4th Behavior Policy 16-17

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4th Grade Behavior Policy

Fourth graders are held to high standards academically, as well as behaviorally. Therefore, we must
continually strive to be regarded as nothing less than leaders! ClassDojo is a teacher tool we will be
using to help build your students learning habits and boost classroom engagement. ClassDojo allows
us to track student behavior throughout the day.
One of the great features of ClassDojo is parents have access to a daily behavior report through
the Class Dojo app. My hope is that this will bring us closer together and help you better understand
the progress of your student on a week to week basis.
As a class we will design classroom expectations that will allow scholars to reach their full potential in
an environment that promotes teamwork, responsibility, and respect. If a student chooses not to fulfill
their commitment to these expectations the consequences will be as follows:
1: Warning
2: Class Dojo Negative Point
3: Behavior Reflection
4: Parent Contact
5: After School Restorative Conference
(More severe behavior infractions will result in more severe consequences.)
We are looking forward to working with you to ensure your child experiences maximum success in the
Yours in Education,
Ms. Lane and Mrs. Giffey

Fourth Grade Behavior Policy

I have read the fourth grade behavior policy and understand that I am responsible for my own actions. I will
contribute to the learning community in a positive way. I understand that if I choose to keep my teacher from
teaching or my classmates from learning, I am choosing negative consequences. I also understand that if I
choose to commit to making our classroom a positive place to learn for my classmates and myself, I may earn
positive consequences.
Student Signature: ____________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________

I have read and understand the fourth grade behavior policy. I understand that my childs teacher will do all
that is possible to help guide my child to make positive choices, but ultimately my child will be held
accountable for their actions, both positive and negative. If my child continuously makes poor choices, I
understand (s)he and/or myself may be required to stay after school to create a plan to ensure future success.
If this becomes necessary, I will be responsible for arranging transportation.
Parent Signature: ____________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________

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