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Q 51. Virus causing hemorrhagic cystitis, diarrhea and conjunctivitis

B. Rhinovirus
C. Adenovirus
D. Rotavirus
Ans. C
Q 52. Cystine lactose enzyme deficient (CLED) medium is preferred
over McConkey agar in UTI because:
A. Former prevents swarming of proteus
B. Is a selective medium
C. Prevents growth of pseudomonas
D. Promotes growth of candida
Ans. A
Q 53. In which stage of filariasis are microfilaria seen in peripheral
A. Tropical eosinophilia
B. Early adenolymphangitis stage
C. Late adenolymphangitis stage
D. Elephantiasis
Ans. B
Q 54. Pancreatic CA is caused by:
A. Fasciola
B. Clonorchis
C. Paragonimus
D. None
Ans. B
Q 55. All of the following are true except:
A. E.coli is an aerobe and facultative anaerobe
B. Proteus forms uric acid stones
C. E. coli is motile by peritrichate flagella

D. Proteus causes deamination of phenylalanine to phenylpyruvic

Ans. B
Q 56. Consumption of uncooked pork is likely to cause which of the
following helminthic disease:
A. Tinea saginata
B. Tinea solium
C. Hydatid cyst
D. Trichuris trichura
Ans. B
Q 57. Enzyme that protects the brain from free radical injury is:
A. Myeloperoxidase
B. Superoxide dismutase
D. Hydroxylase
Ans. B
Q 58. Autoimmune haemolytic anemia is seen in:
Ans. C
Q 59. All of following are correct about thromboxane A2 except:
A. Low dose aspirin inhibits its synthesis
B. Causes vasoconstriction in blood vessels
C. Causes broncoconstriction
D. Secreted by WBC
Ans. D
Q 60. Which of the following complications is likely to result after
several units of blood have been transfused:
A. Metabolic alkalosis
B. Metabolic acidosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Respiratory acidosis
Ans. A

Q 61. The mother has sickle cell disease and father is normal.
Chances of children having sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait
respectively are:
A. 0 and 100%
B. 25 and 25%
C. 50 and 50%
D. 10 and 50%
Ans. A
Q 62. Father has a blood group B, mother has AB; children are not
likely to have the following blood group:
A. O
B. A
C. B
Ans. A
Q 63. Protein involved in intercellular connections is:
A. Connexin
B. Integrin
C. Adhesin
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Q 64. All are reasons for reducing drug dosage in elderly except:
A. They are lean and their body mass is less
B. Have decreasing renal function with age
C. Have increased baroceptor sensitivity
D. Body water is decreased
Ans. C
Q 65. True statement regarding inverse agonists is:
A. Binds to receptor and causes intended action
B. Binds to receptor and causes opposite action
C. Binds to receptor and causes no action
D. Binds to receptor and causes submaximal action
Ans. B

Q 66. True statement regarding first order kinetics is:

A. Independent of plasma concentration
B. A constant proportion of plasma concentration is eliminated
C. T increases with dose
D. Clearance decreases with dose
Ans. B
Q 67. A diabetic female on INH and rifampicin for TB suffers DVT.
She is started on warfarin. PT is not raised. Next step should be:
A. Long term heparin therapy
B. Replace warfarin with acecoumarin
C. Switch ethambutol for rifampin
D. Use LMW heparin
Ans. C
Q 68. Beta blocker that can be used in renal failure is:
A. Propranolol
B. Pindolol
C. Sotalol
D. Nadolol
Ans. A
Q 69. All of the following are correct about steroids except:
A. Inhibit the release of arachidonic acid from vessel wall through
action of phospholipase A2
B. Bind plasma membrane receptors and following internalization
influence nuclear changes
C. Inhibit vascular membrane permeability
D. Increase glucose synthesis, glycogen deposition in liver
Ans. B
Q 70. All of the following statements are true except:
A. PGs and leukotrienes are derived from arachidonic acid
B. COX I is an inducible enzyme
C. COX II is induced by cytokines at sites of inflammation.
D. Leukotrienes cause smooth muscle constriction
Ans. B
Q 71. Which of the following is a false statement:

A. IV noradrenaline increases systolic and diastolic BP and cause

B. IV adrenaline increases systolic BP, no change or increase
diastolic BP and causes tachycardia
C. IV isoproterenol causes increase in systolic BP, decreases diastolic
BP and causes tachycardia
D. Dopamine improves renal function, increases cardiac output and
systolic BP
Ans. A
Q 72. Digoxin is not indicated in:
A. Atrial flutter
B. Atrial fibrillation
C. High output failure
Ans. C
Q 73. All of the following statements are true about theophylline
A. Increase in dose is required in cardiopulmonary disease
B. Increases cAMP
C. Increase in dose is required in smokers
D. Inhibits phosphodiesterase
Ans. A
Q 74. Mechanism of action of tetracycline is:
A. Binds to A site and inhibit attachment of t-RNA.
B. Inhibits peptidyl transferase
C. Causes misreading of mRNA
D. Causes termination of peptide chain elongation
Ans. A
Q 75. False statement about selegeline is:
A. It is a MAO-A inhibitor
B. Does not cause cheese reaction
C. Not useful in advanced cases of on-off phenomenon
D. It is used in parkinsonism
Ans. A

Q 76. A patient on phenytoin for treatment of seizures develops

depression for which he is prescribed tricyclics. He now complains
of lassitude and his Hb reads 8. Next step in managing this patient
should be:
A. Chest X-ray
B. MCV should be estimated
C. GGT should be estimated
D. Bone marrow examination
Ans. B
Q 77. Which of the following drugs would be removed by dialysis?
A. Digoxin
B. Salicylates
C. Benzodiazepines
D. Organophosphates
Ans. B
Q 78. In low doses aspirin acts on:
A. Cyclooxygenase
B. Thromboxane A2
D. Lipoxygenase
Ans. B
Q 79. True statement about ticlopidine is:
A. Directly interacts with platelet membrane
B. Onset of action is delayed
C. Inhibits platelet gp IIb/IIIa receptors
D. Has fibrinolytic activity
Ans. A
Q 80. All of the following statements about methotrexate are true
A. Folinic acid enhances the action of methotrexate
B. Methotrexate inhibit dehydrofolate reductase
C. Non proliferative cells are resistant to metho- trexate
D. Methotrexate is used in treatment of PSORIASIS
Ans. A

Q 81. Drug containing two sulfhydryl groups in a molecule:

C. Pencillamine
D. Desferioxamine
Ans. A
Forensic Medicine
Q 82. Gettlers test is done for death by:
A. Drowning B. Hanging
C. Bums D. Phophorus poisoning
Ans. A
Q 83. Feature indicative of antimortem drowning is:
A. Cutis anserina
B. Rigor mortis
C. Washer womans feet
D. Grass and weeds grasped in the hand
Ans. D
Q 84. A boy has 20 permanent teeth and 8 temporary teeth. His age
is likely to be:
A. 9 years
B. 10 years
C. 11 years
D. 12 years
Ans. C
Q 85. A patient has sensation of bugs crawling all over his body. This
may be effect of:
A. Cocaine
B. Alcohol
C. Cannabis
D. Benzodiazepines
Ans. A
Q 86. A person comes in contact with other. This is called:
A. Locard principle
B. Quetlets rule

C. Pettys principle
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Q 87. A patient of head injury, has no relatives and requires urgent
cranial decompression; Doctor should:
A. Operate without formal consent
B. Take police consent
C. Wait for relatives to take consent
D. Take magistrate consent
Ans. A
Q 88. A boy attempts suicide. He is brought to a private doctor and
he is successfully cured. Doctor should:
A. Inform police
B. Not required to inform police
C. Report to magistrate
D. Refer to a psychiatrist
Ans. B
Q 89. All are true about DOTS except:
A. Continuation phase drugs are given in a multi- blister combipack
B. Medication is to be taken in presence of a health worker
C. Alternate day treatment
D. Improves compliance
Ans. C
Q 90. Basanti a 29 years aged female from Bihar presents with
active tuberculosis. She delivers baby. All of the following are
indicated except:
A. Administer INH to the baby
B. Withhold breastfeeding
C. Give ATT to mother for 2 years
D. Ask mother to ensure proper disposal of sputum
Ans. B
Q 91. Under the national TB programme, for a PHC to be called a
PHC-R, requisite is:

A. Microscopy
B. Microscopy plus Radiology
C. Radiology
D. None of the above
Ans. B
Q 92. A person has received complete immunization against tetanus
10 years ago, now he presents with a clean wound without any
lacerations from an injury sustained 3 hours ago. He should now be
A. Full course of tetanus toxoid
B. Single dose of tetanus toxoid
C. Human tetanus globulin
D. Human tetanus globulin and single dose of toxoid
Ans. B
Q 93. The false statement regarding tetanus is:
A. Five doses of immunisation provide life long immunity
B. TT affords no protection in the present injury
C. TIG is useful in lacerated wound
D. TT and Ig both may be given in suspected tetanus
Ans. A
Q 94. A certain community has 100 children out of whom 28 are
immunised against measles. 2 of them acquired measles
simultaneously. Subsequently 14 get measles. Assuming the efficacy
of the vaccine to be 100%. What is the secondary attack rate?
A. 5%
B. 10%
C. 20%
D. 21.5%
Ans. C
Q 95. A community has a population of 10,000 and a birth rate of 36
per 1000. 5 maternal deaths were reported in the current year. The
MMR is:
A. 14.5
B. 13.8

C. 20
D. 5
Ans. B
Q 96. 10 babies are born in a hospital on same day. All weigh 2.8 kg
each. Calculate the standard deviation:
A. Zero
B. One
C. Minus one
D. 0.28
Ans. A
Q 97. Out of 11 births in a hospital, 5 babies weighed over 2.5 kg
and 5 weighed less than 2.5 kg. What value does 2.5 represent:
A. Geometric average
B. Arithmetic average
C. Median
D. Mode
Ans. C
Q 98. A man weighing 68 kg, consumes 325 gm carbohydrate, 65 gm
protein and 35 gms fat in his diet. The most applicable statement
here is:
A. His total calorie intake is 3000 kcal
B. The proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is correct and
in accordance with a balanced diet
C. He has a negative nitrogen balance
D. 30% of his total energy intake is derived from fat
Ans. B
Q 99. A country has a population of 1000 million; birth rate is 23 and
death rate is 6. In which phase of the demographic cycle does this
country lie:
A. Early expanding
B. Late expanding
C. Plateau
D. Declining
Ans. B

Q 100. In a population of 10,000, beta carotene was given to 6000;

it was not given to the remainder. 3 out of the first group got lung
cancer while 2 out of the other 4000 also got lung cancer. The best
conclusion is:
A. Beta carotene and lung cancer have no relation to one another
B. The p value is not significant
C. The study is not designed properly
D. Beta carotene is associated with lung cancer
Ans. A
by abanish Mon Feb 13,
2012 3:45 pm
Q 101. A subcentre in a hilly area caters to a population of:
A. 1000
B. 2000
C. 3000
D. 5000
Ans. C
Q 102. In a community, an increase in new cases denotes:
A. Increase in incidence rate
B. Increase in prevalence rate
C. Decrease in incidence rate
D. Decrease in prevalence rate
Ans. A
Q 103. More false positive cases on screening in a community signify
that the disease has:
A. High prevalence
B. High sensitivity
C. Low prevalence
D. Low sensitivity
Ans. C
Q 104. The same screening test is applied to two communities X and
Y; Y shows more false +ve cases as compared to X. The possibility is:

A. High sensitivity
B. High specificity
C. Y community has high prevalence
D. Y community has low prevalence
Ans. C
Q 105. ELISA is performed on a population with low prevalence of
hepatitis B. What would be the result of performing double
screening ELISA tests?
A. Increased sensitivity and positive predictive value
B. Increased sensitivity and negative predictive value
C. Increased specificity and positive predictive value
D. Increased specificity and negative predictive value
Ans. C
Q 106. While testing a hypolipidemic drug, serum lipid levels were
tested both before and after its use. Which test is best suited for
the statistical analysis of the result:
A. Paired t-test
B. Students test
C. Chi square test
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Q 107. Type 1 sampling error is classified as:
A. Alpha error
B. Beta error
C. Gamma error
D. Delta error
Ans. A
Q 108. Virulence of a disease is indicated by:
A. Proportional mortality rate
B. Specific mortality rate
C. Case fatality ratio
D. Amount of GDP spent on control of disease
Ans. C
Q 109. Which of the following diseases needs not to be screened for

in workers to be employed in a dye industry in Gujarat ?

A. Anemia
B. Bronchial asthma
C. Bladder cancer
D. Precancerous lesion
Ans. A
Q 110. Best test to detect iron deficiency in community is:
A. Serum transferrin
B. Serum ferritin
C. Serum iron
D. Hemoglobin
Ans. B
Q 111. Which of the following is not a complete sterilization agent:
A. Glutaraldehyde
B. Absolute alcohol
C. Hydrogen peroxide
D. Sodium hypochlorite
Ans. B
Q 112. Seasonal trend is due to:
A. Vector variation
B. Environmental factors
C. Change in herd immunity
D. All of the above
Ans. B
Q 113. False statement about type I respiratory failure is:
A. Decreased PaO2
B. Decreased PaCO2
C. Normal PaCO2
D. Normal A-a gradient
Ans. D
Q 114. A 60 years old man presents with nonproductive cough for 4
weeks. He has grade III clubbing, and a lesion in the apical lobe on
X-ray. Most likely diagnosis here is:

A. Small cell CA
B. Non-small cell CA
C. Fungal infection
D. Tuberculosis
Ans. B
Q 115. A 60 years old man is suspected of having bronchogenic CA.
TB has been ruled out in this patient. What should be the next
A. CT guided FNAC
B. Bronchoscopy and biopsy
C. Sputum cytology
D. X-ray chest
Ans. B
Q 116. A man presents with fever, weight loss and cough. Mantoux
reads an induration of 17 19 mm; sputum cytology is negative for
AFB. Most likely diagnosis is:
A. Pulmonary tuberculosis
B. Fungal infection
C. Viral infection
D. Pneumonia
Ans. A
Q 117. Pulmonary edema associated with normal PCWP is observed,
which of these is not a cause:
A. High altitude
B. Cocaine overdose
C. Post cardiopulmonary bypass
D. Bilateral renal artery stenosis
Ans. D
Q 118. An ABG analysis shows: pH 7.2, raised pCO2, decreased
HCO3. Diagnosis is:
A. Respiratory acidosis
B. Compensated metabolic acidosis
C. Respiratory and metabolic acidosis
D. Respiratory alkalosis

Ans. C
Q 119. ABG analysis of a patient on ventilator shows decreased
pCO2, normal pO2, pH 7.5. Diagnosis is:
A. Respiratory acidosis
B. Metabolic alkalosis
C. Respiratory alkalosis
D. Metabolic acidosis
Ans. C
Q 120. In a patient of acute inferior wall MI. Best modality of
treatment is:
A. IV fluids
B. Digoxin
C. Diuretics
D. Vasodilators
Ans. A
Q 121. A 26 years old asymptomatic woman is found to have
arrhythmias and a systolic murmur associated with midsystolic ? .
Which investigation would you use:
A. Electrophysiological testing
B. CT scan
C. Echocardiography
D. Angiography
Ans. C
Q 122. A patient complains of intermittent claudication, dizziness
and headache. Most likely cardiac lesion is:
D. Coarctation of aorta
Ans. D
Q 123. All of the following are true about ASD except:
A. Right atrial hypertrophy
B. Left atrial hypertrophy
C. Right ventricular hypertrophy

D. Pulmonary hypertension
Ans. B
Q 124. Mitral valve vegetations do not usually embolise to:
A. Lung
B. liver
C. spleen
D. brain
Ans. A
Q 125. A woman has septic abortion done, vegetation on tricuspid
valve is likely to go to:
A. Septic infarcts to lung
B. liver
C. spleen infarcts
D. Emboli to brain
Ans. A
Q 126. Kussmauls sign is not seen in:
A. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
B. Constrictive pericarditis
C. Cardiac tamponade
D. RV infarct
Ans. C
Q 127. A patient presents with engorged neck veins, BP 80/50 mmHg
and pulse rate of 100/min following blunt trauma to the chest.
Diagnosis is:
A. Pneumothorax
B. Right ventricular failure
C. Cardiac tamponade
D. Hemothorax
Ans. C
Q 128. Which of the following is not seen on hemoglobin
electrophoresis in sickle cell anemia:
A. HbA
B. HbA2
C. HbF

D. HbS
Ans. A
Q 129. False statement regarding DIC is:
A. Thrombocytopenia
B. Decreased fibrinogen
C. Decreased PTT
D. Increased PT
Ans. C
Q 130. Thrombocytopenia occurs in all except:
A. Henoch Schonlein purpura
D. Leukemia
Ans. A
by abanish Wed Feb 15,
2012 5:46 pm
Q 131. A patient with an Hb of 6 g%, WBC count of 2000/cmm, has a
normal different count except for having 6% blasts, platelets are
reduced to 80,000/cmm; moderate splenomegaly is present.
Possible diagnosis is:
A. Leukemia
B. Aplastic anemia
D. lTP
Ans. A
Q 132. A patient being investigated for anemia has a dry marrow
tap; peripheral smear reveals tear drop cells. Most likely diagnosis
A. Leukemia
B. Lymphoma
C. Myelofibrosis
D. Polycythemia rubra vera

Ans. C
Q 133. Tumor associated with polycythemia vera is:
A. Sarcoma
B. Pituitary adenoma
C. Cerebellar haemangioblastoma
D. None of the above
Ans. C
Q 134. A young patient presents with jaundice. Total bilirubin is 21
mg%, direct is 9.6 mg%, alkaline phosphatase is 84 KA units.
Diagnosis is:
A. Hemolytic jaundice
B. Viral hepatitis
C. Chronic active hepatitis
D. Obstructive jaundice
Ans. D
Q 135. A young male with gallbladder stones shows the following
test results: serum bilirubin 2.5 mg%, Hb 6 g%, urine test positive for
urobilinogen. Diagnosis is:
A. Hemolytic jaundice
B. Obstructive jaundice
C. Hepatocellular jaundice
D. Protoporphyria
Ans. A
Q 136. An 18 years old male presents with massive hematemesis. He
has history of fever for the past 14 days for which he was managed
with drugs. Moderate splenomegaly is present. Diagnosis is:
A. NSAID induced duodenal ulcer
B. Drug induced gastritis
C. Esophageal varices
D. None of the above
Ans. C
Q 137. Urinalysis shows RBC casts. Likely source is:
A. kidney
B. Ureter

C. Bladder
D. Urethra
Ans. A
Q 138. A young man develops gross hematuria 3 days after an attack
of URTI. Most likely renal Pathology is:
A. Acute glomerulonephritis
B. Minimal change disease
C. IgA nephropathy
D. Membranous glomerulonephritis
Ans. C
Q 139. A patients CSF report reads as follows: sugar 40 mg%, protein
150 mg%, chloride 550 mg%; lymphocytosis present. The picture is
suggestive of:
A. Fungal meningitis
B. Viral meningitis
C. TB meningitis
D. Leukemia
Ans. C
Q 140. Lacunar infarcts are caused by:
A. Lipohyalinosis of penetrating arteries
B. Middle carotid artery involvement
C. Emboli to anterior circulation
D. None of the above
Ans. A
Q 141. Dinesh, a 56 years aged man presents with complaints of
slowness of movements, postural instability, tremors, rigidity and
memory loss. Most likely diagnosis is:
A. Multi-infarct dementia
B. Alzheimers disease
C. Parkinsonism
D. None of the above
Ans. C
Q 142. All of the following may be seen in Wilsons disease except:
A. Cerebellar ataxia

B. Peripheral neuropathy
C. Dysphagia
D. Chorea
Ans. B
Q 143. An elderly man presents with features of dementia, ataxia,
difficulty in downward gaze and a history of frequent falls. Likely
diagnosis is:
A. Parkinson disease
B. Progressive supranuclear gaze palsy
C. Alzheimers disease
D. None of the above.
Ans. B
Q 144. A chromosomal anomaly associated with Alzheimers
dementia is:
A. Trisomy 18
B. Patau syndrome
C. Trisomy 21
D. Turner syndrome
Ans. C
Q 145. All are true about Huntingtons disease, except:
A. Chorea
B. Depression, apathy
C. Progressive dementia
D. Cog-wheel rigidity
Ans. D
Q 146. A 30-year-old male complains of loss of erection; he has low
testosterone and high prolactin level in blood. What is the likely
A. Pituitary adenoma
B. Testicular failure
C. Craniopharyngioma
D. Cushings syndrome
Ans. A
Q 147. A patient meets with an accident with resultant transection

of the pituitary stalk. What will not occur:

A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Diabetes insipidus
C. Hyperprolactinemia
D. Hypothyroidism
Ans. A
Q 148. A woman has bilateral headache that worsens with emotional
stress. She has two children, both doing badly in school. Diagnosis
A. Migraine
B. Cluster headache
C. Tension headache
D. Trigeminal neuralgia
Ans. C
Q 149. A female aged 30 years, presents with episodic throbbing
headache for past 4 years with nausea and vomiting. Most likely
diagnosis is:
A. Migraine
B. Cluster headache
C. Angle closure glaucoma
D. Temporal arteritis
Ans. A
Q 150. A woman complains of headache associated with paresthesias
of the right upper and lower limb. Most likely diagnosis is:
A. Trigeminal neuralgia
B. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
C. Migraine
D. Cluster headache
Ans. C
Q 151. All of the following are features of MEN IIa, except:
A. Pituitary tumor
B. Pheochromocytoma
C. Medullary CA thyroid
D. Parathyroid adenoma

Ans. A
Q 152. A patient with Cushingoid features presents with hemoptysis.
He shows no response to dexamethasone suppression test. Most
likely diagnosis is:
A. Adrenal hyperplasia
B. Adrenal adenoma
C. CA lung with ectopic ACTH production
D. Pituitary microadenoma
Ans. C
Q 153. An obese patient presented in casualty in an unconscious
state. His blood sugar measured 400 mg%, urine tested positive for
sugar and ketones. Drug most useful in management is:
A. Glibenclamide
B. Troglitazone
C. Insulin
D. Chlorpropamide
Ans. C
Q 154. Which of the following is not associated with thymoma:
A. Red cell aplasia
B. Myasthenia gravis
C. Hypergammaglobulinemia
D. Compression of the superior mediastinum
Ans. C
Q 155. A young basketball player with height 188 cm and arm span
197 cm has a diastolic murmur best heard in second right intercostal
space. Likely cause of murmur is:
B. Coarctation of aorta
Ans. C
Q 156. A patient presents with arthritis, hyperpigmen- tation of SKIN
and hypogonadism. Likely diagnosis is:
A. Hemochromatosis

B. Ectopic ACTH secreting tumor of lung

C. Wilsons disease
D. Rheumatoid arthrits
Ans. A
Q 157. In myasthenia gravis, correct statement regarding
thymectomy is:
A. Should be done in all cases
B. Should be done in cases with ocular involvement only
C. Not required if controlled by medical management
D. Should be done only in cases that are associated with thymoma
Ans. A
Q 158. Most common fungal infection in febrile neutropenia is:
A. Aspergillus niger
B. Candida
C. Mucormycosis
D. Aspergillus fumigatus
Ans. B
Q 159. The following group of tests should be done to optimise graft
uptake in bone marrow transplant:
A. Blood grouping
B. HLA matching
C. Culture for infection
D. All of the above

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