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CAS Reflection Form

Activity Name: Volunteering at Fine Music FM
CAS element(s) involved:



Is this activity completed or ongoing?

Activity Reflection: Comment only on those learning outcomes listed below that are
relevant to this activity.
You may want to comment on:
What you wanted to achieve by doing this activity and what you did actually
What you struggled with or found frustrating and how you managed that.
What you have learnt about working with others. What you learnt about yourself?
How this activity will inform your future CAS activities.

Increased awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth

Undertaken new challenges
Planned and initiated activities
Worked collaboratively with others
Shown perseverance and commitment
Engages with issues of global importance
Considered the ethical implications of my actions
Developed new skills

By submitting this form you are declaring that the reflection and evidence in this CAS
activity meet the IB Academic Honesty guidelines.

What you wanted to achieve by doing this activity and what you did actually
What you struggled with or found frustrating and how you managed that.
What you have learnt about working with others. What you learnt about yourself?
How this activity will inform your future CAS activities.

I first became interested in volunteering at Fine Music FM after I went there for
Work Experience in Year 10. Even as a Year 10 Work Experience student, I was
taught many new skills to do with work at a radio station, for example how to
speak on air and program music. By doing this as a CAS activity in Years 11 and
12, I wanted to further develop these skills and also learn new ones. I also felt
that this would in fact aid my future career as I wanted to work in media
production, so I thought that many of these skills would help me later on. I was
also interested in doing this because I felt that it would be good practice for when
I had to work in real life, so I wanted to develop skills in leadership and
responsibility as well.


However, this became a source of frustration for me because I found that the
new responsibility on my shoulders do get something done became quite
overwhelming once my schoolwork and assignments started getting busy. This
was because, while I was volunteering at Fine Music, I was generally placed
alone to finish a set list of tasks. I felt the responsibility of not letting anyone
down, as my inability to finish certain tasks would actually have real-life
consequences, so there I was able to further develop my understanding and
skills. A challenge for me working there was also managing my time and
balancing it out with my schoolwork.
In addition, there were other new, specialised skills that I developed while I was
working there. For example, I learnt how to create a program of music that would
be most effective and pleasing to listen to on the radio. It was a real joy for me to
hear my programs actually being played on the radio. Often the challenge there
would be choosing suitable music or a suitable theme for the program, as I ran
out of ideas frequently.I also learnt how to work with others, as there was another
Year 12 girl who volunteered there and often we would be placed on projects
together. I felt that we worked well together because we both shared similar
interests and thus we were able to bounce ideas off each other and listen to each
By doing this CAS activity, I also aimed to undertake new challenges. Some new
challenges that I was faced with were meeting new people constantly, which was
a shock for me, as I generally surround myself with the same people every day at
school, as well as finding suitable music and themes for the programs. In order to
find music for a program, I took ideas from other people, such as my friends and
teachers at school, or I would go searching in the music library there. Therefore,
by undertaking this challenge, I also gained information about new music and
broadened my knowledge of music.

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