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Time to Create 1) Draw your shoe. Make sure that your shoe takes up the majority of your picture plane. 2) Once you have completed your detailed line drawing of your shoe, get a ruler and divide your paper into six sections. Make sure that you make these lines light as you will eventually erase them. 3) In each section incorporate one element of art, Make sure you read and understand what each element is. Be mindful of your artistic choices as you will want to take time to consider what elements will work best within your composition. Time for Reflection What element did you enjoy working with most? What element did you enjoy least? Why are the elements of art important to use? How will you use them within your artwork? What did you learn from this project? Unit Focus: Introduction to drawing through the use of a variety of mediums. Lesson One: Discovering the clements of att by way of a drawing of our shoes. Objective: The objective of this lesson is to draw a shoe and then use the shoe to learn about the various elements of art, The shoe will be a detailed line drawing, Once the line drawing is complete, the students will be asked to create six sections, Within these six sections, they will incorporate a specific element of art, Kansas Standards: Standards one; benchmark one and two, Standard 2; benchmark two Standard 3; benchmark 2, Introduction: This unit's main focus is the drawing. Through drawing the students will also be introduction to the elements of art Materials: Students shoe, pencils, erasers, white paper, colored pencils, black, white, and colored construction paper, charcoal, textured stencil, scissors, Vocabulary: Line, Shape, Value, Color, Texture, Space, Pattera, line weight Resources: Mrs. Besser Mill Creek Middle School Desoto School District. At the bottom of this lesson are resources that go with this lesson, Also there is a great website that explores the clements of art. hitp:// unl Examples: See my example Demonstration /Guided Practice: 1 will have an example of my work available. 1 will walk them through the step, and have a handout for them, See below. Guidelines for the assignment: Draw your shoe on the paper and make sure that your shoe takes up the majority of the paper, Section the paper into 6 different areas and incorporate one element of art into each section, Independent or Group Activities: Student will do a detailed line drawing of their own shoe. They are welcome to discuss in small groups what elements should go where how they should go about creating a successful work of art, I plan on having my students sitting in small clusters were there are four stucents to a pod, Estimated Time: Three class periods Evaluation Closure: The students will be given a hand out with the instructions, One the back of the instruction sheet is five questions they are to answer and tur in with their work. We will have a ‘group critique and I will expect everyone to use their vocabulary that we have leamed fiom this lesson, Name: Period: Rubric for Elements of Art Project Grading Criteria 0-3 47 8-10 Each Elements of Art should be present and the student is able to demonstrate an understanding of all elements used in the assignment, ‘The assignment was incomplete or completed and turned in but showed little to no evidence of nderstanding of the elements of design. | | | The assignment was complete and turned in but not all elements of design where present, The student understands ome of the elements ofart. ‘The assignment was complete, all elements of design are present, and the student demonstrates a clear understanding of each element of art ‘The composition is carefully planned. ‘There was no or very little consideration to design composition. The student demonstrates some planning in composition, yet the outcome is not The student has demonstrated careful consideration to the compositions; project shows thata great deal of consideration has been taken. quality. Little or no care was taken in the quality of the craftsmanship. demonstrates signs of rushed decisions and average craftsmanship, successful. creating a successful work. The craft within this |The work is of poor | The artwork The artwork demonstrates great care and craftsmanship, Time Management: The student was not focused on the project, and spent the majority of his or her time talking, walking around and creating a distraction for other students. The student spent time working on the project, but rushed through the creative process, using the rest of his or her time The student spent his or her class time working diligently on their projects, creating no distractions to other students,

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