ill will against any of them or any animosity,
antipathy, bitterness, enmity, resentment, offense or complaint
against any of them also.
Quarrel- a ground of dispute, a verbal clash argument, dispute,
fight, to find fault, to dispute angrily: wrangle ;( more at argue)
Argue- to give reasons for or against something, to contend in
words (M.W.D.).
The word dispute- to question truth or rightness of; to struggle

God The Father in this

against or over: oppose ,(


, His will as revealed in from the Bible); debate,
discuss, question- more at challenge; verbal controversy, usually
a verbal conflict between antagonists: quarrel, difference,
disagreement, fight.(M. W. D.).
Disputings- Philippians 2:14- 1261-dialgisms; from 1260;
discussion, that is (internal) consideration (by implication
purpose), or (external) debate:- dispute, doubtful (-ing),
imagination, reasoning, thought. 1260; from 1223 and 3049;
1260- dialgizmai- to reckon thoroughly, that is (gen.) to
deliberate (be reflection or discussion): cast in mind, consider,
dispute, muse, reason, think.


God The Father, don't

question truth or rightness ofGod The Fatherand
The Lord Jesus Christ. Don't disagree
withGodand The Lord JesusChrist . Don't
fight againstGod The Father and don't question
Me- Don't dispute with

(more at challenge) God The Father, don't struggle against or

over: oppose God. Don't fight against those that belong to God
the Father. Dont dispute angrily against righteousness
(Matthew 5:6), dont try to give reasons against the will of God
as revealed in the Bible. Dont fight against all writers of the Bible,
it includes Moses, Solomon, David, all the Major Prophets of the
Bible, Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, etc
Disputings-Philippians 2:14- 1261- dialgisms; from 1260;
discussion, that is (internal) consideration (by implication
purpose), or (external) debate:- dispute, doubtful (-ing),
imagination, reasoning, thought. 1260; from 1223 and 3049;
1260- dialogizomai- to reckon thoroughly, that is (generally) to
deliberate (be reflection or discussion): cast in mind, consider,
dispute, muse, reason, think.
Wrangling- to quarrel angrily or peevishly- marked by ill temper,
argue, to obtain persistent arguing, brawl, dispute, fight; an
angry, noisy, or prolonged dispute; also controversy,
disagreement (M.W.D.). (dont have any disagreement with God
The Father or His will) Peevish- querulous in temperament: fretful,
perversely obstinate, marked by ill temper, unyielding, obstinate,
more at irritable (M.W.D. and T.). Obstinate- fixed and unyielding
(as in an opinion or course) (despite reason or persuasion:
stubborn(Merriam Webster's dictionary and Thesaurus- Copyright
2007)). (like when someone uses the 10 commandments and, or
the gospel, Jesus Christ's words, His commandments to persuade


to turn people away from sin)).

Quarrel- to find fault, more at argue (M. W.D.). Argue- to give
reasons for or against something; to contend in words: dispute,
contend, insist, brawl, fight, dispute, hassle, discuss, win, prevail,
talk over, persuade, induce, get (M. W. D.). Despite- in spite of,
notwithstanding, regardless of, with; the act of despising:
contempt (M. W. D.). Contempt- the act of despising: the state of
mind of one who despises; the state of being despised; jealousy,
enmity, disgust, hatred, hate (M. W. D.).
Controversy- a clash of opposing views, strife through expression
of opposing views or claims: dispute, difference, disagreement,
dispute, dissension (M.W.D.).
Contention- contest, strife; an idea or point for which a person
argues. Contest (M.W.d.)- to engage in a struggle for
competition: compete, vie; as a struggle for superiority orvictory
(W. M. D.). Contend- to strive or vie in contest or rivalry or against
difficulties; to strive in debate: argue; compete, fight, battle
This is what I want to tell you about the sin of variance:
Me- Dont commit the sin of variance. Dont commit the sin of
ris. Don't wrangle, don't quarrel angrily or peevishly(dont be
obstinate against God The Father or against His Will and dont be
obstinate against Jesus Christ, dont be irritable in the eyes of
God The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ) marked by ill temper,
argue, try to obtain persistent arguing, brawl, dispute or have an
angry noisy or prolonged dispute, or controversy, or any
disagreement ever- with God The Father, or with God The Fathers
will, or fight against right ((righteousness(Daniel
12:3,Zephaniah 2:3, Romans6:19,
Revelation13:45,Revelation19:11)) ever. Dont fight against
righteousness (Matthew 5:6) ever, I already showed some
verses where the word righteousness appears; don't fight

God The Father's holy people (saved


Christians which are doing right, right in

according to


God's eyes, right

Don't try to defeat any saved Christian by


fighting against them by trying to make them sin against

trying not to allow them to be saved anymore. Don't have an
angry, noisy, or prolonged dispute against any holy person of God
the Father which belongs to Him. Dont try to blame a saved
Christian in which have been forgiven for his/her sins, sin. Saved
Christians are those that have repented from their sins. Forgive
those that sinned against you if you can forgive- ((Forbearing
one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel
against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye)
(Colosians 3:13)). I believe you can try to find fault, error,
responsibility for fault in someone who is your enemy, blame
someone who is your enemy for the sins they have committed
and have not been forgiven of their sins by

God The

Fatherbut are not saved Christians.

You can find error fault

in someone to try to stop them from committing error, committing

The Lord Jesus Christdoes say

in Hismodel prayer : and forgive us our
debts as we forgive our debtors
(Matthew 6:12), continuing in verses 14 and 15- For if
ye forgive men their trespasses, your
heavenly Father will also forgive you:
But if ye forgive not men their
trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses. The Lord
Jesuss model prayer is very important for you to know from
fault, sin, I believe.

Matthew 6:9-15.

Don't quarrel against any holy person of

God The


Fatherwhich belong to Him. Don't try to find fault in

any of them, and don't quarrel against any holy person, Christian

God The Father

. Sure, don't fight against
saved Christians or saved Christian leaders (from the body of
Christ (Ephesians 4:12) which are saved by

Father, and don't

God The

try to defeat them. When someone is

saved, maybe it is because he or she is doing

God The

Fathers will.

Don't hold in or upon, that is ensnare(take

in or as if in a snare, trap, entrap, wrap or twist together, tangle,
try to make complicated, try to take in or as if in a snare(impede,
involve, entangle someone that is trying to do or doing

God's will in difficulties), dont try to involve that someone

in a perplexing or troublesome situation; entrap, trap, capture, or

try to involve in a troublesome situation, don't try to entangle,
ensnare someone that is trying to do the will of

God The

Father); by implication to keep a grudge: don't entangle

with, have a quarrel against, urge against someone that is doing

God The Father

or trying to do the will of

. Dont
fight against what is right; right (as self-evident), that is justice
(the principle, a decision, or its execution), equity(character or
act), just, holy, innocent (righteousness (Matthew 5:6, 1
Peter 2:24, 1 John 3:7).

God, don't question truth or rightness of

God The Fatherand The Lord Jesus
Christ. Don't disagree with God withHisWill as
revealed from the Bible, and withThe Lord Jesus
Don't dispute with


Christ and withHis Will. Don't fight against

God and don't question (more at challenge) God or His will,
don't struggle against or over: oppose God. Don't fight
against those that belong to God The Father.

Dont commit wrangling, that is dont quarrel angrily or peevishly

marked by ill temper, argue, obtain persistent arguing, brawl,
dispute, and don't ever have a controversy, or disagreement or
disagree or fight with righteousness(Leviticus19:15,
Deuteronomy 9:6, Proverbs14:34, Proverbs 11:5,
Proverbs 11:6,
Proverbs 21:21, Daniel 4:27, Daniel 12:3, Zephaniah2:3,
Romans6:19, Revelation13:45, Revelation19:11), with

God The Father, or withholiness (holiness)

(Romans 6:19, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, Titus 2:3), or with
uprightnessfrom(Psalm25:21,Proverbs14:2, Isaiah 26:7),
or with humility(1 Peter5:5), or with meekness(Zephaniah
2:3, Ephesians4:2, Colossians3:12,
1Timothy6:11,2Timothy2:25, 1Peter3:15). Don't dispute

God The Father, don't question truth or

rightness of God The Fatherand The Lord
Jesus Christ. Don't ever try to give reasons against

the Holy Bible, the Gospel, and also don't contend in words,
dispute, insist, brawl, fight, hassle, discuss, don't try to win, don't
try to prevail, argue, don't try to persuade, talk over a person that
believes the Holy Bible and that is saved from hell. The Bible
speaks the truth, (believe the truth, believe all the truth, don't
believe lies), don't try to talk over or against all instructions,

God The Fatherand of Jesus

ChristHisBelovedSonand these instructions
analysis of


God The Fathers will

are revealed in
the Holy Bible(King James Version is the best English version).

God The Father, He is the

Truth and The Son, Jesus Christis
the Truth. God The Fatherand God
The Sononly speaks and tells the truth.
Don't ever try to have, have any enmity ever with God
The Fatheror with His Son, Jesus
Christ,or enmity with any of God The
Fatherssaved people, which are saved Christians. Dont
Don't fight against

have any enmity with righteousness (1 John 3:7). Also, don't

disgust any of them, hate any of them or have hatred towards any
of them. Of course, don't ever disgust, hate or have any hatred

God The Fatherand The Lord

Jesus Christ. Don't have an fixed and
unyielding(don't be unyielding to God The Father)

opinion or course against the gospel, despite reason of gospel

preacher knowing that they are telling the truth and doing the

God The Father

truth, that is trying to do good to

and to other people most likely, for example or persuasion by him
or her while knowing they are telling the truth and trying to

The Father (Jehovah) and to the The
Lord Jesus Christ,you are supposed to yield to
Both of Them, yield to Theirwill.
convert to Jehovah and Jesus. Don't be stubborn to


Don't commit contention that is dont commit the sin of rithia,

That is dont commit intrigue (dont commit plotting, deception
against God The Father or against the will of God The Father, or
against Christians from the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)that is
by implication (faction:- contention, dont be contentious. Dont
commit the sin of matsh (contention). Dont commit the sin of
mdwn (this is a Hebrew word which means contention). You

God The Father and The Lord

Jesus Christ. Dont defend sin, ever. Don't contest
against the body of Christ (Eph.4:12), never. They are
can defend

saved Christians. Don't try ever to contend, strive, or vie in

contest or be a rival against any person that belongs to the body


(Eph.4:12). Don't try to strive in debate with
them, argue, compete, fight, battle against these saved Christians


from the body of

(Eph.4:12). Don't ever have a
state or condition of distrust or enmity with any person that


belongs to the body of

(Eph.4:12). Don't ever try to
conflict, fight, struggle, war against any of them. Don't ever

God The FatherandHis

willandHiswill for your life, don't want to.
discord with

God and against good and against right

((righteousness (God The Father'srighteousness))
Don't fight against

(Lev. 19:15, Deut. 9:6, Prov. 14:34, Prov. 11:5, Prov. 11:6, Prov.
21:21,Dan. 4:27, Dan. 12:3, Zeph. 2:3, Mat.5:6, Acts 10:35, Rom.

God's eyes,
don't fight and don't contest or rivalry against God's people
6:19, Rev. 13:45, Rev. 19:11))) which is right in

also which are people that are in the body of Christ (Ephesians
4:12), that's contention.


Strife- the state or condition of distrust or enmity: conflict, fight,

struggle, discord, war. (M. W.D.)
Debate- a contention by words or arguments, disagreement(medon't ever disagree with God The Father); to discuss a question by
considering opposed arguments, discuss, dispute. Argument- a
reason offered in proof; discourse intended to persuade, usually
verbal conflict: quarrel (M. W. D.).
Righteousness- do right (do right according to

God The

Fatherthat is, do what is right in His eyes, read the Holy

Bible to know how to do right).

Don't fight, war, battle, against your brother or sister in

Christ Jesus, don't try to defeat them, love your

neighbor, love your neighbor in general, don't try to away

distance your neighbour from God The Father, don't try to make
them sin or lead them to sin against God The Father, instead we
need to help them, we need to help them to become closer to

God The Father, try to conquer them more for

Him,Whois Holyand for HisHoly
BelovedSonJesus Christ. We need to do our best
to try to pleaseGod The Father. We are even taught to
love our human enemies(Mathew 5:44), but these enemies that

TheLord Jesustalks about are not satan and his demons,

and the antichrist and the false prophet from the book of
revelation. Don't fight against do right in


against good(people in God's side at the present), dont fight

against righteousness ((righteousness (which belong to

God The Father))(Daniel 12:3, Daniel4:27,

Matthew 5:6, Deuteronomy 9:6,Proverbs14:34,

Proverbs11:5,Proverbs11:6,Proverbs21:21, Leviticus


19:15, Zephaniah2:3, Acts 10:35, Romans 6:19,

Revelation 13:45,Revelation19:11))). The word
righteousness appears in the Holy Bible many times.
Also don't fight against purity, the wordpure from (Mathew 5:8,
Psalm24:4). Also don't fight against holy ( holy) (Leviticus
11:45, Proverbs20:25,1Romans11:16, 1Peter1:6,
Revelation 22:11) and holiness(Romans 6:19, 1
Thessalonians3:13, Titus 2:3). Don't fight against righteous
(Psalm 34:15,Proverbs13:5, Proverbs 11:23,
Proverbs28:10, Isaiah 41:2, James5:16, Revelation
22:11), dont fight against justly(Micah 6:8). Also don't fight
against mercy(Micah6:8). Also don't fight against
Dont fight against uprightness, the word uprightnessfrom
(Psalm 25:21,Proverbs 14:2, Isaiah26:7). Don't fight
againstupright (Proverbs 11:20, Proverbs29:27, Proverbs
11:20, Daniel 10:11)
Emulations-Galatians- 5:20- 2205-zelos- from 2204- zeo;
properly heat, that is (figuratively) zeal (in an unfavorable one,
ardor; in an unfavorable one jealousy, as of a husband [fig. of
God] or an enemy malice): emulation, envying, fervent mind,
jealousy, zeal. 2204-zeo-; a primary verb; to be hot (boil, of
liquids; or liquids; or glow, of solids), that is (figuratively) be fervid
(earnest):- be fervent.
Indignation- anger aroused by something unjust; unworthy or
mean; anger, furor, fury, outrage, rage, wrath, more at anger (M.
W.D.). Wrath- violent anger, punishment, castigation;
chastisement. Anger- a strong feeling of displeasure.; inflame,
offend, provoke, aggravation (M.W.D.).
My commentary about the sin of emulations:
Don't have zeal in an unfavorable one, ardor, and jealousy in an
unfavorable one as of a husband or have jealousy of an enemy
malice. Don't envy. Don't be hot (boil, of liquids or liquids, or glow


of solids) That is be fervent (earnest), be fervent. Don't be

jealous in an unfavorable one. Dont practice envying. Dont
desire something that doesnt belong to you. Don't have a
fervent mind and indignation with what is right (love
righteousness (Matthew 5:6)). Don't have anger by
something just, and because people that are doing right, and try
to do punishment or castigation against someone that

God(Jehovah) does not allow. Of course, don't kill

someone physically (Exodus 20:13).

I believe what punishment or castigation against someone that is

God The Father. Don't

have a strong feeling of displeasure against someone God
The Fatherdoesn't allow.
not determined and allowed by

Wrath- Galatians- 5:20- 2372- thums- from 2380; thumspassion (as if breathing hard):- fierceness, indignation, wrath.
2380- thu- to rush (breath hard), blow, smoke, to immolate
(slaughter for any purpose):- kill.
Immolate- to offer in sacrifice; especially: to kill as a sacrificial
victim (M.W.D.).
Wrath- don't have this kind of wrath, thums, passion (as if
breathing hard) fierceness, indignation against a saved Christian,
against your neighbor. Jesus mentioned to love your neighbor.
You have to know what the word neighbor means. Dont fight
against God of course, and against righteousness ( Matthew
5:6. Jesus also said to love your enemies but it is not the
antichrist, or the false prophet or satan or his demons. Also you
have to be careful with other antichrists. Jesus said: But I say
unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good
to them hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you,
and persecute you; (Matthew 5:44). Dont have wrath,
fierceness, indignation against good or against Israel. Don't
blow, immolate (slaughter for any purpose), kill for any purpose.


Don't kill just because someone stepped on your foot for ex.
Don't offer someone in sacrifice, kill as a sacrificial victim.
The word wrath from the Old Testament:
((A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fools wrath is
heavier than both.) (Proverbs 27:3))
The word wrath inProverbs 27:3 (fool's wrath)- 3708- kaa; or
in (Job) kaas; from 3707; vexation:, anger, angry, grief,
indignation, provocation, provoking, x sore, sorrow, spite, wrath.
3707- ka- a prim. root; to trouble; by implication to grieve,
rage, be indignant:- be angry, be grieved, take indignation,
provoke ( to anger, unto wrath), have sorrow, vex, be wroth.
Vexation- the act of vexing, the quality or state of being vexed:
irritation, a cause of trouble or annoyance, disturbance, more at
annoyance (M.W.D.).
InIsaiah16:6- wrath- ebrh- 5678- feminine of 5676- an
outburst of passion:- anger, rage, wrath.
Wrath for Gen.49:7 is ebrh- 5678.
InProverbs 19:12- (king's wrath)- 2197- zaaph- from 2196;
anger:- indignation, rage (-ing), wrath. 2196- zaph- a primitive
root; properly to boil up, that is (figuratively) to be peevish or
angry:- fret, sad, worse liking, be wroth.
Peevish- querulous in temperament: fretful, perversely obstinate,
marked by ill temper, unyielding, obstinate, more at irritable
Querulous- constantly complaining, fretful, whining, more at fussy.
Fretful- irritable. (M.W.D.). Fret- to become irritated: worry,
trouble, more at worry, an irritated or worried state (M. W.D.).
Wroth- filled with wrath: angry (M.W.D.). Irritated- irritate- to
excite to anger, to make sore or inflamed, aggravate, annoy,
bother, persecute, provoke, disturb, upset, affront, insult, offend,
chafe (M.W.D.).
Obstinate- Isaiah 48:4- 7186- qsheh-; from 7185 (in various


applications):- churlish, cruel, grievous, hard ([- hearted], thing)

heavy, + impudent, obstinate, prevailed, rough (-ly), sore,
sorrowful, stiff ([necked]), stubborn, + in trouble. 7185- qshh;
a primitive root; properly to be dense, that is, tough or severe (in
various applications):- be cruel, be fiercer, make grievous, be
([aska], be in, have, seem, would) hard (-en, [labour], -ly, thing),
be sore, (be, make) stiff (-en, [-necked]).
Obstinate- unyielding, disobedient. (M.W.D.).
Wrath- fromProverbs19:19- 2534- chmh; or (Daniel 11:44)
chm; from 3179; heat, figuratively anger, poison (from its
fever):- anger, bottles, hot displeasure, furious (ly), heat,
indignation, poison, rage. 3179- ycham, a primary root;
probably to be hot; figuratively to conceive:- get heat, be hot,
conceive, be warm.
Forgive your debtors (Mat. 6:12), be released from wrath.
This is my commentary continuing about the word wrath and
trying to please the Father:
Wrath- don't have this kind of wrath, thums. Don't provoke

God by your wrath, dont trouble, try to trouble by implication

grieve the people of God,saved Christians. Dont trouble, by
implication grieve by, because of your sin against God The Father
or The Lord Jesus Christ or trouble, by implication grieve by
showing your sins to other people. You can help make unsaved

God TheFather. You can

correct unsaved people for God The Father if you know
God The Father. You can correct unsaved people for God The
Fatherif you know God The Father. If they don't want to
people correct themselves for

correct themselves for Him if God allows that is, and in His way.
Don't try to trouble by implication grieve those doing good for the
good that they're doing. Also, don't be boil up, that is be peevish
or angry, that is don't be querulous in temperament, that is don't
be constantly complaining, whining, unyielding to God

Father, perversely obstinate to God The Father.


Don't be


wroth, that is filled with wrath: angry against God The Father or
against His will, or against any saved Christian from The Body of
Christ (Ephesians 4:12), or against righteousness (Daniel 12:3,
Matthew 5:6, 1 Peter 2:24) or against purity, the word pure, the
pure (Matthew 5:8) oragainstholy (Leviticus 11:45,

Proverbs 20:25,1 Romans 11:16, 1Peter 1:16,

Revelation 22:11).Dont be perversely obstinate in the Eyes

of God The Father. Dont be hard (hearted), stiff(necked),

stubborn towards God The Father, and towards His will or towards
the Lord Jesus Christ. Dont be perversely obstinate (qsheh) in
the Eyes of God. That is dont be perversely cruel to other saved
Christians from the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). Dont be
perversely obstinate in the Eyes of God The Father, that is dont
be dense that is perversely tough, or perversely severe against
saved Christians like be perversely cruel, or be perversely fiercer
against any of them and dont try to be perversely fiercer against
the will of God. You can be tough for God The Father. Don't be
disobedient towards God The Fatheror to Hiswill for
your life, read The Holy Bible. The best English version is the Old
King James version. LoveGod

The Fatherand do Hiswill.

Jehovah is Eternally Holy andEternally
PureandEternally Justand Eternally
Intelligent, andEternally Beautiful, without end.
He is always right and correct and He isInnocent. We
need to try to respect and reverence and be nice to Him as
much as possible. Dont be perversely cruel or perversely fiercer
against your neighbour (Matthew 22:39). Dont be stiff-necked
against God The Father or against His will. Dont be perversely
fiercer against God The Father or have anger, or be perversely
fiercer, or rage or have anger towards righteousness
((righteousness (righteousness that belong to


TheFather))(Daniel12:3, Daniel 4:27, Matthew 5:6, Deut.

9:6, Prov. 14:34, Prov. 11:5, Prov. 11:6, Prov. 21:21, Lev. 19:15,
Zeph. 2:3, Acts 10:35, Rom. 6:19, Rev. 13:45, Rev. 19:11))). Try to
be righteous or more righteous for God The Father-


righteous(Psalm 34:15, Prov. 13:5, Prov. 11:23, Prov. 28:10, Isaiah

41:2, James 5:16, Rev. 22:11), try to be holy or more holy for God
The Father- holy(Lev. 11:45, Prov. 20:25,1 Rom. 11:16, 1Pet.1:6,
Rev. 22:11). Try to be pure or more pure for God The Fatherpure(Mat. 5:8, Psalm 24:4). Try to be upright or more upright for
God The Father- upright(Prov. 11:20, Prov. 29:27, Prov. 11:20, Dan.
Continuing- Don't be fussy in the Eyes of God The Father. Don't
have a hot displeasure (wrath that is). Forgive your debtors (Mt.
6:12), be set free from wrath (chemah), hot displeasure. Wrath is
anger also. The Bible says: But now ye put of fall these; anger,
wrath, out of your mouth. (Colossians 3:8).
Don't be fretful in the Eyes of God The Father. Dont be irritable
to God The Father. Dont trouble yourself because of your own
indignation or because of your own rage. Dont be fussy. Don't
be irritated, don't get annoyed, or worried, or provoked, or
disturbed, or upset, or insulted, or offended because of holiness,
or purity (from the word pure (Matthew 5:8)) or righteousness,
((righteousness (God The Father's righteousness))(Dan. 12:3, Dan.
4:27, Mat.5:6, 1 Peter 2:24, Deut. 9:6, Prov. 14:34, Prov. 11:5,
Prov. 11:6, Prov. 21:21, Lev. 19:15, Zeph. 2:3, Acts 10:35, Rom.
6:19, Rev. 13:45, Rev. 19:11))). Accept righteousness. I already
showed some verses where the word righteousness appears.
Accept holiness (Rom. 6:19, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, Titus 2:3).
Accept the word pure, (Mat. 5:8, Psalm 24:4). Don't excite
yourself to anger. Don't aggravate the problem by trying to excite
yourself to anger. Don't get annoyed, or worried, or provoked, or

The Father, or The LordJesus ChristHis Son,
accept both of Them, don't say no to God The
Fatherand toThe Lord Jesus Christ. Don't feel
persecuted by God TheFather. Hecan persecute you if
He wants to.
disturbed, or upset, or insulted, or offended because of

I believe that a person with the kings wrath(zaaph) can get sad
because of his wrath, so you shouldnt shouldn't have this wrath.


Proverbs 19:12 says: the kings wrath is as the roaring of a lion;

The fools wrath (kaa) is worse I believe from Proverbs 27:3.
Don't get annoyed, worry of people that are moving towards hell,
but already know the truth and do not want to repent, convert to
If someone doesn't want to yield to God The Father, you
can stay away from them, distance yourself from them physically,
read 2 Tim. 3. Sometimes this might happen that if you care
about other people, you care can about them, but they maybe are
not caring about you, or about



they might not care about


Read Matthew 7:6. Read all of

Matthew chapter 7 if you want to, and understand, interpret it

Strife is one of the works of the flesh:

Strife- Galatians 5:20- 2052- (From Strongs)- rithia;
perhaps as the same as 2042; properly intrigue, that is (by
implication) faction:- contention (-ious), strife. 2042-rthiz;
from a presumed prolonged form of 2054; to stimulate
(specifically to anger):- provoke.
Strife- Hebrews 6:16- 485-antilgia-; from a derivative of 483;
dispute, disobedience:- contradict, deny, deny, gain- say (-er),
speak against. 483- antilego; from 473 and 3004-; to dispute,
refuse:- answer again, contradict, deny, gainsay (-er), speak
against. Contradict- to assert the contrary of, deny the truth of,
deny, rejection, negative (M.W.D.).
Intrigue- plotting, deception, ruse. (according to Microsoft Word
Deception- dishonesty, fraud, deceit (according to Microsoft Word
Plot- strategy, plan, story, action, outline (according to Microsoft
Word 2010)


Faction- a group or combination (as in a government) acting

together within and usually against a larger body, coalition, party,
sect (M. W. D.).
Dont commit the sin of strife, ever. Strife is alsorithia.
Dont commit the sin of rithia that is, ever. I believe rithia
means intrigue, that is by implication faction:- contention (-ious),
strife. The Greek word rithiais perhaps the same as 2042
(Entrance from Strongs); properly intrigue, that is (by implication)
faction, contention. rithia comes from the Greek word
rthiz which means to stimulate (specifically to anger):provoke. Strifethat isrithia is intrigue. Dont commit intrigue,
that is dont plot (that is dont plotting or make a plot (plan,
strategy, story, action, outline) or plan against God The Father, or
plan against His Will, or against the Christians from the Body of
Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or against the will of Christians from the
Body of Christ, and also dont make deception (that is dont make
dishonesty, dont make fraud, dont make deceit)) . Dont commit
intrigue ever against Christians through a faction.
Dont commit intrigue that is by implication faction that is dont
be part of a non- Christian group or non- Christian combination
(as in government (Some in the government of the United States
for example doesnt want to go against Christians, or against God
The Father or against Jesus Christ ,maybe)) acting together
against any saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians
4:12), or against Christians from the Body of Christ, which is a
larger body (and it was near 470 million in the past God showed
me), or against the entireor against Christians from the Body of
Christ) or that is that is working any Christian or working against
the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12); also dont be part on a nonChristian coalition (non- Christian union, and non- Christian
alliance, and non- Christian league, non- Christian
combination(grouping)) and acting together within and against
any against any saved Christian from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12), or against Christians from the Body of Christ.
Also dont be part of a party or sect (heresy( it is a choice, that is


(specifically) a party (going against the will of God The Father),

disunion like in Christian churches or among churches like one
against other Christian churches, (cant have disunion of one
brother against the other Christian brother on the earth earth, or
between an unsaved person and a Christian inside churches
because this unsaved person is going against The Will of
God(Jehovah))) Continuing- sect that is acting together against
any saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12), or
against Christians from the Body of Christ. Dont be a heretic
going against The Will of Jehovah.Hairsiscomes from the Greek
word hairmai, entrance word on The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible # 138, and I used the meaning of this word
to describe what not to do not to be a heretic.
Dont ever take for yourself, that is prefer:- choose to disobey God
or to go against His will, or choose to sin against God or take for
yourself, that is prefer to choose to go against The Will of God The
Father. Becareful you your beliefs, believe in the truth, stay away
from deception, deceiving, or from being deceived, from believing
lies. Dont ever deceive on purpose, God The Father will make
you pay for it if you done it. God The Father everyday judges. You
might not scape the condemnation of Hell if you try to deceive
another or others on purpose. We must have love 1 John 3:11,
says: For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning,
that we should love one another- so we must not do evil to
others like deceiving on purpose or any other evil to others, and
have more love (charity like Moses had like The Prophet Daniel
had and like The Apostle Paul had, and like The Apostle Peter
had, and like The Prophet John had). And must do more to have
love (charity).
Intrigue- to plot, scheme, a secret scheme, machination,
conspiracy, more at plot, conspire, involve, more at engage (M. W.
D. and T.). Scheme- a plan for doing something; especially: a
crafty plot, conspiracy, plot, conspire, contrive; to arouse the
interest, desire, or curiosity of conspire; plot; engage; a secret
scheme: machination (M. W. D. and T.).
Plot- to make a plot or plan; to plan or contrive esp. secretly (M.
W. D. and T.). Contrive- to form or create in an artistic or


ingenious manner, plan, devise; fabricate- (lie), invent, make up

(M. W. D. and T.). Conspire- to plan secretly an unlawful act: plot
(M. W. D. and T.).
Continuing- Strife that is, rithia is properly intrigue, that is (by
implication) faction:- contention.
Dont commit intrigue, that is dont plot, scheme, do machination,
conspiracy, involve, engage against the will of God or against a
Christian. Dont plan or contrive (that is dont try to form or
create in an artistic or ingenious manner a plan, devise, fabricate
(lie), plot or plan especially secretly (but it is going against God
the Fathers will). Dont lie, dont lie about someone else. So
intrigue is working against God the Father and against His will,
dont try to do any evil against a saved Christian, or anyone else
that God the Father loves by committing this sin of intrigue and
intrigue is strife. Dont fight against God. Dont fight against the
body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) which is Jesus Christs church
(Ephesians 1:22). Also dont scheme, not even secretly that is,
dont make a plan for something (but it is against Gods will) like
crafty plot, conspiracy, plot, conspire (that is plan secretly an
unlawful act (an unlawful act in God the Fathers Eyes), plot,
conspire; plot; engage a secret scheme, machination (it is against
God The Fathers will). Dont have a faction, a group or
combination as in a government) acting together within against
the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12), or against God the Father and
His will. The body of Christ which is the church of Jesus Christ on
earth is the larger body.
Any coalition, party, or sect cannot be against the body of Christ.
Dont commit contention and dont be contentious. Especially
dont commit contention against saved Christians (Ephesians
So strife, that is rithiais also contention. Dont contend against
God The Father ever.
The word contention appears in Proverbs 13:10. This contention
word in this verse is the word matstsh- (# 4683 entrance from
Strongs).matstsh is also contention. This word is found in
this /file and its meaning. Matstshmeans a quarrel:-


contention, debate, strife. Matstsah comes from natsah which is a

primitive root; properly to go forth, that is (by implication) to be
expelled, and (consequently) desolate; causative to lay waste;
also (specifically), to quarrel:- be laid waste, ruinous, strive
(together). Proverbs 13:10 says: Only by pride cometh
contention: but with the well advised is wisdom. By pride which
can be your pride cometh a quarrel, contention, debate, strife. We
should not commit the sin of pride. I try to explain in this file what
pride is. You have to know what it is. So by pride which can be
your pride cometh contention (that is, properly to go forth, that is
(by implication) to be expelled, and (consequently) desolate;
causative to lay waste; also (specifically), to quarrel:- be laid
waste, ruinous (and probably who is being ruinous to somebody
else is the one who is committing the sin of pride), strive
(together)). Dont commit contention or else you might go forth
that is by implication be expelled, and consequently be desolate;
causative you might lay waste. Dont quarrel which is also
contention, dont quarrel, dont be laid waste, dont be ruinous,
defeated by this sin of contention, quarrel. And dont be ruinous
to somebody God the Father loves. Also dont strive (together)
because of somebody elses pride.
The sin of contention is also ryb or rb (entrance #7379 in The
New Strongs Exaustive Concordance of Bible). These are Hebrew
words that appear in the Old Testament. These words which are
also contention appears in Proverbs 17:14. The verse says:
The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water:
therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with. Dont
commit the sin of ryb or rb.Ryb or rb means a contest
(personal or legal):- + adversary, cause, chiding, contend (-tion),
controversy, multitude [from the marginal reading], pleading,
strife, strive (-ing), suit. Leave off contention. Continuing- dont
commit the sin of contention, dont be contentious, that is dont
contest (((that is dont engage in a struggle for competition,
compete, vie, as a struggle for superiority or victory)(personal or
legal)) against God the Fathers will or the will of The Lord Jesus
Christ. Also, dont try to do that , contest (personally or legally)
against the apostle Paul, Peter, Mathew, Mark, Luke, The prophet


John, Moses, the prophet Daniel, Solomon, David, the prophet

Zechariah and against all of the other minor prophets including
all of the other holy saints of the Bible (you should love them) (of
course you cant win against them or defeat them), and against
the entire body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) trying to defeat them,
or against anyone else that God loves and that are doing His will
or any other male or female. Dont make a contest (personal or
legal) plus also be an adversary of the all these people that God
loves. Dont be their adversary of course. If you are an adversary
of a saved Christian, you are an adversary of God The

Father(Jehovah) and of The Lord Jesus Christ.

Also, I
want to say, dont try to make anyone distance themselves from
God the Father making them envious or by making them sin or by
making them hate God or give up on God the Father or their
salvation, by making them sin against God). Dont try to be bad to
have victory against God the Father or against those that He
loves. Dont try to make any created being by God the Father sin
against Him. Dont have an evil cause, dont do chiding, dont
contend against Gods will, dont do contention, dont do
controversy before it be meddled (interfered) with strife.
Contention can be a multitude [from the marginal reading]. We
should leave off this multitude. Leave off pleading (to Gods
enemies), dont commit the sin of strife, dont strive or be striving
against God and His will, leave off suit. We need to become
innocent before the Eyes of God the Father as much as possible.
We should not be guilty before God, we need to be able to receive
His mercy. Of course, contention is guilty.
Dont get an idea or point for arguing against God The Father, His
righteousness, the Lord Jesus, his righteousness, righteousness as
revealed in the bible, against Paul, Peter, John, dont be against
them. The best English version the Bible is the King James
Version I believe.


rithia comes fromrthiz; which is a from a presumed

prolonged 2054 (entrance #2052 from Strongs)which means to
stimulate (specifically to anger):- provoke. Dont stimulate other
people (specifically to anger):- provoke (other people trying to
stimulate them to anger). Dont provoke (incite, cause, produce)
other people to sin against God. Dont defend sin too. Dont
stimulate (specifically to anger), provoke a Christian by means
through a faction. Dont ever stimulate a Christian to anger,
provoke the Christian, and cant make the Christian sin against
Dont stimulate to anger, anyone, and dont provoke anyone to
sin against God (Jehovah).
Contention is also mdwn-(in Hebrew) (#4066 entrance from
The New Strongs Exaustive Concordance of Bible). This word plus
its meaning is found in this /file.
Contention- Proverbs 22:10- 4066- mdwn- from 1777; a
contest or quarrel:- brawling, contention, discord, strife
comparison 4079, 4090. 1777- dyn, or (Gen. 6:3) dwn, a
primitive root [comparison113]; to rule; by implication to judge;
(as umpire); also strive (as at law):- contend, execute (judgment),
judge, minister judgment, plead (the cause) at strife, strive.
Dont do a contest or quarrel, brawling, contention, discord, strife
against God The Father or against His will or against what is right
according to God The Father as revealed is His Word, The Bible,
ever. Dont do any contest or quarrel, brawiling, contention, strife
against any Christian from the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)
ever. Dont rule against the will of God The Father ever; by
implication to judge; (as umpire); also strive (as at law) against
the will of God The Father, ever. Dont strive (as at law) against a
saved Christian from The Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) ever.
Dont contend, execute (judgment), judge, minister judgment,
plead (the cause) at strife, or strive against any saved Christian
ever. You cant go against God. You have to be on His side only.
God The Father is on the side of His of His Will.
Dont commit the sin of strife. I believe strife is also antilogia,
that is dispute, disobedience: contradict, deny, gain- say (-er),


speak against. Antilogia appears in Hebrews 6:15. Dont

contradict (that is assert the contrary of, deny the truth, deny,
reject, God the Father, Jesus, Solomon, David, Daniel, Moses, The
apostle Peter, the apostle Paul, John, etc. Strife is also maown.
This word appears in Proverbs 15:18. Dont commit the sin of
maown which is a contest or quarrel:- brawling, contention,
discord, strife. Maown comes from diyn, duwn which means to
rule; by implication to judge; (as umpire); also strive (as at law):contend, execute (judgment), judge, minister, judgment (the
cause) at strife. Dont contest or quarrel, do brawling, contention,
discord, strife against God The Father or against the body of
Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or against children of Israel (2 Corinthians
3:13) or against the followers of God (Ephesians 5:1) by trying to
rule; by judging (as umpire), dont try to strive at Gods law, Gods
laws, dont contend, execute judgment, judge, minister judgment
wrongfully (the cause) at strife, dont plead (the cause ) at strife.
The second strife from Proverbs 15:18. Dont commit the sin of
strife. Strife is also rib, a Hebrew word. Dont commit the sin of
rib. Dont have a contest (engage in a struggle for competition:
compete, vie; as a struggle for superiority or victory) against
anyone that God the Father loves, anyone that belongs to the
body of Christ (personal or legal). Also I want to say- dont try to
defeat any of them by making them lose to God the Father
especially because of sin. Dont try to make anyone sin against
God ever, or hate God The Father, ever. Dont have a controversy
((that is dont have a contest (personal or legal), dont have a
contest (personal or legal plus adversary, dont have a bad cause,
dont do chiding, contention, contend, compete against
righteousness, dont have a controversy against the will of


The Father, His 10 commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) and

Jesuss 2 commandments (Matthew 22:38:39), dont have a

pleading for the wrong cause, dont commit strife, or try to strive
against Gods will, dont have an illegal suit, dont toss (that is
dont try to disperse someone away from God, dont try to drive
them away from Him because of sin, dont try to thrust them
down away from God because of sin, dont try to drive them away
from God because of sin), that is dont grapple (that is dont
engage in a hand- to hand struggle, wrestle against God the


Fathers will, don t face God the Father, tackle (that is dont try to
undertake, begin against anyone that God loves and that are
doing His will, attempt to go against them, dont try to attack
them, engage in a fight against them, dont try to confront them
or throw or bring down any of them. ), dont grapple, dont
struggle or fight against saved Christians (Ephesians 4:12) or
anyone else God loves or anyone else that wants to love God.
Dont try to trap them in any way trying to defeat them, dont
wrestle against them or fight against them)), dont wrangle ((that
is dontquarrel angrily or peevishly: biker, argue, try to obtain by
persistent arguing, argue, bicker, brawl, dispute, fight, hassle,
quarrel, argue, with people that are doing Gods will or against
righteousness (Daniel 12:3, Daniel 4:27, Matthew 5:6,
Deuterium 9:6, Proverbs 14:34, Proverbs 11:5, Proverbs
11:6, Proverbs 21:21, Leviticus 19:15, Zephaniah 2:3, Acts
10:35, Romans 6:19, Revelation 13:45, Revelation 19:11),
dont have an angry, noisy, or prolonged dispute; also
controversy, argument, bicker, brawl, controversy, disagreement,
dispute (dont have a unright, have a sinful means of trying to
justify yourself, dont judge incorrectly, dont fight, hassle,
quarrel, argument with Paul, Solomon, or anyone else who is
doing Gods wills, for disagreement- (Dont disagree with God
(Jehovah), Jesus, with the apostle Paul, the apostle Peter, the
prophet John or Solomon.), dont hold a controversy to defend
adversaries of God the Father)
Dont have or be part of a faction that is a group or combination
(as in government) working against the body of Christ (Ephesians
(the righteous might dispute with him) (me- this is a righteous
Dispute- Job 23:7- 3198- ykach- a primitive root; to be right
(that is correct) reciprocal to argue; causative to decide, justify or
convict:- appoint, argue, chasten, convince, correct (-ion),
daysman, dispute, judge, maintain, plead, reason (together),
rebuke, reprove (-r), surely, in any wise.


Don't dispute (with of God The Father, be disobedient to

Him, don't discord or contradict(assert the contrary of, deny the
truth, deny, reject) the apostle Paul, Peter, or David the
prophetJoel, or Zachariah, or the prophet Daniel, or the prophet
John. Also don't refuse them, don't try to dispute, brawl, battle,
fight, strive, war against them or anybody that belongs to the

Christ (Ephesians 4:12). I revealed some of the great

saints of the Bible. Also don't deny God The Fatheror
Jesus Christ, don't contest, speak against anyone that
belongs to the body of Christ. Jesussaid: "And the second
body of

is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself".

(Matthew 22:39). Jesusalso said: "But I say unto you,
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to
them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully
use you, and persecute you;" (Matthew 5:44). Bless them
that curse you, eulogeo, that is speak well of them, that
is(religiously), bless(thank or invoke a benediction upon, prosper),
bless, praise. If someone curses you, you can thank them for it.
Just do what Jesustells you. Pray for those(humans) which
insult you, maltreat you, or try to be injurious to you, that try to
exercise violence towards you or abuse you, those that try to hurt
you with words, especially not only physically, or them which
offend you or mock you especially with words and persecute you.
Also don't try to defend the adversaries of God The Father, don't
try to defend their sins. Don't oppose

God The Father,

Hiswill, His ways. Through reading and understanding, and

interpreting correctly the Scriptures, the Bible, you can know His
will, Hisways. Do your best to stay away from sin against
God. Don't maown, don't diyn, duwn (these are Hebrew words).

Don't try to do evil rule, don't be an evil ruler, unrighteous ruler,

by implication to judge; (as umpire); also strive at God


Fatherslaws, don't execute evil judgment, plead (the

cause) at strife. Don't ever try to defend any sin, which is sin




Bless- Matthew 5:44- 2127-ulg; from a compound of 2095

and 3056; to speak well of, that is(religiously), to bless (thank or
invoke a benediction upon, prosper):- bless, praise. 2095-u;
neuter of a primary eus (good); (adv.) well:- good, well, (done).
Benediction- the invocation of a blessing especially at the close of
a public worship service (M. W. D. and T.).
Strifes- 2Timothy2:23- 3163- mach; from 3164-; a battle,
that is (figuratively) controversy: fighting, strive, striving. 3164Machomai mid. voice of an apparently primary verb; to war, that
is (figuratively) to quarrel, dispute:- fight, strive.
Dont commit strifes, ever. Dont commit the sin of mache. Dont
have a battle, that is controversy or fight or do fighting or strive
or war, or quarrel or dispute againstrighteousness (Daniel

12:3, Daniel 4:27, Mathew 5:6, Deuteronomy 9:6,

Proverbs 14:34, Proverbs 11:5, Proverbs 11:6,
Proverbs 21:21, Leviticus 19:15, Zephaniah 2:3,
Acts 10:35, Romans 6:19, Revelation 13:45,
Revelation 19:11)oragainstrighteous (Psalm 34:15,
Proverbs 13:5, Proverbs 11:23, Proverbs 28:10,
Isaiah 41:2, James 5:16, Revelation 22:11),or
againstjustly(Micah 6:8),or againsthumbly(Micah 6:8),or
against uprightness (Psalm 25:21, Proverbs14:2,
Isaiah 26:7), or againstupright (Proverbs 11:20,
Proverbs 29:27, Proverbs 11:20, Daniel 10:11)or
againstholy (Leviticus 11:45, Proverbs 20:25,1
Romans 11:16, 1Peter 1:6, Revelation 22:11),or

Christ(Ephesians 4:12),dont try

to fight, war againstthebody ofChristor
against the entirebody of

againstrighteousness, Ialready showed you some verses that


appears the word righteousness.

Strifes- Proverbs 10:12- 4090- medn; a form of 4066:discord, strife.
Dont commit strifes. Dont commit medn. Dont have any
discord with God The Father, His will, dont have any discord with
Solomon, Paul, the prophet John, Peter, dont have any discord
withrighteousness (Daniel 12:3, Daniel 4:27, Mathew 5:6,
Deuteronomy 9:6, Proverbs 14:34, Proverbs 11:5,
Proverbs 11:6, Proverbs 21:21, Leviticus 19:15, Zephaniah
2:3, Acts 10:35, Romans 6:19, Revelation 13:45,
Revelation 19:11). Dont commit strife.
Strife- Proverbs15:18- 4066- mdwn- from 1777; a contest
or quarrel:- brawling, contention, discord, strife comparison 4079,
4090. 1777- dyn, or (Gen. 6:3) dwn, a primitive root
[comparison113]; to rule; by implication to judge; (as umpire);
also strive (as at law):- contend, execute (judgment), judge,
minister judgment, plead (the cause) at strife, strive.
2nd strifefromProverbs 15:18- appeaseth strife- 7379- ryb
or rb; from 7378; a contest (personal, or legal):- + adversary,
cause, chiding, contend (-tion), controversy, multitude [from the
marginal reading], pleading, strife, strive (-ing), suit. 7378-ryb;
or rwb; a primitive root; properly totoss, that is grapple; mostly
figuratively to wrangle, that is hold a controversy; (by implication)
to defend:- adversary, chide, complain, contend, debate, x ever, x
lay wait, plead, rebuke, strive, x thoroughly. (The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Controversy- a clash of opposing views, strife through expression
of opposing views or claims: dispute; disagreement, dispute,
dissension (M. W. D.).
To toss- toss- flounce, to accomplish readily <~off an article>, to
move restlessly or turbulently, roll, rock (M.W.D). Grapple- grasp,
grip, hold, more at hold, to engage in a hand-to hand struggle:
wrestle, contend, more at wrestle (M. W. D.).


Strife- Genesis13:18- 4808- merybh- from 7378; quarrelprovocation, strife.

Quarrel- nh is found in 2Kings5:7- 579- nh; a primitive
root [perhaps rather identified with 578 through the idea of
contradiction in anguish]; to approach; hence, to meet in various
senses:- befall, deliver, happen, seek a quarrel. 7378- ryb or
rwb- a primitive root; properly totoss, that is grapple; mostly
figuratively to wrangle, that is hold a controversy; (by implication)
to defend:- adversary, chide, complain, contend, debate, x ever, x
lay wait, plead, rebuke, strive, x thoroughly. 578- nh- a
primitive root; to groan, lament, mourn.
The meaning of the word quarrel from Colossians3:13 is 3437- momphe- blame, that is a fault:- a quarrel. From 3201memphomai- to blame: to find fault.
The word quarrelfrom Mark6:19- 1758-nch- from 1722 and
2127; 1758- nch- to hold in or upon, ensnare; to keep a
grudge:- entangle with, have a quarrel against, urge.
Strife- Proverbs 22:10- 1779-dyn; or (Job 19:29) dwn; from
1777; judgment (the suit, justice, sentence or tribunal); by
implication also strife:- cause, judgment, plea, strife. 1777- dyn,
or (Gen. 6:3) dwn, a primitive root [comparison 113]; to rule;
by implication to judge; (as umpire); also strive (as at law):contend, execute (judgment), judge, minister judgment, plead
(the cause) at strife, strive.

Intrigue- to plot, scheme, a secret scheme, machination,

conspiracy, more at plot, conspire, involve, more at engage (M. W.
D. and T.). Scheme- a plan for doing something; especially: a
crafty plot, conspiracy, plot, conspire, contrive; to arouse the
interest, desire, or curiosity of conspire; plot; engage; a secret
scheme: machination (M. W. D. and T.).
Plot- to make a plot or plan; to plan or contrive esp. secretly (M.
W. D. and T.). Contrive- to form or create in an artistic or


ingenious manner, plan, devise; fabricate- (lie), invent, make up

(M. W. D. and T.). Conspire- to plan secretly an unlawful act: plot
(M. W. D. and T.).
Faction- a group or combination (as in a government) acting
together within and usually against a larger body, coalition, party,
sect (M. W. D.).
Seditions- Galatians 5:20- 1370- dichstasia; from a
derivative of 1364 and a derivative of 4714; disunion; dissension,
Becareful with seditions. Becareful with dichstasia. It is a sad,
scary thing, we shouldnt have any. Dont have any disunion or
dissension or division away from the body of Christ ( Ephesians

4:12) which is the Churchof Jesus Christ(see

Ephesians 3:21). The early Churchin Acts chapter 2 verse 1
were all with one accord in one place, we the Christians should
all be in one accord with The Father and with the brothers and

God The Fatherwants

enemies of His away from the body of Christ.
sisters in


Of course,

Heresies- Galatians 5:20- 139- hairsis; from 138; properly a

choice, that is (specifically) a party or (abstract), disunion:heresy [which is the Gr. word itself], sect. 138- hairmai;
probably akin to 142; to take for oneself, that is to prefer:choose. Some of the forms are borrowed from cognate hellomai;
which is otherwise obsolete.
Be careful with heresies. Be careful of hairsis. Dont be part of
any sect. Don't have any disunion, away from the Body of
Christ. Dont be part of any heresy which are away from


The Father, away from His will, away from the body of
Christ. Heresies are against God The Father.


Revellings- Galatians 5:21- 2970- kms- from 2749; a

carousal as if letting loose; reveling, rioting. 2749-kimai- to lie
outstretched (literally or figuratively) (be appointed, laid up,
made, set), lay, lie.
Carousal- a period of heavy drinking: carouse (M. W. Dict.).
Revel- a usually wild party or celebration, fling- to move hastily,
brusquely, or violently <flung out of the room>, to kick or plunge
vigorously, a casual try: attempt, a period of self- indulgence,
pleasure, festivity, frolic- to make merry, sport, a playful or
mischievous action, more at play, monkeyshine, practical joke,
prank. Romp- to play actively and noisily, to win a contest easily,
gambol (M.W.D.).
Revilers- I Corinthians6:10- 3060- lidrs; from loidos
(mischief); abusive, that is blackguard:- railer, reviler.
Blackguard- scoundrel, rascal (M.W.D.). Scoundrel- a disreputable
person : villain (M.W.D.). Rascal- rascaile foot soldiers,
commoners, worthless person, rasquer to scrape, a mean or
dishonest person, a mischievous person, devil, scamp, villain,
mischief, more at scamp (M.W.D.). Scamp- a dishonest person :
rascal; also : an impish or playful young person, no- good, villain,
devil, mischief, brat, juvenile delinquent; gamin, gamine (M.W.D.).
Revellings- Becareful withkms. Don't riot, also don't lie
outstretched literally or figuratively. Don't go to a place where
there are revellings, a carousal as if letting loose, where there is a
period of heavy drinking. Don't drink any alcoholic beverage.
Dont be a reviler. Dont be abusive, that is blackguard. Dont be
a railer, reviler. Dont be abusive (in the Eyes of God The Father),
that is dont be blackguard (that is dont be a scoundrel (that is
dont be a disreputable person in the eyes of God The Father, or a
villain), dont be a rascal (that is dont be a dishonest person, a
mischievous person, villain or a scamp (that is dont be a
dishonest person, a rascal, no- good in the Eyes of God, villain, a
juvenile delinquent) ))


Romans chapter 1
Wickedness-Romans 1:29- 4189-pnria- from 4190;
depravity,that is(specifically) malice; plural (concrete) plots, sins:
iniquity, wickedness. 4190- pnrs- from a derivative of 4192;
hurtful, that is evil (properly in effect or influence, and thus
differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character, as
well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original
virtue); figurativelycalamitous; also (passively) ill, that is
diseased; but specifically (morally) culpable, that is derelict,
vicious, facinorous; neuter (gender) (singular) mischief, malice, or
(plural) guilt; masculine (sing.) the devil, or (plural) sinners:- evil,
wicked, wicked one, evil things, misc. = bad, grievous, harm,
lewd, malicious, wickedness. See also 4191.
Calamitous- destructive, ruinous, disastrous, more at fatal
(M.W.dict.). Derelict- negligent, careless; failing to exercise the
care expected: negligent. Vicious- faulty, invalid, also marked by
violence or ferocity, bad, evil; villainous, wrong; dangerous
(wicked people are dangerous, wickedness is dangerous).
Depravity- a corrupt act or practice, degeneration, corruption.
Debate-Romans1:29- 2054- eris; of uncertain affixed; a
quarrel, wrangling:- contention, strife, variance.
The word debate from the Old Testament:
Debate-Isaiah58:4- 4683- matstsah- from 5327; a quarrel:contention, debate, strife. 5327- natsah- a primitive root; properly
to go forth, that is (by implication) to be expelled, and
(consequently) desolate; causative to lay waste; also
(specifically), to quarrel:_ be laid waste, ruinous, strive (together)
Debate-Proverbs25:9- 7378- ryb or rwb- a primitive root;
properly totoss, that is grapple; mostly figuratively to wrangle,
that is hold a controversy; (by implication) to defend:- adversary,


chide, complain, contend, debate, x ever, x lay wait, plead,

rebuke, strive, x thoroughly.
Contention- Proverbs18:6- 7379-ryb or rb; from 7378; a
contest (personal or legal):- + adversary, cause, chiding,
contend(-tion), controversy, multitude [from the margin],
pleading, strife, strive (-ing), suit. 7378- ruwb- a primitive root;
properly totoss, that is grapple; mostly figuratively to wrangle,
that is hold a controversy; (by implication) to defend:- adversary,
chide, complain, contend, debate, x ever, x lay wait, plead,
rebuke, strive, x thoroughly.
Debate- this is my analysis and what I want to tell you about the
sin of debate:
Dont commit the sin of debate. Dont commit the sin of eris.
Dont commit wrangling, contention, strife or variance. Don't
have a quarrel or wrangling or strife or variance or contention
against what is right (righteousness, holiness, or purity (from
the word pure) ((righteousness (God The Father's
righteousness))(Daniel12:3, Daniel 4:27, Mathew 5:6,
Deuteronomy 9:6, Proverbs 14:34, Proverbs 11:5, Proverbs
11:6, Proverbs 21:21, Leviticus 19:15, Zephaniah 2:3, Acts
10:35, Romans 6:19, Revelation13:45, Revelation 19:11))).
Accept righteousness. Accept holiness(Romans 6:19, 1
Thessalonians 3:13, Titus 2:3). Accept the wordpure,
(Mathew 5:8, Psalm 24:4)., don't wrangle, don't debate, don't
strife against what is right, righteousness(Daniel 12:3, Daniel
4:27, Matthew 5:6, Deuteronomy 9:6, Proverbs 14:34,
Proverbs 11:5, Proverbs 11:6, Proverbs 21:21, Leviticus
19:15, Zephaniah 2:3, Acts 10:35, Romans 6:19, Revelation
13:45, Revelation 19:11). Don't toss, that is grapple, wrangle,
that is hold a controversy; (by implication) to defend an adversary
of God The Father, complain. Don't quarrel (against
righteousness), don't try to be ruinous against

God The

Fatherand anyone that belongs to the body of

Christ.Don't wrangle, that is by implication try to defend


God's adversaries that don't repent of their sins, don't defend

their sin, debate, contend, with anyone that is doing what is right
for the right they are doing but these are people who love
righteousness and holiness and purity, coming from these words
which I mentioned above and gave the verses that mention these
Many saved Christian leaders and other Christians love
righteousness I believe. Don't disagree with righteousness(Dan.

The Lord
Jesus Christ, He is God and with The Father.
You have to be nice to God The Father(Jehovah
isHis name) and to God The Son, TheLord
Jesus Christ(Yeshuais Hisname in Hebrew) as
12:3, Acts 10:35, Rom. 6:19). Don't disagree with

much as possible. Try to be nice to both of them as much as


Without natural affection- Affection-Romans1:31- 794astrgs; from 1 as a negative particle) and a presumed
derivative of strg (to cherish affectionately); hard- heartedtoward kindred:- without natural affection.
Kindred- a group of related individuals, one's relatives, family, kin,
kinfolk, line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe, more at family, a
like nature or character, akin, more at related (M.W.D.).
Dont be without natural affection that is dont be hard- hearted
toward kindred (a group of related individuals, ones relatives,
family, kin, kinfolk, line, lineage, tribe). Without natural affection
toward kindred is contrary of trying to cherish them affectionately.
You have to be careful because maybe people from your family
can be enemies of God that God hates.
Whisperers- Romans1:29- 5588- psithurists ; from the same
as 5587; a secret calumniator:- whisperer. 5587- psithurisms;


from a derivative of psiths (a whisper; by implication a slander;

probably akin to 5574); whispering, that is secret detraction:
Slander- to utter a slander against : defame, defame, discredit,
dishonor, a false report maliciously uttered and tending to injure
the reputation of a person, defamation, contempt, nastiness,
(M.W.D.). Detraction- a lessening of reputation or esteem
especially by envious, malicious, or petty criticism, deprecation,
depreciation, put down, more at depreciation (M.W.D.).
The word whisperer from the Old Testament:
(A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief
friends.) (Proverbs 16:28))
Whisperer-Proverbs 16:28- 5372- nirgn- whisperer- to roll
to pieces; a slanderer:- talebearer, whisperer. (James Strong, The
New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Talebearer- storybearer, fabrication, more at lie, whisperer.
Calumniate- to a make false and malicious statements about.
Kindred- a group of related individual, blood, clan family, folk,
house, kinfolk, line, lineage, people, race, stock, tribe- more at
related (M.W.D.).
Whisperers- Dont be a whisperer, that is dont be a
psithurists. Dont be a secret calumniator, dont sland. Dont
do a secret detraction, that is dont try to take apart or something
from ones credit or reputation that God doesnt allow. Dont
sland, dont defame, discredit. Dont have a false report
maliciously uttered and tending to injure the reputation of a
person. Dont roll to pieces, dont be a slanderer. Dont be a
nirgn (whisperer). Dont be a slanderer, a talebearer. Dont be
a talebearer, that is a storybearer, dont fabricate lies, dont lie.
Dont calumniate, that is dont make a false and malicious
statements about a person. God hates a false witness that


speaks lies.
((Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters,
inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,) (Romans
Despiteful- Romans1:30- 5197- hubrists; from 5195; a
violent, insolent man; an insulter, that is, maltreater:- despiteful,
injurious. 5195- hubriz; from 5196; to exercise violence, that is
abuse:- use despitefully, reproach, entreat shamefully (spitefully).
5196- hubris; from 5228; insolence (as over- bearing), that is
insult, injury:- harm, hurt, reproach. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
(Then said Saul unto his armourbearer, Draw thy sword, and
thrust me though therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and
thrust me through, and abuse me. But his armourbearer would
not; for he was sore afraid. Therefore Saul took a sword, and fell
upon it.) (1 Samuel31:4))
Abuse- 1 Samuel 31:4- 5953- alal; a primitive root; to effect
thoroughly; specifically to glean (also figuratively); by implication
(in a bad sense) to overdo, that is maltreat, be saucy to, pain,
impose (also literally):- abuse, affect, x child, defile, do, glean,
mock, practice, thoroughly, work (wonderfully).
Glean- to gather, grain left by reapers, to collect little by little or
with patient effort (M. W. D. and T.).
((What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel,
I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not
my power of the gospel.) (1 Corinthians9:18))
Abuse- 1 Corinthians 9:18- 2710- katachramai; from 2595
and 5530; to overuse, that is misuse:- abuse.
Insult- to treat with insolence : affront., offend, displease, hurt,
persecute, torture, torment, revile, slander, oppress, trouble,
upset, mock, pain, wound, cut, a gross indignity, affront, offense,
put- down, slur, taunt, abuse, invective, disapproval, disgrace,
dishonor, shame, attack, slam, criticism(M.W.D.).


Affront- to insult especially to the face, confront, insult, offend,

outrage, slight, wound, more at insult (M.W.D.). Confront- to
face especially in challenge, to deal unflinchingly with <~ed the
issue>, to cause to face or meet, beard, dare, defy, face, more at
face (M.W.D.).
Insolence- the quality or state of being insolent, an instance of
insolent conduct or treatment, back talk, cheek, impertinence,
impudence, sauce, more at back talk, discourtesy, disrespect,
impudence, incivility, rudeness, more at discourtesy (M.W.D.).
Discourtesy- the quality or state of being rude : rudeness; also : a
rude act, disrespect, impudence, incivility, insolence, rudeness,
clownishness, vulgarity, disagreeableness, incorrectness,
arrogance, conceit, presumption, pretense, pretension,
impropriety. Antonyn- civility, courtesy, gentility, graciousness,
politeness. (M.W.D.).
Impudence- the quality or state of being impudent; also : an
impudent remark or act, brazenness, discourtesy, disrespect,
impertinence, insolence, rudeness, more at discourtesy (M.W.D.).

I say unto you, Love your

enemies, bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you, and
pray for them which despitefully use
you, and persecute you;) (Matthew 5: 44))

Despitefully- Matthew5:44- 1908-praz; from a

comparison of 1909 and (probably) aria(threats); to insult,
slander:- use despitefully, falsely accuse. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont commit the sin of praz(despitefully) ever. Dont threat
any saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) ever
or anyone else that wants to love God, also dont insult any of
them ever or do slander. Dont falsely accuse anyone ever.
Despitefully- Acts14:5- 5195-hubriz; from 5196; to exercise
violence, that is abuse:- use despitefully, reproach, entreat


shamefully (spitefully). 5196- from 5228; insolence (as overbearing), that is insult, injury:- harm, hurt, reproach.
For despiteful- Dont be despiteful, that is dont be hubrists.
Dont be an insulter, that is maltreater, dont be injurious in the
Eyes of God The Father. Dont be injurious to other saved
Christians or to anyone else who wants to love God or any male or
female. Dont maltreat other saved Christians or any other male
or female. Dont be hubrists. Dont hubriz. Dont exercise
violence against other Christians, that is abuse them, that is
abuse someone that is doing right, what is right in Gods eyes,
dont entreat them shamefully (spitefully). Dont exercise
violence, that is abuse any male or female. Dont entreat any
saved Christian shamefully (spitefully). Dont hubris saved
Christian, ever. Also dont insult or injury any saved Christian
ever or insult or injury. Dont harm any saved Christian ever or
hurt, or reproach any saved Christian, ever. Dont insult any
saved Christian from the body of Christ ever(Ephesians 4:12)
that is: dont treat any saved Christian with insolence, ever, dont
affront any of them, that is dont insult any of them especially to
the face, dont confront any of them, that is dont try to face any
of them especially in challenge,(dont make anyone sin against
God and dont defend sin) dont deal with any of them
unflinchingly with, also dont defy any of them. Dont affront any
of them, that is dont offend or wound or insult any of them, ever.
Dont insult any of them, that is dont offend any of them, ever,
especially saved Christians, dont displease God ever, dont hurt
any of them ever (dont hurt any of them even physically), dont
persecute any saved Christian ever, dont torture any saved
Christians, ever, dont torment any of them ever through you
sinning against God and allowing them to see, dont torment
them you should care about them, dont revile, dont commit
slander, dont oppress any saved Christian ever, or the poor that
the Bible talks about, dont trouble saved Christians ever by you
sinning against God, dont upset God The Father, dont mock any
saved Christian, dont pain any saved Christian ever or anyone
else because of you sinning against God with your mouth or
because of you sinning against God in any other way, dont
wound any saved Christian, ever, dont cut any saved Christian


ever, dont put-down any saved Christian or righteous saved

Christian, ever, dont abuse any saved Christian that is dont alal
any saved Christian. Dont abuse any saved Christian that is dont
maltreat any of them or mock any of them, or try to defile any of
them, or pain any of them, affect any of them negatively by you
sinning against God in front of their eyes allowing them to see you
or hear you sinning. Dont insult other saved Christians that is
dont disapproval saved holy Christians and their right ways ever,
dont try to disgrace any saved Christian ever or someone else by
making he or she sin against God, go against His will. Dont go
against God The Fathers will ever. Dont attack other saved
Christians, ever. Dont criticism (insult) a saved Christian ever for
loving The Lord Jesus Christ and following Him. Dont treat any
Christian with insolence ever that is dont treat any saved
Christian ever with rudeness, discourtesy ( that is with
disrespect, or clownishness, incorrectness according to God The
Father, arrogance, conceit, by being rude, a rude act, impudence,
or incivility). Dont have disagreeableness with God The Father
and His will ever, like with Gods 10 commandments and the 2
commandments Jesus talked about to love God with all your
heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Implacable- Romans1:30- 786-aspnds; from 1 (as a
negative particle) and a derivative of 4689; literally without
libation (which usually accompanied by a treaty), that is by
implication trucelless:- implacable, trucebreaker (ceasefire
breaker). 4689-spnd; apparently a primary verb; to pour out
as a libation, that (figuratively) to devote (one's life or blood, as a
sacrifice) ("spend"):- (be ready to) be offered. I think implacable
then means without devotion to God The Father.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Truce- armistice, a respite especially from something
unpleasant(M. W. D.). Armistice- temporary suspension of
hostilities by mutual agreement (M. W.D.). Respite- a temporary
delay, break, more at break(M. W. D.).


Libation- an act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice (as to a god)

I believe implacable means- without break, more at break, from
especially something unpleasant which usually accompanied by a
treaty in which is of not doing an act of pouring a liquid as a
sacrifice(as to a god). I believe without libation also means
breaking a treaty of not fighting, a ceasefire breaker.
Don't be implacable, that is dont be aspnds. Dont be
implacable, that is dont be without libation (which is usually)
accompanied by a treaty). Dont be truceless. Dont be a
trucebraker, that is, don't offer sacrifice to any god and don't fight
against God or His people and don't break an treaty of not
fighting against right (righteousness) which is do right in God' s
eyes, against good(people in God' s side at the present),
righteousness ((righteousness (God The
Father'srighteousness))(Daniel 12:3, Daniel 4:27, Mathew
5:6, Deuteronomy 9:6, Proverbs 14:34, Proverbs 11:5,
Proverbs 11:6, Proverbs 21:21, Leviticus19:15, Zephaniah
2:3, Acts 10:35, Romans6:19, Revelation 13:45, Revelation
The word righteousness appears in the Holy Bible many times.
Don't fight against pure, (Mathew 5:8, Psalm 24:4). Also don't
fight against holy (Leviticus 11:45, Proverbs 20:25, Romans
11:16, 1Peter 1:6, Revelation 22:11) and holiness (Romans
6:19, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, Titus 2:3). Don't fight against
righteous (Psalm 34:15, Proverbs 13:5, Proverbs 11:23,
Proverbs28:10, Isaiah 41:2, James 5:16, Revelation 22:11),
don't fight against justly(Micah 6:8). Also don't fight against
mercy (Micah 6:8). Also don't fight against humbly(Micah 6:8).
Dont fight against uprightness(Psalm 25:21,Proverbs 14:2,
Isaiah 26:7). Don't fight against upright (Proverbs 11:20,
Proverbs 29:27, Proverbs 11:20, Daniel 10:11)
Proud-Romans 1:30- 5244- huprphans; from 5228 and
5316; appearing above others (conspicuous), haughty. From 5228huper- over, above, beyond, superior to, exceeding. 5316-


phain- to lighten (shine), show, appear, seem, be seen, think.

Haughty- disdainfully proud, superior. (M.W.D.).
Disdain- a feeling of contempt for someone or something
regarded as unworthy or inferior: scorn, to look on with scorn,
lofty, lordly, degrading, scornful, highfalutin, prideful,
contemptuous. (M.W.D.).
Conspicuous- marked by a noticeable violation of good taste,
gross, bold, more at noticeable, blatant, egregious, flagrant, rank,
more at egregious(M. W. D. and T.) Gross- big, bulky, rude,
coarse (M. W. D. and T.). Coarse- of ordinary or inferior quality,
bad, bum cheap (M. W. D. and T.). Gross- coarse in nature or
behavior: unrefined, coarse, bad (M.W.D.).
Dont be huprphans. Dont appear above others, that is,
dont be conspicuous, haughty. Dont appear above others by
being conspicuous. Dont try to show, appear yourself above,
superior to a saved Christian. Dont be proud, dont feel superior
with a feeling of contempt for a saved Christian or someone that
God loves or regard them as unworthy, or inferior, dont scorn
Christians or someone that God loves, dont look at the with
scorn, and also dont be lofty, lordly, degrading, highfalutin,
contemptuous. Dont show your rank, allow other people to notice
if you want to. Dont lie about your rank, only God The Father
knows how good you are. Dont be conspicuous, dont be marked
by a violation of good taste, gross. Dont be gross, that is big,
bulky, rude, and coarse. Dont be coarse, that is bad, bum, dont
be cheap, and dont lie about your rank. Dont be coarse in
nature or behavior: unrefined, coarse, bad.
Backbiters- Romans 1:30- 2637- katalals- from 2596 and
the base of 2980; talkative against, a slanderer.- backbiter. From
2980- lal; a prolongation form of an otherwise obsolete verb;
to talk, utter words:- preach, say, speak, (after), talk, tell, utter.
Comparison 3004.
Slander- to utter a slander against : defame- slanderer, defame,
discredit, dishonor, a false report maliciously uttered and tending


to injure the reputation of a person, defamation, contempt,

Dont be a backbiter, ever. Dont backbite. Dont commit the sin

God The Father, ever or

against The Lord Jesus Christ, ever. Don be
talkative against any of Gods people ever. Dont be talkative
of Dont be talkative against

against the Apostle Paul, ever. Dont be a slanderer, dont

defame by lying. Dont sland, that is dont utter a false report
maliciously and tending to injure the reputation of a person.
Dont sland, dont do defamation to a Christian or any other
person by lying. Dont defamate a Christian. Don't fight against

God(Jehovah and Jesus Christ), don't talk or

speak againstHim,don't fight or talk or speak against the
people of God which are true Christians, don't fight against

Israel, don't fight or talk against pure, (Matthew5:8, Psalm

24:4). Also don't fight or talk against holy (Leviticus11:45,
Proverbs20:25,1 Romans 11:16, 1Peter 1:6,
Revelation22:11) andholiness(Romans6:19, 1
Thessalonians3:13, Titus2:3). Don't fight or speak against
righteousness (Daniel12:3, James 3:18), don't talk against
righteous(Psalm34:15, Proverbs13:5, Proverbs 11:23,
Proverbs28:10, Isaiah 41:2, James 5:16, Revelation
22:11), dont fight againstjustly(Micah 6:8). Also don't fight or
talk against mercy (Micah 6:8). Also don't fight or talk against
humbly(Micah 6:8). Dont fight or talk against
uprightness(Psalm 25:21, Proverbs 14:2, Isaiah 26:7).
Don't fight or talk against upright (Proverbs 11:20, Proverbs
29:27, Proverbs 11:20, Daniel10:11)
Maliciousness- Romans1:30- 2549-kakia; from 2556;
badness, that is depravity, or (actively) malignity, or (passively)


trouble:- evil, malice (-iousness), naughtiness, wickedness. 2556kaks- worthless (intrinsically), such whereas 4190 properly refer
to effects, that is (substituted) depraved, or (objectively)
injurious: bad, evil, harm, ill noisome, wicked.
Depravity- a corrupt act or practice, corruption, enormity (M. W. D.
and T.). Enormity- devilishness, decadence (M. W. D. and T.).
Depraved- marked by corruption or evil (M.W.D.). Deprave- to
pervert, to make bad; corrupt, abase, corrupt, debauch, degrade,
pervert, profane, prostitute, more at debase. (M.W.D.). Harmphysical or mental damage : injury, mischief, hurt, damage, hurt,
injury, more at injury, to cause harm to : injure, wound, damage,
more at injure. (M.W.D.).
Noisome- physically harmful or destructive to living beings :
unwholesome, offensive to the senses (as smell); also: highly
objectionable, noxious, unhealthy, unwholesome- more at
unhealthy, fetid, foul, fusty, malodorous, musty, reeky, smelly,
more at malodorous (M.W.D. and T.).
Dont commit maliciousness. That is, dont commit kakia. Dont
commit badness, that is depravity (that is dont commit a corrupt
act or practice, corruption, enormity (that is dont commit
devilishness, decadence)), or (actively) malignity, or (passively)
trouble. Dont commit evil. Dont commit malice. Dont commit
kaks. Dont be injurious: bad, evil, ill noisome, wicked. Dont do
harm to other saved Christians ever. Dont be depraved that is
dont be perverted, dont make bad, dont be corrupted, abased,
or debauched, or degraded, or profaned, or prostituted, or
debased. Dont be marked by corruption or evil.
Malignity- Romans 1:30- 2550-kakthia;from a compound
of 2556 and 2239; bad character, that is (specifically)
mischievousness:- malignity.
Dont have malignity (kakthia). Dont have a bad character,
that is (specifically) mischievousness:- malignity.
Mischievous-Proverbs24:8- 4209- 4209-mezimmh; from
2161; a plan, usually evil (machination), sometimes good


(sagacity):- (wicked) device, discretion, intent, witty invention,

lewdness, mischievous (device), thought, wickedly. ). 2161zman- a primitive root; to plan, usually in a bad sense:consider, devise, imagine, plot, purpose, think (evil).
Mischievous- Psalm 38:12- 1942- 1942- havvh- from 1933;
(in the sense of eagerly coveting and rushing upon; by implication
of falling); desire; also ruin:- calamity, iniquity, mischief,
mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse
thing, substance, very wickedness. 1933- hvh; a primitive
root [comparison 183, 1961] supposed to mean properly to
breath;to be (in the sense of existence):- be; be; x have. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Mischievous- Ecclesiastes 10:13- 7451- ra
Mark 7:20-23

That which cometh out of

the man, that defile the man. For
from within, out of the heart of men,
proceed evil thoughts, adulteries,
fornications, murders, thefts,
covetousness, wickedness, deceit,
lasciviousness, an evil eye,
blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All
these evil things come from within,
and defile the man.) (Mark 7:20-23))
(( And he said,

Wickedness- Mark 7:22- 4189-pnria- from 4190; depravity,

that is (specifically) malice; plots, sins:- iniquity, wickedness. From
4190- pnrs- hurtful, that is evil (properly in effect or influence,
and thus differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential
character, as well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from
original virtue); figuratively calamitous; ill; diseased; but


specifically (morally) culpable, that is derelict, vicious, facinorous;

mischief; malice, or (plural) guilt, masculine (singular) the devil,
or (plural) sinners:- evil, wicked, wicked one, evil things = bad,
grievous, harm, lewd, malicious, wickedness. (James Strong, The
New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Derelict- negligent, careless; failing to exercise the care expected:
negligent (M. W. Dict.). Vicious- defective, faulty, invalid, also
marked by violence or ferocity, bad, evil; villainous, wrong,
dangerous (wicked people are dangerous, wickedness is
dangerous) (M. W. Dict.). Calamitous- destructive, ruinous,
disastrous, more at fatal (M.W.dict. and T.).
Ill-Romans 13:10- 2556- kaks- worthless (intrinsically), such
whereas 4190 properly refer to effects, that is (subjectively)
depraved, or (objectively) injurious: bad, evil, evil things, harm,
that which is evil + 3458, ill, noisome, wicked. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Ill- attended or caused by an evil intent <deeds>, not normal or
sound <health>, bad, not right or proper <~manners>,
unfriendly, hostile, <~feeling>, adverse, bad, damaging, evil,
harmful, hurtful, injurious, mischievous, pernicious, prejudicial,
more at harmful, with displeasure, in a harsh manner, badly, in a
faulty way, hard, harshly, oppressively, roughly, severely, more at
hardly, the reverse of good : evil, bad, evil, immorality, iniquity,
sin, villainy, wrong, more at evil. (M. W. D. and T.).
Malice- 1 Peter 2:1- 2549-kakia- from 2556; badness, that is
subjectively depravity, or (actively) malignity, or (passively)
trouble:- evil, malice (-iousness), naughtiness, wickedness. From
2556- kaks- worthless (intrinsically), such whereas 4190
properly refer to effects, that is (substituted) depraved, or
(objectively) injurious: bad, evil, harm, ill noisome, wicked.
The word calamitous I think it is related to the word calamity from
the Old Testament.


((Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in

the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on
their affliction in the day of their affliction in the day of their
calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of
their calamity;) (Obadiah 13))
Calamity- Obadiah 13- 343- yd; from the same as 181 (in
the sense of bending down); oppression; by implication
misfortune, ruin:- calamity, destruction.
Calamity- Proverbs 19:13- 1942- havvh.
Grievous- Proverbs 15:1-6089- etseb; from 6087; an earthen
vessel; usually (painful) toil; also a pang (whether of body or
mind):- grievous, idol, labor, sorrow. 6087- tsab.
Study of the word wickedness from the Old Testament:
((Righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way: but
wickedness overthroweth the sinner.) (Proverbs 13:6))
Wickedness- Proverbs 13:6- 7564- rishh- feminine of 7562;
wrong (specifically moral):- fault, wickedly (-ness). 7562- resha;
from 7561; a wrong (specifically moral):- iniquity, wicked (-ness).
7561-rasha- a primitive root; to be (causative do or declare)
wrong; by implication to disturb, violate:- condemn, make trouble,
vex, be (commit, deal, depart, do) wicked (-ly, - ness).
((The wicked is driven away in his wickedness: but the righteous
hath hope hath hope in his death.) (Proverbs 14:32))
Wickedness-Proverbs14:32- 7451- ra- from 7489- ra; bad,
or (as noun) evil (naturally or morally):- evil, wickedness, wicked,
mischief, hurt, bad, trouble, sore, affliction, ill, adversity, ill
(favoured), harm, naught, noisome, grief (-vous), sad, = calamity,
+ displease (-ure), distress, evil ([-favouredness], man, thing); +
exceedingly, x great, grief, harm, heavy, hurt (-ful), + mark,
mischief (-vous), misery, naught (-ty), + not please, sorrow, vex,
wicked (-ly,-ness, one), worse (-st); wretchedness, wrong.
[Including feminine raah; as adjective or noun.]
7489- ra- primitive root; properly to spoil (literally by breaking
to pieces); figuratively to make (or be) good for nothing, that is


bad (physically, socially or morally):- evil, evil doer, hurt,

wickedly, worse, afflict, wicked, break, ill, harm, displease =
associate selves, do mischief, punish, still, vex, synonym 2398,
3256, 5358, 5771, 6064. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Spoil- Jeremiah- 30:16- 7701- shd; or shwd(Job 5:21), from
7736; violence, ravage:- desolation, destruction, oppression,
robbery, spoil (-ed, -er, -ing), wasting. 7736- shwd; a primitive
root properly to swell up, that is figuratively (by implication of
insolence) to devastate:- waste. Shwd. See 7699, 7701.
Spoil- Isaiah 33:1- 7703-shdad; a primitive root; properly to
be burly, that is (figuratively) powerful (passively impregnable);
by implication to ravage:- dead, destroy (-er), oppress, robber,
spoil (-er), x utterly, (lay) waste.
Burly- strongly and heavily built : husky, beefy, brawny, more at
husky (M. W. D. and T.). Husky- strongly formed or constructed :
burly, large, beefy, brawny, burly, able bodied, athletic, heavy,
mighty, muscle- bound, muscular, powerful, robust, strong,
heavyset, stout (M.W. D. and T.). Impregnable- incapable of being
taken by assault : unconquerable, no liable to doubt, attack, or
question, indomitable, invincible, unbeatable, more at invincible
(M. W. D. and T.). Ravage-an act or result of ravaging :
devastation. To lay waste : devastate, destroy, ruin, scourge,
despoil, loot, pillage, plunder, annihilate, desolate, waste, wipe
out, overpower, overthrow, overwhelm (M. W. D. and T.).
((And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is wickedness: they
shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that there be no
wickedness among you.) (Leviticus 20:14))
Wickedness- Leviticus20:14- 2154- zimmh, or zammh;
from 2161; a plan, specifically a bad one:- heinous crime, lewd (ly, ness), mischief, purpose, thought, wicked (device, mind;ness). 2161- zman- a primitive root; to plan, usually in a bad
sense:- consider, devise, imagine, plot, purpose, think (evil).
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of


Heinous- hatefully or shockingly evil (M. W. D. and T.).

((The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke in
all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do, until thou be
destroyed, and until thou perish quickly; because of the
wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou hast forsaken me.)
(Deuteronomy 28:20))
Wickedness- Deuteronomy 28:20- 7455-ra- from 7489ra; badness (as marring), physically or morally:- x be so bad,
badness, (x be so) evil, naughtiness, sadness, sorrow, wickedness.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Naughtiness- disobedience (to God)- written by Andres,
wickedness, ill-discipline, mischief, impishness, bad behavior.
(Microsoft Word 2010 Thesaurus: English (U.S.))
((Moreover I will appoint a place of my people Isra-el, and will
plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move
no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them
anymore, as beforetime,) (2 Samuel7:10))
Wickedness- 2 Samuel7:10- - 5766-evel; or vel; and
(feminine) avlh; or wlh; or lh; from 5765; (moral) evil:iniquity, perverseness, unjust (ly), unrighteousness (-ly); wicked (ness). 5765-val- a primitive root; to distort (morally):- deal
unjustly, unrighteous.(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
((Even as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow
wickedness, reap the same.) (Job 4:8))
Wickedness- Job 4:8- 5999-ml- aw-mawl; from 5998; toil,
that is, wearing effort; hence, worry, whether of body or mind:grievance (-vousness),iniquity, labour, mischief, miserable (-sery),
pain (-ful), perverseness, sorrow, toil, travail, trouble, wearisometiresome. 5998- mal-aw-mal a primitive root; to toil, That is,
work severely and with irksomness:- [take] labor in. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).


Wearing- weariness- fatigue, exhaustion, tiredness (M.W.D.).

Weary- worn out in strength, energy (M.W.D.).
Irksomness- from irksome- tending to irk: annoying, aggravating,
bothersome, frustrating, galling, irritating, more at annoying
Irk- to make weary, irritated, or bored: annoy, aggravate, annoy,
more at irritate (M.W.D.).
Toil- Luke 12:27- 2872- kpia- from a derivative of 2873; to feel
fatigue; by implication to work hard:- (bestow) labour, toil, be
wearied. 2873- kps- from 2875; a cut, that is (by analogy) toil
(as reducing the strength), literal or figuratively, by implication
pains:- labour, + trouble, weariness. 2875- kpt, a primary
verb; to chop; specifically to beat the breast in grief:- cut down,
lament, mourn, (be-) wail. Comparison the base of 5114.
Toil- Genesis 5:29- toil- 6093- itstsbwn- from 6087;
worrisomeness, that is labor or pain:- sorrow, toil. (M.W.D.) ;
6087- tsab- a primitive root; properly to carve, that is fabricate
or fashion; hence, (in a bad sense) to worry, pain or anger:displease, grieve, hurt, make, be sorry, vex, worship, wrest.
Hence- away, from this time, because of a preceding fact or
premise : consequently, from this source or origin, accordingly,
consequently, so, thus, therefore, more at therefore (M. W. D. and
Vex- Acts 12:1- 2559-kak; from 2556; to injure; figuratively to
exasperate:- make evil affected, entreat evil, harm, hurt, vex.
2556- kaks; apparantely a primary word; worthless (intrinsically,
such; whereas 4190 properly refers to effects), that is
(subjectively) depraved, or (objectively) injurious:- bad, evil,
harm, ill, noisome, wicked.
Depraved- marked by corruption or evil (M.W.D.). Deprave- to
pervert, to make bad; corrupt, abase, corrupt, debauch, degrade,
pervert, profane, prostitute, more at debase. (M.W.D.).
Exasperate- to excite the anger of : vex, irritate, aggravate,


annoy, bother, bug, irk, irritate, vex, more at irritate (M. W. D. and
T.). Debase- to lower in character, quality, or value, abase,
corrupt, debauch, degrade, demoralize, deprave, pervert, poison,
profane, prostitute, subvert, contaminate, pollute, taint, descend,
disgrace, humiliate, damage, destroy, harm, hurt, ruin, spoil,
stain, wreck, depreciate, downgrade. Ant. Elevate, ennoble, uplift.
Continued- discredit, lower, shame, take down, more at humble.
(M. W. D. and T.).
Vex- Exodus 22:21- 3238- ynh, a primary root; to rage or be
violent; by implication to suppress, to maltreat:- destroy, (thrust
out by) oppress (-ing, -ion, -or), proud, vex, do violence.
Suppress- to put down by authority or force : subdue <~ a
revolt>, to keep from being known; also : to stop the publication
or circulation of (M. W. D. and T.).
Vex- Leviticus 18:18- 6887- tsrar- a primitive root; to cramp,
literally or figuratively, transitively or intransitively (as follows):adversary, (be in) afflict (-ion), besiege, bind, bind (up), (be in,
bring) distress, enemy, narrower, oppress, pangs, shut up, be in a
strait (trouble), vex
Cramp- a sudden painful contraction of muscle, sharp, abdominal
pain- usually used in place, spasm, contraction, jerk, stich, twinge,
twitch (M.W.D.).
Vex- to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to, to annoy continually
with little irritations, aggravate, annoy, bother, more at irritate
(M.W.D.). Worrisome- causing distress or worry, inclined to worry
or fret , more at troublesome, upsetting (M. W. D, and T.).
Vex- Leviticus 19:33- 3238- ynh.
Vex- Job 19:2- 3013- ygh, a primitive root; to grieve:- afflict,
cause grief, grieve, sorrowful, vex.
Ygh is grieve. Atsab is also grieve.
Grieve- Ephesians4:30- 3076- lup, from 3077, to distress;
reflexively or passively to be sad:- cause grief, grieve, be in


heaviness, (be) sorrow, (-full), be (make) sorry.

Distress- Deuteronomy 28:53- 6693- tswq; a primitive root;
to compress, that is (figuratively) oppress, distress:- constrain,
distress, lie sore, (op-) press (-or), straiten.
((which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do
also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction) ( 2
Wrest- 2 Peter3:16- 4761- strbl, from the derivative of
4762, unstable wrest. To wrench, that is (specifically) to torture
(by the rack), but only to pervert:- wrest.
Wrench- to move with a violent twist, to pull, strain, or tighten
with violent twisting or force, to injure or disable by a violent
twisting or straining , to snatch forcibly: wrest; twist, wrest,
extract, pull, dislocate, disturb, a forcible twisting. (M.W.D.).
Rack- an instrument of torture on which a body is stretched, to
torture on or as if on a rack, to stretch or strain by force,to cause
to suffer torture, pain, anguish, or ruin : torment, to place on or in
a rack, pull, strain, stretch, wrench, more at strain, afflict,
agonize, bedevil, curse, martyr, persecute, plague, torment,
torture, more at afflict (M.W.D.).
(( Every day they wrest my words: all their thoughts are against
me for evil.) (Psalm 56:5))
Wrest- Psalm 56:5- 6087- tsab- a primitive root; properly to
carve, that is fabricate or fashion; hence, (in a bad sense) to
worry, pain or anger:- displease, grieve, hurt, make, be sorry, vex,
worship, wrest.
((Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou
speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment:)
(Exodus 23:2))
Wrest-Exodus23:2- 5186- nth- ; a primitive root to stretch or
spread out; by implication to bend away (including moral
deflection); used in a great variety of applications (as follows):- +


afternoon, apply, bow (down, -ing), carry aside, decline, deliver,

extend, go down, offer, outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch,
prolong, put away, shew, spread (out), stretch (forth, out), take
(aside), turn (aside, away), wrest, cause to yield.
((Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger, nor of the
fatherless; nor take a widows raiment to pledge:)
(Deuteronomy 24:17))
Pervert-Deuteronomy24:17- 5186- nth
Pervert-Job34:12- 5791- vath
((Lest they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the judgment of
any of the afflicted.) (Proverbs 31:5))
Pervert-Proverbs31:5- 8138- shnh-, a primitive root; to
fold, that is duplicate (literally or figuratively); by implication to
transmute (transitively or intransitively):- do (speak, strike) again,
alter, double, (be given to) change, disguise, (be), diverse,
pervert, prefer, repeat, return, do the second time.
Transmute- to change or alter in form, appearance, or nature
(M.W.D.). Fold- a doubling or folding over, a part doubled or laid
over another part, to become doubled or pleated, to lay one part
over against another part, to clasp together, embrace; to fail
completely: fail, collapse (M.W.D.).
Duplicate- consisting of or existing in two corresponding or
identical parts, or examples, being the same as another, equal,
identical, more at same.
((And if it be a beast, whereof men bring an offering unto the
Lord, all that any man giveth of such unto the Lord shall be holy.
He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a
good: and if he shall at all change beast for beast, then it and the
exchange thereof shall be holy) (Leviticus 27:9-10))
Alter- Leviticus 27:10- 2498- chlaph; a primitive root;
properly to slide by, that is (by implication) to hasten away, pass
on, spring up, pierce or change: abolish, alter, change, cut off, go
on forward, grow up, be over, pass (away, on, through), renew,


sprout, strike through.

Alter- change. (M.W.D.)
Slide- Deuteronomy 32:35- 4131- mwt, a primitive root; to
waver; by implication to slip, shake, fall:- be carried, cast, be out
of course, be fallen in decay, x exceendingly, fall (-ing down), be
(re-) moved, be ready, shake, slide, slip.
Slide- Psalm 26:1- 4571- mad, a primitive root; to waver:make to shake, slide, slip.
Waver- from wavering.
Wavering-Hebrews10:23- 186-aklins- from 1 (as a negative
particle) and 2827; not leaning, that is (figuratively) firm:- without
wavering. 2827- klino, a primary verb; to slant or slope, that is
incline or recline (literal or figuratively):- bow (down), be far
spent, lay, turn to flight, wear away.
Leaning- Song (of Solomon) 8:5- 7514-rphaq- a primitive
root; to recline:- lean.
Slant- a particular or personal viewpoint, incline, lean, slope,
viewpoint, more at point of view (M.W.D.). Slope- To lie or fall in a
slant : incline; also : to cause to incline or slant, angle, cant, heel,
incline, lean, list, slant, tilt, tip, more at lean (M. W. D. and T.).
Slope- upward or downward slant or degree of slant, ground that
forms an incline, grade, inclination, incline, lean, upgrade, more at
slant (M. W. D. and T.).
Incline-Daniel9:18- 5186- nth
Bend-Psalm11:2- 1869-drak- a primitive root; to tread; by
implication to walk; also to string a bow (by treading on it in
bending):- archer, bend, some, draw, go (over), guide, lead
(forth), thresh, tread (down), walk.
Bend- curve, turn (M.W.D.).
Decline- Proverbs 7:15- 7847- sth- a primitive root; to
deviate from duty:- decline, go aside, turn.


Deviate- to turn aside from a course, standard, principle, or topic,

turn, turn off, more at turn. (Ex:- I dont want to turn aside (bend
away) away from God the Father, His will, the right ways of God
the Father, the Lord)
Decline- Deuteronomy 17:11- 5493- wr, or swr (Hosea
9:12), soor; a primitive root; to turn off (literal or figuratively):- be
[head], bring, call back, decline, depart, eschew, get [you], go
(aside), x grievous, lay away (by), leave undone, be past, pluck
away, put (away, down), rebel, remove (to and fro), revolt, xbe
sour, take (away, off), turn (aside, away, in), withdraw, be
Pervert- Deuteronomy- 16:19- 5557 laph, a primitive root;
properly to wrench, that is (figuratively) to subvert:- overthrow,
Subvert- Lamentations 3:36- 5791- vath, a primitive root;
to wrest:- bow self, (make) crooked, falsifying, overthrow, deal
perversely, pervert, subvert, turn upside down.
((who subvert whole houses,) (Titus 1:11)) KJV
Subvert- Titus 1:11-396- anatrp, from 303 and the base of
5157; to overturn (figuratively):- overthrow, subvert. 303- ana, a
primitive preposition and adverb; properly up; but (by extension)
used (distributively) severally, or (locally) at (etc):- and, a piece,
by, each, every (man), in, through. In compounds (as a prefix) it
often means (by implication) repetition, intensity, reversal, etc.
5157- trp, from an apparent primary trepo, to turn); a turn
(trope), that is revolution (figuratively variation):- turning.
((Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of J cob, and
princes of the house of Isra-el, that abhor judgment, and pervert
all equity.) (Micah 3:9))
Pervert-Micah- 3:9- 6140- qash-, a primitive root; to knot or
distort; figuratively to pervert (act or declare perverse):- make
crooked, (prove, that is) perverse (-rt).
Knot- a bond of union, a cluster of persons, group, bond; to unite


closely or intricately:- entangle; tangle, more at entangle

(M.W.D.). Distort- to twist out of the true meaning, to twist out of
a natural, normal, or original shape or condition; (me, Andresdistort here has to do with the will of God that is revealed in the
Bible, you cant change the Bible) to cause to be perceived
unnaturally, falsify, misinterpret, misrepresent, pervert, twist,
more at garble. (M.W.D.). Garble- to distort the meaning of ( the
will of God The Father as revealed in the Bible)- written by
Andres); distort, falsify, misinterpret, misrepresent, pervert, twist;
complicate (M.W.D.). Falsify- to alter so as to deceive, also:
misrepresent, distort, garble, misinterpret, pervert, twist, more at
garble (M.W.D.).
Twist- to turn from the true meaning, to turn around, wrench,
wrest, more at wrench, distort, falsify, garble, misinterpret,
misrepresent, misstate, pervert, more at garble, turn, a distortion
of meaning, an unexpected turn or development, more at wrench.
(M.W.D.). Crooked- having a crook, characterized by lack of truth,
honesty, or trustworthiness, dishonest, devious, serpentine,
tortuous, spiral, rambling, deceptive, shady, more at dishonest
(M. W. D. and T.). Crook- to curve or bend sharply, arc, bend,
curve, bow, more at curve (M. W. D. and T.). Crook- a bent or
curved implement, a bent or curved part; also bend, curve, a
person who engages in fraudulent or criminal practices : swindler,
thief (M. W. D. and T.).
Equity- Micah 3:9- 3477- yshr; from 3474; straight (literal or
figuratively):- convenient, equity, Jasher, just, meet (-est), +
pleased well right (-eous), straight, (most) upright (-ly, -ness).
3474- yshar a primitive root; to be straight or even; figuratively
to (causative to make) right, pleasant, prosperous:- direct, fit,
seem good (meet), + please (will), be (esteem, go) right (on),
bring (look, make, take the) straight (way), be upright (-ly).
((not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord?) ( Acts 13:10)
Pervert-Acts13:10- 1294- diastrph, from 1223 and 4762; to
distort, that is (figuratively) misinterpret, or (morally) corrupt:perverse (-rt), turn away. 1223- dia, a primary preposition
denoting the channel of an act; through (in very wide


applications, local, causal, or occasional):- after, always, among,

at, to avoid, because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause) fore, in by
occasion of , by reason off, for sake, that , thereby, therefore, x
though, through (-out), to, wherefore, with (-in). In composition it
retains the same general import. Dia. see 2203
4762- strph- strengthened form the base of 5157; to twist, that
is turn, quite around or reverse (literally or figuratively):- convert,
turn (again, back again, self, self about).
Perverse-Acts 20:30- 1294- diastrph
((that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ)
(Galatians 1:7))
Pervert- Galatians 1:7- 3344-mtastrph-, from 3326 and
3992; to turn across, that is transmute or (figuratively) corrupt:pervert, turn.
Carved-Judges18:8- carved- 6459- pecel; from 6458; an idol:
carved (graven) image. 6458- pacal- a primitive root; to carve,
whether wood or stone:- grave hew. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
(For he knoweth vain men: he seeth wickedness also; will he not
then consider it?) (Job 11:11))
The word wickedness inJob 11:11- wickedness- 205- ven- to
pant (hence
, to exert oneself, usually in vain; to come to naught); strictly
nothingness; also trouble, vanity, wickedness; specifically an idol:affliction, evil, false, idol, iniquity, mischief, mourners (-ing),
naught, sorrow, unjust, unrighteous, vain, vanity. Comparison

For three transgressions

of Israel, and for four, I will not turn
away the punishment thereof;
(Thus saith the Lord;


because they sold the righteous for

silver, and the poor for a pair of
shoes; That pant after the dust of
the earth on the head of the poor,
and turn aside the way of the meek;
and a man and his father will go in
unto the same maid, to profane my
holy name:) (Amos 2:6,7))

Pant- Amos 2:7- 7602- shaph- a primitive root; to inhale

eagerly; figuratively tocovet; by implication to be angry; also to
hasten:- desire (earnestly), devour, haste, pant, snuff up, swallow
up. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Hasten-1 Kings22:9- 4116-mhar- a primitive root; properly to
be liquid or flow easily, that is (by implication); to hurry (in a good
or a bad sense); often used (with another verb) adverb promptly:be carried headlong, fearful, (cause to make, in, make ready)x
quickly, rash, x shortly, (be so)x soon, make speed, x speedily, x
soon, make speed, x speedily, x straightway, x suddenly, swift.
Hasten- from Ecclesiastes 2:25- 2363-chwsh- ; a primitive
root; to hurry; figuratively to be eager with excitement or
enjoyment:- (make) haste(-n), ready.
Exert- to bring or put into action <~influence><ed himself>,
apply, exercise, put out, wield; also employ, use, utilize (M.W.
Dict.). Vain- of no real value: idle, worthless; futile, ineffective
(M.W.D.). Naught- nothing, zero (M.W.D.)

Psalm 5:9- wickedness- 1942- havvh- from 1933; (in the

sense of eagerly coveting and rushing upon; by implication of
falling); desire; also ruin:- calamity, iniquity, mischief,
mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse


thing, substance, very wickedness. 1933- hvh; a primitive

root [comparison 183, 1961] supposed to mean properly to
breath; to be (in the sense of existence):- be; be; x have. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
I believe wickedness is pnria. This word appears in Mark 7:22.
Dont commit the sin of pnria, that is depravity, that is
specifically malice; plots, sins: iniquity. Dont commit depravity,
that is specifically malice (that is dont commit badness, that is
depravity, or (actively) malignity (that is dont have a bad
character, specifically mischievousness), or (passively) trouble,
dont commit evil, dont commit naughtiness, dont be worthless
to God, dont be depraved, or objectively injurious, dont
commit what is bad, dont commit evil, dont do harm by sinning,
(dont be noisome). Dont commit plots, sins, iniquity. I believe
wickedness comes from pnrs which means hurtful, that is
evil; figuratively calamitous, ill; but specifically (morally) culpable,
that is derelict(that is negligent, careless, failing to exercise the
care expected, vicious, faulty, invalid, also marked by violence or
ferocity, bad, evil, being villainous, wrong, dangerous, (wicked
people are dangerous, wickedness is dangerous)). Dont be
hurtful, that is evil. Dont be hurtful to other people by being evil.
Dont be calamitous to other people, that is, destructive, ruinous,
disastrous, fatal. Dont be destructive to other people by making

God The Father and The Lord

Jesus Christ. Dont be destructive or ruinous or
them sin against

disastrous or fatal to Christians from the Body of Christ

(Ephesians 4:12). Dont be ill that is dont be worthless in

Gods Eyes,dont be depraved, dont be injurious to other

people, dont be evil, dont be bad, dont be wicked, dont do
harm to other Christians from the Body of Christ ( Ephesians
4:12). Dont be ill, that is dont have an evil intent, dont have


evil deeds, dont be not normal or unsound in the



God so dont sin and dont error, dont be not right or not
proper, dont have not proper manners, dont be unfriendly

God The Fatherand The Lord Jesus

Christand towards Christians, dont be damaging to

Christians, dont be damaging to other people by making them sin

against God The Father, dont be harmful to other
people, dont be hurtful to Christians, dont be injurious to other
Christians or to other people, dont be mischievous, dont be
prejudicial to other Christians or to other people by making the sin

The Fatheror The Lord Jesus Christever,
against God The Father, dont be with displeasure of

dont be with displeasure of Christians, dont be in a harsh

manner, dont be badly, dont be in a faulty way in the



God The Father, dont be harshly or oppressively or

severely towards Christians, dont be the reverse of good that is
evil, dont commit immorality, dont commit iniquity, dont
commit sin, dont commit villainy, dont do wrong, dont be
adverse (opposing, contrary, adversarial, unfavorable,

God The Father or to The Lord

Jesus Christor to Christians from the Body of Christ
unpleasant) to

(Ephesians 4:12). Dont be morally culpable, that is derelict

(dont be negligent to God The Father or to


will, dont be

God The Fatheror about doing His will

or be careless about doing the will of TheLord Jesus
Christ, or be careless about your salvation or other peoples
careless about


salvation. (Care about your neighbours (friend, Christian; an

associate (more or less close), brother, companion, fellow,
husband, lover) salvation.) Dont be failing to exercise the care
expected by God The Father that is dont be negligent), dont be

Eyes of God, dont

Eyesof God, dont be invalid in the Eyes

vicious that is dont be defective in the

be faulty in the

God, dont be violent, dont be bad or evil, dont be

villainous, dont do wrong, dont be dangerous to God or to

other saved Christians. Dont be facinorous, dont do mischief.

Wickedness is guilt. Dont be bad, dont be evil, dont do bad,
dont do evil, dont do evil to other people, dont be lewd, dont be
grievous to other Christians.Dont be a sinner, dont sin anymore.
Dont do evil things. Dont be wicked. Dont be malicious. Dont
do harm to other people especially to saved Christians.
I Believe wickedness is also rishh. This word appears in
Proverbs 13:6. Dont commit the sin of rishh. Rishh is a
Hebrew word. I believe rishh is wrong (specifically moral):fault, wickedly. Dont commit wrong (specifically moral):- fault,

Gods Eyes
specifically morally, or commit a fault in Gods
Eyes,according to God The Father. Dont do wickedly
in God The FathersEyes. I believe rishh comes
wickedly. Me now- Dont do what is wrong in

from resha which is a wrong (specifically moral);- iniquity. MeDont commit a wrong specifically moral in Gods eyes which is
iniquity or any other iniquity in God The Fathers eyes. Resha
comes from the word racha which is to be (causative do or
declare) wrong; by implication to disturb, violate:- condemn, make
trouble, vex; be (commit, deal, depart, do) wicked (-ly, -ness).
Dont be wrong, causative do wrong or declare wrong in

Gods Eyes. Godcan see everything and knows

everything. Dont do what is wrong or declare what is wrong in


Gods Eyes. Dont be wrong, causative do wrong or declare

wrong in GodsEyes by implication disturb. Dont disturb
people from doing Gods will, dont violate God The
Fatherslaw, the 10 commandments, all of His

commandments, dont condemn people that still have salvation,

dont make trouble before God The FathersEyes,
dont make trouble against the body of Christ( Eph.4:12), which is
made up of saved Christians, dont make trouble to people that

God loves, that you know God loves and that are doing
His will.

Wickedness is also ra This word appears for example in

Proverbs 14:32.I took the wordrafrom the entrance # 7451
using The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of
Bible. Dont commit the sin of ra. Ra is bad, evil (naturally or
morally):- ):- evil, wickedness, wicked, mischief, hurt, bad, trouble,
sore, affliction, ill, adversity, ill (favoured), harm, naught,
noisome, grief (-vous), sad, = calamity, + displease (-ure),
distress, evil ([-favouredness], man, thing); + exceedingly, x
great, grief, harm, heavy, hurt (-ful), + mark, mischief (-vous),
misery, naught (-ty), + not please, sorrow, vex, wicked (-ly,-ness,
one), worse (-st); wretchedness, wrong. [Including feminine raah;
as adjective or noun.]
Dont commit the sin of ra (wickedness). Dont be evil naturally
or morally. Dont do evil. Dont do wickedness. Dont be wicked.
Dont do wicked. I also want to say this: Dont make wicked, dont
make evil or bad people. Dont do mischief. Dont commit
calamity, dont have evil favouredness. Dont be an evil man, be
careful with evil man, dont be an evil thing. Becareful with an
evil thing. Dont be evil plus exceedingly, dont be evil times
great. Dont do harm to other people or to other Christians.
Dont try to hurt or hurt God The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ.
Dont give grief to God The Father and to The Lord Jesus. Dont
give or cause grief to other Christians. Dont be grievous to God


The Father. Dont give trouble to God The Father and to The Lord
Jesus. Dont give trouble to yourself because of sin against God
The Father or against The Lord Jesus. Dont give trouble to other
Christians. Dont hurt a Christian or be hurtful to a Christian.
Dont get sore because of sin the against God The Father. Dont
get affliction because of sin against God The Father. Dont be ill.
Dont be ill in the Eyes of God The Father going for against His
will. Dont be ill to God The Father. Dont be ill to other
Christians. Dont do what is evil in the Eyes of God The Father to
other people or what is bad in the Eyes of God The Father to other
people. For example- if you allow other people to get viruses,
evil bacteria, parasites, larvae because you didnt wash your
hands, or because you touched the food or because they were in
the dishes, spoon, or because the dishes and spoon, utensils
werent well washed, or because the food wasnt well cooked to
kill the viruses and evil bacteria, then you are doing evil to them if
they eat that food. Viruses, evil bacteria, parasites, larvae, must
not go to the food other people want to eat (like to customers
from restaurants or people at home) or to food yourself might eat.
If you think there are viruses, evil bacteria, parasites , larvae in
the food, dont eat it and dont give to other people to eat.
Viruses can be hard to get them out after they get in your body.
Dont allow them to get in your mouth, digestive system and
bloodstream and that goes for other people you care about too. I
believe toothpaste kills viruses and evil bacteria. I think there
might be other medicine you can buy at the pharmacy or internet
to kill viruses and evil bacteria and human parasites. There
should be any viruses or bacteria in your hands if touch bread to
eat it for example. Dont be ill (favoured). Dont do harm. Harm
is also ra, it is also evil. Dont do harm to Christians and to other
people. Wickedness is naught- nothing, zero. Dont be noisome
to God The Father. Dont make God The Father have displeasure
of you. Dont do wretchedness or do what is wrong in

Eyes. Dont be evil or bad or displease God.


Dont have evil

favouredness like liking worldly abominable singers, musicians.
Dont like bad and evil. Dont like what is bad and evil. Dont be
mischievous. Dont have misery for yourself. Wickedness is
misery. Evil and bad is misery. Misery is sorrow. Stay away from


sin against God The Father to try to stay away from misery,
sorrow, being sad, sadness, unhappiness. Dont be evil or bad
(naturally or morally) exceedingly, dont be greatly bad or greatly
evil (naturally or morally) in the

Eyesof God The


Stay away from evil favouredness plus exceedingly

and from evil favouredness times great. Stay away from
exceedingly evil man or thing and also from evil man or thing
times great. You can try make exceedingly evil man or thing and
evil man or thing times great repent of their sins, make them stop
sinning against God The Father. I think maybe all them are God
haters. Dont be naughty. Dont be hurtful against


The Father, ever and against Christians (from the body of

Christ(Eph.4:12)) or against those that God loves or are doing
His will. Dont want not to please God The Father.
Dont be evil naturally or morally plus not please God The
Father. Please God The Father. Ra means sad,

sadly, so committing the sin of ra is sad, being bad or evil is sad,

I believe. And doing evil or bad is sad too. If you sin against God
The Father is sad. Ra means sore, sorrow, trouble, vex. We
should not cause sorrow to any Christian from the body of Christ
or from anyone that


loves and that are doing


The Fatherswill. Dont sore, commit trouble, especially

in their sight, or vex them. Dont do wickedly and dont be a

wicked one. Dont do worse or worst in the Eyes of God The
Father. Dont love satan or the antichrist or the false prophet.
The book of Revelation and the book of the Prophet Daniel speaks
about the Antichrist. Stay away from evil, bad people that cause
sorrow to your soul because of their sins against God if you
want to. You can lose, that is, sin against God because of them,
be careful. Dont watch worldly, mundane, secular movies,
novels, shows, worldly secular music videos, secular grammy
award show, comedies, pornography, nudity, sinful programs,
cartoons, secular wordly cartoons etc, dont get cable TV. You


see, on TV no one can be sinning against God. Dont listen to

worldly mundane secular music(rap, rock, disco, classic, music
that talk for sex, heavy metal etc), and dont listen to worldly,
mundane, secular FM and M radios, xm radio. Dont listen to
abominable music. Be careful with the unbelieving, the

abominable(Rev.21:8). Be careful with the wicked.

Be a worshipper of God The Father. Dont make satan
happy who is one of the most evil one I believe, therefore he is
one of the most sufferer, who is going to be the one who is going
to suffer the most in the lake of fire. After him comes his demons.
Dont make satan happy, he wants people to sin against God. I
believe he wants more souls to burn in the lake of fire forever,
along with him. Get educated with the holy Bible to know what to
Ra means wretchedness, wrong. Dont commit wretchedness
which is wickedness. Dont do what is wrong in

God The

FathersEyes that is. Ra comes from ra,

means properly to spoil (literally by breaking to pieces;
figuratively to make or be) good for nothing, that is bad
(physically, socially or morally):- evil, evil doer. Ra also means
evil entreat, afflict, harm, do hurt, hurt, behave self ill, deal ill,
mischief, punish, vex, do wicked, wicked doer, do wickedly, worse,
afflict, break, ill, displease, do mischief, punish, still, vex.
Dont spoil other people (literally by breaking to pieces), that is
dont do violence, or ravage (that is dont try to devastate,
destroy other Christians or ruin their lives, or despoil, or loot, or
try to wipe out Christians or overpower them, and dont
overthrow other people away from will of God The Father), dont


do destruction to Christians, dont try to destroy other Christians,

dont oppress a Christian or do robbery. Dont destroy other
people God loves or innocent people. Dont be make (or be) good
for nothing, that is bad (physically, socially, or morally). Dont do
evil, dont be an evil doer, dont be an evil man. Dont afflict any
Christian or do any harm to them. Dont hurt anybody by sinning
against God. Dont hurt anybody by cursing them. Dont curse
anybody, ever. Dont hurt God The Father. Dont do hurt to any
Christian. Dont behave self-ill, dont do mischief. Dont vex any
Christian or Jew. Dont do wicked, dont be an wicked doer, dont
do wickedly. Dont be worse morally or socially. Dont become
worse morally or socially. Try to become more innocent to


The Father.

Dont do worse morally or socially. Dont do

wickedly. Dont afflict Christians from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12). Dont displease God The Father. Dont do
worse in the Eyes of God The Father. Try to become more
innocent in The Eyes of God.
Dont do mischief. Dont punish Christians. Dont do punish that is
not allowed by God The Father. You should educate your child if
you have one with the Bible, with the will of God, with Gods
commandments. Dont vex Christians or anyone else God loves.
Dont break Gods 10 commandments or the 2 commandments
Jesus talks about in Matthew 22:37-40. Dont forfeit, lose
because of sin. Dont sin against God The Father. Dont commit a
sin against Him. Dont be a sinner, be holy. Dont be sinful. Dont
lack holiness or purity. Dont suffer loss because of sin. Dont
lead astray other people away from the will of God The Father.
Dont lie to other people, dont mislead them. They are supposed
to do what God The Father wants them to do. The Bible reveals
already what God The Father wants them to do. Dont give
wrong, incorrect instruction or discipline to anyone.Dont commit
iniquity or iniquities. Dont punish someone innocent. Dont do
perversity, that is moral evil. Dont urge against someone
innocent; by implication inflict a penalty, specifically to fine
someone innocent in the Eyes of

God The Father.

Wickedness is also zimmh. I took this Hebrew word from


Leviticus20:14. Zimmh, means a plan, specifically a bad one,

a heinous crime, lewd, lewdly, lewdness, wicked device, wicked
mind, wickedness. Dont make a plan that is, specifically a bad
one:- heinous crime, dont be lewdly or commit lewdness. Dont
use a wicked device. Dont have a wicked mind.
Zimmh, comes from the Hebrew word zman which means to
plan, usually in a bad sense, think evil. Dont commit zman,
dont plan usually in a bad sense, and dont think evil in Gods
Wickedness is also ra. Ra means badness (as marring),
physically or morally:- x be so bad, badness, evil, naughtiness.
Dont commit the sin of ra. Dont commit badness (as marring
(dont be bad morally)), dont have badness (as marring), dont
look bad physically or morally times be so bad, and dont look bad
morally. Dont commit evil, dont be evil, and dont commit
naughtiness (that is dont commit disobedience to God, dont
commit wickedness or mischief, dont commit bad behavior, dont
commit impishness, dont have ill-discipline).

I believe wickedness is also -evel; or vel; and (feminine)

avlh; or wlh; or lh which means moral evil:- iniquity,
perverseness, unjust, unjustly, unrighteousness, unrighteously;
wicked, wickedness. These words come from 2 Samuel7:10.
These Hebrew words -evel; or vel; and (feminine) avlh; or
wlh; or lh; come from val, which means to distort
(morally):- deal unjustly, unrighteous. Dont commit the sin of
-evel; or vel; and (feminine) avlh; or wlh; or lh.
Dont commit moral evil, iniquity, Dont be unjust, dont deal
unjustly, dont do unrighteousness. Dont try to distort other
people morally ever, dont deal unjustly with your neighbor, ever.
Those Hebrew words talk about children of wickedness ( 2
Samuel7:10), enemies of the people of Israel, enemies of Gods
people. Dont try to afflict Gods people, ever. Cannot afflict them.
The word wickedness I also took from Job4:8 is the Hebrew word
ml- aw-mawl. Dont commit ml- aw-mal which means toil,
that is wearing effort; hence, worry, whether of body or mind:-


grievance (dont commit grievance in Gods sight),

grievancevousness (dont commit grievancevousness in


sight), dont commit iniquity, dont commit mischief,

dont commit trouble. Dont commit perverseness in Gods sightdo the will of God, dont make trouble in Gods eyes, dont
give trouble to saved true Christians. Wickedness (ml) is
also painful, fatigue, mischief, misery, tiredness and tiresome.
Dont be also sorrow, weary, worn out in strength and energy
because of sin. The word ml- awmawl comes from malawmal which means to toil, that is, work severely with
irksomness:- [take] labor in, dont do any of that. Dont toil, that
is work severely and with irksomness( that is with tending to
irk( that is, try to make weary, irritated, or bored, annoy,
aggravate, irritate)), and be annoying, aggravating, irritating or
bothersome to Christian people which are saved (from the Body of
Christ(Eph.4:12)), to people that

God loves, to people that are

Godswill(that is, which dont want to go to the lake of

fire). Also dont give a bad testimony in the eyes of God
The Fatherand other people, love God with all your

soul, and mind and your neighbor as yourself ( Matthew

22:37,39, Deuteronomy 6:5).

The word toil I found from Genesis 5:29, which means

itstsbwn. Dont itstsbwn. Itstsbwn (toiI), I believe
(from The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible)
means worrisomeness, that islabor or pain:- sorrow, toil.
Itstsbwn (toil) comes from the word tsab which means to
carve, that is fabricate or fashion; hence, (in a bad sense) to
worry, pain or anger:- displease, grieve, hurt, make, be sorry, vex,
worship, wrest. Dont toil (that is, dont try to cause distress or
worry, inline to worry, fret, more at troublesome, or try to upset
(dont try to cause worrisomeness)), that is labor or pain, sorrow
in the Eyes of God The Father or to Christian people
which are saved (from the Body of Christ( Eph.4:12)), to people


thatGodloves, to people that are doing Gods will(that is,

which dont want to go to the lake of fire). Also dont give a bad
testimony in the eyes of

God The Fatherand other

people, loveGodwith all your soul, and mind and your neighbor
as yourself (Matthew 22:37,39, Deuteronomy 6:5).). Dont
carve, that is fabricate or fashion any graven image (look at
Exoduschapter 20 (The 2nd commandment of the 10
commandments)), ever; hence, (in a bad sense) try to worry, try

God The Fatherangry or

try to displease Him or try to grieve Him or hurt Him by
to cause pain or try to make

doing these things also (obey the second commandment (from

Exodus chapter 20), and dont commit other sins also, in addition,
dont do all this evil in the eyes of God The Fatheror
Christian people which are saved (from the Body of
Christ(Eph.4:12)), to people that


God loves, to people that are

will (that is, which dont want to go to the lake

of fire); and also hence, (in a bad sense) try to worry


The Fatheror Christian people which are saved (from the

Body of Christ(Eph.4:12)), or people that Godloves, or people
that are doing Godswill (that is, which dont want to go to
the lake of fire). Dont do what is evil or bad in the eyes of God
The Father. Dont try to vex (that is to bring trouble ,
distress, or agitation to Godspeople ever, also because of
sin, or try to annoy them continually with little irritations,
aggravate, annoy, bother, more at irritate them, ever). Dont try

God The Fathercontinually with little

irritations, aggravate your sin problem in His Eyes, dont try
to annoy, bother, or more at try to irritate God The
to annoy


Fatherever with this sin of breaking the 2

commandment or
by committing other sins in His sight, ever. Dont worship any
carved, fabricated or fashioned graven image, ever. (Read Exodus
chapter 20).
Dont vex saved Christians ever. Dont kak(vex) saved
Christians from the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12) ever. The word
kakappears in Acts12:1. Dont injure, or exasperate, or make
evil affected, entreat evil, harm, or hurt any saved Christian from
the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12), ever, it is wrong. Dont be
injurious to them, dont be bad or evil. Dont make evil affected
anybody. The word vex appears in Exodus 22:21 and it is the
word ynh. Dont ynh (vex) a stranger nor oppress him.
Dont ynh (vex) a stranger or a saved Christian from the body
of Christ (Ephesians 4:12), that is dont rage or be violent to a
stranger; by implication suppress, maltreat, do violence to a
stranger or to any saved Christian from the body of
Christ(Eph.4:12). Therefore to vex a saved Christian or a
stranger is wickedness.
Dont vex (ygh) a saved Christian ever. Vex is also ygh.
This word appears in Job 19:2. Dont ygh (vex) any saved
Christian from the body of Christ, ever, that is dont grieve any of
them, dont afflict any of them or cause grief to any of them or
make any of them sorrowful.

Dont wrest ever in the Eyes of God The Father. The

word wrest appears in Exodus 23:2. It is the word nth. Dont
nth. Dont commit the sin of nth, ever. According to Strong,
the word Hebrew nth means to stretch or spread out; by
implication to bend away (including moral deflection); used in a
great variety of applications (as follows):- + afternoon, apply, bow
(down, -ing), carry aside, decline, deliver, extend, go down, offer,
outstretched, overthrown, pervert, pitch, prolong, put away, shew,
spread (out), stretch (forth, out), take (aside), turn (aside, away),
wrest, cause to yield.
Do not follow a multitude to do evil, neither speak in a cause to
decline (that is to turn, turn off, depart, go aside, lay away (by),
leave undone, put away, put down, turn aside, withdraw, turn


away) after many to wrest judgment- wrest

Continuing talking about the word wrest, I believe wrest is
strbl in the New Testament. Strbl (wrest) appears in 2
Peter 3:16. Dont have unstable wrest. Dont have unstable
wrench(move with a violent twist, pull, twist, wrest, disturb, a
forcible twisting, snatch forcibly, injure or disable by a violent
twisting or straining, move with a violent twist), that is
(specifically) to torture (by the rack(that is strain by force, cause
to suffer torture, pain, anguish, ruin, torment, pull, strain, stretch,
agonize, persecute, torture )), but only to pervert (dont turn away
people away from the will of

God, dont

overthrow people

away from the will of God ever or misinterpret the Bible ever,
or distort the Bible ever or falsify the Bible ever or transmute the
Bible ever).
I believe wrest is also garble. Dont garble the Bible, that is dont
distort the meaning of the Holy Bible for example, dont distort
in Gods Eyes,dont distort the Holy Biblefor example,
dont lie, dont falsify the Holy Bible or anything else, dont

God The
Father, dont pervert people away from God The
Father, dont pervert people away from Hiswill, dont twist
the Holy Bible, dont twist in the Eyes of God The
Father, dont complicate to do the will of God The
Father, dont garble for people to do the will of God The
misinterpret the Holy Bible, dont misrepresent

Dont commit the sin of wickedness. I believe wickedness is also

ven. Dont commit the sin of ven. The Hebrew word ven
appears in Job11:11. Dont pant (that is covet what doesnt


belong to you (God said: Thou shalt not covet (Exodus

20:17)), or be angry against God or your neighbour
(Matthew 22:39), or hurry in a bad sense, or devour the
righteous or the poor (read Amos 2:6,7), dont swallow up the
righteous or the poor, dont hasten (make speed) to devour or
swallow up the righteous and the poor(Amos 2:6,7), dont desire
(earnestly) to sin or desire (earnestly) sin, dont desire (earnestly)
what is bad, evil), dont desire what is bad or evil and dont desire
to sin or desire sin. Hence dont exert ( that is bring or put into
action, or apply, or exercise, employ, use, utilize) yourself to sin

God or do what is evil, bad in the Eyes of God

The Father, which is in vain (that is, of no value, idle,

worthless, futile, ineffective), to come to naught (that is, nothing ,

zero)); strictly nothingness. Dont do what is strictly nothingness.

Dont trouble the righteous, any one from the bodyof Christ
(Ephesians 4:12), which is from the Church of Jesus
Christ, Dont do what is vanity according to God, dont do
what is vanity in His Eyes, dont do wickedness. I have
Becareful with vanity. Do what is important in the Eyes of

already tried to explain what is wickedness. Dont use and idol,

dont apply an idol, dont exercise an idol, dont use an idol, dont
utilize an idol, dont employ an idol, dont put into action an idol,
dont bring and idol to your home. Dont afflict any righteous
Christian from the body of Christ. Dont do what is evil in the

God The Father. You can try to pray to God

The Fathertrying to convince Him and tell Him that you
dont want to do what is evil in His Eyes. Dont be false and
eyes of

dont do what is false. Dont have an idol for yourself. I try to

explain what an idol is in this file, . Dont commit

God, dont do
Dont be unjust in the Eyes of God The

ven, dont commit iniquity which is sin against



Father. You can too pray to God The Fathertelling

Him that you dont what to be unjust. I want to preach this
which I think is important: I believe that if you pray to God
The Father, it should be very good, better than passing.
Trying to get an A from God The Father, it is like in the
university I am trying to explain. Some students get an A in their
calculus class or physics, much more should we try to get an

Afrom God

The Fatheror at least a very good or

passing from Him. In Bible college you have to get an A.


have to do our best not to sin, do our best to try to please


God The Father and

correct at the same time and fast to do His will not slow to do
His will. Continuing about wickedness (ven), dont be
unrighteous or vain in the Eyes of God. Dont commit
sorrow (wickedness) in the Eyes of God The
Try to be diligent for

Dont commit the sin of wickedness. I believe wickedness is also

havvh. Dont commit havvh. Dont eagerly covet and rush
upon at what doesnt belong to you, by implication of falling,
dont desire what doesnt belong to you, dont ruin other saved
Christians lives or anyone else God love by making them sin
against God, by making them believe a lie, by misleading them,
dont cause, create a calamity for saved Christians or anyone else
God loves, dont commit iniquity that is dont commit havvh
which is wickedness. Dont do mischief, dont be mischievous, a
mischievous thing. Becareful with a mischievous thing. Dont be
naughty in Gods Eyes. Dont commit naughtiness, dont be
noisome in Gods Eyes, dont be a perverse thing in Gods Eyes,
dont commit a very wickedness thing.
Pride- Mark7:22- 5243- huprphania; from 5244;


haughtiness:- pride. 5244- huprphans; from 5228 and 5316;

appearing above others (conspicuous); that is (figuratively)
haughty: proud. 5244- huprphans, from 5228- hupr, a
primitive prepositions over that is (with the general) of place,
above, beyond, across, or causal, for the sake of, instead,
regarding; with the accusative superior to , more than:- (+
exceeding, abundantly) above, in (on) behalf of, beyond, by, +
very chiefest, concerning, exceeding (above, -ly), for, + very
chiefest, concerning, exceeding (above, -ly), for, + very highly,
more (than), of , over, on the part of, for sake of, instead, than, to
(-ward), very. [In composition it retains many of the above
applications.] 5316- phain; prolonged for the base of 5457; to
lighten (shine), that is show (transitive or intransitive, literally or
figuratively):- appear, seem, be seen, shine, x think. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Conspicuous- obvious to the eye or mind: prominent, bold, more
at noticeable, gross, rank, prominent, more at egregious (M.W.D.).
Prominent- jutting out: projecting, readily noticeable:
conspicuous. Widely and popularly known, bold, catchy, more at
noticeable, more at famous (M.W.D.). Egregious- notably bad:
flagrant, gross, obvious, rank, atrocious, awful, deplorable
(M.W.D.). (dont write gross I noticed, better not) Flagrantconspicuously bad <~abuse of power>- flagrantly, blatant,
conspicuous, gross, egregious (M.W.D.). Atrocious- of very poor
quality, shocking, more at horrible, lousy, more at wretched
Gross- Isaiah 60:2- 6205, Mathew 13:15- 3975.
Gross- Mathew 13:15- 3975- pachun; from a derivative of
4078 (meaning thick); to thicken, that is (by implication) to fatten
(figuratively stupefy or render callous):- wax gross.
Gross- (M.W.D.)- glaringly noticeable, out- and- out utter,
physically large: big, bulky; especially: excessively fat; coarse in
nature or behavior: unrefined; also: crudely vulgar, blatant,
egregious, flagrant, rank, chubby, fleshy, full, overweight, rotund,
more at fat, coarse, low, rough, rude, vulgar, more at coarse


Study of the word pride in the Old Testament:

((we have heard of the pride of Mab; he is very proud: even of
his haughtiness, and his pride) (Isaiah 16:6)) KJV
Pride- Isaiah 16:6- 1347- gwn- from 1342; the same as
1346:- arrogancy, excellency (-lent), majesty, pomp, pride, proud,
swelling. 1342- gh- to mount up, hence, in general to rise,
(figuratively) be majestic:- gloriously, grow up, increase, be risen,
triumph. 1346- gavh- from 1342; arrogance, or majesty, by
implication (concrete) ornament:- excellence, haughtiness,
highness, proudly, swelling.
Pomp-Isaiah5:14- 7588- shwn; from 7582; uproar (as
rushing); by implication destruction:- x horrible, noise, pomp,
rushing, tumult, (xuous). 7582- shh, a primitive root; to rush;
by implication to desolate:- be desolate, (make a) rush (-ing), (lay)
Pomp- Isaiah14:11- 1347- gwn.
Pomp-Acts25:23- 5325-phantasia; from a derivative of 5324;
(properly abstract) a (vain) show (fantasy):-pomp. 5324phantaz; from a derivative of 5316; to make apparent that is
(pass) to appear (neutral participle as noun, a spectacle):- sight.
((Though Babylon should mount up to heaven) (Jeremiah
51:53)) KJV
Mount-Jeremiah51:53- 5927- lh, a primitive root; to ascend,
intrinsically (be high) or actively (mount); used in a great variety
of senses, primary and second, literal and figuratively (as
follow):- arise (up), (cause to) ascend up, at once, break [the day]
(up), bring (up), (cause to) burn, carry up, cast up, + shew, climb
(up), (cause to, make to) come (up), cut off, dawn, depart, exalt,
excel, fall, fetch up, get up, (make to ) go (away, up); grow (over),
increase, lay, leap, levy, lift (self) up, light, [make] up, x mention,
mount up, offer, make to pay, + perfect, prefer, put (on), raise,
recover, restore, (make to) rise (up), scale, set (up), shoot forth


(up), (begin to) spring (up), stir up, take away (up), work.
Arrogancy- 1Samuel 2:3- 6277- thq, aw-thawk; from 6275
in the sense of license; impudent:- arrogancy, grievous (hard)
things, stiff. 6275- thaq, aw-thak- a primary root; to remove
(intransitively or transitively) figurativelyto grow old; specifically
to transcribe:- copy out, leave off, become (wax) old, remove.
Impudent- Ezekiel2:4- 7186,6440- 7186- qsheh; from 7185
(in various applications):- churlish, cruel, grievous, hard ([hearted], thing) heavy, + impudent, obstinate, prevailed, rough (ly), sore, sorrowful, stiff ([necked]), stubborn, + in trouble. 7185qshh; a primitive root; properly to be dense, that is, tough or
severe (in various applications):- be cruel, be fiercer, make
grievous, be ([ask a], be in, have, seem, would) hard (-en,
[labour], -ly, thing), be sore, (be, make) stiff (-en, [-necked]).
Obstinate-unyielding, disobedient. (M.W.D.). Churlish- marked by
a lack of civility or graciousness, boorish, clownish, loutish,
uncouth, more at clownish (M. W. D. and T.).
Impudent- Ezekiel 3:7- 2389, 4696. 2389- chzq; from 2388;
strong (usually in a bad sense, hard, bold, violent):- harder,
hottest, + impudent, loud mighty, sore, stiff [-hearted], strong (er). From 2388- chzaq, a primary root; to fasten upon; hence,
to seize, be strong (figuratively) courageous, causative
strengthen, cure, help, repair, fortify), obstinate; to bind, restrain,
conquer:- aid, amend, x calker, catch, cleave, confirm, be
constant, constrain, continue, be of good (take) courage (-ous,-ly),
encourage (self), be established, fasten, force, fortify, make hard,
harden, help, (lay) hold (fast), lean, maintain, play the man,
mend, become (wax) mighty, prevail, be recovered, repair, retain,
seize, be (make, shew, wax) strong (-er), be sure, take (hold), be
urgent, behave self valiantly, withstand.
4696- metsach; from an unused root meaning to be clear, that is,
conspicuous; the forehead (as open and prominent):- brow,
forehead, + impudent.
Stiff- Deut. 31:27- 7186- qsheh; Ps. 75:5- 6277- thq; Jer.


17:23- 7185.
Haughtiness- from Jeremiah 48:29, Isaiah 2:17- 7312rwm, orrm- from 7311; (literally) elevation or (figuratively)
elation: haughtiness, height, x high. 7311- rwm- a primitive
root; to be high;actively to rise or raise (in various applications,
literally or figuratively):- bring up, exalt (self), extol, give , go up,
heave (up), (lift up on, make on , set up on), proud, taller, breed
worms. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance
of Bible).
Elation- rhapsody (M.W.D.) Rhapsody- an expression of
extravagant praise or ecstasy (M.W.D.).
Elevation- the height to which something is raised, a lifting up.
License- permission to act, authorization, more at permission
Grievous-Psalm31:18- 6277- thq; from 6275 in the sense of
license; impudent:- arrogancy, grievous (hard) things, stiff.
Pride-Proverbs 11:2- 2087- zdwn; from 2102; arrogance:presumptuously, pride, proud (man). 2102- zwd; or (by
permutation (of adjacent letters)) zyd; a primary root; to seethe;
figuratively to be insolent:- be proud, deal proudly, presume,
(come) presumptuously, sod. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Presume- to take upon oneself without leave or warrant : dare, to
take for granted, assume, to act or behave with due boldness,
postulate, premise, presuppose, suppose, more at assume (M. W.
D. and T.).
Sod- turf, ones native land, country, fatherland, home, homeland,
more at country (M. W. D. and T.).
Presumptuously- Exodus 21:14- 2102- zwd or zyd.
Presumptuously- Numbers 15:30- 3027- yd.


Presumptuously-Deuteronomy 18:22- 2087- zdwn.

Insolent- Contemptuous, rude, disrespectful, or bold in behavior or
language, bold, brash, fresh nervy. (M.W.D.)
Rude- roughly made: crude, not developed: primitive, lacking
refinement or delicacy, marked by or suggestive of lack of
training or skill: unskilled, rough, faulty, inexact, coarse, gross,
crude, impolite, uncivil, barbarous, uncivilized, savage (M.W.D.).
Gross- glaringly noticeable, carnal, earthy <~pleasures>, coarse
in nature or behavior: unrefined; also : crudely vulgar,
conspicuous, prominent, egregious, fat, coarse, crude, rude
Rude- 2 Corinthians11:6- 2399- idits; 2398; a private
person, that is (by implication) an ignoramus (comparison
idiot):- ignorant, rude, unlearned. 2398- idis, of uncertain
affixed; pertaining to self, that is ones own; by implication private
or separate:- x lay acquaintance, when they were alone, apart,
aside, due, his (own proper, several), home, (her, our, thine,
proper, own business), private (-ly), proper, severally, their (own).
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
((Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mothers milk) ( Exodus
Seethe- Exodus 23:19- 1310- bshal; a primitive root; properly
to boil up; hence, to be done in cooking; figuratively to ripen:bake, boil, bring forth, is ripe, roast, seeth, sod (be sodden).
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Seethe- to become violently agitated, more at boil, agitate
(M.W.D.) Agitated- troubled in mind, heated, more at feverish
(M.W.D.). Agitate- to move or cause to move with an irregular
rapid motion, to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of:
disturb, to attempt to arouse public feeling, shake, disturb, worry,
upset (M.W.D.).
((For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are


dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed;) (Acts 28:27))
Gross- Acts 28:27- 3975- pachun; from a derivative of 4078
(meaning thick); to thicken, that is by implication) to fatten
(figuratively stupefy or render callous):- wax gross.
Pride-2 Chronicles32:26- 1363- gbahh; from 1361; elation,
grandeur, arrogance:- excellency, haughty, height, high, loftiness,
pride. 1361- gbahh; a primitive root; to soar, that is be lofty;
figuratively to be haughty:- exalt, be haughty, be (make) high (er), lift up, mount up, be proud, raise up great height, upward.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Soar- to fly upward or at a height on or as if on wings; also : to
rise or increase dramatically (as in position, value, or price) arise,
ascend, lift, mount, rise, up, more at ascend, fly (M.W.D.)
Ascend- Joshua6:5- 5927- lah.
(this is a hard part for me to explain and I believe I repeated
explaining about what not to do about the sin of pride, I used the
information from above where it says: Pride- Mark 7:22- 5243huprphania. And I used information from other verses, from
some Greek words and Hebrew words. I want to be able to explain
well what pride is of course.
This is what I want to tell about the sin of pride:
Dont commit the sin of pride. Dont commit the sin
ofhuprphania. The Greek wordhuprphania appears in
Mark 7:22. I believe that pride, huprphania is haughtiness:pride. I believe huprphaniacomes from huprphans which
means appearing above others (conspicuous); that is figuratively)
haughty: proud. I believe the Greek word huprphans comes
from hupr and phain. I believe hupr means over, that is
(with the general) of place, above, be beyond, across, or causal,
for the sake of , instead, regarding; with the accusative superior
to, more than:- (+exceeding (above, -ly), for, + very chiefest,


concerning, exceeding (above, -ly), for, very chiefest, for + very

highly, more than), of, over, on the part of, for sake of, instead,
than, to (- ward), very. I believe the word phain means to
lighten (shine), that is show (transively or intransitively, literally
or figuratively):- appear, seem, be seen, shine, x think.
Dont commit the sin of haughtiness, dont be haughty. I believe
a word for haughtiness is the word rwm or rm. Dont appear
above others (dont be conspicuous); that is dont be haughty.
You can try to become a Christian princess or queen or a Christian
prince or king, or a prophet but dont commit the sin of pride.
Dont commit the sin of haughtiness, dont commit elation (that
is dont elevate yourself or your name against Gods will, dont
commit rhapsody,( that is dont receive an expression of
extravagant unholy, evil, bad praise for yourself)). God the Father
and Jesus Christ is supposed to receive all of the praise and all of
the glory honor, honour and worship and thanksgiving. And also I
want to say- dont give praise to worldly secular, not- Christian
singers or unrighteous actors and actrises. I believe a word for
haughtiness is the Hebrew word rum. The word rm appears in
Jeremiah 48:29, and Isaiah 2:17. Dont commit the sin of rm. I
believe rm means literally elevation or (figuratively) elation:haughtiness, height, x high. This information comes from the
New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible ( 1995 by Thomas
Nelson Publishers). I believe Strong. According to Strong, rm
comes from rwm which means to be high; actively to rise or
raise (in various applications, literally or figuratively):- bring up,
exalt (self), extol, give, go up, heave (up), (lift up on, make on, set
up on, proud taller, breed worms. Dont commit the sin of
huperephania. Dont elevate yourself in height, dont elevate
yourself times high, dont commit elation in height and dont
commit elation times high with yours speech, talk, speaking,
thoughts. Dont try to be high through your speech, talk. Dont
try to humiliate someone that God loves, who is doing His will,
who belongs to the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). You are not
impeded from trying to be a Christian prince or princess or a
prophet. It is hard to become one but you are not impeded from
wanting to become one.. You are only a princess or prince if in
God The Fathers Eyes you are. Dont be high; actively to rise
yourself or raise yourself ((in various applications)(raise yourself,


raise your name, exalt (self) is haughtiness- Jeremiah4:8,

Isaiah 2:7)) against God The Fatherswill,

meekness, (Psalm 45:4, Zephaniah 2:3, Ephesians
4:2, Colossians 3:12, 1Timothy 6:11, 2Timothy 2:25,
1Peter 3:15). Dont be high, actively rise or raise yourself
againsthumble (Exodus 10:3, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Job
22:29, Psalm 34:2, Proverbs 6:3, Proverbs 19:19,
Proverbs 29:23, Isaiah 57:15, Jeremiah 13:18,
Mathew 23:12, 1 Peter 5:5, James 4:10, 1 Peter 5:6),
humility (Proverbs 22:4, 1 Peter 5:5), humbly (Micah
6:8), Jesus Christ, the wordhumbleth (Luke 14:11, Luke
18:14), or againstholy (Leviticus 11:45, Proverbs
20:25,1 Romans 11:16, 1Peter 1:16, Revelation 22:11)
andholiness(Exodus 15:11, Psalm 39:35,Obadiah
17, Romans 6:19, Ephesians 4:24, 1 Thessalonians
3:13, Titus 2:3, Hebrews 12:10), or
againstrighteousness (Daniel 12:3, James
3:18),righteous(Psalm 34:15, Proverbs 13:5,
Proverbs 11:23, Proverbs28:10, Isaiah 41:2, James
5:16, Revelation 22:11), or againstjustly(Micah 6:8),
humbly(Micah 6:8), uprightness(Psalm 25:21,
Proverbs 14:2, Isaiah 26:7), or againstupright
(Proverbs 11:20, Proverbs 29:27, Proverbs 11:20,
Daniel 10:11) Dont bring up the sin of haughtiness, dont
bring up to be high against God The Father and His will, dont lift
up on haughtiness, pride. Dont be proud that is huprphans.
Dont commit the sin of huprphania, that is pride. Dont
appear above others (that is, dont beconspicuous (that is obvious
to the eye or mind, noticeable, bold, show your rank, prominent
((readily noticeable, widely and popularly known, bold, catch,
noticeable, famous) if you are evil and bad, doing what is wrong,
sinning, doing sin in God The Fathers Eyes(dont
be widely and popularly known and famous, noticeable) if you are
bad or evil, doing what is evil, wrong, doing sin, sinning in



The Fathers Eyes, dont propagate yourself

therefore because of that), dont be bold in a bad sense,

noticeable if you are bad or evil, not holy, if you are sinning ,
doing what is wrong in Gods Eyes, also if you want to exalt
yourself, lift up yourself. Dont try to show yourself if you are
sinful like that. Cannot make anyone sin against God or make
them become abominable or more abominable. Dont be gross,
thicken yourself with pride, dont be glaringly noticeable if you are
bad, evil, abominable in Gods eyes. Dont appear above
Christians from the (body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)) to them.
Dont try to appear above Christians from the (body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) ) too. You can try to succeed for God, to stay out
of sin that is against God.
Dont try to lighten (shine), that is show yourself transitively or
intransitively, literally or figuratively (over, above, beyond,
across, superior)
any Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12), and
anyone else God loves to them. Also dont try to lighten (shine),
that is show (transively or intransitively, literally or figuratively),
appear, seem, be seen, shine, times think to anyone else who
(God loves and that are doing His will, from the body of
Christ(Eph. 4:12) )that you are over them with the general of
place, or above them, or beyond them, across them, or causal, or
superior to them or appear above any of them, or to them, or for
the sake of them, dont try to show yourself (over, above,
superior) to any Christian or anyone else that is doing Gods will,
or that God loves that you are (over, above) them instead of
them, or that you are over, or above them regarding them, or
that you are superior to them or more (above) than (any saved
Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else
that God loves or that are doing His will.) Dont try to show
yourself that you are over, above them, + exceeding above to
anyone or to any of them( any saved Christian from the body of
Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves) (dont be
conspicuous)). Also dont try to show yourself over, above,
superior to them abundantly, or abundantly above them, dont try
to show yourself above to any of them to them, or in any of them


or on any of them, or in (on) behalf of them to them or to any

other male or female that God loves, dont try to show yourself
superior to ( any saved Christian from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves)plus very chiefest
above any of them , or try to show yourself (over, above)
concerning ( any saved Christian from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves).
Dont try to show yourself (over, above, beyond, across or
superior) any (saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians
4:12) or anyone else that God loves)
Dont try to show yourself (over, above, beyond, or superior) any
(saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or
anyone else that God loves) to them, dont show yourself
exceeding above ( any saved Christian from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves) to ( any saved
Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else
that God loves). Dont try to show yourself (over, above) them for
them( any saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians
4:12) or anyone else that God loves), dont try to show yourself to
them that you are above them plus very highly, dont try to show
yourself to ( any saved Christian from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves) that you are
more than( any saved Christian from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves). Only God knows
who is better than who. Dont try to show yourself above them of
them or on the part of them. Dont try to show yourself to ( any
saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or
anyone else that God loves) above them, or (over, above) them to
( any saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or
anyone else that God loves), or above them toward( any saved
Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else
that God loves) . Dont try to show yourself very above any
saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or
anyone else that God loves. Dont try to lighten (shine) show
yourself above, superior to them( any saved Christian from the
body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves) for
sake of them( any saved Christian from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves) or instead of any


saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or

anyone else that God loves or than( any saved Christian from the
body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves) or
regarding ( any saved Christian from the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves). Also dont try to
lighten (shine), that is show (transitively or intransitively, appear,
seem, be seen by them, shine or try to show yourself to saved
Christians (Ephesians 4:12) and anyone else that God loves that
you are over, above, superior to ( any saved Christian from the
body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12) or anyone else that God loves)
times think you are above , beyond, or superior to any of
them( any saved Christian from the body of Christ (Ephesians
4:12) or anyone else that God loves). Love your neighbour. Jesus
mentioned to love your neighbour as yourself. ( And the
second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as
thyself.) (Matthew 22:39).
Elation- rhapsody (M.W.D.) Rhapsody- an expression of
extravagant praise or ecstasy (M.W.D.).
Dont commit haughtiness, dont commit elation (that is dont
elevate yourself or your name against Gods will, dont commit
rhapsody, that is dont receive an expression of extravagant
praise for yourself). God the Father is supposed to receive all of
the praise and all of the glory and worship. And also I want to
say- dont give praise to worldly secular not- Christian singers or
unrighteous actors and actresses. I believe haughtiness is the
Hebrew word rum. The word rum appears in Jeremiah 48:29, and
Isaiah 2:17. Dont commit the sin of rum. I believe rum means
literally elevation or (figuratively) elation:- haughtiness, height, x
high. This information comes from the New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible ( 1995 by Thomas Nelson Publishers). I
believe Strong. According to Strong, rum comes from ruwm which
means to be high; actively to rise or raise (in various applications,
literally or figuratively):- bring up, exalt (self), extol, give, go up,
heave (up), (lift up on, make on, set up on, proud taller, breed
worms. Dont commit the sin of huperephania, Dont elevate
yourself in height, dont elevate yourself times high, dont commit
elation in height and dont commit elation times high with yours
speech, talk, speaking, thoughts. Dont try to be high through


your speech, talk. Dont try to humiliate someone that God loves,
who is doing His will, who belongs to the body of Christ
(Ephesians 4:12). You are not impeded from trying to be a
Christian prince or princess or a prophet. It is hard to become one
but you are not impeded from wanting to become one.. You are
only a princess or prince if in God The Fathers Eyes you are.
Dont be high; actively to rise yourself or raise yourself ((in
various applications)(raise is haughtiness- Jeremiah 4:8, Isaiah
2:7)) against God The Fathers will, meekness, (Psalm 45:4,

Zephaniah 2:3, Ephesians 4:2, Colossians 3:12,

1Timothy 6:11, 2Timothy 2:25, 1Peter 3:15). Dont be
high, actively rise or raise yourself against humble (Exodus
10:3, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Job 22:29, Psalm 34:2,
Proverbs 6:3, Proverbs 19:19, Proverbs 29:23, Isaiah
57:15, Jeremiah 13:18, Mathew 23:12, 1 Peter 5:5,
James 4:10, 1 Peter 5:6), humility (Proverbs 22:4, 1
Peter 5:5), humbly (Micah 6:8), Jesus Christ, the word
humbleth (Luke 14:11, Luke 18:14), or against holy
(Leviticus 11:45, Proverbs 20:25,1 Romans 11:16,
1Peter 1:6, Revelation 22:11) and holiness (Romans
6:19, 1 Thessalonians 3:13, Titus 2:3). Don't fight or
speak against righteousness (Daniel 12:3, James 3:18),
righteous (Psalm 34:15, Proverbs 13:5, Proverbs
11:23, Proverbs28:10, Isaiah 41:2, James 5:16,
Revelation 22:11), dont fight againstjustly(Micah 6:8),
humbly(Micah 6:8), uprightness(Psalm 25:21, Proverbs
14:2, Isaiah 26:7), or againstupright (Proverbs 11:20,
Proverbs 29:27, Proverbs 11:20, Daniel 10:11) Dont
bring up the sin of haughtiness, dont bring up to be high against
God The Father and His will, dont lift up on haughtiness, pride.
Dont be proud that is ruwm. Dont commit the sin of
huperephania, that is pride. Dont appear above others (dont
beconspicuous (that is obvious to the eye or mind, noticeable,
bold, show your rank, prominent ((readily noticeable, widely and
popularly known, bold, catch, noticeable, famous) if you are evil
and bad, doing what is wrong, sinning, doing sin in God The


Fathers Eyes (dont be widely and popularly known and famous,

noticeable) if you are bad or evil, doing what is evil, wrong, doing
sin, sinning in God The Fathers Eyes, dont propagate yourself
therefore because of that), dont be bold in a bad sense,
noticeable if you are bad or evil, not holy, if you are sinning ,
doing what is wrong in Gods Eyes, also if you want to exalt
yourself, lift up yourself. Dont try to show yourself if you are
sinful like that. Cannot make anyone sin against God or make
them become abominable or more abominable. Dont be gross,
thicken yourself with pride, dont be glaringly noticeable if you are
bad, evil, abominable in Gods eyes.
To stay away from the sin of pride continuedDont commit the sin of pride. Dont commit the sin of gaown.
Dont commit arrogancy, pomp, swelling. The word gaown comes
from the Hebrew word gaah which means to mount up, hence in
general to rise, (figuratively) be majestic:- gloriously, grow up,
increase, be risen, triumph. Dont mount up, hence in general
rise in pride, pomp, arrogancy and dont rise against God The
Father, His will in pride, pomp, dont be majestic, gloriously
against God The Father, against His will, dont grow up against
Him and against His will, dont try to increase yourself against His
will, be risen against Him plus against His will, dont try to triumph
against God The Father or against His will, ever, infinitely. Dont
try to triumph against the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12), ever,
or anyone God The Father loves, ever infinitely. Dont mount up
against God The Father or against His will. I believe a word for
mount is lh. I took it from Jeremiah 51:53. It has to do with
pride. Dont lh up. That is dont try to ascend up and dont try
to be high upwards, arise (up), (up), dont cause yourself to
ascend up against God The Fathers will. Dont try to ascend up to
heaven like though Babylon should mount up to heaven. For
example. Dont sin against God The Father. Dont want to sin
against Him ever, infinitely. Babylon was an enemy of God,
enemy of Israel, sinned against God like had graven images
(Jeremiah 51:47), caused the slain of Israel to fall (Jeremiah 5:49)
for example. I believe Babylon committed other sins against God
the Father. I believe the more you sin, the more humble you
should be. (Mathew 18:4), Babylon persecuted Jews I believe, also
dont persecute Israel. Dont persecute Israel or any Jew.


Babylon did. The word gaown is the same as gaavah. Gaown and
gaavah comes from gaah which means to mount up, hence, in
general to rise, (figuratively) be majestic:- gloriously, grow up,
increase, be risen, triumph. Dont do any of that against God The
Father. Dont mount up against God The Father, hence in general
rise against Him, or be majestic , gloriously, grow up, increase, be
risen or try to triumph against Him , ever. The word gavh
means arrogance, or majesty, by implication (concrete)
ornament:- excellence, haughtiness, highness, proudly, swelling.
Dont commit the sin of gavh, arrogance, or majesty, by
implication (concrete) ornament:- excellence, haughtiness,
hightiness, highness, proudly, swelling. Dont commit the sin of
gavh, arrogance. Dont be majesty by implication wearing an
(worldly) ornament, and also if you do that dont think you have
excellence, dont commit haughtiness, dont be highness, dont
commit swelling.
I believe arrogancy is also athaq, awthawk. The word arrogancy
appears in 1 Samuel 2:3 one time. It means in the sense of
license; impudent:- arrogancy, grievous, grievous (hard) things,
stiff. Dont commit the sin of arrogancy. That is dont commit the
sin of athaq, awthawk. That is dont in the sense of license (that
is in the sense of permission to act, permission, authorization) be
impudent (that is churlish, cruel, grievous, hard- hearted,
obstinate, roughly, rough, prevailed, stiff-necked, be dense that is
tough or severe in various applications like be cruel, be fiercer,
against God The Father or against His will or against His people,
also dont be strong usually in a bad sense, hard, bold, violent
against God The Father or against His will, or against His people).
Dont commit the sin of arrogancy (athaq, awthawk). I believe
pride is arrogancy too. Dont be grievous towardsChristians saved
from the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12). Pride is also zdwn. Dont
commit the sin of zdwn. Dont commit the sin of zwd or
zyd Dont commit the sin of arrogance, presumptuously (that is
dont commit arrogance, pride, dont be a proud man, dont
seethe (that is boil up, dont become violently agitated (troubled
in mind, feverish) because of sin against God), dont be insolent
(that is dont be contemptuous, rude (that is dont be an idiot,
ignorant of the Bible, unlearned of the Bible, disrespectful to God
The Father ever, or in the Eyes of God The Father, or to your


neighbour, love your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 22:39) or

bold in behavior or language, be meek, dont be impudent, dont
be faulty and inexact in the Eyes of God The Father, ever, dont be
uncivilized in the Eyes of God The Father or impolite in His Eyes,
dont be barbarous or savage in the Eyes of God The Father, dont
be nervy (dont be disrespectful in the eyes of God the Father or
to your neighbour (Mat. 22:39)), dont be gross (that is dont be
carnal, earthy, conspicuous, coarse, rude))), Dont commit the sin
of ziyd, that is dont be proud, deal proudly, presume, (come)
presumptuously, sod. Dont commit the sin of pride. Pride is also
gobahh. Dont commit the sin of gobahh, be humble. Dont
commit the sin of gobahh that is, dont do elation ( that is dont
do Rhapsody , that is dont have an expression of extravagant
praise for yourself), dont be grandeur, only God The Father knows
whose great, dont commit arrogance, dont love arrogance, dont
commit the sin of excellency, most people I believe are not
excellent in the Eyes of God the Father. Dont commit the sin of
gobahh , that is dont be haughty, dont commit loftiness. The
word gobahh come from gabahh which means to soar, that is be
lofty, to be haughty, exalt, be haughty, be (make) high (-er), lift
up, mount up, be proud, raise up great height, upward. Dont soar
dont rise yourself or your name in the Eyes of God the Father
because you cant lie about your status or rank in the Eyes of God
the Father. God the Father and Jesus knows who is great in the
earth and those that are small. Since you cant lie, dont try to
increase yourself or your name dramatically as in position or
value, dont arise against God the Fathers will, dont ascend your
name, you cant lie about your rank in the Eyes of God The Father,
dont lift your name up, dont rise against God The Fathers will.
Dont soar against God The Fathers will, dont be lofty, dont be
haughty, dont exalt yourself, dont make higher your name more
than where it should be, dont lift up your name, you cant lie of
course, dont raise up great height yourself or your name, you
cant lie about your status with God The Father, rank in the Eyes
of God the Father. Dont move your name upward, be humble.
If you are a Christian princess or prince at the moment or a
prophet you can allow people to see that but you cannot impede,
prevent them from becoming a prophet or Christian princess or


prince or a king or a queen of GodTheFather. You cannot impede

people to love Him. Some people can become one of them I
Proud-Psalm 40:4- 7295- rahab(raw-hawb); from 7292;
insolent:- proud. 7292- rahab (raw-hab); a primitive root; to urge
severely, that is (figuratively) importune, embolden, capture, act
insolently:- overcome, behave self proudly, make sure,
strengthen. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Insolent- Contemptuous, rude, disrespectful, or bold in behavior or
language, bold, brash, fresh nervy. (M.W.D.) Urge- to present,
advocate, or demand earnestly, to try to persuade or say, to
serve as a motive or reason for , hurry, implore, provoke, desire
(M.W. D.). Embolden- to inspire with courage, inspire, more at
encourage (M. W. D.). Importune- to urge or beg with
troublesome persistence, supplicate, more at beg(M.W.D.).
Perverse- Numbers- 22:32-3399- yrat- a primitive root; to
precipitate or hurl (rush) headlong; (intrinsically) to be rash:- be
perverse, turn. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Perverse-Proverbs28:6- 6141- iqqesh; from 6140; distorted;
hence, false:- crooked, froward, perverse (-rt). 6140- qash-, a
primitive root; to knot or distort; figuratively to pervert (act or
declare perverse):- make crooked, (prove, that is) perverse (-rt).
((be not rash with thy mouth and let) ( Ecclesiastes 5:2)
Rash- Ecclesiastes 5:2- 926- bhal- a primitive root; to
trembleinwardly (or palpitate), that is (figuratively) be (causative
make) (suddenly) alarmed or agitated; by implication to hasten
anxiously:- be (make) affrighted, (afraid, amazed, dismayed,
rash), (be, get, make) hasten (-n, -y, -ily), (give) speedy (-ily),
thrust out, trouble, vex.


Rash- having, or showing little regard for consequences: too hasty

in decision, action or speech (M.W.D.). Hurl- to move or cause to
move vigorously, cast, throw. (M.W.D.). Rush- hurry, to move
vigorously, cast, throw. Rush- hurry, to move forward or act with
too great haste or eagerness or without preparation, a violent
forward motion, more at hurry (M.W.D.).
Headlong- Acts 1:18- 4248- prns- from 4253; leaning (falling )
forward (prone), that is headforemost:- headlong. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Prone- having a tendency or inclination, lying face downward;
also: lying flat or prostrate, likely, willing (M.W.D.). Head- lie, go,
run (M.W.D.). Foremost- first in time, place, or order: most
important: preeminent, first (M.W.D.). Tremble- to shake
involuntarily (as with fear or cold): shiver, to be affected with fear,
or doubt, shiver (M.W.D.). Palpitate- to beat rapidly and strongly:
throb, beat, more at pulsate (M.W.D.). Agitated- troubled in
mind, more at feverish (M.W.D.). Anxious- uneasy in mind:
worried (M.W.D.), earnestly wishing: eager, worrisome, more at
nervous, eager.
Hasten- Psalm16:4- 4116- mhar- a primitive root; properly to
be liquid or flow easily, that is (by implication); to hurry (in a good
or a bad sense); often used (with another verb) adverb promptly:be carried headlong, fearful, (cause to make, in, make) hasten (-n,
-ily), (be) hasty, (fetch, make ready) x straightway, x suddenly,
Rash- Isaiah 32:4- 4116- mhar.
Perverse-Matthew 17:17- 1294- diastrph, from 1223 and
4762; to distort, that is (figuratively) misinterpret, or (morally)
corrupt:- perverse (-rt), turn away. 1223- dia, a primary
preposition denoting the channel of an act; through (in very wide
applications, local, causal, or occasional):- after, always, among,
at, to avoid, because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause) fore, in by
occasion of , by reason off, for sake, that , thereby, therefore, x
though, through (-out), to, wherefore, with (-in). In composition it
retains the same general import. Dia. see 2203


4762- strph- strengthened form the base of 5157; to twist, that

is turn, quite around or reverse (literally or figuratively):- convert,
turn (again, back again, self, self about).
Perverse- Proverbs 23:33- 8419- tahpkh; from 2015; a
perversity or fraud:- (very) forward (-ness), thing), perverse thing.
2015-hphak; a primitive root; to turn about or over; by
implication to change, overturn, return, pervert:- x become,
change, come, be converted, give, make [a bed], overthrow (turn), perverse, retire, tumble, turn (again, aside, back, to the
contrary, every way).
Foolishness- Mark 7:22- foolishness- 877- aphrsun- from
878; senselessness- that is (euphemism) egotism; (morally)
recklessness:- folly, foolishly (-ness). 878- aphrn; from 1 (as a
negative particle) and 5424; properly mindless, that is stupid, (by
implication) ignorant, (specifically) egotistic, (practically) rash, or
(morally) unbelieving:- fool (-ish), unwise. (James Strong, The
New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Senselessness- (M.W.d.) pointless, unintelligent, deficientin,
mindless, stupid, silly, more at stupid. (M.W.D.)
Foolishness-Proverbs19:3- 200- ivveleth; from the same as
191; silliness:- folly, foolishly (-ness). 191- eveiyl; from an
unused root (meaning to be perverse); (figuratively) silly:- fool (ish) (man).
Foolishness- Ecclesiastes 10:13- 5531- ciklwth;
siklwth(Eccl. 1:17); from 5528; silliness:- folly, foolishness.
Silliness- from silly.
(( For wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly
one) (Job 5:2))
Silly-Job5:2- 6601-pthh; a primitive root; to open, that is be
(causative make) roomy; usually figuratively (in a mental or
moral sense) to be (causative make) simple or (in a sinister way)


delude:- allure, deceive, enlarge, entice, flatter, persuade, silly

Delude- to mislead the mind or judgment of : deceive., beguile,
deceive, fool, hoax, misinform, mislead, trick, more at deceive.
(M.W.D.). Allure- to entice by charm or attraction, beguile,
bewitch, decoy, entice, lure, seduce, tempt. (M.W.D.).
Sense-Nehemiah5:4- 7922- sekel; or skel; from 7919;
intelligence; by implication success:- discretion, knowledge,
policy, prudence, sense, understanding, wisdom, wise. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exaustive Concordance of Bible)
Silly- 2 Timothy3:6- 1133- gunaikarin; a dimininuitive from
1135; a little (that is foolish) woman:- silly woman. 1135- gun;
probably from the base of 1096; a woman; specifically a wife:wife, woman.
Euphemism- the substitution of a mild or pleasant expression for
one offensive or unpleasant; also: the expression substituted
(M.W.D.). Silliness- the quality or state of being silly; also: a silly
practice, craziness, insanity, folly. Folly- lack of good sense, an
excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking, stupidity (M.W.D.)
Egotistic- having an exaggerated sense of self importance,
complacent, conceited, important, prideful, self- important, selfsatisfied, vain, more at conceited. (M.W.D.). Rash- having or
showing little regard for consequences: too hasty in decision,
action, or speech; precipitate, hasty. (M.W.D.).
Egotism- the practice of talking about oneself too much, an
exaggerated sense of self- importance : conceit- egotist, conceit,
pride, self-importance, self- satisfaction, vanity, more at
complacence (M.W.D.) Reckless- negligent; utterly heedless.
(M.W.D.). Heedless- doesn't regard with care or take notice of.
(M.W.D.). Recklessness- careless, incautious. (M.W.D.).
Foolishness- 2 Samuel 15:31- 5528- kal; for 3688; to be
silly:- do (make, play the, turn into) fool (-ish, -ishly, -ishness).


3688- kal, a primitive root; properly to be fat that is

(figuratively) silly:- be foolish. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Folly- 2 Timothy3:9- 454- ania, an-oy-ah; from a comparison
of 1 (as a negative particle and 3563 stupidity; by implication
rage:- folly madness.
Folly-Job24:12- 8604- tiphlh- from the same as 8602; frivolity:
folly foolishly. 8602- tphl, from an unused root meaning to
smear; plaster (as gummy) or slime; (figuratively) frivolity:foolish things, unsavoury, untempered.
Frivolity- lightness (M.W.D.).
Frivolous- of little importance: trivial, lacking in seriousness,
insignificant, little minor, negligible, unimportant, silly, more
giddy (M.W.D.). Smear- grease, plaster, stain, blacken, gum, oil,
a spot left by an oily or sticky substance, to overspread especially
with something oily or sticky, to injure by slander or insults
(M.W.D.). Plaster- a dressing consisting of a backing spread with
an often medicated substance that clings to the skin
<adhesive~> to cover with as if with plaster. Gummy- having a
thick or sticky quality; also: consisting, containing, or covered with
gum, sticky, gluey (M.W.D.).
Rant- to talk in a noisy, excited, or bombastic manner, to scold
violently, bluster, spout, sound off, speak out, bombast, brag,
grandiloquence, more at bombast.
Fatuity- something foolish or stupid, the quality of being stupid,
absurdity, fooly, idiocy, more at folly, insanity, madness, silliness,
Folly- Psalm 49:13- 3689- keel- from 3688; properly fatness,
that is by implication (literal) the loin (as the seat of the leaf fat)
or general the viscera; also (figuratively, silliness or (in a good
sense) trust:- confidence, flank, folly, hope, loin. 3688- a
primitive root; properly to be fat that is (figuratively) silly:- be
Viscus- plural- viscera- an internal organ of the body; especially:
one (as the heart or liver) located in the cavity of the trunk


Folly- Genesis- 34:17- 5039- neblh; feminine of 5036;
foolishness, that is (moral) wickedness; concrete a crime; by
extension punishment:- folly, vile, villainy.
Folly-Job4:18- 8417- tohlh; feminine of an unused noun
(apparently from 1984) meaning bluster; braggadocio, that is (by
implication) fatuity:- folly.
Bluster- to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats, fulminate,
rant, spout, more at rant, spout, more at rant (M.W.D.).
Swaggering- to walk with a conceited swing or strut, to puff
oneself up in speech : boast, brag, more at boast (M.W.D.).
Puff- bluster, brag, to make proud or conceited, to praise
extravagantly. Brag- arrogant talk or manner, swagger, more at
boast (M.W.D). Braggadocio- braggart, empty boasting, arrogant.
Braggart- one who brags.
Conceited- having or showing an excessively high opinion of
oneself, complacent, egotistic, boastful, braggart, selfish.
Antonym- humble, modest. (M.W.D.).
Foolish-Deuteronomy32:6- 5036- nbl- from 5034; stupid;
wicked (specifically impious):- fool (-ish, -ish man, -ish woman),
vile person. 5034- nbl, a primitive root; to wilt, generally to fall
away, fail, faint; figuratively to be foolish or (morally) wicked;
causative to despise, disgrace:- disgrace, dishonor, lightly
esteem, fade (away, -ing), fall (down, -ling, off), do foolishly, come
to nought, x surely, make vile, wither.
((In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth
them that fear the Lord.)(Psalm 15:4))
Vile-Psalm15:4- 959- bzh- a primitive root; to disesteem:despise, disdain, contemn (-tible), + think to scorn, vile person.
Disesteem- lack of esteem: disfavor, disrepute (M.W.D.). Esteemhigh regard, respect, admiration, appreciation, estimation, favor,
regard, admire, to view as regard, more at consider, admire,
regard (M.W.D.). Consider- to reflect on: think about with a
degree of care or caution, to be of the opinion: regard,
contemplate, debate, question, study, count, regard, believe, to


think of: come to view, judge, or classify (M.W.D.).

Disdain- contempt, to look on with scorn, despite, to reject or
refrain because of disdain. (M.W.D.). Disdain- to reject because of
disdain, a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded
as unworthy or inferior: scorn (M.W.D.).
Scorn- an emotion involving both anger and disgust: contempt;
go hold in contempt: disdain, disfavor, despise, ignore, detest,
hate (M.W.D.).
Contempt- despite, disdain, scorn, hate, hatred, malice, enmity,
grudge (M.W.D.).
Disdained- Job 30:1- 3988- ma- a primitive root; to spurn;
also (intrinsically) to disappear:- abhor, cast away (off), contemn,
despise, disdain, (become) loathe (some), melt away, refuse,
reject, reprobate, x utterly, vile person.
Spurn- to kick away or trample on, to reject with disdain, decline,
disallow, disapprove, reject, turn down, more at decline (M.W.D.).
Intrinsically- in an intrinsic manner: having an intrinsic quality,
constitutionally, inherently, innately, more at naturally (M.W.D.).
Vile- Isaiah32:6- 32:6- 5036- nbl
Vile- Jeremiah 15:19- 2157- zlal- a primitive root
[comparative 2107]; to shake (as in the wind), that is quake;
figuratively to be loose morally, worthless or prodigal:- blow
down, glutton, riotous (eater), vile. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).

Foolishness- Dont commit the sin of foolishness, that is dont

commit the sin of aphrsun. This Greek word aphrsun
appears in Mark 7:22. Dont commit the sin of foolishness, that
is dont commit senselessness, that is (euphemism) egotism;
(morally) recklessness, ever or folly. Dont commit euphemism
that is dont have the substitution of a mild or pleasant
expression in the Eyes of God The Father, for one offensive in the
Eyes of God The Father or unpleasant in the Eyes of God The
Father. Dont commit egotism that is, dont have the practice of


talking about yourself too much, dont have an exaggerated

sense of self importance, dont be egotist, commit the sin of
pride. Dont commit foolishness that is dont commit folly.
Dont commit (moral) recklessness, dont be careless about doing
Gods will or incautious in His Eyes. Know the Bible as much as
possible to know what you cannot do, and to know what you can
do, to know what you should do. Be pleasant to God The Father,
dont make Him angry, ever. Please God The Father. Dont please
His enemies in according to God. His enemies cant sin against
Him. Through the Bible you can know what type of people are
His enemies. Many are from TV in which I think are among the
worst people, and from FM and AM radios in which I think are
among the worst people too, I believe. Certainly I believe they
are worldly, people that dont want to have anything to do with
God The Father, people from TV, cable TV and FM and AM radios
and from other non- Christian music for example. I think you
should achieve of not being scared of these type of people I am
talking about, but you cannot sin against God, surely they are
wicked and unsaved. The book of Psalms talk about the wicked in
the Old Testament. You can study the word wicked, fool, sluggard
for example, all the verses that these words appear as well.
Certainly wicked people are unsaved people and not righteous in
the Eyes of God The Father. Through the Bible you can know what
makes Him angry. I believe it is sinning against God that makes
God angry. You can find it out in the Old Testament and in the

said : And, behold, I come quickly; and
my reward is with me, to give every
man according to as his work shall
be. . You should have only good works not bad works.
New Testament what makes Him angry against you.

Michael Jackson for example is already in Hell . I think other

non- Christian singers already ultra-passed him, which are worse
than him. You could be sad if you have bad works in the Eyes of
God, according to Him. Dont copy bad people. Daniel, one of
the major prophets from the Old Testament you can copy.
The word aphrsuncomes from the Greek word aphrn which


means mindless, that is stupid, (by implication) ignorant,

(specifically) egotistic, (practically) rash, or (morally) unbelieving:
fool, foolish, unwise.
Dont be mindless, inGods Eyes,(dont be mindless of the
Bible and God The Fathers will and Jesus Christs will)that is
stupid, ever (by implication) ignorant (of God The Father, His will,
Jesus Christ, the Bible), or specifically egotistic, or practically rash,
or morally unbelieving, ever, or a fool, or foolish, or unwise in
Gods Eyes, ever.
Don't be senseless, that is, unintelligent in Gods Eyes, (be with
sense that is intelligent(which is contrary of senseless) to God)
don be deficientin in Gods Eyes, dont be pointless according to
God, mindless in Gods Eyes, according to God, dont be stupid in
Gods Eyes, dont be silly in Gods Eyes. Dont be mindless in
Gods Eyes that is stupid, by implication ignorant of the Bible,
ignorant about Gods will. Dont be mindless about Gods will,
the holy Bible too. Dont be ignorant in Gods Eyes, according to
the God of the Bible. Dont be egotistic, that is dont have an
exaggerated sense of self importance. Also, dont be practically
rash in Gods Eyes or morally unbelieving in the Bible, dont be
unwise in Gods Eyes. Dont be foolish in Gods Eyes. Dont
commit the sin of foolishness.
Foolishness in Hebrew is also ivveleth. This word appears in
Proverbs19:3 The word ivveleth means silliness:- folly,
foolishly, foolishness. Dont commit the sin of ivveleththat is
dont commit silliness, folly, foolishness, ever. Dont be silly, that
is dont be pthh. The word silly, that is pthh appears in
Job5:2. Pthh means to open, that is be (causative make)
roomy; usually figuratively (in a mental or moral sense) to be
(causative make) simple or (in a sinister way) delude:- allure,
deceive, enlarge, entice, flatter, persuade, silly (one). Dont be
silly, that is dont in a sinister way delude, dont deceive, dont
allure other people that is dont beguile other people, dont entice
to sin, dont flatter. Dont delude that is mislead the mind or
judgment of, deceive or beguile, or misinform. Dont lie. Dont
allure that is beguile or entice to sin, or tempt to sin, or seduce


somebody to sin.
Dont commit a silly practice in Gods Eyes or craziness, in Gods
Eyes or insanity in Gods Eyes. The word ivvelethcomes from
the word veyl. The word veyl means to be perverse; it
means also silly, it means fool, foolish, foolish man. Dont be silly,
a fool, foolish or foolish man. Dont be perverse ever in the Eyes
of God. Perverse is iqqesh. This word appears in Proverbs 28:6.
Dont be iqqesh in your ways. iqqesh means distorted; hence,
false:- crooked, (prove, that is) perverse (-rt). Dont be distorted,
that is false, crooked, dont lie.
Dont be distorted. Dont distort. Dont distort, that is twist (that
is turn from the true meaning of the will of God The Father as
revealed in the Bible, the bible, turn around from Gods will,
falsify, misinterpret (the Bible for example), dont have a
distortion of the meaning of holiness, the will of God The Father,
His 10 commandments for example) out of the true meaning of
the will of God The Father, the Bible, verses of the Bible or twist
out of the natural, normal, or original shape or condition the Bible
example. Dont turn away from the will of God. Dont sin against
God, dont sin against God because of words, dont lie. You have
to be correct in the Eyes of God The Father, according to God The
Father. He is always correct and Jesus too.
Dont be perverse. I believe perverse is diastrph. Diastrph
appears in Acts 13:10. Dont pervert the right ways of the Lord.
Diastrphmeans to distort, that is (figuratively) misinterpret, or
(morally) corrupt:- perverse (-rt), turn away. Dont distort or
misinterpret (the Bible for example), dont turn morally corrupt,
dont turn away from the will of God The Father (Jehovah). Dont
twist the right ways of the Lord(God). Dont lie. Dont
strph(twist), that is turn quite around or reverse from the will
of God The Father.
Perverse is also yrat in hebrew. This word appears in Numbers
22:32. Yrat means to precipitate or hurl (rush) headlong;
(intrinsically) to be rash:- be perverse, turn. Dont precipitate in
Gods Eyes. Dont precipitate to rush, hurry to sin against God.
Dont hurl (rush) headlong; dont be rash in Gods Eyes. Dont
hurl, that is dont throw out yourself or other people by sinning
against God, dont throw down yourself or somebody else by
sinning against God, dont throw yourself or somebody else away


from God The Father by sinning against God. Dont adventure by

sin against God, ever. Dont cast away yourself or somebody else
away from God by sinning against Him, dont cast down yourself
or somebody else by sinning against God, dont cast forth by
sinning against God, dont cast off by sinning against God, dont
cast out sin against God, dont pluck or throw sin which is against
God. Dont rush to sin against God( that is dont hurry to sin
against God or move vigorously to sin against God, cast sin or
throw sin, dont move forward to sin against God The Father, or
act with too great haste to sin against God The Father ever, or act
with great eagerness to sin against God The Father, ever move
forward or act without preparation with your mouth),
headlong( that is leaning falling forward (prone (that is having a
tendency or inclination to sin against God, lying face downward
by sinning against God, dont be willing to sin against God, ever.)),
that is head foremost ( that is lie or go or run first in time to sin
against God, or lie, or go, or run first place to sin against God, or
lie or go or run in order to sin against God, or lie or go or run first
to sin against God.)
Dont intrinsically be rash (that is dont tremble inwardly or
palpitate with your mouth to sin against God, dont be causative
make (suddenly) alarmed or agitated to sin against God; by
implication hasten anxiously to sin against God, dont be
affrighted by sinning against God or make affrighted by sinning
against God, dont be amazed to sin against God, dont be hasten
to sin against God, dont get hasten to sin against God, dont
make hastily to sin against God, dont, dont give speedy to sin
against God with your mouth or give speedily to sin against God
your mouth, dont thrust out by sinning against God, dont trouble
by sinning against God with your mouth, dont vex somebody else
by sinning against God with your mouth. Dont be rash to sin
against God The Father.) Dont be perverse, dont turn away from
Gods will, dont turn to sin.
Dont be perverse, that is dont be paradiatrib. I believe
perverse is also paradiatrib. This word appears in 1 Timothy
6:5. I believe paradiatribmeans misemployment, that is
meddlesomeness:- perverse disputing. Dont misemployment the
Bible. Dont misuse the Bible or misapplication the Bible. Dont


mis apply the Bible. Dont misutilize the Bible. Don t be

meddlesomeness, that is dont be intrusive in Gods Eyes, dont
be inclined to meddle in Gods Eyes, dont be nosy in His Eyes or
obtrusive in His Eyes if you misemployment (misutilize or misuse
or misapplication) the Bible. Dont commit perverse disputing.
You cant teach wrong or lies or teach but be for sin. Dont be
intrusive in Gods Eyes, that is intruding where is not welcomed
by God The Father or invited by God The Father, rude, invading in
Gods Eyes or trespassing in Gods Eyes or annoying in Gods
Eyes. I believe not everyone can preach or teach. Dont intermix,
mix together things that doesnt have to do with Gods will , that
doesnt have to do with the Bible.
Dont commit the sin of foolishness, I believe foolishness is also
ciklwth.This word appears in Ecclesiastes 10:13. Dont commit
the sin of ciklwth (foolishness). Ciklwth means silliness:folly, foolishness.
Dont commit the sin of foolishness. I believe foolishness is also
kal. Dont commit the sin of kal. This word appears in 2
Samuel 15:31. kal means to be silly:- do (make, play the, turn
into) fool, foolish, foolishly, foolishness.
kal comes from Kal which means to be fat that is
(figuratively) silly:- be foolish. Dont be silly, dont play the fool,
dont turn into fool, dont turn into foolishly, dont turn into
foolishness. Dont be a fool in Gods Eyes.
Dont be a fool in the Eyes of God, dont be foolish, or a foolish
Dont ignorant of the will of God The Father, don't be mindless or
ignorant about the Holy Bible. Dont be mindless about God.
Know what to do. Know how to be saved from Hell. The problem,
challenge is that you need to obtain forgiveness because of your
sins by the Lord Jesus Christ. Try to obtain forgiveness, try to
become innocent or more innocent before God The Father. Don't
be egotistic, practically rash, or morally unbelieving (believe the
Holy Bible). Don't practice talking about yourself too much, dont'
be reckless, negligent, careless for God The Father, dont be


careless about other peoples salvation that are ignorant of the

Bible, but want to get knowledge of the Bible. Be cautious not to
sin. Be diligent for God The Father, not careless. Care about your
salvation and other people's salvation. Regard with care or take
Don't precipitate, don't sin against God. Think before you decide
what to do. Don't sin with your decision. You can be quick to flee
away from sin, to stay away from sin against God The Father.
Don't do what is wrong, and this wrong I am talking about is what
is wrong according to God. Don't want to go to hell. Maybe you
don't know how much you would suffer in the lake of
fire(Rev.21:8) if you die and go to hell(Mat.10:28). In hell you
would be tormented, suffer and hopeless forever. If you find out
how painful it is you being in the lake of fire, you don't want to go
there. Each one is repaid according to their own works (Jer. 5:14,
Rev.22:12). Don't be silly in the Eyes of God The Father, dont
commit a silly practice in the Eyes of God The Father, and dont
be insane insane in His Eyes.

covetousness, wickedness,
deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, )

(Mark 7:22))
An evil eyeEye- Mark 7:22- eye- 3788- phthalms; from 3700; the eye
(literally or figuratively); by implication vision; figuratively envy
(from the jealous side- glance):- eye, sight. 3700- ptnanmai; a
(middle voice) prolongation form of the primary (middle voice)
ptmai; which is used for it in certain tenses; and both as
alternate of 3708; to gaze (that is with wide-open eyes, as at
something remarkable; and thus differing from 991, which
denotes simply voluntarily observation; and from 1492, which
expresses merely mechanical, passive or casual vision; while
2300, and still more emphatically its intensive 2334; signifies an
earnest but more continued inspection; and 4648 a watching from
a distance):- appear, look, see, shew self.
Don't envy (from the jealous side- glance), dont have an evil
glance from jealous side, dont envy from the jealous side- glance.


Don't have an evil gaze, as at something remarkable, don't have

an evil voluntarily observation, don't have an evil inspection.
Boast- Ephesians 2:9- 2744- kauchamai, from some
(obsolete) base akin to that of auch (to boast) and 2172; to
vaunt (in a good or bad sense):- (make) boast, glory, joy, rejoice.
Vaunt- brag, boast (M.W.D. and T.)
1 Corinthians 6:9,10
Effeminate- 1 Corinthians 6:9- Effeminate- 3120- malaksof uncertain affinity soft, that is fine (clothing); figuratively a
catamite:- effeminate, soft.
Effeminate- marked by qualities more typical of women than men,
feminine, womanly (M.W.D.).
Dont be effeminate, that is dont be malaks. Dont be
womanly if you are a man. Dont be feminine if you are a man.
Dont use clothing that belong to females if you are a male.
1 Corinthians 6:10- Extortioners- 727- harpax- From 726;
rapacious:- extortion, ravening. 726- harpaz- to seize (in
various applications)- catch (away, up) pluck, pull, take (by force).
Raven- to devour greedily, despoil, plunder, prey. (M.W.D.).
Rapacious- excessively greedy or covetous, greedy, covetous,
more at greedy, glutton, ravenous, more at voracious(M.W.D).
Greedy- having a strong desire for food or drink, marked by
greed : having or showing a selfish desire for wealth and
possessions, gluttonous, rapacious, ravenous, more at voracious,
covetous, materialistic, miserly, grudging, resentful (M.W.D.).
Extortioner-Psalms109:115383-nshh; a primary root [rather
identified with 5382, in the sense of 5378]; to lend or (by
reciprocity) borrowon security or interest:- creditor, exact,
extortioner, lend, usurer, lend on (taker of) usury.
Reciprocity- the quality or state of being reciprocal, mutual
exchange of privileges (as trade advantages between countries)


Extortioner- Isaiah16:4- 4160- mwts- a primary root; to

press, that is (figuratively) to oppress:- extortioner.
Dont be an extortioner. Dont be rapacious, that is dont be
excessively greedy or covetous, greedy. One cannot seize, catch
away take by force, someone from the Christian religion to the
Islam religion for example. Dont be a mwts (extortioner). Don
t press, that is oppress. We should not seize, take by force
someone from the Islam religion to Jesus Christ, for ex. they can
follow Him voluntarily not by force and should not be greedy or
covetous or oppress people doing God the Father's will and that
are pleasing Him, doing right, doing good. We also shouldn't
oppress God's people.
Ephesians 4:31Ephesians 4:31- bitterness- 4088- pikria- from 4089; acridity
(especially poison), literally or figuratively:-bitterness. 4089pikrs- from 4078 (through the idea of piercing); sharp
(pungent), that is acrid (literally or figuratively):- bitter. 4078pgnumi; a prolongation form of a primary verb (which in its
simpler form occurs only as an alternately in its simpler form
occurs only as an alternate in certain tenses); to fix ("peg"), that
is (specifically) to set up (a tent):- pitch.
Acrid- sharp and biting in taste or odor, deeply bitter : causticacridity. Acrimonious, bitter, hard, rancorous, resentful, sore, more
at bitter, biting, caustic, mordant, sarcastic, satiric, sharp, more at
sarcastic (M. W. D. and T.).
Caustic- corrosive, marked by incisive sarcasm : sharp <~wit>,
acrid, biting, mordant, pungent, sarcastic, sharp, more at
sarcastic (M. W. D. and T.). Sarcasm- a cutting or contemptuous
remark, ironic criticism or reproach, affront, indignity, insult,
name, offense, outrage, put-down, slur, wound, more at insult (M.
W. D. and T.). Sarcastic- having the character of sarcasm; also :
given to the use of sarcasm, acrid, biting, caustic, mordant,
pungent, scathing, sharp, acidic, incisive, bitter, resentful, rough,
severe, insincere (M. W. D. and T.). Incisive- impressively direct


and decisive (M. W. D. and T.).

Corrosive- acidic, caustic, sarcastic, biting, mordant, cutting.
Antonym- gentle (Microsoft Word 2007 English Thesaurus).
Pungent- having a sharp incisive quality : caustic <a ~ editorial>,
causing a sharp or irritating sensation; especially : acrid <~ smell
of burning leaves>, acrid, biting, caustic, cutting, mordant,
sarcastic, sharp, tart, more at sarcastic, strong, more at sharp (M.
W. D. and T.).
Poison- to affect destructively <~ed her mind>, befoul,
contaminate, defile, foul, pollute, taint, more at contaminate,
spoil, stain, touch, more at taint (M. W. D. and T.).
Bitterness-Proverbs 14:10- 4751-mar; or femine mrh; from
4843; bitter(literally or figuratively ); also (as noun) bitterness, or
(adv.) bitterly:- + angry, bitter (-ly, -ness), chafed, discontented, x
great, heavy. 4843- mrar- a primary root; properly to trickle [see
4752; to be (make) bitter (literally or figuratively):- (be, be in ,
deal, have, make) bitter (-ly, -ness), be moved with choler, (be,
have sorely, it grieved (-eth), provoke, vex.
Trickle- to run or fall in drops, to flow in a thin gentle stream,
dribble, splash, more at gurgle (M. W. D. and T.). Choler- a
tendency toward anger : irascibility (M. W. D. and T.). Chafedchafe- to bring trouble or distress to : cause agitation or anxiety
to : irritate, vex, fret, aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, exasperate,
gall, irk, irritate, persecute, put out, vex, more at irritate (M. W. D.
and T.). Gurgle- to make a sound like that of an irregularly flowing
or gently splashing liquid, to flow in a broken irregular current,
dribble, plash, trickle, wash, drop, jet, rush (M. W. D. and T.).
Bitterness- Proverbs 17:25 - 4470- memer- from an unused root
meaning to grieve; sorrow:- bitterness.
Clamour- Ephesians 4:31- 2906- kraug; from 2896; an
outcry(in notification, tumult or grief):- clamour, cry (-ing). From
2896- kraz-; a primary verb; properly to "croak" (as a raven) or
scream, that is (general) to call aloud (shriek, exclaim, intreat):cry (out).


Croak- a hoarse harsh cry (as of a frog), to mutter in discontent,

complain, fuss, kick, moan, murmur, mutter, wail, whine, more at
complain (M. W. D. and T.). Shriek- a shrill cry : scream, yell, to
utter a sharp shrill sound; also : to utter with a shriek, howl, yelp,
more at scream (M. W. D. and T.). Exclaim- to cry out, speak, or
utter sharply or vehemently (M. W. D. and T.).
((not of works lest any man should boast.) (Ephesians 2:9))
Boast- Ephesians 2:9- 2744- kauchamai, from some
(obsolete) base akin to that of auch (to boast) and 2172; to
vaunt (in a good or bad sense):- (make) boast, glory, joy, rejoice.
Vaunt- Judges 7:2- 6288-perah; or prh; orprh; from
6286; properly ornamentation, that is (plural) foliage (including
the limbs) as bright green:- bough, branch, sprig. 6286-paar; a
primitive root; to gleam, that (causative) embellish; figuratively;
figuratively to boast; also to explain (that is make clear) oneself;
denom. From 6288, to shake a tree:- beautify, boast self, go over
the tree:- beautify, boast self, go over the boughs, glorify (self),
glory, vaunt self.
Bough- branch (M. W. D. and T.). Embellish- to make beautiful
with ornamentation : decorate, to heighten the attractiveness of
by adding decorative or fanciful details, adorn, beautify, decorate,
dress, ornament, more at decorate, exaggerate, embroider,
magnify, more at embroider. (M. W. D. and T.). Gleam- to appear
briefly or faintly, shine (M. W. and T.).
Folliage- a mass of leaves (as of a plant or forest) greenery,
leafage, vegetation, more at greenery (M. W. D. and T.).
Ornamentation- decoration, adornment, embellishment,
enhacement, beautification, trimming (Microsof Word 2010
Thesaurus: English).
Ornament-Isaiah 30:22- 642- phuddh; feminine of 646; a
girding on (of the ephod); hence, generally a plating (of metal):ephod, ornament.
The word boast (this word appears many times in the O. T.), from
the Old Testament:


Boast-Psalm94:4- 559- mar- a primitive root; to say (used

with great latitude):- answer, appoint, avouch, bid, boast self, call,
certifify, challenge, charge, + (the, give) command (-ment),
commune, consider, demand, x desire, determine, x expressly, x
indeed, x intend, name, x plainly, promise, publish, report,
require, say, speak (against, of), x still, x suppose, talk, tell, term,
x that is, x think, use [speech], utter, x verily, x yet.
2 Timothy chapter 3
((This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters,
proud,) (2 Timothy3:2))
Boasters-2 Timothy3:2- 213- alazn- from al(vagrancy);
braggart:- boaster.
Vagrant- (M. W.d.) bum, tramp.; braggart- boaster (M.W.d.).
Boast- to praise oneself, to mention or assert with excessive
pride, glory, credit, honor, pride. Braggart- (M. W. D.)one who
brags. Brag- to talk or assert boastfully, arrogant talk or manner.
(M.W.D.)Arrogant- offensively exaggerating one's self own
importance. Arrogance- superiority (M.W.D.).
Proud- 2 Timothy3:2- 5244- huprphans; from 5228 and
5316; appearing above others (conspicuous), that is figuratively
haughty:- proud. 5228- hupr- over, above, beyond, across,
superior to above, exceeding above, 5316- phain; prolonged for
the base of 5457; to lighten (shine), that is show (transitive or
intransitive, literally or figuratively):- appear, seem, be seen,
shine, x think.
Proud-1 Timothy6:4- 5187-tuph- from a derivative of 5188;
to develop with smoke, that is (figuratively) to inflate with selfconceit:- high minded, be lifted up with pride, be proud. 5188Tuph- apparently a primary verb; to make a smoke, that is
slowly consume without flame:- smoke.
Conceit- excessively high opinion of one's self or ability: vanity,
ego, egotism, self-importance (M.W.D.).


Study of the word pride in the Old Testament:

Isaiah 16:6- pride- 1347-gwn- 1342; the same as 1346:arrogancy, excellency (-lent), majesty, pomp, pride, proud,
swelling. 1342- gaah- to mount up, hence, in general to rise,
(figuratively) be majestic:- gloriously, grow up, increase, be risen,
triumph. Haughtiness- 1346- gaavah- from 1342- gaaharrogance, or majesty, by implication (concrete) ornament:excellence, haughtiness, highness, proudly, swelling.
Arrogancy- 1Samuel 2:3- 6277- thq, aw-thawk; from 6275 in
the sense of license; impudent:- arrogancy, grievous (hard)
things, stiff. 6275- thaq, aw-thak- a primitive root; to remove
(intransitively or transitively) figurativelyto grow old; specifically
to transcribe:- copy out, leave off, become (wax) old, remove.
Impudent- Ezekiel 2:4- 7186,6440- 7186-qsheh; from 7185;
severe (in various applications):- churlish, cruel, grievous, hard ([hearted], thing) heavy, + impudent, obstinate, prevailed, rough (ly), sore, sorrowful, stiff ([necked]), stubborn, + in trouble. 7185qshh; a primitive root; properly to be dense, that is, tough or
severe (in various applications):- be cruel, be fiercer, make
grievous, be ([aska], be in, have, seem, would) hard (-en, [labour],
-ly, thing), be sore, (be, make) stiff (-en, [-necked]). Obstinate(M.W.D.)- unyielding, disobedient.
Impudent- Ezekiel 3:7- 2389, 4696. 2389- chzq,from 2388;
strong (usually in a bad sense, hard, bold, violent):- harder,
hottest, + impudent, loud mighty, sore, stiff [-hearted], strong (er). From 2388- chzaq; a primitive root; to fasten upon; hence,
to seize, be strong (figuratively) courageous, causative
strengthen, cure, help, repair, fortify), obstinate; to bind, restrain,
conquer:- aid, amend, x calker, catch, cleave, confirm, be
constant, constrain, continue, be of good (take) courage (-ous,-ly),
encourage (self), be established, fasten, force, fortify, make hard,
harden, help, (lay) hold (fast), lean, maintain, play the man,
mend, become (wax) mighty, prevail, be recovered, repair, retain,
seize, be (make, shew, wax) strong (-er), be sure, take (hold), be


urgent, behave self valiantly, withstand.

4696- mtsach; from an unused root meaning to be clear, that is,
conspicuous; the forehead (as open and prominent):- brow,
forehead, + impudent.
Stiff- Deut. 31:27- 7186; Ps. 75:5- 6277; Jer. 17:23- 7185.
Haughtiness from Jeremiah 48:29, Isaiah 2:17- 7312- rwm,
or rm; from 7311; (literally) elevation or (figuratively) elation:
haughtiness, height, x high. 7311-rwm- a primitive root; to be
high;actively to rise or raise (in various applications, literally or
figuratively):- bring up, exalt (self), extol, give , go up, heave (up),
(lift up on, make on , set up on), proud, taller, breed worms.
Pride-Proverbs11:2- 2087- zdwn; from 2102; arrogance:presumptuously, pride, proud (man). 2102-zwd; or (by
permutation (of adjacent letters) zyd; a primitive root; to seethe;
fig. to be insolent:- beproud, deal proudly, presume, (come)
presumptuously, sod.
Pride- 2 Chronicles 32:26- 1363-gbahh; from 1361; elation,
grandeur, arrogance:- excellency, haughty, height, high, loftiness,
pride. 1361- gabahh; a primitive root; to soar, that is be lofty;
figuratively to be haughty:- exalt, be haughty, be (make) high (er), lift up, mount up, be proud, raise up great height, upward.
Trucebreakers- 2 Timothy 3:3- 786-aspnds- from (as a
negative particle) and a derivative of 4689: literally without
libation (which usually accompanied a treaty), that is (by
implication) trucelless:- implacable, trucebreaker. 4689- spndapparently a primary verb: to pour out as a libation, that is
(figuratively) to devote (one's life or blood, as a sacrifice)
("spend"):- (be ready to) be offered.
Incontinent- 2 Timothy 3:3- 193- akrats; from 1 (as a
negative particle) and 2904; powerless, that is without selfcontrol:- incontinent.


Incontinent- don't be powerless, that is without self-control.

Control your sexual desires for example.
2 Timothy 3:3
Fierce- 2 Timothy 3:3- 434-anmrs; from 1 (as a negative
particle) and hmrs- (lame); savage:- fierce.
Lame- (M.W.d.) lacking substance: weak. (M.W.D.).
Savageuncivilized (here savage to me is uncivilized in the Eyes of God
The Father, according to God The Father to be more correct
because Gods rule rules over men and their rules, you have to
fear God not evil men, or evil women, nor bad men or bad
women, nor abominable men or abominable women for example.
To me holy and pure people are civilized, and goodly educated for
God The Father is civilized to me.), cruel, a person of brutal
cruelty. (M. W. D. and T.).
Savage- (M.W.Dict.)wild, untamed, barbarous, heathen, rude,
ferocious, a rude, unmannerly, or brutal person, beast, brute,
devil, fiend, monster, villain. (M.W.D.)
Harsh- disagreeably rough, causing discomfort or pain, unduly
exacting : severe, lacking in aesthetic appeal or refinement,
brutal, cruel, grievous, inhuman, murderous, rough, stiff,
inhospitable, uncomfortable, strict, agonizing, heartbreaking, bad,
grotesque, unaesthetic; loud, tasteless, clumsy, crude, rude,
gross, obscene, repugnant, ugly, discordant, odd, shocking.
Some word fierce from the Old Testament:
Fierce- Genesis 49:7- az- 5794; from 5810; strong,
vehement, harsh: fierce, + greedy, mighty, power, roughly,
strong. 5810- zaz- a primitive root; to be stout (literally or
figuratively):- harden, prevail, strengthen (self), be strong.
Vehement- marked by great force or energy, marked by strong


feeling or expression, violent, intense, emotional, fervent

Stout is found in- Isaiah 10:12- godel- 1433- from 1431. 1433Magnitude (literally or figuratively):- greatness, stout
(ness).Gadal- 1431- a primary root; properly to twist [comparison
1434], that isto be (causativemake) large (in various senses, as in
body, mind, estate or honor, also in pride):- advance, boast, bring
up, exceed, excellent, be (-come, do, give, make, wax), great (-er,
come to... estate, + things), grow (up), increase, lift, magnify (ifical); be much set by, nourish (up), pass, promote,
Twist- to turn, falsify, pervert (M.W.D.).
(( Thou shalt not see a fierce people, a people of a deeper
speech than thou canst perceive; of a stammering tongue, that
thou canst not understand.) (Isaiah33:19))
Fierce- Isaiah 33:19- 3267-yaz; a primitive root; to be bold
or obstinate:- fierce.
Fierce- Dont be anmrs. Dont be fierce. Dont be don't be
savage, dont be lame. Dont be lame that is lacking substance :

EyesofGod. Dont be savage that is, don't be

uncivilized in the Eyesof God The Father, cruel in
the Eyes of God The Father, a person of brutal
cruelty according to God The Father, don't be wild,
untamed to God The Father, or barbarous, or heathen,
or rude in the Eyes of God The Father, or
weak in the

ferocious, a rude, or unmannerly, or brute, or a devil, or a fiend,

or a monster in the

Eyes of God, or

villain. Don't be ugly

or become ugly or uglier because of sin against God .God.

A word for fierce talking about fierce of an unsaved man is found
in Genesis 49:7 and it is the word az. Dont be az, (fierce)


that is strong for evil, vehement (dont be violent in the Eyes of

God The Father like violent against a saved Christian, dont be
emotional). Dont be harsh, that is dont be disagreeable roughdont disagree with God The Father or His will, dont cause
discomfort or pain to saved Christians from the Body of Christ and
dont give a bad testimony in the

Eyes of God The

Father, dont be lacking aesthetic appeal or refinement,

dont be brutal like to saved Chritians, to the innocent or to the

righteous or to the holy or to the pure, dont be cruel in Gods
Eyes, dont be grievous to saved Christians from the body of
Christ (Ephesians 4:12) and to any other people God doesnt
allow, dont be inhuman, dont be murderous that is dont disobey
Gods sixth commandment which says: Thou

not kill. (Exodus 20:13).


Dont oppressive to the

Christians from the body of Christ (Eph. 4:12), dont oppressive
to the stranger (read Exodus 22:21), dont be oppress your
neighbour (Leviticus 25:17), do not oppressive to an hired
servant that is poor and needy (read Deuteronomy 24:14),
dont be oppressive, fierce against poor ( Amos 4:1), be careful
with some people that are homeless but are sinful, bad, not
converted to Jehovah, not true Christians.Dont be stiff, dont be
inhospitable to saved Christians, dont be bad, dont be
unaesthetic in the Eyes of God, dont be loud like (loud with
worldly music, mundane music, secular music, non-Christian
music) because no one should listen to that. Dont be clumsy or
crude or rude in the Eyes of God. Dont be gross, obscene,
repugnant or ugly in the Eyes of God. Dont be discordant with
God The Father. Dont be fierce plus greedy. Dont be harsh plus
greedy, dont be vehement plus greedy. Dont be strong but it is
unholy. You can be strong for God. Be careful with hatred (Gal.
5:20). Don't be mighty for sin. Don't be stout literally or
figuratively. Dont exalt yourself in magnitude. Dont magnify
yourself, ever. Don't make large yourself in pride, or estate don't
magnify yourself. Dont boast, against Gods will, this is a bad
boast. Don't lie that you are great if you are not that great before


Fierce is also yaz. Dont be yaz. Yaz appears in

Isaiah33:19. Yaz means to be bold or obstinate:- fierce.
Dont be bold like that, I believe it is the opposite of meek and

God The Fatheror to His

will, that is dont be stiff-necked to God The Father,
holy. Dont be obstinate to

dont be stubborn to God The Father, dont be hard- hearted to

God The Father.
Barbarous-Acts28:2- 915- barbaros; of uncertain derivative; a
foreigner (that is non- Greek):- barbarian (-rous).
Barbarous- lacking culture or refinement, mercilessly harsh,
heathen, rude, more at savage, brutal, cruel, heartless, vicious,
more at cruel (M.W.D.).
Rude- 2 Corinthians11:6- 2399- idits; 2398; a private
person, that is (by implication) an ignoramus (comparison
idiot):- ignorant, rude, unlearned. 2398- idis, of uncertain
affixed; pertaining to self, that is ones own; by implication private
or separate:- x lay acquaintance, when they were alone, apart,
aside, due, his (own proper, several), home, (her, our, thine,
proper, own business), private (-ly), proper, severally, their (own).
Aquaintance- personal knowledge, a person with whom is
acquainted, familiarity, asscociation, experience, intimacy,
involvement (M.W.D.). Idiot- ignorant person, layman, a person
affected with extreme, mental retardation, a foolish or stupid
person, fool (M.W.D.).
Villain- villain, an evil person, scoundrel, beast, evil doer, fiend, no
good, assassin, gangster, lawbreaker, criminal, wrongdoer
Monster- as extremely ugly, wicked, or cruel person, brute, devil,
fiend, savage, villain (M.W.D.).
Untamed- no tamed or cultivated; especially wild, savage,
undomesticated, more at wild (M.W.D.).
Distress- Obadiah 14- 6869- tsarah, feminine of 6862;
tighteness (that is figuratively trouble); transitively a female
rival:- adversary, adverstity, affliction, anguish, distress,


tribulation, trouble.
Distress-Romans 8:35- 4730- stnchria; from a compound of
4728 and 5561; narrowness of room, that is (figuratively)
calamity: anguish, distress.
Distress- Deuteronomy 28:57- 6693-tswq, a primitive root to
conpress, that is (figuratively) oppress, distress:- constrain,
distress, lie sore, (op-) press (- or), straiten.
Distress- Deuteronomy 2:19- 6696-tswr, a primitive root; to
cramp, that is confine (in many applications, literally and
figuratively,formative or hostile):- adversary, assault, beset,
besiege, bind (up), cast, distress, fashion, fortify, inclose, lay
siege, up in bags.
Corruption- Acts 13:37- 1312- diaphtora; from 1311; decay:corruption. 1311- diaphteiro; from 1225 and 5351; to rot
thoroughly, that is (by implication) to ruin (passively decay
utterly, figuratively pervert):- corrupt, destroy, perish.
Corruption- 2 Peter2:19- 5356- phtora; from 5351; decay,
that is ruin (spontaneous or inflicted, (literally or figuratively):corruption, destroy, perish. 5351- phteiro; probably
strengthened from phthio (pine or waste); properly to shrivel, or
wither, that is to spoil ( by any process) or (generically) to ruin
(specifically figuratively, by moral influence, to deprave):- corrupt
(self), defile, destroy.
Brutality- I think it comes from brute.
Brute-Jude10- 249- alogos; from 1 (as a negative particle), and
3056; irrational:- brute, unreasonable.
Brutish- Ezekiel 21:31- 1197- bar; a primitive root; to kindle
that is consume (by fire or by eating); also (as denominative from
1198) to be (-come) brutish:- be brutish:- bring (put, take) away,
burn (cause to) eat (up), feed, heat, kindle, set ([on fire]); waste.


1198- baar; from 1197; properly food (as consumed); that is (by
extension) of cattle brutishness; (concrete) stupid:- brutish
(person), foolish.
Kindle- Proverbs 26:21- 2787- chrar; a primitive root; to
glow, that is literally (to melt, burn, dry up) or figuratively (to
show or incite passion):- be angry, burn, dry, kindle.
Vile- Romans 1:26- 819- atimia; from 820; infamy, that is
(subjectively) comparatively indignity, (objectively) disgrace:dishonest, reproach, shame, vile. 820- atimos, from (1 as a
negative particle) and 5092; (negative) unhonoured or (positive)
dishonoured:- despised, without honour, less honourable
[comparative degree].
Infamy- evil reputation brought about by something grossly
criminal, shocking, or brutal, an extreme and publicly known
criminal or evil act, the state of being infamous, discredit,
disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, odium, reproach, shame, more at
disgrace (M. W. D. and T.). Indignity- an offense against personal
dignity or self-respect; also : humiliating treatment, affront, barb,
dig, insult, name, offense, outrage, put-down, sarcasm, slur,
woud, more at insult (M. W. D. and T.).
Passions-James5:17- 3663- hmipaths; from 3664 and the
alternate of 3958; similarly affected:- of (subject to) like passions.
3664- hmis; from the base of 3674; similar (in appearance or
character):- like, + manner. 3958- pascho, penthos- to
experience a sensation or impression (usually painful):- feel,
passion, vex.
Heady- 2 Timothy3:4- 4312-prpts; from a compound of
4253 and 4098. Falling forward, headlong (figurative precipitate):
heady, rashly.
Headlong- impetuously, plunging headforemost. (M. W. D.)
Headlong- lacking in calmness or restraint: precipitate, rash, hasty
(M.W.D. and T.). Hasty- impatient, (speedy). Rashly- in a rash
manner.- hurriedly. (M.W.D.) Rash- having or showing little regard


for consequences: too hasty in decision, action, or speech.

Heady- Dont be prpts. Dont be heady. Don't precipitate,
don't be rashly, heady, hurriedly, dont be in a rash manner,
don't be headlong, don't lack calmness, or restraint, don't be
hasty, don't have or show little regard for consequences, don't be
too hasty in decision, action or speech. Think before you decide
trying to be certain if it is the will of God for your life, know what
is His will for your life. Do the will of God TheFather.
Read and understand the Bible for your own good if you want to.

Highminded-2 Timothy 3:4- 5187- tuph- from a derivative

5188; to envelope with smoke, that is (figuratively) to inflate with
self-conceit:- high-minded, be lifted up with pride, be proud.
5188- tupho- apparently a primary verb; to make a smoke, that is
slowly consumewithout flame:-smoke.
Conceit- excessively high opinion of one's self or ability: vanity,
egotism, pride, self-importance, self-satisfaction(M.W.D.).
Highminded- Dont be tuph. Dont be highminded. Don't be
enveloped with smoke, that is figuratively inflate yourself with
self-conceit, don't lift up yourself with pride, don't make a smoke,
that is slowly consume without flame. Don't have self excessively
high opinion of yourself, or ability. Be careful with self-importance.
God is important. Don't think you are so important if God doesnt
think you are so important. Only God knows how much you are
important you are. And only He knows how much important you
are to Him. I believe that the more you sin, the more you have to
repent. I believe that the more you sin, the less important you
become to Him. I believe that if you sinned a lot against God, you
need to humiliate yourself to Him, be very humble. Everybody is
called to be meek, humble (Zephaniah 2:3, Micah 6:8, 1 Peter
5:5). Don't be highminded.
Colossians chapter 3


Evil concupiscenceConcupiscence-Colossians3:5- 1939- pithumia-; from 1937;

alonging(especially for what is forbidden):- concupiscence, desire,
lust (after) 1937- pithum- from 1909 and 2372; to set the
heart upon, that is long from (rightfully or otherwise):- covet,
desire, would fain, lust (after).
Don't have an evil longing, an evil desire for what is forbidden by

God The Father. Don't desire the sex of a married

woman if you are a married man or a single man. Don't desire the
sex of a married man if you are a single woman or a married
woman. Don't desire to fornicate, don't desire to have sex before
marriage. Don't set your heart upon, that is long from rightfully
or otherwise to do what is forbidden. It is better to say that you
shouldn't desire anyones sex, which does not belong to you.
Dont covet (desire) a sex, female, or male (if you are a female)
that doesnt belong to you.
Inordinate affection- Colossians 3:5- Inordinate- 3806pathos- from the alternate of 3958; properly.- suffering
("pathos"), that is (subjective) a passion (especially
concupiscence):- (inordinate) affection, lust.
3958- pascho, penthos- to experience a sensation or impression
(usually painful):- feel, passion, vex.
Affection- Colossians 3:5- 5426- phrn- from 5424; to
exercise the mind, that is entertain or have a sentiment or
opinion; by implication to be (mentally) or disposed (more or less
earnestly in a certain direction) intensively to interestoneself in
(with concern or obedience):- set the affection on , (be) care (-ful);
be like- + be of one, + be of the same, + let this) mind (-ed),
regard, savour, think. 5424- pheren; probably from an obsolete
phrao (to rein in or curb; comp. 5420); the midrif (as partition of
the body), that is (figuratively, and by implication or sympathy)
the feelings (or sensitive a nature; by extensive. [also in the
plural] the mind or cognitive faculties):- understanding.


Inordinate affection- Don't have a suffering , that is a passion,

especially concupiscence (a longing for what is forbidden, lust) by
exercising the mind, desiring someone's sex which does not
belong to you, that is entertain with someone's sex which does
not belong to you or have sentiment or opinion, by implication to
be mentally or disposed (more or less earnestly in a direction
intensively to interest oneself in their sex(with concern or
obedience as like to have sex with someone that doesn't belong
to you))
(But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice,
blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.)
(Colossians 3:8))
Anger-Colossians3:8- 3709- rg; from 3713; properly desire
(as reaching forth or excitement of the mind) that is (by analogy)
violent passion (ire, [justifiable]wrath abhorrence); by implication
punishment; vengeance. 3713-rgmai- middle voice of
apparently a prolongation form of an obsolete primary
[comparison 3735]; to stretch oneself, that is reach out after (long
for):- covet after, desire.
Ire- intense and usually openly displayed anger : anger, wrath.
Furor, fury, indignation, outrage, rage, wrath, wrathfulness, more
at anger (M. W. D. and T.).
Anger- Put awayrg. Put away anger. Don't have a desire as
reaching forth or have excitement of the mind, that is violent
passion((justifiable)wrath abhorrence), by implication punishment,
vengeance. Me- don't be physically violent, don't punish
physically or have vengeance. The Lord Jesus said: But I say unto
you, That ye resist not evil: "But whosoever shall smite thee on
the right cheek, turn to him thee on thy right cheek, turn to him
the other also" (Matthew 5:39). So don't hit someone back if
someone hits you, even with words. Don't want to revenge. Don't
pay evil for evil.
((But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice,
blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.)


Colossians 3:8)
Filthy- Colossians 3:8- 148- aischrlgia; from 150- and
3056; vile conversation:- filthy communication. 150-aischrs;
from the same as 153; shameful, that is base (specifically venal):filthy. 3056- logos; from 3004 something said (including the
thought); by implication a topic (subject of discourse), also
reasoning (the mental faculty) or motive; speech, talk, utterance,
word, communication, question, reason. (James Strongs, The New
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Venal- corrupt, degenerate, degraded, depraved, perverse,
perverted, bad, evil, vicious (M. W. D.).
Put off aischrlgia communication out of your mouth. Put off
filthy communication out of your mouth, that is put off (vile
conversation, shameful communication out of your mouth,
specifically venal (that is put off corrupt
, degenerate, degraded, depraved, perverse, perverted, bad,
filthy, evil, vicious communication out of your mouth. Dont talk,
have speech, utterance, something like that type of
communication even in your thought, dont have filthy
communication in your topic.
(Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil
speaking, be put away from you, with all malice and be ye kind
one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another)
(Ephesians 4:31,32))
Anger- Ephesians 4:31- 3709- rg.
(the fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion: whoso provoketh
him to anger sinneth against his own soul.) ( Proverbs 20:2))
Anger- Proverbs 20:2- 5674- bar; a primitive root; to cross
over; used very widely of any transition (literally or figuratively;
transitively, intransitively, intensively, or causatively); specifically
to cover (in copulation):- alienate, alter, x at all, beyond, bring
(over, through), carry over, (-over) come (on, over), conduct
(over), convey over, current, deliver, do away, enter, escape, fail,


gender, get over, (make) go (away, beyond, by, forth, his way, in,
on, over, through), have away (more), lay, meddle, overrun, make
partition, (cause to, give, make to, over) pass (-age, along, away,
beyond, by, forth, his way, in, on, out, over, through), (cause to,
make)+ proclaim (- amation), perish, provoke to anger, put away,
rage, + raiser of taxes, remove, send over, set apart, + shave,
cause to (make) sound, x speedily, x sweet smelling, take (away),
(make to) transgress (-or), translate, turn away, [way-] faring
man, be wrath. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
(He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his
anger shall fail.) (Proverbs 22:8))
Anger- Proverbs 22:8- 5678- ebrh; feminine of 5676; an
outburst of passion:- anger, rage, wrath.
Outburst- a violent expression of feeling, rage, furor (M.W.D.).
Passion- strong feeling; also plural : the emotion as distinguished
from reason, rage, anger (M.W.D.).
(Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain
thing?) (Psalm 2:1))
Rage-Psalm2:1- 7283- rgash; a primitive root; to be
tumultuous:- rage.
Tumultuous- Isaiah 13:4- 7588- shwn; from 7582; uproar
(as rushing); by implication destruction:- x horrible, noise, pomp,
rushing, tumult, (xuous). 7582- shh, a primitive root; to rush;
by implication to desolate:- be desolate, (make a) rush (-ing), (lay)
Uproar-1 King1:41- 1993- hmh-; a primitive root
[comparison 1949]; to make a loud sound (like the English
hum); by implication to be in great commotion or tumult, to
rage, war, moan, clamor:- clamorous, concourse, cry aloud, be
disquieted, loud, mourn, be moved, make a noise, rage, roar,
sound, be troubled, make in tumult, tumultuous, be in a uproar.


(Thou that art full of stirs, a tumultuous city, a joyous city: thy
slain men are not slain with the sword, nor dead in battle.)
(Isaiah 22:2))
Tumultuous- Isaiah 22:2- 1993- hmh-; a primitive root
[comparison 1949]; to make a loud sound (like the English
hum); by implication to be in great commotion or tumult, to
rage, war, moan, clamor:- clamorous, concourse, cry aloud, be
disquieted, loud, mourn, be moved, make a noise, rage, roar,
sound, be troubled, make in tumult, tumultuous, be in a uproar.
Commotion-Jeremiah10:22- 7494- raash; from 7493;
vibration, bounding, uproar:- commotion, confused noise,
earthquake, fierceness, quaking, rattling, rushing, shaking. 7493rash; a primitive root; to undulate (as the earth, the sky, etc.;
also a field of grain), particularly through fear; specifically to
spring (as a locust):- make afraid, (re-) move, quake, (make to)
shake, (make to) tremble.
Vibration- a feeling or impression that someone or something
gives off usually used in plural <good~s>, shake, shudder,
tremor, twitch (M. W. D. and T.).
Bounding- leaping, jumping, bouncing, hurdling, bordering,
touching, adjoining (Microsoft Word 2010 English Thesaurus).
Undulate- to have a wavelike motion or appearance, to rise and
fall in pitch or outline (M. W. D. and T.). Spring- to move quickly
by elastic force, jump, leap, vault, more at jump, arise, pay off,
more at pay, source, origin; also motive, the act of leaping up or
forward, resilience, bound, hop(M. W. D. and T.).
(But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not
terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is
not by and by.) (Luke 21:9))
Commotions-Luke21:9- 181- akatastasisk from 182;
instability, that is disorder:- commotion, confusion, tumult. 182akatastats, from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of
2525; inconstant:- unstable.


Tumultuous-Jeremiah48:45- 1121, 7588. 1121-bn. 7588shwn;

Tumultuous- marked by tumult, tending incite a tumult, marked
by violent upheaval, stormy, more at wild (M.W.D.). Tumult- a
state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance, turbulent
uprising, a : violent agitation of mind or feelings, a violent
outburst, commotion, disturbance, turmoil, upheaval, uproar,
noise, roar, more at clamor (M.W.D.).
Rage- Proverbs 6:34- 2534- chmh; or (Daniel 11:44)
chm; from 3179; heat; figuratively anger,poison (from its
fever):- anger, bottles, hot displeasure, furious (-ly, -ry), heat,
indignation, poison, rage, wrath (-full). See 2529. 3179- ycham;
a primitive root; probably to be hot; figuratively to conceive:- get
heat, be hot, conceive, be warm.
Rage- 2 Kings 19:27- 7264- rgaz; a primitive root; to quiver
(with any violent emotion, especially anger or fear):- be afraid,
stand in awe, disquiet, fall out, fret, move, provoke, quake, rage,
shake, tremble, trouble, be wroth.
Quiver- Agitate, convulse, more at shake, the act or action or
quivering: tremor (M.W.D.).
Rage- 2 Chronicles28:9- 2197- zaaph; from 2196; anger:indignation, rage (-ing), wrath. 2196-zaph; a primitive root;
properly to boil up, that is (figuratively) to be peevish or angry:fret, sad, worse liking, be wroth.
Peevish- querulous in temperament: fretful, perversely obstinate,
marked by ill temper, hardheaded, obstinate, opinionated,
perverse, stubborn, unyielding, more at obstinate, more at
irritable (M.W.D.).
Rage- Job39:24- 7267- rgez; from 7264; commotion,
restlessness (of a horse), crash (of thunder), disquiet, anger:fear, noise, rage, trouble, (-ing), wrath. 7264- rgaz;


Rage- Job 40:11- 5678- ebrh.

Rage-Jeremiah46:9- 1984- hlal; a primitive root; to be clear
(original of sound, but usually of color; to shine; hence, to makea
show, to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave;
causative to celebrate; also to stultify:- (make) boast (self),
celebrate, commend, (deal, make) fool (-ish, ly), glory, give [light],
be (make , feign self) mad (against), give in marriage, [sing, be
worthy of] praise, rage, renowned, shine.
Rave- to talk wildly in or as if in delirium : rage, to talk with
extreme enthusiasm, to speak out wildly, enthuse, fuss,
rhapsodize, more at gush, bluster, fulminate, rant, spout, more at
rant, the act or instance or raving, an extravagantly favorable
criticism (M. W. D. and T.). Stultify- to cause to appear foolish or
stupid, to impair, invalidate, or make innefective, to have a
dulling effect on (M. W. D. and T.).
Rage- Daniel 3:13- 7266-regaz; from 7265:- violent anger:rage. 7265- regaz (Chaldee (Aramaic)) correspondent to 7264:provoke unto wrath. 7264- rgaz;
Rage- Acts 4:25- 5433- phruass; aking to 1032, 1031; to snort
(as a spirited horse) that is (figuratively) to make a tumult:- rage.
Wrath-Colossians3:8- 2372- thumos; from 2380; passion (as
if breathing hard):- fierceness, indignation, wrath. Comparative
5590. 2380 - thuo- a primary verb; properly to rush (breath
hard), blow, smoke) that is (by implication) to sacrifice (properly
by fire, but generally); by extension to immolate (slaughter for
any purpose):- kill. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Immolate- to offer in sacrifice; especially: to kill as a sacrificial
victim (M. W. D. and T.).
The word dispute- to engage in argument: argue; wrangle; to
question truth or rightness of; to struggle against or over: oppose;


debate, discuss, question- more at challenge; verbal controversy,

a usu. verbal conflict between antagonists: quarrel, difference,
disagreement, fight (M.W.D.).
(Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but
that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister
grace unto the hearers.) (Ephesians 4:29) KJV)
Corrupt- Ephesians 4:29- 4550- saprs; from 4595; rotten,
that is worthless (literal or morally):- bad, corrupt. Comparison
4190. 4595-sp, apparently a primary verb; to putrefy, that is
(figuratively) perish:- be corrupted. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Putrefy- to make or become putrid: rot, break down, corrupt,
decay, decompose, disintegrate, rot, spoil, more at decay
(M.W.D.). Putrid- being in a state of putrefaction : rotten, vile,
corrupt, bad, rotten, more at rotten (M.W.D.). Worthless- lacking
use, value, or profit, low, despicable, empty, valueless, bad,
unsatisfactory; unacceptable (M.W.D.). Rotten- having rotted,
morally corrupt, extremely unpleasant or inferior, of very poor
quality, bad, putrid; also curdled, sour, contaminated, defiled,
fouled, polluted, tainted, corroded, degenerated, decaying,
putrefying, rotting, bad, black, evil, immoral, iniquitous, sinful,
wrong, more at bad, disagreeable, distasteful, nasty, sour,
unlovely, unpleasant, unwelcome, more at unpleasant, bad,
deficient, inferior, lousy, poor, punk, unacceptable, unsatisfactory,
wretched, wrong, more at bad, cheap, junky, mediocre, trashy (M.
W. D. and T.).
Let no saprs communication proceed out of your mouth. Let no
corrupt (that is rotten, that is worthless (valueless, unsatisfactory,
unacceptable) literal or morally, bad, corrupt) communication
before theEyesof God The Fatherproceed out of
your mouth, ever. Dont let your communication putrefy (that is
dont make your communication putrid (that is dont make your
communication be or become rotten, vile, corrupt, bad), dont let
rot, decayed, decomposed, spoiled communication proceed out of


your mouth. Dont let your communication perish because of

putrefied communication.
(Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto
lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.)
(Ephesians 4:19))
Greediness- Ephesians 4:19- 4124- plnxia; from 4123;
avarice, that is (by implication) fraudulency, extortion:- covetous,
(-ness) practices, greediness. 4123- plnkts, from 4119 and
2192; holding (desiring more, that is eager for gain (avaricious,
hence, a defrauder):- covetous. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Fraudulency- fraudulent- characterized by, based on, or done by
fraud, crooked, deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, false, misleading
Defrauder- defraud- to deprive of something by deception or
fraud: cheat. Bleed, cozen, hustle, shortchange, stick, victimizemore at fleece (M. W. D. and T.). Avarice- excessive desire for
wealth : greed. Covetousness, greed, rapaciousness, more at
greed (M.W.D.). Avaricious- excessively acquisitive, covetous,
rapacious, more at greedy (M.W.D.). Rapacious- excessively
greedy or covetous, greedy(M.W.D).
Extortion- Ezekiel 22:12- 6233- sheq; from 6231; injury,
fraud, (subjective) distress, (concrete) unjust gain:- cruelly,
extortion, oppression, thing [deceitfully gotten]. 6231- shaq; a
primitive root (comparison 6229); to press upon, that is oppress,
defraud, violate, overflow:- get deceitfully, deceive, defraud, drink
up, (use) oppress ([-ion]), -or) do violence (wrong). 6229- saq,
a primitive root (identified with 6231); to press upon, that is
quarrel:- strive with.
Fraud- deceit, trickery, trick, a person who is not what he or she
pretends to be : impostor, charlatan, fake, hoaxer, impostor,
mountenbank, phony, pretender, quack (M. W. D. and T.). Frauddeception, scam, scheme, deceit, fake, counterfeit, dishonesty,
trickery, cheating, impostor, charlatan, hoaxer, cheat, phony,
imposter (Microsoft Word 2010 Thesaurus: English (U.S.)).


(Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye make

clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are
full of extortion and excess.) (Matthew 23:25))
Extortion- Matthew23:25- 724- harpag; from 726; pillage
(properly abstract):- extortion, ravening, spoiling. 726- harpazto seize (in various applications)- catch (away, up) pluck, pull,
take (by force).
Pillage- despoil, plunder (M.W.D.). Pillage- loot, plunder, rob,
steal, despoil (Microsoft Word 2010 Thesaurus : English (U.S.))
Excess- Matthew 23:25- 192- akrasia; from 193; want of selfrestraint:- excess, incontinency. 193- akrats; from 1 (as a
negative particle) and 2904; powerless, that is without selfcontrol:- incontinent.
Restraint- deprivation or limitation of liberty: confinement, selfcontrol, more at restriction, more at will (M. W. Dict.).
Incontinency- 1 Corinthians 7:5- 192.
Ravening-Psalm 22:13- 2963- traph; a primitive root; to pluck
off or pull to pieces; causative to supply with food (as in morsels):catch, x without doubt, feed, ravin, rend in pieces, x surely, tear
(in pieces).
Ravening- Matthew 7:15- 727- harpax- From 726; rapacious:extortion, ravening. 726- harpaz- to seize (in various
applications)- catch (away, up) pluck, pull, take (by force).
(And the Lord said unto him, Now do ye Phrs-sees make clean
the outside of the cup and the platter; but your inward part is full
of ravening and wickedness.) (Luke 11:39))
Ravening- Luke 11:39- 724- harpag; from 726; pillage
(properly abstract):- extortion, ravening, spoiling. 726- harpazto seize (in various applications)- catch (away, up) pluck, pull,
take (by force).


Pillage- despoil, plunder (M.W.D.).

Spoiling- Habakkuk 1:3- 7701- shd; or shwd(Job 5:21),
from 7736; violence, ravage:- desolation, destruction, oppression,
robbery, spoil (-ed, -er, -ing), wasting. 7736- shwd; a primitive
root properly to swell up, that is figuratively (by implication of
insolence) to devastate:- waste. Shwd. See 7699, 7701.
Ravage-an act or result of ravaging : devastation. To lay waste :
devastate, destroy, ruin, scourge, despoil, loot, pillage, plunder,
annihilate, desolate, waste, wipe out, overpower, overthrow,
overwhelm (M. W. D. and T.).
Defrauder- from defraud.
(Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob him: the
wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until
the morning) (Leviticus 19:13))
Defraud- Leviticus 19:13- 6231- shaq; a primitive root
(comparison 6229); to press upon, that is oppress, defraud,
violate, overflow:- get deceitfully, deceive, defraud, drink up,
(use) oppress ([-ion]), -or) do violence (wrong). 6229- saq, a
primitive root (identified with 6231); to press upon, that is
quarrel:- strive with.
Oppress- to crush by abuse of power or authority, to be a burden
to mentally or spiritually, burden, depress, sadden, more at
depress, crush, devastate, overcome, overpower, overwhelm,
more at overwhelm (M.W.D.).
(Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do
not kill, do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not,
Honour thy father and mother.) (Mark 10:19))
Defraud- Mark 10:19- 650- apstr; from 575 and str (to
deprive); to despoil:- defraud, destitute, kept back by fraud.
(Perverse disputing of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the
truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw
thyself.) (1 Timothy 6:5))


Destitute- 1 Timothy 6:5- 650- apstr; from 575 and

str(to deprive); to despoil:- defraud, destitute, kept back by
Deprive- to take something away from, to stop from having
something (M.W.D.). Despoil- to strip of belongings, possessions,
or value, plunder, strip, more at ransack (M.W.D.). Ransack- to
search thoroughly, to search through and rob, search, more at
search, despoil, loot, pillage, plunder, strip, burglarize, ravish
(M.W.D.). Strip- to deprive of possessions, : plunder, to pull or
tear off (M.W.D.).
(They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted,
were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins
and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;) ( Hebrews
Destitute- Hebrews 11:37- 5302- hustr; from 5306; to be
later, that is (by implication) to be inferior; generally to fall short
(be deficient):- come behind (short), be destitute, fail, lack, suffer
need, (be in) want, be the worse. 5306- hustrs, comparative
from 5259 (in the sense of behind); later:- latter.
(If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food)
(James 2:15))
Destitute- James 2:15- 3007- lip; a primary verb; to leave,
that is (intrinsically or passively) to fail or be absent:- be destitute
(wanting), lack.
(When I shall make the land of Egypt desolate, and the country
shall be destitute of that whereof it was full, when I shall smite all
them that dwell therein, then they shall know that I am the Lord.)
(Ezekiel 32:15))
Destitute-Ezekiel32:15- 8047- shammh; from 8074; ruin; by
implication consternation:- astonishment, desolate (-ion), waste,
wonderful thing.
Consternation- amazement or dismay that hinders or throws into
confusion (M.W.D.). Dismay- to cause to lose courage or


resolution from alarm or fear : Daunt, demoralize, discourage,

dishearten, more at discourage, sudden loss of courage or
resolution from alarm or fear, sudden disappointment, despair,
despondency, more at discouragement, disappointment, more at
disappointment (M.W.D.). Hinder- to impede the progress of, to
hold back, delay, handicap, hold back, hold, impede, interfere,
more at hamper (M.W.D.).
(That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter:
because that the Lord is the avenger of all of such, as we also
have forewarned you and testified.) (1 Thess. 4:6))
Defraud-1 Thessalonians 4:6- 4122- plnkt-; from
4123; to be covetous, that is (by implication) to over- reach:- get
an advantage, defraud, make a gain. 4123- plnkts, from
4119 and 2192; holding (desiring more, that is eager for gain
(avaricious, hence, a defrauder):- covetous.
(But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not
be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither
filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not
convenient: but rather giving of thanks.) ( Ephesians 5:3,4)
Foolish- Ephesians 5:4- 3473- mrlgia; from a compound of
3474 and 3004; silly talk, that is buffoonery:- foolish talking.
3474-mrs; probably from the base of 3466; dull or stupid (as if
shut up), that is heedless, (morally) blockhead, (apparantely)
absurd:- fool (-ish, x-ishness). 3004-lg, a primary verb; properly
to lay forth, that is (figuratively) relate (in words [usually of
systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally
refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while
4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an
extended or random harangue]); by implication to mean:- ask,
bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say (-ing, on),
shew, speak, tell, utter. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Buffonery- from buffoon. Bufoon- a ludicrous figure : clownbufoonery (noun), clown, harlequin, zany, more at clown.


Ludicrous- amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity,

incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity : ridiculous; also :
meriting derisive laughter or scorn as absurdly inept, false, or
foolish, comic, riotous, absurd, ridiculous, silly, more at ridiculous
Dull- mentally slow : stupid, slow perception or sensibility,
listless, slow in action : sluggish <a~market>, lacking in
sharpness of edge or point : blunt, lacking brilliance or luster, low
in saturation and lightness <~color>, causing weariness, or lack
of interest : uninteresting, blunt, pale, uninteresting (M.W.D.).
Jesting- Ephesians 5:4- 2160-utraplia; from a compound of
2095 and a derivative of the base of 5157 (meaning well-turned,
that is ready at repartee, jocose); witticism, that is (in a vulgar
sense) ribaldry:- jesting. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Repartee- a witt reply, a succession of clever, skill in making such
replies, comeback, retort, riposte- more at retort, more at banter
(M. W. and T.). Jocose- given to joking : merry; also :
characterized by joking (M. W. D. and T.). Witticism- a witty
saying or phrase, crack, gag, jest, joke, laugh, more at joke
(M.W.D.). Ribaldry- a ribald quality or element, bawdiness,
coarseness, indecency, lewdness, obscenity, smut, vulgarity,
more at obscenity (M.W.D.). Ribald- coarse or indecent especially
in language <~jokes>, bawdy, coarse, crude, indecent, lewd,
obscene, smutty, vulgar (M.W.D.). Crude- lacking grace, taste,
tact, or polish, rough or inexpert in plan or execution, impure,
gross, rough, rude, undeveloped, clumsy, rough, rude, more at
rude (M.W.D.).
Sepulchre- Romans 3:13- 5028- taphs; from 2290; a grave
(the place of interment):- sepulcher, tomb. 2290- thapto, a
primary verb: to celebratefuneral rites, that is inter:- bury.
((There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is
not washed from their filthiness) (Proverbs 30:12))


Filthiness- Proverbs 30:12- 6675- tswh, tsh, feminine

of 6674; excrement; generally dirt; figuratively pollution:- dung,
filth (-iness). [marginal reading for 2716.]
Pollution-Ezekiel22:10- 2931- tm; from 2930; foul in
religious sense:- defiled, + infamous, polluted (-ion), unclean.
2930- tm; a primitive root; to be foul, specifically in a
ceremonial or moral sense (contaminated):- defile (self), pollute
(self), be (make, make self, pronounce) unclean, x utterly
Pollution- contamination, influence, trash, toxic waste (M. W. D.
and T.).
Dirt- Isaiah57:20- 2916- tyt; from an unused root meaning
apparently to be sticky [rather perhaps a denom. From 2894,
through the idea of dirt to be swept away]; mud or clay;
figuratively calamity:- clay, dirt, mire. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dirt-Judges3:22- 6574-parshedn; perhaps by compounding
6567 and 6504 (in the sense of straddling) [comparison 6576];
the crotch (or anus):- dirt.
Fool- 2 Corinthians12:6- 876- aphros; apparently a primary
word; froth, that is slaver:- foaming.
Froth- something light or worthless, foam, spume, more at foam
(M. W. D. and T.). Foam- material (as rubber) in a lightweight
cellular form, lather, spray, scum, (M. W. D. and T.).
((Excellent speech becometh not a fool: much less do lying lips a
prince.) (Proverbs 17:7))
Fool-Proverbs 17:7- 5036- nbl- from 5034; stupid; wicked
(specifically impious):- fool (-ish, -ish man, -ish woman), vile
person. 5034- nbl, a primitive root; to wilt, generally to fall
away, fail, faint; figuratively to be foolish or (morally) wicked;
causative to despise, disgrace:- disgrace, dishonour, lightly
esteem, fade (away, -ing), fall (down, -ling, off), do foolishly, come


to nought, x surely, make vile, wither. (James Strong, The New

Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
((Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man, rather than a fool
in his folly.) (Proverbs 17:12))
Fool-Proverbs17:12- 3684- keyl; from 3688; properly fat,
that is (figuratively) stupid, or silly:- fool (-ish). 3688- kal; a
primitive root; properly to be fat, that is (figuratively) silly:- be
((For the froward is abomination to the Lord: but his secret is
with the righteous.) (Proverbs 3:32))
Froward- Proverbs 3:32- 3668- lwz; a primitive root; to turn
aside [comparison 3867, 3874, and 3885], that is (literally) to
depart, (figuratively) be perverse:- depart, froward, perverse (ness).
((And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their
end shall be: for they are very froward generation, children whom
is no faith.) (Deuteronomy 32:20))
Froward-Deuteronomy32:20- 8419- tahpkh; from 2015; a
perversity or fraud:- (very) forward (-ness), thing), perverse thing.
2015-hphak; a primitive root; to turn about or over; by
implication to change, overturn, return, pervert:- x become,
change, come, be converted, give, make [a bed], overthrow (turn), perverse, retire, tumble, turn (again, aside, back, to the
contrary, every way). (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
((He taketh the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of
the froward is carried headlong.) (Job 5:13))
Froward-Job5:13- 6617- pthal; a primitive root; to twine, that
is (literally) to struggle or (figuratively) be (morally) tortuous:(shew self) froward, shew self unsavoury, wrestle.
((A forward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked
person.) (Psalm 101:4))
Froward- Psalm 101:4- 6141- iqqesh; from 6140; distorted;


hence, false:- crooked, froward, perverse (-rt). 6140- qash-, a

primitive root; to knot or distort; figuratively to pervert (act or
declare perverse):- make crooked, (prove, that is) perverse (-rt).
((A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a forward
mouth.) (Proverbs 6:12))
Froward- Proverbs 6:12- 6143- iqqeshuwth; from 6141;
perversity:- x froward.
((The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and
the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.) ( Proverbs
Froward- Proverbs 8:13- 2019- hphakpak; by reduplication
from 2015; very perverse:- froward. 2015-hphak; a primitive
root; to turn about or over; by implication to change, overturn,
return, pervert:- x become, change, come, be converted, give,
make [a bed], overthrow (-turn), perverse, retire, tumble, turn
(again, aside, back, to the contrary, every way).
((Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to
the good and gentle, but also to the froward.) ( 1 Peter2:18))
Froward- 1 Peter 2:18- 4646- mappch; from 5301; a
breathing out (of life), that is expiring:- giving up. 5301nphach; a primitive root to puff, in various applications (literally,
to inflate, blow hard, scatter, kindle, expire; figuratively, to
disesteem);- blow, breath, give up, cause to lose [life], seething,
((Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship
of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a
friend of the world is the enemy of God.) ( James 4:4))
World- James 4:4- 2889- ksms; probably from the base of
2865; orderly arrangement, that is decoration; by implication the
world (in a wide or narrow sense, including its inhabitants, literally
or figuratively [morally]):- adorning, world. (James Strong, The
New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Decoration- beautification, adornment, ornament, ornamentation,


embellishment, honor, medal, award, ribbon, emblem, feature,

festoon, carving, sequin (Microsoft Word 2010 Thesaurus :
((Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we
should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;)
(Titus 2:12))
Worldly-Titus 2:12- 2886- ksmiks; from 2889 (in its
secondary sense); terrene (cosmic), literally (mundane) or
figuratively (corrupt):- worldly. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Superfluity of naughtiness((Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of
naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word,
which is able to save your souls.) ( James 1:21))
Superfluity- James 1:21- 4050- prissia; from 4052;
surplusage, that is superabundance:- abundance (-ant, [-ly]),
superfluity. 4052- prissu; from 4053; to super abound (in
quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also
(transitively) to cause to super abound or excel:- (make, more)
abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be
the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left,
redound, remain (over and above).
Naughtiness- James 1:21-kakia- 2549- badness, that is
depravity, or (actively) malignity, or (passively) trouble:- evil,
malice (-iousness), naughtiness, wickedness. 2556- kaksworthless (intrinsically), such whereas 4190 properly refer to
effects, that is (subjectively) depraved, or (objectively) injurious:
bad, evil, harm, that which is evil + 3458, ill, noisome, wicked.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Evil surmisings((If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome
words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the
doctrine which is according to godliness; He is proud, knowing


nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof

cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings) ( 1
Surmisings-1 Timothy6:4- 5283- hupnia; from 5282;
suspicion:- surmising. 5282- hupn; from 5259 and 5539; to
think under (privately), that is to surmise or conjecture:- think,
suppose, deem.
((And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be
overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this
life, and so that day come upon you unawares.) ( Luke 21:34))
Surfeiting-Luke 21:34- 2897- kraipal; probably from the same
as 726; properly a headache (as a seizure of pain) from
drunkenness, that is (by implication) a debauch (by analogy a
glut):- surfeiting.
((They have dealt treacherously against the Lord: for they have
begotten strange children: now shall a month devour them with
their portions.) (Hosea 5:7)KJV)
Treacherously- Hosea 5:7- 898- bgad; a primitive root; to
cover (with a garment); figuratively to act covertly; by implication
to pillage:- deal deceitfully (treacherously, unfaithfully), offend,
transgress (-or), (depart), treacherous (dealer, -ly, man),
unfaithful (-ly, man), x very. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).

Revelation21:8((But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and

murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and all liars, shall
have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone:
which is the second death.) (Revelation 21:8))
Idolaters- Revelation 21:8- 1496- idllatrs; from 1497
and the base of 3000; an image-(servant or) worshipper (literally
or figuratively): - idolater. 1497- eidolon; from 1491; an image
(that is for worship); by implication a heathen god, or (plural) the
worship of such:- idol.
3000- latreuo, from latris (a hired menial); to minister (to God),


that is render, religious homage:- serve, do the service, worship (per).

1491- eidos; from 1492; a view, that is form (literal or
figuratively):- appearance, fashion, shape, sight. 1492- eido-; a
primary verb; used only in certain past tenses, the others being
borrowed from the equivalent 3700 and 3708; properly to see
(literally or figuratively); by implication (in the perfect only)to
know:- be aware, behold, x can (+ not tell), consider, (have) know
(-ledge), look (on), perceive, see, be sure, tell, understand, wish,
wot. Comparative 3700.
3700- optanomai-; a (middle voice) prolongation form of the
primary (middle voice) Optomai; which is used for it in certain
tenses; and both as alternate of 3708; to gaze (that is with wide open eyes, as at something remarkable; and thus differing from
991, which denotes simply voluntarily observation; and from
1492, which expresses merely mechanical, passive or casual
vision; while 2300, and still more emphatically its intensive 2334,
signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and 4648 a
watching from a distance):- appear, look, see, shew self.
3708- horao; properly to stare at [comparative 3700], that is (by
implication) to discern clearly (physically or mentally); by
extensively to attend to; by Hebrew to experience; passively to
appear:- behold, perceive, see, take heed.
991- blepo- a primary verb; to look at (literally or figuratively):behold, beware, lie, look (on, to), perceive regard, see, sight, take
heed. Comparative 3700. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont be an idolater. The Greek word in the New Testament for
idolaters is idllatrs. That is, idolaters are an image
worshipper or servant literally or figuratively, we should never
worship an image or idol (a likeness, a resemblance, a figure, an
image of someone), by implication a heather god or worship a
heathen god which is an idol and we cannot minister, latreuo to
them, any idol (from eidolon) or idols, that is, render religiously


homage, serve, do service or be an worshipper of these idols or

idol. Do not worship any male or female or created being, any
created thing by man, anything except the


God) and don't worship yourself. Only

TheCreatorcan be worshipped. The Lord
Jehovahis the Creator;The Lord Jesus
Christis theCreator. Don't carve, fabricate, fashion,

make a resemblance, shape, a representative figure of someone

or animal or anything on the wall, or any object and don't sculpt
trying to represent any male or female, anyone in heaven, or on
the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. Read Exodus
chapter 20:4. Don't serve them, don't worship them, don't
minister to them, don't talk to them, don't do service to them.
Don't look at any graven image, sculpture, literally or figuratively.
Don't look at them to know also.Don't look, worship, serve, bow,
to any image (something portioned (that is fashioned) out as a
shape, that is (indefinitely) phantom, or (specifically)
embodiment, or (figuratively) manifestation (of favor):- image,
likeness, similitude. Don't make any graven image, likeness or
similitude of someone or animal, of any living thing, or living thing
that speaks for yourself. Don't gaze , that is with wide open eyes,
as a something remarkable at an image or graven image(that is
for worship), a heathen god, or the worship of such, of an idol,
don't stare at them, don't try to discern clearly (phys. or
mentally), don't attend to, don't behold, don't look at them, don't
observe also of course. Also don't try to imagine how any statue
or graven image that exists how they look like. Don't worship
anyone from any picture.
To minister to God is not an idolater.
Don't look literally or figuratively at any graven image, a heathen
The word idolatry from the New Testament


Idolatry- Galatians5:20- 1495- eidololatreia-; from 1497and

2999. Image-worship (literally or figuratively):- idolatry. 1497eidolon- an image (that is for worship); by implication a heathen
god, or (plural) the worship of such:- idol. Worshipping an image
or idol or heathen god is idolatry. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Idolatry- Acts 17:16- 2712- kateidoslos; from 2596 (intensively)
and 1497; utterly idolatrous:- wholly given to idolatry.
Idolatry- 1 Samuel 15:23- 8655-teraphinym; plural perhaps
from 7495; a healer; Teraphim (singular or plural) a family idol: idol (-atry), images, teraphim.
The word idol from the Old Testament
Idol-1 Kings 15:13- 4656- miphletseth; from 6426; a terror,
that is, an idol:- idol. 6426- palats- a primitive root; properly
perhaps to rend, that is (by implication) to quiver:-tremble. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Idol- 2 Chronicles 33:7- 5566-cemel (seh-mel); or cemel (saymel); from an unused root meaning to resemble; a likeness:figure, idol, image. From 2 Chronicle 33:7, this idol is a carved
Don't write all escutei mais ou menos at 1:05 (12/12/09)
Idol-Isaiah48:5- 6090- otseb; a variation of 6089; an idol (as
fashioned); also pain (bodily or mental):- idol, sorrow, x wicked.
6089- etseb; from 6087; an earthen vessel; usually (painful) toil;
also a pang (whether of body or mind):- grievous, idol, labor,
sorrow, earthen?
6087- atsab- a primitive root; properly to carve, that is fabricate
or fashion; hence, (in a bad sense) to worry, pain or anger:displease, grieve, hurt, make, be sorry, vex, worship, wrest.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of


Vex- to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to, to annoy continually

with little irritations, aggravate, annoy, bother, more at irritate
Idol- Isaiah 66:3- 205- aven- to pant(hence, to exert oneself,
usually in vain; to come to naught); strictly nothingness; also
trouble, vanity, wickedness; specifically an idol:- affliction, evil,
false, idol, iniquity, mischief, mourners (-ing), naught, sorrow,
unjust, unrighteous, vain, vanity. Comparative 369.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Exert- to bring or put into action <~influence><ed himself>,
apply, exercise, put out, wield; also employ, use, utilize (M.W.
Dict.). Vain- of no real value: idle,worthless; futile, ineffective
(M.W.D.). Naught- nothing, zero (M.W.D.)
Idol- Zachariah 11:17- 457-eliyl- ; apparently from 408; good
for nothing, by analogy vain or vanity; specifically an idol:-, no
value, thing of nought. 408- al- ; a negative particle [akin to
3808]; not (the qualified negation, used as a deprecative); once
(Job 24:25) as a noun, nothing:- nay, neither, + never, no, nor,
not, nothing [worth], rather than. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Idols- Isaiah45:16- 6736- tsiyr; the same as 6735; a form (of
beauty; as if pressed out, that is carved); hence, an (idolatrous)
image:- beauty, idol. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Idols- Ezekiel23:37- 1544- gillul; from 1556-; properlya log (as
round); by implication an idol:- idol. 1556- galal-; a primitive root;
to roll (literal or figuratively):- commit, remove, roll (away, down,
together), run down, seek occasion, trust, wallow. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Idols- Isaiah 57:5- 410- el- ; shortened from 352; strength; as
adjective mighty; specifically the Almighty(but used also of any


deity):-(god, x goodly, x great, idol, might (-y one), power, strong.

Comp. names in "-el." 352- ayil; from the same as 193; properly
strength; hence, anything strong; specifically a chief (politically);
also a ram (from his strength); a pilaster (as a strong support); an
oak or other strong tree:- mighty (man), lintel, oak, post, ram,
tree. 193- uwl; form an unused root meaning to twist, that is (by
implication) be strong; the body (as being rolled together); also
powerful:- mighty, strength. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Idols- 2Chronicles 15:8- 8251-shiqquts; from 8262;
disgusting, that is, filthy; specifically idolatrousor (concrete) and
idol:- abominable filth (idol, - ation), detestable (thing). 8262shaqats; a primitive root; to be filthy, that is (intensively) to
loathe, pollute:- abhor, make abominable, have in abomination,
detest, x utterly. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Image-Psalm 73:20- 6754- tselem; from an unused root
meaning to shade; a phantom, that is (figuratively) illusion,
resemblance; hence, a representative figure, specifically an idol:image, vain shew. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Image-Psalm26:1- 4906- maskiyth; from the same as 7906; a
figure(carved on stone, the wall, or any object); figurative
imagination:- conceit, image (-ry), picture, x wish. 7906- sekuw;
from an unused root apparently meaning to surmount; an
observatory(with the article); Seku, a place in
Palestine:- Sechu. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Image-Deuteronomy 16:22 - 4676- matstsebah; feminine
(causative) participle of 5324; something stationed, that is a
column or (memorialstone); by analogy an idol:- garrison,
(standing) image, pillar. 5324- natsab; a primitive root; to station,
in various applications (literal or figuratively):- appointed, deputy,
erect, establish, x Huzzah [by mistake for a proper name], lay,
officer, pillar, present, rear up, set (over, up), settle, sharpen,


establish, (make to) stand (-ing, still, up, upright), best state.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Image- 2Chronicles 3:10- 6816-tsatsua; from an unused root
meaning to bestrew with carvings; sculpture:- image [work].
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Image-Job 4:16- 8544-temunah; from 4327; something
portioned (that isfashioned) out, as a shape, that is (indefinitely)
phantom, or (specifically) embodiment, or (figuratively)
manifestation (of favor):- image, likeness, similitude. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Don't look, worship, serve, bow, to any image (something
portioned (that is fashioned)out)as a shape, that is
(indef.)phantom, or (specifically) embodiment, or (fig.)
manifestation (of favor):- image, likeness, similitude. Don't make
any graven image, likeness or similitude of someone or animal, of
any living thing, or living thing that speaks for yourself

Jehovah (God The Father) said:

"Thou shalt have no other
gods before Me. Thou shalt not
make unto thee any graven
image, or any likeness of any
thing that is in heaven above,
or that is in the earth beneath,
or that is in the water under
the earth: Thou shalt not bow


down thyself to them, nor

serve them: for I the Lord thy
God, am a jealous God, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers
upon the children unto the
third and fourth generation of
them that hate Me;"(Exodus 20:3-5).
(for if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through
the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are
again entangled herein, and overcome, the latter end is worse
with them than the beginning.) (2 Peter 2:20)
Pollutions- 2 Peter 2:20- 3393-miasma; from 3392 (miasma);
(moral) foulness (properly the effect):- pollution. 3392- miain,
perhaps a primary verb; to sully or taint, that is contaminate
(ceremonially or morally):- defile. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
The meanings of words of evil:
Here are the meanings of different words of evil coming from The
Old Testament:
One word of evil is the word ra. Raappears in Genesis 44:4(And when they were gone out of the city, and not yet far off,
Joseph said unto his steward, Up, follow after the men; and when
thou dost overtake them, say unto them, Wherefore have ye
rewarded evil for good? (Genesis 44:4) KJV))
Evil- Genesis 44:4- 7451- ra- from 7489- ra; bad, or (as
noun) evil (naturally or morally):- evil, wickedness, wicked,
mischief, hurt, bad, trouble, sore, affliction, ill, adversity, ill
(favoured), harm, naught, noisome, grief (-vous), sad, = calamity,


+ displease (-ure), distress, evil ([-favouredness], man, thing); +

exceedingly, x great, grief, harm, heavy, hurt (-ful), + mark,
mischief (-vous), misery, naught (-ty), + not please, sorrow, vex,
wicked (-ly,-ness, one), worse (-st); wretchedness, wrong.
[Including feminine raah; as adjective or noun.] (James Strong,
The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont do evil ever, that is dont do raever.
Another word of evil that appears in The Old Testament is the
word ra, it appears in the book of Proverbs 24:19- (
Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou
envious of the wicked;) (Proverbs 24:19) (KJV))
Evil- Proverbs 24:19- 7489- ra- primitive root; properly to
spoil (literally by breaking to pieces); figuratively to make (or be)
good for nothing, that is bad (physically, socially or morally):- evil,
evil doer, hurt, wickedly, worse, afflict, wicked, break, ill, harm,
displease = associate selves, do mischief, punish, still, vex,
synonym 2398, 3256, 5358, 5771, 6064. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont be evil ever, that is dont be ra ever.

Another word of evil that appears in The Old Testament is the

word dibbh. It appears in Numbers 13:32-(And they
brought up an evil report of the land, which they had
searched, unto the children of Israel, saying, The land,
through which we have gone to search it, is a land that
eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that
we saw in it are men of a great stature.)( Numbers 13:32)
Evil- Numbers 13:32- 1681- dibbh; from 1680 in the sense of
furtive motion); slander:- evil report, slander, infamy, slander.


1680- dbah; a prim. Root (comparative 1679); to move slowly,

that is glide:- cause to speak. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont do evil ever, that is dont dibbh ever.

Another word of evil I believe it is the word ra<ah, it appears in

The Old Testament in the book of Job 24:21- (He evil intreateth
the barren that beareth not, and doeth not good to the widow.)
(Job 24:21)(KVJ))
Evil- 7462-r<h; a primitive root; to tend a flock; that is pasture
it; intrasitively to graze (literal or figuratively); generally to rule;
by extension to associate with (as friend):- feed, shepherd, pastor,
herdsmen, keep, companion, broken, company, devour, eat,
entreateth = use as a friend, make friendship with, + sharing
house, wander, waste. (James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible). I am not sure r<h for the
word evil coming from Job 24:21 means all of these words, I
believe it means broken and waste.
Dont do evil ever, that is dont do r<h ever.

Another word of evil that appears in The Old Testament is the

word beliyaal, it appears in Psalm 41:8- (An evil disease , say
they, cleaveth closely to him; and now that he lieth down, he shall
rise up no more.) (Psalm 41:8) (KJV))
Evil- Psalm 41:8- 1100- beliyaal; from 1097 and 3276; without
profit, worthlessness; by extension destruction, wickedness (often
in connection with 376, 802, 1121, etc):- Belial, wicked, ungodly,
evil, naughty, ungodly men. 1097- bely; from 1086; properly
failure, that is nothing or destruction; usually (with preposition)
without, not yet, because not, as long as, etc:- not, without, un,


lack of, so that no, corruption. 3276- yaal; a primitive root;

properly to ascend; figuratively to be valuable (objectively useful,
subjectively benefited):- profit, at all, set forward, good,
profitable. (James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Dont do evil ever, that is dont do beliyaal ever. Dont be evil
and evil ever, that is dont be bely ever and yaal ever.

Jeremias 23:22- (But if they had stood in my counsel, and had

caused my people to hear my words, then they should have
turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their
doings.)( Jeremias 23:22) (KJV))
Evil- Jeremias 23:22- 7455-ra- from 7489- ra; badness (as
marring), physically or morally:- x be so bad, badness, (x be so)
evil, naughtiness, sadness, sorrow, wickedness. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont do evil ever and dont be evil ever, that is dont do ra ever
and dont be raever.
Another word of evil that appears in The Old Testament is the
word ven. It appears in Proverbs 12:21- (There shall not evil
happen to the just, but the wicked shall be filled with mischief.)(
Proverbs 12:21)(Proverbs 12:21))
Evil- Proverbs 12:21 -205- ven- to pant (hence
, to exert oneself, usually in vain; to come to naught); strictly
nothingness; also trouble, vanity, wickedness; specifically an idol:affliction, evil, false, idol, iniquity, mischief, mourners (-ing),
naught, sorrow, unjust, unrighteous, vain, vanity. Comparison
369. (James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Dont do evil ever, that is dont do ven ever.


The words of evil in the New Testament:

One word of evil that appears in The New Testament is the word
pnrs. This word appears in Mark 7:22- (Thefts,
covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye,
blasphemy, pride, foolishness.) (Mark 7:22)(KJV))
Evil- Mark 7:22- 4190- pnrs- from a derivative of 4192;
hurtful, that is evil (properly in effect or influence, and thus
differing from 2556, which refers rather to essential character, as
well as from 4550, which indicates degeneracy from original
virtue); figuratively calamitous; also (passively) ill, that is
diseased; but specifically (morally) culpable, that is derelict,
vicious, facinorous; neuter (gender) (singular) mischief, malice, or
(plural) guilt; masculine (sing.) the devil, or (plural) sinners:- evil,
wicked, wicked one, evil things, misc. = bad, grievous, harm,
lewd, malicious, wickedness. See also 4191. (James Strong, The
New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont be evil ever, that is dont be pnrs ever.

Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the

word Rhma. This word appears in Matthew 5:11- (Blessed are
ye, when men shall revile you, and shall say all manner of evil
against you falsely, for my sake.)( Matthew 5:11) (KJV))
Evil- 4487- Rhma; from 4483; an utterance (individually,
collectively or specifically); implication a matter or topic
(especially of narration, command or dispute); with a negative
naught whatever:- word, saying, thing, no thing + 3756, not tr.
4483- rh; for certain tenses of which a prolongation form r;
is used; and both as alternate for 2036; perhaps akin (or identical)
with 4482 (through the idea of pouring forth); to utter, that is


speak or say:- speak, say, speak of, command, make. 3756- u;

also (before a vowel) uk; and (before and aspirate) uch; a
primary word; the absolute negatively [comparison 3361] adverb;
no or not:- not no, cannot, +1410, miscellaneous = + long, nay,
neither, never, no man, none, +nothing, + special, unworthy,
when, + without, +yet but. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont say all manner of evil against any saved Christian falsely
ever, that is dont say all manner of Rhma against any saved
Christian falsely ever

Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the

word kakia. This word appears in Matthew 6:34- (Be,
therefore, not anxious about tomorrow; for tomorrow will be
anxious for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is its own
evil.) (Matthew 6:34) (KJV))
Evil- Matthew 6:34- 2549-kakia; from 2556; badness, that is
depravity, or (actively) malignity, or (passively) trouble:- evil,
malice (-iousness), naughtiness, wickedness. (James Strong, The
New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Sufficient unto the day is its own kakia JESUS said.

Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament is the

word kaks. This word appears in Colossians 3:5- (Mortify,
therefore, your members which are upon the earth: fornication,
uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil desire, and covetousness
(which is idolatry),)(Colossians 3:5) (KJV))
Evil- Colossians 3:5- 2556- kaks- worthless (intrinsically),
such whereas 4190 properly refer to effects, that is (substituted)


depraved, or (objectively) injurious: bad, evil, harm, ill noisome,

Mortify evil desire that is mortify kaks desire. Dont do kaks
desire ever.

Another word of evil that appears in the New Testament is the

word This word appears in Mark 9:39-(But Jesus said, Forbid him not;
for there is no man who shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly
speak evil of me.)(Mark 9:39)(KJV))
Evil- Mark 9:39- 2551- kklge; from a compound of 2556 and 3056; to
revile:- curse, speak evil of. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont speak evil of JESUS ever, that is dont speak kklge of

JESUS ever.

Another word of evil that appears in the New Testament is the

word kak. This word appears in Acts 14:2- (But the unbelieving Jews
stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil effected against the
brethren.) (Acts 14:2) (KJV))
Evil- Acts 14:2- 2559- kak; from 2556; to injure; figuratively to
exasperate:- make evil affected, entreat evil, harm, hurt, vex.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Dont make minds of others kak affected against any saved
Christian ever, that is dont make minds of others evil affected
against any saved Christian ever.


Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament is the

word kaks. This word appears in John 18:23- ( Jesus
answered him, If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the
evil; but well, why smittest thou me?) (John 18:23)(KJV))
Evil- John 18:23- 2560- kaks; from 2556; badly (physically or
morally):- be sick + 2192, be diseased +2192, evil grievously,
sore, miserable, a miss, sick people +2192. 2192- ch;
(including an alternate form sch; used in certain tenses only); a
primary verb; to hold (used in very various applications, literally,
or figuratively, direct or remote; such as possession; ability,
contiguity, relation, or condition):- have, be, need + 5532, vr
have, miscelaneous accompany, + begin to amend, can (+not),
x conceive, count, diseased, do + eat, +enjoy, + fear, following,
hold, keep, +lack, +go to law, lie, +must needs, + of necessity,
next, +recover, + reign, + rest, return, x sick, take for, +tremble,
+ uncircumcised, use. 2532- kai; apparantely a primary particle,
having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and,
also even, so, then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or
composition) with other particles or small words:- and, also, even,
both, then, so, likewise, not, vr, miscellaneous = but, for, if,
indeed, moreover, or, that, therefore, when, yet. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont speak evil ever, that is dont speak kaks ever.

Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the

word adikma. This word appears in Acts 24:20- (Or else let
these same here say, if they have found any evil doing in me,
while I stood before the council,) (Acts 24:20) (KJV))
Evil- Acts 24:20- 92- adikma; from 91; a wrong done:- matter
of wrong, evil doing, iniquity. 91- adik; from 94 to be unjust,
that is (actively) do wrong (morally socially or physically):- hurt,
do wrong, wrong, suffer wrong, be unjust, take wrong, injure, be


an offender, hope. (James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded

Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont do evil ever, that is dont do adikma ever.

Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the

word blasphm. This word appears in 1 Corinthians 10:30(For if I, by grace, be a partaker, why am I evil spoken of for that
for which I give thanks?)( 1 Corinthians 10:30)(KJV))
Evil-1 Corinthians 10:30- 987- blasphm; from 989; to vilify;
specifically to speak impiously:- blaspheme, speak evil of, rail on,
blasphemer, speak blasphemy, blasphemously, miscellaneous =
defame, revile. 989- blasphms; form a derivative of 984 and
5345, scurrilous, that is calumnious (against man), or
(specifically) impious (against God):- blasphemous, blasphemer,
railing. (James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Dont speak evil of GOD or of the Apostle Paul or of any other
saved Christian ever, that is dont speak blasphm of GOD or
of the Apostle Paul or of any other saved Christian ever. Also dont
have evil spoken of GOD or of the Apostle Paul or of any other
saved Christian ever, that is dont have blasphm spoken of
GOD or of the Apostle Paul or of any other saved Christian ever.

Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the

word dusphmia. This word appears in Jude 8- (In like manner
also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and
speak evil of dignities.)(Jude 8)(KJV))

Evil- 1426- dusphmia; from a compound of 1418 and 5345;

defamation:- evil report. 1418- dus; a primary inseparable


particle of uncertain derivative; used only in composition as

prefix; hard, that is with difficulty:- + hard, + grievous, etc.;
5345- phm; from 5346; a saying, that is rumor (fame):- fame.
5346- phmi; properly the same as the base of 5457 and 5316; to
show or make known ones thoughts, that is speak or say:- affirm.
5457- phs; from an obs. pha (to shine, or make manifest,
specifically by rays; comparison 5316, 5346); luminousness (in
the widest application, naturally or artificially, abstract or
concretely, literal or figuratively):- fire, light. 5316- phain;
prolongation for the base of 5457; to lighten (shine), that is show
(transitively or intransitively, literally or figuratively) to lighten
(shine), show, appear, seem, be seen, think. (James Strong, The
New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont speak evil of dignities ever, that is dont speak dusphmia
of dignities ever.
Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the
word blasphmia . This word appears in Ephesians 4:31- (Let
all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil
speaking, be put away from you with all malice;) (Ephesians

Evil- 988- blasphmia; from 989, vilification (especially against

God):- blasphemy, railing, evil speaking. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Dont evil speak ever especially against GOD ever, that is dont
blasphmia speak ever, especially against GOD ever.

Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the

word phauls. This word appears in Titus 2:8- (Sound speech,
that cannot be condemned, that he that is of the contrary part
may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.)( Titus 2:8)


Evil- Titus 2:8- 5337- phauls; apparantely a primary word;

foul or flawy, that is (figuratively) wicked:- evil. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Have no evil thing to say of you ever, that is have no phauls
thing to say of you ever.

Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the

word katale. This word appears in James 4:11- (Speak not evil
one of another brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and
judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law;
but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law but a
judge.)( James 4:11) (KJV))Evil- James 4:11-2635- katale; from
2637; to be a traducer, that is to slander:- speak against, speak
evil of. (James Strong, The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Speak not evil of any saved Christian ever, which is part of the
brethren, that is dont speak not katale of any saved Christian
ever, which is part of the brethren. These brethren that he
mentioned are saved Christians. Also dont speak evil of the Law,
Laws of GOD ever, that is dont speak katale of the Law, Laws
of GOD ever.
Another word of evil that appears in The New Testament. It is the
word . This word appears in 1 Peter 2:1- (Wherefore, laying aside
all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil
speakings,)(1 Peter 2:1)(KJV))
Evil- 1 Peter 2:1- 2636- katalalia; from 2637; defamation:backbiting, evil speaking. 2637- katals; from 2596 and the base
of 2980; talkative against, that is slanderer:- backbiter. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of


Lay aside all evil speakings that is lay aside all katalalia

Study of the word heart in the Old Testament from

Deuteronomy 6:5
((Hear O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou
shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with
all thy soul, and with all thy might.) (Deuteronomy 6:5
Heart- Deuteronomy6:5- heart- 3824-lbb; from 3823; the
heart (as the most interior organ); used also like 3820:- + bethink
themselves, breast, comfortably, courage ([faint], [tender-] heart
([-ed]), midst, mind, x unawares, understanding. 3820- lb; a
form of 3824; the heart; also used (figuratively) very widely used
for the feelings, the will and even the intellect; likewise for the
center of anything:- + care for, comfortably, consent, x
considered, coura [-geous], friend [-ly], ([broken-], [hard-],
[merry-], [stiff-], [stout-], double) heart ([-ed]), x heed, x I, kindly,
midst, mind (-ed), x regard ([-ed]), x themselves, x unawares,
understanding, x well, willingly, wisdom. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
Feeling- general emotional condition : sensibilities, often
unreasoned opinion or belief : opinion, belief. Capacity to respond
emotionally, feel, sensation, sense, more at sensation, emotion,
perception, sense, belief, judgment, mind, opinion, persuasion,
view, more at opinion, compassion, heart, kindness, sympathy,
more at heart, having the capacity to feel or respond
emotionally : sensitive; especially : easily moved emotionally,
expressing emotion or sensitivity. (M. W. D. and T.) Intellect- the
power of knowing : the capacity of knowledge, the capacity for
rational or intelligent thought especially when highly developed, a
person with great intellectual powers, brain, thinker, more at
genius (M. W. D. and T.).
Emotion- a usually intense feeling (as of love), feeling, passion,


sentiment, more at feeling, ardor, fervor, intensity, more at ardor

(M. W. D. and T.)
Study of the word pure.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God, Matthew
Mathew 5:8- pure- 2513- katharthos; of uncertain affinity;
clean (literally or figuratively):- clean, clear, pure. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).

Pure- Psalms18:26-pure- 2889-thwr; or thr; from 2891;

pure (in a physical, chemical, ceremonial or moral sense):- clean,
fair. 2891- thr; to be bright; that is (by implication) to be pure
(physically sound, clear, unadulterated; uncontaminated;
morallyinnocent or holy, be clean, purge, purify (-ier, self). (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
Purge- Ezekiel 43:20- 3722- kaphar; a primitive root; to cover
(specifically with bitumen); figuratively to expiate or condone, to
placate or cancel:- appease, make (as atonement, cleanse,
disannul, forgive, be merciful, pacify, pardon, to pitch, purge
(away), put off, (make) reconcile (-liation).
Purge-2 Timothy 2:21- 1571-kkathair; from 1537 and
2508; to cleanse thoroughly:- purge (out).
Purge- Hebrews 9:14- 2511- kathariz; from 2513; to cleanse
(literally or figuratively):- (make) clean (-se), purge, purify. 2513kathars; of uncertain affixed clean (literally or figuratively):clean, clear, pure.
Clear- a shining brightly : entirely light, untroubled, serene, clean,
pure, easily seen : transparent, easily heard, seen, or understood,
easy to perceive or determine with certainty, capable of sharp
discernment, free from gile or guilt : innocent, sunny, more at fair,
lucent, transparent, translucent, bright, brilliant, luminous,


distinct, evident, plain, self- evident, noticeable, blameless,

faultless, guiltless, more at innocent, to make or to become clear,
clarify, filter, purify, more at clarify, construe (M. W. D. and T.).
((He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted
up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.) ( Psalms 24:4))
Pure -Psalms 24:4- 1249-bar- from 1305 (in its various senses);
beloved; also pure, empty:- choice, clean, clear. From 1305brar, to clarify (that is brighten), examine, select:- make bright,
choice, chosen, cleanse, (be clean), clearly, polished, (shew self)
pure (-ify), purge (out). (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
((Not for any injustice in mine hands: also my prayer is pure.)
(Job 16:17))
Pure -Job16:17- 2134- zak- from 2141; clear, clean, pure.
2141- zkak; a primitive [comparison 2135]; to be transparent or
clean (physically or morally) a primitive root [comparison 2135]
2135-zkh; a primitive root [comparison 2141] to be
translucent; figuratively to be innocent:- be (make) clean,
cleanse, be clear, count pure. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Transparent- clear enough to be seen through, readily understood
: clear enough; also : easily detected, clear, limpid, lucent, more
at clear; gauzy, more at sheer, clear, distinct, evident, plain,
unmistakable, more at clear (M. W. D. and T.). Translucentglowing, luminous, radiant, shining, lustrous, gleaming,
transparent, lucid, lucent, clear, see-through (Microsoft Word 2010
Thesaurus : English).
Study of the word meekness from Zephaniah 2:3
((Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought
his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye
shall be hid in the day of the Lords anger) ( Zephaniah 2:3))
Zephaniah 2:3- Meekness- 6038- nvh , from 6035;
condescension, human and subjectively(modesty), or divine and


objectively(clemency):- gentleness, humility, meekness. 6035nv; or [by inter mixture with 6041] nyv; from 6031;
depressed (figuratively) in mind (gentle) or circumstances,
(needy, specifically saintly):- humble, lowly, meek, poor.
Comparative 6041. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Condescend: to descend to a less formal or dignified level, to
assume an air of superiority (M. W. D. and T.).
Modesty- freedom from conceit or vanity, propriety in dress,
speech, or conduct, humbleness, humility, lowliness, meekness,
more at humility, chastity, purity, more at chastity (M. W. D. and
T.). Clemency- disposition to be merciful, mildness of weather,
charity, leniency, mercy, quarter, more at mercy (M. W. D. and T.).
Depressed- low in spirits; also : affected with psychological
depression, suffering from economic depression, down, low, sad,
sorrowful, sorry, sunken, more at hollow (M. W. D. and T.).
Conceit- excessively high opinion of ones ability : vanity,
complacence, ego, egotism, pride, self- esteem, self- importance,
vainglory, vanity, fantasy. (M. W. D. and T.).
Vanity- Ephesians 4:17- 3153- mataits; from 3152; inutility;
figuratively transientness; morally depravity:- vanity.
Transient- not lasting long : short-lived, passing through a place
with only a brief stay, fugitive, impermanent, momentary,
passing, short-lived, temporary, more at momentary (M. W. D. and
Vanity-Ecclesiastes4:4- 1892- hebel; or (rarely in the abs.)
hbl; from 1891; emptiness or vanity; figuratively something
transitory and unsatisfactory; often used as an adverb:- x
altogether, vain, vanity. 1891- hbal; a primitive root; to be vain
in act, word, or expectation; specifically to lead astray:- be
(become, make) vain. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Transitory- fleeting, passing, brief, temporary, momentary, shortlived, transient, ephemeral, evanescent (Microsoft Word 2010


Thesaurus : English)
Vanity- Job 15:31- 7723- shv; or shav; from the same as 7722
in the sense of desolating; evil (as destructive), literal (ruin) or
morally (specifically guile); figuratively idolatry (as false,
subjectively), uselessness (as deceptive, objectively; also adverb
in vain):- false (-ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity. 7722- shw or
(feminine) shwh; or shh; from unused root meaning to
rush over; a tempest; by implication devastation:- desolate (-ion),
destroy, destruction, storm, wasteness. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Vanity-Proverbs22:8- 205- ven- to pant (hence, to exert
oneself usually in vain; to come to naught); strictly nothingness;
also trouble, vanity, wickedness; specifically an idol:- affliction,
evil, false, idol, iniquity, mischief, mourners (-ing), naught, sorrow,
unjust, unrighteous, vain, vanity. Comparison 369.
Vanity- Isaiah 59:4- 8414- thw; from an unused root
meaning to lie waste; a desolation (of surface), that is desert;
figuratively a worthless thing; adverb in vain:- confusion, empty
place, without form, nothing, (thing of) nought, vain, vanity,
waste, wilderness.
Vanity- Habakkuk 2:13- 7385- ryq; from 7324; emptiness;
figuratively a worthless thing; adverb in vain:- empty, to no
purpose, (in) vain (thing), vanity.
((In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest
apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair,
or gold, or pearls, or costly array;) (1Timothy 2:9))
Modest- 1 Timothy 2:9- 2887-ksmis; from 2889 (in its
primary sense); orderly, that is decorous:- of good behavior,
Decorous- marked by propriety and good taste : proper. Correct,
decent, genteel, nice, polite, respectable, seemly, more at proper
(M. W. D. and T.). Propriety- conformity to what is socially


acceptable in conduct or speech, the customs of polite society,

decency, decorum, more at decency (M. W. D. and T.).
Decencythe quality or state of being decent : propriety, conformity (be
conformed to God) to standards of taste, propriety, or quality, a
standard of propriety- usually used in plural, decorum, form,
propriety, civility, courtesy, politeness; dignity, grace, discretion,
prudence, correctness, rightness, attention, attentiveness, care,
carefulness, goodness, honesty, morality, rectitude,
righteousness, uprightness, virtue, integrity, more at morality. (W.
D. and T.).
((Huram said moreover, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, that
made heaven and earth, who hath given David the king a wise
son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build
an house for the Lord, and an house for his kingdom.) ( 2
Chronicles 2:12))
Prudence-2 Chronicles2:12- 7922- sekel; or skel; from
7919; intelligence; by implication success:- discretion, knowledge,
policy, prudence, sense, understanding, wisdom, wise. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exaustive Concordance of Bible).
Discretion- Proverbs 11:22- 2940- taam; from 2938; properly
a taste, that is figuratively perception; by implication intelligence;
transitively a mandate:- advice, behavior, decree, discretion,
judgment, reason, taste, understanding. 2938- tam; a primitive
root; to taste; figuratively to perceive:- x but, perceive, taste.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exaustive Concordance of Bible).
Discretion-Isaiah 28:26- 4941- mishpt; from 8199; properly a
verdict (favorable or unfavorable) pronounced judicially,
specifically a sentence or formal decree (human or [participants]
divine law, individually or collectively), including the act, the
place, the suit, the crime, and the penalty; abstract justice,
including a participants right or privillige (statutory or
customary), or even a style:- + adversary, ceremony, charge,
x crime, custom, desert, determination, discretion, disposing, due,
fashion, form, to be judged, judgment, just (-ice, -ly), (manner of)
law (-ful), manner, measure, (due) order, ordinance, right,
sentence, usest, x worthy, + wrong.


Prudence-Proverbs 8:12- 6195- ormh; feminine of 6193;

trickery; or (in a good sense) discretion:- guile, prudence, subtilty,
wilily, wisdom.
Subtilty- 2 Kings10:19- 6122- oqbah; feminine of an unused
form from 6117 meaning a trick; trickery:- subtilty.
Subtilty-Proverbs 1:4- 6195- ormh.
Wilily-Joshua9:4- 6195-ormh.
((Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and
prudence;) (Ephesians 1:8))
Prudence- Ephesians1:8- 5428-phrnsis; from 5426; mental
action or activity, that is intellectual or moral insight:- prudence,
((The simple inherit folly: but the prudent are crowned with
knowledge.) (Proverbs 14:18))
Prudent-Proverbs 14:18- 6175- rwm; passively participle
of 6191; cunning (usually in a bad sense):- crafty, prudent, subtil.
Cunning- dexterous or crafty in the use of special resources (as
skill or knowledge) or in attaining and end : dexterous, marked by
wiliness and trickery, cute, clever, deft, handy, more at dexterous,
artful, crafty, guileful, more at artful, skill in planning, making or
executing : skill, skill, calculation, care, design, sharpness,
cleverness, ease, facility (M. W. D. and T.). Clever- showing skill
or resourcefulness, marked by wit, or ingenuity, alert, brainy,
bright, intelligent, keen, quick, quick-witted, sharp, smart, more at
intelligent, artful, creative, imaginative, ingenious, innovative (M.
W. D. and T.).
((The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and the sweetness of
the lips increaseth learning.) (Proverbs 16:21).
Prudent-Proverbs 16:21- 995- byn- a primitive root; to
separate mentally (or distinguish), that is (generally) understand:-


attend, consider, be cunning, diligently, direct, discern, eloquent,

feel, inform, instruct, have intelligence, know, look well to, mark,
perceive, be prudent, regard, (can) skill (-full), teach, think,
(cause, make to, get, give, have) understand (-ing), view, (deal)
wise (-ly, man). (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
((Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an
evil time.) (Amos 5:13))
Prudent- Amos 5:13- 7919- skal; a primitive root; to be
(causative make or act) circumspect and hence, intelligent:consider, expert, instruct, prosper, (deal) prudent (-ly), (give) skill
(-full), have good success, teach, (have, make to) understand (ing), wisdom, (be, behave self, consider, make) wise (-ly), guide
((And the things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and
make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be
heard out of thy mouth.) (Exodus 23:13))
Circumspect-Exodus 23:13- 8104- shmar; a primitive root;
properly to hedge about (as with thorns), that is guard; general to
protect, attend to, etc.:- beware, be circumspect, take heed (to
self), keep (-er, self), mark, look narrowly, observe, preserve,
regard, reserve, save (self), sure, (that lay) wait (for), watch (man). (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance
of Bible).
(And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto
all men, apt. to teach, patient,) (2Timothy 2:24))
Gentle- 2 Timothy2:24- 2261- pis; probably from 2031;
properly affable, that is mild or kind:- gentle. 2031- ps; from
2036; a word:- x say. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Affable- courteous and agreeable especially in conversation,
agreeable, amiable, genial, good- natured, gracious, nice, sweet,
well-disposed- more at amiable, cordial, gracious, hospitable,
sociable, more at gracious (M. W. D. and T.) Courteous- marked


by respect for others : civil, polite, genteel, gracious, mannerly,

well-bred, more at polite (M. W. D. and T.).
Polite- of , relating to, or having the characteristics of advanced
culture <~society>, marked by correct social conduct :
courteous; also : considerate, tactful. Correct, decent, decorous,
genteel, nice, proper, respectable, more at proper, civil,
considerate, courteous, gracious, mannerly, attentive, courtly,
gallant, ceremonial, ceremonious, formal, suave, urbane, elegant,
refined, deferential, respectful, submissive, yielding, acceptable,
appropriate, correct, decent, decorous, fit, good, meet, proper,
right, suitable, affable, cordial, friendly, genial, hospitable,
sociable, felicitous, graceful, humble, meek, modest (M. W. D. and
Amiable- pleasing to ones mind or senses : agreeable, having a
friendly and sociable disposition, affable, agreeable, genial, goodnatured, gracious, nice, sweet, well-disposed, amicable, cordial,
friendly, neighborly (M. W. D. and T.).
((The words of a wise mans mouth are gracious; but the lips of a
fool will swallow up himself.) (Ecclesiastes 10:12))
Gracious- Ecclesiastes 10:12- 2580- chn; from 2603;
graciousness, that is subjectively (kindness, favor) or objectively
(beauty):- favour, grace (-ious), pleasant, precious, [well-]
favoured. 2603- chnan; a primitive root [comparison2583];
properly to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior; to favor,
bestow; causative to implore (that is move to favor by petition):beseech, x fair, (be, find, shew) favour (-able), be (deal, give,
grant (gracious (-ly), intreat, (be) merciful, have (shew) mercy
(on, upon), have pity upon, pray, make supplication, x very.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
((And be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one
another, even as God for Christs sake hath forgiven you.)
(Ephesians 4:32))
Kind- Ephesians 4:32- 4:32- 5543-chrsts; from 5530;
employed, that is (by implication) useful, (in manner or morals):better, easy, good (-ness), gracious, kind. 5530- chramai;
middle voice of a primary verb (perhaps rather from 5495, to


handle); to furnish what is needed; (give an oracle, graze [touch

slightly], light upon, etc.), that is (by implication) to employ or (by
extension) to act toward one in a given manner:- entreat, use.
Comparison 5531; 5534. (James Strong, The New Strongs
Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Furnish- to provide with what is needed: equip, to make available
for use : supply, give, allocate, deal, distribute, donate, equip,
give, present, supply, deliver, feed, handover, provide (M. W. D.
and T.). Graze- feed (M. W. D. and T.).
Gentle- Titus 3:2- 1933- piks; from 1909 and 1503;
appropriate, that is (by implication) mild:- gentle, moderation,
Mild- a gentle nature or behavior, moderate in action or effect, not
severe : temperate, balmy, benign, delicate, gentle, light, soft,
soothing, tender, more at gentle, balmy, clement, equable,
moderate, temperate, more at clement (M. W. D. and T.).
Clement-merciful, lenient, not severe in temperature : temperate,
mild, balmy, equable, gentle, mild, moderate, temperate, fair,
clear, calm, peaceful, tranquil, delightful, fine, pleasant. (M. W. D.
and T.).
Moderation- Philippians 4:5- 1933-piks; from 1909 and
1503; appropriate, that is (by implication) mild:- gentle,
moderation, patient. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible)
Meekness- Psalm45:4- 6037- anvh; feminine of 6035;
mildness (royal); also (concrete) oppressed:- gentleness, humility,
Oppress- to crush by abuse of power or authority, to be a burden
to mentally or spiritually, burden, depress, sadden, more at
depress, carry away, crush, devastate, overcome, overpower,
overwhelm, prostrate, more at overwhelm (M. W. D. and T.)..
Meekness- Titus 3:2- 4236- praits; from 4235; gentleness,


by implication humility:- meekness. 4235; a form of 4239, used

in certain parts; gentle, that is humble:- meek. 4239- pras;
apparently a primary word; mild, that is (by implication) humble:meekness. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible)
Humble-2 Chronicles7:14- 3665-kna; a primitive root;
properly to bend the knee; hence, to humiliate, vanquish:- bring
down (low), into subjection, under, humble (self), subdue. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
Vanquish- conquer, dominate, overpower, subdue, subject, more
at conquer (M. W. D. and T.).
Humble-Job 22:29- 7807, 5869. 7807- shach; from 7817;
sunk, that is downcast:- + humble.
Humble- Psalm10:17- 6041- ny; from 6031; depressed, in
mind or circumstances [practically the same as 6035 although the
marginal reading constantly disputes this making 6035
subjectively and 6041 objectively.]:- afflicted, humble, lowly,
needy, poor. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible)
Humble- Proverbs 6:3- 7511- rpha- a primitive root; to
trample, that is prostrate:- humble self, submit self.
Humble- Isaiah 57:15- 8217- shphl; from 8213; depressed,
literal or figuratively:- base (-st), bumble, low (-er, -ly). 8213shphl; a primitive root; to depress or sink (especifically
figuratively to humiliate, intrinsically or transitively):- abase, bring
(cast, put) down, debase, humble (self), be (bring, lay, make, put)
low (-er). (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible)


Humble- Jeremiah 13:18- 8213- shphl.

Meekness- 1 Peter3:15- 4240- prats; from 4239; mildness,
that is (by implication) humility:- meekness. 4239- pras;
apparently a primary word; mild, that (by implication) humble:meek. See also 4235.
Humility- 1 Peter5:5- 5012- tapinphrsun; from a
compound of 5011 and the base of 5424; humiliation of mind,
that is modesty:- humbleness of mind, humility (of mind),
loneliness (of mind). 5011- of uncertain derivative; depressed,
that is (figuratively) humiliated (in circumstances or disposition):base, cast down, humble, of low degree (estate), lowly. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
A Study of the word chasten fromDaniel10:12

Daniel10:12- chasten- 6031- nh,aw-naw; a primitive root

[possibly rather identified with 6030 through the idea of looking
down or browbeating]; to depress literally or figuratively ,
transitively or intransitively (in various applications as follows):abase self, afflict (-ion, self), deal hardly with, exercise, force,
gentleness, humble (self), hurt, ravish, sing [by mistake for 6030]
speak [by mistake for 6030], submit self, weaken, x in any wise.
6030- nh, aw-naw- to eye, or (generally) to heed, that is pay
attention; to respond; by extension to begin to speak; specifically
to sing; shout, afflict [by announce:- give account, afflict ([by
announce:- give account, afflict (cause to , give) answer, bring low
[mistake for 6031], cry, hear, leannoth, lift up, say x scholar, (give
a) shout, sing (together by course), speak, testify, utter, (bear)
witness. (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Abase- to lower in rank, degrade, debase (M.W.D.). Debase- to
lower in character, lower. (M. W. D. and T.).
Righteousness- Daniel 12:3- 6663-tsdaq; a primitive root; to
be (causative make) right (in a moral sense or forensic sense):-


cleanse, clear self, (be, do) just (-ice, -ify, -ifyself), (be, turn, to)
righteous (-ness). (James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive
Concordance of Bible).
Righteousness- Daniel 9:24-6664- tsedeq; from 6663; the
right (naturally, morally or legal):- also (abstract) equity or
(figuratively) prosperity:- x even, (x that which (is altogether) just
(-ice), ([un-]) right (-eous) (cause, -ly, -ness).
Righteousness- Daniel 4:27- tsidqh; correspondent to 6666;
beneficence:- righteousness.
Beneficence- beneficent quality, a benefit conferred : benefaction,
alms, benefaction, charity, contribution, donation, more at
contribution. Beneficent- doing or producing good (as by acts of
kindness or charity), beneficial, benevolent, compassionate, goodhearted, humane, kind, kindly, sympathetic, tender,
tenderhearted, more at humane, charitable, humanitarian, more
at charitable (M. W. D. and T.).
Righteousness-Proverbs 11:6- 6666-tsedqh- from 6663;
rightness (abstract) subjectively rectitude), objective (justice),
morally (virtue) or figuratively (prosperity):- justice, moderately,
right (-eous) (-act, -ly, -ness).
Virtue-Philippians 4:8- 703- arte; from the same as 730;
properly manliness (valor), that is excellence (intrinsic or
attributed):- praise, virtue.
Righteousness- Matthew 5:6- 1343- dikasun; from 1342;
equity ( character or act); specifically (Christian) justification:righteousness. 1342- dikais, from 1349; equitable (in character
or act); by implication innocent, holy (obsolete or relative):- just,
meet, right (-eous). 1349-dik; probably from 1166; right (as selfevident), that is justice (the principle, a decision, or its
execution):- judgment, punish, vengeance. 1166-diknu; a
prolongation form of an obsolete primary of the same meaning; to
show (literally or figuratively):- shew. (James Strong, The New
Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Righteousness-Revelation 19:8- 1345- dikaima; from 1344;


an equitabledeed; by implication a statute or decision:- judgment,

justification, ordinance, righteousness. 1344- dikai, from
1342; to render (that is show or reguardas) just or innocent:- free,
justify (-ier), be righteous. 1342- dikai s, from 1349; equitable
(in character or act); by implication innocent, holy (absolete or
relative):- just, meet, right (-eous). 1349-dik; probably from
1166; right (as self-evident), that is justice (the principle, a
decision, or its execution):- judgment, punish, vengeance. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible).
Equitable- having or exhibiting equity : just. Fair, square,
unbiased, unprejudiced, more at fair (M. W. D. and T.).
Holy- Leviticus19:2- 6918-qdwsh; or qdsh; from 6942;
sacred (ceremonially or morally); (as noun) God (by eminence),
an angel, a saint, a sanctuary:- holy (one), saint. 6942- qdsh;
a primitive root; to be (causative make,pronounce or observe as)
clean (ceremonially or morally):- appoint, bid, consecrate,
dedicate, defile, hallow, (be, keep) holy (-er, place), keep,
prepare, proclaim, purify, sanctify (-ied) one, self), x wholly.
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Sacred- set apart for the service or worship of God, devoted
exclusively to one service of God or use for God,worth of
veneration or reverence, or relating to religion: religious, blessed,
hallowed, holy, sanctified, more at holy, pure, priviledged,
protected, immune, devotional (to God), religious, spiritual, more
at religious. (M. W. D. and T.).
Holy- 1 Peter 1:16- 40-hagis; from hags (an awful thing)
[comparison 53, 2282]; sacred (physically pure, morally blameless
or religious, ceremonially consecrated):- (most) holy (one, thing),
Consecrated- 2 Chronicles 29:31- 4390, 3027- 4390- ml;
orml(Esther 7:5) a primitive root, to fill or (intrinsically) be full
of, in a wide application (literally and figuratively):- accomplish,
confirm, + consecrate, be at an end, be expired, be fenced, fill,


fulfill, (be, become, x draw, give in, go) full (-ly, set, tale), [over-]
flow, fullness, furnish, gather (selves, together), presume,
replenish, satisfy, set, space, take a [hand-], + have wholly.
3027- yd- a primitive word; a hand (the open one [indicating
power, means, direction, etc.], in distinction from 3709, the closed
one); used (as noun, adverb, etc.) in a great variety of
applications, both literal and figuratively, both proximately and
remote [as follows]:- (+be) able, x about, + armholes, at,
axletree, because of , beside, border, x bounty, + broad, [broken-]
handed, x by, charge, coast, + consecrate, + creditor, custody,
debt, dominion, x enough, +fellowship, force, x from, hand [staves, -ywork], x he, himself, x in, labour, + large, ledge, [left-]
handed, means, x mine, ministry, near, x of, x order, ordinance, x
our, parts, pain, power, x presumptuously, service, side, sore,
state, stay, draw with strength, stroke, + swear, terror, x thee, x
by them, x themselves, x thine own, x thou, through, x throwing,
+ thumb, times, x to, x under, x us, x wait on, [way-] side, where,
+ wide, x with (him, me, you), work, yield, x yourselves. (James
Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)
Consecrated-2 Chronicles 31:6- 6942- qdsh; a primitive
root; to be (causative make,pronounce or observe as) clean
(ceremonially or morally):- appoint, bid, consecrate, dedicate,
defile, hallow, (be, keep) holy (-er, place), keep, prepare,
proclaim, purify, sanctify (-ied) one, self), x wholly.
Fear-Proverbs9:10- 3374-yirh; feminine of 3373; fear (also
used as infinitive); morally reverence:- x dreadful, x exceedingly,
fear (-fullness).
Reverence-Psalm89:7- 3372- yr. see 3384. yr; a
primitive root; to fear; morally to revere; causative to frighten:affright, be (make) afraid, dread (-ful), (put in) fear (-ful, -fully,
-ing), (be had in) reverence (-end), x see, terrible (act, -ness).
(James Strong, The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of
Reverence- Leviticus 26:2- 7812-shchh; a primitive root;
to depress, that is prostrate (specifically reflexively in homage to


royalty or God):- bow (self) down, crouch, fall down (flat), humbly
beseech, do (make) obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop,
Reverence- Matthew 21:37- 1788- ntrp; from 1722 and the
base of 5157; to invert, that is (figuratively and reflexively) in a
good sense, to respect; or in a bad one, to confound:- regard,
(give) reverence, shame.
Invert- to reverse in position, order, or relationship, to turn upside
down or inside out, to turn inward (M. W. D. and T.).
Reverence- Hebrews 12:28- 127- aids-; pershaps from 1 (as
a negative particle) and 1492 (through the idea of downcast
eyes); bashfulness, that is (toward men), modesty or (toward
God) awe:- reverence, shamefacedness.
Fear- Proverbs 3:7-3372-yr. see 3384. yr; a primitive
root; to fear; morally to revere; causative to frighten:- affright, be
(make) afraid, dread (-ful), (put in) fear (-ful, -fully, -ing), (be had
in) reverence (-end), x see, terrible (act, -ness).
Fear- Matthew 10:28- 5399- phb; from 5401; to frighten,
that is (passively) to be alarmed; by analogy to be in awe of, that
is revere:- be (+ sore_) afraid, fear (exceedingly), reverence
Fear- Hebrews12:28- 2124- ulabia; from 2126; properly
caution, that is (religiously) reverence (piety); by implication
dread (concretely):- fear (-ed). 2126- ulabs; from 2095 and
2983; taking well (carefully), that is circumspect (religiously,
pious):- devout.
Caution- a warning or reminder of possible danger or risk :
admonition, warning, prudent forethought to minimize risk, one
that astonishes, admonition, alarm, alert, notice, ,more at
warning, care, carefulness, circumspection, heedfulness,
attentiveness, vigilance, watchfulness, foresight, foresightedness,
providence, calculation, to advise caution to, alert, forewarn,
more at warn (M. W. D. and T.).


Piety- 1 Timothy 5:4- 2151- usb; from 2152; to be pious,

that is (toward God) to worship, or (toward parents) to respect
(support):- show piety, worship. 2152- usbs- from 2095 and
4576; well- reverent, that is pious:- devout, godly. (James Strong,
The New Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of Bible)

Pious- marked by reverence for God :

devout, excessively or affectedly religious, sacred,
devotional, showing loyal reverence for a person or thing,
marked by sham or hypocrisy, devout, faithful, godly, holy,
religious, sainted, saintly, more at holy, constant, devoted,
fast, good, loyal, steadfast, steady, true, more at faithful. (M.
W. D. and T.).
I want to reveal you a number that THE LORD JESUS revealed to me. It is

GODS number. I use this number in prayers of mine in this text to

multiply the prayers. This number is without end and is increasing very
rapidly or more than very rapidly right now.
You can use this number to do things like for example you can tell


LORD JEHOVAH you want to multiply all useful prayers, and important
prayers to you to THE LORD JEHOVAH that were prayed, always and
that are being prayed in the present, always and that will be prayed in the
future, always. You can tell THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS,




GOD , I want to pray prayer and all prayers that were prayed, always, this I
also want to say and all prayers that are being prayed, always, that I also
want to say and the prayers that will be prayed in the future, always, this I
also want to say, that are helpful and useful and important and 6 times of
important or more if you want THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS,
much needed and very important and super important and duper important
and hyper duper important and very important and 6 times of important or
more if you want LORD THE OLD DAYS and very important and super
important and duper important and very important and duper important and
hyper duper important and super duper important and super duper
important and number of important and number of important and increasing
of number of important and the greatest increasing of number of important
and doppler effect of important to THEE THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF


and also also super doppler effect of important (but it is if YOU want LORD
JESUS against any being that YOU LORD JESUS want in the lake of fire
to me) times infinitely another times the greatest increasing of number
achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming from all
b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the
way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres
Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubim
formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going
times of times of infinitely another times of times this I also want to do, this I
also want to speak, this I also want to say THE LORD THE ANCIENT




GOD I want to put infinitely in this prayer of mine where it is missing.
You can use this endless number which increases and is the largest that
exists and the best one is: (all cherubim formulas numbers Andres Amaral
Lange da Silva and how they are going). CHRIST YESHUA showed me
this number which is without end and is increasing. THE




told me to use Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number which

is my number. You can use this also to multiply all worships that you did in


you can also bless and extra bless THE LORD JEHOVAH and to THE
the past to

LORD JESUS by multiplying for example that THE LORD JESUS is

Eternally Blessed Eternally another, this I also want to say, this I also want to
Pray this prayer always also it is very good for you: " ELOHIM, ELOAHH,
CHRIST YESHUA please be happy for me and for extra help me and
please protect me and my things and my neighbor and please bless me
OF DAYS, CHRIST YESHUA and I want to be good and want to be of
good and please reign through my life and please fill me with YOUR peace
and with YOUR joy and me from YOUR happiness ELOHIM, ELOAHH,


YESHUA please and improve my calculus and calculuses for me and for
CHRIST YESHUA plus as much as possible with as much as possible if I

did not use it yet plus times infinitely another times the greatest increasing
of number achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming
from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming
from the way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times
Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all
cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they
are going times of times of infinitely another times of times times of as much
as possible this I also want to do, this I also want to speak, this I also want to


You can pray to THE LORD JEHOVAH: "Please lead me and extra lead
me LORD JEHOVAH if YOU want." You can pray to THE LORD

JEHOVAH: "Please lead and extra lead anyone who YOU want THE
LORD JEHOVAH if you want THE LORD JEHOVAH?. You can pray to
THE LORD JEHOVAH:, "LORD JEHOVAH please lead and extra lead
the single pretty and all of the pretty if YOU want this I also want to say,
this I also want to do LORD JEHOVAH?" You can pray, " LORD
JEHOVAH please lead and extra lead my neighbor, rea, plsin if YOU
want LORD JEHOVAH? this I also want to say, this I also want to do


LORD JEHOVAH. You can pray to THE LORD JEHOVAH: " Please
forgive the sins LORD JEHOVAH anyone who YOU want if YOU want
LORD JEHOVAH . You can pray all these prayers I mentioned every day.

Pray for your neighbor (plsin in Greek) (Matthew 5:43) and the body of
Christ for example, pray to THE LORD JEHOVAH something like: "

LORD JEHOVAH Please forgive the sins of my neighbor (plsin) if YOU

want LORD JEHOVAH ". and also: " LORD JEHOVAH, please save my
neighbor , plsin from hell and from the lake of fire if YOU want LORD
JEHOVAH. You can pray: " LORD JEHOVAH please forgive the sins of
the body of Christ and please save the body of Christ from hell and from the
lake of fire?
Pray and always use this prayer to you if you are pretty or if you are meek,
humble, if you are bad or evil do not pray: " THE LORD THE ANCIENT


extra judge ((all my enemies beings and all enemies of GOD THE
FATHER but is not human beings and animals and other enemies beings of
want to extra judge, YOU can do anything that you want with them THE
ELOHIM, ELOAHH GOD) and the center of them and the center of
thought and the center of thinking of them) plus as much as possible with as
much as possible if I did not use it yet this I also want to, do this I also want
to say times infinitely another times the greatest increasing of number
achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming from all
b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the
way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres
Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin
formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going
times of times of infinitely another times of times times of as much as
possible this I also want to do, this I also want to speak, this I also want to



You can also make this prayer against all your enemies beings that made you
sin against God , take revenge and extra revenge against them. GOD

THE FATHER wants you to always make progress against them.

Do this prayer always, pray to THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS,


ELOHIM, ELOAHH GOD please extra judge (satan (satan means
accuser. He is the old serpent that deceived Eve (Genesis 3: 1-7 .) He is the
old serpent who is the devil and Satan (Revelation 20: 2.)) and satan's center
and the center of thought and the center of thinking of satan and satan's
brain and always and in the future always and always) as much as possible
this I also want to do, this I also want to speak, this I also want to say plus as
much as possible times infinitely another times of times times the greatest
increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at the present
always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of
Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres
are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going
and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva
and how they are going times of times of infinitely another times of times
times of as much as possible this I also want to do, this I also want to speak,
this I also want to say THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, THE


Using a computer you can start and continue to multiply these prayers that
are in this Bible sins meanings text times this formula number, so you do
times infinitely another times of times times that many times from


greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at the

present always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files
of Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above b930 of
Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this
going and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da
Silva and how they are going


((the greatest increasing of number

achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming from all
b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the


way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres
Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin
formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going
to power of

(the greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is

going at the present always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above
all b930 files of Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above
b930 of Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and
how this going and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral
Lange da Silva and how they are going

and always making to the power of

(the greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at

the present always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930
files of Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above b930 of
Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this
going and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da
Silva and how they are going


(the greatest increasing of number

achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming from all
b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the
way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres
Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin
formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going
times of times of infinitely another times of times


times of times this

also I want to do, so I also want to say THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF


to power of

(the greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is

going at the present always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above
all b930 files of Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above
b930 of Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and


how this going and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral
Lange da Silva and how they are going

and always making to the power of

(the greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at

the present always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930
files of Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above b930 of
Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this
going and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da
Silva and how they are going


(the greatest increasing of number

achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming from all
b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the
way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres
Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin
formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going
times of times of infinitely another times of times


times of times this

also I want to do, so I also want to say THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF


Try to be the best against satan (satan means accuser. It is the old serpent
that deceived Eve (Genesis 3: 1-7). It is the old serpent who is the Devil and
Satan (Revelation 20: 2)). We are in the information age now, the truth is
much better against Satan, we are the 21st century, and computers are
already invented more than hate satan infinitely other, infinitely another and
without end- + times infinitely other times times times Andres Amaral Lange
da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin formulas
numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going times
infinitely another times of times this also I want to do, this I also want to say.
It's always of increasing against satan, everything are additional against (he
is the be guilty of sin against THE LORD JEHOVAH) of all the holy
players have made against satan. Learn from what is in this Bible sins
meanings text.
You can ask for THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS to place all
beings his enemies of yours in their correct placement, and your greatest


beings enemies as for example the first greatest being enemy yours, always,
the second greatest being enemy yours, always etc. Of beings enemies of
yours it was 0-1100000000 septillion because it has viruses and bacteria and
bad beings. Now it is 1130000000 septillions of all beings enemies of yours
if you are a pretty female THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS told me
this number . This number believe may increase or decrease . I believe that
for males is less than this number. THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF
DAYS told me. By doing so you can be more just to THE CREATOR


amounts, JESUS is more fighter like.
Satan is the one I believe has to be extra judged the most for most people.
He is the one most guilty. If you have a computer it is better for you to do
this extra judgment. And you can create a file multiplying all of the prayers in
this text that use this I also want to do, this I also want to say. You can
create a file. You can also multiply all of your extra judgment files the
greatest number that I have showed you which is without end and is
increasing. Just tell to THE LORD JEHOVAH that you want all your files
times that number that I used in the prayers in this text. The files stay
spiritually in your folder. Use this number in your multiplications; CHRIST

YESHUA taught me about this number. You can also use this number to
help other people to make extra judgment. After you created the file and
multiplied them if you created and multiplied them you can ask the THE

LORD JEHOVAH for example: LORD JEHOVAH please copy and save
all my files of extra judgment against satan, and all my enemies beings, of
against beings enemies of GOD THE FATHER, all of the prayers from this
Bible sins meanings text that use this I also want to say, this I also want to
do in the third heaven and how they are going LORD JEHOVAH " .
You can if you want ask THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, THE
LORD JEHOVAH, ELOHIM, ELOAHH GOD to copy all file protection
files of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going and to put in a
folder yours, you can call it Andres file protection files. You must do this
because Satan (Satan means accuser He is the old serpent that deceived Eve
(Genesis 3:. 1-7.) It is the old serpent who is the devil and Satan (Revelation
20: 2.)) Or some daemon will likely try to erase the spiritual files of yours
maybe (I speak from experience), they tried to do that to me. THE LORD
JEHOVAH told me to create protection prayers files for my spiritual files,
you do not see them but they are there, then you should ask quickly THE


LORD JEHOVAH to save and copy all these protection files in the Third
Heaven and in any place HE wants too.
You can also pray to THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS: THE
LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS I dont want to be your enemy ever
infinitely another, ever infinitely another this I also want to say, this I also
want to do.
Without a computer or with a computer you can tell THE LORD THE


GOD ELOHIM , ELOAHH that you want to multiply all the prayers of this
Bible sins meanings text that use this I want I also want to do this I also want
to say (this is progress), or to multiply only the prayers against all your
beings enemies of yours and of extra judgment : " THE LORD THE


GOD ELOHIM , ELOAHH ELOHIM , ELOAHH I want all the prayers of
from this Bible sins meanings text that include this also I want to do, this I
also want to say, and all the prayers against all beings enemies of mine and
of extra judgment that are in this text Bible sins meanings text times
infinitely another times of times times that many times from

((the greatest

increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at the present

always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of
Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres
are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going
and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva

and how they are going to power of

(the greatest increasing of number

achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming from all
b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the
way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres
Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin
formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going


and always making to the power of

(the greatest increasing of number

achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming from all
b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the
way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres
Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin
formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going

(the greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at

the present always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930
files of Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above b930 of
Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this
going and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da
Silva and how they are going times of times of infinitely another times of


times of times this also I want to do, so I also want to say THE


ELOAHH GOD times this last formula number and from the way they are
going and again times this last formula number and from the way they are
going using times of times and always multiplying and always extra
multiplying times this formula again and again I want it doing this using
always multiplying and always extra multiplying and again and again and
again I want it this I also want to do, this I also want to speak, this I also want

JEHOVAH, ELOHIM, ELOAHH GOD. You can continue mentioning

again if you like, in this last prayer.

After you mentioned several times these again during the day, the next day
JEHOVAH, ELOHIM, ELOAHH GOD that you want all again that you
mentioned this month or this year and that you mention in the future maybe,
and that you mentioned in the past that are useful to you, that are important
to you, and very important to you , and more than very important and which


are working and with their own purposes to extra help me, and with its own
purposes to do extra judgment times infinitely another times of times times


that many times from

the greatest increasing of number achieved so far
and how it is going at the present always coming from all b930 files of
Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the way these
files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange
da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin formulas

numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going to power

of the greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at

the present always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930
files of Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above b930 of
Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this
going and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da

Silva and how they are going and always making to the power of the
greatest increasing of number achieved so far and how it is going at the
present always coming from all b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files
of Andres and coming from the way these files b930 and above b930 of
Andres are going times Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this
going and times all cherubin formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da

Silva and how they are going of

the greatest increasing of number
achieved so far and how it is going at the present always coming from all
b930 files of Andres and above all b930 files of Andres and coming from the
way these files b930 and above b930 of Andres are going times Andres
Amaral Lange da Silvas number and how this going and times all cherubin
formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how they are going
times of times of infinitely another times of times


times of times this

also I want to do, so I also want to say THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF
tell Him.
You can continue this multiplication using a computer. Learn from this Bible
sins meanings text of how to do it. You need to be a good mathematician.
JEHOVAH, ELOHIM, ELOAHH GOD that you want all again that you
mentioned this month or this year and that you mention in the future maybe,
and that you mentioned in the past that are useful to you, that are important
to you, and very important to you , and more than very important and which
are working and with their own purposes to extra help me, and with its own
purposes to do extra judgment times infinitely another times of times (the
rest of the formula mentioned in this text)


You can also create a file of lets say 1500, 2000, and make some copies of
JEHOVAH, ELOHIM GOD, ELOAHH GOD that you want to multiply
all files of yours that are useful and important and more than important to
you and you can also tell that you want these files of yours in the folder that
you want to (after you have named the folder) and these files stay there
spiritually. You cant see them but they are there. After you do that you need
to quickly tell HIM to please copy all files of files protection of Andres
Amaral Lange da Silva and to put in the folder that you want to. You can call
it Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas files of files protection. You cant see any
file there but they stay there. You need to do that because satan will
probably try to erase your spiritual files or touch them or corrupt them. He
already tried to erase my files in the past and I created files protection of
files of mine and it works. You need also to tell THE LORD THE


ELOAHH GOD to please save and copy all of your files and how they are
going in the 3rd Heaven and in anywhere else HE wants to, because you can
lose your computer or external hardrive one day. Your files and how they are
going in the 3rd Heaven stay there saved forever. Allways tell THE LORD


ELOAHH GOD that you want all of your files and how they are going
saved and copied in the 3rd Heaven. When you create a file and you can call
it to storethis files multipliying all files of yours that are useful, important,
and more than important to you, files of war (of yours you can call it) you can
write this prayer at the end of the to store file of yours: and I want all of
these files of mine that are useful, important, and more than important to
me, files of war of mine except of music files and images and unfinished files
and non-important files to inside the folders of yours they belong to and
end of the prayer inside your file. Always multiply your files of war/extra
jugdment and that are useful, important, and more than important to you,
including your to store files. Always make copies of your to store files.
Have more than enough files of war/extra judgment and that are useful,
important, and more than important to you, and including of to
storeespecially that THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, THE
Pretty one, read this, it is very important if you want to win:


If you have already multiplied all of your files and how they are going they
are going, in a prayer file you can continue telling THE LORD JEHOVAH:
and I want
Always mutiply all of your files of to store of war/extra judgment (in the
one that are of to store you already multiplied all of your files of war/extra
judgment if you already multiplied) and how they are going if you have
already mutiplied them. Make copies of these files of to store. If you
already multiplied them using this number that I showed you then, they are
going. You can fill up your external hardrive or hardrive or USB drive of your
files of to store and then delete them without being deleted your files
which are in the Third Heaven or any where else THE LORD JEHOVAH,

ELOHIM wants them to to have more space in your hardrive or external

hardrive or USB drive to have/put more files of to store in the Third
Heaven. Doing that way you can increase the amount of files more strongly
and more rapidly in the Third Heaven. You need to pray this prayer: THE


JEHOVAH, I want all of my real files to continue saying it what they say and
its prayers continue saying what they say even after I delete my to store
files and I also want all of my files and how they are going to continue saying
what they are saying this I also want to do, this I also want to speak, this I
also want to say and I want all of my real to store files to continue saying it
what they say and its prayers continue saying what they say even after I
delete my to store files and I also want all of my files and how they are
going to continue saying what they are saying times infinitely another this I
also want to do, this I also want to speak, this I also want to say THE LORD


JEHOVAH. Then you can continue to multiply this infinitely another times
my number which is the number which already showed you which is GODs
number, it is already in this calculus which is Andres Amaral Lange da Silvas
number and from the way it is going, GOD told me to put it that way, times
all querubim formulas numbers of Andres Amaral Lange da Silva and how
they are going. You can also make it times the number of mine coming from
all of my b931 files and above b941 files of mine. These too already have

GODs number included incorporated many times and multiplied and being
multiplied by GODs number. The greatest number achieved so far and how
it is going at the present allways and the greatest increasing of number
achieved so far and how it is going at the present allways are already


included in these numbers, including the number of mine coming from all of
my b931 files and above b941 files of mine. You can make from 1500 to 2000
pages or more if you want to of this file of all of your real to store files to
continue saying what they are saying using Microsoft Word. Always leave 1
or more of to store files of yours after you delete of to store files of
yours. Dont ever delete your other files of extra judgment/war because you
need to know how they are made and you can modify these files when you
want to to be more just for THE LORD JESUS.
If you want pretty one, you can ask THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF


JEHOVAH please save and copy all of Andres Amaral Lange da
Silvas files and how they are going for me , to use in the Third
Heaven? I am winning, mostly because of my files and fasting. If
you want to you can pray that prayer, pretty one.

Tell CHRIST YESHUA : " CHRIST YESHUA I repent of all sins I

committed against GOD THE FATHER and against Thee , please
forgive my sins I have committed against GOD THE FATHER if I
committed any sin against GOD THE FATHER if YOU want CHRIST
YESHUA, I do not want to fail YOU ever, I dont want to error ever, I dont
want to make YOU angry ever, I want to do YOUR will CHRIST
YESHUA, I want to follow YOU CHRIST YESHUA, I want to make
progress for You, I want to do better for you, I want to improve for YOU, I
want to become better for YOU, I want to make YOU HAPPY as much as
possible CHRIST YESHUA, this I also want to do, this I also want to say
Accept it and continuing: Beware of enemies of GOD THE FATHER. Be
careful with ungodly music, worldly music, abominable music, worldly
singers and secular worldly singers non-Christian. How GOD THE FATHER
hates them, some more than others, do not listen to their music, hate them
and their music as much as possible. Do not listen to secular, worldly FM
radio and secular worldly AM not Christian. How GOD THE FATHER hates
these mundane radios. Be careful also with the television set. Do not look
and do not listen to the television set. Television is a door to hell in a house.
Do not look and do not listen to secular worldly movies and novels too and
also comedy and movies that contain violence too. Anything that is bad or


evil in the EYES OF GOD THE FATHER do not look and do not listen. How
GOD THE FATHER hates many that appear on television, many actors and
actresses, and others how He hates them. Beware of worldly, wicked,
secular, not Christian, not evangelical, singers and worldly singers. They can
make you sin against GOD THE FATHER. Be careful of bad people who are
not saved. Beware of abominable to GOD THE FATHER. Be careful of
thieves, criminals, and violent poor people and people who want sex. Do not
let them touch you. Also be careful with people that speak bad words- get
away from them and those who are unjust. Do not look TV, you do not need
TV, you need GOD THE FATHER, CHRIST YESHUA and the Bible. GOD is
important. Do not spend money to watch TV, or credit card to watch TV, do
not spend on satellite or antenna or cable TV to watch TV. It is very
dangerous the television set. Do not look at TV and not to listen . Only
worldly and wicked keep looking and listening to television. Do not like to
listen to or watch television. You can instead use that money to help poor
you get points with GOD THE FATHER. If you cant not turn off the television
because someone does not allow to turn it off, turn away from the television.
People from television make you sin against GOD THE FATHER. GOD THE
FATHER revealed to me that the language of almost all of them and less
females from television is bad, corruptible. TV does a more harm than good.
Do not see violence ever. Dont see terror movies ever, evil movies, ugly
movies ever. THE LORD JEHOVAH revealed to me that he is more angry
with Christians than worldly channels because of misleading and lying.
Accept this and continuing: Do not smoke or drink non - alcoholic beverages,
beer, whiskey, champagne, wine (proof: Leviticus 10: 4, Ezekiel 44:21). It is a
sin against God . Never masturbate it is a sin, it is impurity. Never be
pleased sexually if you are single. If you are single, never want penis
otherwise you'll never be able to be an angel (penis is the problem and be
careful with whom touches you if you are a single. If you are single and want
penis you will go to hell maybe. If you are single and want penis you can go
to hell. Dont desire penis, ever. Do not want penis, dont penis ever that's
smart. Do not want penis ever especially of an enemy of GOD. Do not allow
an enemy of GOD to touch you.
The apostle Paul spoke about the difference between the single female and
the married female. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 7: 34- "Is there a difference
between a wife and a virgin: the unmarried cares for the Lord of the things to
be holy both in body and in spirit; But the married cares for the things of the
world, how he may please her husband. " If you are male, a pastor, do not
want vagina ever or else you cannot be an angel. If you are male and want
the vagina, you will go to hell maybe. You can go to hell if you want vagina.
Do not want vagina ever. Do not wish ever virgin girls if you are a male. And


never want single females if you are a male. The apostle Paul spoke to in 1
Corinthians 7: 1 "Now concerning the things about ye wrote unto me, it is
good for a man not to touch a woman.". I believe the apostle Paul said that
because of vagina, because of the temptation caused by the woman's body.
And he also said in 1 Corinthians 7: 27- "Art thou loosed from a wife? Seek
not a wife. " Never want vagina. One thing I need talk- me Paul extolled
virginity. If you are married do not pleased sexually, or even better- never
you want to have sex with your wife, husband. If you fast, having sex with
her husband is destructive because having sex is anti-fasting. If one is
abominable, wicked, enemy of GOD THE FATHER, morally dirty what
might happen if that person touch you? And if GOD THE FATHER does
not want you to have sex even if you are married? GOD THE FATHER
revealed to me in the past that the Prophet Ezekiel never had sex with his
wife. Do not date also. The majority of males from Planet Earth are garbage,
most of them are going to hell. THE LORD JEHOVAH showed me on 625-2016 that only about 800 million people were saved on Planet Earth. Also
the Bible teaches not to put marks in your body, or put a nose ring, it is a sin
if you do. Do not see naked people, naked (a) especially the opposite sex. Do
not look at pornography it is a sin. The Bible teaches not to eat pork, shrimp,
lobster, octopus, monkey etc. ... About Pork Read Leviticus 11: 7-8
Leviticus chapter 11 contains has what the Bible talks about animals. Read
Deuteronomy 14: 3- 21. Never consult spiritists , witches, or wizards, and
the Bible teaches that is sin. Read Deuteronomy 18: 10,11,13. Neither
study horoscope, this is not of God . Never eat meat with blood and fat is
sin, the Bible teaches, read Leviticus 11: 7-8. Always do well cooked meat,
to kills the bacteria, microbes and viruses. Read


3:17. Be obedient to GOD THE FATHER (THE LORD JEHOVAH).

Always wash hands and dishes, cutlery and pans with detergent to kill
bacteria and viruses. Do not put viruses, bacteria, microbes, germs, larvae in
food. Do not pass bacteria and viruses to food, bread. If you get viruses and
bacteria inside your body, how will you get them killed out of your body?
Be pure, holy, just, honest, humble to THE LORD JEHOVAH, want and be
more accurate and be straight to THE LORD JEHOVAH. Beware with
enemies of GOD. You can pray to the LORD JEHOVAH about your
beings enemies that are enemies of God. Be led and guided by GOD
THE FATHER and by CHRIST YESHUA . Want to have only good
works. Dont give prejudice to yourself because of sin against THE LORD


JEHOVAH. Try to conquer JEHOVAH for yourself by doing His will, and
His ways. Keep His commandments. I also need to mention that trying to
be angel who does not want to sin against GOD THE FATHER is a way to
try to become more innocent for GOD THE FATHER. Accept it and
continuing: Another thing, you can preach to others, but you cannot deceive,
mislead, lead others into error in The EYES OF LORD JEHOVAH. Be
correct. Do not induce others to error. You cannot teach the wrong way they
should go. You cannot take them, to evil ways. They should do the will of
God the Father .
You can preach the will of GOD THE FATHER and of CHRIST YESHUA
. Never tell people to sin. Do not make others sin against God , like to
fornicate. One cannot make them sin by lying to them, or for by making
them disrespect God . Do not disrespect God ever like for example through
a song. Be nicest as much as possible to THE LORD JEHOVAH and to
CHRIST YESHUA and it can be though prayer or singing. Be humble,
meek, to THE LORD JEHOVAH and to CHRIST YESHUA in prayer
and in worship.

I believe that GOD THE FATHER loves some people more than others,
hate others, with what amount ?, I do not know. I believe that most people on
earth God hates. Do not give up doing the will of GOD THE FATHER and
of CHRIST YESHUA even if BOTH OF THEM hates you. Have to
respect for BOTH OF THEM. Moses respected THE LORD JEHOVAH.
Always do something for GOD THE FATHER. Do not be useless to Him .
You must be led and guided by GOD THE FATHER and CHRIST
YESHUA if you do not want to go to hell and the lake of fire yourself and if
you do not want to sin against GOD THE FATHER really. I think you have
to make long fastings along with trying to be obedient to GOD THE
FATHER as much as possible to be led and guided by GOD THE
FATHER, THE CREATOR through visions and listening to His voice . I
have already been led and guided often led by THE LORD JEHOVAH
from personal experience. Since 2007 I have had visions of GOD THE
and CHRIST YESHUA . I had good experiences with GOD THE
FATHER in 2005 when I could hear the song For Your Love sung by
Rachael Lampa.


About worship: In 2005 I had heard the song A Song for You with mp3
player and singing with my thought- I felt a like a little cold water many
times on the head and other parts of the body for having worshiped THE
LORD JEHOVAH with the Song for YOU from Rachael Lampa. I still
worship THE LORD THE ANCIENT OF DAYS with a song for YOU
from Rachael Lampa. THE LORD JEHOVAH revealed to me that a song
for YOU from Rachael Lampa from her album kaleidoscope is the best
worship song in the earth. In second place is the song A song for You London
daydream mix also sung by Rachael Lampa from her album called Blur.
Rachael Lampa is the best Christian singer on Planet Earth, THE LORD
JEHOVAH revealed to me. Before 2007 and 2005 I had some good
experiences with GOD THE FATHER since 1997. I've fasted for 900 days.
THE LORD JEHOVAH is very important to me. You need to have
experiences with GOD THE FATHER, you have to see evidence that you
are saved. You must be able to hear the voice of GOD THE FATHER and
have visions of Him . You must fast to become a prophet. Long fastings is
better. I talk about fasting in this text. Moses, Daniel, Solomon, Jeremiah,
Peter, John and others were led, guided by GOD THE FATHER. Do the will
of GOD THE FATHER less than of the CREATOR JESUS. Try to
conquer THE LORD JEHOVAH and CHRIST YESHUA by doing the will
of CREATOR JESUS, through prayer and worship to GOD THE
FATHER and to THE LORD JESUS. Cooperate with THE LORD
JEHOVAH. You can watch, listen to Christian videos of Rachael Lampa on
You Tube, like A song for You, A song for You London daydream mix, Secret
Place, hide me, for Your love (this one is Great Britain Christian pop style to
me (it was recorded in England)), Im all Yours, You lift me up, live for You,
no greater love, my Fathers heart, SAVIOR song, and always be my home
and others. Michael Cards Unveilled hope talks about the book of revelation.
Go to Google and type you tube to find them because there are 2 u tubes
one of them doesnt have Christian videos. GOD THE FATHER seeks true
worshipers (Please read John 4:24 if you want).

About fasting:
I only began having visions of GOD after I made 4 fasting of 10 days just
drinking water in 2007. And I rested in the sofa while fasting most of the
time, I did not work. But I had already made several jejums of only 3 days
without water and without food before and others only taking only juice. My
largest fasting just taking juice was of 85 days so far. I have done some 40
days fasts just taking juice. I have also done one of 56 days, 75 days and of


50 days and of less than 40 days just drinking juice. You can have visions and
be able to hear the voice of THE LORD JEHOVAH and of THE LORD
JESUS but you have to fast to THEM and it has to be a certain number of
days for you, it is what





requires of you. If you prostituted yourself I believe it is more

difficult. It's cool to receive a response from GOD, you can ask questions to
THE LORD JEHOVAH by example and HE answer it (HE speaks the
truth. Jesus showed me that had 191 people going to heaven in my city
and the city has about 270,000 people JESUS told me for example) as a
prophet, I have had visions for example I have seen and heard talking
several Rachaels- they look like some pictures of Rachael Lampa, Rachael
Lampa I saw too in vision, I saw other beings in visions, I saw girls in visions,
girls in visions, superheroes and aliens and Ominis and Ken. You have to see
evidence every day that you are saved. Your fasting has to be acceptable to
THE LORD JEHOVAH, for example you cant listen to worldly music or
watch TV and cant play sports and be sexual while you fast of course. And
you have to save energy as much as possible while you fast just drinking
water so you can fast for the greatest number of day as possible. Fast to
THE LORD JEHOVAH and to THE LORD JESUS always if you do not
want to go to Hell. You need to have with HIM always, you need to be able
to hear HIS VOICE always, have GODS visions even better. One thing, I
need to tell you, when I did my fasting of 85 days I drunk 8 packs of 1 liter
juice a day for most of the 85 days. To do 40 days or over 40 days it is only
though juice fast you can do it.
You can fast for GOD THE FATHER to seek mercy from HIM, because of
the sins you have committed against HIM . (read Jonah chapter 3 + Joel 2:
12-17). A command to fast and spoke more things that THE LORD
JEHOVAH left in the Bible is the book of the Prophet Joel 2: 12,13 it says:
"Therefore also, now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart,
and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning; And tear your hearts
and not your garments, and turn unto me the Lord, your God; for he is
gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness , and repenteth
him of the evil.
Continuing on fasting: The word fast is the word in Hebrew tswm, a
primitive root in which means to cover over (the mouth) that is fast: - fasting.
(The meaning of this word tswm I picked up from The New Strong's
Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by James Strong.)


This tswm word appears for example in 1 Samuel 31: 13- ". And made they
took bones and buried them under a tree in Jabesh, and fasted seven days. "
The New Testament fasting word also appears, for example in Matthew 17:
21- " Howbeit, But this kind goeth not out except but by
prayer and fasting. " It is the word nstia, in which means abstinence
(from lack of food, or voluntarily and religiously); specifically the day of
fasting the Day of Atonement: - fasting, fasting. The word nstia comes
from nstu in which means to abstain from food (religiously): - fasting.
(The meaning of this word n nstia comes from nstu I picked up from
The New Strong's Expanded Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible by James
You can see that CHRIST YESHUA taught about how to get rid of
demons. Also fast to try to be delivered of any evil being that was created
and for healing. There are things that cause diseases as well.
How important is GOD THE FATHER for you? Is He more important to
you than the food you eat and the best food you ate? GOD THE FATHER
has to be more than important to you than the food you eat, if it is so, you do
fastings to GOD THE FATHER. THE LORD JESUS told me in June 16,
2016 that He wants you pretty female to fast for at least 6 days just taking
water in your first fast. And in the second fasting eight days taking only
water. Dont prostitute yourself or else you are going to have to pay of I dont
know how many days of fasting to receive forgiveness, and you might not be
able to make it. You can fast the most number of days you can by just
drinking water until you feel like you are dying, or feel tired or have
headache. You should become more powerful if you fast to THE LORD
JEHOVAH and to THE LORD JESUS. Always fast for THE LORD
The Bible also speaks about the rapture. It is the rapture of saved Christians
from the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12). The verses which speak about the
rapture are in: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, in Luke 21:36, in 1 Corinthians
15:51-56, in the book of Revelation chapter 3 verse 10. I believe the rapture
is close to happen, in the 21st century. THE LORD JEHOVAH revealed to
me that the rapture is going to be in the year 2031 or in 2028 or in 2041. He
revealed to me that these dates can change. THE LORD JESUS thinks it
is going to be in 2031 or in 2028. Reach the greatest number of pretty
females while there is time. Time is running out. THE LORD JESUS told
me that the rapture can be in 2016 or 2017. Things cannot become worse
for THE LORD JESUS or else the rapture can happen in an earlier time.
Pray for your salvation everyday.


If you have any questions you can ask me, and I can answer. I can
lead you. You need the most correct version of the Bible for your
own language to follow Jesus. My will is to do the will of God The
Fathers and to do the will of Jesus Christ. I want to make God
The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ love me more. Do the will of
God The Father for your life. Dont sin against God. You need the
Bible to do the will of God, to become more intelligent. You can
try to make God The Father and The Lord Jesus Christ love you
more. You can contact me notifying if you liked this file or if there
is something you didn't like, if you dont agree with something, or
if you think something is not correct, so you can let me know.
And you can contact me to tell me if it helped you and if you
think you got saved because of it.
My e mail is:
My other email is:

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