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2.7 The Electric Field at Charged Surfaces

we consider

E d F = 4 k ~ q= 4 k 1 ~


For thickness d




0 we have


E . d F = (E2 + El) . A F = (E2 - El) . nAF,

where n is a unit vector directed along the normal on side 2 of the surface.
It follows that
(Ez - El) - n = 4k7ru(r).
Thus in passing through the charged surface of vanishing thickness the normal component of the electric field E jumps from one value to another depending on g(r).
We consider two particular cases. As the first we consider the case of
a large charged plate, whose boundary effects (distortions of lines of force)
may be neglected (hence the specification large). In this case we have as
depicted in Fig. 2.7,

E2 . n = E ,
so that

El . n = -E,

Thus the field has the same value 27rku on both sides of the plate, but is in
each case directed away from the plate; the difference is 47rku.

Fig. 2.7 Large charged plate.

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