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Tuna Processing, Inc. vs. Philippine Kingford, Inc.

Same Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative

Dispute Resolution Act of 2004 Conflict of Laws The
Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004 complies
with international obligations under the New York
Convention and the Model Law.Inasmuch as the
Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004, a municipal law,
applies in the instant petition, we do not see the need to
discuss compliance with international obligations under the
New York Convention and the Model Law. After all, both
already form part of the law. In particular, the Alternative
Dispute Resolution Act of 2004 incorporated the New York
Convention in the Act by specifically providing: SEC. 42.
Application of the New York Convention.The New York
Convention shall govern the recognition and enforcement of
arbitral awards covered by the said Convention. xxx SEC. 45.
Rejection of a Foreign Arbitral Award.A party to a foreign
arbitration proceeding may oppose an application for
recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award in
accordance with the procedural rules to be promulgated by
the Supreme Court only on those grounds enumerated under
Article V of the New York Convention. Any other ground
raised shall be disregarded by the regional trial court. It also
expressly adopted the Model Law, to wit: Sec. 19. Adoption
of the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration.
International commercial arbitration shall be governed by
the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (the
Model Law) adopted by the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law on June 21, 1985 xxx.
Alternative Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute
Resolution Act of 2004 Conflict of Laws Sec. 45 of
the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004
provides that the opposing party in an application for
recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award
may raise only those grounds that were enumerated
under Article V of the New York Convention.Does a
foreign corporation not licensed to do business in the
Philippines have legal capacity to sue under the provisions of
the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004? We answer
in the affirmative. Sec. 45 of the Alternative Dispute
Resolution Act of 2004 provides that the opposing party in
an application for recognition and enforcement of the
arbitral award may raise only those grounds that were
enumerated under Article V of the New York Convention, to
wit: Article V 1. Recognition and enforcement of the award
may be refused, at the request of the party against whom it
is invoked, only if that party furnishes to the competent
authority where the recognition and enforcement is sought,
proof that: (a) The parties to the agreement referred to in
article II were, under the law applicable to them, under some
incapacity, or the said agreement is not valid under the law
to which the parties have subjected it or, failing any
indication thereon, under the law of the country where the
award was made or (b) The party against whom the award
is invoked was not given proper notice of the appointment of
the arbitrator or of the arbitration proceedings or was
otherwise unable to present his case or (c) The award deals
with a difference not contemplated by or not falling within
the terms of the submission to arbitration, or it contains
decisions on matters beyond the scope of the submission to
arbitration, provided that, if the decisions on matters
submitted to arbitration can be separated from those not so
submitted, that part of the award which contains decisions
on matters submitted to arbitration may be recognized and
enforced or (d) The composition of the arbitral authority or
the arbitral procedure was not in accordance with the
agreement of the parties, or, failing such agreement, was
not in accordance with the law of the country where the

arbitration took place or (e) The award has not yet become
binding on the parties, or has been set aside or suspended
by a competent authority of the country in which, or under
the law of which, that award was made. 2. Recognition and
enforcement of an arbitral award may also be refused if the
competent authority in the country where recognition and
enforcement is sought finds that: (a) The subject matter of
the difference is not capable of settlement by arbitration
under the law of that country or (b) The recognition or
enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public
policy of that country. Clearly, not one of these exclusive
grounds touched on the capacity to sue of the party seeking
the recognition and enforcement of the award. Pertinent
provisions of theSpecial Rules of Court on Alternative
Dispute Resolution, which was promulgated by the Supreme
Court, likewise support this position. Rule 13.1 of the Special
Rules provides that [a]ny party to a foreign arbitration may
petition the court to recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral
award. The contents of such petition are enumerated in
Rule 13.5. Capacity to sue is not included. Oppositely, in the
Rule on local arbitral awards or arbitrations in instances
where the place of arbitration is in the Philippines, it is
specifically required that a petition to determine any
enforceability of such arbitration agreement available to
the parties before the commencement of arbitration and/or a
petition for judicial relief from the ruling of the arbitral
tribunal on a preliminary question upholding or declining its
jurisdiction after arbitration has already commenced should
state [t]he facts showing that the persons named as
petitioner or respondent have legal capacity to sue or be
Same Same Same When a party enters into a
contract containing a foreign arbitration clause and
in fact submits itself to arbitration, it becomes bound
by the contract, by the arbitration and by the result
of arbitration, conceding thereby the capacity of the
other party to enter into the contract, participate in
the arbitration and cause the implementation of the
result.Indeed, it is in the best interest of justice that in
the enforcement of a foreign arbitral award, we deny
availment by the losing party of the rule that bars foreign
corporations not licensed to do business in the Philippines
from maintaining a suit in our courts. When a party enters
into a contract containing a foreign arbitration clause and, as
in this case, in fact submits itself to arbitration, it becomes
bound by the contract, by the arbitration and by the result of
arbitration, conceding thereby the capacity of the other
party to enter into the contract, participate in the arbitration
and cause the implementation of the result. Although not on
all fours with the instant case, also worthy to consider is the
wisdom of then Associate Justice Flerida Ruth P. Romero in
her Dissenting Opinion in Asset Privatization Trust v. Court of
Appeals, 300 SCRA 579 (1998), to wit: xxx Arbitration, as an
alternative mode of settlement, is gaining adherents in legal
and judicial circles here and abroad. If its tested mechanism
can simply be ignored by an aggrieved party, one who, it
must be stressed, voluntarily and actively participated in the
arbitration proceedings from the very beginning, it will
destroy the very essence of mutuality inherent in consensual
Same Same Same On the matter of capacity to sue,
a foreign arbitral award should be respected not
because it is favored over domestic laws and
procedures, but because Republic Act No. 9285 has
certainly erased any conflict of law question.Clearly,
on the matter of capacity to sue, a foreign arbitral award
should be respected not because it is favored over domestic

laws and procedures, but because Republic Act No. 9285 has
certainly erased any conflict of law question. Finally, even
assuming, only for the sake of argument, that the court a
quocorrectly observed that theModel Law, not the New York
Convention, governs the subject arbitral award, petitioner
may still seek recognition and enforcement of the award in
Philippine court, since theModel Law prescribes substantially
identical exclusive grounds for refusing recognition or
enforcement. Premises considered, petitioner TPI, although
not licensed to do business in the Philippines, may seek
recognition and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award in
accordance with the provisions of the Alternative Dispute
Resolution Act of 2004.

requires that the party seeking for the enforcement should

have legal capacity to sue.

FACTS: Kanemitsu Yamaoka, co-patentee of a US Patent,

Philippine Letters Patent, and an Indonesian Patent, entered
into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with five Philippine
tuna processors including Respondent Philippine Kingford,
Inc. (KINGFORD). The MOA provides for the enforcing of the
abovementioned patents, granting licenses under the same,
and collecting royalties, and for the establishment of herein
Petitioner Tuna Processors, Inc. (TPI).

The Resolution of the RTC is REVERSED and SET ASIDE.

Due to a series of events not mentioned in the Petition, the

tuna processors, including Respondent KINGFORD, withdrew
from Petitioner TPI and correspondingly reneged on their
obligations. Petitioner TPI submitted the dispute for
arbitration before the International Centre for Dispute
Resolution in the State of California, United States and won
the case against Respondent KINGFORD.
To enforce the award, Petitioner TPI filed a Petition for
Confirmation, Recognition, and Enforcement of Foreign
Arbitral Award before the RTC of Makati City. Respondent
KINGFORD filed a Motion to Dismiss, which the RTC denied
for lack of merit. Respondent KINGFORD then sought for the
inhibition of the RTC judge, Judge Alameda, and moved for
the reconsideration of the order denying the Motion. Judge
Alameda inhibited himself notwithstanding [t]he unfounded
allegations and unsubstantiated assertions in the motion.
Judge Ruiz, to which the case was re-raffled, in turn, granted
Respondent KINGFORDSs Motion for Reconsideration and
dismissed the Petition on the ground that Petitioner TPI
lacked legal capacity to sue in the Philippines. Petitioner TPI
is a corporation established in the State of California and not
licensed to do business in the Philippines.
Hence, the present Petition for Review on Certiorari under
Rule 45.
Whether or not a foreign corporation not licensed to do
business in the Philippines, but which collects royalties from
entities in the Philippines, sue here to enforce a foreign
arbitral award?
Petitioner TPI contends that it is entitled to seek for the
recognition and enforcement of the subject foreign arbitral
award in accordance with RA No. 9285 (Alternative Dispute
Resolution Act of 2004), the Convention on the Recognition
and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards drafted during
the United Nations Conference on International Commercial
1958 (New
the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial
Arbitration (Model Law), as none of these specifically

YES. Petitioner TPI, although not licensed to do business in
the Philippines, may seek recognition and enforcement of
the foreign arbitral award in accordance with the provisions
of theAlternative Dispute Resolution Act of 2004. A foreign
corporations capacity to sue in the Philippines is not
material insofar as the recognition and enforcement of a
foreign arbitral award is concerned.

Sec. 45 of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of
2004 provides that the opposing party in an application for
recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award may raise
only those grounds that were enumerated under Article V of
the New York Convention, to wit:
Article V
1. Recognition and enforcement of the award may be
refused, at the request of the party against whom it is
invoked, only if that party furnishes to the competent
authority where the recognition and enforcement is sought,
proof that:
a. The parties to the agreement referred to in Article II were,
under the law applicable to them, under some incapacity, or
the said agreement is not valid under the law to which the
parties have subjected it or, failing any indication thereon,
under the law of the country where the award was made;
b. The party against whom the award is invoked was not
given proper notice of the appointment of the arbitrator or of
the arbitration proceedings or was otherwise unable to
present his case;
c. The award deals with a difference not contemplated by or
not falling within the terms of the submission to arbitration,
or it contains decisions on matters beyond the scope of the
submission to arbitration, provided that, if the decisions on
matters submitted to arbitration can be separated from
those not so submitted, that part of the award which
contains decisions on matters submitted to arbitration may
be recognized and enforced;
d. The composition of the arbitral authority or the arbitral
procedure was not in accordance with the agreement of the
parties, or, failing such agreement, was not in accordance
with the law of the country where the arbitration took place;
e. The award has not yet become binding on the parties, or
has been set aside or suspended by a competent authority
of the country in which, or under the law of which, that
award was made.
2. Recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award may
also be refused if the competent authority in the country
where recognition and enforcement is sought finds that:

a. The subject matter of the difference is not capable of

settlement by arbitration under the law of that country; or
b. The recognition or enforcement of the award would be
contrary to the public policy of that country.
Not one of the abovementioned exclusive grounds touched
on the capacity to sue of the party seeking the recognition
and enforcement of the award.
Pertinent provisions of the Special Rules of Court on
Alternative Dispute Resolution, which was promulgated by
the Supreme Court, likewise support this position.
Rule 13.1 of the Special Rules provides that [a]ny party to a
foreign arbitration may petition the court to recognize and
enforce a foreign arbitral award. The contents of such
petition are enumerated in Rule 13.5. Capacity to sue is not
included. Oppositely, in the rule on local arbitral awards or
arbitrations in instances where the place of arbitration is in
the Philippines, it is specifically required that a petition to
determine any question concerning the existence, validity
and enforceability of such arbitration agreement available
to the parties before the commencement of arbitration
and/or a petition for judicial relief from the ruling of the
arbitral tribunal on a preliminary question upholding or
declining its jurisdiction after arbitration has already
commenced should state [t]he facts showing that the
persons named as petitioner or respondent have legal
capacity to sue or be sued.
Indeed, it is in the best interest of justice that in the
enforcement of a foreign arbitral award, the Court deny
availment by the losing party of the rule that bars foreign
corporations not licensed to do business in the Philippines
from maintaining a suit in Philippine courts. When a party
enters into a contract containing a foreign arbitration
clause and, as in this case, in fact submits itself to
arbitration, it becomes bound by the contract, by the
arbitration and by the result of arbitration, conceding
thereby the capacity of the other party to enter into the
contract, participate in the arbitration and cause the
implementation of the result. Although not on all fours with
the instant case, also worthy to consider is the wisdom of
then Associate Justice Flerida Ruth P. Romero in her
Dissenting Opinion in Asset Privatization Trust v. Court of
Appeals [1998], to wit:
xxx Arbitration, as an alternative mode of settlement, is
gaining adherents in legal and judicial circles here and
abroad. If its tested mechanism can simply be ignored by an
aggrieved party, one who, it must be stressed, voluntarily
and actively participated in the arbitration proceedings from
the very beginning, it will destroy the very essence of
mutuality inherent in consensual contracts.
Clearly, on the matter of capacity to sue, a foreign arbitral
award should be respected not because it is favored over
domestic laws and procedures, but because Republic Act No.
9285 has certainly erased any conflict of law question.
Finally, even assuming, only for the sake of argument, that
the RTC correctly observed that the Model Law, not the New
York Convention, governs the subject arbitral award,
Petitioner TPI may still seek recognition and enforcement of
the award in Philippine court, since the Model Law prescribes
substantially identical exclusive grounds for refusing
recognition or enforcement.

Cargill Philippines, Inc. vs. San Fernando Regala

Trading, Inc.
Arbitration, as an alternative mode of settling
disputes, has long been recognized and accepted in
our jurisdiction.Arbitration, as an alternative mode of
settling disputes, has long been recognized and accepted in
our jurisdiction. R.A. No. 876 authorizes arbitration of
domestic disputes. Foreign arbitration, as a system of
settling commercial disputes of an international character, is
likewise recognized. The enactment of R.A. No. 9285 on April
2, 2004 further institutionalized the use of alternative
dispute resolution systems, including arbitration, in the
settlement of disputes.
Same Same Contracts Submission to arbitration is a
contract and a clause in a contract providing that all
matters in dispute between the parties shall be
referred to arbitration is a contract.A contract is
required for arbitration to take place and to be binding.
Submission to arbitration is a contract and a clause in a
contract providing that all matters in dispute between the
parties shall be referred to arbitration is a contract. The
provision to submit to arbitration any dispute arising
therefrom and the relationship of the parties is part of the
contract and is itself a contract.
Same Same Same An arbitration agreement which
forms part of the main contract shall not be regarded
as invalid or non-existent just because the main
contract is invalid or did not come into existence,
since the arbitration agreement shall be treated as a
separate agreement independent of the main
contract. Applying the Gonzales ruling, an arbitration
agreement which forms part of the main contract shall not
be regarded as invalid or non-existent just because the main
contract is invalid or did not come into existence, since the
arbitration agreement shall be treated as a separate
agreement independent of the main contract. To reiterate a
contrary ruling would suggest that a partys mere
repudiation of the main contract is sufficient to avoid
arbitration and that is exactly the situation that the
separability doctrine sought to avoid. Thus, we find that
even the party who has repudiated the main contract is not
prevented from enforcing its arbitration clause.
FACTS: Respondent San Fernando Regala Trading filed with
the RTC of Makati City a Complaint for Rescission of Contract
with Damages against petitioner Cargill. It alleged that it
agreed that it would purchase from Cargill 12,000 metric
tons of Thailand origin cane blackstrap molasses and that
the payment would be by an Irrevocable Letter of Credit
payable at sight. The parties agreed that the delivery would
be made in April/May. Cargill failed to comply with its
obligations despite demands from respondent. The
respondent then filed for rescission.
The petitioner filed a Motion to Dismiss/Suspend proceeding,
arguing that they must first resort to arbitration as stated in
their agreement before going to court. However, the RTC
ruled in favor of the respondent. The CA affirmed the RTC
decision, adding that the case cannot be brought under the
Arbitration Law for the purpose of suspending the
proceedings before the RTC, since in its Motion to
Dismiss/Suspend proceedings, petitioner alleged, as one of
the grounds thereof, that the subject-contract between the
parties did not exist or it was invalid; that the said contract

bearing the arbitration clause was never consummated by

the parties, thus, it was proper that such issue be first
resolved by the court through an appropriate trial; that the
issue involved a question of fact that the RTC should first
ISSUE: Whether the CA erred in finding that this case cannot
be brought under the arbitration law for the purpose of
suspending the proceedings in the RTC.
HELD: The petition is meritorious. CIVIL LAW - Arbitration;
alternative dispute resolution; contracts Arbitration, as an
alternative mode of settling disputes, has long been
recognized and accepted in our jurisdiction. R.A. No. 876
authorizes arbitration of domestic disputes. Foreign
arbitration, as a system of settling commercial disputes of
an international character, is likewise recognized. The
enactment of R.A. No. 9285 on April 2, 2004 further
institutionalized the use of alternative dispute resolution
systems, including arbitration, in the settlement of disputes.
A contract is required for arbitration to take place and to be
binding. Submission to arbitration is a contract and a clause
in a contract providing that all matters in dispute between
the parties shall be referred to arbitration is a contract. The
provision to submit to arbitration any dispute arising
therefrom and the relationship of the parties is part of the
contract and is itself a contract.
The validity of the contract containing the agreement to
submit to arbitration does not affect the applicability of the
arbitration clause itself. A contrary ruling would suggest that
a party's mere repudiation of the main contract is sufficient
to avoid arbitration. That is exactly the situation that the
separability doctrine, as well as jurisprudence applying it,
seeks to avoid.
Petition is GRANTED.
In Cargill Phils Inc v San Fernando Regala Trading, Inc the
Supreme Court ruled that while actions for rescission and
damages are ordinarily judicial matters, the dispute at hand
was to be referred to arbitration because the contract which
the plaintiff sought to have rescinded included an arbitration
San Fernando Regala Trading filed before the trial court a
complaint for rescission of contract with damages against
Cargill Philippines, Inc. In its complaint, San Fernando Regala
Trading alleged that it was engaged in buying and selling

molasses and that Cargill was one of its suppliers. San

Fernando Regala Trading alleged that it purchased from
Cargill, and the latter had agreed to sell, 12,000 tons of cane
blackstrap molasses originating from Thailand at the price of
$192 per metric ton, and that delivery would be made in
April or May 1997. After San Fernando Regala Trading
delivered the letter of credit, it claimed that Cargill failed to
comply with its obligations under the contract, which
included an arbitration clause as follows:
"Any dispute which the Buyer and Seller may not be able to
settle by mutual agreement shall be settled by arbitration in
the City of New York before the American Arbitration
Association. The Arbitration Award shall be final and binding
on both parties."
Cargill moved to dismiss and/or suspend the court
proceedings citing the arbitration clause. San Fernando
Regala Trading argued that since it was seeking rescission of
the contract, it was in effect repudiating the contract which
included the arbitration clause. Further, it argued that
rescission constitutes a judicial issue, which requires the
exercise of judicial function and cannot be the subject of
The Supreme Court held that the provision to submit to
arbitration any dispute arising between the parties is part of
the contract and is itself a contract. The arbitration
agreement is to be treated as a separate agreement and
does not automatically terminate when the contract of which
it is a part comes to an end. To reiterate a contrary ruling
would suggest that a party's mere repudiation of the main
contract is sufficient to avoid arbitration; that is exactly the
situation that the separability doctrine seeks to avoid.
San Fernando Regala Trading filed a complaint for rescission
of contract and damages with the trial court. In so doing, it
alleged that a contract existed. It was that contract which
provided for an arbitration clause which expressed the
parties' intention that any dispute to arise between them, as
buyer and seller, should be referred to arbitration. It is for
the arbitrator and not the court to decide whether a contract
between the parties exists or is valid. Under the
circumstances, the argument that rescission is judicial in
nature is misplaced.

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