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APRIL 23-24, 2010


This is the last Parsha Page of
Parsha Points
the year. I hope that you have
enjoyed the wonderful Divrei » Only the  Kohen Gadol (high
Torah by Eliana Light and priest) can enter once a year,
the hand-drawn cartoons by on  Yom Kippur, the  inner
Sam Thompson. I would like chamber in the Temple
to thank Eliana and Sam for
their wonderful contributions. » Lots are cast over two goats to
I would especially like to thank determine which will be offered
Brian Blumenthal for his hard and which should be sent to
work and dedication and for the carry off the  sins  of  Israel  to
professional quality that he has the wilderness
put into the Parsha Page this
year. This would not have been » Korbanot  (animal or meal
possible without Brian! I hope offerings) can only be offered in
that everyone has a wonderful the Temple
Summer Vacation and that you
will continue to learn and grow
» It is forbidden to consume 
through your experiences at blood
Brandeis and beyond! » The details of the laws
Also, please contact me at prohibiting incest and other if you are sexual relations are listed
interested on working on the
Parsha Page next year! » LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS
Sincerely, Chaya Bender


The polls will be open (online) on Monday, April 26, from midnight to
midnight. Feel free to browse through the candidates platforms and
find more information on


Parshat Kedoshim, one of the first says “You shall not had to do what others told so B'nai Yisrael could do
the two parshiot we read falsify measures of length, them. Now, in the desert, whatever they wanted, but
this week, concerns itself weight, or capacity,” and the they are becoming a nation. so they could create a God-
with holiness. The first second is the declaration “I God took them out of Egypt fearing, honest, and moral
36 verses are called the am the Lord your God who to become this nation. But society based on trust and
“holiness code.” It opens freed you from the land of once they are out of Egypt, understanding. Just because
with the law “You shall be Egypt,” followed by a general they are in charge of the you may have the freedom
holy” and then continues law to keep all the laws. rules. There are no Egyptians to do whatever you want,
with many other laws of Why are honest weights to tell them what to do. it doesn’t mean you should
various kinds. The order and measures followed by They could, technically, take advantage of it at the
is seemingly random, but a reminder of the Exodus? make their own weights expense of others. We all
nothing is without reason in In Egypt, the Israelites were and measures, but that is live in this world together,
the Torah. The last two laws not free. They did not have not why they were freed. and what we do impacts
seem the most ill-paired: their own rules and always The Exodus did not happen everyone else.

A publication of Hillel at Brandeis ‫י׳ אייר תש״ע‬

Editors: Chaya Bender, Brian Blumenthal
Contributors: Eliana Light, Samuel Thompson ‫קדושים‬-‫אחרי מות‬

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