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Young Generation: How to Fight Terrorism in Our Way

By: Ahmad Fatih Nurazhim

The topic of terrorism has been raising in these recent years. The occupation
that ISIS has done in Middle East increase the fear all over the world. The bombing
in Paris, Beirut, Jakarta, and other cities has become special awareness to all
country. War that seem never end and changed a beautiful countries of Suriah and
Syria, it is coming from the act of terrorism. While the US Nation just do nothing and
sit there in their comfortable chair, we as a young man from this nowadays
generation can do something to stop this, at least with a simple thing. Then coming
questions: what can we do actually? How do we do it? Is it really has an effect to
stop all of this?
Learning the act of counter-terrorism itself is does not simple as it has
seemed. It needs a well understanding about the background why terrorism happen
or why there is a people that choose bloodshed and destruction as the way to gain
their purpose. Bruce Hoffman in his book Inside Terrorism told that instead a
madness serial killer or a maniac that cannot stop from the addiction of killing,
terrorist or whoever those doing the act of terrorism is a near intellectual people.
They are someone who are a thoughtful and in some cases are spiritual person.
They were doing of all the madness with the logical reason and deliberately chosen
their own path. They can only embraced by considerable reflection and debate.
Hoffman later said that it is hard to find true definition of the term terrorism
actually. People all talk about it and added it as their new vocabulary. However, they
are lack of precision, and impression that they already have are so vague. Framing
from modern media takes role in the widespread of the bias terrorism portrait. The
most venerated source such as Oxford English Dictionary did not serve much
explanation. It just drag us back to seventieth century when Revolution of France
happened. The meaning of it has different with the one that used nowadays. The
original term of terrorism the one that used in Revolution of France has a
meaning as the tool to consolidate the new regime of revolution to keep the triumph
from counter side and the entire dissident that labelled as enemies of people. Terror
become an instrument of governance to maintain the condition and to keep
everything under control. It sent a powerful message to beheaded the oppose voice
that can offend the establishing of the triumph.
Nonetheless, it still shared the same fundamental meaning with the one that
used in this era. Terrors are well organized and it did planned well. One thing to
remember is, we did not dealt with just ordinary person, but someone who seen as
a supreme leader, saint, and philosopher by their adherents. They not create it to
make such a mere violence. They spread out fear in the form of terror to reach their
goal. What is their goal? Obviously, it is always something that has relation with
politic or power to rule. The corrupt and disgrace of the recent government system
is wielded as the vehicle to justification of the act of terrorism. We can see the
example of this in ISISs reason when they decided to occupied the land of Suriah
and Syria. They bring in the topic of religion and then said that they have a

mandate to reinvigorate the Islamic State and bring back the mercy of God to the
world of course in their own interpretation.
Terrorism is not an individual act or something that someone can do alone. It
needs large number of people to support the act. The fact show us that it is possible
to find the people that shared the same opinion and purpose, and seeing terrorism
as the only way to robust the virtue and their value. It is not exaggerating to say
that terrorism is a new kind of ideology, regardless of what type of act it takes. One
of the important fact is this ideology does not always spread out under the weapon
threat or war. There so many examples that it takes the other way to obtain
thousands of adherent every years. They affect the new generation mind with their
rational reason, and when they find a resist, they are ready to drag you to a debate.
This kind of widespread that we as young generation should be aware. Fortunately,
this is also the point that we should take as the starting step in the struggle of
counter-terrorism. Superior country has shown that military aggression is not
enough and we can do nothing about it. The only thing that we can do to help the
counter-terrorism is to stand and hang on from any effort that can drag us to kind of
terrorism act.
Implementation of this is quite simple. We have to defend ourselves from any
negative influence. Read more books and adding up much of knowledge to avoid
misunderstanding of anything that you do not know well before. Ask yourself how
far you understanding the philosophy or religion that you have followed. Do not hold
yourself to give a critic on it. Some people might say that it is just a mere solution,
and it will has no effect to fight against something that has been a cancer to the
piece of the world. However, we have to remember that every big change start from
a simple single step, and we have to put the faith in it. After that, what is next? Is it
stop just in there? Of course not. We can be everything or everyone. We can be an
activist and empower others to stand and be aware of terrorism. Start from your
close relation. Tell them what it is exactly the term of terrorism is. You can ask them
to a relax discussion about it. Do not believe everything you meet in television or
other media before you check its truth, because wrong information can lead you to
the unreasonable anger and hatred. We want to bring a new piece of the world, so
we have to put aside our ego and focus in counter-terrorism effort.
Young era is a time when we feel wild, free, and so much energy. We tend to
hit every ordinance and show reluctance on the old fashion. We try to break the old
thinking and claim ours is the most reasonable one. However, young generation
nowadays have to think bigger and broader. The dynamic of the world has changed.
The age when we walk as individual have gone long time ago. Every young man
must hold each others hand in this fight against terrorism. Even though we do not
raise the gun as a solder, we can fight in our way. Use our creativity to embrace
others. Raise down our arrogance and learn from others, including our parents,
teachers, or everyone. However, do not forget to be a critical person to keep you
save from negative influence. Moreover, it does not matter if it small or big, as long
as we keep forward, we have contributed and play a role in the fight against

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