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Policy 5.02
Office Rules/Code of Conduct
Office employees have a duty to follow professional standards of behavior. This policy describes
required and prohibited behavior. (26.1.1)
.A Confidential information Office investigations, documents, and orders not subject to
disclosure under the Texas Open Records Act.
.B Insubordination failure or deliberate refusal to obey a lawful order given by a superior, or
any disrespectful, mutinous, insolent, or abusive language or action toward a superior whether
in or out of the presence of the superior
.C Lawful order any order consistent with the performance of any duty prescribed by law or
which promotes efficiency, good order, and discipline, and is not in conflict with law, Office
rules, Office regulations, policies, procedures, directives or administrative orders.
.D Unauthorized persons not county personnel, prisoners, or on official business

Office Rules (12.2.1g) (C2.1.5g)

A. Performance of Duty
1. Performance of Duty - Employees shall promptly perform all assigned duties.
2. Relationship with the Public
a. Employees shall conduct themselves courteously and professionally. (C3.6.1)
b. Employees shall not use obscene, abusive, or derogatory language while interacting
with citizens in an official capacity or in uniform.
3. Rendering Aid/Furnishing Identification
a. Employees shall render aid or furnish information consistent with duty.
b. Employees shall furnish their names and Office I.D. numbers when requested.
4. Truthfulness - Employees shall be truthful in reports, testimony or statements given or
made in the course of their duties.
5. Submitting Reports - Employees shall submit reports in a timely manner.
6. Office Records/Reports/Citations
a. Employees shall not remove, delete, alter, forge or tamper with any kind of record,
report, citation, card, letter, document or other official file of the Office, except by
process of law or as authorized by the Sheriff.
b. Employees shall not obtain or duplicate any information from Office files, sources, or
reports, other than that to which the employee is properly entitled in accordance with
the employees duties/assignments.
7. Use of Force (26.1.1) - Employees shall not use excessive force. Force shall be a

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Revised May 28, 2009

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Office Rules/Code of Conduct


measured and appropriate response to active aggression or to overcome resistance to the
employees accomplishment of a lawful duty.
8. Leaving Limits of the County - Employees shall not go beyond the County limits while on
duty, unless required to do so by duty or when directed or authorized by a superior.
9. Office Correspondence - Employees shall not enter into official Office correspondence that
explicitly or implicitly purports to be the position or opinion of the Office, except with the
approval of the Sheriff or Chief Deputy.
10. Picket Lines
a. Employees, while in uniform, shall not engage in any form of demonstration, or occupy
any place, premise, or area where people are picketing or demonstrating, except in the
performance of their duties.
b. Employees who are on duty and/or in uniform shall not by their words or actions
demonstrate support for either party and shall enforce the law impartially.

Employees shall not accept food, beverages or other gratuities from any group or
individual involved in the picket or demonstration.

11. Violation of the Law Employees shall not violate federal, state, or local laws while on- or

Non-Performance of Duty (12.2.1g) (C2.1.5g)

A. Neglect of Duty
1. Employees shall perform assigned duties and responsibilities consistent with reasonable
and customary standards as may be applied to the task or assignment.
2. Neglect of duty is prohibited. Examples include but are not limited to:
a. Absence without leave or permission
b. Failure to report to duty at the time and place designated (C3.6.1)

Unnecessary and/or unauthorized absence from ones assignment during duty hours

d. Failure to perform duties or comply with any rule or regulation, directive or

administrative order
e. Failure to conform to applicable policies and procedures
3. Termination of Duty/Assignment - Employees shall not abandon a duty or assignment
unless relieved or dismissed by constituted authority.

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Office Rules/Code of Conduct



Professional Image and Appearance, On/Off Duty Conduct (12.2.1g) (C2.1.5g)

A. Professional Image
1. Employees shall work diligently and present a professional image.
2. Prohibited activities and behaviors include, but are not limited to:

Smoking or chewing gum while dealing with the public

Shouting unnecessarily or using obscene language
Conducting personal business while on duty
Failing to respond promptly to a request for service
Failing to show courtesy on the phone or in person

B. On/Off Duty Conduct - Morale/Efficiency/Image/Public Confidence

1. Employees shall not engage in conduct on- or off-duty that adversely affects the morale or
efficiency of the Office.
2. Employees shall not engage in conduct on- or off-duty which has a tendency to destroy
public respect for the employee and/or the Office and/or destroy confidence in the
operation of the Office.
C. Public Criticism of the Office
1. Employees, in uniform or on duty, shall not publicly criticize the Office, its policies, or
personnel by expressing in any manner a comment that:

is defamatory
is obscene
is unlawful
is false and the employee recklessly disregarded the truth
tends to impair the operation or efficiency of the office
interferes with the ability of supervisors to maintain discipline

2. Employees, who have grievances, shall use the Office grievance procedure.
D. Personal Appearance (26.1.1) (C3.6.1)
1. Employees shall have a neat, clean personal appearance, which reflects favorably on the
individuals competency, efficiency, and pride as a member of the Office and the
professionalism of the Office.
2. Employees shall not wear an improper uniform or civilian clothing.
3. Employees shall carry all required equipment.
4. Employees shall maintain their uniforms and equipment.
E. Participation in Court Proceedings
1. Employees shall not give a deposition, affidavit, or appear as a witness in a civil
proceeding stemming from official duties as an Office member without the Sheriffs
2. Employees shall not give testimony as a character witness for any defendant in a criminal
trial without the Sheriffs approval.

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Office Rules/Code of Conduct


F. Notices - Posting/Circulating/Destroying/Defacing
1. Employees shall not destroy, deface, or cover any official notice
2. Employees shall not post or circulate derogatory notices
G. Possession/Use of Alcohol - Employees shall not possess or use alcohol on duty unless
authorized. (26.1.1) (C3.6.1)
H. Possession/Use of Controlled Substances ( 26.1.1) (C3.6.1)
1. Employees shall not possess or use controlled substances except when prescribed by a
licensed physician, and with the knowledge of a superior.
2. Employees shall not use or be under the influence of a controlled substance that impairs
the employees ability to perform duties.

1. Fraternization As a law enforcement agency, the El Paso County Sheriffs Office is a
paramilitary organization where it is important that strict discipline and respect be
maintained. Improper relationships between employees are destructive to the good order,
morale, and discipline of the Office and undermine the mission of the Office by inhibiting
the cooperation and trust between employees which compromises the safety and security
of the employees and facilities within the control and responsibility of the Office. Further,
improper relationships bring discredit to the Office in the community at large. Thus, the
relationships described below are prohibited, and any employee involved in a prohibited
relationship is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
a. Dating and/or sexual relationships between a superior and subordinate employee
within a direct chain of command are prohibited. If a dating and/or sexual relationship
between a superior and subordinate employee within a direct chain of command
develops, both employees have an obligation to immediately notify the Sheriff of the
relationship. A prompt report of the relationship shall be made to the Sheriff by one or
both of the employees, in conjunction with steps taken to either eliminate the direct
chain of command relationship or terminate the dating and/or sexual relationship,
which report will be considered in mitigation by the Sheriff in determining appropriate
disciplinary action.
b. Dating and/or sexual relationships between employees are prohibited if at least one of
the employees is married to or in a committed relationship with another person, and
the employee knows or should know of the existence of the marriage or committed

Dating and/or sexual relationships between employees and other persons are
prohibited if either the employee or the other person is married to, or in a committed
relationship with another employee, and the employee knows or should know of the
existence of the marriage or committed relationship.

d. A committed relationship includes being engaged to be married, residing in the same

household, or regularly dating.
e. This policy is not intended to discourage routine social interaction between employees
such as lunches, dinners and/or attendance at social events sponsored or encouraged
by the Office or commonly acceptable in the work environment.

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Office Rules/Code of Conduct


2. Nepotism - Employees may not directly supervise, nor may they be directly supervised by
employees who are members of their immediate family. Immediate family includes parents,
children, siblings, spouses, in-laws or members of the same household.
3. Prohibited Association
a. Employees shall not frequent or associate with persons, organizations, or places that
would be detrimental to the image of the Office.
b. Employees shall not knowingly have personal associations with persons who are
currently in custody, on probation, on parole, or under indictment or bond for any

Requests for exceptions to this provision shall be submitted to and approved by the

4. Misconduct Known to Office Personnel

a. Employees shall report an Office employees violation of a law, rule, regulation, policy,
procedure, directive or administrative order to their supervisor, offending employees
supervisor or internal affairs.
b. Employees shall cooperate with any investigation conducted because of their report.
5. Fighting/Quarreling - Employees shall not fight or argue with other members of the Office.
6. Insubordination - Employees shall not be insubordinate
B. Internal Information
1. Cooperation with Administrative Investigations
a. Employees shall cooperate fully with administrative investigations.
b. Employees shall answer questions, respond to lawful orders, and render material and
relevant statements in an administrative investigation.

Statements may not be compelled in violation of a federal or state constitutional right.

2. Divulging Confidential Information (C6.1.4)

a. Employees shall not discuss confidential Office operations or business unless there is
a legitimate need to know.
b. Office investigations, documents, and orders not subject to disclosure under the Texas
Open Records Act are confidential.

Release of confidential information must be approved by the supervisor in charge of

the investigation or information.

C. Policies and Laws

1. Obeying Orders and Directives (26.1.1) (C5.2.4)
a. Employees shall comply with Office rules, regulations, policies, procedures, directives
and administrative orders.

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Office Rules/Code of Conduct


b. Employees shall obey the lawful order of a superior
2. Knowledge of Laws, Rules, Regulations, Policies, Procedures, Directives, and
Administrative Orders
a. Employees shall maintain a working knowledge of applicable state and federal laws
and Office policies, procedures, rules, regulations, directives, and administrative
b. Employees shall read, understand, and comply with all applicable rules and
regulations, directives, administrative orders, policies and procedures of the Office, or
the written or verbal orders of a superior.

It shall be neglect of duty to fail to ask a superior any question about the meaning or
application of any law, rule, regulation, directive or administrative order, policy and
procedure, written or verbal order, until the employee understands the answer.

D. Rewards/Gratuities/Benefits
1. Use of Position for Political Purpose
a. Employees shall not use their position with the Office for political purposes.
b. Employees shall not use their official positions for non-duty related involvement in an

This rule does not prohibit a member of the Office, as a private citizen, from:

Exercising the right of suffrage.

Casting a vote or expressing ones opinions.
Being delegates to or members of a political caucus.
Taking part in political canvass.

2. Gifts/Solicitation/Acceptance
a. Employees shall not solicit or accept any gift or gratuity from someone: (C3.6.1)
1) seeking to influence the employees performance or nonperformance of an official
2) has an interest which may be substantially affected by the performance of an
official duty,
3) has a substantial interest in an enterprise which is licensed, contracted, or
regulated by the County, or
4) has a pending matter before the county or the judiciary
b. Employees shall not accept any gift or gratuity for conduct or actions as an officer or
employee of the Office without the written permission of the Sheriff.
3. Fees/Rewards - Employees shall not accept any fee or reward for any services rendered in
the line of duty without the Sheriffs approval. (26.1.1) (C3.6.1)

4. Private Benefit from Office Association - Employees shall not use their official positions;

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Office Rules/Code of Conduct


time, facilities, equipment, or supplies of the Office for the private benefit of themselves or
5. Valuable Items - Buying/Receiving/Selling - Employees shall not buy, receive, or sell
anything of value from or to any complainant, suspect, witness, defendant, prisoner, or
other person involved in any case in which the Office is involved without the Sheriffs
6. Solicitation of Favorable Acts
a. Employees shall not solicit anyone to intercede with the Sheriff, County Judge,
Commissioners Court, or any elected/appointed official in relation to promotions,
Office assignments, dispositions of pending charges, or findings in disciplinary
b. This rule does not apply to license attorneys representing an employee.

Personal and/or Off-Duty Obligations/Responsibilities (12.2.1g) (C2.1.5g)

A. Residence Address
1. Each employee shall live in El Paso County, unless the Sheriff has given prior approval.
2. Employees shall immediately give written notice of any change of address to the Human
Resources Section through their chain of command.
B. Residence Telephone
1. Each employee shall maintain a telephone where they may be contacted
2. Employees shall immediately notify the Office, in writing, of any change of telephone
C. Payment of Debts and Legal Liabilities
1. Employees shall pay all just debts and legal liabilities.
2. Employees shall keep creditors satisfied so they do not seek assistance through the Office
for collections.
D. Outside and Extra-Duty Employment
1. Employees shall obtain supervisory approval prior to working any part time or extra duty
2. Supervisory approval shall be based on:
a. availability of the employee for regular duty,
b. no conflict of interest between the employer and the Office, and
c. the employment will not impair the on-duty performance of the employee.
E. Recovered Property/Evidentiary Material
1. Employees shall turn in all recovered lost, stolen, abandoned, seized, or evidentiary
material which came into their possession in the course of their duty.
2. Such material shall be turned in prior to the end of the employees duty day or transferred
to a relieving employee to be turned in.
3. Transfer or turn in of such property/material will be documented on a chain of evidence

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Office Rules/Code of Conduct


F. Office Property/Equipment
1. Employees shall

Maintain Office equipment under their control in good working condition. (C3.6.1)
Turn in Office equipment that needs repair or replacement.
Immediately report the damage or loss of Office equipment to their supervisor.
Return Office equipment under their control when they leave employment.
Return Office equipment when ordered to do so by a superior.

2. Use of Private Vehicle/Equipment - Employees shall not use private vehicles/equipment

for official purposes unless directed/authorized by the Sheriff or a supervisor.
3. Possession of Keys - Employees shall not possess Office keys or keys obtained under
Office authority without approval of the commander or supervisor in control of the building,
room or equipment for which the key applies.
G. State of Health
1. Illness/Condition (Physical-Mental)
a. Employees claiming physical or mental incapacity relating to their employment shall
submit to interviews by investigators or claims handlers regarding the nature and
extent of a claimed injury or illness.
b. Employees claiming such incapacity shall submit to an examination by an individual
chosen by the Sheriff or his designee who is licensed to conduct such examinations.

The results of any such directed examination shall be made available to the Sheriff
and the Employee to the extent permissible by law.

2. Physical/Mental Condition - Employees shall maintain good physical/mental condition to

properly perform duties customarily associated with their position of employment.
3. Absence from Work - Sick Leave
a. The employees shall notify a superior when they cannot report for work because of
illness, or if there is any change in their physical/mental health that could disqualify
them from being employed by the Office.
b. A doctors certificate may be required for absences of three consecutive days or more.
c. Employees shall not use sick leave without just cause or by furnishing any false

CALEA 12.2.1g, 26.1.1 C2.1.5g

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Revised May 28, 2009

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Policy 5.02
Office Rules/Code of Conduct

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