Communication Arts Syllabus

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Parents and students, please review this syllabus carefully. It contains
important information about course grades and behavior expectations.
Have class materials ready to use
Follow instructions for turning in assignments
Listen carefully to directions and follow them
Be ready to thinkparticipatelearn
Be creative
Tardies - Students who are not ready when the bell rings are counted tardy,
as well as those who arrive late. Students who have to leave the room
because they did not come to class prepared will also earn a tardy. Those
arriving late are asked to come into class quietly so as not to interrupt class
Music players: Students are allowed to bring MP3 players or other music
playing devices to class as long as the following rules are followed:
1) The player may only be used during personal work time.
2) The volume must be kept low enough so it cannot be heard by others.
3) If at anytime I feel the player is becoming a distraction, the student loses
the privilege.
4) Once student has pressed play and set an appropriate volume, the music
player must stay untouched on the desk.
ACADEMIC GRADES: Each assignment is worth a certain amount of points.
Points earned on each assignment are entered into the grade book and
weighted according to the type of work.
Quizzes: 15%
Finals: 5%
Tests/Essays: 30%
Speeches: 20%
Homework: 30%
Late work: Students are expected to turn their class work in on the due date.
Unexcused: Work turned in after the due date will be marked down 25%.
Students are always free to discuss with me the reason their class work is
late; if they do this when the assignment was originally due, then the late
penalty may not be applied. After two days of being late, the assignment will
no longer be accepted and a 0% will be earned.
Excused: Work turned in after the due date because of an excused absence
will have 2 days to complete and turn in assignments. After the 2 days, the

unexcused late-work policy will be implemented.

****If the student knows he/she will be absent ahead of time, he/she is responsible for
getting assignments.

Grading Scale
97-100 A
90-96 A87-89 B+
84-86 B
80-83 B77-79 C+

74-76 C
70-73 C67-69 D+
64-66 D
60-63 D59 and below F

Please read this course syllabus carefully, and if you have any questions or
comment, call Miss McCoy at the high school (660-683-5431) or email at Please keep the syllabus for your records.

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