Caeden Meets Sophie

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Caeden Meets Sophie

Caedens POV
Added: May 2012
I squeezed the icing onto the cupcakes in a swirl. Over and over again. In a way it was almost
If only my mind could be cleared so easily.
Instead of worrying about normal, teenage guy things, I was thinking about my pack and the
slaughtered deer we had discovered last night while on patrol. This deer hadnt been killed by
anything normal. It had been killed by a shifter and viciously at that. Most shifters, being part
animal themselves, respected nature. But whoever had done this They were sick. I knew
who it was. The Grimms. But it was against our laws to accuse another pack of doing
something without solid proof.
I had howled my arrival and shown up Lucindas. She had been less than helpful. Her
granddaughter had arrived, who was one of us but knew nothing of us. Apparently I had
frightened her but how was I supposed to know? Lucinda had kept her arrival a secret even
from me despite my being Alpha. I knew I needed to speak to her about it, about her needing
to communicate with me, but that was difficult. She was my elder and we were taught to be
respectful. It was a delicate matter and I was new at this. My dad hadnt been gone long. I
was new at this whole Alpha thing and young at that. How was I supposed to tell people my
moms age what to do? People my grandparents age? They were supposed to tell me. But
since my dad was Alpha the responsibility had passed to me with his death. I questioned
myself every day of whether or not I was ready for this. How could I live up to the kind of
leader my father had been?

I finished icing the last cupcake and began to hum a House of Heroes song under my breath.
Pleased with my handiwork I picked up the tray and rounded the corner, ready to head out
front and display them, when a noise startled me.
I turned, my muscles tensing for a possible fight and for the change from man to wolf when
everything but her disappeared.
The walls, the floors, everything, melted away. It was as if the entire world disappeared.
Nothing was left except for her and me. Her presence held me to this spot, to this earth, not
gravity. She stood in front of me with dark chocolate hair and brown eyes to match. She
smelled like freshly baked cookies. She was perfect. She was everything. And she
was mine. My wolf howled inside me. My mate.
And then, in a very unlike myself maneuver; I dropped the dang gone cupcakes on the floor.
Icing arced across the floor in a spray to cover my shoes, jeans, the floor, and then her.
Graceful Caeden. I scolded myself. Letting a girl make you lose your cool.
But this wasnt just any girl. My soul recognized her as mine. She was my mate and my wolf
was howling happily and running around like a pup. Mine. Mine. Mine.
I looked at the mess I had made, a very big mess, and then back up at my mate. I felt heat
flood my cheeks which made me feel like a bigger dork.
Now youre blushing like a freakin school girl? Get it together Williams.
My mind seemed to clear of anything to say to the angel before me so I simply bent and
began to clean up the mess. Maybe I could think of something clever to say while my hands
were occupied.

Dont worry Ive got it, said the girl bending down to help. She tightened her ponytail in a
movement that I was certain was unconscious. Her fresh cookie smell nearly overwhelmed
my lungs. How could someones natural scent smell that good? It didnt seem possible.
It was my mistake Ill get it, I said. Id say anything to stall for time now. I didnt want to
leave her. Maybe dropping the cupcakes had been a good thing.
I can get it, she said. Im sure you probably want to get out of here, she smiled. Her
smile lit the whole room. I swallowed thickly but found myself smiling back. I saw her
muscles quake a bit and felt a bit smug. I wasnt the only one affected.
Why dont we do it together? I suggested and heard her heart beat a bit faster.
Sounds like a plan, she said and dumped several ruined cupcakes into the nearby trash
can. Im Sophie by the way. Lucindas granddaughter.
It figures. The head elders granddaughter. Put a silver bullet through me now.
Caeden, I said. I didnt know you were coming, I added unnecessarily. I had known
someone was coming in to the shop I just hadnt known it would be her.
Should you have known? she asked and quirked a brow. It was the cutest expression I had
ever seen.
I waved my hand. I didnt know anyone was coming and as you can see you gave me quite a
fright, I motioned to the mess I had made. I tried to act as nonchalant as possible. I didnt
want her to see my emotions so plainly on my face. Shed think I was a creeper.
But the look on her face made me think she could see how I felt.
Despite not wanting to leave her I knew I needed to get out of there as soon as possible. If I
had to inhale the scent of cookies much longer Id be proposing marriage.
We finished clearing the cupcakes off the floor. I watched her wipe up the floor and then
wash her hands.

She was so beautiful and completely unaware of it.

She turned around and I tried to wipe my face of expression and failed epically.
So, she said in dismissal. You can go now.
Was she that ready to get rid of me? Did she not feel this? Was it one sided?
I shook my head to clear my thoughts and to help hide my face. Not quite ready to leave her I
said, Ill go after I make some more cupcakes to replace the ones I dropped. You can cover
the front.
She looked like she was about to protest when the door at the front chimed.
Saved by the bell.
Okay fine, she said. Showtime.
I watched her disappear through the swinging door. Her cookie scent lingered in the kitchen.
Shaking my head I started another batch of cupcakes. I drew out the process as long as I
could but eventually I could no longer stall. I placed the cupcakes in the refrigerated unit in
the front. Sophie was busy with a customer and paid me little attention.
Although, from the slight tick in her cheek and the way she kept looking out of the corner of
her eye I knew she wasnt quite as oblivious as she pretended to be.
Bye Sophie, I whispered under my breath. I knew she didnt hear me. Louder I said, Bye
Bye, she said and flicked me a glance. Her brown eyes, the color of nature, captivated me.
I moved into the back room, cleaning up so she wouldnt have to, and shucked my apron and
baseball cap. I ran my fingers through my hair to fluff it back up.
Once I exited the building and climbed on my motorcycle I began to doubt everything that
had just happened.

Mates? Was it possible? I only knew of mates happening in the legends. Was it just my
hormones going nutso over a hot girl? I didnt think it was the last one but who knew?
Well, there was one person who would know.
I parked my motorcycle in the driveway of the little yellow house. I was lucky to catch
Lucinda at home. Normally she was occupied with the council. As I pulled off my helmet she
walked out the door and locked it behind her.
Caeden? What are you doing here?
I have a question for you, I breathed.
She walked towards me. What is it? I need to leave. The council just called. Is this about the
slaughtered animals?
No, its not, I said.
Whats the matter boy? Come on, speak up. You look ill, she added.
Is it possible- I swallowed thickly before continuing. Are mates possible? Saying the
words hurt me. I braced myself for her to scoff in my face and tell me I was being silly.
Instead she surprised me by saying, Sophie?
I nodded. It was just like the legends said. I saw her and it was like- like- I fought for
words. Like wow, I shook my head. I saw her and bam! It just hit me like a semi-truck. Is
it possible? I repeated.
Yes, she said. It is.
I sunk to the ground on my knees. I lay my hands flat on the asphalt driveway.
Shes yours Caeden. I told myself. Yours

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