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June 2016

Newsletter issue: 2

Message From the President

Hi Folks, and welcome to our second newsletter. It has been a very busy few months. Our highlights as always are our rescued
I was personally involved with the rescue of big, heavily pregnant Eostre and was there when she gave birth. That in itself was an
emotional rollercoaster. 14 puppies in total. We lost one at birth and 3 others within the first 2 weeks. It was heart breaking for the
team that had been on hand looking after Eostre and the pups.
I am very happy to report however that the 10 surviving puppies are extremely robust and we have already had enquiries for
adoptions. The best news however is that Eostre was the first out of this large family to be adopted. She is going to be living on a
acre block with a loving family. We are all so very happy for her.
In other news we are ramping up again for our Annual Charity Auction. Megan Flannery will tell you more about that in this edition.
We are also participating in the T150 parade being held on the 5 th June along The Strand. Make sure you come along and support
Our website is finally up and running and it looks great. Please have a look at . We are always open to
suggestion on how we can improve so please if you have any ideas let us know. And please dont forget that we are a registered
charity with DGR status. That means that any donation you make to Angel-Paws Inc. that is over $2 is tax deductible. Donations can
be made through our website and a tax receipt will be generated immediately.
Thanks for joining Angel-Paws Inc. and I hope you enjoy our newsletter.

In This Issue



Behavior advice
Jumping for Joy

Veterinary advice

Annual Charity

It has been a long road for our poor Eoster after being dumped at a regional pound heavily
pregnant. We are so happy that she has been adopted out to a lovely home. Her 10 strong and
healthy pups are now ready for adoption. Please welcome the Pagan God and Goddess litter. If

you would like to meet any of these playful puppies please email

Most of you would have seen our beautiful boy Jackson by now. He came into our care
extremely underweight and needed good quality food to gain weight. What you may not know
is that he has been suffering from severe diarrhoea, and has not been able to shake it. His
tests for bloods and parasites have come back clear. He is still gaining weight but we are still
quite worried about the ongoing diarrhoea. He is now on Hills Pet food especially for
intestinal issues, and this has helped marginally but we need to perform more tests to try and
figure out what is happening. Due to his almost weekly vet visits and very expensive diet his
costs are starting to add up substantially! We need to conduct these further tests to try and
get to the bottom of his problems (excuse the pun)! Please see pg 8 for info on how to make a donation. We
greatly appreciate any donation small or large as it will add up to help Jackson and our other animals in

Website and membership businesses

A few of you may already know that we have just launched our new website. If
you havent already, check it out and please share amongst your friends. Also
have a look at our membership section which allows you to see the businesses
who have joined our program and what they are offering.

Up coming events

Dog and Cat adoption day held at Petstock

Sat 25th June 2016
Sat 30th July 2016
Sat 27th Aug 2016

Cat and Kitten adoption day held at Petcafe

Sat 11th June 2016
Sat 9th July 2016
Sat 13th Aug 2016

Information Stalls
Sat 4th June at Castletown Shopping Centre
Sat 18th June at Stockland Shopping Centre
Sat 16th July at Stockland Shopping Centre
Sat 20th Aug at Stockland Shopping Centre

Special events

T150 parade 5th June along the strand. We will all be meeting near
Tobruk pool on the strand at
10am. You are all welcome to join us. Please wear a black shirt, denham shorts and closed in shoes.
Cowboys Leagues Club Raffle night Tues 14th June 6:30pm-8pm
TCC Pet Expo Sun 19th June 9am3pm at Jezzine Barracks
Annual Charity Auction 23rd July at 6:30pm Herbert Hotel more details on pg 9
Cowboys Leagues Club Raffle night Tues 24th July 6:30pm-8pm
Email for further details on
any of these events.

Theodore 7mth Domestic Short Hair

Coming to us as a neonatal kitten, Theo was brought up in a household of love with one of our very experienced foster carers and his siblings. He was a rambunctious little ginger boy, and when at 8 weeks he moved
foster homes it soon became apparent there was an issue of some kind. Initially just thinking he had a weak
bladder this little boy was given all the love and kindness we could offer. However, he was not growing out of
it, in fact the problem was persistent. We sent him to the vet to see what was going on and it was discovered
there was something not right in his anatomy and his little penis could not protrude from his prepuce. This
meant that when he urinated, urine was being ejected into the prepuce then dribbling out slowly. Under general
anaesthetic Theos very strange problem was resolved by expanding the hole in the prepuce so his penis could
protrude. The sutures put in were very tiny, as it is such a small area to work in. It was an extremely delicate
procedure (as you can imagine)! Our best guess as to a cause is one of his siblings suckled the area when he
was young causing some sort of damage and the tissue had tried to repair itself and caused this issue! He now
lives a perfectly happy and normal life and is on a keen hunt for a forever home! Theo has been in Angel-Paws
Inc. care since he was 3 days old. He is a gorgeous teenager that would love to have a family to call his own.

Daisy 2yr Australian cattle dog x Staffordshire terrier

Daisy is on the lookout for her forever home! She is an energetic, fun,
loving lady who just wants to find her forever humans.
Daisy has been waiting a while now and we don't know why! If you would
like the motivation to get active Daisy might just be what you are looking
for. This girl can power up castle hill and even smash out the stairs at the
top! She would love a home where she would get daily walks and plays
with her humans. Email to meet this lovely

Jumping for Joy

Belinda Young, Treat. Play. Love
Dogs jumping up on people is one of the most common complaints we are contacted about. This behaviour can be
frustrating at best, and can even cause injury if the dog is particularly big. Why is it such a common problem, and
what can we do to change the behaviour?
If you watch a group of dogs playing, you will see that they greet and play with one another by leaping around
enthusiastically. For dogs, jumping is normal. When their human family members arrive home or enter the yard, dogs
often try to greet them by jumping up. Depending how we respond, we could be making this behaviour worse rather
than making it go away.
When a dog jumps up, it is usually to engage with their owner. If we respond by talking (e.g. ah no get down) our
dog can perceive that they were successful. We might also respond by putting our hands out to push our dog down,
which can similarly be perceived as play and attention. The proof is in the behaviour is your dog still jumping? If the
behaviour hasnt stopped, what you are doing isnt working.
When we focus on stopping behaviour, we are missing an important point. We are forgetting to tell our dog what we
DO want them to do. For most dogs, it would be more appropriate if they were to sit to say hi. When we go to greet
our dog, we can wait until all four paws are on the ground before talking to or playing with our dog. We can help them
further by teaching them a reliable sit using their favourite treats, and asking for that behaviour when we greet them.
Remember to reward them with something tasty while they are learning. For most dogs, in the long term the
behaviour can be maintained by rewarding them with petting and praise.
Remember, jumping is most commonly an attention seeking behaviour. Be consistent, ensure that your dog only gets
your attention when those paws are on the ground and you will see a rapid change in behaviour. If you need further
advice, feel free to contact Belinda at Treat. Play. Love.

The Importance of Heartworm Prevention

Dr Alistair Graham-Evans MA, VetMB
All dogs and cats in Townsville are at risk of acquiring heartworm infection. This parasite is
transmitted by mosquitoes. The worm larvae enter the body through the skin puncture made by the
insects mouthparts during a blood meal. They migrate through the body and eventually set up
home as mature worms in the chambers of the heart and the large vessels leading to the lungs.
This development process takes about 6 months and the adult worms look like angel hair pasta!
As you would expect, these worms can cause serious lung and heart disease. Treatment is
complex, costly and can result in fatal complications. All this is pretty grim - however the good news
is that infection is EASILY PREVENTED. There are excellent prophylactic monthly tablet or spot-on
preparations for cats and dogs that are incredibly effective. These drugs kill new worm larvae at
very low doses and are among the safest medications used in veterinary medicine.
Prevention should start at 8 weeks of age and be continued for life. If there has been a lapse in
dosing or an older animal is starting prevention we recommend a blood test to determine the
heartworm status of the animal.
It has recently become apparent that even missing one dose can result in a serious infection. This
is why many dog owners opt for the annual injection that is available.
We send reminders for the injection and can now send monthly SMS messages to owners to
remind them to give heartworm prevention, which will hopefully reduce the number of missed

How you can help

Become a Volunteer for Angel Paws
No matter what your skill, we can always find a use for another volunteer,
We are always on the look out for:

Dog Walkers and Trainers

Foster carers

Animal handlers & transporters

Information Booth Specialists



Builders, Fencers and Handymen

These are just a few of the skills that we need, so please let us know if you think
you can help. We are always on the lookout for new recruits.
What does fostering involve?
Fostering an animal involves providing them with a loving home while they wait to be adopted. Food and treatments such as
worming will be provided to you where possible please remember that they are donation based only. Vet appointments and other
medication are paid for by community donations. The co-ordinators will regularly contact you to organise photo shoots, adoption
day availability and any potential adoptive parents. You must inform us when you are going away and if your animal is sick or
You must keep any foster kittens and cats inside at all times and dogs and puppies inside a secured fenced yard. Puppies must
be kept away from strange dogs and inside your yard for a minimum of two weeks after their last vaccination. This eliminates
any potential transmission of parvo virus.
It is highly recommended to teach your foster pet basic commands as it aids in adoption. If you have any questions or need help
with training dont hesitate to ask one of our co-ordinators.
For further information and the relevant forms to become a foster carer email
Donate to Angel Paws
There are many ways in which you can help Angel-Paws Inc. On average Angel-Paws Inc. needs to raise an additional $80, on
top of the adoption fee to cover the cost of having our animals fully vetted. You can make a monetary contribution by direct debiting into our bank account or via our website All donations over $2 are tax deductible. An instant tax
invoice will be given when donating through our website.
ANZ Bank
BSB: 014707
ACC: 3962 83042
ACC NAME: Angel-Paws Inc
REFF: (Your Name).
Other donations for our animals are also greatly appreciated. If you have any bedding, blankets, toys and food etc we will always
find use for it. We have a variety of drop off points around Townsville, they
include Petstock and Pet caf.

Our Annual Charity Auction

I am very excited to announce that the Angel-Paws Inc. Annual Charity
Auction for 2016 will be held on Saturday July 23rd at the Herbert Hotel. The
theme for the night is Disco, so fun and entertainment is guaranteed! Entry
is by gold coin donation. Food and drink will be available to purchase on the
night. You cant go past the famous Herbie Burger!!
The auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year, so we need all the supawt
we can get! If you own a business, or if you know of a business, that would
like to donate an item to support this great cause please let us know by
emailing . All donations are welcome, big
or small, business or private donor, handmade or gift voucher. Every item
we receive means we can help more animals in need.
We have already got some fantastic auction items donated including;
An event plan and styling for 50 to 100 people by Dream Wedding Store,
Graphic Design and Business profiling by Jasper
Design, 365 days of coffee by Figtree Caf, an
Advertising Package by the Townsville Bulletin and a
Graphics, styling and printing package by Digimen.
Each of these items are valued at over $1000!!!
Please come along! Bring your friends, your family and
your colleagues and have a great night supporting a
great cause.
Megan Flannery
Fundraising Co-ordinator

We would like to thank all our sponsors for their ongoing support.


Our overriding filter for every decision is: What is in the

best interest of the animal?
We will never deny any animal in our care, veterinary
services, food or shelter.
Our priority is hard case animals that society rejects.



Our Mission
Angel-Paws inc. is a not for profit registered charity
dedicated to providing a voice and second chance for
animals that society rejects.
Our Beliefs
1. We are committed to be part of the permanent
2. No Cruelty ever. No pre-emptive Euthanasia
Remember Bruiser.
3. We are committed to in home fostering no cages

Napoleon and Nikki

Our core values

We are all volunteers giving freely of our time. We must
work together to achieve our shared goals.
We are passionate about our love for animals,
We treat each other and our customers with respect.
We rely on each other, we always do what we have
committed to do.
No discrimination of any sort. We are all equals.


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