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Course Syllabus

Contact info
Ms. Byrd
Room 1307

Office Hours:
Thursday 2:25-

Course Description
This course is designed to simulate a comprehensive experience of the business of fashion. The
experience should bring alive the economics, distribution, promotion, and retail of fashion. The topics
of study include the fundamentals of fashion, fashion merchandising, forecasting of fashion, and
essential strategies of promoting and selling fashion.
Materials Needed
1 Subject Notebook
1 2 binder
Grading Procedures
I do not GIVE grades. Each student must EARN his/her grade.
Tests & Quizzes
Grade Recovery
The CTE Special Populations Coordinator will assist each teacher with developing a Grade Recovery
Contract for students that are at risk of academic failure. Each situation will be handled on a case by
case basis with student success in mind. Opportunities for recovery will be available on Thursday
after school.
Attendance Policy
The attendance and tardiness policy as well as other policies outlined in the school handbook will be
Tardy policy :
1st offense = Warning
2nd offense = Detention
Other offenses = Administrative Referral and call home.

Classroom Procedures

Entering the Classroom

- Before the bell rings:
o Turn in any work due in class BOX
o Be in seat when the Bell Rings
o Begin on your BELL RINGER in your Notebooks
o If you are tardy, please sign the clipboard by the door. Walk to your seat quietly without
disturbing other students.
- You are allowed to pick your seats; however, if you have difficulty with this, I will move EVERYONE to
an assigned seating arrangement.
- Ms. Byrd will periodically check and grade notebooks - unannounced!
Vocabulary Outline
- Each student will complete a vocabulary outline of all required vocabulary that will be used throughout
the entire semester. Each objective I will tell you words to define. It will be important to have this to
study especially for techniques and machines.
During Class
- Do not talk while Ms. Byrd is talking!
- Be alert and awake! Sleeping in class will result in a call home.
- Stay on task and participate in discussions.
- NO FOOD. Drinks are permitted.
Individual/Group Work
- Talk quietly as needed. Keep conversations focused on work!
- Leave all areas CLEAN and ready for the next class.
- All papers must have your name- Five points will be deducted for each unlabeled paper!!
- Emergencies only!
- No one may use the bathroom during a lecture or a quiz/test.
Ending Class
- Put away all materials and supplies in appropriate space. Turn in notebooks in your bin.
- Clean up all work areas! Failing to clean up will result in a point deduction.
- Cell phones/ipods/headphones/etc. should be used for class only. Ms. Byrd will notify you when it is
time. A Charge station will be located in the front of the class room by Ms. Byrds desk.
- Computer usage should be focused on the assignment at hand. The consequence of inappropriate
website usage is a call home.
Remember that while you are here, this is YOUR classroom to share with your peers. Thank you in
advance for helping maintain a productive, neat, and fun learning environment!

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