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Colegio Espritu

Nombre : Maria Jose Acua

Versin Abreviada Muestras de Desempeo Docente [1]

Grade Level: 3rd grade high school
UCSC Supervisor: Angie Fuentealba
Mentor Teacher: Bernardo Gallegos


MDD Standard

The teacher candidate collects data regarding the institutional and classroom
contexts, the characteristics of the pupils as a group and its diversity, using this
information to plan and deliver instruction.

1. Community in which the school is located and/or serves, municipality or owner and
school factors:
Liceo Espritu Santo is a subsidized school which receives support from the
government. This school is located in Desiderio Garcia 519 Talcahuano. The
institution is defined as; an Integral institution of Education, with Catholic Education,
coeducational and Scientific- Humanist. There are 1040 students in this institution
and the average of students per class is 39 students per grade (Information taken
from Academic coordination of the school). The students are distributed in 26
different courses in three different levels primary, secondary and high school. It is
important to mention that courses are divided into a coeducational method by gender
(A for girls and B for boys). This method was introduced in 2012.
The school has a catholic approach and its main mission is the spiritual and
intellectual development of their students. The school was founded in March 1994.
Colegio Espirtu Santo has a SEP agreement and receives additional resources to
develop and implement an Educational Improvement Plan, to help priority students.
In terms of physical infrastructure, the school has an individual classroom for each
course with enough space for the number of students per class with individual tables.
The seating arrangement is organized in rows with direction to the board, also the
classroom has individual lockers for students. Regarding
the resources, there is not a data projector for each class so they need to be ask
The school has 2 computer labs with 36 computers each, and one audiovisual room
with excellent acoustic for listening and videos activities. Also the school has two

playgrounds, one gym and two libraries one for each building. It is important to
mention also that the school has a cafeteria, a dining room, a science lab, a music
and art classroom. Finally, the school is located next to a fire department and police
department building which dictates with occasional lectures about drug abuse.

Tarea 2
Seleccione y describa las caractersticas de los estudiantes de su curso,
individualmente y como grupo, que constituyen factores relevantes para las
planificaciones de clases, que posibiliten un aprendizaje de calidad.
Student skills level: The first characteristic chosen from this particular student, but
that was also representative from the whole class was the level that he has of
Based on the observation, the level of comprehension, the marks register from the
teacher so far on this semester, and the conversation with my mentor teacher, is that
I have come to encounter that the students level of English is good. The students are
able to understand the instructions in English. The use of Spanish is still required for
the students to clarify instructions but in general they are able to perform the
activities in a successful way. This will impact my lesson by making easier to use
English during my lessons. The teacher uses a Communicative approach.
Motivation: The second characteristic is directly related with students learning
process and affects them in a social and psychological way. Motivation plays a
fundamental role in the teaching learning process, students seems to be really willing
to learn. Also, the participation in class is excellent.

3. Analice la informacin recogida para determinar qu factores del contexto y

de sus estudiantes incidirn prioritariamente en su diseo de una enseanza
de calidad para los estudiantes de este curso.

There are many factors that could impact or affect the lessons:
School catholic approach: As it was mentioned before, this institution is considered
to be a catholic school, although it is not included in the schools society under the
auspices of the Archdiocese of Concepcion. The school has a specific program for
all of its students that along with the pastoral offer them the development of a
catholic social teaching that allows them to obtain the sacraments according to their
age, third year high school. This kind of education makes a real impact on the
development of values on the students which can be perceived in the classroom
environment in which the respect among students is undeniable which translates into
better teaching opportunities. The disadvantage is that it takes hours from class to
be devoted to religious activities such as mass.
Counseling area: The institution has a special center designed to offer support to the
students if its required. The center is integrated by two psychologists, a counselor
and among other educational team. This can help teachers to handle students with
difficulties easily and avoid hectic students to distract the rest of the class.
Co-educational method (gender): The school method separates the classes by
gender, there are one class per each level for girls and another one for boys (A for
girls, B for boys). According to the personal experience of my mentor teacher this
separation amplified the specific characteristics from the students. For example,
boys are violent with each other, they tend to be abrupt and not calculate their
strength. On the other hand, girls have class-relation issues they tend to gossip,
create rumors, compete with each other and instead of encourage people who have
better marks they pick on girls who do better in class. In general terms this does not
affects directly the planning but the teacher needs to be able adapt and be aware of
the differences in order to make classes more contextualize.
Technological resources: The school has resources available but not enough for the
requirements. The use of technological resources was really limited and required a
lot of planning from the teacher, because you have to ask for any equipment
beforehand, and demanded a lot of time.

Tarea 4

Reflexione acerca de la posibilidad de contar con un conocimiento adecuado

de los estudiantes en el contexto de su prctica
Knowing about the students and the context is one of the most important aspects in
the teaching process. Furthermore, based on the observation and process of
learning during the first weeks of my professional practicum is that I was able to
approach the students in a more suitable way according to their level, limitations,
virtues and particular needs. Moreover, getting to know the context can help us to
predict unexpected problems, and how to deal with them in more contextualized way.
Finally create better relationships and bounds are key aspects in order to create a
good classroom environment which can be translated into better teaching

[1] Adapted to the MDD standards and tasks from based the document Level II Teacher Work Sample.
University of Northern Iowa, Level 2 of the UNI Teacher Education Professional Sequence.

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