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Two-Column Notes

er 4th,

Nick Aichele

EDTL 2760

MR Title(s):
MR Source(s):
Ohio Department of Education. (2010). Ohio's new learning standards: Social studies standards. Retrieved from
National Council for the Social Studies. (1994). What is Social Studies? Expectations of Excellence: Curriculum
Standards for Social Studies. Washington, DC: NCSS, 1-3.
Page #

The Text Says

Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)

What Is
Pg. 1

Social studies is the integrated study for

the social sciences and humanities to
promote civic competence

I Say
My notes, commentary
Social studies is more than just the study of
American history or where the states are. It is
teaching students about the world. How we
came to exist in a place like this. And people
are always like Well why is this important. It
is important because without teaching off civic
competence then we fail. We fail our future
generation by not showing them the
importance of being good people, and good
world citizens.,

What is
PG. 2

Social Studies programs help students

construct a knowledge base and attitudes
drawn from academic principles as a
specialized way of viewing reality

So much of history is based on these

disciplines that reach farther than just the idea
of history and dates or what the capitol of
Florida is. It teaches us more than that.
Sociology for example teaches us to examine
the roles of people in society. This is important
because if we can understand people on a
deeper level than that will make us more
tolerant. The more tolerant we are the nicer we
can be which allows for to be more tolerant.
And all of these disciplines are based around all
of the subjects that make up history.

Pg. 4

Prepare students for their role as citizens

and decision makers in a diverse,
democratic society.

As we look at things like history we observe the

good and the bad that came with it. We can
learn from these experiences to make our
society a better place. We learn from the past
so we dont make the same mistake. We
prepare students with these lessons so they
may enter the world and be the best citizens
they can be.

Pg. 6

Historical thinking includes skills such as

locating, researching, analyzing and
interpreting primary and secondary so that
students can begin to understand the
relationships among events and draw

Social studies I more than just dates and

numbers. We learn social studies to teach skills
like analyzing. My AP History classes allowed
me to do that more than anything. Not only did
we talk about historical events but also why
they were important. Thats what makes
history o important. We learn to analyze and
interpret history as more than just numbers
and names.

Pg. 27

21st century skills of civic literacy,

financial and economic literacy and global

I think that being globally aware is the biggest

difference between Social Studies then and
now. I personally have been to places like
Germany and Austria on school trips. We are
seconds from the whole world and we need to
be aware of other cultures and countries. And
the best way to do all of that is to learn about
their past. To learn howabout their religion. All
of this we can do through social Studies.

Connections to previous MR:

In the last Blog ot we talked about how almost no one liked Social Studies. How it was a waste of time
and almost everyone would rather focus on math and English because those subjects matter. The
problem is no one sees the importance of social studies. To be civically competent. To be able to
understand society and the world will allow us to be more involved with society. To be able to look at
society and to understand where someone from china came from. How their culture works. To know
where Places like Laos and Norway are. If we can become more globally aware it will help us in truly
understanding his world. That is why social studies I important.

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