Sahlins 1999

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ele ealingDramasand Clinical Plots The State the Nation Hen Oa tnaatrane Tiny tenlan Stoo {Gittylont Cer papedcdaile Naso soeathe man oc and ‘pare Hoa es pelted ss sede nes Thi cer tetecaamon Schein ogee epo of cee icmyenter — winaaoarney ape bmn sane cena pcerston inprontand infu ey of ee itinarn te room Bate Ee ole: ee tee Dosa memes Sooners! Joometower Qs Me Sinise fapen 92 OST1S00S tp a Bass rb Oss Varieties of Javanese Religion — — paantaplgeatAcout {Questions of Competence ‘eBoy Cate Casati ‘Anew Bony teinogrphieyla Selec Diaby ‘rons laces and manages theless [ea ererham ang book. opie Micaciedatiiy Mail ‘Seiler snd ota enofiees ‘pesinsnshe rod ‘Greserelfrmee jon «(Th an Rencerand nding, Sineeingwerkotstbopsegic thsbook oats hlahipe Raber eae oon Usneriy Inder dbiliy am my asics ojocespoperoF EM Re tsuieiose Inuteaeosio as initia Cd ‘och phenmenon. ‘oer. ‘uooo ye Osn16R00 Tp E055 fh oStetezs ‘An anthropology for = Contemporaneous ‘Shifting Languages Worlds gh reg tne MaschagtondAmy cbs sdbantia seen “Theatr anges acc amopolgy Faecateaaipint Wikinglanguige? iecapableefaapingtodhechange tis Meonjonnanilepeserrinescaagng, conical composing lon, ‘aimed alprececesinrchaonto bervecn ivi and pecrione seeetafedcepentonaom.snd ago” HO owoU73047 Step plc cle Faas Fe cenoss Peony wh St cs2e7g 216m ‘Mensur: fas fe osueue — _ ee lesan Caton! Staley Pesos ce langage 19 Canberra contain ava em gal brats tense ok ng ore Seat a cs or eek 23 0 cement ered ‘TWO OR THREE THINGS THAT 1 KNOW ABOUT CULTURE* ‘Mansraun Sarin University of Chicago “Tis core many soot he encring signe of cate . is oe mo 4 a snot ‘cp nunc nso pe epg a se it on nit a oe pe hi a acon ce) sd fr te conan rele such acon Serene of weds. ges at he sadwoploge ends sch ot Bow Linn om bg ply of th tnd hs pope now yng oat de Taticen bt core test peroen othe nicouingot te conerpey bas td proces Bo than, ty hone aivannge oer ton Of ay ty fad prsting foro race “- Cu tle they had mo “The preamble {ate wit ie incl acount my ie of ele whi ts mitre mera citation new and oft some recon on there fhe cones Ban Two people ned ded by “erm nw gonna ‘Soup ae sleet wha fey ce ney a's cary ogo when eee Murdock and Reymond Fh dete the ues the pages of te Fean tad ae ieded ear hate ane toy td ‘iat i tppcogy ta ve erect jes: he et aed orth and sel oes An nc th Bk nels aperte caltare nor examined is procestes, Murdock (1951: 471) was moved by these sew he ska conn at ey we ely Noe A ee ee creat Shear lie bated oe £5, ut ind nkperreomed oyneomettocoure oseenn ow ma th he tice tp ed sen posi oe can projet fcr ape rece ogee by Adam Ke (aber) Gy pale spits whch Rape (O96 5809) dest tan sultanate populism aussie pester freed maton. ‘Mi and so ir ter ctor smog qe ds on th domeny Buopern jee ocean Ted nso a mean antvopley peach cer cnstucton of aye J ep sy, (85) 5,398.42 You 5 ae hy ve ‘0 (MARSHALL SAHLINS ethnic and other such clurlogi ae, eis ot actualy asd sience. Fe ea Satropaogy ofthe neo-Bossans ia project inthe uma” New ines in old bodes Tpit conde fm een dee of diay teflon stat atboptiogy does’ east, since i bw’ sociology, horas. ‘Stanly raring ow it anroplogtate sl wo re wh SeeeerSTncy dy the ity to contrac diferences by developing eri conan of wleted cara valves ifs, therealong bistory of cee Gitentadon behing tis conrovey involving also the Gemans nd SFscth ands complex doll chs gue which the pices cle ten and sen’ hae gone hough numerous eachange of eagle ‘So seman apace cannot go into sil ha! T pick le op 20 knew tthe his of Mekigan inthe 195e,where Lele White had 2 certain ea of nats festa in te going baer about ular ~the best eat think, teeaoe tisk Sa ee ee et ease permenant! | he Torah i pata ie Uae ) ‘EHD toto eben athe eon spec orth (1958: 489) ‘So Sartre's famous poste on Wald: "ler is pte bourgeis intellectual, no deube about But not ever ptt bourgeois inellctal is Waléry” (1968: 58). “Anthropologial cum afterolgical understandings of modern cultura, including ts "vented traditions and discriediinetons, have the sme quality of explanation by way of elimination. As I say. the problem isthe functional sdvantages that are supposed to motiate the cultural claims and forms a issue ‘cannot do so, Attest they af.nsicient even i present because they speak the effets of eultral things ian_theit properties Japanese sumo ‘wrestling, Hiwaian hula dancing, Aliskan E3fimo subsistence hunting, Ojibway ishing: uch things ae seeounted for ~ ora its often sd (in French) {heir razon d'tre idole evasion chat means they are not really accounted for~ by some group's ques for power, material gain, resiaance or a need of| ‘dent. Yes, but how dos it motivate the characteristics of sumo, the earthen ‘Noor ad celestl roof, the installation ofthe yarana st the Mei shrine, 0337 ‘hat certain peopl wanted to make money oF that the Japanese needed a national, tnbler? Maybe tat stra, they needed a naonal ember, So why did hey do that? ‘A pecalar ontological hybrid. inthe argument the sure oC loge \ ficulties. tis composed ofa cptorl and historical particulary like sumo, nd Feraxtccleural or Burman universal, sucha greed exo power-ater- ‘power. Hence tomething thats nor particulary Jafanese is suposbd to explicate omething tht is particularly Jepanse, Such datologial cocks, moreover, ental a nimber of corollary logieal difficulties. Power snot only the same al ‘over, but its unexamined character, its contentless self-evidence, Is rather Cridence cat is far average Western common sense. But how could japanese in the lat eighteenth century know power or avarice the way we do? And, finally, ‘ye are mbsing phenomena of two diferent orders, historical custorns with hhoman depositions, forms with descs, structres with subjecivits, nthe vain hope of reducing the one to the other. All of this isto say that if such Function- alism were taken to its logical conclusions, which few apare from sociabialogists ‘or economists are prepared to do, we would wind up ether in ethnocentrcism for human nature oF rather both, as here dhcy are one and the same. "The way outst realize that what i functional, inthis sense of instrumental, must be metal, Desivs depend on historical contexts of values, on existing (or potential relationships ofthe culture, not only for their content but for their possible realizations. Maybe Fijian chiefs of yore conceived vaulting ambitions for power; that is why they generally gave things away to people, after a youth spent cultivating a reputation for atrocious cannibalism, The proposition can 8bz «e (MARSHALL SAHLINS only hold by way ofthe Fjan colar, The same sractura elatvit holds for ies here part orn 2 book of esa on open, Miro of moder: th tent adios of mode Joan, published this year (Vases 1998). Ti one of those Jipan debunkers, of the gente devoted to deconstocing japanese cms to ‘tural itinesvenese do no know why thee such a socal science growth {ndosy, so much elior goingint the expoe, of Joan ran empire of phoney Sig. (Or pethape do now sorting = will appear by and-by when we grt {© dsug the evnship of global integration and lea ifferentiaon) For Soin, the argent is made by Jopaologis tat ferent Inthe ate tigtenth century fom ritual, popular and military wresing, promoted by Entrepreneurs ietested inthe gains they cold make by profesonalzing| the developing merantile cies To this end, the promoters, whose own eg imacy was atenalined by the gute oftheir Shinto pity Hoeage, alo secured the tnton ofthe imperial thors, ax im a fmoos Core performance of 10, The ofialdom for spurt was itereted bth inthe cone! of urban Smo andi use ara means of congo. Ar suo developed three, ppro- pred clements of ts ancestral sons, to which wee added provisions ech asthe rial iaclavon of = yokosar champion, the "ng. onopy onsructed on the model ofthe le Shrine oof (tne of the som godaese ‘Amateras) and ater Sochtppings ofthe empyrean and che impeiom, Wit tas been mating money heel Japanese conmology (Bickford 19%; Bolo 1988, Guyer 1979; Tompson 1958). Staged in arenas contacted sy mcrcots, sum in ts present ncaa evokes memories of he divine bate of founding mth nd legendary vcories ‘Fhe importa dyasy (Aston 1972 Philp 1968) ‘he celestial nd wren Clement tat frame the matches, he mpera in oo snd the Fng of packed far were unl cent joined and rte fo the cardinal directo by oar Fils wove colours represented the four gods, the four sesons and foot This Cigieatons now cried by coloured tele sospended fom the lopy as concsion to pecttr viewing, Pore in elaborate ceremonis ‘fore the match, the ringand the wrestles ae onder the Scipin of» feet ton acon and element of costume doubles a3 Shino pest. "The ing i Tul considered a scrd bate, the historian observes, ‘even foday women te not allowed fo step upto the pan (Coyle 1979 173. The conexant, { soperhuman dimensions enter the ving throwing kx prion Stil They mate ademonstation of sarping the earth -t drive off el spi, ittsad, Bat bythe sme token tir setlons rave the foundational mth ot the gal who came doom rom heaven to drive off the ext pr, ths opening the wy forthe descent ofthe fist emperor, divine grndon ofthe goddess ‘Aratersu and ancestor ofthe stll-reiging neage. tn more than one such trisode ofthe dynastic chronicles, the imperial terior and peveges were ‘lard by the thumph of champlon wrest The coment sre of okra “tampions wes developed inthe late nineteenth century The fstallaion of te Jolezona athe imperil Mei srine ls marked by his ssaumption ofthe regal tha radonlly sigs perature presence “eh main ac ony de theives ton = tutwhence comes its meaning ad ts parca? One may arses the ivestenes of tation, Modern somo cles pematon of ober MARSHALL SAMS ro cere engi y ig hg secre rence fe cree icy cemimcn rcmins ea aee godly and the earthly. Such ritualized wrestling has long been performed in a eS ue etn ie ed Fag cers te cd ones etme sapere nance nn rene as an ae cee ea mre rig me iol secant “emerges ele sector Eve aie ang a id ea id seem a rai ieee inser and the cuore: Function mst be the servant of costo itschemes | 42 te be is pragmatic matter” (Anaside on the commodification of culture. Its true that commodification isthe death of authentic culture, how come Americans sil have one? Or ifyou ink they do no, consider thatthe fllowing things are produced or reproduced there as commodities and distributed dough market relations: Beethoven's ith Symphony, sons and daughters of Americans adopted (rom Mexico, the Bible (or word of Ged), sntropology, pomograpy surgery. kaser ten ‘Hamlet and my dog Trink) nearby sore * rom what I know about culture, then, traditions ae invented inthe specific. Wu terms of the people whe construct them. Fundamentally, Sh rata ae tear mama wach s : considered coeval with st follows that i such tattons are authority ‘arativized, or when they contingent rset cousciousness, they wil be acto, gp at cater an Ba thse er appearance at sme time shore a the origin of things i abways posible, an stays fl shore of underaending them, even 19 reducing tems to coneat interests ikewise comprehension by sobirction, In all es the missing pat is seomparatve serge of clearer teaningflordet™ ‘Ofcourse do not mean to deny historia agency. donotsn hat ether novel crn ar emerge fra clay petted tbcaut win dene) alla lgisl does potmean he ogi determined that Wb dane et atone tone ti any more jr ese way egal, far GEA re tg ey WERE a wo ay i deal abut agp pressed eee (Sains 199; 1995). eis scquurto the principle thatthe larger relations of cultura Gnciuding poli) order on which erain individals by office or circumstance act, do not chemaelves determine the actor indvidualiyy But Flared to diatot the vulgar eltral determinism fiom masters. Kroeber’ and (especially) White's io the soperongae made ‘Bou’ ultare-s-the-determinant-o-behaviowr seem liberal ns indeed i was, 61z ‘0 MARSHALL SAKLINS being the contemporary antidote to racism (Kroeber 1917; White 1949; ef Stocking 1968)" Wits notion ofthe indvidal as the tol of his culture, dentined merely to express was tribe In relation tothe culture, he sid 28 individual is ikea plolesssicraft controlled from the ground by radio waves. Until certain concept of ‘cours’ threatened to replace ‘cltore, 1 never thought | would se the lke again, notin my lifetime. But the handwriting was tn the wall when Cliford made his celebrated observation hat perhaps the Caltore concept has ‘served fs time, and proposed that it might be replaced, fellowing Foveuly ‘by vision of eal dae oration, ably and Sag (aly deplged (1988 77, emphasis wide). As tough, Clifford went on 0 2% these powerfal discursive formations, globilly and strategically deployed, would liberate us fiom the oppressive theoretical constrains of ‘organic unit tad tional continuity and fe enduring grounds of lnguge nd locale’ (1988-274, emphasis added), One could indeed substte White's ‘culture for ‘scours’ the folowing famous dictum of Foucaul’s without much offence tothe ideas of citer, excep that Foucault’ itention wa historically raveh more specifi ‘itis Simater of depriving the subject (ore sbatnt) oft roles oiginator and of analysing the subject avaiable and complex fnetion of disuse’ (Rabinow 1984 16) Hence it s curious that many of the anthropologists wh traded in their caleral heritage fora mess of Foveuldin discourse o forthe mess that has tien mate of Foucauldian discourse, would nonetheless dischim the reife’, “hegemonic, ‘esentialized and Yoalized’characer of the now obsolete culture ides: Having abandoned there saperorganic defers, one may speak feey of ‘discourse’ a the process through which social reality comes into being. of how it selectively determines what canbe sid, perceived or even imagined (Escobar 1995: Oct) Inthe event, discoure’ fr “ular” bas not been 3 great bargain Discourse is not only the superorganie revisited, it has been made even more draconian ashe expresson of "power that is everywhere, in ll quotidian insti- tutions and relations. have ofen wondered whather, if Kroeber and White ha thought of making individals the moral and ibidinous vcs of the superor- fanie rather than simply its ppp, they could have got away with this cock amie idea fora longer ime otto return to the cetal asc, there ail at to esl aout contem- porary cltral formation fom what anthropology has already frgoten about Eolure, Consider again tht surerising pare of ur Teealigation develops apace with gbalzaton, diferentaton wilh taegfation, that Just ther bie fas of He studi wlld ae Ueining herogenesus, fe eOplas ave asseriing deir cults’ ditineiveners "An increasing Romogeni- [sion of socal snd coltral forms, 38 Marl Stathern says, seems t0 be Sccompanied by proliferation of cams to specific authenticites and identities! (1995e: 3; c€ 19950), Appadurai (1986), Hannere (1992) and many other frudents of globalization point out the linkage of these seemingly opposed proceses, noting thatthe marking of cilturl ference is responsive to the Fngeroni threat of world eapialim. The short answer to the paradox is thus ‘fesktnce’- Problem the people re aot utaly esting the echnologes and ‘Conveniences’ of modernization, nor are they particularly shy of the apts. relations needed to acquire them, Rath, what thy are aftcris the Inigeniztion ‘of modernity their own caltral space in the global scheme of tings. They oul mite ome atonony ftir heonomy, Hence what neh be Tecopized is tha sinner enc cndton of he dfn, For ithe seis dcecesyoomaaen emer ‘Tis dee of siniaty addiien, comes of otra divergence of schemes, ofa ode of cultura production not waique On te contr, precloial an ‘earacolonial occurrences help explain the colonial and postcolonial, In regard to similitude, ethnography has always known that cultures were never bounded elFeontaned and ele-susaining as ponmodernnaprcends that modernism prceds No cuter anges to people esol orevea ee Principal author of ther own exitence, Thea po nec tt authenticity ‘means selfing ard lot by veliane ots sams anys ees oe ‘BoiargesisselF-consciowsness. Indeed, this self-centred determination of authen- {icky conta othe normal human scl condition. Mest peoples Gadel ‘means of ther own eprodoction in brings and powers exaing beyond thee norm dean teravomay conte Accdingh he pegs to 2cquitng foreign powers se domestic socal values © very cobmel ranhoo Pom heft joomsyine tse cclurly eames (osualy men) returned with twophies of war or the chase, with commediace "ad or trade, with vison, songn, dass, names amules pret irs things ala or novel dh eould be consured, mciced exceed oe otherwise used to renew and eavich the indigenous form of He Te the enneson, the cvtentaferologal fears tat people tsding in dats oe areata by les fo oui, ae nec degrading their eure dete textuaiing it and refshioning to ret others prejudices of ther rite aleriy~ such ‘spectre of nathenticy’ as Margaret Jolly (199) cit hens, Init be i by considering that New Goreans lor compl) ae patie af the ales gambit they now onomatopcially al sim (cb Babe 1985, Handler & Linnekin 1960). Famous examples ome rom the Kula wade tell how ‘TRbrinders deck themselves out to dari thei wading partes [Nevinann 1992 312) In any es, rin otk uc wana caloe are commonplace in Melanesian ethnograny Simon, Hasan (1990) ‘emia decent fr Naan people Sepik aloes te comple ns cn procs hel comin ae feb dare cc dt fa Ge Sa ec Skewb aed tc et me hens Sciam yor nme us ea in ‘evened nse in ts ay ee tnd sec ae tae ey Sere ot oe ‘sec ren ly agen Cne e 121; Lawwence 1984: 145-6), = mine Eromall-this, it folloves shat hybridit I mean hybridity in the AR ex, en ne hy vad ey een ely cme oe eae ‘aught, all culures ae hybrid. All have more frcign than domestally invented SEMA yay fem into we 0zz % 4a [MARSHALL SABLINS percent. American, who sets down afte breakfast to smoke a cigar invented in rs ss he reads the news ofthe day io characters invented by the ancient Scaes imprinted by 2 proces invented in Germany on a matrlinvented in Glin Ashe seans the text editor warning ofthe die resuts to our inaia- ‘Gon of adopting foreign ess, be thank a brew deity in an Indo-Eoropesn {ongue that he 100 per cent (decimal system invented by the ancient Greeks) ‘Rmerian (om AmericosVespuce, Kalan geographer). Tyr seedy, nora tractore jonathan Friedman (127: inp) hab Sad Toi ae ana cotta of & people's story not an ethnographic “erption ofthe way of ie Intel way of Hie, eeralties te indigenized, ngage in local configurations and become different from what they were. In {he ted, the Hegelian dalecte of el and oter may be the mother of all Calturinms. More proximately complementary dierentation of sia trac- Cures among, nearby peoples wat the main dynamic of éviStraus's Milos spmmmetreal inversions that ran ce length and breadth of ‘origi! North and South Arerica. Batons analogous concept of schistmo- ened wes orgoally meant to cover stare ante nclading the pecolonial cians of interdependent Melanesian groups (Bateson 1935)" Teed, the snltopolegealcodgers have Know all his atleast since Ruth Benedict (1932, 1934) wove the 'sveds and pcs’ ee by an eal die ont Int echerentpaterns of eutue, Lowi’ wandering minstrel at has teen considered the antcipation of portmodera pastiche. But fa at Benedict (934 4) was concerned, he and other difusionsts had created = Ponkentis monster, wath 2 ight eye Fem Fa eft fom Eorope, one leg {fom Tera del Pacgo, nd one from Tabi. Thence he anthropological ‘sndorn woul be that caltores are rely foreign in origin and distinctively local Inpatcrn” Hence ago the foreshadowing of the modern ‘cults thatean be found wot nly inthe codgers observations on nas and ‘revivals’ (e Tinton 1943), but in thei efletons on ther etnographicepeences of accl- toraton espedally among Native Americans. Radin insisted that even seule ftnted Nate Arercans remained sborgita. To suppose the changes they had undergone were'a sig of degeneracy or hybridization or decline’, he wrote, “Bus betaa lamentable norance of common historic processes (Radin 1968 {ib83y ty see Linon 1956: 36) Sausseansirorturlm Iter ge the pater argument the added force of poinal valu. bven i courtly imposed, exeraal practices and relationships Tre ners brought Into vslue-determining associations with native ‘Gtegorcs, In the upshot, they acqire indigenous lols, iceligiilies ad tffes. Although in theory structure fs apposed to be a concept antithetical to history and agency, ip practice its what gives historical substance to a people's (alse and independent grounds tel scion Without cltral order there Sikes istry ot agncy Sil [am matapeago ‘clue of esstanc so Ich a the resistance of clr. Intent inthe meaning action of socal Shsted perons, te resiance of cles the more nese form of diferen- on iter equtingan intentional poles opposition nor confined tothe Colenaly oppressed, People actin te world interns ofthe socal Beings they NIN Sees aeutd ncbe ergot that from hee guotiian point of view tithe SUR oreo pata oi ‘lobal system thats peripheral, not them. * ‘On the matter of complementary oppositions, Simmel pointed out that when MARSHALL SAFINS 4 clementsaléady diferentiated are forced into union, the usual effect is a more intense repulsion, ‘an actualization of antitheses tha otherwise would not have tmergence into consciousness. Was he speaking prescient of the eutrent ‘Habaleaton a Wa Toad oicbntents? No, ofthe Holy Roman Empire, whose ‘politics of world domination .. only served to release the partiulrisms of eoples ie maT Engr contin i oe devo By {ie individuation ‘crested intensified and brought to everona’ (Simmel 1971 [1908]: 275 emphasis added). suessthe awareness, the emergence of ference nto conscousness, because i brings us back to the dacritial aims of ultra uniqueness among contemporary peoples who are becoming ever more pated a alike ‘Again there are celebrated analogues in New Guinea: the homeland of Fanos “borrowing cltre' of more than 70 dine’ peoples who eraphatially named chemeelved (a2 Gowers sy); who may el themselves apart on the principle of nip wen las, the dtl of bodily appearance ~ something ke the narcissism ‘tmarginal diference, a Fread sad of the Balkans, which is ill nother cae in point cee Geweres 1985: 6 lo Erngton & Gewert 1996: 1240; Lemonnier 1997). The srange argument with whic I conclude i that these coeur clams are indexes of more basi structuring codes, modes of order that are themselves ingely impercepble ye rake all the difference between peoples who axe petepably similar, ake 2 page fom Durkheim. Such relications of sruetoral Powers, eptoieations of order tel, ae sacred symbol. They ate vse sigs come to pass’. "Unification he, said, s the means wo individuation and ite | x ‘commitment aswell as defnivon = dare one say, sense of shared existence a3 ‘wells determinate boundaries? ‘Darideim said that god or che totemic spit i the way men figure to cherseves the power of seit dat cnsan tee behaviour ated provides their atsfiction, ye of which they know not whence or what, of which they bhve no experiences such, Socal ction’, he wrote, Tollows way that ae t00 ‘Grcitoss and abzcore,and employs paychicl mechanisms that are oo complex to allow the ordinary observer to see whence i comes. Az long ascent alysis does no ome to teach it them, men know wel dat they are ated ‘pon, but they do ot know by whom? (1947: 29), Tewasa scolgial perm son af he aun Hm ade bt ‘auger wo te ete ae ectiy i not 3 daa of experience” NEU coute, is oly. In omething ofthe sme way we have ong known ~ fiom Herder through Boss ff an invisible constiating presence. And, as sacred, they give + people \ mpletiee eres ede emumaggcnrs Theme Sete isthe opm of waitin (Bene) “Sesings dependent on hein, or people do no cover the worl, they are taught Ferd). Bait int perception,“ teem the rama working in the habia, sroctre isthe organization of Conscious xprence that i nt ite consiouly experienced. Not ey 10 figure, Afer decades of White men the Pomo Indian dt the anthropologist ‘Any (190 4: ‘ear pla ard ured My ote wth you op ent iu heen od opr bath ome octane oo ep nanyous fo Witte nono ee ite Wane oreg oo? Unfathomable and yet powerful enough to make the difference berween ae! bez a MARSHALL SAHINS peoples, to make us right and you wrong, something ike that has indeed intima- Sons of the sacred. “OF course itis also in the totemie spivt of Lévi-Strauss. Manuela Carneiro recognized that eultoral diacritics, constructed by opposition, are analogous to {the pects signs of atotemic system, so that different peoples assume positional ats and values in regional orders of culture (1995: 288). Ina complementary Srgument, Friedman (i pres) sys that jos s, ingllectoalist critiques of the icra odes he nas pe signe Taking maiacf loa entifelan snd erences o higher order ceo which hen {mes incon a ning se. Te lage of tread Wenn eenty 1 ‘tones emt of ncesingencompannent and Spend on pci of creating OO Tice cxreseslcorention sn iemolty dat cannot be waved ty by ‘cece oar “The clasifetoryfncion i evden in the gener sgn of ethic Bath {iss ced evalu orettny For insti the Fin rigid way Cree he ie mkenms), determined by aposon to te whites Ting see, St money Gels skate), octal by eenion »panopy of ‘attccefhcship, Vship, «eran generalized recprocy (heck), even Gakljan Christan sony Fins could know it Dot then, sny one of these, Fhctuingstestonlly san etl are (ars seond pe) inden the SRE mode of vtec hat by eyestore orarprotoype. The ct CaS ery wurmie. Gener (983: 108) quotes a Chambr (New Gunes) SSlounc of dete people wee forced offhand andsetled temporary Si sconsin Bosh people. "We did wot become fie ils men’ the Chambrt Td pre ofthe bush and we are ofthe water. They se estas and we Mecventiee TCincaoned the sill perinent and sil brillant interpretation of ethnic sinineona by Barth (9604, 1909, le steal says aboo everything have ‘these ber. Including that eptomiing sgn ex eandtion af ene cam “Shera treton fr gc the iene rong tracing peoples, sch ‘Tatmatonscannorbetsubished quantitatively or once Ineoding thatthe Sees ocala cites may be iverny eed tothe pent Session tring contioned athe bythe slurs Inching he conning of Si enn cry romana mere of coed sr cn Slapeand exznd te inignocsadions to nove ston Ineoding athe of leurs] datinetign represent modes of nganietion rN Nan TE alts iE icnoater and tat ekeclene inherent ach mode. Fncoding tat EaAatGTpeapes by tir ways of existing the cre signs ehh Gontiguous boundaries between tem ™ "A final word sbout boundaries. Ini itis (once more) that anthropologists sate ay toss anoch toute denying exitenceofeatal bondares {jotetica So many peoples ae bring called upon to mark them. Conscious and Jer tus bouseryimlong he been incresing round the word ners ¥ < sheer es nce acorn memes ety stanly 38 people may be largely insubstantial, based on ordering pneples aba iow FORT Bow Bs well a3 Durkheim, do not normally rise (0 consciousness. Thus the sicredness of thei epitomizing symbols, whose referent is an unseen, good and potent cultural presence, “There ishere some suggestion of a beter reson for living and dying with, nd for, certain people than the fet that ll are reading the same newspapers a the same dime. Bot that would be another letre, For the moment Thave merely {ed to say wo or three things I know about culture, adopting the strategy that ‘ft sy awhole lot of things, two or three maybe righ. Notes * See Bas (1978); Haran (1997 28-2 rahe reeeee Sein (1995: 1041. ies pei empans onthe abot = note, not on ened chat = a8 the Aixenig no clare wanes opr one te splay oi tie Bat ee fall orb some ces raced wth, he power ramen to sr fet of Kenneth Bunk (93 20, Sat Cue 100, 9069) oad Snes NGO, Hire ia urna mae fhe eden coro (One thing was ar aboot dong anicpology In contemporary Ppa New Guier: fveryne toy econ aot ae. Paps New Glee thers wee, ‘Tow vung ear i dering with 1 Duy f Ven ad's ait a the ee of Jmporaet rsoret in hed cenuny pstloil "morn? = a modesty [ropenivly acted by tanmaoeslepaom ond by rate power In conto rnin Fo loc sce ote etiam ene qed ith aan, war evermore ‘copay the changngdrarstancs a source a screed st ‘Govnl ond em dma fo erent ent ad pal ey (Bg emer 1996100, 0 pep the arose by end-pne scielcetitsch Fakes, forwom materi wha ange hogs or people Asani or Burkina Fa (985. eee as MARSHALL SAHIN Dict he pros pared bythe dunce of onan atari ono ie seer pcs of eens pore on ie fer ven eatin ender the an ete ads ol pene ods of be fst hun omer pune ‘idan can! ti (9 ye Wen 17, 20, Avong rere, TSEEESG SSSI tue tar gene acy eo te oma nd mae coreg arte sendon he nen atm vor he tecire‘taa ori {2erel mesn aig without he frm. ortaam decane dco ter of ey paces and eed phonon is Pic end sect seaman ter: Bobs (981568), Cae (70, eases Eeingen te Gener 95, rc (99,1996 Ie pe), Handler Teen (ou fy (Par 190), jy & Thom C922, Keving (8), Karing ‘Taisen (905, Ltn & Foyer (980, Norton (99D), Sains (A), Then Bone usoodon (1997), Thoms (950 199% 19), JW Tomer (97, vom Me (970, ie (998. ugh Heng wa il ofthe steny of Paci ade’ eau, ad a2 ng ncag the comin of mpc acs ved uss hp here {Es rh po contain hc pstos Secs beh der nd presi aa were sloges te wero espa, th verve mires ‘hprome ong en oi ea recy tvenng ys od edfig commande il sev wei reind iceman hereon taecrcarecent oi ean ne pact coy Sqr taataagitecmaonentncncets Secon events poiceeeiacsnemeleamncees eet opm set trae ipa Snecma "Peter aie ste aon by equine Mee, Ldepit fom an mpubied per other "ote Lock nd Sere: 1. 9 now ope fw 3 cabin of pric cine ve. Ease Talat" at Sou toed he pelle fc fea aes dean nt crn oon ce Onder ch concen ane deeper W tec mre re ‘feet merc ed etc ce met compe bre Rents lt yen era ncanepon = cy co rane TRE ee once cate pe mod wri no eon acy cates ves ene: yh omy ees coupes nd a el Saoene a ernie ems ote Eines 1 Bandit ann f id cose spent cnet wee he had mae peers octet nd compre aloe ts yell not alow unt ot “ttn aero ack perio Eve Bo (1838 2 a) how 0 Thar fen et or ocak Mel sb he policy cosetve chun eubvopegel arpa demise mesg ion ofall oes ‘igi 99). "Calog pial srw el toca sn the McCarthy dp, The pele Mit ach peodopolics of merweaion Bat mast of tei spores abot calvl TLS teres both wey bth and et Ader al, ssrciare hastily fete Steed wih ere oda wich mas at cn ike of "ebaT ede tr ore pro te amedavn ight Kw Margret Thue, allowing, Jy nom win si Te noch ng cy une 19) tee "Gerakan nai mone vay om tetany buen as bgen arpach SSSR Shed eps cece Thc hme. Aer al buh movements ere ‘nossa tah frm waa Ets Scented ew of legato! (FB [MARSHALL SAKLINS a 9, "nah pected hs pith conte of -ed emiy plt, ay at poi clr aah te eritadon syle Te tet ham eeenion of ear ind ss fetal con "The Get a conemporsy fate pomp he wre at ‘ate tom tebe chance Sc ltl neon ote me wap wig be ‘beeen nme (963 terpenes). Fors cone Seon a tale pli, os bork the mer tr se Weigh (278). ""Sechundtns we ley de incase option weer sexi, bat heya no len ayn lacy Bs wel ou we Bs (96 Ted at ‘tn normaly enh tego o paca ov cnscacien, they me ey ‘Blond aro contempt ss pis beng inc Bas ase {cull sloped omental te pest coc: comment owen cls ‘estan scm ano men in The nent Ne Ameren eof ‘te’ ave nao att fet teri gen er tn arg rans he Fest aon nl lyn ty ad te men ay dee ye ang minima ed tam se ide one arth Re Anan (Dek Ne {The me nthe soprrpis tlt hs era impacted ne andropcgy om essen mye Blown aes te usa onc an ‘ost arvcunli thos. wher thei dingreens, cic in shoaing Ke ‘a fomic ion wand sig msn ty enggea-sch re in thf that oper wha» dacore area nog “The tarde est of Wi inlet yng rests lerentary components nthe haan ore avec, Tati re hmanagenehs Predce and inert erry wal the mol he Word (eet ot Fee er too ews we al sie tthe proc lc eros {tlenguge or dacoune she se iene aren apne a ttre! {he immanent dyer the sing sen’ Many of ti sen eis present fy near sates dee sn ts Sa lca wna fom 2 wed hos cy the pence of lange and acouceOtrs 1997119 Among numerous percep Jcusions ofthe ery ofp and lc ese hoe retoned ewer in hit se Erte (999), Kang (1097), MeCai (1997, Male (99), rea Wan (195), The pon |r ag bare the ne Myon voce a danon of etapa Anan Abra ae"The tmpaason how domet clare "peace ha ‘thes a, cry may pone rw kon conten semana en coal proces, ‘thats netdedsa more eingapic tenon othe teaningt toch teeacons papas, Spe et ef a owe ep he pe ee hh "Sperling of Arak Car relions, rammed (38:64 chbuaed thepolematic of complementary epson sway ht ink win mer ety pee ‘My rgumeni athe Arak ie prope erate, wuld hy ei ofthe atl sd once embarament reteset bya ses aietory whey ee ravens thei own chee ode of hing, but rd spl, ber ak ty not sy what thy ae witout ping ta ey ae na The dena ot te ‘raw ate ston» popes om ors nds eel pated in te mos inte ‘ahion th be rg ond preset stanton the Cri The ermal te pote tena emg rosters ce 198 eos, Amb, efcted the theoretical couse fom Lovie deouph Benedi: ‘Arg th ier origin tent. every cto i wat Loe hs ell ica theory of tes and pice ‘prs hodgepodge’ bt der ot nny eee 10 othe peopl ingore no oe fncion tech. Ps pater here tye Pe the pan moti the rl mated Bowie eee ava ep, ns vreting tt nto dcodt (190: 296 tt ao Hecho €2% a MARSHALL SAHLINS 1414 Lien 96 34cm Bo 31) * Sees) ning i rc tes Sea Oe er ees nen cn Sper, at we saan the ae ae es dag om ate on 38 yr, pte (9M 3) or ig the word [ee] hed nese meaning ad embeds ee of ie i SEES SUaar ine egrinoip ce ee mand ht he Mss cored nr so te bry etc pe: » dea set or es eter pepo bare abe eth tc hs 2 ME ‘Sra Tose te Sumber of pols is mcnary odio ol ‘dana ening oe. REFERENCES sony etm ha 63 soot mamta earn? . Ie daa rtm mas a amnaiepnetint 6 Oe TE meet pence ob OS ee nT mre ue fm ca npg eet EIT «un were BIS Pls enya es rnc. in gp bund (od) Bath meine aon, 6.1995. Cure contac and schismogentl Man (NS) 35,178. Sake a Cire te OI iat cesar cule tamee ental aes een ts ae iia iatatuenie att Hari ac edt pon Yn TE a ens eae Ce Titers ama digits abe ae! 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Adi 3.138 ‘Maer (es) 1995 Ba pr mode oh pom ea andes Row, Marlo Gi 1951, Beh sol sop Am Anon. 3 45-3, Myc: FR tb, Caltwescbing potrmng Morgan t te Ala Socity Gly Am a 2, 69.5. seam 199 Tien ao sty in Pps New Gunes some obras epg “Dt md Tb Oral 295316 ‘an 19 Coe ed Ment the South ei compnine ami Man (NS) 28, ‘rina £1995, Resitance an the pecblem chorale Cp. Stl So Hit 3.175 i 99M And we ec aryl}. sn, Or te loom) 16. Te: Ua a Pr Pea A tet co me op dt New Reick Ragen Ua re lo Gb) Te Fa de New Ye Pee ob, SLB bene Oncaea ered, oy 2 ent (90 7 ed x ey fearon om New Yo as Boks ol inprlocnscgn pm Fear a” Cipngen cats ml on nF. SS Hic 2, 3-57, ‘SS wot Teno ene pas nc ee) & Brcko De Sine ton Pn i ae Roc Cae ye Pes ies ie hb cet opt Cn rag hogs Uo Pr 8 Colon pee ek. Zone one ick uo cocoon mr pi Pei 3752. Eite-t Sec mal Nee Vi ol Saw G 7 boty oe cl fom So i. Chg: Unis Pe Sete fn mnt enn one dren) she ctam Ne aie Une Pe sun i oto nd enn, New Yr rs. Sn sive Sif em BS, md: Ree Seber eT rng obtener a Sgn) M ‘she Landon Reset MARSHALL SAHLINS a “hein. 8 F Dowie Marna (eh) 197. Le Peg Sid ej: eer err Pas CNRS Eslge ‘Thema Ba Pot epraeno, elon on pny in Pai his a, 938, dE Se I Et lems maid nn he Rie Cae ap Tees fein Am Ea 19,203.50. 198. beggn en be choc i Eo 380-1 ‘Tiomgos, LANE Te eno te Moan od el ote, Fela eg Meer oki ne ab fre perl) 5 Wasa Bently Us atiteni ha emi (8) 3 an, “Tec 197 Cony tern Conga 3 “Tuner 199), Repeering seston thing bral wanton of Kap core ‘ad artopsegeleonsoune In Cal saan ed) © Soop Mado Unie nesta (A) 6 Sto Unico EGER Pt hit tr: 2e Gon io) Ln Ma. ‘in Mal 1.1996 Hutertasng Mostyn tong end the eieaon of Mie ‘elton J Paes Sr fOS31T6 Was, 5.) 8 Mie of din: el ais f mal Jp, By Ua ‘Wren KB. 992. Tartoing memories of nc eugene fr ‘Man Ian tn Avtar ebro} Span: New Yr: Ox Uae ‘eam J) 198 Fa xr Mam myo! ce of ey nin. eine AB. 193, Cura oe omen An Ang. 57,1621, ‘Whi LA 00. The ef New i For, Stn Ss. ‘Wy 5 19m The pleceon of chur day ay 0, 718 rn ecoracing cone aon om ae Deut ou trois choses que je sais de la culture Cae contnet tte cpr eb iton oni de cree got ‘Sec moog woe bogus Steno puree gest ingle fc Uh st oe a crs ‘emda de dtm Cle pu pps (skeet Forte tan ee dee de pats ts da ats apes ‘ene wan ex nt Seg: a nop Baa, tien aoe aie cv et shoo pre re Sees ar ear uot nt pres pr cme era epee Snead von sat {enter gu pares pa peor de estar, ia * Dig Ando, Une Clan, Chi, Mine, 067. Seine ae

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