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CAS Planning Form

Activity Name: Sewing skirts for earthquake-affected children in Nepal
CAS element(s) involved:





Description of Proposed Activity:

I will be in a group of approximately 8 people and we will be making clothing for children
who have been affected by the recent earthquakes in Nepal.

Proposed Activity Supervisor:

Ms White and Ms King

What challenges and/or new skills will this activity provide?

New skills:
- I will be learning how to use a sewing machine and overlocker, as well as using
and making a sewing pattern.
- Dealing with potentially emotionally difficult situations
- Working towards a deadline, as Ms King leaves for Nepal during the school
holidays, so we must get our work done before then.

What do you want to achieve from your participation in this activity?

I want to develop a better understanding of global issues and how my work can affect
other people around the work. I would like to come out of this group project with more
openmindedness regarding my impact on the world. I would also like to develop more
skills with sewing and learn more about the logistics of sending a bundle of clothing to
children in need in Nepal.

What evidence could be appropriate for this activity?


Photos and videos of the process

Sign-off sheet from supervisor

Which learning outcomes may be appropriate to reflect on for this activity?

(NB You
do not have to meet every outcome for each activity. All eight must be achieved over the duration of the
CAS Program and before you are signed off)


Increased awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth

Undertaken new challenges
Planned and initiated activities
Worked collaboratively with others
Shown perseverance and commitment
Engages with issues of global importance
Considered the ethical implications of my actions
Developed new skills

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