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Officers Board Information/ Study Guide

Prompt: How would you change, as a person, if you were to be promoted to an officers rank?
Requirements: Must be at least one page. No handwritten essays will be accepted. Use twelve point font,
double spaced and Times New Roman. Have your name in the upper right hand corner along with your
LET level and class period.
The essay must be turned in by the date of the sit down for the board, Thursday, October 6th to your
instructor, c/LTC Thornton, or c/MAJ Despain. If your essay is late, you will not be considered for the

In order to become an officer, you must lead inspection. That will occur on Thursday October 6th. If you
are not present in uniform, you will not be considered for the board. No make-ups will be allowed unless
there are extenuating circumstances.
The company commander will give the order, Platoon leaders, prepare your platoon for inspection. You
will salute, and the platoon leader will recognize your salute by returning it. Once they drop their salute,
you will execute an about face and give the following commands:
Count, off.
Open ranks, march.
Dress right, dress.
After you give that command, you will march left of the platoon, moving to first squad. You will make a
right face, and begin to align each of the squads in succession. Be aware that 1 st platoon leader should
march to their left to check squad alignment, while 2nd platoon leader should march to their right to check
squad alignment. 2nd Platoon is also required to be correctly aligned with 1st platoon. The platoon leader
should then march back to the front of their platoon, call Ready, front, and execute an about face. The
platoon leader should then render a hand salute to the company commander and say, Sir/Maam, platoon
prepared for inspection. You will then follow through the inspection. Upon completion of inspection, the
platoon pleader should march outside of the platoon, around the back and to the front of the platoon. The
platoon leader will then give Close ranks, march and inspection will be completed. You will be graded
on your command voice, ability to remember the commands and follow procedure, your appearance and
confidence, and your alignment.

Sit-down Portion
The sit-down portion of the board is a verbal test of your knowledge, bearing, and confidence. It will
occur while you take the written test. You will be called from SFC Duncans room and asked to enter
1SGs room and knock on the door. Wait until you are allowed to come in to open the door. You will open
the door, step forward, close the door behind you, and execute a column left to march to your chair. You

will then execute a right face, salute, and report in by loudly and confidently saying, Sir/ Maam, this is
c/(your rank) (your name) reporting for the sit-down portion of the board. c/LTC Thornton will return the
salute and ask you to be seated. You will sit properly at attention and answer any questions asked to the
best of your ability. When asked a question, you will address the board by Sir/Maam, the answer to your
question is ____. Upon completion of the sit down portion of the board, c/LTC Thornton will say, this
concludes the sit-down portion of the board. You will stand and come to attention, salute, and say,
Sir/Maam, this is c/(your rank) (your name) requesting permission to exit the board. We will grant you
permission to leave and return to your test. Upon completion of both the written test and sit-down portion
of the board, you are expected to leave immediately (going to a team practice or to wait for your ride).
You will not discuss board questions, either verbal or written, with any other cadet. Discussion of board
questions and answers will result in removal from consideration for the board.

PT Test
You will be required to take a PT test for the board. The PT test will be held Friday 30 th September and
Monday, October 3rd No makeups will be allowed unless under extenuating circumstances. You will have
to be able to successfully run one mile, complete a minute of pushups, and a minute of sit-ups. The
scoring guide for males is an 8:13 mile, 34 correct pushups, and 46 correct sit-ups. Females should be
able to run a 9:45 mile, complete 12 correct push-ups, and 46 correct sit-ups. Proper procedure for
pushups and sit-ups is found in the cadet challenge section of the cadet reference.
Officers Board Study Guide
Required: To be considered for the board, you must have an A in JROTC and a B in all other classes.
(Exceptions on grades will be considered) You must have at least 15 hours of volunteer service hours,
(keep a record so that we can verify) You cannot have any disciplinary infractions or write ups. If you do
not meet these standards at the time of the board, you will not be considered.
The following dates are important for you to remember.
October 6th The drill portion will be held during class. The written test and sit-down portion of the board
will be held after school. You must be present no later than 2:35. If you are late, you will not be
considered for the board.
Friday September 30th, Monday October 3rd These days are when you will complete your PT test
It is your responsibility to make sure you know everything for the test and sit down portion of the
board. Knowledge through LET II year will be tested; be aware that you have not covered all the material
in class and must study on your own if you want to pass the test. Below is a list of everything you will
need to know in order to pass. Also, be aware that there is not a minimum passing score for the test. Your
test score, board score, PT score, and drill score will be averaged together to determine if you will be
You must know:

The rank, position, and responsibilities of each battalion staff position

o 2016-17 Battalion Staff is as follows:

BC: c/LTC Thornton

XO: c/MAJ Rice
CSM: c/CSM Smith
S-1: c/CPT Bayran
S-2: c/CPT Spencer
S-3: c/MAJ DeSpain
S-4: c/CPT Rivera
S-5: c/CPT Ferebee
o Responsibilities are listed in the LET III textbook
Responsibilities of a team leader, squad leader, platoon SGT, platoon leader, company 1SG and
company commander
How to read a map and understand the legend, colors, key, etc.
o c/PVT through c/LTC
Winning Colors and what they represent
The 11 Leadership Principles
Seven Army Values
Service Learning
o Definition
o Components
o Service Learning vs. Community Service
American Flag
o Types of Flag
o History of the flag
o Proper respect in uniform and in civilian clothing
Proper wear of the Army JROTC uniform
National Anthem and its origin
General American and Government History
o Presidential line of succession and chain of command
Platoon and Company Formation and Drill
Definition of Leadership and leadership traits

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