Ido Portal Diet

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Apparently I've started a shit storm with my latest test results.

Ive been recei

ving hundreds of messages over the last 24 hours with questions, inquiries and h
elp requests.
The reason I believe the post had this effect is not because I am eating paleo o
r that my test results are good, but because I HAVE BEEN DOING THIS FOR 15 YEARS
. There are few people who have been following such a
lifestyle for so long.
So, let me provide you with some details:
1. I eat animal protein the size of my palm (200-350 grams) with green veggies w
ith every meal. Thats the base of my diet.
2. I vary all that I eat, all the time. Example proteins from the last year: ven
ison, kangaroo, ostrich, chicken, quail, lamb, croc, wild salmon, wild sardines,
sea food, eggs, turkey, arctic char, wild boar, deer and more and more. Yes, I k
now this source is contaminated and that source is not optimal - you know what?
shut up.
3. I ingest a PWO shake after training with quality Whey Protein and some carbs
in it. I rarely go above 30 grams of carbs here. Yes I know I might need more
after heavy glyocolitic training, (I box regularly) but I feel best when not top
ped off fully and also - performance is not the only marker I am after.
4. I have a carb up meal once/twice a week based on tubers and rice. I will have
some dark 85% chocolate and will avoid dairy and gluten fully.
The next day I wake up even more ripped.
5. Supplements: I am a believer. Yes, I know many authors are taking down their
supplement recommendations (the one's who are selling books) while others
are increasing their recommendations (the ones who are selling supplements) whil
e I have stood the middle ground for many years now and will continue to do so.
I have seen great benefits in:
A. Vit-D (upon blood test only)
B. Omega-3 from pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement. I take 6-15 a day. (ye
s, that much. Yes, aware of the recent research)
C. Magnesium - in chelated forms only, PWO and night time. I am a big believer i
n Mag supplementation, but dont take Citrate and I wouldnt give Oxide to my dog.
D. Zinc - in chelated form, upon test. I hate the Zinc Tally test - its shit and
I've seen countless cases where it was false compared to blood RBC Zinc test. Z
inc can be huge for some males if you get this right, life is good and you need to attend one my my Handstand w
orkshops in order to properly pee into the toilet in the morning.
Now for all your nay sayers: I still dont see your shirts coming off. (girls inc

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