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Two-Column Notes


Erin Bramley

EDTL 2760: Introduction to the Teaching of
Social Studies

Title(s): Why Kids Dont Like Social Studies

Source(s): Schug, Mark C., Robert J Todd, & R. Beery. (1984). Why Kids Dont Like Social
Studies. Social Education: Research In Social Studies Education (pg. 47-53).
Page #


The Text Says

I Say

Notes (key concepts, direct quotes, etc.)

My notes, commentary

Results in the questionnaire concluded that

english, mathematics, and reading were
ranked ahead of social studies and

The results of this research need to be taken

with a gain of salt. The sample size for the
research as well as the questionnaire
questions/responses were limiting. While social
studies may not be a students favorite subject,
or a students most engaged student, that does
not necessarily demean the importance of the


few careers are directly related to social

studies, this may contribute to an
unenthusiastic response to social studies.

Social studies, or rather the knowledge gained

through a social studies course, is not
necessarily focused with the intent of career
building, Rather, social studies is designed to
help students navigate the world and help
develop their critical thinking skills to become
better citizens (there are many teachers who
believe that creating better citizens is the only
reason for education but I believe that is only
one small aspect of education).
It is the teachers job, if this is the mentality of
the classroom, to model how the knowledge
learned in social studies classes is applicable to
the real world. The teacher can bring in
current events, create community outreach
projects, or model informed debates in the
classroom as a way of conveying this sentiment.


Students expressed a disinterest in social

studies based on success in the class,
stating things like, Im better in math.
Students also stated a desire to do more
creative work in the social studies

The problem of most social studies classrooms

(based off of my experience as a student and a
pre-service teacher) is that there is a heavy
focus on memorization of facts, dates, and
names of people, places, and events that
students feel no connection towards. For
example, a student is less likely to remember
the names of the presidents because it has no
significance in their lives at that moment.
Teachers need to focus the activities and
lessons in the classroom to reflect the student
body. If they have a collective interest in current
events, for instance, the lessons of the past
need to be connected to the current events
happening in the students lives. Making these
real world connections, giving students a stake

in their learning, and creating a more engaging

environment helps to create intrinsic motivation
for the students in the social studies classroom.

Connections to previous readings/responses:

Did you have good social studies teachers?
I had the same social studies teacher from grade 7-10 by coincidence. He was knowledgeable but
not engaging as a teacher. It want until I was taking PSEO (post-secondary) classes at my
community college that I developed an interest for politics, history, government, and current
Do you believe the authors findings? Why or why not?
The first issue that marks the credibility of this piece is the date in which it was published. This
article was published in May of 1984, more than 30 years ago. As we all know, the field of
education changes on almost a day to day basis. The policies and techniques that we learn as
pre-service teachers may very well be obsolete by the time we have our own classrooms.
The sources discussed in the introduction are outdated.
The sample size and form of the research were limited which could have caused skewed results.
While it may be the opinion of students that social studies is not an interesting or engaging
subject, it is the teachers job and obligation to take these opinions and work within them. I am
not justifying changing someones opinion, rather, hear the sentiments and work with them. As I
stated previously, if a student says they will never use the material in the real world then
connect what you are teaching to the students lives.

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