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Fighter Extras

Last chapter of Fighter

Caedens POV
Sophie and I were relaxing in bed. After the chaos of the last few weeks I
was enjoying spending some quality time with my girl.
She was cuddled against my side with her head tucked between the crook
of my shoulder and neck. I inhaled the heavenly scent of cookies blowing
off her skin. Sometimes, even now, I couldnt believe she was mine. She
was beautiful, strong, wonderfulperfect. I could go on and on about all
the qualities I loved and admired in her.
I twirled a piece of her chocolate brown hair around my finger and let it
Suddenly, she sat up and a line between her brows was puckered.
I was about to ask her what was wrong, when she spoke. What kind of
cake do you want?
That wasnt what I expected to come out of her mouth.
Chocolate, I responded.
I shouldve known, she grinned. Do you want it to say anything
Besides, Happy Birthday Caeden, youre one lucky bastard? I glanced
down at her wedding band and then the spacious room around us. Nah, I
dont think so, I grinned.

She smacked my leg. Youre ridiculous. And I know you were fishing
around for your presents, she shook her head. I swear youre too nosy
for your own good.
I snickered. I had been snooping around for my presents. I wanted to know
what they were, so sue me. I was curious. This was the first time I would
be celebrating my birthday with Soph and we were married. I was hoping
to find some sexy new lingerie, but so far, nada.
I did finally find a stack of presents, but they were wrapped.
My she-wolf was a step ahead of me.
Yeah, well, you already wrapped them, so I still dont know what they
are, I groaned.
She rolled her eyes at me and asked, Do you want Gram to make your
Was she nuts? Who else would I want to make my cake? Lucinda made the
best cakes ever. They were definitely shifter approved.
Of course, I grinned. No one makes a better cake than Lucinda. I still
have dreams about our wedding cake, I licked my lips in memory.
That was yummy, she agreed.
Mhmm, I rubbed my stomach. On second thought, I want red velvet
instead of chocolate.
She scratched out where she had written chocolate on a notepad and
added red velvet.
I just want you to keep thing simple, I warned. If I had my choice, there
wouldnt be a party. All I wanted was to spend the day just the two of us. It

was so rare for us to have peaceful moments, just the two of us, and I was
craving that. Dont get my mom involved or shell have this place decked
out like its a club.
Gotcha, she beamed, I can keep it simple.
I heard a cry from Archie coming from the side of my bed. I leaned over
and peered down into his brown eyes. He tilted his head and whined
again. Poor little guy wanted on the bed. I turned to Soph and grinned, I
think Archie wants up on the bed.
She sighed and peered over me, down at Archie. No, Archie, you can lay
on your cushion with Murphy, she pointed for emphasis.
The sweet little black and white dog cried again and batted his small paw
against the side of the bed.
Awww, babe, look at his little face, I pleaded and reached down, picking
the dog up despite her protests. I couldnt just leave the poor dog on the
floor crying for us. I rolled him in my arms and cradled him against my
Oh God, I think I just got an idea of what our future will look like, she
groaned. Me, saying no to the kids, while behind my back, you will say
yes. She wrinkled her nose.
I laughed, Yep, that sounds about right. Ill be good cop and youll be bad
cop. I loved that she was no longer squeamish when the mention of kids
was brought up. I couldnt wait to have a baby with Sophie and watch my
child grow inside her. I knew Sophie wanted to wait and I was fine with
that. We were young and had plenty of years ahead of us.

Figures, she muttered, I didnt want to start letting Archie up on the

bed because I dont think its fair to Murphy, she looked over at my Irish
Wolfhound familiar, asleep on the mattress-sized cushion.
Murphys fine, I assured her. Hes used to sleeping on the floor. I
looked down at Archie in my arms and scratched him behind the ears. His
pink tongue lolled out the side of his mouth and I chuckled. But not this
little fellow.
Youre impossible, she muttered, and looked back down at her list.
I put Archie down, on the floor, and leaned towards her.
Dont pout, baby, I murmured, taking the notepad from her and tossing
it on the floor.
Hey! She cried but I silenced her with my lips.
She instantly melted and her fingers tangled in my hair, tugging slightly.
Sophie loved to grab my hair.
My fingers skimmed down her side and then under the edge of the tanktop she had worn to bed.
Caeden, she gasped, pulling away slightly, Im supposed meet Chris
and Charlotte soon.
I skimmed my nose up the side of her neck and kissed the spot where her
heart pulsed.
They can wait, I murmured and pressed my lips against hers.
Her body hummed in satisfaction.
She pulled away again and grinned at me. Yeah, they can wait.

I watched Sophie leave to go shopping with the girls before padding into
the kitchen.
I opened the refrigerator doors, searching for something for breakfastor
was it lunch now?
Hey, Cay-berry, Nolan greeted, walking through the archway.
I groaned at the ridiculous nickname. Maybe I should start calling him, Nonuts. Im sure hed love that.
Hungry? I asked, glancing at him over my shoulder.
No, he grinned, I already ate. But Im sure youre starving.
I turned all the way around and raised a brow in question.
His grin widened. This may be a well built house, but Im a shifter Cayberry. I can heareverything. It sounded like you and the wifey were really
having some fun.
I growled and clenched my fists. The wolf in me hated him talking about
my mate that way.
Shut your mouth, I warned.
Ooh, he put his hands up in mock defense, Im so scared of the big bad
wolf shifter.
You have five seconds to get out of here cat, I warned.
You know I was just kidding, he shook his head. Theres no need to get
all, he waved a hand in my direction, defensive.
Shes my wife and you are a guest, I breathed in and out deeply. Even
though I had been shifting for years now, if I lost control of my temper I
could spontaneously shift.

I can leave, Nolan smiled.

I sighed. I dont want you to leave.
He grinned. I know. You need me.
Yes, we do need you, I agreed reluctantly. Nolan didnt need any more of
an ego. And Im happy that youre here, just dont talk about me and
Sophie like that.
Oh, Caeden, Nolan picked an apple out of the large bowl on the center
of the table and tossed it in the air before catching it and taking a large
bite out of it, you always were such agirl when it comes to these kinds
of topics.
Excuse me, I crossed my arms over my bare chest, for being respectful.
My parents raised me right.
Are you saying mine didnt raise me right? He leaned back in the chair
and crossed his arms behind his head.
I eyed him. Im saying theres a reason why you left and stayed away for
years. Care to share?
He let the chair drop back the floor. How did this conversation go from
you and your prudish ways to me?
Did you really think I was going to let this slide? I want to know why you
left, I demanded. With everything going on with Travis, I hadnt bugged
Nolan about the disappearing act he had performed years ago.
Nolan pushed back from the table and stood in a lightning fast movement.
A muscle in his jaw flexed. Glaring at me, he spat, I had my reasons for
leaving and theyre nobody elses business.

He didnt give me a chance to respond as he stalked out of the room.

Well, then.
Light streamed through the bedroom windows waking me up.
It was my birthday.
I felt ten years older than that.
Sophie smiled at me and placed a tender kiss on my lips.
I gazed at her for a moment, soaking her in.
She rolled over and sat up. I wrapped my arm around her stomached and
pulled her flat onto the bed, hovering above her. Dont leave, I begged
and kissed her neck.
I have to get your stuff for the party, she whined.
Let me go with you, I pleaded. It was my birthday and I didnt want her
to leave. The least she could so was let me tag along.
I dont think so, mister. I have to get something while Im out that you
definitely cant see, she wiggled beneath me, trying to dislodge me. I
was curious to know what she was up to that I couldnt see.
Fine, I released her reluctantly. At least give the birthday boy a kiss
before you leave, I grinned.
She leaned over and kissed me. I cupped her cheek in my hand, pulling
her closer, and deepening the kiss. I tried to convince her with my lips to
stay and forget the party.

Ive really got to go, she pulled away and I groaned. Apparently, my kiss
hadnt been enough to convince her.
I know, I ran my fingers through my messy hair. I really needed to get it
cut but since I knew Sophie liked it shaggy, I hadnt bothered. Hurry
Of course, she smiled, and Caeden?
Happy Birthday.
I grinned. Thanks babe.
She smiled before turning and heading into the master bathroom. I heard
the shower turn on and was tempted to join her, but since I figured that
would make her mad, I refrained.
Come on boys, I patted the large empty space on the bed and the dogs
jumped up. I petted each of them before rolling on my back and throwing
my arm over my eyes. Within seconds, I was back asleep.
I had showered and was hanging out in the family room when people
started to arrive.
I opened the door and my mom and Lucinda breezed past me, heading
straight to the kitchen.
Happy Birthday! My mom called over her shoulder.
Thanks, I shook my head. Way to make me feel special mom! I yelled
towards the kitchen.

Bryce snickered. Told you I was the favorite. The youngest is always the
I swatted him on the back of the head.
A few minutes later I heard Sophie pull into the garage.
Hey, Amy! Can you help me with something? Sophie asked, coming into
the house. I ducked around the corner so she wouldnt see me and tried to
figure out what she was up to.
Of course, my mom replied, walking out of the kitchen.
Can you bring the balloons in and hang the banner while I take care of
this? Sophie asked and I heard some rustling.
Sure, take your time, my mom said, Ive got this covered.
Thank you so much! Sophie cried and then bound up the steps.
Bryce! Come help me with this! She yelled for my brother.
Bryce grumbled but followed my mom to the garage.
I heard another car and opened the door. It was Sophies parents.
Happy Birthday, Sophies mom smiled at me and opened her arms for a
Thanks, Christine, I grinned. Garrett, I nodded at her dad. I liked
Sophies dad but I still felt awkward around him. Not only was he her dad,
but a huge part of me felt like he would make a better Alpha.
Happy Birthday, Garret responded.
Wheres Sophie? Christine asked, peering around for her daughter.
Shes upstairs doing something, I shrugged.

Oh, Christine nodded. She and Garrett disappeared into the kitchen as
I was about to close the door when I heard another car coming in the
driveway. I grinned when I saw that it was Bentleys black GMC truck.
He and Chris bound into the house.
It seemed like it had been forever since I had seen my best friend.
I nodded towards the family room and he nodded.
Ill go help withsomething, Chris stood on her tiptoes to kiss Bentleys
cheek before scurrying after the others.
God, I love that girl, Bentley watched her leave.
I strode into the family room and sat down on the couch. Bentley did the
same, resting his feet on the ottoman.
Youre perfect for each other, I told him.
He chuckled. So are you and Sophie.
My mom came into the family room with balloons and began tying them
around the room.
Let me help, I stood.
No, its your birthday, she looked at me like I was crazy. Although, do
you think you could help your brother hang the banner. Im a little too
short to help, she chuckled.
Sure thing, I smiled.
Bryce was trying to hang a Happy Birthday banner from the top of the
archway into the family room.
I grabbed the end that was hanging down and tacked it to the molding.

Show off, Bryce muttered.

I ruffled his hair affectionately. Just trying to help.
I sat down beside Bentley again.
When do we get cake? He asked.
Soon, I hope, I grumbled. I really wanted some cake. There should be a
rule that its totally acceptable to eat cake for breakfast, lunch, and
I heard Sophie coming down the steps and looked towards the steps.
Her long hair was loose and hung down straight, just the way I liked it, and
she was glowing.
That girl stole my breath. Could she get any more perfect?
She spoke to Lucinda but I didnt hear a thing either of them said. I was
too absorbed in watching Sophie.
Dude, Bentley punched my shoulder. Youre drooling.
I dont care, I glared at him.
Where do you want me to put these? I heard Nolan ask Sophie. I turned
in their direction and saw Nolan holding a stack of presents.
Oh, sorry! Just put them on the ottoman, she pointed.
Bentley dropped his feet so Nolan could do as Sophie said.
I turned in Sophies direction and she walked towards me.
She bent and kissed my cheek. Are you ready for your cake, birthday
boy? She grinned.
Oh yeah, I patted my stomach for emphasis.
Everyone! She yelled. Lets head to the kitchen for cake!

Everyone took off at the mention of cake.

I stood and took her hand in mine. They better not eat all of my cake. I
want at least one piece left over, I complained.
Dont worry, Lucinda spoke up from the entrance of the kitchen, I made
you an extra one and put it in the refrigerator.
A whole cake for later! Lucinda couldnt get any better.
Ah, Lucinda, youre the best! I hugged her.
I try, she smiled and patted my cheek.
Hurry up! My annoying brother called from the kitchen.
We better get in there, Sophie laughed and gave my hand a small
The cake was set up on the island so everyone could gather around it.
Soph grabbed a box of candles and stuck nineteen in. She searched
through a drawer and lit them before they all started to sing.
Make a wish! Sophie exclaimed when the song ended.
I blew out the candles, but I didnt make a wish. I didnt need one. I had
everything I wanted, right here in this room.
I did have a hope though.
I hoped I was worthy of Sophie.
I made sure all the candles were blown out and grinned at Sophie. Now,
cut me some cake.
She laughed and reached for the cake cutter. Alright, birthday boy, which
piece do you want?

That one, I pointed to one of the end pieces. Wasnt that everyones
favorite piece? The more icing the better, at least in my opinion.
She cut me a piece of cake that would be equivalent to two slices. She
knew me so well. She stuck a fork in the middle and handed it to me.
I hurried to the table with my cake.
Whos next? Sophie asked.
Me! Me! Me! Bryce raised his hand and waved.
Sophie cut the cake for everyone and I got a second slice before she
finally sat down. She seemed full of nervous energy, like she was trying to
distract herself. If there werent so many people around Id ask her what
was wrong.
Happy Birthday, Caeden, Garrett, Sophies dad, told me again.
Thanks, I smiled but I was still trying to figure out what was going on
with Sophie.
Were so happy Sophie has you, Christine added.
I blushed. I think Im the lucky one. And I was. I saw Lucinda in the far
corner of the kitchen and called out, Hey Lucinda! She lifted her gaze
from her plate of cake and I said, The cake is delicious! Thank you!
Sophie finished her piece of cake and looked around the room. Are you
guys done? She asked. When everyone nodded she stood and opened
the cabinet that hid the trashcan. Trash goes in here, not scattered
around my house, she warned, eyeing everyone.
I brightened. Does this mean present time? I asked, dropping my paper
plate in the trashcan.

Yes, she laughed, rolling her eyes at me.

Woohoo! I exclaimed, running to the family room.
I had just started shaking the presents when they all walked in and Sophie
sat down beside me.
Which one can I open first? I asked.
Whichever you want, she shrugged.
I tore the wrapping paper off of the present I was holding. It was a wallet
from Sophie.
Thanks babe, I grinned at her.
Dont thank me yet. Theres more, her eyes sparkled and I wondered
what my she-wolf had up her sleeve.
The next present I opened was from Bryce.
Thanks Bryce! I waved the Xbox game at my brother.
I bought that with the intention that youd invite me over to play, Bryce
Sure, sure, I chuckled.
I mean it. Dont make me take it back. You know I will, he warned and I
knew he wasnt bluffing. That was Bryce.
I promise to let you come over and play it, I agreed so he would shut up
and let me finish opening the rest of my gifts.
Thank you, thats all I ask, Bryce relaxed, leaning against the wall.
I looked beside me at Sophie. Bryce always buys presents withulterior
motives, I explained.

Bryce piped in, Whats the point in buying someone a present if Im not
going to benefit from it?
I rolled my eyes at my little brother.
I tore open my next present and discovered an assortment of gift cards
from Sophies parents.
Wow! Thank you! I hugged Sophies mom. Here, babe, hold onto these.
I dont want to lose them. I handed Sophie the box.
The next box was huge and I couldnt figure out for the life of me what it
I have no idea what this is I whispered, ripping the paper off. Holy
shit! I exclaimed when I saw the shiny blue electric guitar. Mom! You
I did, my mom grinned.
This is incredible, I murmured, pulling the guitar out. Ive wanted this
for so song, I strummed the strings lightly. Wow, thank you, mom! I put
the guitar down and hugged her.
I opened the rest of my presents and said, Thank you so much. This has
been the best birthday Ive ever had. I stood and started to pick up the
Hold up, theres one more, Sophie informed me.
I hadnt seen another present and began to look around for it. There is?
I asked.
I have a surprise for you, remember? She grinned.
Oh, right, I sat down again.

She pulled a box out of her pocket and handed it to me. I hope you love
it, she squeaked when I began to tear the paper off.
I could tell she was nervous since she kept nibbling on her lower lip and
twisting the bottom of her shirt in her hands.
Babe, I know Ill love it, I ripped off the last of the wrapping paper.
I was left with a small rectangular white box. I slowly lifted the lid off,
trying to guess what was inside.
Everyone around me, including Sophie, seemed to be holding their breath.
I stared in wonder at what I saw inside the box.
There was no way.
It wasnt possible.
But there it was, right in front of me, a positive symbol on a pregnancy
My heart was racing. I was torn between feeling elated and scared
What is it? I heard my brother ask.
Caeden? My mom asked.
Tell us! Were dying over here! Chris shrieked.
With wide eyes I faced my wife. Does this mean what I think I means? I
asked in shock. I still couldnt believe what I was seeing. This couldnt be
real life.
She nodded, crying happy tears.
Sophie was having my baby.
I was going to be a dad.

I turned to face everyone and a grin spread across my face.

Were having a baby! I announced.

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