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Page 8, Campus carrier Entertainment November 6, 2008

The Arts and Crafts Festival: a new tradition

Noelle brooks
Staff Writer

It pays to be creative, and on Saturday, the Berry com-

munity will have the opportunity to turn their art into cash
at the Arts and Craft Festival.
The festival, sponsored by the Art Society, will be held
on Moon Lawn from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., and will have 40
vendors. It was created by seniors Whitney A. Crouch and
Nate Rupp and was inspired by the local Chiaha Festival
in Richford Park.
“My boyfriend and I were driving around this summer,
and thinking of things for the Art Society to do, and it just
ended up working out,” said Crouch.
In order to make this idea a reality, Crouch and Rupp
needed a lot of support and were astounded by the con-
tributions of the alumni. Crouch and Rupp also said they
were excited by the number of people willing to be a part
of the festival.
“Having people say they want to join the festival that
you created is the most rewarding,” said Rupp.
Aside from giving students, faculty, staff and alumni
a chance to sell their arts and crafts, they said they hope
the festival can bring more attention to the art department.
They plan on having the Moon Gallery open during the
festival. Meredith McDermott, Asst. Photo Editor
like this,” said Amanda Carman, a sophomore vendor at
“They have a lot of music stuff and theatre stuff, but
the festival. “Since we’re an isolated campus, we don’t get Senior Claire Zimmerman (left, top), who makes pot-
there are few visual arts events,” said Crouch. “It would be
the same exposure to festivals like Atlanta or Savannah.” tery, and senior Whitney A. Crouch, who makes jewelry,
good to have more cultural events related to the visual arts
Both Rupp and Crouch will be selling items at the festi- will be selling their crafts at the Arts and Crafts Festival on
that students can get involved in.”
val, and Carman will be doing sketches in addition to sell-
Rupp and Crouch said that they hope the festival will
ing her artwork. This is not the first Arts and Craft Festival that did work and didn’t work and how to make it bet-
be the first of many more art-related events that not only
at Berry, and Crouch and Rupp said they hope that it will ter,” said Rupp. “We’ll have all this information for the Art
make students aware of the creativity on campus, but also
finally become an annual tradition. Society and can encourage people to carry it on through
encourage them to get involved with the art department.
“We’re going to have a folder and make a list of things the years.”
“I think Berry has been really thirsting for something

50,000 words, 30 days, 1 novel: are you up for the challenge?

Jessie Edwards you are giving yourself permission to make year’s NaNoWriMo is a fantasy set in a professor of English, rhetoric and writing,
Entertainment Editor mistakes,” the Web site says. world resembling Medieval times. said he loves the NaNoWriMo technique.
Participants are only allowed to pre- “I spent all summer devising the plot “Don’t edit. For first drafts, I think that’s
Sharpen your pencils or turn on your write before the start date. and the characters,” she said. the way to go,” he said. “Stopping to make
laptop—National Novel Writing Month is “Outlines and plot notes are very much Senior Lance Simpson is also writing a sure you get that right sentence really slows
in full swing, and you’re six days behind. encouraged and can be started months novel this year, but his is for the Richards you down.”
Midnight Nov. 1 heralded the start of ahead of the actual novel-writing adven- Scholar program, and he has until he grad- Freelancer Chris Baty founded NaNoW-
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoW- ture,” the Web site says. uates to finish. He said he does not know if riMo in 1999. The contest has grown from
riMo). Participants have until midnight Junior Hannah Stuart has participated in he could do NaNoWriMo. 21 participants to more than 100,000, and
Nov. 30 to complete a 50,000 word novel, NaNoWriMo since 2003. The past two years “I like having the luxury of time to think has evolved into the Office of Letters and
the equivalent of 175 pages. Winners receive she has reached the 50,000 word count. about things” he said. Light, a non-profit organization dedicated
a certificate, a Web page badge and their Stuart said she writes before bed. Simpson’s novel, for which he traveled to organizing events to inspire the creative
name on the Web site’s Winner’s page. “I have a playlist. I just find songs that to Guanajuato, Mexico to research, is about potential of adults and children, the Web
According to the Web site, the goal of either prompt me to write or that fit with the interactions between immigrants and site says.
the contest is quantity, not quality. the theme of the novel that I am writing.” natives in small towns. To sign up for NaNoWriMo, log onto
“By forcing yourself to write so intensely, The novel Stuart has begun for this Michael Mejia, novelist and assistant

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