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Regenerating Vauxhall Cross

Thank you for visiting Kylun Limited’s

public exhibition for the Vauxhall Cross
Island site.

Kylun Limited is a development vehicle,

with nancial backing from the private
interests of the Chief Executive of Fal Oil
Company. It acquired the strategically-
located Vauxhall Cross Island site
(Vauxhall Island site) in 2009.

This public exhibition sets out

Kylun’s vision to create a new heart
for Vauxhall and enhance the area
around the bus, Underground and rail
stations, signicantly improving the
local environment. It also reects
the culmination of over four years
of consultation on how development
at Vauxhall Cross can bring tangible
benets to the local community.

The Vauxhall Island site was subject

to a previous planning application by
London & Regional Properties (L&R)
in 2005, however L&R was unable to
progress its plans.

The latest proposals are for an elegant

mixed-use tower development of
the highest architectural quality
with new public realm and space for
local businesses, shops and the local
community. The design, by award-
winning architects Squire & Partners,
aims to incorporate aspects of the
previous scheme that were received
positively in 2005 while reecting and
responding to the issues raised during
this latest round of public consultation,
as well as local planning guidance.
Proposed view looking south from Wandsworth Road

Squire and Partners

A background
to the site

Views of the existing site as it is today

The Vauxhall Island site, a triangle of land located adjacent to Vauxhall’s
transport interchange, has long been neglected and derelict, but holds
signicant potential for redevelopment.

The site lies within the Vauxhall Nine Elms Battersea Opportunity Area, which
is identied in the London Plan as having the potential to accommodate
high-density development to provide substantial numbers of new jobs and
Further views of the existing site
homes. Both the London Borough of Lambeth and the Greater London
Authority (GLA) consider the site to have the potential to make an important
contribution to the regeneration of the area and to deliver signicant benets
to the communities living in Vauxhall.

We would like to hear your views on our proposals so that they can be
considered by our design team before a planning application is submitted.

Squire and Partners

Looking south from Bondway

The proposal
Kylun’s proposals are for two elegant Kylun’s proposals include:
- 291 homes, proposed to suit the needs of families, railway arches – an initiative that could involve local
towers - one of 41 storeys and the other
rst-time buyers, and young professionals, in line artists
31 storeys. By contrast, the St George with the demands of the local housing market - No new street parking permits will be provided to
Wharf Tower, which has planning consent, - This will be a mix of both affordable and private homes residents of the new scheme and all underground
will be 50 storeys high. all provided on site (under the previous scheme, parking spaces will be for disabled badge holders in
provision of affordable housing was to be made off- line with the requirements of the London Borough

In response to previous consultation, the site) of Lambeth and Transport for London.
- 160,000 sq ft of commercial space provided in a range
scheme has been designed to deliver In summary, the principal benets of the scheme are:
of unit sizes, including retail and leisure space
radical improvements to the ground level - Proposed subsidised work spaces for local
- A signicantly enhanced ground level environment
environment. Open public space will be businesses
for pedestrians and both existing and future
provided and protected by a glass canopy, - A hotel, with a top-oor ‘Skybar’ open to the public
linking both buildings. - Cafés, restaurants and a mix of retail units on the
- Greatly improved pedestrian routes through the site
ground oor
to other parts of Vauxhall and Nine Elms
- Community space – the composition of which is
The plans incorporate affordable - All affordable housing to be provided on site
subject to consultation, but could include a digital
- A mix of uses that will provide a thriving destination
housing on site. In addition, the area of cinema, crèche or dental practice and a commercially-
for Vauxhall
commercial and leisure space has been operated indoor soft play space with subsidies for
- Following consultation, a reduction of 40 metres
increased, creating more employment- local residents
to the height of the tallest building
- A Car Club and electric car-charging facilities for all
generating uses. - Kylun is also in discussion with Transport for Lon-
car parking spaces
- Improvements to the pedestrian environment don in relation to the opening of an additional
surrounding the site, including improvements to entrance to Vauxhall Underground station at the
the environment and lighting treatment through the northern end of the site.

Squire and Partners

Improvements to the ground
level environment
Kylun’s development will be an exemplar of sustainable
building design. At present, the environment in and
around the site is not pedestrian-friendly and any
development must look to address this.

In line with feedback received during early rounds of

consultation, a signicant focus for the scheme has
been to transform the ground level environment into
a safe and vibrant destination for local residents and
visitors to the Vauxhall area.

This transformation will include a state-of-the-art

glass canopy over an area with shops and cafés,
with landscaping across the site. The ground-level
environment has been designed to make the site
more accessible and permeable, integrating it with
the Underground, railway and bus stations.

To address concerns raised by local residents on other

schemes brought forward in the Vauxhall area, Kylun
has sought to minimise any potential wind tunnel
effects. This has been achieved by streamlining the
shape of the towers and adjusting their orientation
relative to prevailing south-westerly winds.

The proposed ground level plan

Proposed ground level illustration - between the towers

Squire and Partners

A vibrant mix of uses
Employment space:
The provision of signicant areas of employment-
generating space is a key aspect of Kylun’s proposals.
In line with planning policy, the need for employment
land in the area, and in response to feedback from
community groups and elected members, employment
space will represent a signicant proportion of the
overall development.

Shops – attracting both well-known brands and

independent local businesses:
A truly sustainable development needs to attract people
to the site to spend money in and around the immediate

The signicant improvements proposed to the ground

level environment of the Vauxhall Island site will help
reinforce Vauxhall as a local district centre, as well as
a residential, employment and transport hub.

Recreation and public open space:

As part of an ongoing process of consultation, Kylun’s
development team has been exploring ways to work
with the local community to improve Vauxhall’s existing
open spaces.

Working with the Friends of Vauxhall Spring Gardens

and Lambeth Council we are currently looking at various
options for creating a safer, more secure and usable
Proposed rst oor plan community park or play space that will serve the needs
of both existing and future residents.

Community benets:
Following meetings with local interest groups, a package
of community benets is being drawn up to ensure
that people living in Vauxhall benet directly from the

Initiatives are likely to include:

- New links to existing pedestrian and cycle
networks in the area
- Signicant improvements to the ground level
pedestrian environment
- Improved access to the Vauxhall Cross transport
- Contributions to the improvement of Vauxhall
Spring Gardens and Vauxhall Park
- Funding for public art in and around the Island
- Contributions to the ongoing running costs of
Vauxhall City Farm

Kylun’s proposals reect previous feedback from a

range of stakeholders and will create an attractive public
environment at this gateway location, while increasing
accessibility to the wider Vauxhall area and transport
interchange, making the area safer and more enjoyable
for existing residents.
View looking through the rst oor atrium between the towers

Squire and Partners

Delivering jobs and
The proposed development will create approximately
300 full and part-time jobs. Jobs will also be generated
during the construction process. By providing a mix of
uses, there will be a range of jobs and skills required
long-term, including administration, technical and
maintenance work as well as roles created via the
provision of ofce space, shops, restaurants and

It is anticipated that the scheme will contribute to the

development of local training initiatives. This will be
arranged as part of the Section 106 legal agreement
if planning consent is secured.

- A Community Liaison Forum will be set up once
planning consent is secured to ensure local people
and businesses have a regular point of contact with
Kylun and its contractors.

- A telephone hotline number will be publicised so

that contractors can be contacted 24 hours a day.

- Written notice will be given to local residents

and businesses prior to major works being

- Kylun and its contractors will produce a community

newsletter, updating residents and businesses in
the area on the development’s progress.
Proposed section through the towers

View from the proposed ‘Skybar’

Squire and Partners

Community amenities and a
blank canvas
Provision of public open space and recreation space Here are some of the suggestions that have been made to date:
for new and existing residents, especially children and - Dental practice
young people, is a critical part of developing a truly - Crèche
sustainable community. - Digital cinema
- Commercially-operated indoor soft play area with subsidies for local
Kylun has consulted extensively with local community residents
groups and the London Borough of Lambeth to - Public ‘Skybar’
determine the nature of the community facilities that
should form part of the new development. Please feel free to make other suggestions and stick them to our oor-plan
below or ll in one of our feedback forms.
To provide the facilities that existing residents want, we
also need to hear from you. We would like you to tell us In light of the recently opened GP practice in St George Wharf, Kylun is in
what you would like to see included in this scheme. discussions with the local PCT on the need for an additional GP practice or
clinic within the development.
Approximately 8,000sq ft has been allocated within the
scheme for community or public amenity space. This Kylun will make a nancial contribution to school provision in the Borough by
space can be provided to local people and be used by way of the Section 106 agreement, which would form part of a binding legal
existing local residents. The amount of space available agreement if the planning application is approved by the London Borough of
is roughly the size of a oor of the development. Lambeth.

Please stick your ideas

to our oor plan above

Blank rst oor Tower B oor plan

Squire and Partners

Key routes around the site

Better links to and from

the Vauxhall Island site
Due to existing poor access from the surrounding streets and the southern end of the bus station. Dedicated access for servicing
transport system, the Vauxhall Island site is currently inaccessible the development and taxi drop-off will be provided within the
and isolated. base of the southern building. Kylun is currently in discussions
with TfL in relation to the proposed provision of a taxi lay-by on
Safer pathways for pedestrians and cyclists: Wandsworth Road to serve the northern building.
Attractive pedestrian links through the site from Vauxhall Station
to Nine Elms in the south will enable people to walk safely and Disabled car-parking, a Car Club and cycle parking:
easily from the bus, Underground and rail stations. Access will be provided to the basement car/cycle parking and
Car Club facility via car lifts located in the base of the southern
Kylun is currently in discussions with Transport for London (TfL) building.
to agree safe and convenient locations for crossing Wandsworth
Road and Parry Street and the potential of a new access into Given the site’s exceptional access to public transport, no
Vauxhall Underground station at the northern end of the site. residential parking permits will be issued to new residents,
meaning that no additional cars will be able to park on the
Access routes for service vehicles: surrounding streets. Measures, including a Travel Plan, will
Vehicles will enter the site from Parry Street and exit the site via the also be put in place to reduce private car use.

Squire and Partners

Vauxhall Island site in
Kylun has taken great care to develop a
scheme that brings positive benets to
both new and existing residents. The
design of the two buildings will create an
attractive, landmark development to mark
this important gateway to Vauxhall.

Kylun has also considered residents’

concerns regarding views and
overshadowing of open space. A number
of steps have been taken to ensure that any
impacts are effectively mitigated. Vauxhall Park

Daylight and sunlight impacts

Daylight and sunlight issues have been
carefully considered. Rights of light have
been fully modelled and our independent
studies show that the scheme does not
raise any issues in terms of impact on
existing residents, parks or public open

According to Kylun’s sunlight and daylight
consultants, the impact of overshadowing
Spring Gardens
from the proposed buildings on local parks
is minimal as a result of the positioning of
the two towers.

Vauxhall Park
There will not be any additional
overshadowing of Vauxhall Park as the
park is located to the south-east of the
Vauxhall Island site.

Spring Gardens
There will be no additional overshadowing
during the summer months. However,
some additional shadow will be cast during Bonnington Square

September to March. This will only affect

the south-west corner of the park; however
the shadow will be transient, with no point
on the ground in shadow for more than two

Bonnington Square
The only shadow over Bonnington Square
will be cast during late afternoons in the
winter months, when a shadow will pass
over the Square during sunset.

Fentiman Road

Squire and Partners

Vauxhall Island site in
context continued...
As well as taking into account the impact
of the proposed development on local
views, Kylun has instructed a team of
specialists from the Richard Coleman
Consultancy and Miller Hare to measure
the visual impact of the scheme from
further aeld.

As a result of ongoing discussion with

the Greater London Authority (GLA),
Kylun has also reduced the height of the
buildings. Parliament Square

Squire & Partners are award-winning

architects and are behind some of the most
exciting and innovative developments
in London today. Great care has been
taken to ensure that the design of the
Vauxhall Island site towers will make
them deliver a positive and exciting
addition to London’s skyline.

Lambeth Bridge

Millbank Road

Grosvenor Road

Squire and Partners

A sustainable, energy-efficient
Kylun is committed to producing an exemplar sustainable
scheme, going beyond statutory requirements and minimis-
ing carbon emissions.

The Vauxhall Island site development incorporates a wide

range of design and construction methods to promote sus-
tainability. These have been integrated into the development’s
evolution and will be assessed by recognised methodologies
BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH).

A BREEAM target of Excellent has been set for the scheme

overall and CSH assessments will also be undertaken on all
residential areas with a target of Code Level 4.

Energy & CO2

Kylun’s development for the Vauxhall Island site has been
designed to signicantly exceed the requirements of current
building regulations. The design will also be ‘future proofed’
to meet forthcoming regulations and initiatives.

An Energy Strategy for the development will follow the guide-

lines set out in the London Plan 2008 which requires that de-
velopments rst reduce energy use / CO2 emissions by en-
ergy efcient measures, then by supplying energy efciently
and then by use of renewable technologies.

View from Nine Elms Lane

Some of the sustainable design and construction principles

we are proposing are set out below:

- Reduce energy use / CO2 emissions Passive energy reduction measures

- Minimise risk of overheating
- Improve occupant / user experience via good quality - Efcient and optimised façade design
thermal and visual design - Reduced air permeability
- Extensive use of sub-metering to allow energy / water
usage monitoring Active energy reduction measures
- Reduction of water use
- Provide facilities for cyclists - Low energy lighting
- Provide a travel plan - Low energy / water white goods
- Specication of sustainable and responsibly sourced - Heat recovery on mechanical ventilation systems
building materials where appropriate - Variable ow air and water systems
- Reduce construction impact via Considerate Construc- - High efciency heating and cooling equipment
tors Scheme, Site Waste Management Plan and moni- - High efciency ventilation systems
toring of construction activities
- Provide recycling facilities and integrate with Local Au- Supplying energy efciently
thority scheme
- Improve the ecological value and biodiversity of the site - Power factor correction
- Mitigate ood risk - Decentralised energy production (CCHP – Combined
- Reduce light pollution via best practice design Cooling Heat & Power)
- Reduce surface water run-off and water pollution
- Reduce air pollution Renewable energy
- Mitigate noise pollution
- Design to Lifetime Homes principles - Biofuel CCHP
- Design to Secure by Design principles - Solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity generation
- Provision of building / home user guides

Squire and Partners

Next steps
Kylun intends to submit its planning application in
summer 2010 for determination by the London Borough
of Lambeth.

If approved, construction will take place in phases and is

expected to take 40 months to complete.

The scheme could be ready for occupation by 2015.

Kylun is wholly committed to ongoing discussions with

local residents and business communities, as well as the
London Borough of Lambeth, throughout the planning
process. We welcome your views on what you have seen
and heard today so that they can be fed into our plans as
they evolve.

Feedback forms are provided for you to complete, and

either leave with us or post back at your convenience.

We hope that you have had an opportunity to speak to

members of the development team today and that any
questions you may have about our proposals have been
answered. Should you have any further queries, please
contact us on our dedicated consultation line on 0845 543

Alternatively, you can write to us at:

Vauxhall Consultation
C/o Camargue Squire and Partners
7 Bayley Street

Or email us at:

Thank you for attending Kylun Limited’s exhibition.

Squire and Partners

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