Conjugarea Verbelor To Be, To Have Si To Do

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Prezentul Continuu


Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Verbul la infinitiv +
terminatia "-ing"
I'm writing an article now.
Scriu un articol acum.
They are playing football.
Ei joaca fotbal.
She is having lunch at this moment.
Ea ia pranzul in acest moment.

To be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + Subiect + Verbul la infinitiv +
terminatia "-ing"
Am I writing an article now?
Scriu eu un articol acum?
Are they playing football?
Joaca ei fotbal?
Is she having lunch at this moment?
Ia ea pranzul in acest moment?

Subiect + to be (conjugat in functie de persoana) + not + Verbul la
infinitiv + terminatia
Se folosesc adesea contractiile isn't (is + not) si aren't (are + not)
I'm not writing an article now.
Eu nu scriu un articol acum.
They aren't playing football.
Ei nu se joaca fotbal.
She isn't having lunch at this moment.
Ea nu ia pranzul in acest moment.

Reguli pentru adaugarea terminatiei "-ing" verbelor la infinitiv

La majoritatea verbelor se adauga terminatia "-ing" fara nici o

play playing
try trying
drink drinking
sing - singing
go - going
draw - drawing
cook - cooking
learn - learning
send - sending
wash - washing

La verbele care se termina in litera e precedata de o consoana, se

renunta la litera e si se adauga terminatia "-ing"
make making
come coming
leave leaving

La verbele formate dintr-o singura silaba (monosilabice) care se

termina intr-o consoana precedata de o vocala, se dubleaza
consoana si apoi se adauga terminatia "-ing"
get getting
sit sitting
hit hitting

Cand folosim Prezentul Continuu?

Folosim Prezentul Continuu (Present Continuous) pentru:

activitati care se petrec in momentul vorbirii

She is watching TV now.
Ea se uita la televizor acum.
Mother is washing the dishes at this moment.
Mama spala vasele in acest moment.

actiuni care se desfasoara pe o perioada mai mare de timp,

incluzand si momentul vorbirii
John is studuing Maths for his exam.
John studiaza la matematica pentru examen.
My brother is writing a book.
Fratele meu scrie o carte.

a vorbi despre o intalnire sau un aranjament din viitorul apropiat

He is flying to New York next week.
El zboara la New York saptamana viitoare.
I'm meeting Susan next Sunday.
Ma intalnesc cu Susan duminica viitoare.

Expresii cu care se foloseste adesea Prezentul Continuu

now, at this moment, these days, this week, today, tonight etc.
Paul is repairing his car now.
Paul isi repara masina acum.
I'm having lunch at this moment.
Iau pranzul in acest moment.
He is working hard for a project these days.
El lucreaza din greu pentru un proiect zilele acestea.

They are going to the basketball game this week.

Ei merg la meciul de baschet saptamana aceasta.
I'm writing a letter today.
Scriu o scrisoare astazi.
I'm watching TV tonight.
Ma uit la televizor in seara aceasta.

Simple Present Present Progressive

Simple Present

Present Progressive

(3rd person singular: infinitive + 's')

form of 'be' and verb + ing

I speak
you speak
he / she / it speaks
we speak
they speak

I am speaking
you are speaking
he / she / it is speaking
we are speaking
they are speaking

Exceptions when adding 's' :

For can, may, might, must, do not add


Exceptions when adding 'ing' :

Example: he can, she may, it must

Example: come - coming

but: agree - agreeing

After o, ch, sh or s, add es.

Example: do - he does, wash - she washes

Silent e is dropped. (but: does not

apply for -ee)

Example: sit - sitting

After a consonant, the final consonant

y becomes ie. (but: not after a vowel)

Example: worry - he worries

but: play - he plays

After a short, stressed vowel, the final

consonant is doubled.

After a vowel, the final consonant l is

doubled in British English (but not in

American English).

Example: travel - travelling (British

but: traveling (American English)

Final ie becomes y.

Example: lie - lying

In general or right now?

Do you want to express that something happens in general or that something is happening
right now?
Simple Present

Present Progressive

in general (regularly, often, never)

right now

Colin plays football every Tuesday.

Look! Colin is playing football now.

present actions happening one after another also for several actions happening at the same time
First Colin plays football, then he watches TV. Colin is playing football and Anne is watching.
Signal words


at the moment

every ...

at this moment






right now








Note: The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present:
be, have, hear, know, like, love, see, smell, think, want
Timetable / Schedule or arrangement?

Do you want to express that something is arranged for the near future? Or do you refer to a
time set by a timetable or schedule?
Simple Present

Present Progressive

action set by a timetable or schedule

arrangement for the near future

The film starts at 8 pm.

I am going to the cinema tonight.

Daily routine or just for a limited period of time?

Do you want to talk about a daily routine? Or do you want to emphasis that something is only
going on for a limited (rather short) period of time?
Simple Present
daily routine

Bob works in a restaurant.

Present Progressive
only for a limited period of time (does
not have to happen directly at the
moment of speaking)

Jenny is working in a restaurant this week.

Certain Verbs

The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present (not in the progressive form).

state: be, cost, fit, mean, suit

Example: We are on holiday.

possession: belong, have

Example: Sam has a cat.

senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch

Example: He feels the cold.

feelings: hate, hope, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish

Example: Jane loves pizza.

brain work: believe, know, think, understand

Example: I believe you.

Introductory clauses for direct speech: answer, ask, reply, say

Example: I am watching TV, he says.

2. Prezentul continuu

Prezentul continuu (Present Continuous) exprim in general o actiune n dessurare n

momentul vorbirii sau o actiune care nu a fost terminat la momentul vorbirii.
Acest timp se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to be la prezent + forma de baza a
verbului + -ing (participiu prezent).
I am reading an english book. - Citesc (acum) o carte de engleza.
She is working through the holiday break. - Ea lucreaza in pauza de vacanta.
Forma negativa - se adauga not dupa forma de prezent simplu a auxiliarului to
It is not raining. - Nu ploua. (acum)
Forma interogativa se obtine prin inversiunea auxiliarului to be cu subiectul.
Are they playing? - Ei se joaca (acum)?
Is he eating? - El mananca?
- De asemenea, prezentul continuu se foloseste pentru a descrie o tendinta sau
actiune care a debutat recent.
More and more people are going to church. - Din ce in ce mai multi oameni merg
la biserica.
- Sau pentru a desemna o actiune care este planificata pentru viitor.
To meet the demand for vegetable food, they are planning to expand. - Pentru a
satisface cererea de alimente vegetale, ei intenioneaz s se extind.
John is leaving for London next week. - Ion pleaca la Londra saptamana viitoare.
I am walking - Eu ma plimb
you are walking - Tu te plimbi
He is walking - El se plimba
she is walking - Ea se plimba
it is walking - Se plimba

we are walking - Noi ne plimbam

you are walking - Voi va plimbati
they are walking - Ei se plimba
The summer is passing too quickly. - Vara trece prea repede.
Raoul is acting like his father. - Raoul se poarta ca si tatal lui.
Some football players are not being good role model. - Unii juctori de fotbal nu
sunt un bun model.
Is he being good to you?. - Este el bun cu tine?
3. Verbe dinamice si statice

In general, numai anumite verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu si acestea se numesc verbe
Aspectul continuu al unui verb arata ca o actiune este, era sau va fi in desfasurare. Formele
verbale progresive (aspectul continuu) se folosesc numai in cazul verbelor dinamice, de
miscare, care exprima calitati capabile de schimbare.
Nu se spune:
"He is being tall" sau "He is resembling his mother" sau "I am wanting spaghetti
for dinner".
Corect se spune:
"He is tall" (El e inalt), "He resembles his mother" (El seamana cu mama lui), "I
want spaghetti" (Vreau spaghete).

Verbele dinamice sunt verbele care exprima:

o activitate - ask, beg, call, drink, eat, help, learn, listen, etc.

procese - change, deteriorate, growmature, slow down, widen.


The corn is growing rapidly. - Porumbul este n cretere rapid.

perceptii senzoriale - ache, feel, hurt, itch


I am begging you. - Te rog. (Te implor.)

I am feeling well. - Ma simt bine

actiuni tranzitive - arrive, die, fall, land, leave, lose


She is leaving tomorrow. - Ea pleaca maine.


He is jumping around the house - El sare (acum) in jurul caasei.

- Verbele statice folosesc forma simpla (nu cea continuu). Acestea sunt

de perceptie, senzatie, activitate mentala - abhor, adore, astonish, believe,

desire, detest, dislike, doubt, feel, forgive, guess, hate, hear, imagine,
impress, intend, know, like, love, etc.

I love fruits. - Iubesc (ador) fructele.

de relatie si posesie - be, belong to, concern, consist of, contain, cost,
depend on, deserve, equal, owe, etc.

My brother owes me a book. - Fratele meu imi datoreaa o carte.

De retinut:
- Imaginati-va diferenta de inteles dintre verbele statice si cele dinamice prin
prisma intentiei, cele statice exprima calitati neintentionate, pe cand cele
dinamice calitati intentionate.
Two plus two equals four. - Doi plus doi este egal cu patru.
Jane is leaving for Bucharest. - Jane pleaca spre Bucuresti.
Equals este un verb static si nu poate lua o forma continua; nu exista optiune sau
intentie in acest caz.
Is leaving exprima optiunea si intentia subiectului de a efectua actiunea
- Verbul to have nu se foloseste niciodata in aspectul continuu atunci cand are
sensul de "a suferi de".
I have flu. He has a fever. - Sufar de (am) gripa. El are (sufera de) febra.
Se foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand are intelesul de "a angaja pe cineva
pentru o actiune".
I'm having my homework done on Wednesday. - Imi termin tema miercuri.
Sau have se mai foloseste la aspectul continuu atunci cand are sensul de
You are having a lot of joy with this task. - Ai multa bucurie cu treaba asta

Conjugare "to do"


I do
you do
he/she/it does
we do
you do
they do
Present continuous

I am doing
you are doing
he/she/it is doing
we are doing
you are doing
they are doing
Simple past

I did
you did
he/she/it did
we did
you did
they did
Past continuous

I was doing
you were doing
he/she/it was doing
we were doing
you were doing
they were doing
Present perfect

I have done
you have done
he/she/it has done
we have done
you have done
they have done
Present perfect continuous

I have been doing

you have been doing
he/she/it has been doing
we have been doing
you have been doing
they have been doing

Past perfect

I had done
you had done
he/she/it had done
we had done
you had done
they had done
Past perfect continuous

I had been doing

you had been doing
he/she/it had been doing
we had been doing
you had been doing
they had been doing
I will do
you will do
he/she/it will do
we will do
you will do
they will do
Future continuous
I will be doing
you will be doing
he/she/it will be doing
we will be doing
you will be doing
they will be doing
Future perfect

I will have done

you will have done
he/she/it will have done
we will have done
you will have done
they will have done

Future perfect continuous

I will have been doing

you will have been doing
he/she/it will have been doing
we will have been doing
you will have been doing
they will have been doing
Conditional present

I would do
you would do
he/she/it would do
we would do
you would do
they would do
Conditional perfect

I would have done

you would have done
he/she/it would have done
we would have done
you would have done
they would have done
Conditional present progressive

I would be doing
you would be doing
he/she/it would be doing
we would be doing
you would be doing
they would be doing
Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been doing

you would have been doing
he/she/it would have been doing
we would have been doing
you would have been doing
they would have been doing
Present subjunctive

I do
you do

he/she/it do
we do
you do
they do
Past subjunctive

I did
you did
he/she/it did
we did
you did
they did
Past perfect subjunctive

I had done
you had done
he/she/it had done
we had done
you had done
they had done

you do
we Lets do
you do
Present participle

Past participle


Conjugare "to have"


I have
you have
he/she/it has
we have
you have
they have
Present continuous

I am having
you are having
he/she/it is having
we are having
you are having
they are having
Simple past

I had
you had
he/she/it had
we had
you had
they had
Past continuous

I was having
you were having
he/she/it was having
we were having
you were having
they were having
Present perfect

I have had
you have had
he/she/it has had
we have had
you have had
they have had
Present perfect continuous

I have been having

you have been having
he/she/it has been having
we have been having
you have been having
they have been having

Past perfect

I had had
you had had
he/she/it had had
we had had
you had had
they had had
Past perfect continuous

I had been having

you had been having
he/she/it had been having
we had been having
you had been having
they had been having

I will have
you will have
he/she/it will have
we will have
you will have
they will have
Future continuous

I will be having
you will be having
he/she/it will be having
we will be having
you will be having
they will be having
Future perfect

I will have had

you will have had
he/she/it will have had
we will have had
you will have had
they will have had
Future perfect continuous

I will have been having

you will have been having
he/she/it will have been having
we will have been having

you will have been having

they will have been having
Conditional present

I would have
you would have
he/she/it would have
we would have
you would have
they would have
Conditional perfect

I would have had

you would have had
he/she/it would have had
we would have had
you would have had
they would have had
Conditional present progressive

I would be having
you would be having
he/she/it would be having
we would be having
you would be having
they would be having
Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been having

you would have been having
he/she/it would have been having
we would have been having
you would have been having
they would have been having
Present subjunctive

I have
you have
he/she/it have
we have
you have
they have
Past subjunctive

I had
you had
he/she/it had
we had
you had
they had
Past perfect subjunctive

I had had
you had had
he/she/it had had
we had had
you had had
they had had

you have
we Lets have
you have
Present participle

Past participle


Conjugare "to do"


I do
you do
he/she/it does
we do
you do
they do
Present continuous

I am doing
you are doing
he/she/it is doing
we are doing
you are doing
they are doing
Simple past

I did
you did
he/she/it did
we did
you did
they did
Past continuous

I was doing
you were doing
he/she/it was doing
we were doing
you were doing
they were doing
Present perfect

I have done
you have done
he/she/it has done
we have done
you have done
they have done
Present perfect continuous

I have been doing

you have been doing
he/she/it has been doing
we have been doing
you have been doing
they have been doing
Past perfect

I had done
you had done
he/she/it had done
we had done
you had done
they had done

Past perfect continuous

I had been doing

you had been doing
he/she/it had been doing
we had been doing
you had been doing
they had been doing

I will do
you will do
he/she/it will do
we will do
you will do
they will do
Future continuous

I will be doing
you will be doing
he/she/it will be doing
we will be doing
you will be doing
they will be doing
Future perfect

I will have done

you will have done
he/she/it will have done
we will have done
you will have done
they will have done
Future perfect continuous

I will have been doing

you will have been doing
he/she/it will have been doing
we will have been doing
you will have been doing
they will have been doing
Conditional present

I would do
you would do
he/she/it would do
we would do

you would do
they would do
Conditional perfect

I would have done

you would have done
he/she/it would have done
we would have done
you would have done
they would have done
Conditional present progressive

I would be doing
you would be doing
he/she/it would be doing
we would be doing
you would be doing
they would be doing
Conditional perfect progressive

I would have been doing

you would have been doing
he/she/it would have been doing
we would have been doing
you would have been doing
they would have been doing
Present subjunctive

I do
you do
he/she/it do
we do
you do
they do
Past subjunctive

I did
you did
he/she/it did
we did
you did
they did
Past perfect subjunctive

I had done
you had done
he/she/it had done
we had done
you had done
they had done

you do
we Lets do
you do
Present participle

Past participle


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