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Advanced Placement United States Government &

Instructor: Ms. Ward
Room A102
(734) 449-4461 ext. 3334
Course Overview:
The purpose of this college-level course is to introduce students to the operations of the
American national government and political system. The major topics of study will be:
The Constitution and its Origins
Government Institutions and Public Policy
Political Parties and Interest Groups
Political Beliefs and Behaviors
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
These are the content areas assessed on the AP U.S. Government and Politics exam, which all
students in the course are expected to take. Besides being prepared for this exam, at the
conclusion of the course you will have a more sophisticated understanding of American
democracy, constitutionalism and civil liberties which you will be able to apply to current events.

General Expectations:
Behavior: Since this is a college-level course, students are expected to behave as college
students and take responsibility for their choices. I expect that behavior will not be a
problem. Disruptive, disrespectful, or inappropriate behavior will be handled accordingly.
Consequences will be in accordance with the Responsible Thinking Process. I reserve the
right to conference with a parent, counselor, or administrator.
Communication: Proactive communication on your part will help ensure a successful
experience in this course. I want to help you in any way that I can so that you can do your
best. Therefore, it is your responsibility to notify me immediately when a situation occurs
that may affect your performance. When you need help, it is your responsibility to ask.
Participation: Discussion will be a primary instructional method in this course. You will be
expected to actively participate in class on a DAILY basis. This means asking intelligent
questions, contributing meaningful insights, & staying on task. Participation will be included
in your grade for the course.
Passes: You must have a pass to be in the hallway during class time. Please fill out a pass
with all of the required information for me to sign. School business and use of the restroom
should be handled before or after class whenever possible. Please use your pass privileges
wisely, or you will lose them!

Coursework Guidelines:
Readings: Because of the advanced nature of this course, you are expected to be learning
both IN and OUTside of the classroom. You are expected to complete all assigned

readings prior to class! You are responsible for knowing the information regardless of
whether or not we have discussed it in class!
Current Events: You are also expected to remain informed of current events at all times,
through newspapers like The New York Times or The Washington Post; the nightly
NATIONAL network news; television news programs such as such as Crossfire (CNN),
Face the Nation (CBS), or Meet the Press (NBC); weekly news magazines like Time or
Newsweek; and, radio broadcasts such as Morning Edition or All Things Considered on
National Public Radio.
Notebook: You must stay organized to be successful in this course. You are required to
bring a three-ring binder to class every day with sections for Calendars, Notes & Handouts,
Readings, Assignments, and Tests.
Due Dates: You will have various types of assignments throughout the year and it is
essential that you keep up with your work. There will be a significant amount of homework.
You will be informed of due dates in advance, so late work will not be accepted. Students
with verified absences on the due dates for major projects and papers must still have their
work turned in on the due date.
Tests and Quizzes: Tests will be given periodically and you will be notified of test dates in
advance. Quizzes may be given occasionally, but you may NOT always be notified in
advance about all quizzes. If you are absent the day before a scheduled test/quiz, you are
still expected to take the assessment if you are present for it. For students with verified
absences on test/quiz days, tests/quizzes must be made up after school or by appointment
with me. There will only be a limited amount of time for make-ups. Students with unverified
absences on test/quiz days will receive a zero and cannot make-up the assessment.

Absences: In order to keep up with the material, it is essential that you be present and
punctual everyday. The WLHS attendance policy will be enforced.
Tardies: If you are late, come into class and take your seat without being disruptive. If you
have a reasonable situation that will make you late, please tell me beforehand. The WLHS
school tardy policy will be enforced.
Unverified absences: Students with unverified absences will receive no credit for any
assignments due the day of the absence. Additionally, they may receive no credit for
assessments assigned on the day of the absence (major projects and papers are an
exception). You are encouraged to complete the work associated with unverified absences,
however, so that you can maintain your progress.
Absent Work (applicable only to Verified Absences): When you are absent, it is your
responsibility to make up the work. I will provide you with handouts and assignments from
the day(s) of your absence(s); I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
o Work due when you are absent must be turned in the day you return.
o Work assigned the day of your absence must be turned in within 2 days of your return.
o If you are absent for an extended period, see me to work out an individual plan for
turning in your assignments.

The minimum passing grade is 60%.

Grades will be updated regularly. Please check PowerSchool to monitor your progress and
ensure that scores are accurate.
Grade Calculations: Your grades will be calculated using the following:

Semester A
Tests/Quizzes/Free Response Qs
Ring of Fire/Assignments/Projects
Reading Quizzes/Participation/Notes


Semester A Midterm & Final

Multiple Choice Exam
Free Response Question(s)


Grading Scale


59% & below


Overall Semester Grade

The Semester A grade will count for 70% of your overall semester grade. The Semester A
Midterm Exam score will count for 10% and the Final Exam score will count for 20% of your
overall semester grade.

Cheating: Cheating (including plagiarism) will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Individual work is to be completed individually! Helping a friend does NOT mean giving
them answers! Never give your work to another student! Never take work from another
student (or former AP GoPo student!) Students caught cheating will receive NO CREDIT.
Students with identical work will receive NO CREDIT. Other consequences may be
administered when appropriate. The Academic Misconduct policy in the student handbook
will be followed.

Suggestions for Success:

Complete all of the readings! And take GOOD NOTES/make outlines about them!
Study your notes EVERY night. The more you see them, the more you will remember them!
If you dont understand it 6 hours after you wrote it, you wont understand it later either!
Stay organized. Keep EVERYTHING until the AP exam!
Manage your time wisely. Use your agenda (& the calendars) to keep track of important
dates and deadlines.
Do the homework, even if its not for a grade.
Pay attention to and participate in lecture and discussion. And take GOOD NOTES!
MAKE FLASHCARDS! (of terms, laws, court cases, etc.)
Form study groups!
Keep up on current events! Students who remained informed scored higher on the AP Exam.
After a test or quiz, write out the questions you missed with the correct answers.
Know the basic structure of the Constitution, as well as the Amendments.
-----------------------------------Please cut or tear and return to Ms. Ward -------------------------------I have received and read a copy of Ms. Wards course requirements for AP Government &
Politics. I agree to follow the classroom rules and procedures and understand the
consequences should I choose not to follow them. I know what I must do to be successful in
this class.

I must have this form and all of my materials in class on Tuesday, September 13th for 5 points.
Student _________________________________________________ Date________________
Parent _________________________________________________ Date________________

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