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Choose the best answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, d or



Text is for questions no. 1 - 3

JAKARTA: Seven people were killed in a collision
between a bus, a car and a truck on Dipenogoro Street at
10:35 p.m. last night. The dead were all the passengers of
the car. The police believed the car had been trying to
overtake the bus when it was struck by a truck coming
from the opposite direction. The driver of the car might
not be using his lights, as the truck driver said he did not
see the car approaching. The police said the car should not
have tried to pass the bus, since overtaking is not allowed
on Dipenogoro Street. In addition, the police report that
the car, a small Japanese car, should not have been
carrying more than five people. If the passengers had
brought their identity cards, the police would have
identified the names of the victim easily.



The text mainly reports that there was/were...

a. A car accident.
b. Small Japanese car.
c. Careless driver.
d. Victim of an accident.
e. The function of an identity card.
What was the cause of the collision?
a. The car tried to overtake the bus
b. The truck came from the opposite direction
c. The car carried more than five people
d. The truck driver didnt use his lights
e. The truck driver didnt see the car
If the passengers had brought their identity cards,
the police would have been easy to identify the
names of the victims. (The last sentence). The
sentence above means
a. The victims names were not known.
b. It was easy for the police to identify the
victims of the accidents
c. The victims were easy to be identify
d. The passengers brought their identity cars
e. The police had no difficulty in identifying the
victim the victims



_____________________ I expected.
Choose the right comparison to fill in the blanks...
a. More difficult than
b. The most difficult
c. Easier than.
d. The most easy
e. More easy than
Merlion :My father always goes to the lake to fish
every Sunday
Rahmi : Your father likes fishing very much,
Merlion : Yes, he almost spends all weekend in the
The right tag question to fill in the blank is.
a. Doesnt he
d. Didnt he
b. Does he
e. Is he
c. Does she
Bimo :You spent a lot of money in the supermarket
yesterday ...?
Fajar : Youre right. Everything is so expensive
The right tag question to fill in the blank is .
a. Didnt you.
d. Does he
b. Are you
e. Will not you
c. Did I

Fill in the blanks with present tense.


My little brother . in his room every night.

What is the suitable verb to fill in the blanks?
a. Study
d. Will study
b. Studied
e. Does study
c. Studies
9. The children in the park every evening.
What is the suitable verb to fill in the blanks?
a. Play
d. are playing
b. Played
e. plays
c. Playing
10. Mrs. Eris . vegetable in the market every morning.
What is the suitable verb to fill in the blanks?
a. Buys
d. is buying
b. Will buy
e. buy
c. Bought

Choose the right answer.


Cisadane river : 9.478 m

Citarum river : 6.231 m
Ciliwung river :13.238 m
Choose the right sentence to the chart above.
a. Citarum river is the shortest of all
b. Cisadane river is faster than Citarum river
c. Cisadane river is deeper than Citarum river
d. Cisadane river is lower than Citarum river
e. Cisadane river is the longest of all

Fill in the blanks with present continuous tense and

future continuous tense.
11. The people ................. the competitions
Indonesian Independent Day Celebration.
a. are prepare
d. prepared
b. are preparing
e. prepare
c. preparing
12. My boss ......... to the Europe now.
a. having business trip
b. is having business trip






c. have business trip

d. are having business trip
e. am having business trip
Listen, who inside room 13? I hear voices
from that room.
a. Is talking
d. talk
b. Are talking
e. talking
c. Am talking
Watch out! That man . On the wrong side of the
a. Are driving
d. drove
b. Is driving
e. drive
c. Driving
The boys .. football now
a. Is playing
d. play
b. Are playing
e. played
c. Playing
Inna her dad tomorrow afternoon
a. Is visiting
d. visit
b. Will be visiting
e. visited
c. Visiting

Choose the right answer.

17. Nita
: Do you remember Mr. Sholeh?
:yes, does he still live in valley?
:of course
:I dont know why he
Menoreh Valley.
a. Live
d. to live
b. Living
e. to living
c. Lived
18. X : what do you think about our next holiday? We
can spend it in Bali or Jakarta.
Y : I go to Bali
a. Had better
d. choose
b. Would rather
e. like
c. Should
19. Ferry
:Do you like jogging?
: Not Really. I like swimming better than
The italic sentence means Iwan
a. Prefer jogging to swimming
b. Prefer swimming to jogging
c. Jogging is better than swimming
d. Prefer jogging and swimming
e. Likes swimming and jogging very much
20. Shinta
: there is a music concert at the city hall
tonight, .?
:yes, Id like to.
a. Im glad you like it
b. Will you go there with me
c. Id like to go
d. Could you come to my house
e. Will you see me
21. Adi
: my sister will celebrate her birthday at
my home on Saturday. Could you come?
:. What time is it?
a. I see
d. Yes Id love to
b. No, I cant
e. yes, I know

c. Thank you
22. Lena
: Excuse me, sir. Is there anything I can
do for you?
The man : I need a type writer. Its Brother
: Automatic or manual one?
The man : Automatic one, please.
: Oh. Here it is.
a. Yes. Please
d. thank you
b. I dont think so
e. not at all
c. No. Thanks
23. Mother
: Drink your milk, Nia.
: Im sorry mum. Im full
: Nia, if you want . you must drink
a. You are healthy
b. That you are healthy
c. In a healthy condition
d. To be healthy
e. Healthy
24. Dwi
: Yana, will you come to Emys birthday
: if sheme I ..
a. Invited-would come
b. Invites- come
c. Will invite- come
d. Invites - will come
e. Is inviting- will come
25. Andri
: I want to go to the post office but I
dont know where it is. show me the direction,
:with pleasure
a. Did you
d. Could you
b. May you
e. Shall you
c. Have you
26. Stanger
:Excuse me, . to the nearest drug
store please?
:Certainly go straight until the first
traffic light and then turn left.
a. May I help you to show the way
b. Could I direct you
c. Could show you the way
d. May I show you the way
e. Could you show me the way
27. Tono
: Can I know your birthday?
: Yes, of course. I was born July 23,
: I see.
a. for
d. during
b. At
e. On
c. In
Questions 28-30 refer to information below!
First name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Color of eyes
Color of hair
Address home

: Adams
: Ron
: 28.7.61
: London
: Salesman
: 180 cm
: Brown
: Blonde
: 17 kingsway road, London UK
: c/o Millo Hes Industries, suttee 2120 Royal
Building Queen Boulevard London

28. Adams was born..1961.

a. In
d. Of
b. On
e. From
c. At
29. Adams lives .. England
a. From
d. On
b. Of
e. In
c. At
30. Adams works . Milo Hes Industries.
a. On
d. From
b. At
e. In
c. Of

Answer the questions below!

1. Fill the blank with at, in or on!
a. I live _______________ Bougainville Street
b. I saw him ______________ the library
c. He has a pain ____________ his chest.
2. If you are a manager, what abilities must your
secretary have?
3. What will you do if tomorrow is your mothers
4. Make an invitation for your agenda!
5. Make the sentences using the words bellow!
a. Beautiful
b. Handsome
c. Awesome

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