Fantasy Warriors

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Fantasy battle game by Nick Lund RULEBOOK (OO NOS are) INTRODUCTION Page 3» Whats theCame about? 4 Counters and Dive 5 Sequence of Pay | PREPARING FOR BATTI 7 Organising an Aemy |t0 Preparing the Teen ‘tory and Defeat Mult-Player Games | BEFORE THE BATTLE 13 Scouting 14 Establishing the Time 14 Laying out the Batletielé 15. Deploying the Armies 16 Boasts and Omens 17 Iesuing Orders THE BATTLE TURN 19 Phase {Threat 21 Phase2~ Shooting Phase ~ Movement and Reorganisation Phase Phase Phase Command Test Individuals in Bate arches and Batle Leadersin Bate Magic Talismans RORSSSREE THE ARMY LISTS How tose the Army Lists Barbarans Dwarves Gobtine Men Ors Wood Elves Trolls and Ogres Sample armies ‘Army game sheet CREDITS GAME DESIGN Nick Land ADDITIONS & DEVELOPMENT Annes ee MINIATURES DESIGN BOX AND COUNTER ART RULEBOOK DESIGN eine RULEBOOK ILLUSTRATION PLAYTESTING AND ADVICE pastes cae ice etn MINIATURES PAINTED BY uaa Seen FANTASY WARRIORS farasy bt game copyright 1950 Grenadier Mote UR Lidl sigh reserved ISBN NUMPER PRODUCT:0-25--12505-9 CoDe-sH0 GRENADIER MODELS UK LTD Beebe Road Deeside s Clwyd Vey ai GRENADIER MODELS INC PO Box 5, Springild PA 19068 Usa. WHAT'S THE GAME ABOUT With its simple but challenging rule systems, FANTASY WARRIORS will let you fight exciting fantasy battles, full of insane heroism, low cunning and sudden death. Everything you need, except a playing surface, is here - over 100 miniatures, an easy-to-understand rulebook, lots of counters, dice and even a ruler. ‘The object of the game is simple ~ to defeat your enemy using any tactics or strategem you can find, In FANTASY WARRIORS there's much more (o battle than launching your army ina head on attack - discover the perils and rewards of scouting, boasts, omens, threats and, of course, magie. Bach player controls an army, headed by a warehlef who Issues orders to the troops under his command, Giving the right orders and changing ‘them when the moment Is right Is the essence of generalship in FANTASY WARRIORS, How well will you do in the battle of wits between opposing players? ‘You can play the game with forces of any size, from small skirmishes of 20 (0 40 figures a side to epic clashes between several armies, containing hundreds of figures, Battles may be fought between two players, each with an army, or groups of players forming tabletop alliances You don't need any sort of referee or games master. There's no book keeping in FANTASY WARRIORS and, after you have decided on your forces, there's no need for pencll and paper. Once the battle is under way, the colourful counters supplied with the game will ive you all the information you need. ‘The rules are laid out in the order of play so that a quick read through will give you a clear Idea of the flow of the game.When you are familiar with the rules you'll probably find that the Quick Reference Sheet is all you'll need. No matter whetber you're a ‘veteran or 2 novice warchiel, you ‘gam always leara from the experts, So oo ot or was you ro through these rales. We'll be giving ‘you the benefit of our experience ‘widh its and cips om how to be a better warekief, COUNTERS AND DICE DICE “The oniy dice requredo ploy FANTASY WARRIORS are the standard sided type supalied with Bear di raat AN ee tc tex nee sted tice Okeninc ooeeaton wll boused. fa number appeasin rot ofthe Dg 200i jus tells you bow many de Brow For eiample te yout throw two dx, Someames you winced aor than the 2D povided wih dk game, When ths happens just heep ling the dce unt you have reaches the Fogued toa you nd trove converant youcon ay entra ice = they're very che. COUNTERS ‘The coasters are aay of dpsyng game tnermation right where you nee it ost ~onthe Bre Barng te gane ine saket unt and some indivi wile So, rather han yuvingto memorse or take rot of fr example, how mary voleysomisse uit has let ‘Me at senting wlsch or eet or ow many map pointe wizard has, You spy lace be relevant cours next oe anit or indivi n queson ard at the ivormaen 8 thew Rifnret you. FANTASY WARRORSIs a inva spestade sot makes sence rod anges of i cca sts ith stracive enters (Game components: At the start of a game, divide all counters (exept magic points and volleys) equally between the theo sides. Allocse mage and volley counters tothe wizards and missle ris as explained inthe rules Blue HOLD Yellow OPPOSE Red ATTACK Bloodlust Shaken af x & 8 9 a at Disorganived 2 Painting miniatures % ‘For advice oa painting the FANTASY WARRIORS miniatarcs ~ ee. the side panels of the game a | Teas ST Lo 5 \ Magic Fower ie x3l x0 4 aa CROSUR SEQUENCE OF PLAY ‘Ther arejust thre stages invalved in paying a game of FANTASY WARRIORS. 1 PREPARING FOR BATTLE 2 BEFORE A BATTLE 3. THEBATTLE TURN Lats take look a each stage in more deal 1 PREPARING FOR BATTLE Organising an Army (page 7) ‘Warriors are provided for youn te frm of past FANTASY WARRIORS miniatures, over 100 of them rammed into the game box. Yul ned to separate them from eachother and group mes of {hem nto urts. You'll ned Specials, Bade leaders and» Wards which you wl agate from therrmaining gues. hey wlll hn be given Proles which determine her ellctiveness sinthegame Preparing the Terrain (page 10) The FANTASY WARRIORS batlefila be ita large table or designated area of the Ror, not just flat empty plan, Sconery is used both tactically and for visual appeal. tis sed in the game in pre defined Tereaan Features Vietory and Defeat (page 11) Lie ary compete ame, FANTASY WARRIORS uly eds with ne ie wining and he ter lasing, Draws ae posible, but not very Likely Before you commence play, both stds will rnoed to know what they have edo to secure victory. Multi-player games (page 12) ‘The most obvious way to play FANTASY WARRIORS is with two people each with aWarchit at ‘he head ofan army, Eating against one another. However, the game s eminently suitable for larger, mali-player bates involving several aed armies. 2 BEFORE THE BATTLE fore any of he ratte re actualy placed on the bate he players will ed to decide it they wish to Scout IF they do, they allocate somo thelr ut fh sk ane succes they ‘ay gan an early advannge ve ther opponens by dicovting ter deployment and maybe Srenby decdng what tine ttleste stherdenermes Establishing the Time (page 14) ‘re players ned to find out what eof day he aegis Ashe game proces record ofthe ine ioe sing the nig FANTASY HARRIONS Tine Dil Tne an inpraepa of Sha game Sense te ptermance of any of thames acted by whether cay or Rig Laying out the Battlefield (page 14) This is when the Terain Features ae placed on the bated, Deploying the Armies(page 15) Sound 2s). there area ew rules o make sure that no-one guns an unfair advantage Boasts and Omens (page 16) Payers make use of man factors in the pur of victory. Both psychological and supernatural aaiarages may be sought in te inegung Bate of wits whch goc on iuvughoat game of FANTASY WARRIORS Hout canallct he orale of nay wks Omens indica whe or ot an army enjoys the favour of the yds. Issuing Orders (page 17) ‘The irl respons ofthe payer before commiting his army othe vagaries of bate isto sue [RS Bate Tees wih hr dos: Cacal decor sre mad at ts tite This when the el tersion bein! sok wih the next stp Besse onder can be changed during se Bale Tur swe 2.THE BATTLE TURN Like most games, FANTASY WARRIORS is played in turns. A typical game's likely toast for between Band 13 tums. To make playing the game as enjoyable and logial as posible, the turns ‘broken up into several phases Each phase must be completed by both sides belo play proces to ‘herent phase I during any turn, there s nothing to doin a particular phase (for example f ether side wishes to threaten) then that phaso is considered fo have Been completed and play proceeds othe next phase layers wil ind that phases 5, 6 an 7 are use lst than he others, particularly atthe begining of game CBGTR = “tis before the bate that the seeds of viewory (can be sown, don't overdo it Careful planning {is needed before the battle.” fase of battle.” gain experience Sart threatening and experimeating with magic, If ‘you have any individuals now is ite time vo fet them get their First Phase Onet Threat (page 19) Rata tates ae won by sss or combat In FANTASY WARRIORS you can iterally frighten our eppoments into defeat Phase Twot Shooting (page 21) Nany FANTASY WARRIORS are armed with missile weapons ike bows and crossbows, Used propery these warrior can shape the course of abate Phase Three: Movement and Reorganisation (page 26) Mantors dont pst sland in oe place onthe bated They move around, sometimes where the ‘Warciet wants them to go sometimes were they want ogo. Furthermore, differen warrior {pes rent speeds This phate snot conducted simtaneously. Phase Four: Combat (page 30) Sooner or itr the opposing warriors come into vilent contact. Tiss when the swords, battle [hen spers apd allthe ole fearsome paraphernalia of combat are putt good effet. Phase Fiver New Orders (page 35) TAs the atl develops the nal orders handed out by the warchil may need adjustment, ether x pato en intl farsighted plan ori response to unforeseen developmen. Phase Sixt Influence (page 38) Ix el as being thelink between the arch and the fighting units of warriors, bate Teaers can lsocxertsconfllinginivence over the unis under ther cornmand, steading the fant-heared anid cali tbe over eager. Phase Seven: Command Test (page 39) Fee se trainany bate when evens putin question the wigs of an army (or pet Re ca eagh Thettw tine mhentatwlingnasibtsied Individuals In Battle (page 40) InBANTASY WARRIORS many extraordinary individuals from mighty heres to mumbling, soathseyers play thet par in the bb and flow of bat Warchiefs and Battle Leaders in Battle (page 42) ‘archiets and bate laders move freely ound the batted, giving and receiving orders, encouraging wavering tops, pthaps even plunging into combst Magic (page 43) Maths ah important element in FANTASY WARRIORS. [is alo, ofcourse supernatural and not ‘utject tothe same pysical constraints asthe eto the events simulated in te game. To reflect this magicis allowed a unique lent in that may be used at any te in the Bate Turn ismans (page 46) ‘Tae sapurtitous tops in FANTASY WARRIORS often place their faith in their army/s talismans, ‘whether they ae army standards, sacred items or even beloved personages. ORGANIS! All FANTASY WARRIORS aries regpées of he ops tat make then up consis ofthe ‘ato Aw vehlet, battle leaders, commands, units, warriors, specials and individuals Allof the ebove may be represented by the FANTASY WARRIORS miniatures and all have their ‘wn functions Let’ take aleok at each in more detaik WARCHIEF Theres only one of thes in each army. The warchil s in charge of the army and controsit by issuing orders tothe next inthe chan-o-command - the blenders BATTLE LEADERS ach tiller hea command. They resve order from the wari and altempt to cary them ‘uta the head of their commands. There can be move than one tall lender nanan ‘COMMANDS A commands a grouping of oe or more units In charge of cache a bate adr othe wari. The ommard is used by is ate ender to carry out he orders he or she as received fom the wari A command wil ony obey it own ble acder. The wercief may also directly conzl his own commard UMTS ' ‘ Ata group of one ot more mistress main anton nthe games ight the Sid's sts Tenormally costs of several wars ard and armed ideal. At cant ok ‘a atielt mus havea ieterand tay have other specs within sans. WARRIORS Warriors are at the bottom ofthe army hierarchy and yet are also the mest important members oft Without varrior there would be no amis. Most of your FANTASY WARRIORS minvatures represent warms SPECIALS ‘These fight longside the warsce in their it and are armed and armoured identically to them, ‘Their presence improves the performance ofthe wnt they belong to and they cost more points than snordinary ware. Thee are fou types of sei [Leaders Atthe start of battle every wil must have a ladr Large individual creatures ‘operating alone have leadership tal into thei profile (Champions These represent individual warors who, by their froty or skill at-arms set a string eample to ther comrades. They add othe fighting ality oftheir unit Champions are optional and no unit may have more than one. “Mustefans These improve the performance oftheir uf itis threatening another. They also improve the abt of their wnt o resist eat. The mare of them there are in an, he greater thet effect Masicins ae optional, Standard Bearers Those ar¢alvays place in the front rank oftheir units. The standard they ‘amy increases the unis morale. However fis eapze, any benefits wl be lst. Standard ers are optional. Nownit may have more tan on, INDIVIDUALS Indias donot belong to unit. They operateon th own and each typehas unique straceistcs. Pests By sckng the favor the gods, prists can attempt to favourably alter events tht have ent oxareie sack eens = Soothsayera These cn favourably ifn the omens. you have one or marin your amy, youhaves gre chance of good omens ‘Whearals Wars ae practitioners of mogicand havea number of power spells at heir ‘lsposal However each tie they cast pel es powers reluce. woes These are powerful ighteen capable facing re ost inimidating enemy Their mere ‘Presence wl npiethe resto the em eae ep tcanes - [This army kas two commands. [Both are led by battle leaders who |receive orders from the warehiet Warehiet [This army han two commands, (One is led by the warehiet in person the other ised by abate Warehlet Command 7 CREAT ISR prepenc e wcne qua ‘ORC IVFANTRY alssty Average Tribal 1+ 1 MASH Hd Ging No No ay Banner bearers These ar the personal standard bearers of bl loes. They extend their Tange of indivence and ca aca a temporary ui standard whist the bile Tederis witha Heralds Like brer bers, these can extend the range of influence ofa bate leer and act 8 emporary unit mus Ue bat adr with aa. Scouts thay are expert wacker, able tobserve and assess enemy troop movements, Who “improve an arm's scouting ability. ‘Coublece These ar tained messengers who travel quickly and deliver orders cealy. A bate Toate more likely to understand an order cared by cour than by an untrained smestenger ‘This wait has a compalsory leader Special, but no other optional specials. ‘THE PROFILE very wat, tiled, nial or war machine lin your army wil have prof The pofe lista the charactrsis of particular troop type Tip STR RES WOR ARM WEA MoV SAY TER | BAD Think aot ow you deploy lite warriors. You dont want them they have had a chance to get {nto action.” QUALITY (QUA) Brrchps om the lowest Goblin to the might Giant havea fighting quality. Qualys one of ‘he sioat important factors inthe profile and afecsvirealy everyting your wariors wil doin ‘pate The higher the quality, dhe more effective the wariors wil be, Quality is divided ito five categories: 1 Bite ‘Thebes possible warriors. Lethal in altack, immovable in defence, they are highly efficent and Tuperlyfmotvated warriors. Elle troops are rare. Some racts have none tal. The smal Elven fries alone contain ahigh propertin of et warirs, 2" Veteran ‘ateran warriors are more common. Experienced and seasoned fighters, they are steady warriors fen aati o wand th wer ery hs flr, Daves ee et xml ‘hous warriors The casi Dwarven army is smal and slow moving, but with virtually every warrior init of cetera or higher quit 3 Average ‘Fe vast mney of warriors fll into this category. Most Men, Ores and Goblins are of serge sally 4” Poor “fis etegory represents oops who are inexperienced or who have had ite or no taining Tecan {Tne eprsent oops who ar nln ofight oF who have been forced to do so under duress. Pasa, lta and some rable wars are poor quality. 5 Unpredictable PREPARING for SNETLE Cae ‘Many fantastic ceatares and some ofthe wilder races flint this category. The are untrained but sill dangerous. isnot unknown fran unpreictbl gut ni to ight the Bier end. On the ‘other hand it may rou from the bate tte fst whif of anger. Unpreditale warrior are ust that, unpredictable Trolls are anpeicuble warriors ‘TYPE (TYP) ‘Al wariors it nt one of our major types, each type having its wn strengths and weaknesses 1. Disciplined wa : Dispine tps are wars who wil always tempt to condsct themselves in ogcland {Subsed ano on te but: Dace nt rer esl goaded intra aor. They Sethe steaiest of he fours, 2. Tribal ‘The opposite of dpa, tbl types are impetuous and volatile warirs who may become very aggresive when things go wel bt may not stay round if Uhings go wrong, 3 Fanatie “Pve seen stupid tothe very last Mts worth remembering - sing sty {ypesisalwaysa sable.” avai are the ultimate atack oops. They have one purpose, to dose with and destroy the enemy. avai ane easly goaded into rash stacks. During th fel hours of darkness some races (ypcaly Goblins) boome fonts. 4 Stupid “Most animals, and some races al int this atogory Being stupid does not necessarily mean Ineflecve, bat don't expect sup oops to operate ike cackiwork. They ust dont have the brain power STRENGTH (STR) Shona pls faciorItrflecs above aerage rte strength As a guide an avenge man has strength of eo, whilst a War Troll as asrangth of +3. The stronger the creature the more damage i's gong inflict in combat. RESILIENCE (RES) Resenceisa minus factor and refccts above azenge abit to withstand the rigours of battle The rater the minus factor the morerasistant to damage a ceaize is. Asa guide an average man bas Fesienceof ero, whist War Troll has a en of woRTH (WOR) [Aothis the measure of any creature in terms of manpower. Te erage man has a worth of 1 Whit the War Tol hasa worth of3. Wortkis usd when calculating stacks In short the greater the ‘worth, the more worthivhle the stack going tobe WEAPONS (WEA) Weapons direc affect the fighting cficieny of warrior. Inthe SHOOTING and COMBAT sectns ofthe rules we shall deal lly with the eles of efferent types of weapon. ARMOUR (ARM) Armour provides protection in bat, usually atthe cos of slowing down the wearer. There are five sanctions of amour The ARMY LISTS ge jou deals he ype of armour omy Patiala res. MOVEMENT (MOV) Fantasy races move at very diferent speeds. For example, Dwarves move very slowly encumbered ‘by thar traitonal heavy armour, whist Goblin are lghly armoured and move fat Movements always shovnin inches tn the ARMY LISTS movement is always shown already adjusted forthe encumbrance of amou ‘THE SAVING THROW (SAV) ‘The saving throw is only available to more powerful or lager creatures, larger and heavier pieces of equipment or special lucky india, lrefcts the alalityof these creatures and pieces to keep sing, often ater repeated its Inthe game the szoing dh always ested by rolling 2D and Totaling the score the otal is greater than the abig throw the creature is unafeted and keeps sing BAD LIGHT aan armies preter ih a ight under cover of dasknes, whist others prefer fo fight during the day in FANTASY HARLUORS a arm png inet lc es se ae sang ik Farengn te egg wi arent) chal nd gig yay ‘well wert geting the ume and hs height on Your side when goign ale, pos fing our enemy to ight nad igh None None Light Medium SED PRERARNG EEE for a combination of chainmail, Teather, and metal plates sewn on ARMOUR DESCRIPTION | Seraps, or fur, maybe some chainmail or a helmet ete. Always body provetion of some legs covered, I wot armoured Ofven head protection, [Extra Heavy (X-heavy) Full plate and ebai body, limbs, hands and feet. Head preicedon tually an enclosed ‘mail eovering ong ere acd by aii are Me, who areal by darks nd Gai ho rong a mes On: Dates and ves are inact by ot gh a8 re Soretypesl Cine Fa mg «ne Da and horas counter ae povided tenable you'o Keep Tackof ine time wan Using terrible threat.” ‘TERRIBLE CREATURES (TER) TERRIBLE (inate frosty of some creatures ca intl ling err in esa beings. Sianss ae ee cates ac ate War Toll and Ogre. A wi wll need all the morale Doss sae dad pt ie cme forlong,Fortnately fore ee races the #4 can et to ar tt god end there's alas the chance ht the cesar’ oral wl Peak or cing rd cures coment range of one anor, te creature wl Ie St Can ea ee Ye re comered tebe othe oer. The ARMY LISTS will bow you which 4r-Me crass ‘specially daring [| you can havein your amy WARCHTERS, BATTLE LEADERS and THEIR LEADERSHIP VALUE Peace Pie frank and fle warriors, wach an ale ede ao havea sdesip ta ts the ably wo conol, command a influence large bodies of monks, Te ya ere give you dtl of alle ids or he army you want fl Te esp Rey am ber, representing the very worst Teadeshi, 05, he very best ASSEMBLING THE TROOPS ASSEN BL vert your 12 FANTASY WARRIORS ministre into two armies. At che end of eutpave an Orearmy and Dwar army ~onecach from the das aay ress MAKING UP UNITS MRTG UM bak your FANTASY WARRIORS bo, You note that he ig photograph of Free lt show emits of tens ou wil nad make is 9 Mae ecais The ARMY LIT wil ive you ul dtl of the ead competion and you will see two 1,000 point for Your oa Dar armies. FANTASY WARRIORS i a very Renble game, s0 remember hat Staak nt page 3 J) et tO or Dart ries possible from the miniatures provided withthe game {HE WARCHTEF, BATTLE LEADERS, SPECIALS and INDIVIDUALS, arming the J) yon sng ent sees the pane, you wl eed some way of dsingushing oe irs fin the aro Hf youintend panting Your miniatures and ve song {hese figures Peon, co tna yu can appredate tem tothe fl ths problem ses solves = ear jena oye rade nthe paisng. Ample dea woul be to give al ners (and no-one the ill champs blue shieds, al Herors geen shields te, Balle ders could a eee a aasnnesd wares. gold helmets. A wizard could be denoted by carefully trimming the ‘weapon ofa igure EXTRA MINIATURES and DIFFERENT ARMIES Pare eave wb limited to Orand Dural armies, The ARMY LISTS include many other ace. 10 eas ti MODELS make age range of FANTASY WARRIORS in metal rangi from he FeeeCabtn War Giant odin Goblin able in been here ze vs Bans eR Sl ngs Tos, Opes any mare Ors nd Dwarves, wold gai te ee Fo grand an abundance of miniatures torepesent specie and ius THE POINTS SYSTEM TU eon ate oves various arms with a pints valu for each ofthe component types: Ts ‘es pyers to bald armies fa total aku greed wth her opponents, A Favour pits ca a ayes is 00. This enables armies of widely iflening ssn wens of rumba of pure tobe emorably equal matched Asa guide a 109 point Ore amy contin about 70 fires ncdng achilles, iniidaals an specs PREPARING THE TERRAIN FANTASY WARRIORSis best played om tbl, although a flor wil do. Whether you are sing? Faves oor provide yousel/ ath a playing area of atest tA youcan sec wo ha At at ore Er Rezembor if your tatleeld snot quar, he armies are set up along the iephotloeen cohen ese va tlch other across the battlefield and not up er OK ies ss that we now havea bailed ready for play, Wel assume tat #6 aa oop tf Gtcetally not many dining tables re his wide bt two folding work ~ ee raced gether are fs the ight sin and are atively cheap Bay) The bated is rear tare ght now ~ postal uninspiring in fac, What requires scenery ‘THE SCENIC BATTLEFIELD Te SCENIC ES TANTASY WARRIORS lsc miniatures inde oe aver apes Fars why we made he mites dead ard atc. © Tro porane meee CRED that your batleield should not detract rom the pleasing effec created bythe miatures, Therefore, ‘we recommend that you provide yourself with some scenery when playing FANTASY WARRIORS. ‘Scenery also performs anather Euneion in FANTASY WARRIORS. Ica slow down or disrupt ‘movement and restric visit. Thos aspects are dealt with in more detail dsewhere but because ‘tener isnot ust cen is known by name which encompasses both its fancions~terain ‘MAKING TERRAIN Youn spend aot of ney on best ceni tems such a model allway tes ad after you've played FANTASY WARRIORS fw tines and become hooked on fantasy bulsgaming you Probebiy wl Inthe meantime, we want yout stat playngight now The fist hing dato Ener your bare cop witha sheet or ane I you've gota green brown ake, ate perfec This serves o coverup the unsightly hardboard you're using paste tables orto pret he ished surface if you're using a dining table I also provides a handy way of making his, ils are Efeot he wo mala tein yes the oer weds) Tomakee il imply place a Sok e Iagacnes under the blanket andes dare. Thee of th bl can obviously be varied by using fren size boks Bigs remade by using several books With aio prac realis ils ‘wihrounded contours ard iegulr shapes can be made by using a mista of books and IRagaznes Experimenta ite but not now! The prionty tthe moment sto get your ft FANTASY WARRIORS tte under ways ut sick to sng book bl Woods ar adasatly eprsets! by enc hapa gen co don pf he Dane Netineyon pn by hp Some lichen This alot cheaper than nol ess bt satered ontop of Yur tn car wond, takes for quite plessing woodland canopy effec. Other eran ype ust in FANTASY WARRIORS ae Doken round: swamps marshes. ‘TERRAIN ITEMS Big hill ‘A east ins xin, not greater thn 12ns x ins ‘Small bill Smaller than above, Large wood ‘Anave approximately rsx Bins ‘Small wood “Anarea appronimatly Ars fins Broken ground Anysizeupto Tans x 8ins Swamp ‘Anareaappronimatly Bins x ins Marsh: An area approximately Ss in. ‘The dimensions specified above give very regular shaped tein tems. eooks beter if they are irmpulr So don make your woods perfect ces art dont make your hls peat squares or oblongs. "More trai ems wil be described iy subsequent FANTASY WARRIORS publications VICTORY AND DEFEAT “Ther are io types of FANTASY WARRIORS bat —he Biter End gue or he Restricted Tans ne Before coninencnga game the players mt decide which types going to be The Biter Exipame employs th stplstwsea el sajuening mich ideas woe base tian playing the gun wil onesie as no sis et on the ffl. ees of FANTASY WARRIORS Eonmand fest rule ths may not ake aslong a you tink itis lsoacepatieina Biter End style gamete one penpals of ang teen gh at Eimy mays have ne ltton te tateld A Rete Tae ame requ the layers agree tate game wil only Ts fora spec umber of tars: AU theen ofthe ial tur, ior is determined by ascoring ete which ef how sucess an army has fought G ROME ra PREPARING for BATTLE i [Example SCORING SYSTEM ‘A Divaroen army is about to do battle with an Orc army. The Dwarven player works out his pre battle value as follows: Dwarven warchief +2 ‘Army standard + Two battle lenders +2 (41 each) Six units +64 Teach) Fora pr-battle value of R During the cours ofthe batt the Duareen player has one battle Teader Killed and tv units routed. Hells the Oreoarhif end routs ive Ore writs. He nw work out his post-batle atu Datroen wach +2 ‘Army standard +f One batteleader 1 he other was tea) Fouruits +4 (the other too Eno wach ied ey warchief killed «2 Feeney ane routed +5 Fora post-battleoalue of 16 His post-batt oat is points ater an hs rebate value Frchecks the eu tabl fo find he us wom a desi vitor agaist i Ors ne THE SCORING SYSTEM Before the Battle Before the start of Bate total your army's cre asolows: +2 Thewmrchy $2. Anarmysanard 42 Asatedten 42 Each bleed person +1 Esch batter 21 Esch ind 1 Eachamt Younov have That come late Prebatle value, It doesn’t matter how big or small the mumber isa this stage Alter the Battle Tol your army’ score fro the surviving teed, ui, ocrbed aes "henacd ayo eg ‘2 Each enemy sche aed or outed $2 Exchenemy amy sina wrecked 22 Exch ene sae em dtlod 12. Exchenemy bond oon led o routed 41 Esch enemy tiered orruted adh enemy dbl hilled or outed 1 Eacheneny sm ante rote ‘You now have your past bate value Thi, when compared o your pret val, wil determine wheter ado wha degre, you have wan drawmer ote ane individual et using the method Results Post-batile value is the same as Pre-battle value The battle ha ended in stalemate Both sides leave the fied of bate with honour intact. Post-battle value uy You have wena minor victor |Bup and fight agin Post-battle value 4 to 6 points greater than Pre-battle value Youhave won a decsve victory. Ihe enemy ae defeated inthis bate bt thelt ry is not to 3 points greater than Pre-battle value ry. Theenemy have sufered a small eack, bt hey cam cally broken Post-hattle value 7 to & points greater than Pre-battle value eashave wana major vicory The enemy ae defeated and scattered. st wil be fog ine before they can ight again Post-hattle value more than & points greater t Yu have won crushing victory. The enemy’ ave endured a ham broken for good. Ifthe enemy werhi surived, he should surly lve hs in Pre-battle value defeat. Their army's hea, CAMPAIGNS Compa ‘They usually invelve te use of maps ta indies the armies info contact. Victory is not normal sare one ofthe mos satis ying waysof dtr vcory They involve playing a ‘battles linked by rules cover Se md a Sina ing movement of armies not actually baling on the able, postion ofthe various armies. Tabletop FANTASY WARRIORS bates are then fought oat asa resto he map movemens bringing, ly determined uni several ates have been fought Look >thcoming Campaign Supplement which wil provide compete ting fantasy campaign. ‘ut for GRENADIER MOBEL'S for rules forthe cand of escina MULTI-PLAYER GAMES system (page 47) aa each one shouldbe th ths sulficient extra point allocated to each ofits mis PREPARING for ACTLE 12 Although FANTASY WARRIORS is most common} Suitable for games with several payers In this thts om chi. The amis shouldbe worked ou using the FANTASY WARRIORS pats Same points value Ideally there should be he same ‘umber of armies on each sides that if there are six armies avalabe each side will ove nee {hereis an uneven numberof armies availabe, make sue thatthe side withthe smallest rnber to ring its total points vale upto that of CHONG played aa two-player game itis ao highly ach payer tin ona aitsonnanee is opponents, SCOUTING “Talways ke Scoting about searching for and tempting to gain now exaedly aac avantage over the enemy before the ate what Pm up fas bun I scoing sucess and you otc ealnst wo my theentiny youcan oblige im stop hisamy st army avually onthe balichel, ving you the advantage sing, pei ‘rere and how he has deployed Having your Ifyou scout fore there chance you can also fouling culmanonr the enemy There ar several advantages fammands 02 tobe ged fom tis you force in os up fet HOLD orders at and you als ge to choose the ine tte wl bei, the sat of the Providing youhave god taro ead lem you're planalag to ‘Culng ommand thedrontncistoscouingare, |p Bdvanees™* n= Panelns © tinor. The comand wl eure ogee probably you val have to ise t with new orders {fring the bate, As Tong as nothing goes wrong there wil bea shor delay geting the command iniotate Scouting is very easy to workout, requiring a coupe of dice rolls ad afew additons.the only diical paris tying to ost your opponent NO SCOUTING OR NO WINNER Rneither se scouts or scenes in outscouting the other, players deploy thet forces as described in DEPLOYING THE ARMIES (page 15), wuHo CAN SCOUT 2 Scouting is done by commands You may choose as many comrnds s you wish for cou Eachcommend mist beledby soon bttelder “ote elieto scout any uit within the command must have a minimum headcount of 5 fires ores than 3 gure a minimum noi opr fig + Shp iypescanot scout A wah cannot scot, neither can any wits his own command Method. Throw 1D for each conimand thats souting *Throw2D for each scl ndiidual nthe ary. Sd the bate ede’ leserchip 411 foreach average quality unit in the commnd 41 foreach mounted uni in the command 32 forech ete quay waitin the command 48 foreach lie quality unit in the command 48 foreach fying wn inthe command Yeu row haw your scouting score, Both payers now compare ei scores, Results “The side with the greater scouting core has oulscoued ther enemy, + Ifane side hasa scouting score greater than twice that of the enemy they have oubmancevored them Outscouting the enemy + Thelosing side has to deploy its units ret + The winning sdehas a beter chance of fighting the bate atthe timet wants (sae 1). Outmanoeuvring the enemy Example SCOUTING rene sie 9 eels infantry and one unit of 20 veteran ae een a essere is scouting against a command ececemt yard eortaring 0 figures cack and ed scouting fore td hen total his |He rolls a dice for the 5 [+1 For the wnt of10 average Ors [+2 For the wnt of20 veteran Ores [+4 For the Orc bate leader's Ieadership The total scouting score for the Ore players Bele2ede 12 [Not bad for the its the ‘hum ofthe Duvarven player. He declare his scouting force and ‘them totale his scouting score: He rolls «dice for the comes up 4 +6. Forhis3 veteran units 8x2) HA Forthe Dwarven ble leader's leadership ‘The total scouting score for the Dwarven players H6id= 4 Tie Dre jst sree he Grae dr permet {fhe Ore con had bon 7 or ese te recente eet ected ther nd thevore Siajercin one he tine ecle COST G versie ene 13 ‘+ Thetosing side has to deploy its ums fst. 1 Te Niindngsde deeides a what tie, day o nigh, the bate wil Begin page 4). ‘1 THe waning sie paces Terrain Features exactly where it wishes (page 15) AFTER SCOUTING ‘Aland: tat have taken partin scouting st up on the tabletop a follows: deetThey must be no Further than ins from their bse line (hei fale ede). 1 ANZEns AS scousing command mist be setup at east 12ins away from tir wach They stare the battle operating under HOLD orders, {Each niin the command sora Foe mone information on sting up se DEPLOYING THE ARMIES (page 1) comes up 5 (baa light 2 way. forburt, fount comer [Example TIME ESTABLISHING THE a batile between Barbarians and Ones the Barbarian pl in FANTASY WARRIORS ines ver importa. tis desperately wants t0 avoid bad ight and fighting ot night. He ‘omnits Hoo command to Scouting and outscouts the Orcs To find the time he rolls 1D.. Staton the sixth step of day. The 2 ee Di, | FINDING THE TIME AT THE, START OF A BATTLE "Not so good for the Barbarians after all= night is only one step goo, | cute out ey sce necureg Bet he Fepresented cn the abet by the Time Dial which nee notps’ of ine. There are velvety mall {Iiates of day and six steps of right. Each Bate Turn represents one slepof ime, ona bil Tasting seven ‘eons time would have moved through sven steps, Keeping aneyec the time throughout a bats Ftopertent yu dont want to have your army ghtng in ‘ad light you car help ’ Tike Dial and an hourglass counter are provided to (hd of every tur the hourglass counters moved one Step further round the Tne Dil. “The Time Dia is divided into twelve steps. 6 sveps of day. that means day. 6 sueps of aight 2 “the Ore player rolls the other | Each complete Bate Turn represents one step of ime ice.6: That means the battle will lourglass FraNDAe hascutscouted or outmanoexored the ober it wil have some influence over the ime at Twi they can ing their enemy to battle IF NEITHER SIDE OUTSCOUTS OR THERE IS A SCOUTING DRAW Trechterade asoulcoved the ater, use this method to establish the starting sine of ate Method + Throw 1D: 103 = DAY, 40 6-NIGHT + Throw 1D again: “it your warriors sutler bad light itis ‘worth trying 10 fet ime on your side, Either ‘outseout the ‘enemy or use rmagle during the battle, was || BAD LIGHT. the enemy bas ‘wizards he is also capable of ‘changing the time.” SCORE = The timestep the battle starts on IF ONE SIDE OUTSCOUTS Bee Seep the player who outscous alway llth firs die. Ihe does’ ike the result he Apron mee: He must abide bythe second roll ven i's worse tan heist IF ONE SIDE OUTMANOEUVRES THE OTHER Trak way the layer that niminoesore ges to choose eral at what ine the bate begins He Tray place the hours counter onthe Time Dial exacy where kes. earn re afected by the time of day. For example, by day Goblins are classed as being por ieariyen aby rg they tur into aati pes, making ter far more dangerous, When ocps acd by elthernight or day they are sai to be enduring bd light. The Goblins mentioned, ae ae sould be enduring bad ligt all argh the steps of ay. Bd igh affect nis morale, ts 14 tnssle sil andi staying power in combat LAYING OUT THE BATTLEFIELD ‘Naw comes the ime to find out what the batlefed Took ike, This section explains how olay ‘hon the tera onthe abet ready forthe coming battle iets ere scent cating ea pay of If you have ouscouted or ouimancevored the enemy Jel haves degesf control in choosing th rain over which the armies wil ight You can — SITES ‘set the terain up in your favour, Whilst a he same time making tas unfavourable as posible for the enemy CREATING TERRAIN FEATURES ‘Group sll your available train nto Terrain Features. Terrain Feature simply afew tems of scenery grouped together 2 "For each [ins ofthe table's length create one Terrain Feture eg A table lex ft would reuse Terain Features SIZE OF TERRAIN FEATURES ‘Thesizeof a Terrain Feature should be about Ins x 12ins. Don't worry too muchif you cant cexacl fit this size, tis only a guldeline and nota hard rl Ifyou havea really bg ill or ‘example, you can aleays count it as two Terain Feature, RIVERS AND STREAMS Rivers and streams ae not Terain Features and must be agrod on by players efor abate and rst be aid across the batlefield frst. Ifthe model of he iver iin sections al players can tke tures te lay adjoining sections [i's not, or aking tums isimpratcal, throw a dice to see who lays the ver of seam..the highest core wins PLACING TERRAIN FEATURES IF NEITHER SIDE OUTSCOUTS ‘+ Phyersroll and add their archi eadership +The payer withthe sre can ay dv al he Tera Fates aly where ‘+ The player withthe highest score can also choote which side ofthe table hie army wil ceupy + ForeachTerain Feature placed the loser may rol 1D. If any dice come up 4, 5or6 the loser ‘an temove the Teain lature or epeston it wherever he wishes, P ONE SIDE OUTSCOUTS THE OTHER ‘+ Teoutsoutng player canals choose which side ofthe table is army wil occupy. + The oulsanutng player places all or any other Terain Features cxaty where he wishes, ‘ Foreach Terrain Feature placed the loser may rol TD. if any dice come up 5 or the loser can remove the Train Feature or reposition it wherever he wishes. He may only tll once per “erain Feature P ONE SIDE OUTMANOEUVRES THE OTHER “The wining player placsall the Terrain Features exacly where e wishes. ‘The winning player ean also choose which sige of the able is army will occupy DEPLOYING THE ARMIES ‘After the train hasbeen sid and bot sides knove which side ofthe table they occupy ifs Hie to deploy the armies Perhaps oulzouting has given you the advantage of forcing the enemy to deploy frst. that way you wil ste exactly what hes upto and you ean react accordingly Now isthe time to spring afew nasty surprises DEPLOYING THE ARMIES + Allarmies are deployed no more than one fect from thei own able edge ‘+ Thedlstance between the two opposing armies shouldbe no less than tv fet. If your tables not big enough shorten the distance from the rable edge by an agreed amour [Example TERRAIN FEATURES COULD BE Ove big hint Two small hills nada few trees |A wood. ‘A small wood os op of 2 kill Broken ground (eg. rocks or boulders) ree. be Mera erally upton how on ber) ter Permutations are enles, The Saty peat C ben a ied when Soci Trrala Features i, ‘tat all players should agree on thelr contents. Army A Cowen 77 [aiaes of Deployment See sale ea] oe ee & [Example EAVING OUT THE BATTLEFIELD An Ore army and a Dwwaroen army fare about to clash onthe field of battleThe Ore player has outscouted the Duoarf player, but fot outmanoewored him. The table is 6f long, so both pls shave pet ter ern Features enc, for atotal of Terrain Features. Because the Ore player outscouted, ie gets to place the lerain fist He hoses hich ide ofthe able i 6 Terai Pata on the Dsaroen al ofthe abe. Its now the turn of the Dusarven the moment the attlefild looks a disaster for kim, with too much terrain cluttering up his potential deployment zone. He decides to change it fhe ca ‘and rolls 6D (one foreach Terrain Feature) she rolls 112,335. Not so good, he neded to oll 5 or 6 to mavel remove any terrain feature. He only rolled one 6 0 he ‘can only movelremove one feature, He decides to remove one Tern Festre Unfortunately forthe Dionves they is stil ae mach terrain for effective deployment, is | [Example BOASTS AND OMENS Bajo bate aor Or re faces a uperir Diaroen Pe fe decides to have his art if Youst he neds al the ep he can get. He chooses Boast #, “Legok for me inthe thick of Battle’. Any time a Command Test is taken (gee the Command Test page 39), sn th boasting ware fia combat the boats good. jhe tests taken ad the archi ‘Enot in combat, then the boast tes nat hold good. ‘At the same tne the Orepa A decom ee sootanger his army shold help ong good gets ap 3. forthe soothseyer, eg foal 4 ‘The omens are good ! ‘WHO DEPLOYS FIRST IF NEITHER SIDE OUTSCOUTS TP Nfayes rol 1D and ad thes uh’ Ides + Pibsiayer withthe owes sore wil deploy tay ft 1 TREE Yer wath he highest core wil then deploy Ne army Baye my withthe eaten amber fis wl dey Fs IF ONE SIDE OUTSCOUTS OR OUTWANOEUVRES TF Oe ning player vil deploy is army fst DEPLOYING COMMANDS THAT HAVE SCOUTED DEO have ken partinscotng setup onthe able» Stans com ec p oars han irs ram tr tne (he SBS) They ae pan pte st up at east 1 fom the rch + AUNan the bate operating under HOLD orders Peep Sar ond ltrs dara plac srg coures ne ach tit DISTRIBUTING AMMUNITION AND MAGIC POWER. DS TRE intheform of wey ues atte a mis Meee unt start with 6 wll runs Alms Wve nag power couters ee Cost of Map page 47) BOASTS AND OMENS BOASTS BOASTS youve the option firing your ene amy with ma Bett lth eed toed were wil doin DS ‘All he whe the esi Wha tele amy wl be improve FS ‘when Rest oe onl end ote good te boas! moore MAG Seng morale ofthe say faasrsgondingy lowered. Boasting et compen 398 do decide woboast be ay snd urtrtae fhe implication of your parla bos ‘THE EFFECTS OF BOASTING Fane eae te le ary ithast thea Comma Te en taken, the Boasting ae od tne ies postive efit ponte Wise ay SON Roast carer pcs good teetoct upon he whol ary ot 0 good eee (COMMAND TEST poge 3) MAKING A BOAST MHA toast can only be made before a battle f Oniya murchiefcan boast ‘LPhyersdecare whether they wish boast 1 TPobyeo, they state clear which boost they are making “Tac opponent acknowledges any oasis ‘THE ROASTS AND THEIR EFFECTS TOAST 1:44 will stay upon this spot, Immovable lke a raels for the entire battle’ the ar yi pan places Hs merch ee rot movirgan ah throughout the oure ofthe bate «+ Ale wile he remains there the boat holds good. 1 tfhemoves th boasts broken. [ROAST 2:41 have no need of a bodyguard, the enemy cannos RArm me! BOAST 2: fannet pinay unit. Hisermy would interpre i's seus PoC Tomer bein aces ase conte ia massa of wo other HUE 28 ime. «Sins unt for whatever emo, ris in setae contac with more ran two Figures itary time, the Boasts broken [ROAST 3::We shall destroy the enemy by sunse/sunrise’ BOAST 35 (abe procaimed,sunvise/sunset most betes than? ne Fs 0 + REIS the tote as rot ended nol tory Ge the enemy 0125S PN he 16 tutte) the Boast no longer holds good. me cmene Cea ROAST 4: ‘Look for me In the thick of hatte + When the wari actualy in combat the boas is good. 1 When the arch snot in combat the boast does not hol OMENS ‘What will he morrow bring ? Are the gods with us today ? Are the enemy doomed ? There’ only ‘ne way to ind out read the omens! Reading the omen i easy ~ jst asimple dice rol. If you have any sothsayes, now s the time tous them, ‘THE EFFECT OF OMENS ‘Theomens may affect the whole army fit has to take a Command Test (ce page), when the tests take, the omens are good, theresa postive effec upon the whole arny Ifthe omens are ‘ot good, the effect upon the whole army is bad READING THE OMENS Reading omerssepona joa do want know, do bother 1 taking he Ome an only be Sones eter 5 Both players dear wheter they wish to ead the omens ¢ToRead the Omens throw ID Ifthe score four or greater, the omens are goed. not the omens are bad. iy on atleast wo soothsayers to bring me good ‘omens before battle. They are ot much wsed afterwards and seed tobe proveeted but ‘those good omens have helped me ‘out more than once.” SOOTHSAYERS (see page 41) TF you have any sothsyers in your army, now is he ime o use them For each statsayer add one to the omens dice rll If onearmy has more sethsayers than another ican force ther to Read the Omens “Ifa sothayer gets killed the omens automatically turn ad fr the azly be or she belonged to ISSUING ORDERS Orders and understanding how they work re the most vital aspects of commanding a FANTASY WARRIORS army. Orders are instructions directing your troops to operate ima defined tactical manner. n FANTASY WARRIORS there are thre posible anders: ATTACK, HOLD and OPPOSE. [Atthe start ofa battle you issue an order to each alle ede. A command can never have more than ‘one order, which apples toll the ume within that command. I a arch leads his entre army personally Ge the whole amy is organised as one command) or has his o¥m command in sarge [Em you mus sil ssue that comimand with an order. ‘The tree different orders (ATTACK, HOLD and OPPOSE) each have lestly defined functions and limits. Once you understand what each order does and doesnot permit, you will be abe to command a FANTASY WARRIORS army effectively. The ar of issuing appropriate orders and hang tho when hemes igh ath very heat of sues eerahip in FANTASY WARRIORS. Alun inabtlelene's command operat under the same orders A unit can sometimes be freed Jntoactingcontary tits orders. Tis happens when anit is governed by a eaten In tis case *hewnit wil have the relevant reaction counter placed beside tt tll you ata glance what condition itisin. (See Reactions page 21) ‘Tro rales for issuing and receiving new orders ater the battle has begun ae deal within NEW (ORDERS (page) ‘THE ORDERS ATTACK ‘Asthename tells you ATTACK orders are used when you wan to ATTACK the ‘enomy. Of the irc orders, ATTACK i the most dramatic. Acoma under ATTACK orders wil commit self closing with the enemy and bringing them Jno combat. Uns with ATTACK orders receive a bons in hand-to-hand combat Hed ATTACH Ualts with ATTACK orders ‘+ Must move at maximum speed towards the nearest enemy si, contact it and ‘ngage tin hand-to-hand combat IF the nearest enemy units already engaged in hand-to- hand combat you may choose to cantact the nearest unengaged enemy instead. ‘+ Must move towards their nearest ery uni by the most crest route, although they may deviate to avoid olidng wih rien wns (ee Collision, page 28). + May slow down for difeul a to avoid becoming dsogensed. + May alt organize themseives Missle units with ATTACK orders ia addition ‘+ Must attempt to move int close shooting range, although they may start shooting at any range Example ORDERS A Duaroes ware controls en ty of 0 coma ‘Command One consists of a buttle leader and two units of crossbow armed Dwvarves, Command Two consist of hee tats of Darden tfantny. The player decides not to scout and to. | gies defensive bate. fe plan sto advance his erosubow commana and engage the Onc onemy at as lose range oe possbie, softening tem up with ae hotng a te afm Tis infantry command wil support Bh erssbobs: aie ‘When the crossbows have done fhe work plans to have the ole army stand its, take the worst the Os hae to of aH haps yw ak ‘pon kis steady ranks of in He is wot worred about bad ight Dwarves dow tsufer bad ight), 50 he has plenty of time. At the start of the battle he gives Sout commars OPPOSE oer. beeen on to he ail ge bt commands HOLD otters. the ane tia he wel give the comand ATTACK orders. Looks good on paper, but remember the Ors hace theirplans 00. CRED ere wares 7 “ih Dwarves are dow-movieg fghersnot olen ete HOLD ‘orders and let ‘the enemy come tome. Batt never forget that ‘+ Donot have to move into contact with enemy for hand-tohand combat but must stand their ‘ound themselves attacked. HOLD [you want to stand your ground use HOLD orders. Commands with HOLD ‘orders do net move, Tey remain in poston unt they receive a diferent order (or rout Inhand-toshand combat units with HOLD orders get a morale bonus ‘They have bee tld to hold helt positon and that's what they ry to do, ‘Hee HOLD Usits wich HOLD orders co Must remain atthe alin her curent position. the tabletop. The second method is much more tactically teresting and reflec the ability of your bute loners to seize the advantage ove the enemy. Deciding when io ove aconmand can become tate ate ssyatacin evans Manes" laa SSL cia ae aR ee ey a ce FIRST METHOD - MOVEMENT BY ARVIES + Allplayersroll 1D. {Tothescore add the ware’ ladeship. Sbirat 1 the arch s caren erring bud igh Result “The payer with he highest score chaoses when he will move his army. Remembey, the winner may hot always want © move is ‘+ Inthe cas fi, the arch withthe highest ladership chooses fst. Moth are stil qual, any tachi not enduring tad light choosos Est. Sst terol again SECOND METHOD - MOVEMENT BY COMMANDS SnpND METHOD MOVEDEENT BY COMMAS aren tan Soon Se tbr tet tate sein Be ce paren derioc tenner nance ae sere te Riess alee em rib erg sito _ RS Uae fot ear ctl cconceaapinas [PT Tle th en oo ee euro «REESE sccm cm not neing cian le seve Hate shove. bes option.” + Gone alcove gone and ten move hema he ur + ihenthe player ar moved a command he dscns its numbered eouner ENCUMBRANCE ‘Whilst armour ofes protection it also encumbers the wearer The greater he protection the more slowly the wearer moves, Siularly an animal wl travel moresiowly with ander than without tne. The pfiesin the ARMY LIStS give the movement for diferent woop types already adusted forencurmbrance | i | | | | see | DIFFICULT TERRAIN Al Train Features oe page 15) ae lst as fel tea. Other items may be classed as ditfcl tein by agremnent betwen players ele a game “il you really | Moving over df train at any speed greater half esl in dcyganistion eed to move ils counted as bing onda erat if amy par f tin contact wath the dif! fast, ignore teri aiealt errain Som erin Feturs are covered hy special rales: ‘when you ean WANES bat remember Only reatres witha sheng pater than Lean cossa swamp that disorganised |] | S Nocgupenes can cross a swamp Na mounted figure can cose swam. No figures wearingheavy or exrathenvy aout cn cs asamp. 1 Ceanga sump oll abwaya Be ot hal speed and ill away result in dsogaation MARSHES Nolvarry waxing eta amour can rots math + Nemo tart wearing avy oe envy amour an. cossa marsh + Gosinga mash wt alwaps be atballspeed and vl always rest in dlaganiatn RIVERS Before bale ives shuld evens tenth aed on yal ba players. Th eh aver Cane ang a {1 10 enh of er engh tee shoul Dot ast one Sng pi, | ‘ihr bhdge roc Tee arte way fortis tcmar avery ige by fend Mreraty neod a wating Crossing by Bridge orth aun iit ol a ridges ins Fgues with abe ize eter than Tn andes than | Bins wl haveto usin snp egies habe si grr ann wil Raveto ce CREST SR ‘che eACTLE TURN 27 28 by ford or wade across 4 Bridges count asdf tern Crossing by Ford A fords in wide + When fording river units must move a half peed and always become dirgenised Wading Across For cach unit about to wadeinto a rive, rll 1D and add te troop tye's strength. Deduct the “srengih of the river frm your score and find your reslt below. Score Renulis Vorgreer Ok cose she iver at half sped and become diane oF Gorath versal pet and become fared Loze oe quater ofthe ‘ui (round down) Check fr sec a normal sce page 24 Kil to Special a Unable o cross Quarter losses as above and become dorganised 2 Unable to cross. Half losses (round down), Check for spciasBacome seo ‘Stuck in the middle. Half losses above round down), Check fr specs, Become diserganisd. Check again next MOVEMENT AND REORGANISATION hase Any essing thos ae allowed Indole not in baseto-base contact with asf must make a sbig throw if thee result onthe above table indiesteslosees + Aunt cannot shoot or conduct combat whilst wading ver, Individuals ear use any oftheir powers wislt wading aver ‘+ Battle eaters cannot accept new orders whist wading aver, ORDERS AND REACTIONS ‘Thar db th comedy wh nd bogs ple econ on ovement A cule unit's movement may also bealfectd by ast reaction Faas of how erent movement sc the ollowing pee #° "HOLD orders page 8 $ OPPOSE oders™ page 18 ATTACK onder — page 17 Or he thee ton only Bonds affects movernent: + Aamitin bods! mast advance afl speed towards is nearest enemy cannot slow down ‘ros dif train and cannot hal to mgt seepage 2), MANOEUVRES: Units manoeuvre to change direction oto change ther formation DIRECTION + Amit can movestaight ahead. se SAumitcan move ahead up to an angle of 45 egress ihe side ofthe deton ts foc timate the orginal iectont was focigat the tat of te move . ‘+ Aunitth OPPOSE ores may move backwards aay fom the enemy and end the move sil facing them. + Toavoid any argumens use the dieton counter provided. lace thereon counter at either end of your un ensuring the ee ofthe amb touches the corner othe st igre’ tase. You row have the angle of 15 degrees ahead you wane 45 degen he oes dlwton, just tim the couse round UNM TURNING Alltesin estos apply oni ing. 5 Aumtmay tn p08 eres and mow [tan oly tum one. ust tur before + Rittfay whol owen move te ot fue nthe decon you wish hei o facet acters marker Then place he ter igucsn hog ema face in he sew dieeion INTERPENETRATION ‘+ Twounits with OPPOSE orders can interpenetrate each other provided neither is dsrgaiz, and the rear ni stars its move in base t base contact with the forward uni _Ispenetaton wi cout at fil mve fr tot ws + Toachieve this onthe tabletop just move the rear uit directly in ron ofthe forward wi. COLLISION unit with ATTACK orders oa lous! rxton, which cannot find any posible way around fiery sis ints path, wil cli with them. Asa result ofthe cols the wt with ATTACK orders or aboot recio wil eak through and emerge immediately infront ofthe other wn. It vill then halt and cannot move una nxt earn’ Both unt wl be dsorgonaed by the eallision, che mene CRN CRED SR xrayniye on covmmacrig txrrs . EXPANDING OW CONTRACTING EXITS comment ping pedigree amie ca sxtiog ep coe muni has aay ere como oma in gonna tera om ee MOVEMENT IN COMBAT. (Once combat i ined thee sno moving oto unless anit gets a ou rsctionin which case it ‘will be removed fom the laelop EXPANDING AND OVERLAPPING UNITS STILL INVOLVED IN COMBAT Unis in base to-base contact with the enemy may expand as normal. This can give rise to THE QUALITY THROW oll 1, modily acordig tothe UNPREDICTABLE. with dice seore 4 10 6 verging, when nea has more igurenn is rntrank anh tt 2 The overlapping unit may wrap its srplus gues round the enemy wn so geting more ofits caus int the ray All iguesin the averapping unit must remain in base #o-base contact, + Theenemy unit may tur any figures itcan 1 face enemy figures that have "wrapped round’ + Wrapping’ round eanmot ake place inthe ist round of combat FLYING As Tong es hay ate in the ai, ying units or india may ignore dificult tein and may Aly ‘over friendly o hostile nts Their movements affected by orders, acon and encumbrance ‘exactly the sme was other ui ‘Flying ats may manoeuvre and expand or contrat as other units, However they do nat oad to interpenetrate ther airborne wat, being assumed to flyover ar under them without stopping + Atthe ed ofeach fying move players mus date whether the unio indiua sti inthe fai or has landed. Any Tying ats which have landed become doganised and dsrgened ‘counters shouldbe placed rast to them. They ear be organised whist onthe ground. AS ‘soon as they tke of again they count as organi and mst discard i daorgenaed REORGANISING DISORGANISED UNITS + Only ums with OK situs may be eaygansed Disorgeisad units with ecto EG ‘nus fist return fo OK status before Being moran ee INFLUENCE page 33) + Reorganisation san alternative to movernent. Only anit which do nat move ‘may be morgane, Disorganised + A uni? whichis curently in combat cannot be expensed + Tovsorgonsea uni simply remove ts dsrganied counter. + Flying units always count as disorgonsed when on the ground. REGAINING MAGIC POWER Ifa ward has sco fewer msgic ower points temalning, he player can elect to ‘res’ him or erin the hope of regaining some magic poe? There are tivo ways of regaining magi pour: ‘(THE SAFE WAY The witard isnot moved inthis MOVEMENT AND REORGANISATION phase Provided he has x or fewer mapc per pots remaining he can recive I point back fhe enduring bad Fight 2points back he is mot enduring alight ‘THE GAMBLE ‘The wizard i not moved inthis MOVEMENT AND REORGANISATION phase. Provided he has six or fewer magic power points he an attempt to doubles power: Rall 1D le the scores less than o ual t the wizard’ remaining power be can doublet. Ifthescoeis more than the wizards emating power, Me loses another point of magic power tying, to gain more Expansion and contraction dlageams ia i [Average ant wants to expand and [Throw 10 = 3 (with a0 Imodiffieation for average quality. Unit expands by 3 figures and a4 A ohavoln a bolbl) tive unit wants to move and then contract at as normal throw 1D 2lor elite quality). contracts by 4 figures. 29 Phase Four - Combat [Aut may have withstood mises, magie and any amount of het but sooner or later in most ‘alles there comes the timate estcombat. This the moment when warias ofboth armies ome down othe gril ato standing face-to-face (or face-to-kneecap when fighting gant) and trying to kl eachother in hand-to-hand combat Combat i usually short and very sharp, one side's orale son collapses and they rout fom the scene of bate. Thus phase ofthe battle ebout hand to hand Rghting called in the game COMBAT. It deals with Wo ean fight efferent creatures in the ame igh, capturing enemy standards hig the enemy, Ailing tbe nein, il spss and individuals an finally with how th opposing wns wil react 0 the chaos and slaughter around them. [e's a good idea tose up afew of your Rgures, and, using the Quick Reference Sheet and this ruletok run tough afew combats, Once you get the fel of add in same seis and peshapsa feo SEQUENCE OF THE COMBAT PHASE + Check whois igile to fight, Work out eosultias inflicted bythe attacking uni Keep the casualties onthe table where they fall ‘ork out casualties indice by defenders Keep the casuals on the table where they fl [Atacker checks for and work out casuals to defenders sper and india ‘Defender attempts ring ts for any figures that have one Defender chacks for and works ou casualties toatackers seis ‘Attacker atfempis sng tows for any figures that have one Both players take the Combat Test. Both players place any necessary rete counters and dsorgonsd counters alongside their unis Both players remove their casualties RULES FOR COMBAT WHO FIGHTS 1 igure facing the enemy and in baseto-base contact are connted as fighting the enemy. {Libders, champions and sladard bares ar always placed inthe ron rank acd therefore Fight the enemy + Warhih ate eders anvil tached to unit ae also placed in the front rank and heres Fgh FIGHTING IN MORE THAN ONE RANK 3 sal fron but have he advantage of depth” ighing in more than one rank allows you to include in the combat, figuresin other ranks sce ‘below of aunt whose font rank isin baseto-basecontat with an enemy: If only part ofthe front rank qualifies to fight, the numberof figures counted in each other rank cannot be greater than the numberof qualifying rontrank figures «Foot figures armed with spere may ighe in two ranks, provided that they arent organised land are not governed by shen or bosdust reactions + Foot figures armed with poleams may choose to fight in two ranks using spear Wes {actors provides tht they ae not dsorgonzad ard ae nt governed by shaun or bot reaction’ 4+ Foot figures armed with pikes may fightin tre ranks, provided that they are not doranised and are not governed by shaken ot Hodlst reactions 4+ Mounted figures may never ight in more than one rank. ‘TROOPS WITH DIFFERENT PROFILES IN COMBAT Sometimes during combat troops wit diferent profiles end vp fighting in the same ni. For trample when a all ade jis awit and fightin the font ra or when anid! bigger 30 ‘or of diferent ace othe rst ofthe unt. When his happens spel the following rls: 2 Only te worth of the different creature or indus is nce in the combat. The rest of his fi considered tobe the sate asthe rest ofthe un. + TEtheditferentceaturchas asin throw he stil allowed to weit INDIVIDUALS EN MAN-TO-MAN COMBAT Mo quali sighing manta ett aaa can bein seo hs cnet with any oie gre. «Theta fieisusd Method mh Rus thraigh he comb roma Results The ial who hash gett unbeaten 1 nikece of oily and fore noting os rer aii, eae es ove aay drng he next MOVEMENT AND REORCANIEATION pe + Iniicesse sca angi amber of aed seg os) Vln ar ite GROUPS OF INDIVIDUALS IN COMBAT + Tito groups of india (notin baseto-base contact with any ani) mee, combat iste by aserie of man-to-man contests as above. ‘+ Twoor more indiiuas ae not allowed oon together in combat to allack a single iniviual, + When one group of individuals moves into contact wth another, the attacker dies howto pair olf the ndviduals for man-o-man combat. Any surplus indiduls donot oin in combat And ae free to move away inthe next MOVEMENT AND REORGANISATION phase. MORE THAN ONE ALLIED UNIT IN THE SAME COMBAT ‘When you have more than oneof you wis ighting inthe sme combat apply the fllowing rules Treat the unifsas separate forthe purpose of combat. Daring the Combat Test clelate suffered mar tls than te anamy from the combined casualty total af ba ewo allied ats, ee page 3) RIDERS ON BEASTS Riders om beasts, such a Ore wolrdes or knighton warhorss have the option of ncuding the fighting power of thoir mounts combat. 17 lino hs opson se ion profi asshaymin th ARMY LISTS Theol 1s inn, 7 Night 2 wa ‘Banser Veteran Panale +1 = 1 Mts stlas, 7M Night a2 wa 48 ‘che ARMY LISTS CRASED, Te i "The proud race of Dwarves looks oat from Ke forbidding, mountain strongholds ready to [igh for gold, glory or revenge. Siow moving they may be, but disciplined and well armoured Drvarves often fight othe last. Their aceurate ‘crowbows and fearsome cannon can help make thelr cuembes pay heavily for any attack, details Syervensrmicscan have one ald command of war fom ayo he llowingracs Men, Baars inde ‘ald command cant oinurberthe eto the aay an must Ravan lid baleen to adit Trealcd command an cons of unis made up ofseveral ote above acs ‘real comand carr have any nade Dwarven ony cn uve one ech ope! aman ta costo Ops each [Base sizes are Iie x Hie wales specified otherwise QUA TYP” STR ORES WOR ARM WK MOV SAV TER EAD PTS UPG MIN MAX DWARVEY INFANTRY = 1 Wh Hd fine No No No TL te 520 TotW 2ma ine No No No ME MEL 520 lDWARVEN cRossBows [Chews Veteran Die =~ = m= 1 MGM Sls “No No No MME B20 |DWARVEN ARCHERS [Archers Veteran Die =~ =m = MBM Sian “No No No DWARVEN URSIVE CAVALRY Base size 2h deop x linn frontage Cavalry Veteran Die) stl SSK Lah Tis 6 © No | No 45 sIEL 3 [Bear 3 Tac wa wee [Cavalry Veteran Die «+= l_«1OWAR Pld Tins <6 No Noa} BD [Bear Is combat 3 Tac we waa DWARVEN BATTLE LEADERS AND WARCHIEFS Base stzsinsx Lins on fot, ins x ins mounted IWarebiet Elie Die sl m=) 2S WSh Hd disy 7) No “No Lwin kn [Batttead lie Dine +1 2 Woh Wd fine 7 © No No OMe wa wala [Bear Mid lite Dine 32 2 Wh Hd Tim 6 No No Sowa [Boar in combat 3 Tac wa ae |DWARVEN EVDIVIDUALS Rave sizes Tin x Ha on foot 2ins x Has mounted ero Elie ise +1 sh Hd dns [Rear Mud Elle Dise +1 IWierd Elle | Die Priest Elite Dine ISooth Poor ise [Courier lite ise lseout Ete Dine Herald Veteran Dine [Baneer —Yeloran Dine = [DAREN GIANT CROSSHOW Base size I's deep x ln rntage Cee Neeran Dien TOME Md Sins No No No Below Gat Fae th Nee Baw 2 [etl peat cost For gaat erobow and two crew 28 Pent. Tse cbotion profile when shoog the inn crombow o when ia moved: Ue the fop profile if the ew are shot alo igh in Jeomba takes erew tore ina ervsbow, i theres ony on, then blackening the oy ls wot posse The gant erubow ean be coved at Pas pe ving erew member (aximem Sins) On the weapons vx armour table ding shooting we the erusbaw weapon, [Dont trgew dd the era engin doe othe giant crombow. 7 No No Mf wee ws Wd Tn 6 1 wa we Wd Gis 7) No No 15a 7 7 Hd Gian No No 90 wala Nove Hd Tine No No 46 Wawa WU Md Wins 7 No No 40 awa Ma td Sine 7 No No 6G owe " fin 7) No No 8 wna HoOWG fie 7 No NO Bow wa CRIED S Teme Auyy uses 49 feared, singing with arrows and slashing with laden, details ottrarmis a hve one aid command of wars fom nyo the failowing aes Orcas, Og, iatatare Jicaled command cannot utnumber terest of the army, nd must beled by an allied bate eer, Thealled command can cont of urtomade up of ever ofthe above races Theale command cvet have anyindviguals 2 Gatlin anycan fave one eck type ol asta at 10 eich cbtns an frey use Tol inte aries THe Taleo et have to fom separate commands and in ll ‘ropes re tented as tlongng othe Cobin ary. ‘Creatures of darkneas, at wg hey igh lke fanailes making thelr encmdes dread the sunset By day they are more wary, although all angerous From powerful bobgoblins ‘seurryingrabbleCoblia warrlars are foes to be| [Base sizes are Hin x lin unless mpecified otherwise QUA «TYP STR RES WOR ARM WEA MOV SAV TER BAD PIS UPG MIN MAX | GOBLIN RABBLE INFANTRY By night Goblin rabble become fanatles ntantry Poor TriFan | sEWSh od Bos, No No Day 2 sltve S40 [Archers Poor THfan = = 1s ts oias, “No. No Day 4 slve SA. |GOBLIN INFANTRY By night Goblins become fanatics Infantry Average TeiFan =| «LUSH Md ine No No Day 3 ates S80 [Archers Average Tan = =) ts Bsns, “No. No Day «Set 80 |GREAT GOBLEY INFANTRY By night Great Goblins become fanatles, lntantey Average Trifan sl = = | sLuSh Md Sins, “No No Day 4 4¥et B20 |MOBGOBLIN INFANTRY Intantry Veteran Fonatle +2 0 = 2 Lt No No | Day 17 HE S20 |GOBLIV BATTLE LEADERS AND WARCIERS IWarchiels Elie Fane +2 = 2) MdSb Md iss_ <7 = No. Day 340 wn wala RatiLead Elite Fanatic (2 2) M@Sh Hd Sins, 7 = No Day Bel wie GOBLIN ENDIVIDUALS Mob Wero Elite Fanatic «3-1 SMa Blld ins, 7 = Yes, Day 97a wna [Goblin Hero lite Fanatle <2} «SS Md 2d Sins 7 = No) Day Zwaan lWieard Veteran Fanatic = = = TMs las, 7 = No Day 100M naa leriest Veteran Fanatle — = Lt tis 7 No Day 85 wae \Sooth Poor en Sis 7 No Day 45 wa we [Courier VeteranFamae = = = Lt Tins 7 No Day 30 wa we \Seout Veteran Fanatic TA Bie 7 No Day 60 wa we Herald Veteran Fanatic = = tt tin 7 No Day 30 wa we [Wanner Veteran Fanatic - Tt Bis 7 No Day 40 wee 50 ‘che Any Uses: CRIED | ike seta Tan of mon are dilded between | ‘Mlegiance Co pey Kings Cv war ie almost fonsiant and the armies of mex will only walle to ace the threat of fvasion, An array of ‘warrior from almost wastoppable knights o steady loughownen, make their armies varied and deadly. details Fran srescanhaveon lle ommand of wars rom ayo the owing rc: atin, Dare, Bree Tele comand ano! outnumber fhe army and st hae an led Bate ender ea it Trealled command can const of unit mae pf severl oe ove ce Tay sng ecu sete | | | | Teams Stearn en ed | | & ‘Alnaman army can bave one ofeach typeof tain at 10s each, Base sizes are I ales specified otherwise | QUA TYP STR RES WOR ARM WE MOV SAV TER BAD PTs UPG MIN MAX | MENac ARS IMeata Average Disc == TMA Pol Glan No No Night Soft S20 | lLoxcnowwen JArcbers Average Die === LLM Tins, “No No Night § sft S20 lcnossnow MeN lcBows Average Die == = MA CMIL Glas “No No Night @ aN SBD | HANDGUNNERS | dguners Average Dine = wT MA Miglld Gin No No Night © Vet S20 cTY GUARD (Cty Guard Poor Die = = = Sp Tins No 2 Hay 580 [city Grand Poor Dise nn No 3 HAY So lroor xxrcwrs, [FeKnights Veteran Dise cr cA¥ALRY ses is dep as totage IKaight Ce Elite Dise |Warkoree in combat [MOUNTED MENs(-ARMS Base sze lau deep x His frontage Mid MatA Average Dise Warhorse in combat Warebiel Ele Dise Mad lve ise [Bait Lend Elite ise Mad Ble ise HUMAN INDIVIDUALS Base size Hin x Hi Hero Eie Die Ima Elite ise Wizard Veteran ise Priest — Yeteran ise Sooth Poor Dise (Courier Veteran Dise Mid Veteran Die [Scout Veteran ise Herald Veteran ise Mit Yoteram ise [Banner Yoteran Dise Mut Yoteram ise = NM 2H fing No No Nghe LHL 520 WH la Mis 7 No Night 66 we 8 2 man wa whe od TH Spild WBing 7 No Night 25 4Net waa BEES No Night 86+1. 1% 1M sat Md Tia Nose Tiae BESES u ie Ha Mine ine worceenenneep eee beteentittes = F SSSESSSEES SSS5 aeaxes GETS Seams | | | | 2 | 3 aoe HUMAN WARCHIENS and BXTTLE LEADERS Rass an ing is dp x Tins rontage mounted + a No Night 324 2 No Night 860 a No Night 3244 51 | | Tred for wat the Orca are depollrs aad polluters of everything that le food. by wollriders, allied with all that evi thelr brutal armies march on, Although ‘centable fa blil thelr many diferent weapons ‘make them a threat to ll they encounter. details (Creams can have one allied command of warrior from any ofthe following races: Goblins, Ogres, Tels and Barbarians ‘The allied command cannot outnumber the ret ofthe amy, and must be ed by an allied battle leader ‘Tre alied command can consist of units made up of several ofthe above reces. ‘The allied command cant incade any individuals, ‘An Orc army ean have one ofeach ype of talisman, costing 100 poins each. [Bas sizes ar Hin x Uin wales specified otherise QUA TYP STR ORES WOR ARM WEA MOV SAV TER MAD PIS LPG MEV MAX [onc rwrANTRY Infantry” Average Tribal s1 = 1 M@Sh Hand Glas No No Day 5 sBNl 520 Infantry Average Tribal 31d Md_2illand Glas No No Day 5 s8Net G20 nfaniry Average Tribal $1 Lo M@Sh Spear Glas No No Day 3 BY S20 Jonc ARCHERS [Archers Average Tribal <1 = 1 Md_—Bild ins, No No Day 7 Nek S20 lone GtavT WOLF RIDERS Bae ie 2a ep a rnige [Rider Average Tribal scl I Spd 7 No Day 90 As Lo Wott ia combat 4 Tac Ba ae la Archer Average Tribal +10 I 1 tld 7 Ne Dey at ses 10 [Wott in combat 4 Tac aah le ORC RATTLE LEADERS nnd ARCHIE sz in ns. foo Zn dep Tins rntage ona [Warchiel Elie ‘Tribal 2 Sh Wd Gis 7) No. Day 3201, wa wre ttle Teo 2 2 Wis @ No Day GL we waa [Baittead Ellie Tribal 52 2 Gir 7 No Day 32 lek IM Billo Tribal 2 2 Wine 6 No Day Gwe awa Woltin combat 4 a ae owe mtvU tases Ings Hin font ep arsine moaned Mero Flite Tribal’ 42 Mab Nd Glas 7) (No Day 77 wa Me Elie Ira 331} MaSh TAC ms © Noa 7 aa IWisara Til Ho Tt Tie 7 No Day 10a wa Priest i jis 7 No Day 85 ae Sook Tribal 1 SL None Md 7 No Day 45 wa (Courier Trl 1 tt Hd Afins 7 Ne Day 30 wa seo Trl SL Md Hd Sine 7 No Day 1 wa Herald Tribal lL Ma dims 7 Mo ay BE wa [Basser Teal Lt Md Rd Glas 7 No Day 2 wa onc BALLAST Has ts 1a dep x Vas frontage lcrew Average Tribal” 1 Md Hd Gis No No Day Below Basta 3 Bima No No fa 2 1 faa Pont Cnt For Wallnaand 2 re = 18 Faas Ue the top profile when shooting the ballst, oF when I s moved, Use the bottom profile ifthe erew are shot aor are fn combat. It tales 2 crew to fire aballlsta there ls oly one, the blackening the sky ts not posible, The ballsta ean be moved a 2as per living lerew member (maziauem flat. 52 che Anny Uses: q @ &) IRSNANG a ____] ‘ep in Gir Toren Tarinesos the Wood EIT las jealously guard their independence, Uighdng forest sgalast any lnvadors, but seam venterag beyond heir on orders raracy of thelr archers and thelr ‘sepon sls combat moe than opens for hella of arated thelr onal sae details ‘Roe Et emis an have one ali command wari um any of he flowing races: aban, Bares Men ‘allel cmimand cnt outnumber he est of i amy and it have and bute leader lend ‘healed command can const ute made up of seven ofthe above ace Theale command canot at an india naman aman hoveone leach pect alan at pts each ase sizes are Tin x Hi ess speed otherwise QUA TYP «STR ORES WOR ARM WEA MOY SAV TER TAD PIS UPC MIN nooo mr nur ee ee ee) a a woop ru acuses etme Nise test. 1M MAM ly No No NO Nooo ELF CAVALRY Basie is ep Lin botage Nous Aueree riley ik 7 Ne Nem Morea coubt : fan wom Mer nae tribal ot Tote sie 7 Nootka fcr conbe : fan mh ooo er EActeRIDENS tase se Maer teres tras ot 7 Me Ne m2 Edita coabet tac wo [tooo Lr WAncHUrs ned BAPTLE LEADERS ase six in om ot a ep a ota owned yee Ni eee ee na ice ny Ne Near ue wae fe trea 22 Usha tm FM ae % Msttoad fe Tred cf LR Mtl FN ND a a Ee Td 2 ink pO ok a More in coat 3 fan a yoo aE ests nf a rola ne ar wy tet Pa fie ted 202002 Wot im 6 te he u Mc thd 2207) ott i Me Ne ut te tea 2] ot te FON a oe a foce Wat 2 Lege Md Sl 7 Mee u femal lt oa tt tw Poe Of n fe Tat BoM Ie yoke u tie Tad 2 Tok ote FG a fie Tat 22 too am tke ke u te Tr 2) B oo tm y Ase % fie hed 22d om dw tee a fue Td 22 oo im yas a oop nr suspacuancens mye Wacraa‘Vosuce- 1 WSh MG tly No No No 80 ot Sat fet’ Wieevtonde’ 1) 2 Tac tim 8 eho ae) Iaskupehanger au uss lg reaeon wil hanger fran sa Ie a or or he ar i bottom profil for forthe sbapechangers in bear fora. RONED OR ‘che MUM Uses 53 Te Saks Pap many arcs tod weight Lo ber ranks a A icy over in tir enemies, Tris ean be editable requiring sill handling in SEIS hey eam Jt easly rota) ato 3d wort having your army ean lerete them, bloodiest. lite War Trolls are more thas 2 atch for most opponents details scarab wares, ale eaders orn Ha cana be se ar mecegere [Base sizes are ins x I's wnlew specified otherwise qua TP STR RES WOR ABM WEA MOV SAV TER MAD PIS UPG MIN MAK Iwan TROLLS War Troll Us pred Fanatle «213A R Sines Gos, Day Swe 210 ELITE WAR TROLLS War Troll Hie Fanade 43-13 2ald Yeo Day Mowe 2S Sosa en iy ng cet ae at a wie cess min Coe facet Sr Sdn ea Srna iowa, SEC pti foetal cig naan the enemy prior do alseh, Ogre berserkors if they ge the chance, enn be very destruct handful (ogo through several enemy ents during the course of atte. details (Ogres cannot be warchefs, atl leaders or individuals Ogres cannot be used as messengers. as izes are 1 His wales spelfed oth QUA TYP «STR ORES WOR ARM WEA MoV SAV TER RAD Por CPG MIN MAX ‘ones 7 Ogre Aveenge Tribal «2-24 LL 2M ine 6 Nos Day Swe 2D OGRE RERSERKERS Ogre Average Tribal +3 4 2M Bins 6 ow Day 50m BS locke LIVERREAKER G |WARCHTEES COMMAND Warchie, leadership 5 uvres 10 Crossbows, luludiag Ieader 17 Crosbows, including leader and champion speciale lIvFANTRY conMAND [Bale leaden, leadership 4 vrs Hie quality dwarves with axes lam [TOTAL FIGURES =51 |WARCHIERS COMSLAND Warebiey leadership 5 Ward individual, 28 magie power points ero individual Sooiksayer unrrs 18 Ore archers Ineluding leader and chaspion specials 9 Ore archers including leader and champion specials INFANTRY COMMAND. [Balt Tender leadsrsbip 5 levies 16 Ore pears inclding leaden, champion and standard bearer specials 13 Ore spears including lender ehampion and standard bearer specials, [TOTAL FIGURES =I armies 1000 poine Dwarven army using che figures in the box {hall darve Wit ace inldlg lender chanpoe and andard barr oped 16 lite quality dwarves with axes including leaden, champion and landard bearer specials 1000 poine Orecish army using the figures Mew = tox 11420 axl +20 ates0 8x15 +30 =150 x15 +20 2150 16x 15+30 =210 ‘TOTAL POINTS =985 in the box igs i a 8x 10420, 9x10+20 32430 =m Iex8+30 lax8s30 TOTAL POIVTS CosT =909 55 FANTASY WARRIORS army game NAME aa tve [sm [rs [won Janm [wma | mov [sav [me = | BaD | noes ‘enon poke pass amy amie SS ame the profiles from the ARMY LISTS onto this shat.

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