Simple Analysis For Complex Structures-Trusses and SDO: Wuyi University, Guangdong 529020, China

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J. Civil Eng. Architect.

Vol. 1, No. 3, 2014, pp. 190-202
Received: June 30, 2014; Published: September 25, 2014

Journal of
Civil Engineering
and Architecture Research

Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and

Ren Song
Wuyi University, Guangdong 529020, China
Corresponding author: Ren Song (
Abstract: In order to further improve the complex statically determinate truss analysis, some new methods being different from the
ones emerged in the teaching material of structural mechanics in recent decades are introduced in this paper, including the use of up
system symmetry and the SDO method. All the methods are explained through examples selected from various teaching materials in
both English and Chinese mainly. The introduction of the SDO method includes how to ascertain the SDO forms for a component or
a table part of the trusses and its application in practice, especially in IL analysis, showing the prominent advantages, would be
described in detail.
Key words: Single-force equation, zero bar, SDO, substitution method, F-E method, dual body, lacked object.

1. Introduction
The main difficulty in complex statically
determinate truss analysis is have to deal with
simultaneous equations as there is no single-force
equation (means there is only one unknown in the
equation [1]) available. To avoid simultaneous
equations, some methods emerged in recent decades
are the Hennebergs Method [2]. or called the
method of substitute members [3-6], the access
method [3, 5, 6] and the method of virtual
displacements [2], as well as the constraint
substitution method [7] and the application of
central symmetry [8] and so on. The examples
below would show how to make a breakthrough in
the analysis including finding the zero bar (s) in
some specific situation and applying the symmetry
of up stable truss system supported unequally on two
supports in two situations: with or no horizontal bar
(s) connecting the two supports being in the same
elevation and the SDO method.
To make the figures clearer, the following
notations are in this paper:
Arrows with a diagonal indicate the forces being

unknown before appearing in the figure to

distinguish them from the knowns.
The axial forces of bars in trusses are plotted: in
their axes in case it is the zero bare or their axes are
in vertical or horizontal, else marked the 2
components and when the 2 components are the
same, only one is marked.
Some numerical values of the examples selected
from the references may have been made a little
modification to simplify the calculation and for the
exact results to be expressed in rational number.
In case the load is symmetric or antisymmetric
acting on a symmetric truss, the axial forces of the
bares are marked on only half of the structure
For joints of type K [1], only one of the axial
forces in the 2 related bars is marked sometimes,
such as joint H in Fig. 1a and joint F and B in b and
c in Fig. 1.

2. Examples
In order to save space, in case of the symmetry is
applying, the decomposed symmetric and

Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

antisymmetric loads are plotted directly omitting the

original one.
First of all, an example below will show you how
the zero bare finding makes a breakthrough in
analyzing a complex truss, although it has nothing to
do with the symmetry.
Example 1
Make a complete analysis for the complex truss
supported and loaded as shown in a, b, c in Fig. 1 [2,
5, 6].
For Fig. 1a: First of all, there are 2 zero bars
jointed at L and another one NBC = 0 are found at a
glance and NAF = 0 would be obtained by analyzing
the up part of section k-k. After the reactions are
calculated, analyze the joints in order of A-J-K-E ,
the internal forces in all the bars would be calculated
easily and plotted in Fig. 1a.


For Fig. 1b and Fig. 1c: Follow the analysis order

in that in Fig. 1a, all the results would be got as
plotted in b and c in Fig. 1.
Example 2
Make a complete analysis for the complex truss
supported and loaded as shown in a and b in
Fig. 2 [6].
For Fig. 2a: For the loads are balanced themself,
then all the reactions would be zero; the zero bars
are found and marked considering the symmetry; the
analysis would be completed by taking joint method
easily starting form joint F or joint G.
For Fig. 2b: The zero bars are also found
considering the symmetry, then the axial forces in
any other bars would be calculated easily following
the reaction analysis.

Fig. 1 Making a breakthrough in complex trusses analysis by finding zero bare as earlier as possible.

Fig. 2 The first example for making a breakthrough in complex trusses analysis by finding zero bare in utilizing the
symmetry of up truss system.


Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

Example 3
The structure is loaded by symmetric and
antisymmetric loads respectively as a and b in Fig. 3
[2, 5, 6]. Make a completely analysis.
For Fig. 3a: It is clear at a glance that the
reactions are all zero, then all the axial forces of
members are zero except CD is -6 as marked in the
Fig. 3a.
For Fig. 3b: For the load is antisymmetric, after
determine CD is a zero bar considering the
symmetry, the joint method should be taken to
analyze the rest easily starting from joint C or D, the
results has been also plotted in Fig. 3b.
Example 4
Determine the internal forces in all the bars of the
trusses shown in a and b in Fig. 4 [2].
It is easy to take the joint method to analyze the
axial forces of the bares in the trusses after
determining all the zero bars according to the
symmetry, the result has been plotted in a and b of
Fig. 4.
Example 5
A symmetric truss loaded and supported as shown
in a and b in Fig. 5, make a complete analysis [2].
For Fig. 5a: The joint method should be taken to
analyze it in order of A-F-G-C-I-H-B considering
the symmetry.
For Fig. 5b: The zero bares should be determined
first. Then the joint method should be taken for the
rest to complete the analysis with no difficulty.
Example 6
Make a complete analysis of the structures drawn
in a and b in Fig. 6 [2, 5, 6].
Determined all the zero bar in a and b in Fig. 6
first, then take the stable part to be analyzed as
shown in c and d in the Fig. 6..The results have
been plotted in a and b in Fig. 6.

Fig. 3 The 2nd example for making a breakthrough in

complex trusses analysis by finding zero bare by using up
bar system symmetry.

Fig. 4 The 3rd example for making a breakthrough in

complex trusses analysis by finding zero bare in a
symmetric up system.

Fig. 5 The 4th example for making a breakthrough in

complex trusses analysis by finding zero bare in a
symmetric up system.

Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO


Example 7
Make a complete analysis for a and b in Fig. 7 [3,
4, 6]
For Fig. 7a: As the load is symmetric, take the
access method setting NCF = 8x; the axial force
expressions for all the members would be analyzed
by joint method in the order of C-F-E. Consider the
horizontal balance of joint D: 4 + 4x = 8x, then
x 1 and all the axial forces of the members would
be found and have been plotted in Fig. 7a.
For Fig. 7b: Broken down into b1 and b2.
For Fig. 7b1: As the force system is an
antisymmetric, all the zero bares are easily to be
found and the rest of the analysis would be a cup of
tea for you I believe as plotted in it.
For Fig. 7b2: As the force system is symmetric,
taking the access method setting NCF = 8x as in Fig.
7b2. The following analysis could follow the one in
Fig. 7a.
The internal forces in Fig. 7b would be got by
summing up those in b1 and b2.
Example 8
Make a complete analysis for the structures
shown in a and b in Fig. 8 [2].
The structure here is a little complex than that in
Fig. 7, but it is the same that a symmetrical up
system supported simply with no horizontal bar (s)
between the 2 supports. So the same analysis order
could be taken as that in example 7.
Supplemental instruction
In order to make use of the symmetry of the
structure, add a horizontal force on the support B to
form a symmetric and antisymmetric force system as
b1and b2 in Fig. 8, it also makes the load system to
be the same of that in Fig. 8b. The analysis would be
much similar to that in example 7.
Fig. 6 The 5th example for making a breakthrough in
complex trusses analysis by finding zero bare in a
symmetric up system.

Example 9
Make a complete analysis for the truss shown in
Fig. 9a [2-6].


Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

The stable part D-B is separated from the
structure as b in Fig. 9. As the 2 lines of the
actions on B and F are clearly, the third one on D
must also point to O, the intersection of the 2 lines
mentioned. Then the direction of action on D of
another stable part is shown as c in the Fig. 9. As it
is an SDO (the abbreviation of statically
determinate object), the analysis must be a piece of
cake for you I believe.
Brief summary
From the above examples, you may find that
complex trusses can be analyzed by simple methods
sometimes, which can be summarized as follows:
(1) By finding the zero bar(s), a breakthrough for
analyzing would be made, such as example 1.
If failed in (1), in case the up system is symmetry
and supported simply,

Fig. 7

(2) Being with horizontal bar(s) between the two

supports, the symmetry should also be made full use
to find zero bar(s), such as example 2-6.
(3) Being with no horizontal bar(s) between the
two supports, the symmetry should also be used to
find zero bar(s) after a certain force is added on a
appropriate location such as the ones in example
(4) If failed in (1)-(3), the SDO method should be
adopted to go another way to analyze the structure(s),
such as example 9.
If failed in (1)-(4), the traditional methods guided
in the above section of introduction should be
adopted for analyzing: In case the structure is
symmetric, the author recommends the access
method, otherwise suggest the method of substitute
members or constraint substitution method and the
application of central symmetry etc.

The first example for making a symmetry situation by adding force on a support.

Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

Fig. 8

The 2nd example for making a symmetry situation by adding force on a support.

Fig. 9

The first example for analyzing a complex trusses by SDO method.

3. The Methods for Ascertaining the SDO

in Complex Statically Determinate Trusses
The above examples show many methods to
simplify the analysis for complex trusses and the
method of SDO applied in example 9 is a new one
having certain application scope. In order to make


the method to be practical, some method to ascertain

the SDO would be introduced such as the
Substitution Method and the F-E method etc.
3.1 The Substitution Method
The substitution method is to take an equivalent
constraint system to replace the direct constraint


Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

force system making an SDO for a member or a

Example 11

stable part in the structures such as the method

Ascertain the SDO for GF in the structure as in

applied in example 9. See the example below.

Example 10
Ascertain the SDO for CD and make a complete
analysis for the structure shown in Fig. 10a [2, 5, 6].
As the truss has many specific joints (type K and
K [1]), an access could be found of B-G-E in Fig.
10a as plotted there and it meanes that NCB = -NDE.
The direct constraint force system of component CD
would be that in Fig. 10b. After reasonable
equivalent conversion, replace force system with a
constraint system as in Fig. 10c, this is what we
were ascertaining, the SDO for component CD. Now
put the load on the SDO as Fig. 10c, all the axial
forces in the bars would be calculated and plotted in
it easily. Restore to original one, the result is plotted
as in Fig. 10d.
Put another load 12 on the SDO and analyzed as
Fig. 10e. Restore to original one, the result is plotted
as in Fig. 10f verifying the SDO.

Fig. 11a [5].

Obviously, component GF has a roller constraint
through a dual body of GCF, there are other 2 have
to be ascertained still. Of course, the 2 constrains
must be equivalent to the 3 other constrains of the
structure on D, A and B. Because they have only the
directions without specific quantities when there is
no load acting, they could not be found immediately.
So the F-E method should be had a try. Now put a
vertical and a horizontal force P and Q on GF and
analyzed respectively as a and b in Fig. 11. The 2
fore examples would be obtained when the loaded
structures have been analyzed as potted in a and b in
Fig. 11. Now, replace system of the direct restraint
forces (the internal forces of the 4 bars exposed by
cutting with section k-k as a and b in Fig. 11), by
equivalent constraint systems as c and d in it, the
lacked object (an object could bear loads in a certain
direction only) and the SDO would be obtained as c
and d respectively in the Fig. 11.

Brief summary
As the SDO ascertainment is not simple
sometimes and the situation of setback is quite
common, some other methods should be sought, see

Put a load (marked in italics, and all the forces

coursed by it would be marked in italics also) on the
SDO as d in the Fig., the reaction would be calculated

the following.

easily and marked in it. Now make them return to the

3.2 Simple Introduction of the F-E Method

italics would form a balance system as shown in it.

original structure as in Fig. 11b. All the forces in

The principle of this method is to make use of 1

or 2 analyzed results of the structure, called the

Brief summary
(1) Failed with the substitution method, the F-E


method may be a road to success in the ascertaining.

constraint(s) of the selected component or a stable

(2) The SDO is a powerful weapon in analyzing

part of the structure to form the SDO. Of course,

complex structures for any kinds of various loads

the fore example(s) could be analyzed by any

acting on the object directly. Once the SDO has been

methods including the ones adopted in the above

ascertained, the analysis would be a peace of cake

examples and guided in the introduction section

for every body. As it is more useful in analyzing the

above. So the method would be called the Fore

composite structures and frames, the introduction in

Example method, simply the F-E method. See

detail would be offered in the companion volume of

examples below.

this paper some day.






Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

Fig. 10

The example for ascertaining the SDO for a member in a complex truss by substitution method.

Fig. 11

The example for ascertaining the SDO for a member in a complex truss by F-E Method.

4. The Application of SDO to IL Analysis

Mentioned above, the SDO is a powerful weapon
in analyzing various loads in complex trusses; in the
other words, its advantage can be revealed in
analyzing difference loads acting on the SDO
directly, that is the member or stable part selected


for the ascertaining. Obviously, its application in IL,

the abbreviation of influence line, is the typical
representative, see the following examples.
Example 12
Draw the IL for the reactions of all the 3 supports
of the structure in Fig. 12 a (the mobile unit load
moving along the string [2-6]).


Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

The kinematic method shows that all the IL of the
reactions would be composed of 2 straight line
segments intersected at section C and the values on
A and B are either 1 or 0 when the unit load is acting
up A or B. Visible, only work out the value on C
(means the mobile unit load is acting on D), the IL
would be completed by connecting with the sizes of
the reactions. Now, the key step is to calculate the
reaction on C when the unite load is acting on D. As
the analysis for the original structure is quite ado,
taking the substitution method to ascertain the SDO
for DB and AD according to b and c in Fig. 12
would make the analysis much simpler; no mater
where the mobile unit load moved to, the reaction on
any support would be calculated easily with the
SDO (see the analysis in example 9 above).
First of all, calculate the detail size around d as
Fig. 12d according to b and c in Fig. 12, then put the
mobile unit load 100 (in 1 over 100) on D as Fig 12c,
the reaction would be 120 acting on d in Fig. 12c.
Now, make it break up into 2 directions components
of concurrent on d as Fig. 11c (for the 2 horizontal
component must be contour reverse and have no
influence on the analysis, the relevant digit has been
omitted in the Fig. and the same bellow). Then we

YC 2Yd 3 140()

( d 3 indicates the vertical

component of the force from point d to point 3, the

same bellow) and

YA YB YdD Yd 3 20()

beam with isometric cantilever on both ends as that

in Fig. 13b. Then, the detail round b and a would be
symmetric as plotted in c and d in Fig. 13 and Fig
13d would be the same as Fig. 12d. Now put the unit
load 816 (in 1 over 816) on the SDO as in Fig. 13b,
the 2 reactions on b and a would be calculated and
marked in it. All the 4 reactions would be calculated
easily as:
YA 574 410 164 4 41()

YE 2 574 4 287() ;
YN 98 70 4 7()

YJ 2 98 4 49()

The IL for all the reactions would be drawn as Fig.

Example 14
Draw the influence lines for the reactions on all
the supports of the structure in Fig. 14a (the mobile
unit load moving along the string [6]).
In order to provide enough data for drawing the
IL, put the unite load on G and H respectively as in
Fig. 14a. All the related data for IL would be
calculated before the reaction analysis.
According to the analysis in the above example,
the SDO for G-H is as Fig. 14e, a simply supported
beam with cantilever on both ends with different
length. All the digit would be calculated according
to Fig. 14b. For all the reactions being vertical, their
values is nothing to do with the vertical coordinates
of the supports, they wont appear in the following


equations. The horizontal coordinate would be

put all the 3 reactions on Fig. 11a. The IL would be

drawn as Fig. 11e.
Example 13
Draw the influence lines for the reactions of all
the supports of the structure in Fig. 13a (the mobile
unit load moving along the string [6]).
According to the analysis in example 12, the SDO
for S-W in Fig. 13a would be a simply supported

calculated first: that of a is show on Fig. 14c being

the same as that in Fig 12d and Fig. 13c, but that of
b has to be calculated as in Fig. 14d. Then we have
(the following sizes are all in horizontal):
350 41
350 41 58 235 360 2520

=> Kb

5.1429 => bd

ba 180





36540 1044 1015 34481 ;


Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

7105 ; and
1044 6090 1044 7134 ;
Gb 30


in italics). The IL for all the reactions would be

drawn as that in Fig. 14g.

aH 30 5 35

Brief summary

Ga 210 5 205 ;
bH ba aH




The examples in this section show that the key

34481 203 35

step in the IL analysis for such type of bridge is to


ascertain the SDO for all the spans of the structure.


Now, put loads P = 1448202 on G and H (in 1

over 1448202) respectively as e and f in Fig. 14;
then calculate all the reactions respectively and
marked on Fig. 14a (The upper line is for the load on
G in Traditional while the lower is for the load on H

Fig. 12


As they are all simply supported beams with

cantilever on one or both ends, then we can say that
the key step is to determine the horizontal
coordinates of the 2 supports of the beams. If the
number of the spans is changing, coordinates of the
2 supports changes slightly according to Fig. 14b.

An example for IL analysis by SDO method for a 2-span complex truss bridge.


Fig. 13

Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

An example for IL analysis by SDO method for a 3-span complex truss bridge.

5. Epilogue
Some improvements in complex trusses analysis
are put forward in this paper, especially calling for
discovery the only force equation as early as
possible, such as example 1, or zero bar in case the
up system is symmetric, such as example 2-8, to
make a breakthrough in the analysis. In addition, the
concept of SDO is proposed and successfully
applied in IL analysis for some type of bridge
structures, showing the effect of simplifying the
calculation greatly. However, as Jack C. McCormac
said: Generally speaking there is little need for
complex trusses because it is possible to select
simple or compound trusses that will serve that

desired purpose equally well [3]. This article looks

not necessarily have great practical significance, is
likely to be a kind of intelligence training just.
However, the current text books of structural
mechanics did not forget the content in recent
decades still, why? I feel hesitate to conclude, if this
article may provide some references only? Yet, Id
like to say still that dont despise the improvement
in theory for not finding its practical application
today, it is hard to say whether it will shine one day,
for example that the type of bridge in Fig. 12-14
have its advantage of the special of both the static
determinate and indeterminate: adapting to the
unknown pedestal subsidence and stressed evenly;
but the analysis of short board (complex) is being

Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

Fig. 14


An example for IL analysis by SDO method for a 4-span complex truss bridge.

eased by the SDO method now. I would like to make

accepted by the market again with the spreading of

a bold prediction: this form of bridge would be

SDO method. What is more, the companion volume


Simple Analysis for Complex StructuresTrusses and SDO

of this paper (Simple analysis for complex structure

-composite structure and frames) will be seen soon I
There must be much of questionable issues in this


paper still, different opinions are welcome.



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