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Criteria B -Developing

Design brief: Developing Leaflets & Information for Children, Young People
and Families.
In inquiring and analysing we made an analysis report and our weebly
website. We moved to developing ideas by uploading our weebly website
My product is a leaflet that I chose at criteria A to be appealing to the
target audience.
The leaflet needs to contain an environmental issue because our purpose
of the unit is to spread awareness
The Leaflet is for school community so I need to use simple and
informative words.
This product is perfectly safe because its just a leaflet it doesnt harm
The product should be size just good to see.
Function of this leaflet is to spread awareness.


Aesthetics (Consider
appearance, style, color,
shape/form, texture,
pattern, finish, layout)

My leaflet will be handy and the age

appropriate , simple and easy to
understand. colour is green .

Cost (Is there a maximum

cost? Is this a material
cost/time cost/selling cost?)

Rs. 400 for printing.

Customer (Who it is for?

What is the target users
age, gender, socioeconomic background?)

school community

Function (What it must do?

What is its purpose? Where
will the product be stored?
How easily can it be

Spread awareness

Content(Writing the content

- Deciding on the design
and images - Proof reading

use (relevant) pictures

include main relevant

and checking)

Explain clearly what
someone needs to do

have large and clear contact

details and verities ways to get in

My leaflet is just a piece of paper so it

Safety (What safety factors
need to be incorporated into wont be harmful.
the design?)

Accessibility(where it will be
available-Online, in the form
of poster, website etc)


Format(suggest how the

leaflet will be designed )

attractive and colourful

Clear and easy to read

Clear and appropriate

image / design

Folded, suitable for fitting in

a pocket

Manufacturing (What
resources are available? Are
there limitations as to how
this can be created? How
much time is needed to
create the design?)

6 design classes

List a range of feasible design ideas for the solutions based on

the data collected:

Design idea development

Strategies and techniques to communicate and develop ideas:

Product Design

Mind map

pen paper pencil

Initial concept sketching

pen paper pencil

Mind map 1: In mind map 1 we listed down all the global environmental
issues and the reason for it to happen.

Mind Map 2: In mind map 2 we chose a global environmental issue which

is natural resource depletion and wrote the cause for it to happen and the
prevention and the effects.

Design Sketch 1:

Design Specification
Appearance of leaflet (Color, font,
relevant images and pictures, size,
spacing, use of bullet points and
tick boxes)


Clear and positive title


specific to comments


Style (Language) (Easy to

understand, check for jargon, check
for wordiness, check for formality)


Purpose (Audience of leaflet; what

level of information will be provided


Involvement of service-users (Who

and how; discussed potential
barriers; discussed format, content,
style and accessibility)


Examples (if relevant), to explain

what you mean


Design Sketch 2:

Design Specification
Appearance of leaflet (Color, font,
relevant images and pictures, size,
spacing, use of bullet points and
tick boxes)


Clear and positive title


specific to comments


Style (Language) (Easy to

understand, check for jargon, check
for wordiness, check for formality)


Purpose (Audience of leaflet; what

level of information will be provided


Involvement of service-users (Who

and how; discussed potential
barriers; discussed format, content,
style and accessibility)


Examples (if relevant), to explain

what you mean


Examples of good practice

Appearance of leaflet (Color, font, relevant images and pictures, size,
spacing, use of bullet points and tick boxes)

Clear and positive title

Style (Language) (Easy to understand, check for jargon, check for

wordiness, check for formality)

Promises / commitment

Images to help convey meaning

Selecting and justifying the chosen design:

Prioritize the best possible design idea for the solution from the
above list and reason is why it is better than the other ideas.

Presenting the chosen design

Paste Final sketch
Design Specification
Appearance of leaflet (Color, font,
relevant images and pictures, size,
spacing, use of bullet points and
tick boxes)


Clear and positive title


specific to comments


Style (Language) (Easy to


understand, check for jargon, check

for wordiness, check for formality)
Purpose (Audience of leaflet; what
level of information will be provided


Involvement of service-users (Who

and how; discussed potential
barriers; discussed format, content,
style and accessibility)


Examples (if relevant), to explain

what you mean


Reason: We chose this as our final sketch because this

has the colour needed for it and it has appropriate
pictures and also the proper content needed for our
Conclusion: We did a lot of research for knowing about
the global environmental issues and on natural resource

Understanding of Developing Ideas

I need 7 to 8 marks because I did a lot of research on global
environmental issues and natural resource depletion.





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