16-17 It Fundamentals Syllabus

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Mrs. Gribble
IT: Fundamentals is a semester class intended on introducing students to the hardware and software
of a computer. Students will learn the different components that make up a computer system and Microsoft
Office 201y. This course is for 8th grade and is a prerequisite for all Business and Digital Media courses
offered at Armorel High School.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. Be in your seat and prepared for class before the tardy bell rings
2. Bring all required materials to class everyday.
3. Take care of personal business before coming into the classroom.
4. If students need extra help or time to complete assignments, they need to make arrangements
with me.
5. Internet access is available in the classroom. It is to be used for school purposes only, not for
games or email. If rules are broken, the result is for students being banned from the Internet for
the remaining time in the classroom.
6. No Food or Drink allowed in Lab at any times
Required Materials:
1. 1 inch Binder
2. E-School Account and Internet Access
3. Students are required to keep a notebook with all notes, labs, quizzes, tests, and other materials.
It will be checked at the end of each nine weeks for a 100pt grade. The notebook is an excellent
study guide for nine weeks and semester tests.
4. Students will be required to complete a various amount of computer projects in the classroom.
There will be plenty of time to complete these assignments in the classroom if time is used

Contact Information:
My conference hour is between 8:45-9:30 if you need to schedule a conference. The phone number
at the high school is 763-7121 if you need to leave me a message. You can also email me at

mgribble.weebly.com is a website that I have created to inform parents and students of upcoming events.
Please check the website regularly for updates.
**Students are required to keep this syllabus in the front of their folder.
Agenda for Semester
1. Computer Hardware
2. Computer Software
3. Peripheral Devices
4. Internet Safety
5. Word Processing
6. Spreadsheets
7. Electronic Presentations
8. Database

Dear Parents:
I would like to let you know that I will be teaching IT:Fundamentals to your
child. I am looking forward to a great year with your child.
Progress reports will be handed out at the end of the 5th week of every nine
weeks to let you know how you child is progressing in my class. I also encourage
you to sign up for E-School to check your childs grades weekly. I will have
grades upgraded every Friday.
It is very important that teachers and parents keep in contact during the school
year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me if you or your
child needs assistance during the school year.
As part of our efforts as educators, we are required to document parental contact,
please sign the bottom of this form and return it with your child. Thank you so
much for your cooperation. It is going to be an excellent year!
Sincerely you,

Mrs. Gribble
______Please detach and return with student___________________

IT: Fundamentals SYLLABUS

Mrs. Gribble

Students Name:_________________________
Parents Name:_____________________________
Parents Signature:_________________________
Parents Phone Number:_________________________
Parents Email:_______________________________
Preferred way of communication (Check one)



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