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CBD Prayer Groups (1 June 2010)

Here is the Way

Lynn Cowell

Isaiah 30:21 "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you,
saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'"

Should we say yes? It is seems like such a great opportunity. Besides, we deserve it, don't we? I
mean, we never do anything for ourselves …

Once again, my mind is swirling with the pros and cons of the decision my husband and I face. I
hear the things my mind is telling me…or is that my heart? Whether it is my mind or my heart, the
real question is should I listen to it? Can I trust it?

Like most of you, I have been at this place before. The places of crossroads where choices are
clear, but direction is not. The columns of "good" and "bad" on the paper don't seem to give us
the answer we need. That is how logical people make decisions, isn't it? But it isn't working; so
which way do we go?

My friend was recently running before sun-up. She was alone as her partner had run on ahead.
She came across a patch of sidewalk where there were no street lights. It was dark and hard to
see where to go ahead, and she began to feel afraid. "Lord, You are going to have to help me."
she prayed. Then a car approached from behind, casting light onto her path. The closer it got, the
clearer she could see. She sensed the Lord wanted her to know that just as He was with her when
she was running, so in life He is behind her, shining light on her path and protecting her back.

Our key verse in Isaiah causes me to reflect on the whole decision-making process when trying to
discern the right path. "…Your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in
it.'" But what about the voice we frequently hear, saying, "Follow your heart, it will never steer you
wrong!" That voice is the voice from within, not the voice from behind.

Maybe some of you grew up memorizing verses like I did. Back then, so many of the verses didn't
make sense to me. One in particular was Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" (NIV). That seemed like a depressing verse! Yet now
as an adult I am finally beginning to unpack the wisdom.

You see, we can't in fact follow our heart. Our heart can't be trusted. Our heart will lie to us and tell
us things we want to hear instead of the truth we need to hear. It will convince us that what we
want is the right way, even if that way is not God's way. I know; I've listened to it before.

When we find ourselves at the crossroads, the first place to turn is God's Word. So many of
the questions we ask can be answered there if we are willing to hear the wisdom the Bible

Open our ears, Lord, so we can hear Your voice behind us!

Dear Lord, I've grown so used to trusting my heart. In fact, it is all I've known to do most times.
Please help me discern Your voice behind me and give me the discipline to read the wisdom You
have already provided in Your Word. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Raffles Place Prayer Group

 Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, 2 June 10 at 12.30 pm
 Meet at OCBC Centre South, Recreation Centre, Karaoke Room
 Contact Alexandra Wee @ 9834 2468 ( / Serene Ang
@ 9451 1860 (

City Hall Prayer Group

 Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, 2 June 10 at 12.45 pm
 Meet at Sky Garden, Suntec City
 Contact Cindy Tan ( / Kathleen Yee (Katheleen.yee@portcullis-

Tanjong Pagar Prayer Group

 Prayer Meeting on Thursday, 3 June 10 at 12.45 pm.
 Meet at Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church, Ground Floor
 Contact Chew Qi @ 98334365 (

Orchard / Somerset Prayer Group

 Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, 2 June 10 at 12.30 pm
 Meet at Chatzone @ SingTel lobby
 Contact Ezel Ting @ 96716560 (

Harbourfront Prayer Group

 Prayer Meeting on Wednesday, 2 June 10 at 12.30 pm
 Meet at Vivocity, Level 3, Amphitheatre (outdoor area outside Food Republic)
 Contact Victoria Lim (

Toa Payoh North Prayer Group (SPH)

 Prayer Meeting on Tuesday, 8 June 10 at 1.00 – 2.00pm.
 Meet at 5th Floor Corner SPH News Centre, 1000 Toa Payoh North
 Contact Hannah Teoh (

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